The purpose of the paper is to analyzing thoughts of the modern management paradigm
“Total Quality Management” (TQM), and its application in the field of education. The
basic theme of TQM is participatory approach to address the question(s) of quality in
business aswell as in the field of education. Reviewing fresh literature from the internet
and other sources, the works of W. Edward Deming’s: fourteen principles for quality
assurance, Philip Crosby’s: fourteen points for quality management & the idea of zero
defect, and J. Juran’s three areas: quality planning, quality improvement and quality
control are discussed. This organizational management move is
paying attention towards quality, which
INTRODUCTION is due to the collaboration of members of
organization, and focusing on long range
People want to do their best and it is the profitability through customers’
management’s job to provide contentment, including benefits to
environment through continuous society. It is the “integration of all
improvement of the system, is the functions and processes within an
assumption, at which Total Quality organization in order to achieve
Management is based. Total Quality continuous improvement of the quality of
Management (TQM) is an art of good services” (Akhtar, 2000;
organizing the whole to achieve Besterfield, Michna, Besterfield & Sarce,
excellence. It is enrichment to the 2004; Fitzgerald, 2004). TQM has a
conventional way of managing business. strong impact on the values, culture, and
It helps for survival in the global mind-sets within an organization by
antagonism. This is not only a providing technological modifications
philosophy but also a set of guide lines (Boje & Winsor 2005).
and regulations for ongoing
improvements for the services and/or The history of quality control is
products offered to customers. Human undoubtedly as old as industry itself.
resources and quality methods are Total Quality movement was started after
utilized to improve all the processes to the 2nd world war in industry, but on large
satisfy all the needs of the clients. It scale it attracted attention in 1980s, when
integrates fundamental techniques, Japanese captured a large share of world
prevailing efforts and practical gear, market under the slogan “Made in Japan”
which are being operated under a (Akhtar, 2000;
disciplined approach of management.
Journal of Quality and Technology Management
Volume III, Issue I1, Dec 2007, pg 87-97
Journal of Quality and Technology Management
Volume III, Issue I1, Dec 2007, pg 87-97
Journal of Quality and Technology Management
Volume III, Issue I1, Dec 2007, pg 87-97
Journal of Quality and Technology Management
Volume III, Issue I1, Dec 2007, pg 87-97
14. Accomplishing the Change For quality planning the management has
to identify the customer. Their needs
Transformation of the preceding 13 should be properly determined and
points is extremely important. It is not addressed accordingly. Those needs
the administrator's job only, but all part should be in understandable language
of administration to contribute and make and the product should be able to
sure the implementation of the above 13 respond the needs of the customers.
principles. The school administration Optimize the product features so as to
should be with comprehensive plan of meet our needs and customers needs.
action for quality tasks. This is the
comprehensive message for the 2. Quality Improvements
assurance of quality in any organization.
The emphasis is on teamwork, There should be a process which is able
collaboration and using everyone's to produce the product. Optimization of
respective expertise, which makes the this process is very essential for the
transformation possible. It is the improvement of quality of goods or
management’s role to star a never ending service.
process of improvement. Implementation
of the quality policy will be based on a 3. Quality Control
sound infrastructure.
For the purpose of quality control it is
Juran (1988) suggested wonderful needed to develop a process that can
strategies for improvement of quality in produce the product under operating
all walks of business life. He gave the conditions. All the process for quality
concept of quality trilogy that is “Quality control should be operative. Juran (1988)
planning, quality improvement and focuses not only on the end customers,
quality control” He developed a strategic but also cares the internal and external
Journal of Quality and Technology Management
Volume III, Issue I1, Dec 2007, pg 87-97
Journal of Quality and Technology Management
Volume III, Issue I1, Dec 2007, pg 87-97
quality. The level of the quality should be organization. They must understand the
determined through out the organization. importance of product conformance and
Each area for quality must be reviewed. the costs of non-conformance. The costs
Quality status record will indicate the of non quality should be shared with the
aspects where the corrective measures employees of the organization. This is
for quality are needed and how can be done by training supervisors to orient
documented in future (Crosby, 1979). A employees and by providing evidences
number of ways can be adopted for for the purpose of quality improvement
measurement of procedures. If a through communication material such
supervisor says that his area is as booklets, films and posters Crosby
completely immeasurable, he can be (1979). Don't confuse this with some
helped by asking how he knows who is get motivated- quick scheme. It is a
doing the best work, how he knows who sharing process and does not involve
to keep and who to replace. Formalizing manipulating people. This is an
the organization measurement system important step. It may be the most
strengthens the inspection and test important step of all. Service and
functions and ensures proper administrative people should be
measurement. included just like everybody else. The
real benefit of communication is that it
4. Price of Quality gets supervisors and employees in the
habit of talking positively about quality.
