NMS IMonitor User Guide
NMS IMonitor User Guide
NMS IMonitor User Guide
Release 6.0.9
November 30, 2005
Copyright © 2005, iDirect, Inc. All rights reserved. This manual may not be reproduced, in part
or in whole, without the permission of iDirect, Inc.
The specifications and information regarding the products in this manual are subject to change
without notice. All statements, information, and recommendations in this manual are believed to
be accurate, but are presented without warranty of any kind, express, or implied. Users must take
full responsibility for their application of any products.
Trademarks, brand names and products mentioned in this manual are the property of their
respective owners. All such references are used strictly in an editorial fashion with no intent to
convey any affiliation with the name or the product’s rightful owner.
iDirect, Inc.
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13865 Sunrise Valley Drive
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Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Figures viii
Tables ix
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
2.5.6 Multiple vs. Grouped Display Results 11
2.6 Using iMonitor’s Interface 11
2.6.1 Clicking on Elements: What Happens? 12
Right-Clicking 12
Single-Clicking vs. Double-Clicking 12
2.6.2 Globe Functions 13
Using the Docking Feature 13
Hiding Elements 13
Expanding Tree 14
Collapsing Tree 14
Sorting Columns 15
Sorting the Tree 15
2.6.3 Network Tree 17
2.6.4 Using the Interface Toolbars and Menu Options 17
Title Bar 17
Menu Bar 18
Toolbar 18
Audio Notification 19
View Menu 20
Find Toolbar 20
Workspace Toolbar 22
Operational Toolbar 23
Status Bar 24
Connection Details on Status Bar Icon 24
Conditions Pane 24
Legend Pane 25
Configuration Changes Pane 25
Monitor Menu 26
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
3.3 Interpreting System Events 44
3.4 Snapshots 44
3.4.1 Network Condition Snapshot 44
Multiple Selection Options in Condition Snapshot View 48
3.4.2 Network Data Snapshot 50
6 Reporting on Networks 97
6.1 Reports 97
6.1.1 Long-Term Bandwidth Usage Report 97
6.1.2 IP and SAT Long Term Bandwidth Usage Reports 97
Results 100
Totals Tab 100
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Averages Tab 100 Interpreting the Report 102
Percentage of Channel Capacity 102
6.2 Remote Availability Report 103
Appendix A Accessing the NMS Statistics Archive 105
A.1 Improved NMS Statistics Archive Storage 105
A.2 Improved NMS Statistics Archive Lookup 105
A.3 Archive Consolidation 105
A.4 NMS Database Overview 106
Connecting to the NMS Archive Database with ODBC 106
Obtaining the ODBC Connection Library 106
Setting up a Simple ODBC Access Account 106
A.5 Basic Archive Database Information 107
Types of NMS Databases and Supported Access 107
Structure Changes between Releases 107
Accessing Remote and Network Names from Configuration Database 107
Timestamps 108
Archive Consolidation 108
Overview of the Archive Database Tables 108
A.6 Database Table Details 109
IP Stats Tables 109
New Fields Beginning with Release 4.0.0 110
IP Stats Consolidation 111
Latency Measurements 112
Hub Line Card Statistics 113
Remote Status 113
Uplink Control Adjustments 114
Event Messages 115
Hub and Remote State Changes 116
Protocol Processor State Changes 118
Hub Chassis State Changes 119
Appendix B Alarms and Warnings 121
B.1 Alarms 121
B.2 Warnings 122
B.3 Acronyms 124
B.4 Warning Limit Ranges 125
Appendix C SNMP Proxy Agent 127
C.1 How the Proxy Agent Works 127
C.1.1 Installing and Running the SNMP Proxy 127
C.1.2 The iDirect Management Information Base (MIB) 128
C.1.3 iDirect MIB SNMP Traps 129
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
C.1.4 Setting up SNMP Traps 130
C.2 Working with HP OpenView 131
C.2.1 Linux SNMP Tools 131
Index 133
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Figure 2-1: Windows Start Menu Entries for NMS GUI Clients 6
Figure 2-2: Expand Tree Selection 14
Figure 2-3: Expanded Tree with Child Elements 14
Figure 2-4: Collapse Tree Selection 14
Figure 2-5: Collapsed Tree 14
Figure 2-6: The Workspace Toolbar in Action 22
Figure 3-1: Conditions Time Range 37
Figure 3-2: Events Time Range with Text Filter 38
Figure 3-3: Conditions Results in Multicolumn Format 39
Figure 3-4: Conditions Time Line Results in Graphical Format 40
Figure 3-5: Event Results 42
Figure 3-6: List View of Network Condition Snapshot 45
Figure 3-7: Remote Submenu in Condition Snapshot 46
Figure 4-1: Remote Status Raw Data 80
Figure 4-2: UCP Info Raw Data 80
Figure 5-1: Collection Points for IP Usage Statistics 86
Figure 5-2: Real-Time Bandwidth Usage Display 95
Figure 6-1: SAT Long Term Bandwidth Usage Report 101
Figure 6-2: IP Long Term Bandwidth Usage Report 102
Figure C-1: SNMP Proxy Architecture 127
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Table 2-1: Toolbar Icons and Functions 18
Table 2-2: Operational Toolbar Icons and Functions 23
Table 3-1: Elements and Types of Information Provided 27
Table 3-2: Real-Time States and Icons 27
Table 3-3: Explanation of Alarms by Element 29
Table 3-4: Explanation of Warnings by Element 29
Table 3-5: Explanation of Alarms and Warnings on Hub Chassis 30
Table A-1: Archive Database Tables 108
Table A-2: IP Stats Record Format 109
Table A-3: Additional Consolidated IP Stats Table Fields 111
Table A-4: lat_stats Record Format 112
Table A-5: nms_hub_stats Table Format 113
Table A-6: nms_remote_status Record Format 114
Table A-7: nms_ucp_info Record Format 115
Table A-8: event_msg Record Format 115
Table A-9: state_change_log Record Format 116
Table A-10: pp_state_change_log Record Format 118
Table A-11: chassis_state_change_log Record Format 119
Table B-1: Alarms 121
Table B-2: Warnings 122
Table B-3: Warning Limit Ranges 125
Table C-1: iDirect MIB Contents 128
Table C-2: iDIRECT MIB Traps 129
Table C-3: SNMP Command Line Utilities 131
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
1 Using this Guide
Some basic knowledge of TCP/IP concepts, satellite communications, and Windows operating
systems is expected. Prior experience operating an iDS network, although desirable, is not a
When you see the NOTE symbol, the corresponding text contains
NOTE helpful suggestions or references to material not contained in this
When you see this alert symbol with a WARNING or CAUTION heading,
WARNING strictly follow the warning instructions to avoid personal injury,
equipment damage or loss of data.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
2 Overview of the NMS for iMonitor
iDirect’s Network Management System (NMS) is a powerful suite of applications and servers that
provide complete control and visibility to all components of your iDirect networks. The NMS client/
server system architecture consists of three series of components:
• Three NMS applications with Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) that allow you to
configure and monitor your network
• A database that stores the data entered by and displayed to users
• A middleware tier that manages access to the database on behalf of user operations
2.1 Introduction
This chapter provides some of the most important information you will need to understand how
iMonitor works and how to use it as effectively as possible. This chapter discusses how to prepare
for installation, what you will see when you first launch iMonitor, how to use the many powerful
tools available in iMonitor, how to create, customize, and print reports, and how to determine the
configuration status of network elements.
iMonitor provides complete visibility to real-time status and operational characteristics of network
• Status refers to the real-time state of network elements (such as OK, Warning, Alarm).
iMonitor notifies you asynchronously of warnings and alarms for all network elements,
which are collectively called conditions.
• Operational characteristics are captured in a variety of network statistical data, such
as IP traffic statistics, satellite link quality, and hardware component operating values.
You can also obtain and view data stored in the historical archive, which allows you to analyze
anomaly conditions and perform trend analysis.
The iBuilder application provides all configuration and control functions to network operators.
Configuration options consist of creating network elements (e.g. networks, line cards, remotes)
and specifying their operational parameters, such as QoS profiles or IP addresses. Control
options consist of applying the specified configurations to the actual network elements, retrieving
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
active configurations, resetting elements, and upgrading element software and firmware. Refer to
Network Management System iBuilder User Guide for more information.
The iMonitor application provides complete visibility to the real-time status and operational data of
network elements. “Status” refers to the real-time state of network elements, such as OK, warning,
or alarm. Operational data are captured in a variety of network statistical data tables and displays,
revealing, for example, IP traffic statistics, satellite link quality, and hardware component operating
In addition to real-time visibility, iMonitor allows you to access state and statistics from the
historical archive in order to analyze anomaly conditions and perform trend analyses. This guide
has a complete list of real-time and historical data available through iMonitor.
