Unit 3

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Introduction to Algorithms


Structure Page Nos.

3.0 Introduction 1
3.1 Objectives 1
3.2 A Brief Review of Asymptotic Notations 2
3.3 Analysis Of Simple Constructs Or Constant Time 2
3.4 Analysis of Simple Algorithms 4
3.4.1 A Summation Algorithm 4
3.4.2 Polynomial Evaluation Algorithm 5
3.4.3 Exponent Evaluation 10
3.4.4 Sorting Algorithm 17
3.5 Summary 21
3.6 Solutions/Answers 21
3.7 Further Readings


Computational complexity describes the amount of processsing time required

by an algorithm to give the desired result.Generally we consider the worst-case
time complexity (big O notation) which is the maximum amount of time
required to execute an algorithm for inputs of a given size. Whereas average-
case complexity, which is the average of the time taken on inputs of a given
size is less common.In the previous unit we introduced a concept of efficiency
of an algorithm and discussed three asymptotic notations which are formal
methods for analyzing algorithm efficiency in terms of time and space
complexities. The complexity analysis of algorithm helps to understand the
behavior of the algorithm and compare it with other algorithms for a large
input size. The structure of the unit is as follows: section 3.3makessimple
statements, a brief review of asymptotic notations followed by analysis of
simple constructs such as looping statement, conditional statement, and etc.In
the subsequent sections we describe general rules for analysis of algorithms
and illustration with several examples.


After studying this unit, you should be able to:

 Algorithm to add n cube numbers

 An algorithm to evaluate polynomial by Horner’s rule
 Analysis of Matrix Multiplication algorithm
 Define big oh, big omega and big theta notation
 Exponent evaluation in logarithmic complexity
 Linear search and its complexityanalysis
 Basic sorting algorithm and their analysis

Complexity Analysis of
Simple Algorithms


The complexity analysis of algorithm is required to measure the time and space
required to run an algorithm. In this unit we focus on only the time required to execute
an algorithm. Let us quickly review some asymptotic notations(Please refer to the
previous unit for detailed discussion)

The central idea of these notations is to compare the relative rate of growth of

Assume T(n) and f(n) are two functions

(i) 𝑇(𝑛) = 𝑂(𝑓(𝑛)) if there are two positive constants C and n0 such
that𝑇(𝑛) ≤ 𝐶𝑓 (𝑛)where n ≥ 𝑛0
(ii) 𝑇(𝑛) = Ω(𝑓(𝑛)) if there are two positive constants C and n0 such that
𝑇(𝑛) ≥ CΩ f(n) where n ≥ n0
(iii) 𝑇(𝑛) = 𝜃(𝑓(𝑛)) if and only if 𝑇(𝑛) = O(𝑓(𝑛))𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑇(𝑛) = Ω(𝑓(𝑛))

I Assume 𝑇 (𝑛) = 1000𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑓 (𝑛) = 𝑛3 . A function 1000 n is larger than n3 for

small value of n, but n3 will grow at faster rate if the value n become large. Therefore
n3 is a larger function. The definition of 𝑇(𝑛) = 𝑂(𝑓(𝑛))says thatT(n) will grow
slower or equal to C.f(n) after the point where n ≥ n0.

The second definition, 𝑇(𝑛) = Ω(𝑓(𝑛)) says that the growth rate of T(n) is faster
than or equal to (≥) f(n).



1) O(1): Time complexity of a function (or set of statements) is

considered as O(1) ‘if (i) statements are simple statement like
assignment, increment or decrement operation and declaration statement
and (ii) there is no recursion, loops or call to any other function.

Ex. 𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝑥;
𝑥 = 𝑥 + 5
𝑥 = 𝑥 −5
2) O(n): This is running time of a single looping statement which
includes comparing time, increment or decrement by some constant
value looping statement.
// Here c is a positive integer constant
for (i = 1; i<= n; i += c) {
// simple statement(s)
Introduction to Algorithms

for (int i = n; i> 0; i -= c) {

// simple statement(s)
3) O(nc): This is a running time of nested loops. Time complexity of nested loops is
equal to the number of times the innermost statements is executed. For example, the
following sample loops have O(n2) time complexity

for (int i = 1; i<=n; i += c) {

for (int j = 1; j <=n; j += c) {
// some simple statements
Most of the simple sorting algorithms
have O(n2) time complexity in the worst case.