The costs of quality should be estimated
for the areas where quality
improvements will be beneficial.
Initially these estimates may be faulty
but later on these must proceed to 6. Corrective Action
definite figure. School heads office
should do this assignment. They should Take corrective action as a result of
be provided with detailed information quality measurement and cost of quality
on what constitutes this cost for quality. Crosby (1979). People are allowed to
These cost estimates will enable to talk about their problems, so corrective
identify that where the corrective measures can be made involving not just
measures will be praise worthy. Higher the defects found by inspection, audit or
costs will that more actions are to taken. self-evaluation, but also less obvious
Having the established cost of quality, it problems as seen by the working people
removes any suspected bias from the themselves that require attention.
calculation. So measurement of quality Problems of the workmen should be
management performance will be brought into notice in the meeting of
established in the organization's system. supervisors at every level. Those that
cannot be resolved are formally passed
5. Quality Consciousness up to the next level of supervision for
review at their regular meeting. If a
Create quality awareness among the specific functional area does not hold
staff members of the educational such meetings, the team should take
Journal of Quality and Technology Management
Volume III, Issue I1, Dec 2007, pg 87-97
Journal of Quality and Technology Management
Volume III, Issue I1, Dec 2007, pg 87-97
not a suggestion system. All they have to They also bring the professionals
list is the problem; the appropriate together on a regular basis.
functional group will develop the answer.
It is important that any problems listed 14. Repetition of Actions
be acknowledged within 24 hours.
People now know their problems can be All the above steps (1-13) should be
heard and answered. Once employees repeated. This will ensure a non stop
learn to trust this communication, the quality improvement process. The typical
program can go on forever. program takes the time for 12-18 months.
By that time, turnover and changing
12. Appreciation situations will have wiped out most of
the education effort. Therefore, it is
A move for quality products and services needed to form a new team and repeat
can be launched and sustained by this process again and again. Schedule a
recognizing the outstanding performance zero defects day as an anniversary or
of the members of the working group. give a special lunch for all employees.
Awards should be given to those who The point is that the program is never
performed up to the set standards. It is over. Repetition makes the program
wise not to attach relative values to the perpetual and, thus, "part of the
identification of problems. Problems woodwork." If quality isn't ingrained in
identified during the error cause removal the organization, it will never happen.
stage should all be treated the same way
because they are not suggestions. The The total quality management principles
prizes or awards should not be financial. are very effective in business as well as
Recognition is what is important. in education. Mehrotra (2006) thinks that
Genuine recognition of performance is TQM principles can be helpful for the
something people really appreciate. They working at educational institutes by
will continue to support the program “redefining the role, purpose and
whether or not they, as individuals, responsibilities of schools. Schools
participate in the awards. should be improved as a way of life.
13. Quality Councils Comprehensive leadership training at all
the levels should be planed. Attitudes and
Regular meetings of the heads of the beliefs of school staff should be properly
schools and the quality consultants be addressed. Policy and practices should
over there. The members of this council follow the research based information.
will share ideas and experiences with Comprehensive childdevelopment
each others in the meetings. Meetings of initiatives, which cut across a variety of
the professionals and the heads will help agencies and institutions, should be
to solve the problems and designs the designed”.
ways how to create the quality culture in
the educational institutes. These councils In order to achieve the above as
are the best source of information on the opportunities to the academic scenario, in
status of programs and ideas for action. addition to patience, participatory
management among well- trained and
Journal of Quality and Technology Management
Volume III, Issue I1, Dec 2007, pg 87-97
Journal of Quality and Technology Management
Volume III, Issue I1, Dec 2007, pg 87-97
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