The iSite application is used primarily for commissioning new sites and monitoring TDMA remotes
from the local LAN side. It contains functions to help installers calculate antenna azimuth/
elevation, perform antenna pointing, and put up a continuous wave (CW) carrier for antenna
peaking, cross-polarization and 1db compression tests. It also provides configuration and real-
time state/statistical information for one or more remote units. Instead of interacting with the NMS
middleware, it connects directly to each remote to perform all of its operations. iSite does not
provide access to historical information.
iSite also allows monitor-only capability to end-users, should you decide to provide it to them. For
more information About iSite, see the book Using iSite to Commission Equipment.
Configuration Server
The configuration server is the core component of the NMS server family. It manages access to
the configuration database, which contains all the element definitions for your networks and their
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
operational parameters. Additionally, the configuration server provides most network control
functions (configuration apply, firmware download, resetting, etc.). The other servers also use this
server to determine what the network components are.
Event Server
The event server’s primary job is to generate warnings and alarms and send them to iMonitor for
display. Warnings and alarms are collectively known as “conditions”. The event server also
collects and archives all system events and provides them to iMonitor for display.
Latency Server
The latency server measures round-trip time, or latency, for every active remote in your networks.
These measurements are stored in the archive and provided to iMonitor for display.
PP Controller Server
The control server manages the PP Controller processes running on the NMS server.
Consolidation Script
The consolidation process periodically consolidates records in the statistics archive to preserve
disk space on the server machine. Default consolidation parameters are already entered into your
configuration database; they can be tuned to your particular storage requirements if necessary.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
2.3.1 System Requirements
The NMS GUI clients are Windows PC-based applications that run under the following versions
of Windows:
To install, copy the .exe file to the target PC, double-click it, and follow the prompts.
By default, the clients are installed in the directory C:\Program Files\iDIRECT. The installer
automatically places a shortcut to each GUI application on your desktop and adds the appropriate
entries in the Windows Start menu. Click Start J All Programs J iDirect J NMS Clients 6.0. The
iBuilder, iMonitor, and iSite clients are displayed, along with an Uninstall selection.
Figure 2-1: Windows Start Menu Entries for NMS GUI Clients
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
2.4 Launching iMonitor
iMonitor is initially installed with two default accounts: “admin” and “guest”. The admin user has
full access privileges to all iMonitor functionality, while the guest account has read-only access.
The passwords for these two accounts are identical to their associated user names. For
information on setting up user accounts, see Appendix Appendix C, Creating and Managing User
Accounts in Network Management System iBuilder User Guide.
iDirect strongly recommends that you modify the admin user password as soon as possible after
the installation. This is especially important if your NMS Server is accessible via the public
Step 1 To launch iMonitor, double-click the desktop shortcut or select it from the
Windows Start menu.
Step 2 Enter your user name and password in the Login Information dialog box.
Step 3 Click Server and select the IP address or host name of your primary NMS
Server machine. The Server box holds up to three IP addresses. If yours
does not exist, enter the IP Address in the Server box.
The NMS server version must match the iMonitor version in order for
NOTE you to log in. For example, version 6.0.0 of iMonitor may connect only to
version 6.0.0 of the NMS servers.
The iMonitor application automatically connects to the NMS server processes that are required to
perform the NMS’s functions. If this connection is lost for any reason, iMonitor automatically
reconnects to the servers when they become available.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Logging On To Additional Servers
In the event that there are multiple NMS servers in the same teleport or multiple teleports under
the network operator’s control, you may need to log out of one NMS server and log in to another
one. You can do this without exiting iMonitor. From the Main Menu, select File J Log Off to log
out of your current session and File J Log On to open the Login Information dialog box again.
1. You may run multiple simultaneous sessions of iMonitor on a single PC. These
versions may be connected to different servers or the same server.
2. Multiple PCs may run the same session of iMonitor at any given time and connect to
the same server at the same time.
Accepting Changes
When two iMonitor users are connected to the same server, and one of them modifies the network
configuration, the other user cannot modify the configuration suite until he accepts the changes,
which will automatically refresh his configuration view to reflect the latest changes.
When the other user changes the configuration, the Accept Changes button on your toolbar
changes color from gray to red (For more information, see Table 2-1, “Toolbar Icons and
Functions,” on page 18.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Before you accept the changes, you may view the other user’s changes by selecting View J
Configuration Changes (see Section “Configuration Changes Pane” on page 25). To accept the
changes and update your view of iMonitor, click Accept Changes. Any modifications the other user
has made are now displayed in your copy of iMonitor.
• Real-time requests display data as it arrives into the NMS back-end in real-time.
These requests have no ending time period—they continue displaying data as long as
you keep the display running. Closing either the specific display or the iMonitor
application automatically cancels real-time requests.
• Historical requests retrieve data purely from the historical archive based on the start
and end times you specify. These requests are active in the back-end only until the
data is completely delivered to iMonitor.
• Get Past requests represent a hybrid of real-time and historical: when you request Get
Past data, iMonitor retrieves the most recent data from the archive, and then continues
to give you real-time data until you cancel the request.
1. Launch the first display and specify the time range for the time period you are
investigating. Notice the pushpin located next to the Time Range button (or the Get Past
drop-down list for Get Past requests).
2. Next, press the pushpin located next to the Time Range button (or the Get Past drop-
down list for Get Past requests). The pushpin will change to appear undepressed.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
3. All future requests will automatically use the time range you just saved, until you “take
down” the time range by clicking on the pushpin again.
• Latency
• Line card statistics
• Events
• Conditions
• Remote Status/UCP
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
• Expand All resizes each column to be the width of either the widest data in that
column, or the width of the column heading, whichever is wider.
• Fit to Pane resizes all columns to fit inside the current width of the pane (so that no
scroll bar is required).
• copy this data to a file
• copy it without the headers to a file
• When the data makes sense only for a single network element, iMonitor launches
multiple displays, one for each element.
• When the data from multiple elements can be shown together, iMonitor launches a
single pane and displays all data in that pane.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
2.6.1 Clicking on Elements: What Happens?
In general, you must right-click on your mouse or use the task bar to display any list of options in
submenus that can be performed on the element you currently have selected.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
You can double-click any element in the Tree that has been expanded to automatically contract
the branches below that node.
To dock a window pane somewhere else on the NMS interface or on your monitor, follow the
procedure below:
Step 1 Point to and right-click the double-ridge lines of the pane you want to move
and select Allow Docking.
Step 2 Place the pointer (mouse arrow) on the double-ridge lines and drag the
pane wherever you want it. Depending on where you drag it, the pane may
change shape (for example, from a vertical display to a horizontal display).
Step 3 If you want to move the pane back into its original place or to another
location, start by grabbing the double-ridge lines with your pointer. Then,
you can click the Name toolbar at the top of the pane to move it around, and
you can place your pointer at the edges of the pane to resize the pane.
Step 4 To detach the pane completely, double-click the double-ridge lines. The
pane becomes separately parented and you may move it independently
from the main iMonitor window. This feature is useful if you have two
displays on a single PC and want to move this pane to the second display.
Hiding Elements
You can click Hide to remove Tree from view.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Expanding Tree
To expand the Tree to view all of the children elements, select Expand Tree. The Tree will expand
to show all of the child elements.
Figure 2-2: Expand Tree Selection Figure 2-3: Expanded Tree with Child Elements
Collapsing Tree
To collapse the Tree to view only the top level elements, select Collapse Tree. The Tree will
contract to show only the top level elements.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Sorting Columns
In any pane with columns, or list controls, you can sort the entries in the pane by clicking on the
heading of the given column.
Step 1 Right-click the double-ridge lines above the Tree pane and select Sort Tree.
You can also select Edit J Sort Tree.l
Step 3 Click the Sort items in drop-down list and select either Ascending or
Step 4 Click the Sort items by drop-down list and select one of the options.
Depending on what you select in this field, your choices in the Apply sort to
field will change.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 5 If you select Name, either click the Names are case sensitive check box or
clear it.
Step 6 Select the element to which you want to apply the Sort feature. The options
• Remote
• Hub
• Inroute Group
Step 7 Click OK. The next time you log in, iMonitor will remember and display the
last sort preference you chose.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
2.6.3 Network Tree
By right-clicking a tree element, a submenu of options appears, which you may click to view
various types of data and other information used to monitor and troubleshoot your network. For
specific information on how to use and interpret the information you view, see the section on that
particular option. Use the Contents or Index to locate this information if you do not readily see it.
Below is a description of the menu options for each element in the tree.
A plus sign (+) next to an element in the Tree indicates that additional elements exist at the next
level, or branch, of the Tree. Click the plus sign (+) to expand the element to view the next level
of the Tree.
A minus sign (-) next to an element indicates that the element has been collapsed and children
are visible at the next level, or branch, in the Tree.
In the figure below, the UAT-RF Network has been collapsed as far as it can be. The UAT-RF
Network cannot include children in another network; therefore, its only children are the TxRx and
Rx line cards, and the IG_1_UAT-RF Inroute Group. The Inroute Group is a parent element that
can be collapsed by clicking its plus sign (+) to reveal its children elements at the next level of the
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Menu Bar
The Menu bar at the top of the display provides access to log in, log out, quit, and other high-level
The main Toolbar, shown below, contains context-sensitive buttons, allowing you to perform a
variety of operations on a currently-selected element without using its context menu. Their
functions are described in Table 2-1, “Toolbar Icons and Functions,” on page 18.