4) O(logn) If the loop index in any code fragment is divided or

multiplied by a constant value, the time complexity of the code fragment
is O(logn)

for (int i = 1; i<=n; i *= c ) {

// some simple statements
for (int i = n; i> 0; i /= c) {
// simple statements

5) Time complexities of consecutive loops

If the code fragment is having more than one loop, time complexity of
the fragment is sum of time complexities of the individual loops.
for (int i = 1; i<=m; i ++ c) {
// simple statements taking (1)
for (int f = 1; i<=n; if += X) {
// simple statements of (1)
Time complexity of above fragment is O(m) + O(n) which is O(m+n)
If one looping statement is consecutive if-else statement
Complexity Analysis of
Simple Algorithms 6)Consecutive if else statements
The running time of the if-else statement is just running time of the testing the
condition plus the larger of the running of times statement1 or statement2

code fragment of
if – else is
if (condition)
statement 1
statement 2


In this section we will illustration analysis of simple algorithms to simplify the

complexity analysis we will apply the following general rules.

- By default it is big oh running time.

- No consideration of low-order terms.
- No consideration of constant value.

3.4.1 A Summation Algorithm

The following is a simple program to calculate ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑖 3

int sum of n cube (int n)

1. int i, tempresult;
2. tempresult =0;
3. for (i=1 ; I <=n; i++)
4. tempresult = tempresult + i * i * i
5. return tempresult;

Line#1- 2 units of time required for declaration.

Line# 2- 1 unit of time required for assignment operation.

Line# 3- The for loop has several unit costs: initializingi, cost for testingi<=n

(n+1 unit cost) and cost of incrementing i(1 unit of cost) Total cost is 2n +2

Line# 4- 2units of time for multiplication, 1 unit for addition and one unit of
time for assignment operation in one cycle. Therefore the total cost of this line
is 4n

Line# 5- It will take 1 unit of time. Overall cost will be = 6n+6 which is
written as O(n).

Introduction to Algorithms
3.4.2 Polynomial Evaluation

A polynomial is an expression that contains more than two terms. A term

comprises of a coefficient and an exponent.
Example: P(x) = 15x4+7x2+9x+7P(x)=14x4+17x3 −12x2+13x+16

A polynomial may be represented in form of array or structure. A structure

representation of a polynomial contains two parts – (i) coefficient and (ii) the
corresponding exponent. The following is the structure definition of a

Struct polynomial{

int coefficient;

int exponent;


How to evaluate the polynomial? It can be evaluated through brute force

method and Horner’s method. Let us try to understand through an example


Supposethatexponentiationisimplemented through multiplications. The

processes of evaluation through both the methods are shown below:




Please observe the basic operations are: multiplication, additionand
subtraction. Since thenumberofadditionsandsubtractionsarethesameinboth
the solutions, we will consider the number of multiplications only in worst
case analysis of both the methods.
[Thegeneralformofa polynomialofdegree n,andexpressourresultintermsofn
We’lllookattheworstcase(maximumnumber ofmultiplications) togetanupper

Now consider the generalformofapolynomialofdegreenis


where a0,a1,…..an-1,an are coefficients and x0,𝑋1 , … . . 𝑋 𝑛−1 , 𝑋 𝑛 are related

exponentsand we have to evaluate polynomial at a specific value for x.

Complexity Analysis of
Simple Algorithms
(i) AnalysisofBruteForce Method
A brute force approach to evaluate a polynomial is to evaluate all terms one by one.
First calculatexn, multiply the value with the related coefficient𝑎𝑛 ,repeat the same
steps for other terms and return the sum

P(x)=an∗x∗x∗ …∗x∗x +an−1∗x∗x∗ … ∗x∗x +an−2∗x∗x∗ …∗x∗x +⋯


In the first term, it will take n multiplications, in the second term n-1
multiplications, in the third term it takes n-2multiplications….. In the last
two terms: a2∗x∗x∗and a1∗xit takes 2 multiplications and 1


T(n)=n +(n−1)+(n −2)+...+3+2+1

=n(n+1)/2= O( 𝑛2 )

(ii) AnalysisofHorner’sMethod


Inthefirstterm,ittakesone multiplication,inthesecondtermone
multiplication,inthethirdtermit takesone multiplication …. . Similarly in all other
terms it will take one multiplication.


