PDP Suprateek 62310776

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Course Name : LEAD

Assignment Title : Leadership Development Program: Personal Development Plan (PDP)

Submitted By : Suprateek Bose

(student name or group name)

Student Name PGID

Suprateek Bose 62310776


Abilities Mission

Positive To join an operations consulting organization

such as Kearney
- High degree of discipline
- Confidence
- Patience
- Resilience


- Overly cautious and a low risk taker

- Low trust levels
- Low levels of altruism
- Low levels of empathy

Perception of Others Standards the org expects to be met[derived

from Kearney’s website]
- Displays critical thinking
- Innovative thinking - Curiosity – prospective employees are
- Build positive work relationships expected to come up with innovative
- Collaboration solutions
- Generosity – prospective employees
are expected to display humility and a
sense of service
- Boldness – employees are expected to
- Should stop underutilizing team possess a certain degree of risk
members appetite to try out unconventional
- Inability to communicate bad news solutions
- Influencing without authority - Solidarity – Employees are expected
to put the needs of their team above
oneself – team success is of paramount

Objectives: What do Actions: What Implementation: Success criteria:

I want to be able to methods will I use to How will I practice How will I recognize
do or do better? achieve my learning and apply what I success? How will I
objectives? learn? review and measure
my improvement?

Influence without Participating in group Take part in sports / Participate as an

authority activities that will social activities as the event coordinator in
allow me to influence event coordinator. at least 1 marquee
consensus building. event
Write op-eds on
Write blogs / articles events in the world of Publish at least 3 op-
on issues to influence sports or events that eds on topics of my
opinions. happen at ISB areas of interest
(similar to a school

Delegate and utilize Leading a team Leading one of the Successfully train and
team members within the institute governing bodies empower team
effectively (preferably finance) members in the
Taking electives within the institute finance council to
based on team discharge duties with
organization and Taking the elective minimal intervention.
delegation practices “Managing Teams”
Score in the upper
quartile in the
elective “Managing
Develop altruism Take part in social Engage in pro-bono Create impact by
causes consulting projects in devising solutions to
an area of interest developmental

Impact should extend

to at least a 1000
people (arbitrary
target – subject to
change basis depth of
problem statement)
Improve risk taking Take part in an Tryout for the Take part in the
ability activity far from my standup comedy club auditions or an open
comfort zone – evaluate whether mic – just to build
there is a capability to confidence
give regular
Develop clear and Utilize the public Become a part of the Attend at least 90%
straight-forward speaking Toastmaster’s club of the toastmaster
communication opportunities meetings and actively
available on campus take part in the public
speaking activities

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