Allows you to view Conditions. The Conditions pane has three tabs you can
select to view different aspects of the conditions: Active Conditions, Observation
View, and Disabled Conditions. See Section 3.1.2 “Conditions View Tabs”
on page 28 for more information.
Allows you to turn audio on or off when a new alarm or condition is presented or
when a condition is cleared.
Allows you to accept any changes made to the system by another user. This
does not mean that you approve of or agree with the changes; it simply updates
your GUI with the latest database information.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Audio Notification
You can choose to turn on audio notification to alert you whenever a new alarm or condition is
presented or a condition is cleared. Select Monitor J Audio Notification. You can click next to any
of the three conditions under which you would like to have an audio notification presented.
You may select one, two, or all three. If you wish to have no audio notification, click next to None.
To set up how many times you want the audio to be repeated, select Monitor J Audio Notification
J Properties. In this dialog box, you can also specify that the audio should play only when a new
condition occurs. This relieves you of clicking on Alarms and Warnings separately in the above
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
View Menu
The View menu on the main menu toolbar allows you to display or hide the following toolbars and
panes. You can also right-click your context menu button (typically the right mouse button) to see
the same options as those in the View menu. If you have clicked an element in the Tree, the
Properties option is available also.
Find Toolbar
The Find toolbar provides users the option to search the NMS for a given element and display the
results in either the Network Tree View or the Results Window. This becomes increasingly
important as the network grows larger. You can search by selecting a specific element name in
the first drop-down list (note that only elements you have created will be in the list); by type of
element in the second drop-down list; or by Name, IP address or ID number in the third drop-down
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
list. The figure below shows all of the various options within each category; however, you can
actually only click one drop-down list at time.
You can also click the Find button on the toolbar to open a dialog box that gives you the same
Step 1 Select View J Find Toolbar, or click the Find button on the toolbar. Either
the Find toolbar appears to the right of the main toolbar, or the Find dialog
box appears in the Results pane.
Step 2 Click the arrow on each drop-down list and click the criteria you want to use
in your search.
• press Enter on the keyboard if you are searching from the Find toolbar
• click the Binoculars icon to the left of the toolbar if you are searching
from the Find toolbar
• click Find Next if you are searching from the Find dialog box
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 4 In the example below, the user chose to look for a Remote by the Name of
3100-410 and display it in the Network Tree View.
That remote is highlighted in the Tree when the user clicks on the
binoculars icon.
Workspace Toolbar
The Workspace capability solves one of the biggest problems with real-time monitoring systems:
window real estate. As you launch more and more displays, you may find that you’re quickly
running out of space in the results pane and you wish you had a bigger display. The Workspace
Toolbar provides a convenient way for you to organize multiple displays into a series of “virtual
workspaces”. The four workspaces on this toolbar effectively give you four times the window real
estate without having to add another display.
To launch the Workspace toolbar, select View J Workspace from iMonitor’s main menu. You will
see four small windows appear on the right-side of iMonitor’s task bar. Each of these windows
represents a virtual workspace where you can launch different displays. When you click one of the
workspace windows, displays you launched on another workspace are hidden and a new, blank
workspace appears. For convenience, each workspace is highlighted in yellow whenever a
display is present on that workspace.
The figure below shows the Workspace toolbar in action. In this example, workspace one contains
one or more displays and the other workspaces are empty. The fifth workspace pane, when
clicked, shows all panes in all workspaces.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
To save the contents of a workspace, select File J Save Workspace As from the main menu. This
operation will save all the displays currently active in the workspace. You may also adjust the
contents of any workspace and re-save it by selecting File J Open Workspace from the main
To reload a previously-saved workspace, select File J Open Workspace from the main menu.
When you reload a workspace the saved requests will be automatically resubmitted to the
appropriate servers.
This feature works best when you have the iMonitor application maximized on your PC screen,
but will also function properly if the application is not maximized.
Operational Toolbar
The Operational Toolbar, shown below, contains context-sensitive buttons, allowing you to
perform a variety of operations on a currently-selected element without using its context menu.
Their functions are described in Table 2-2, “Operational Toolbar Icons and Functions,” on
page 23.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Table 2-2: Operational Toolbar Icons and Functions (Continued)
Request conditions.
Status Bar
The Status bar is located at the bottom of the iMonitor window and displays the user name of the
person who is currently logged in and what their server connection status is. On the toolbar shown
below, the connection status is “Ready”.
Conditions Pane
The Conditions switch on the View menu opens the Conditions pane. See Chapter 3, Monitoring
Conditions and Events for complete information on the tabs in this pane. Select View J Conditions
to open the pane.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Legend Pane
The Legend view displays the Configuration State icons and their meanings. They are organized
by type of element as shown below:
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Monitor Menu
The options listed under the Monitor Menu are discussed throughout this guide as follows:
• Snapshots
• Section 3.4.1 “Network Condition Snapshot” on page 44
• Section 3.4.2 “Network Data Snapshot” on page 50
• Performance Info
• Section 5.3.1 “SAT Traffic Graph” on page 87
• Section 5.3.2 “IP Traffic Graph” on page 90
• Section 4.2.2 “Time Plan” on page 64
• Section 5.3.4 “Bandwidth Usage” on page 94
• Section 4.2.3 “Inroute Distribution” on page 67
• Section 4.2.4 “Latency” on page 69
• SAT Link Info
• Section 4.3.2 “SATCOM Graph” on page 76
• Section 4.3.1 “Line Card Statistics” on page 73
• Section 4.3.2 “SATCOM Graph” on page 76
• Incidents
• Chapter 3, Monitoring Conditions and Events
• Reports
• Chapter 6, Reporting on Networks
• Probe
• Section 4.2 “Retrieving Information on Remotes using Probe” on page 57
• Telnet
• Section 4.4 “Telnet” on page 83
• Control Panel
• Section 4.3.3 “Control Panel” on page 80
• Audio Notification
• Section “Audio Notification” on page 19
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
3 Monitoring Conditions and Events
You can view Conditions on every element in the Tree, and you can view Events on every element
except the Chassis. On the Protocol Processor and the Blades, you can further view Blade
Information. Below is a table that identifies the types of information iMonitor provides for each
Type of Incident
Information Provided
Teleport Conditions
Protocol Processor Events/Conditions/Blade Info
Blades Events/Conditions/Blade Info
Network Events/Conditions
Line Card Events/Conditions
Inroute Group Events/Conditions
Remotes Events/Conditions
Chassis Conditions
3.1 Conditions
Conditions in iMonitor are made up of Alarms and Warnings, which are collectively called
“conditions”. Alarms alert you to an interruption in service, whereas Warnings indicate a condition
that could result in an interruption of service if not handled in a timely fashion.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Table 3-2: Real-Time States and Icons (Continued)
• Active Conditions – this tab shows all the currently-active conditions for all network
elements. Details for each condition are shown in separate columns. You may click
each column heading to sort the conditions in ascending or descending order.
• Observation View – this tab shows all conditions for specific elements you have put
“Under Observation”. You put a Protocol Processor, Blade, Line Card or Remote under
observation by clicking the element and selecting Under Observation. You may cancel
the observation view by clicking the element in the tree and switching the Under
Observation control off, or by right-clicking on a specific condition in the Under
Observation tab and selecting Cancel Observation.
• Disabled Conditions – this tab shows all conditions that you have disabled. A disabled
condition is one that you understand and no longer want to see in the Tree and Active
Conditions list. The warning and/or alarm icon in the Tree turns gray when you disable
a condition. You may re-enable the condition by right-clicking on the condition in the
Disabled Conditions tab and selecting Enable Condition.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
3.1.4 Offline State
The offline state is a special condition that overrides all other warnings and alarms. This state
applies only to remotes. The offline state can be initiated by a remote user just before turning the
remote off, to indicate to the network operator that no problem investigation is necessary.
When a remote is sent offline by the remote user, iMonitor and the back-end event server will
ignore all subsequent alarms. If a unit is turned off without sending it offline first, the remote will
go into the Alarm state at the hub.
The offline state clears automatically when the remote is turned back on and acquires into the
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Table 3-4: Explanation of Warnings by Element (Continued)
See the Maintenance section of the iDirect Hub Chassis Installation and
NOTE User’s Guide for more information on replacing failed fan and power
supply components.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
• Protocol Processor
• Blade
• Line Card
• Remote
To use the Under Observation feature, follow the directions below.
Step 1 Right-click an element, for which you want to view alarms and warnings:
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 4 Click the Observation View tab. The Observation View pane appears in the
iMonitor window, displaying only the conditions (alarms and warnings) for
the element you chose.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 5 Right-click on the element you selected to observe. You are provided the
option to either view the element’s control panel or cancel the observation.