Numberofmultiplicationsneeded intheworstcaseis:

T(n) = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 1 = n


Consider only the first term of a polynomial of degree n: anxnto appreciate

the efficiency of Horner’s rule .Just computing this single term by the brute-
force algorithm would require n multiplications, whereas Horner’s rule
requires only one multiplication in every term.

(iii) Pseudo code for polynomial evaluation using Horner method,

//In this poly is an array of n elements which are coefficient of polynomial of
degree n

1. Assign value of poly p[n]= coefficient of nth term in thepolynomial

2. set i=n-1
4. compute p = p * x +
6. if i is greater than or equal to 0 Go to step4.

Introduction to Algorithms
7. final polynomial value at x isp.


Input: An array A[0..n] of coefficient of a polynomial of degree n and a point x

Output: The value of polynomial at given pointx

p = A[n];
for (i = n-1; i≤0;i--)
p = p * x + A[i];
return p;

For Example: p(x)=3x2+5x+6 using Horner’s rule can be simplified as


At x=3,
p(x) = (3x+5)x+6
= (14).3+6

Complexity Analysis

Polynomial of degree n using Horner’s rule is evaluated as below:

Initial assignment, p = a[n]
After the first iteration p =
xan +an–1
After the second iteration, p = x(xan
+ an–1) + an–2
= x2an+ x an–1+ an–2
Every subsequent iteration uses the result of previous iteration i.e next iteration
multiplies the previous value of p then adds the next coefficient, i.e.

p = x(x2an+ x an–1+ an–2) + an–3

= x3an+ x2an–1+ x an–2+ an–3etc.
Thus, after n iterations, p = xn an + xn–1 an–1 + … + a0, which is the required
correct value.
In above function

First step is one initial assignment that takes constant time i.eO(1).
For loop in the algorithm runs for n iterations, where each iteration cost
O(1) as it includes one multiplication, one addition and one assignment
which takes constant time.

Complexity Analysis of
Simple Algorithms
Hence total time complexity of the algorithm will be O(n) for a polynomial of
degree n.

Check Your Progress 1

1. Define polynomial. Write the expression of polynomial of degree.

2 Evaluate p(x)= 3x4+2x3-5x+7 at x=2 usingHorner’s rule. Show step wise


3. Write basic algorithm to evaluate a polynomial and find its complexity. Also
compare its complexity with complexity of Horner’s algorithm.


Matrix is very important tool in expressing and discussing problems which arise
from real life cases. By managing the data in matrix form it will be easy to
manipulate and obtain more information. One of the basic operations on matrices
is multiplication.
In this section matrix multiplication problem is explained in two steps as we have
discussed GCD and Horner’s Rule in previous section. In the first step we will
brief pseudo code and in the second step the algorithm for the matrix
multiplication will be discussed. This algorithm can be easily coded into any
programming language.
Further explanation of the algorithm is supported through an example.
Let us define problem of matrix multiplication formally, then we will discuss how
to multiply two square matrix of order n x n and find its time complexity. Multiply
two matrices A and B of order nxn each and store the result in matrix C of order

A square matrix of order nxn is an arrangement of set of elements in n rows and n

Let us take an example of a matrix of order 3 x 3 which is represented as

a11 a12 a13

A= a21 a22 a233 x 3
a31 a32 a33

Introduction to Algorithms
This matrix A has 3 rows and 3 columns.

Step I : Pseudo code: For Matrix multiplication problem where we will multiply two
matrices A and B of order 3x3 each and store the result in matrix C of order 3x3.