Click the desired option.
Step 6 If you click Cancel Observation, the data in the Observation pane
Step 7 If you click Control Panel, a pane appears providing more information for
you to view. Below is an example of the types of information you may view
on a given element (in this case, a remote) if you select Control Panel. (See
Section 4.3.3 “Control Panel” on page 80.)
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
3.2.1 Viewing Conditions or Events
To view conditions or events, you must specify certain criteria on the Select Items dialog box.
Viewing Conditions
If you want to view conditions, you may want to put an element under observation first. For
information on this, see Section 3.2 “Putting an Element under Observation for Conditions” on
page 30.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Viewing Events
If you are viewing events, you may want to filter the results. Often it’s useful to retrieve certain
events over an extended time period for one or more remotes. Although you can retrieve all events
and sort the results to find the ones you’re looking for, iMonitor also allows you to specify a text
filter when retrieving historical events. When you specify a text filter, iMonitor shows you only
those events that match the filter.
The text filter is available at the bottom of the historical time range parameters dialog box
(Figure 3-2, p. 3-38), either prior to retrieving events or from the Time Range button on an existing
events display. The filter values are applied only to the Event Description section of the event
message. The simplest filter string is simply a substring of the event description, such as “telnet”.
Any event message text that contains your specified substring will be returned from the server and
displayed in the pane. The text field also supports full Linux regular expression matching, allowing
you to apply an arbitrarily complex expression to the event description text. For more information
on regular expressions, see any of the commercially-available Linux reference books.
Step 1 Right-click an element in the Tree pane for which you want to view
conditions or events.
Step 2 Click on either Conditions or Events. The Select Items dialog box appears.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 3 Make your selections on the Select Items dialog box, as follows:
Step 4 Click either Historical or Get Past. If you are viewing Events, you can filter
the results, or simply press OK to begin retrieving events in real-time.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
a If you click Historical, click Time Range.... The Select Time Range dialog box
appears (see Figure 3-1 for Conditions and Figure 3-2 for Events). If
desired, click the ellipses next to the Start and End times to set the time via
the graphical clock display. If you selected Get Past, see Step b.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Figure 3-2: Events Time Range with Text Filter
b If you click Get Past, the Get Past drop-down list appears.
Step 5 Select the elements for which you want to view conditions or events.
Depending on what level in the system you chose to obtain information, the
options in the Select Items dialog box will differ in what is available and
unavailable for selection.
On the Conditions tab, notice that many remotes have an arrow next to
them. If you click on the arrow so that it is pointing down, the conditions for
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
that remote are revealed. You can right-click on a remote that has an arrow
or click on the condition for that remote and select either Remote Control
Panel (see Section 4.3.3 “Control Panel” on page 80) or Clear List, which
will clear the condition from the Condition Log. Be careful not to clear the
list unless you want the conditions to disappear. (The Remote Control Panel
and Clear List options are not available from displays other than the Tab
To view conditions in a graphical format, click the Time Line tab. See Figure
3-4 for an example of data displayed on the Time Line tab.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Figure 3-4: Conditions Time Line Results in Graphical Format
Step 8 On the Time Line display, you can right-click to elect to view the results in
Seconds, Minutes, or Hours.
Step 9 You can also elect to view Details from this menu, which displays a heading
line at the top of the display showing the following information:
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
• Current Date
• Number of hours it has been up
• Number of hours it has been down
• Percentage of time it has been up (Up %)
• Percentage of time it has been down (Down %)
• Number of times the card has gone down
Step 10 Events. If you are retrieving data on events, the Events pane appears,
displaying the events logged for the specified period. This data is displayed
in a multicolumn format only. It cannot be viewed in graphical format. See
Figure 3-3 for an example of data displayed on the Events tab.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Figure 3-5: Event Results
Each line in the conditions display shows a particular “state change” for the unit in question at the
timestamp indicated. A state change occurs whenever a condition is raised or cleared. If the entry
contains the arrow icon, shown below, in the first column, it means that additional conditions were
active for this unit at the time of the state change. These conditions, along with the time they first
occurred, are shown when you click the arrow icon.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Below is an example illustrating the conditions output, including multiple simultaneous conditions.
This example takes us through a remote reset, and illustrates the following conditions:
1. The first entry shows the remote’s state at the start of the specified time range: the
remote is OK, and the last condition that cleared was DOWNSTREAM_SNR.
2. The next entry shows that the PP lost contact with the remote (this happens soon after
the reset was sent from iBuilder).
3. The next entry shows two conditions: the LOST_CONTACT warning is still active, and
has been joined by the layer 3 alarm LAT_TIMEOUT.
4. Finally, the Protocol Processor declares the remote OUT_OF_NETWORK, and this
condition is added to the list, giving us a total of three simultaneous conditions.
5. The next line shows us that two of the three conditions cleared: The remote is back in
the network and the Protocol Processor has re-gained contact with it. The layer 3
alarm at this point is still active.
6. The next line shows that the last condition, LAT_TIMEOUT, cleared.
7. The last two lines show a separate condition that was raised and cleared in a 15-
second time span.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
When multiple conditions are shown in this display, the icon in the left column does not represent
the current state of the remote. Rather, it shows the type of condition that occurred at that time.
For example, in number 5 above, the state of this remote is still ALARM, since the layer 3 alarm
is still active. However, this particular entry represents the clearing of two conditions, and the
green icon indicates that to the user.
3.4 Snapshots
Snapshots can be selected from:
• networks
• inroute groups
Step 1 Right-click the network or inroute group for which you want to view a
snapshot of the conditions.
Step 2 Select Network Condition Snapshot. The Network Condition Snapshot pane
appears. Below is an example of a Network Condition Snapshot at the
network level.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
a If you selected Network Condition Snapshot at the network level, every
inroute group and remote in that network is displayed in the Network
Condition Snapshot box.
Step 3 You can view different data depending on your selections when you right-
click a remote or inroute group in the Network Condition Snapshot pane.
Below is an example of a remote’s submenu when right-clicked from this
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Figure 3-7: Remote Submenu in Condition Snapshot
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Step 4 In the lower half of the submenu are several options that allow you to tailor
the Network Condition Snapshot view:
• Compact Icons
• Arrange Icons
• List
• Details
• Details in Group
• Real-time Status Only
• Activated
Step 5 You can click on any of these options to create a specific view. Figure 3-6
above is an example of right-clicking List in the submenu (see Figure 3-7).
The example below is a result of right-clicking Details.
Step 6 If you hover the pointer (mouse arrow) over an element in the snapshot, a
box of information about that element is displayed. Below is an example of
the pointer hovering over a line card in a network.
If you are ever in doubt as to what you are pointing at, look at the Type: line.
In this case, you can see that the type of element for which the box is
providing information is “Line card.” The box also provides the following
information on this element:
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
• Name of element
• Current Condition of element
• Other Details about the element
Step 7 You can further double-click on a Remote in the snapshot view to see the
remote’s Control Panel. See Section 4.3.3 “Control Panel” on page 80 for
information about the control panel.
Step 1 In the Network Condition Snapshot results view, with Details selected as
shown in Figure 3-7, select the remotes whose data you want to
automatically be filled in on one of the above parameters dialog boxes,
such as Remote Availability Report. Below is a figure showing five remotes
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 2 With your mouse pointer located within the region of the highlighted
elements, right-click and select a report from those available. In this
example, Remote Availability is selected. Notice that the resulting Select
Remote Devices parameters dialog box shows only the remotes that are
highlighted above. If you had selected this same report (Remote
Availability) from the Tree, even with these remotes highlighted, the
resulting dialog box would have listed all of the remotes—not just the ones
you highlighted. Thus, it is important to ensure that your mouse pointer is
actually over the highlighted elements when you right-click.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
3.4.2 Network Data Snapshot
The Network Data Snapshot display allows you to select multiple real-time parameters for a group
of remotes and display the data in a spreadsheet-like format. This display is very useful when you
want to monitor a variety of real-time data points for multiple remotes simultaneously.
Step 1 Right-click the element for which you want to view a snapshot of data for a
network or specific inroute group.
Step 2 Select Network Data Snapshot. The Select Items and Stats dialog box
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Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 3 Select the items and statistics you want to display in your results view, as
• Config Info
• Performance Info (IP/SAT stats and latency)
• Remote Status (runtime parameters from the remotes)
• UCP (uplink control messages to remotes from the PP)
Step 4 By default all remotes are displayed in the Remotes section. To select only
Activated remotes, select Active. To clear all remotes, select Clear. In this
example, Clear was selected, and then only the Martinsburg remote was
selected for the snapshot.