1. Multiply first row first element of first matrix with first column first
elementof secondmatrix.
2. Similarly perform this multiplication for first row of first matrix and
firstcolumn of second matrix. Now take the sum of thesevalues.
3. The sum obtained will be first element of product matrixC
4. Similarly Compute all remaining element of product matrix


i.e c11= a11 x b11 + a12 x b21 + a13 x b31

C= A x B
Step II : Algorithm for multiplying two square matrix of order n x n and find the
product matrix of order n x n

Input: Two n x n matrices A and B

Output: One n x n matrix C = A x B


for i = 0 to n-1 //outermost loop

for j = 0 to n-1
C[i][j]=0 //assignment statement
for k = 0 to n-1 // innermostloop
C[i][j] = C[i][j] + A[i][k] * B[k][j]

For Example matrix A (3 x 3) , B(3 x3 )

1 2 3
A= 2 3 4
4 5 6

1 1 1
B= 2 3 2
3 2 1

To compute product matrix C= A x B

c11 c12 c13 1x1+2x2+3x3 1x1+2x3+3x21x1+2x2+3x1

21 c22 c23 = 2x1+3x2+4x3 2x1+3x3+4x22x1+3x2+4x1
c31 c32 c33 4x1+5x2+6x3 4x1+5x3+6x24x1+5x2+6x1

= 14 13 8
20 19 12

Complexity Analysis of
32 31 20
Simple Algorithms

Complexity Analysis

First step is, for loop that will be executed n number of times i.e it will take O(n)
time. The second nested for loop will also run for n number of time and will take
O(n) time.
Assignment statement inside second for loop will take constant time i.eO(1) as it
includes only one assignment.
The third for loop i.e innermost nested loop will also run for n number of times
and will take O(n ) time . Assignment statement inside third for loop will cost
O(1) as it includes one multiplication, one addition and one assignment which
takes constant time.

Hence, total time complexity of the algorithm will be O(n 3) for matrix multiplication
of order nxn.

Check Your Progress 2

1. Writeaprogramin‘C’tofindmultiplicationoftwomatricesA[3x3]andB[3x3].

Exponent evaluation is the most important operation. It has applications in

cryptography and encryption methods, The exponent tells us how many times
to multiply the base by itself.Raising𝑎tothe
powerof𝑛isexpressedasmultiplicationby𝑎done𝑛-1 times:𝑎𝑛=𝑎∙𝑎∙…∙𝑎.However,
thismethod is notpracticalforlarge𝑎or𝑛.Therefore we will apply the binary
exponentiation method .Theideaofbinary exponentiations,to split the exponent
usingthebinaryrepresentation and then do multiplication
workof.Let’swrite𝑛isbase2, for example:
411=4 10112=48∙42 .41

Sincethenumber𝑛has exactly⌊log2n⌋+1digitsinbase2,weonlyneedtoperform
The following example illustrates the intermediate steps in binary exponentiation.
Every subsequent multiplication is just the square of the previous multiplication





Therefore the final answer for 411, we only need to multiply three of them (skipping

Introduction to Algorithms
44becausethe correspondingbitin𝑛is set to zero):411=65,536⋅16⋅4=4,194,304.

tthefinalresult fromthem.
Computing xn at some point x = a i.e an tends to brute force multiplication of
a by itself n-1 times. So. To reduce the number of multiplication binary
exponentiation methods to compute xn will be discussed. Processing of
binary string for exponent n to compute xn can be done by following
left to right binary exponentiation

right to left binary exponentiation

Left to right binary exponentiation

In this method exponent n is represented in binary string. This will be processed

from left to right for exponent computation xn at x=a i.ean .First we will discuss
itspseudo code followed byalgorithm.

Step I : Pseudo code to compute an by left to right binary exponentiation method

// An array A of size s with binary string equal to exponent n, where s is length of
binary string n
1. Set result=a
2. seti=s-2
3. compute result = result *result
4. if A[i] = 1 then compute result = result *a
5. i=i-1 and if i is less than equal to 0 then go to step4.
6. return computed value asresult.

Step II : Algorithm to compute an by left to right binary exponentiation method is as


Input: an and binary string of length s for exponent n as an array A[s]

Output: Final value of an.