Step 7 You can right-click anywhere that data appears in the pane in order to take
advantage of a set of options, as shown below.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 8 From this set of options, you can do any of the following:
• copy this data to the clipboard for pasting into other applications
• copy it without the headers to the clipboard for pasting into other
• expand the headers to view the complete data within each column
• fit the columns to the size of the window you have open for viewing
• As with any Windows-based application, you can resize the viewing
window or drag the edges of a column to expand or contract its width
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Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
4 Obtaining Performance and Status Information
You can obtain many types of performance information on the elements in your network. The
following sections describe how to obtain and interpret this information:
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 3 Click on any of three tabs to view different types of information. See the
following three images for examples of all three tabs’ information.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 4 You can also right-click on the blade in any of these displays and click CPU
Usage. This option allows you to view more information about CPU usage
on blades. See Section 4.2.1 “CPU Usage (Blades Only)” on page 62 for
instructions on how to obtain and use this information.
Specifically, the probe allows you to perform any of the following operations from a single dialog
• Remote Power – allows you to dynamically change the remote’s transmit power using
a MAC-level message from the Protocol Processor. The remote does not have to be
in the network to receive this message, but it must be locked onto the downstream
• Telnet Remote – a convenience function that launches a telnet window to this remote.
The remote must be in the network for this feature to work.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
• Reset Remote – allows you to reset the remote using a MAC-level message from the
Protocol Processor. The remote does not have to be in the network to receive this
message, but it must be locked onto the downstream carrier.
• Remote Temperature – graphs the remote temperature for the time period you have the
pane open.
• Telnet Protocol Processor – convenience function that launches a telnet window to the
Protocol Processor’s internal console.
• Protocol Processor – using the drop-down box, select a protocol layer and press View
Stats, Reset Stats, or View Params for detailed information about that protocol layer.
The Protocol Processor section of the Probe pane also allows you to “bounce” the link layer, which
causes it to go through its initialization handshake sequence and perform the “ACQ Bounce”
function on this remote. ACQ Bounce is discussed in Performing ACQ Bounce, discussed on
page 69. Inroute Distribution is discussed in Section 4.2.3 “Inroute Distribution” on page 67.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 3 If desired, click Open in the Telnet Remote box to type commands that will
allow you to directly view or manipulate the remote.
Step 4 If desired, click Open in the Telnet Protocol Processor box to type
commands that will allow you to directly view or manipulate the protocol
Step 6 If necessary, click Change... to alter the Transmit Power Value. The Change
Remote Tx Power dialog box appears.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 7 Type the desired value and click Set. Note that you cannot set the power
outside of the Min/Max range defined for this remote in iBuilder.
Step 8 Select a layer in the Protocol Layer drop-down list. All of the buttons to the
right will display information for the layer you select.
Step 9 Select the button to the right that will provide the desired data. You can save
this data to a file, clear the data, or reset the statistics.
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Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
4.2.1 CPU Usage (Blades Only)
The CPU Usage display can be selected from blades. To view CPU usage, follow the directions
Step 1 Right-click a blade and select CPU Usage. The Select Items dialog box
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 2 Select the blade for which you want to view information. Notice that the Line
Cards and Remotes sections are unavailable for selection.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 4 You can also view limited CPU Usage information in list format on the CPU
Usage tab by following the directions in Section 4.1 “Monitoring Blades in
iMonitor” on page 55.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
To view time plan information, follow the directions below:
Step 2 Click Time Plan. The Select Line Cards dialog box appears.
Step 3 Select the receive line cards or inroute groups for which you wish to view
data. You can also select:
Because the information in the display is specific to an individual inroute (i.e. line card), when you
select multiple line cards from the inroute group level iMonitor launches a separate pane for each
line card.
The graph is organized into two sections. The top section of the graph shows the total number of
slots allocated across all remotes in the inroute. The Y-axis of this display is scaled to the total
number of time slots available on this inroute. For each entry written to the top graph, the bottom
graph shows the slot allocation to each remote, along with the total number of unallocated (i.e.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
free) slots. Check the “Show Serial Numbers” box to toggle display of remote name vs. serial
number in the bottom graph.
Note: The graph does not show slots handed out via free-slot allocation; it only shows slots
allocated based on remote demand.
Step 7 The Slot Assignment multicolumn list appears. A second tab, labeled Slot
Assignment, shows each raw time plan message as it is sent to the
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Pausing the Time Plan Graph and Highlighting Individual Entries
For convenience, and to study a particular section of the graph for an extended period of time,
iMonitor allows you to pause the output of the Time Plan graph. On iMonitor’s task bar, press the
Pause button to temporarily stop output. You may now click a particular entry in the top graph;
the lower graph changes to reflect the allocation across remotes for that particular entry in the
graph. Press the Forward button to resume the display (no data is shown for the time period
during which you were paused).
• networks
• inroute groups
Because the information in the display is specific to an individual inroute group, when you select
multiple line cards from the network level iMonitor launches a separate pane for each inroute
group in the network.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
• The totals at the bottom show the total slots allocated to all remotes across all
inroutes, the percentage of the total bandwidth this represents, and the total
number of slots in all time plans
• For each inroute, the total number of slots allocated to each remote in the inroute
• The totals at the bottom show the total slots allocated to all remotes in this inroute,
the percentage of this inroute’s bandwidth this represents, and the total number of
slots in this time plan
To view the inroute distribution, follow the directions below. The procedure is slightly different
depending on whether you start by clicking on a network or directly on an inroute group:
Step 2 Click Inroute Distribution. The Select Inroute Groups dialog box appears. In
the example below, this network has only one inroute group. However, a
network may have many inroute groups listed.
Step 3 Select the inroute groups for which you want to view data.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Inroute Groups
Step 2 Click Inroute Distribution. The Inroute Distribution pane appears, as shown
To perform the ACQ Bounce function, select the remotes you want to bounce, launch the context
menu with your right-mouse button, and select the ACQ Bounce option.
4.2.4 Latency
The NMS measures the round-trip time from the hub to each remote and back every five seconds.
These values are available from iMonitor in either real-time or from the historical archive. Latency
measurements are saved for one week by default; see the section entitled Back-End Functionality
for more information on archive consolidation.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
The Latency display can be selected from:
• networks
• inroute groups
• remotes
To view latency, follow the directions below:
Step 3 Select the remotes for which you want to view information. Notice that all
but the Remotes section are unavailable for selection.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 4 Click either Historical or Get Past, or press OK to begin viewing latency in
a If you click Historical, click Time Range.... The Select Time Range dialog box
appears (see below). If desired, click the ellipses next to the Start and End
times to set the time via the graphical clock display. If you selected Get Past,
see Step b.
b If you selected Get Past, the Get Past drop-down list appears. Select an
interval of time.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 6 The Latency pane appears, as shown below.
The NMS measures latency by sending an empty ICMP echo request and measuring the elapsed
time until it receives a corresponding ICMP echo response from the remote. The round-trip time
(RTT) is limit-checked by default; if the RTT is greater than two seconds, iMonitor will raise a
Warning for this remote. Additionally, the receipt of the ICMP echo response is used to generate
the layer 3 LATENCY Alarm, which indicates a potential IP problem. The NMS back-end
generates this alarm if it misses three consecutive ICMP echo responses.
NOTE: Latency is measured from the NMS server; the latency results do not represent latency
values from the remotes to arbitrary IP addresses on the public Internet.
As with all multicolumn lists, you may copy/paste multiple rows from the latency display into
another Windows application such as Excel for further analysis.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
4.3 SAT Link Info
SAT (satellite) link information can be selected from:
The line cards statistics are available from the following nodes in the network tree view:
• Network
• Line Cards
Because the information in the display is specific to an individual line card, when you select
multiple line cards from the network level, iMonitor launches a separate pane for each line card.
The line card statistics contain the following information for each line card. Note that some
information will be blank depending on the role of the line card (Tx, Tx/Rx, Rx):
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
To view line card statistics on networks and line cards, follow the directions below:
Step 1 Right-click the network or line card for which you want to view line card
a If you selected Line Card Stats at the Network level, every line card in that
network is displayed in the Line Cards box.
b If you selected Line Card Stats on a particular line card, only that line card
is displayed in the Line Cards box.
Step 2 Click Line Card Stats. The Select Items dialog box appears.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 3 Click either Historical or Get Past, or click OK for real-time.
a If you click Historical, click Time Range.... The Select Time Range dialog box
appears (see below). If desired, click the ellipses next to the Start and End
times to set the time via the graphical clock display. If you selected Get Past,
see Step b.
b If you click Get Past, the Get Past drop-down list appears.
Step 4 Select the line cards for which you want to view statistics, and click OK. The
Hub Stats results pane appears.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
4.3.2 SATCOM Graph
The SATCOM display shows satellite link characteristics for an individual remote on the upstream
and downstream channels, either in real-time or from the historical archive. This display is most
useful for showing the relationships between hub-side uplink power control and remote transmit
power. It also graphs the frequency and symbol offset calculations applied to the remote from the
Protocol Processor.
The SATCOM display is available only from remotes. Because the information in the display is
specific to an individual remote, when you select multiple remotes from an intermediate node,
iMonitor launches a separate pane for each remote.
You may adjust the default color settings on this display by selecting the Properties option from
the context menu. Right-click anywhere inside the display to launch the menu.
Procedure for Viewing SATCOM Graph, Remote Status and UCP Info
To view the SATCOM Graph, Remote Status, or UCP Info on remotes, follow the directions below:
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 1 Right-click the remote for which you want to view information. Select
SATCOM Graph, Remote Status, or UCP Info. The Select Items dialog box
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
a If you click Historical, click Time Range.... The Select Time Range dialog box
appears (see below). If desired, click the ellipses next to the Start and End
times to set the time via the graphical clock display. If you selected Get Past,
see Step b.
b If you click Get Past, the Get Past drop-down list appears.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
The SATCOM Graph pane appears with three tabs. The Remote Status and UCP Info tabs contain
the raw data used to draw the graph.
The figure above is an example of the SATCOM display. In this example we retrieved the most
recent twenty minutes of data using the “Get Past” option on the parameters dialog. The window
is organized into three separate graphs. The displays show the following information:
NOTE: The maximum time range you may display in this pane is one hour. This limit includes both
historical and real-time information.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Remote Status and UCP Info Tabs
The Remote Status data and UCP Info are displayed in the two figures below.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
SATCOM, IP Stats, Probe, QoS settings, latency, and events/conditions simply by clicking from
tab to tab in this single pane.
The Control Panel is available only from individual remotes in the network tree view. Additionally,
you may have only four Control Panel panes launched at the same time.
When you launch the Control Panel it automatically requests real-time data for each tab in the
pane; you may also request historical data for any tab in the pane using the Historical or Get Past
tools at the top of each tab.
Below are two examples of the many tabs of information accessible from a remote’s control panel.
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Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
4.4 Telnet
You can access the Telnet option from the Action section of any of the following elements’ menus:
• Protocol Processor
• Blade
• Line Card
• Remote (also accessible from a remote’s Probe dialog box)
The Telnet command opens a telnet session to the selected element for detailed anomaly
investigation. Please contact iDirect’s Technical Assistance Center for further information on using
system consoles.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
5 IP and SAT Traffic Graphs
5.1 IP Statistics
iMonitor’s IP stats display shows you IP traffic in both downstream and upstream directions for any
number of remotes in your networks. When you select multiple remotes, by choosing IP Stats from
an intermediate network node, iMonitor displays the aggregate total of all the remotes you
The IP Stats display is available from the following nodes in the network tree view:
• Network
• Inroute Group
• Individual Remotes
To understand why this is necessary, let’s first review the TCP acceleration process. When the
PP accelerates TCP traffic on the downstream, it sends acknowledgements to the sending server
at the same time it queues the traffic for transmission to the remote. When the receiving client
actually receives the data and acknowledges it, the remote no longer needs to send the
acknowledgement; it has already been sent by the PP.
This technique allows TCP traffic to flow at line rate across the satellite, and it minimizes the
amount of TCP acks that get sent over the air. However, it causes different amounts of traffic to
flow upstream from the PP (eth0 to the Internet) than flows across the satellite. A large TCP
download, for example, can cause significant traffic out of the upstream interface of the PP, even
though little of that traffic goes across the satellite.
In previous iDS releases, IP statistics ignored the upstream traffic generated by TCP acceleration
in favor of showing satellite traffic more accurately. This compromise has been eliminated in
release 6.0 by splitting traffic statistics into two collections: IP Stats (upstream side of PP), and
SAT Stats (tunnel side of PP). Figure 1 illustrates where each collection takes place.
The IP Stats display remains unchanged in iMonitor, except it now represents the traffic sent and
received on the upstream interface of the PP.
Note: Due to the changes described above, the IP Stats display may now show more upstream
traffic than is actually possible; i.e., greater than the channel rate or configured rate limit. This is
normal and not a cause for concern.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
To Internet
Upstream Lan Segment
To Protocol
To line cards, satellite, remotes
Internet Processor
• Reliable bytes sent to and received from remotes (e.g. TCP traffic)
• Unreliable bytes sent to and received from remotes (e.g. UDP traffic)
• Overhead bytes sent to and received from remotes (e.g. TDMA protocol header bytes)
• On the downstream only, multicast and broadcast bytes sent to remotes.
The SAT stats display also resolves a limitation with the previous IP Stats-only display: SAT traffic
now accurately represents compressed RTP (CRTP) voice traffic.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
5.3.1 SAT Traffic Graph
SAT (satellite) traffic information can be selected from:
• networks
• inroute groups
• remotes
To view the satellite traffic graph, follow the directions below:
Step 2 Click SAT Traffic Graph. The Select Items dialog box appears.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 3 Select the remote for which you want to view information. Notice that all but
the Remotes section are unavailable for selection.
You may specify a historical time range or Get Past value from the
parameters dialog. The maximum interval you can select is 12 hours. The
farther you go back in time, less granularity will be available from the
database due to archive consolidation.
If you retrieve more than 30 minutes of data, the display will be easier to
read if you select the Minutes or Hours interval from the context menu.
a If you click Historical, click Time Range.... The Select Time Range dialog box
appears (see below). If desired, click the ellipses next to the Start and End
times to set the time via the graphical clock display. If you selected Get Past,
see Step b.
b If you selected Get Past, the Get Past drop-down list appears. Select an
interval of time.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 6 The SAT Traffic pane appears with three tabs. Below are examples of the
SAT Traffic tab and the SAT Downstream tab. The SAT Upstream tab has the
same format as the downstream, but displays data regarding the upstream
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
5.3.2 IP Traffic Graph
IP traffic information can be selected from:
• networks
• inroute groups
• remotes
To view the IP traffic graph, follow the directions below:
Step 2 Click IP Traffic Graph. The Select Items dialog box appears.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 3 Select the remote for which you want to view information. Notice that all but
the Remotes section are unavailable for selection.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
a If you click Historical, click Time Range.... The Select Time Range dialog box
appears (see below). If desired, click the ellipses next to the Start and End
times to set the time via the graphical clock display. If you selected Get Past,
see Step b.
b If you selected Get Past, the Get Past drop-down list appears. Select an
interval of time.
Step 6 The IP Traffic Stats pane appears, as shown below. Refer to the IP Stats
Tables, discussed on page 117 for information on these results.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
5.3.3 Viewing Options
To choose between various display options on the graph, click IP Stats or SAT Stats from the main
menu or right-click anywhere inside the graph to view the menu below.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
The menu options are described below:
• networks
• inroute groups
To view the bandwidth usage, follow the directions below:
Step 2 Click Bandwidth Usage. The Select Remote Devices dialog box appears
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 3 Make the appropriate selections, and click OK. The Bandwidth Usage
results pane appears, as shown below.
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Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
6 Reporting on Networks
iMonitor provides two built-in reports that allow you to generate long-term reports from the
statistics archive. Each is discussed in detail below.
6.1 Reports
Reports can be generated from:
• networks
• inroute groups
• remotes
On each of these elements, you can generate all of the following reports:
Step 2 Select either IP Long Term Bandwidth Usage or SAT Long Term Bandwidth
Usage. The Long Term Bandwidth Usage Parameters dialog box appears.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 3 Make the appropriate selections, as described below:
Step 4 In Remote Devices, select the check boxes of the remote devices for which
you want to generate reports.
Step 5 When the Total All Remotes box is selected, iMonitor will add all the
values together for all of the selected remotes. If clear, iMonitor reports on
each remote individually.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 6 In Direction, select Downstream, Upstream, or Both to tell iMonitor
whether to report on downstream usage, upstream usage, or usage in both
Step 7 In IP Type, select one or more protocol types that you would like in your
report, or select None, to report only on total traffic, not broken down by
protocol. Selecting the All check box selects all of the protocol type boxes
and results in a complete listing of the individual values for each protocol
type. Select Total IP Traffic to sum the columns of IP traffic in a Grand
Step 8 In Time Range select the time period for your report. By default, you can
select up to six months in the past; values older than this are not saved by
the back-end server. If you wish to save IP statistics for longer than six
months, please contact iDirect’s Technical Assistance Center (TAC).
In Time Range, enter the start date by selecting a day, month, and year
from the calendar drop-down box. You can enter time values using the text
boxes, or by clicking the Details button to display the clock tool.
To specify an hour value, click the hour hand, and then click the hour. To
select a minute value, use the same technique, but click the minute hand
instead. You can also double-click anywhere on the dial to move both
hands to that location.
NOTE: This method for specifying time is available from all historical query
parameters panes.
Step 9 The Interval box allows you to specify the time period represented by each
message returned from the server. This feature allows you to show more
or less granularity in the results depending on the type of report you want.
In general, raw data is less informative for long-term reporting than data
consolidated to represent larger time periods.
The minimum interval available will vary depending on the Start Time you
specify for your report. As usage data ages, the NMS server automatically
consolidates records for disk space, so the higher-granularity intervals may
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
not be available if your Start Time value is far in the past. iMonitor
automatically chooses the highest-granularity interval for you. For more
information on how the NMS server consolidates usage records see the
technical note titled, Accessing the NMS Statistics Archive.