1. result=a
2. for i=s-2 to0
3. result = result *result
4. if A[i]= 1then
5. result= result *a
6. return result (i.e an)

Let us take an example to illustrate the above algorithm to compute a 17

In this exponent n=17 which is equivalent to binary string 10001
Step by step illustration of the left to right binary exponentiation algorithm for a 17 :

Iteration 1:

Complexity Analysis of
Simple Algorithms
result=a *a= a2
A[3] ≠ 1

Iteration 2:

result= a2 * a2 = a4
A[2] ≠ 1

Iteration 3:

result= a4 * a4 = a8
A[1] ≠ 1

Iteration 4:

result= a8 * a8 = a16
A[0] = 1
result = a16 * a = a17

return a17

In this example total number of multiplication is 5 instead of 16 multiplications

in brute force algorithm i.e n-1

Complexity analysis: This algorithm performs either one multiplication or two

multiplications in each iteration of a for loop in line no. 2 of the algorithm.


Total number of multiplications in the algorithm for computing a n will be in the

range of s-1 ≤ f(n) ≤ 2(s-1) where s is length of the binary string equivalent to
exponent n and f is function that represent number of multiplication in terms of
exponent n. So complexity of the algorithm will be O(log2 n) As n can be
representation in binary by using maximum of s bits i.e n=2 s which further implies
s= O(log2n)

Right to left binaryexponentiation

In right to left binary exponentiation to compute a n , processing of bits will start

from least significant bit to most significant bit.

Step I : Pseudo code to compute a n by right to left binary exponentiation method

// An array A of size s with binary string equal to exponent n, where s is length of

binary string n

1. Set x =a
2. if A[0]= 1 then set result=a
3. else set result=1
4. Initializei=1
5. compute x = x *x
6. if A[i] = 1 then compute result = result *x
7. Increment i by 1 as i=i+1 and if i is less than equal to s-1 then go to step4.
Introduction to Algorithms
8. return computed value asresult.

Step II : Algorithm to compute an by right to left binary exponentiation

method algorithm is as follows:

Input: an and binary string of length s for exponent n as an array

A[s] Output: Final value of an.

1. x=a
2. if A[0]=1then
3. result =a
4. else
5. result=1
6. for i= 1 tos-1
7. x= x * x
8. ifA[i]=1
9. result= result *x
10. return result (i.e an)

Let us take an example to illustrate the above algorithm to compute

a17In this exponent n=17 which is equivalent to binary string 10001

Step by step illustration of the right to left binary exponentiation algorithm for a17 :
s=5, the length of binary string of 1’s and 0’s for exponent n

Since A[0] =1 , result=a

Iteration 1

x=a *a=
A[1] ≠

Iteration 2

x= a2 * a2 = a4
A[2] ≠ 1

Iteration 3

x= a4 * a4 = a8
A[3] ≠ 1

Iteration 4

x= a8 * a8 = a16
A[4] = 1
result = result * x = a * a16 = a17

return a17
Complexity Analysis of
Simple Algorithms
In this example total number of multiplication is 5 instead of 16 multiplications in
brute force algorithm i.e n-1

Complexity analysis: This algorithm performs either one multiplication or two

multiplications ineachiteration of for loop as shown in line no. 6.

Total number of multiplications in the algorithm for computing a n will be in the

range of s-1 ≤ f(n) ≤ 2(s-1) where s is length of the binary string equivalent to
exponent n and f is function that represent number of multiplication in terms of
exponent n. So complexity of the algorithm will be O(log2 n) As n can be
representation in binary by using maximum of s bits i.e n=2 s which further implies
s= O(log2 n)

From the above discussion we can conclude that the complexity for left to right
binary exponentiation and right to left binary exponentiation is logarithmic in terms
of exponent n.

Check Your Progress 3

1. Compute a283 using left to right and right to left binary exponentiation.

Linear Search

Linear search or sequential search is a very simple search algorithm which is

used to search for a particular element in an array. Unlike binary search
algorithm, in linear search algorithm,elements are not arranged in a particular
order. In this type of search, an element is searched in an array sequentially
one by one.If a match is found then that particular item is returned and the
search process stops. Otherwise, the search continues till the end of an array.
The following steps are used in the linear search algorithm:

Linear_ Search( A[ ], X)
Step 1: Initialize i to 1
Step 2: if i exceeds the end of an array then print “element not found” and Exit
Step 3: if A[i] = X then Print “Element X Found at index i in the array”and
Step 4: Increment i and go to Step 2

We are given with a list of items. The following table shows a data set for
linear search:

7 17 3 9 25 18

In the above table of data set, start at the first item/element in the list and
compared with the key. If the key is not at the first position, then we move
Introduction to Algorithms
from the current item to next item in the list sequentially until we either find
what we are looking for or run out of items i.e the whole list of items is
exhausted. If we run out of items or the list is exhausted, we can conclude
that the item we were searching from the list is not present.