Step 10 In the Sort By list, specify a sort to initially sort the values for the report.
Once the report is generated you can re-sort at any time by clicking on the
appropriate column heading.
Step 11 When you have finished specifying your desired run-time parameters, click
OK to run the report. After the server has retrieved the data, consolidated
it into your chosen interval, and delivered it to your client, a separate pane
appears showing the results of the report.
The report is organized into Totals and Averages tabs. The Totals tab shows total kilobytes for
each message returned from the server in the interval that you selected. There is a total value at
the end of each row, and a grand total at the bottom of each column. The Averages tab shows the
calculated kilobits per second value for each message.
Totals Tab
Figure 6-1 shows an example of the Totals tab of the Long-Term Bandwidth Report. In this
example, the user chose to total all remotes, and to not break out the report by IP protocol type.
If the user had chosen to report individual IP protocols, each supported protocol would have
appeared in its own column.
Averages Tab
Figure 6-2 shows the same report as Figure 6-1, but with the Averages tab selected. As with the
Totals tab, only the averages for the total IP traffic are calculated, since the user chose to not break
out the data by individual IP protocol type.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Figure 6-1: SAT Long Term Bandwidth Usage Report
Step 12 Click Averages to view the average values for each parameter for the period
of time the report covers.
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Figure 6-2: IP Long Term Bandwidth Usage Report
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For the downstream, we take 2.5% off the top for overhead. Overhead includes HDLC framing,
time plans, UCP commands, etc. The theoretical maximum for a downstream with a 2 Mbps
information rate would be 2 * .975 = 1.95 Mbps.For the upstream, we use the following calculation
to determine the theoretical maximum:
Keep in mind that the larger your interval, the lower the percentage will probably be. This is due
to the fact that kbps values are averaged over the entire period of the interval, so spikes in activity
will tend to be hidden in the average value.
This report is available from the following levels of the network tree view:
• Network
• Inroute Groups
• Individual Remotes
To generate, view, save, or print the Remote Availability report, follow the directions below:
Step 2 Select Remote Availability. The Select Remote Devices dialog box appears
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Step 3 Make the appropriate selections, and click OK. The Remote Availability
report appears, as shown below.
Specify the remotes on which you want to report and the time period, and click OK.
The default time period is one week, but you can specify any arbitrary time period. By default, you
can specify a time period up to two months in the past.
An example report is shown below. For each remote you selected, the report displays the
percentage of the time period the remote was up and down, and the total number of hours during
the time period the remote was up and down. “Up” refers to the time the remote was able to pass
traffic, and “Down” refers to the time the remote was unable to pass traffic due to either a Layer 2
or Layer 3 Alarm being active (or both). The last line of the report shows the average up/down
hours and percent of all the remotes for which you generated the report.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Appendix A Accessing the NMS Statistics Archive
Many of our customers have requested specific reports on various aspects of their network
behavior, ranging from IP traffic activity to system uptime to satellite link behavior. iMonitor allows
users to retrieve historical data and populate a number of raw and graphical displays on both
firmware versions and per-remote uptime via web-based tools. iMonitor also provides an easier
way of retrieving long-term bandwidth usage statistics for network usage profiling. (For more
information on this feature, please see the technical note entitled Long-Term Bandwidth Reporting
in iMonitor.)
iDirect also provides limited support for read-only direct archive access. This section discusses
how this is done and provides information about specific tables in the archive database.
NOTE: The intended audience for this memo is a technical person who has experience developing
relational database applications, preferably using ODBC.
• All-zero IP Stats and SAT Stats are not logged to the archive. This happens for
remotes that are out-of-network. The long-term bandwidth reports and usage displays
handle missing messages automatically. Note: if you access the stats archive using
ODBC, you may have to modify your reporting software to handle gaps in the data.
• Latency measurements below a default threshold of 800 msec are not logged to the
archive; only measurement times above this value are logged.
• Consecutive latency time-outs are written to a single entry in the database along with
a count. For example, 10 consecutive latency time-outs are written as a single
database record with a count of 10.
• Consecutive SWEEP messages are written to a single entry in the database along with
a count. For example, 10 consecutive SWEEPs are written as a single database record
with a count of 10.
All of these settings can be overridden or modified if necessary. Please contact iDirect’s
Technical Assistance Center for help changing the default archive behavior.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Consolidation rules govern how long data is saved, and are given default values when your
configuration database is created. These defaults are designed to allow your networks to grow
quite large (many hundreds of remotes) without you having to worry about disk space problems.
If you want to modify the default values, please contact iDirect’s Technical Assistance Center
(TAC) at (703) 648-8151 for assistance. The default consolidation values for each table are listed
in table 1 below.
Step 3 At the mysql prompt, type the following command:
mysql> quit;
The user you just created has the following privileges:
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
• Can connect from any host.
• Can see all databases.
• Can only read information.
You can further restrict the access privileges on this account, e.g. you can specify connection only
from a specific remote host. If you wish to tailor this account to provide additional security, you
should contact iDirect’s TAC at (703) 648-8151.
Once you have set up the read-only access account, you must connect to the database named
“nrd_archive”. Other connection details are your responsibility. There are a number of database
clients that support ODBC connections, each with their own specific requirements. Unfortunately,
we are unable to provide support for all the different ODBC clients in the marketplace.
iDirect supports read-only access to the archive database only. The configuration database
contains a number of intricate relationships between tables that require a detailed knowledge of
the structure to interpret. This structure usually changes from one release to another to allow
configuration of new data path features, which would further complicate customer access.
In the archive database, remote unique ids in all tables are stored in the column named
“unique_id”. In the config database, this same ID is stored in a table named “NetModem” in the
column “NetModemId”. The remote name is in the column named “NetModemName”.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
A sample SQL query that grabs the remote’s name from a known remote ID might be:
In the archive database, network ids in all tables are stored in the column named “network_id”. In
the config database, this same ID is stored in a table named “Network” in the column named
“NetworkId”. The network name is in the column named “NetworkName”.
A sample SQL query that grabs a remote’s network name from a known network ID might be:
Archive Consolidation
To prevent filling up the NMS server’s hard disk, a consolidation process runs every night at
approximately midnight. Using rules defined in the config database, it runs through all tables in the
archive database and either deletes old records or collects multiple records together into a single
Consolidation rules govern how long data is saved, and are given default values when your
configuration database is created. These defaults are designed to allow your networks to grow
quite large (many hundreds of remotes) without you having to worry about disk space problems.
If you want to modify the default values, please contact iDirect’s Technical Assistance Center
(TAC) at (703) 648-8151 for assistance. The default consolidation values for each table are listed
in table 1 below.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Table A-1: Archive Database Tables (Continued)
IP Stats Tables
As shown in Table A-1, there are three separate tables for IP stats, each one containing records
that cover a particular period of time. Prior to release 4.0, the format of all three tables is the same
and is shown in Table A-2 below. Beginning with release 4.0, the ip_minute_stats and
ip_hour_stats tables have additional fields containing maximum and standard deviation
calculations for all IP types. These new fields are discussed in more detail later in this section.
IP statistics for all active remotes are calculated on the protocol processor and sent to the NMS
every 5 seconds. After sending a stats message, the protocol processor zeros its counts, so that
every database record contains the delta in activity from the previous record. The protocol
processor continues to send messages to the NMS even if a remote is out-of-network; the counts
for these records contain all zeros.
Important Note: For convenience, HTTP traffic is broken out separately from TCP traffic, but the
TCP counts include HTTP as well. If you want a total count of traffic, do not include the HTTP
values in your addition.
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Table A-2: IP Stats Record Format (Continued)
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Table A-3: Additional Consolidated IP Stats Table Fields
IP Stats Consolidation
The IP stats consolidation process is more complicated than for data in other tables. It’s a multi-
step process designed to keep very old data without losing information, and at the same time
optimize disk space usage. As the stats data gets older, multiple individual records are combined
together to form a single record. Using this method, the count of total traffic sent through the
system is maintained as the data ages; all that’s lost is the granularity between shorter periods of
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
The consolidation process works as follows. Every day, using consolidation parameters from the
config database, the consolidator daemon performs the following tasks on the IP stats tables
(default values are used here):
Step 1 Delete all records from the ip_hour_stats table older than 4464 hours.
Step 2 Consolidate all records from the ip_minute_stats table older than 744 hours
into one record per hour and write that record to the ip_hour_table.
Step 3 Delete all records from the ip_minute_table older than 744 hours.
Step 4 Consolidate all records from the raw_ip_stats table older than 24 hours into
one record per minute and write that record to the ip_minute_table.
Step 5 Delete all records from the raw_ip_stats table older than 24 hours.
Latency Measurements
The lat_stats table contains latency measurement results for all active remotes in the network. To
generate latency information, the NMS latsvr process sends ICMP echo requests to all active
remotes every 5 seconds and measures the round trip time. Queries for individual remotes are
offset in time to prevent a burst of messages every 5 seconds. For remotes that are out-of-
network, the round trip time is -1. Table A-4 shows the contents of the lat_stats table.