The key to be searched=25 from the given data set

In the given data set key 25 is compared with first element i.e7 , they are not
equal then move to next element in the list and key is again compared with
17 , key 25 is not equal to 17. Like this key is compared with element in the
list till either element is found in the list or not found till end of the list. In
this case key element is found in the list and search is successful.

Let us write the algorithm for the linear search process first and then
analyze its complexity.

// a is the list of n elements, key is an element to be searched in the list function


found=false // found is a boolean variable which will store either true or
if (a[i]==key)
found = true
if (i==n)
found =
return found

For the complexity analysis of this algorithm, we will discuss the following

a. best case timeanalysis

b. worst-case timeanalysis
c. average case timeanalysis

To analyze searching algorithms, we need to decide on a basic unit of

computation. This is the common step that must be repeated in order to solve
the problem. For searching, comparison operation is the key operation in the
algorithm so it makes sense to count the number of comparisons performed.
Each comparison may or may not discover the item we are looking for. If the
item is not in the list, the only way to know it is to compare it against every
item present.

Best Case: The best case - we will find the key in the first place we look, at the
Complexity Analysis of
Simple Algorithms
beginning of the list i.e the first comparison returns a match or return found as
true. In this case we only require a single comparison and complexity will be

Worst Case: In worst case either we will find the key at the end of the list or
we may not find the key until the very last comparison i.enth comparison.
Since the search requires n comparisons in the worst case, complexity will be

Average Case: On average, we will find the key about halfway into the list;
that is, we will compare against n/2 data items. However, that as n gets larger,
the coefficients, no matter what they are, become insignificant in our
approximation, so the complexity of the linear search, is O(n). The average
time depends on the probability that the key will be found in the collection -
this is something that we would not expect to know in the majority of cases.
Thus in this case, as in most others, estimation of the average time is of little

If the performance of the system is crucial, i.e. it's part of a life-critical

system, and then we must use the worst case in our design calculations and
complexity analysis as it tends to the best guaranteed performance.

The following table summarizes the above discussed results.

Case Best Case Worst Case Average

item is present O(1) O(n) O(n/2) = O(n)
item is not O(n) O(n) O(n)

However, we will generally be most interested in the worst-case time

calculations as worst-case times can lead to guaranteed performance

Most of the times an algorithm run for the longest period of time as defined in
worst case. Information provide by best case is not very useful. In average
case, it is difficult to determine probability of occurrence of input data set.
Worst case provides an upper bound on performance i.e the algorithm will
never take more time than computed in worse case. So, the worst-case time
analysis is easier to compute and is useful than average time case.


Sorting is the process of arranging a collection of data into either ascending or

descending order. Generally the output is arranged in sorted order so that it can
be easily interpreted. Sometimes sorting at the initial stages increases the
performances of an algorithm while solving a problem.

Sorting techniques are broadly classified into two categories:

Introduction to Algorithms

- Internal Sort: - Internal sorts are the sorting algorithms in which the
complete data set to be sorted is available in the computer’s main memory.

- External Sort: - External sorting techniques are used when the collection
of complete data cannot reside in the main memory but must reside in
secondary storage for example on a disk.

In this section we will discuss only internal sorting algorithms. Some of the
internal sorting algorithms are bubble sort, insertion sort and selection sort.
For any sorting algorithm important factors that contribute to measure their
efficiency are the size of the data set and the method/operation to move the
different elements around or exchange the elements. So counting the
number of comparisons and the number of exchanges made by an algorithm
provides useful performance measures. When sorting large set of data, the
number of exchanges made may be the principal performance criterion,
since exchanging two records will involve a lot of time.

Bubble Sort

It is the simplest sorting algorithm in which each pair of adjacent elements is

compared and exchanged if they are not in order. This algorithm is not
recommended for use for a bigger size array because its average and worst
case complexity are of Ο(n2) where n is the number of elements in an
array.This algorithm is known as bubble sort, because the largest element
in the given unsorted array, bubbles up towards the last place in every
cycle/pass .

. A list of numbers is given as input that needs to be sorted. Let us explain

the process of sorting via bubble sort with the help of following Tables:

First Pass
23 18 15 37 8 11
18 23 15 37 8 11
18 15 23 37 8 11
18 15 23 37 8 11
18 15 23 8 37 11
18 15 23 8 11 37
Second Pass
18 15 23 8 11 37
15 18 23 8 11 37
15 18 23 8 11 37
15 18 8 23 11 37
15 18 8 11 23 37

15 18 8 11 23 37
15 18 8 11 23 37
15 8 18 11 23 37
15 8 11 18 23 37
Third Pass
15 8 11 18 23 37

Complexity Analysis of
Simple Algorithms 8 15 11 18 23 37
8 11 15 18 23 37
Fourth Pass
8 11 15 18 23 37
8 11 15 18 23 37
Fifth Pass
8 11 15 18 23 37

In this the given list is divided into two sub list sorted and unsorted. The
largest element is bubbled from the unsorted list to the sorted sub list. After
each iteration/pass size of unsorted keep on decreasing and size of sorted
sub list gets on increasing till all element of the list comes in the sorted list.
With the list of n elements, n-1 pass/iteration are required to sort. Let us
discuss the result of iteration shown in above tables.

In pass 1, first and second element of the data set i.e 23 and 18 are compared
and as 23 is greater than 18 so they are swapped. Then second and third
element will be compared i.e 23 and 15, again 23 is greater than 15 so
swapped. Now 23 and 37 is compared and 23 is less than 37 so no swapping
take place. Then 37 and 8 is compared and 37 is greater than 8 so swapping
take place. At the end 37 is compared with 11 and again swapped. As a result
largest element of the given data set i.e 37 is bubbled at the last position in the
array. At each pass the largest element among the remaining elements in the
unsorted array bubbles up towards the sorted part of the array as shown in the
table above. This process will continue till n-1 passes.
The first version of the algorithm for above sorting method is as below:
Bubble Sort Algorithm- Version1

// A is the list of n elements to be

sorted function bubblesort (A,n)

int i,j
for ( i= 1 to n-1
for (j = 0 to n-2
if (A[j]>A[j+1])
// swapping of two adjacent elements of an array A
exchange (A[j], A[j+1])


Let us do complexity analysis of bubble sort algorithm:

We will perform the worst case analysis of the algorithm. Assume that in the
worst case scenario the exchange operation inside the loop will take constant
amount of time (O(1)). There are two loops in the algorithm. Both the outer
and inner loops will execute n-1 times. Therefore the total running time T(n)
Introduction to Algorithms
will be:

T(n) = (n-1)(n-1)* C( constant time required for simple statements like

T(n) = C𝑛2 -2Cn + 1

If the worst time ( big oh) complexity of the algorithm is expressed in

polynomial expression, we consider(i) the highest order in the expression and
(ii) do not consider the constant value in the final value. Therefore

T(n)= O(𝑛2 )

Let us reanalyze the above algorithm to improve the running time algorithm
further. From the example it is visible that the Bubble sort algorithm divides
the array into unsorted and sorted sub-arrays. The inner loop rescans the
sorted sub- array in each cycle, although there will not be any exchange of
adjacent elements. The modified version (version 2) of the algorithm
overcomes this problem:

Version -2

function Bubble Sort(A,n)

int i,j
for ( i= 1 to n-1)
for (j = 0 to n-i-1)
// swapping of two adjacent elements of an array A
exchange(A[j], A[j+1])


There will be no change in the number of iterations i.e. n-2 iterations in the
first pass, but in the second pass it will be n-3, in the third pass it will be n-4
iterations and so on. In this case too, the complexity remains to be O(𝑛2 ) but
the number of exchange operations will be less. This requires further
improvement of the algorithm.

In some cases there is no need of running n-1 passes in the outer loop. The
array might be sorted in less than that. The following is the modified version
(Version -3) of the algorithm

Complexity Analysis of
Simple Algorithms function Bubble Sort(A,n)

int i,j
for ( i= 1 to n-1)
flag = 0;
for (j = 0 to n-i-1)
// swapping of two adjacent elements of an array A
exchange( A[j], A[j+1])
flag = 1;
if (flag = = 0)

In case there is no swapping, flag will remain set to 0 and the algorithm will

stop running.