If remotes are not active in the network, i.e. they are deactivated or incomplete in iBuilder, the
latency server will not attempt to measure their latency and no data will be written to this table in
the database for them.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Hub Line Card Statistics
All hub line cards in steady state send a statistics message into the NMS every 15 seconds. This
message serves two purposes: the absence of the message causes an alarm to be raised in
iMonitor, and it contains useful information about the last 15 seconds of hub line card activity. The
data values in each message represent deltas from the previous message. Table A-5 shows the
contents of the nms_hub_stats table.
Transmit (tx) values are always zero for receive-only line cards, and receive (rx) values are always
0 for transmit-only line cards. While traffic CRCs almost always indicate an anomaly condition,
acquisition CRC values well above zero are normal when remotes are coming into the network. In
fact, by default iMonitor doesn’t raise a warning condition on acquisition CRCs until they go above
200 in a 15 second period.
Remote Status
All remotes in steady state send a status message into the NMS every 15 seconds. This message
is sent as a UDP datagram, so there’s no guarantee that every message sent will be received.
However, built-in QoS rules give it higher priority than other types of traffic, and our experience
has shown that these messages are rarely dropped. The message contains a variety of
information about the remote, including temperature, number of milliseconds since last boot-up,
perceived SNR, etc. In the absence of other traffic from the remote, the nms_remote_status
message fits into a single small-block TDMA burst. Its contents are shown in Table A-6 below.
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Table A-6: nms_remote_status Record Format
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Table A-7: nms_ucp_info Record Format
Event Messages
All protocol processors, hub line cards, and remotes send in event messages to record certain
situations that arise during operations. Some events cause conditions to be raised in iMonitor and
others are for informational purposes only. Event messages are not sent at regular time intervals,
nor do they follow a specific text format. The format of the event_msg table is shown in Table A-8.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Hub and Remote State Changes
During everyday system operation, situations occasionally arise that require operator attention, or
at least operator notification. These situations are called “conditions”, and are associated with a
change in the operational state of the network element in question. Examples of conditions include
temperature warnings, SNR below limit warnings, and out-of-network alarms.
All conditions and changes of state are recorded in the archive database. For hub line cards and
remote units, these conditions are recorded in the archive table state_change_log. The format of
this table is shown in Table A-9 below.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Table A-9: state_change_log Record Format (Continued)
Interpreting the entries in the state_change_log table requires some understanding of how the
NMS manages conditions and overall element state. First of all, it is possible for multiple
conditions to be active for a single hub or remote at any given time. Consider the following
1. A remote is in steady state with no active conditions. The overall state of the unit is OK.
2. A rain storm blows into a remote’s location, which causes the SNR of the downstream
signal to drop below the defined low limit. This is condition 1, a warning. The overall
state of the unit changes to WARNING.
3. The weather situation persists, and the protocol processor loses contact with the
remote. This is condition 2, a warning. The overall state of the unit remains at
4. The protocol processor is unable to re-gain contact with the remote, so it declares the
unit out-of-network. This is condition 3, an alarm. The overall state of the unit changes
5. The NMS latency server stops hearing ICMP echo responses from the remote. This is
condition 4, an alarm. The overall state of the unit remains at ALARM.
We now have four simultaneously active conditions, and the overall state of the remote is ALARM.
Each time a new condition is raised for a remote, it is written to the database with the current time
of the NMS server machine in the timestamp field. The occurred_at field is also given the same
timestamp. All pre-existing conditions for that same element are re-written with the same
timestamp in the timestamp field. However, their occurred_at fields remain unchanged, thus
indicating the time those conditions were first raised. Using the timestamp field as a key, you can
determine all active conditions for a remote at any given time.
When conditions clear, they are written once again to the state_change_log table, but this time
with the severity field set to EVT_CLEARED. Not all conditions clear at the same time, but when
all conditions have cleared the overall state of the unit returns to OK.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
The only conditions with alarm severity are those that cause a service interruption. Currently there
are three conditions that fall into this category: LLDOWN (layer 2), UCP_OUT_OF_NETWORK
(layer 2), and LAT_TIMEOUT (layer 3). You can generate a remote up/down report for a given
time period by correctly parsing the entries in this table and ignoring all warning conditions.
All changes of PP state are stored in the pp_state_change_log table. The format of this table is
shown in Table A-10 below.
Entries in this table can be processed in essentially the same way as hub line card and remote
state changes. See that section for more details.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Hub Chassis State Changes
Hub chassis state changes are stored in their own table in MySQL, named the
chassis_state_change_log. Chassis warnings are raised for power and fan alarms from the
chassis. The event server and iMonitor treat these “alarms” as warnings, since service is not
interrupted and immediate action is not absolutely necessary. The ALARM condition is raised only
when the event server loses contact with the hub chassis. In this case, service may still not be
interrupted, since the event server communicates with an independent component of the chassis
known as the EDAS board.
Chassis state changes are stored in the chassis_state_change_log table. The format of this table
is shown in Table A-11 below.
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Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Appendix B Alarms and Warnings
The iDirect NMS provides real-time notification of system anomalies, classified by severity. The
iMonitor GUI provides complete visibility to the real-time status and operational characteristics of
network elements. “Status” refers to the real-time state of network elements, i.e. OK, warning, and
Alarms indicate an interruption in service or remote sites that are out-of-network. Warnings display
potential anomalous conditions and system values that are out of range.
B.1 Alarms
The following table lists alarms, their descriptions and recommended actions.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Table B-1: Alarms (Continued)
B.2 Warnings
Warnings signal a condition that could possibly result in a future interruption in service if not
handled in a timely fashion. The following table lists warnings, their descriptions and
recommended actions.
Note, the following “alarms” are classified as warnings in the NMS: PowerAlarm(1/2/3), FanAlarm,
Table B-2: Warnings
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Table B-2: Warnings (Continued)
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Table B-2: Warnings (Continued)
B.3 Acronyms
C/N Carrier to noise density
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B.4 Warning Limit Ranges
Note: Each remote’s symbol offset is also automatically checked, and if the value goes above or
below the limit a warning is raised in iMonitor. The symbol offset limit ranges are automatically
calculated for each remote based on the upstream information rate.
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Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Appendix C SNMP Proxy Agent
Beginning with release 3.1, iDirect’s NMS includes an SNMP proxy agent that provides real-time
status and basic configuration information to any interested SNMP client.
The SNMP Proxy Agent Management Information Base (MIB) supports both SNMP Get requests
for polling and SNMP traps for asynchronous notification of status changes. The MIB is
automatically updated to reflect changes in element status and/or configuration, including the
addition and deletion of network elements.
Once you have completed the installation, the SNMP Proxy Agent becomes part of the normal
NMS server startup and shutdown procedure (service idirect_nms start/stop/
restart). It will also be started automatically whenever the server machine is restarted.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
C.1.2 The iDirect Management Information Base (MIB)
The SNMP MIB supplies the following information for iDirect network elements.
Data types and table entry names are available from the MIB itself, which is available in the
following file on the NMS server machine:
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
C.1.3 iDirect MIB SNMP Traps
The iDirect SNMP Proxy Agent will send traps to any configured trap recipient based on network
element state changes and raised/cleared element conditions. See the next section of this
document for information on configuring trap recipients.
The complete list of traps is shown in the following table. You will receive each trap when the
specified anomaly arises, and again when the condition clears. The trap-level field in the MIB
specifies the severity.
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
Table C-2: iDIRECT MIB Traps (Continued)
Step 2 Using the vi editor, edit the Net-SNMP daemon configuration file:
# cd /usr/local/share/snmp
# vi snmpd.conf
Step 3 Add a line like the following for each machine to which you want to send
SNMP Version 1 (v1) traps:
Step 5 Add a line like the following for each machine to which you want to send
SNMP Version 2 (v2) traps:
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
C.2 Working with HP OpenView
The SNMP product installed on the NMS server machine is an open-source package called Net-
SNMP. The MIB syntax processing is slightly different between this package and HP OpenView.
If you use HP OpenView as your SNMP client software, you will need to load the special HP
OpenView-specific MIB instead of the MIB that comes standard with our agent.
The HP OpenView MIB can found on the NMS server machine in the following location:
Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 6.0
For more information on any of the commands in this list, log in to the NMS server machine and
type the following command:
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button legend 25
accept changes 8 logging in
passwords 7
C to other servers 8
conditions 27
configuration changes 25
main toolbar 20
D modifying
accepting changes 8
dialog box
Select Items 34
I requirements
system 6
description 3
menu options 20
installing 6
description 4 S
installation Select Items dialog box 34
NMS applications 6 servers 4
iSite 4 status bar 23
system requirements 6
Network Management System iBuilder User Guide, Release 6.0
configuration changes 25
find 20
icons 20
legend 25
main 20
main menu 20
status bar 23
view menu 20
description 17
multiple 8
windows, See panes
See also dialog boxes
Network Management System iBuilder User Guide, Release 6.0