Time Complexity

In the modified algorithm, the inner loop will execute at least once to verify

that the array is sorted but not (n-i-1) times.Therefore the time complexity

will be:

T(n) = C* (n-1)

= O(n)


In this unit after making a brief review of asymptotic notations, complexity

analysis of simple algorithms inillustrated simple summation, matrix
multiplication, polynomial evaluation, searching and sorting. Horner’s rule is
discussed to evaluate the polynomial and its complexity is O(n). Basic matrix
multiplication is explained for finding product of two matrices of order nxn
with time complexity in the order of O(n3). For exponent evaluation both
approaches i.e left to right binary exponentiation and right to left binary

Introduction to Algorithms
exponentiation is illustrated. Time complexity of these algorithms to compute
xn is O(log n).

Different versions of bubble sort algorithm are presented and its performance
analysis is done at the end.


Check Your Progress 1

1. A polynomial is an expression that contains more than two terms. A term

comprises of a coefficient and an exponent.
Example: P(x) = 15x3+7x2+9x+7

general form of a polynomial of degree n is


2. Show the steps of Horner’s rule for p(x)= 3x4+2x3-5x+7 at x=2

poly=0 , array a[5]={7,-5,0,2,3}

Iteration 1,
poly = x * 0 + a[4] = 3

Iteration 2,
poly = x * 3 + a[3] = 2 * 3 + 2 = 6 +2 = 8

Iteration 3,
poly = x * 8 + a[2]
= 2 * 8 + 0 = 16 + 0 = 16

Iteration 4,
poly = x * 16 + a[1]
= 2 * 16 + (-5) = 32 -5 = 27

Iteration 5,
poly = x * 27 + a[0]
= 2 * 27 + 7 = 54 + 7 = 61

3. A basic (general) algorithm:

/* a is an array with polynomial coefficient, n is degree of polynomial, x is the

point at which polynomial will be evaluated */

function(a[n], n, x)

poly = 0;

for ( i=0; i<= n; i++)

Complexity Analysis of
Simple Algorithms
result =1;
for (j=0; j<i; j++)

result= result * x;

poly= poly + result *a[i];

return poly.

Time Complexity of above basic algorithm is O(𝑛2 ) where n is the degree of

the polynomial. Time complexity of the Horner’s rule algorithm is O(n) for a
polynomial of degree n. Basic algorithm is inefficient algorithm in
comparison to Horner’s rule method for evaluating a polynomial.

Check Your Progress 2

1. C program to find two matrices A[3x3] and B[3x3]

int main()

int a[3][3],b[3][3],c[3][3],i,j,k,sum=0;

printf("\nEnter the First matrix->");

printf("\nEnter the Second matrix->");
printf("\nThe First matrix is\n");
printf("\nThe Second matrix is\n");

for (j=0;j<3;j++)
Introduction to Algorithms

printf("\nThe multiplication of two matrix is\n");
return 0;
Check Your Progress 3

1. Left to right binary exponentiation for a 283 is as follows:

n=283, binary equivalent to binary string 100011011, s=9 (length of binary string)
result = a

Iteration no. i Bit result

1 7 0 a2
2 6 0 a4
3 5 0 a8
4 4 1 (a8 )2*a= a17
5 3 1 (a17 )2*a= a35
6 2 0 (a35 )2= a70
7 1 1 (a70 )2*a= a141
8 0 1 (a141 )2*a= a283

Right to left binary exponentiation for a 283is as follows: n=283, binary equivalent to
binary string 100011011, s=9 (length of binary string)
result = a (since A[0]=1)

Iteration no. i Bit x result

1 1 1 a2 a *a2 = a3
2 2 0 a4 a3
3 3 1 a8 a3 * a8= a11
4 4 1 (a8 )2 a16 * a11= a27
5 5 0 (a16 )2 (a27 )
6 6 0 (a32 )2 a27
7 7 0 (a64 )2 a27
8 8 1 (a128)2 (a256 )* a27= a283


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