Discuss W Teams
Discuss W Teams
Discuss W Teams
In large teams where everyone does When there is a large team, which is supervised by comparatively
similar work few Managers/ Supervisors the team based discussion can replace
individual performance discussions.
The outcome of a team performance planning discussion is a team
performance plan which:
• sets expectations of behaviour across the team,
• helps everyone be clear on what tasks, projects or responsibilities
the team has
• allows everyone to decide if they need any development to help
the team ‘get where it needs to go’
• is signed by all team members.
Once a plan is developed, the team can meet to review it (after 6
months is suggested) and then meet again (after another six months)
to assess how successful they were at achieving what was agreed in
the plan.
In addition to individual performance Team members can be involved in planning the team’s work and
plans priorities or reviewing its performance. This usually happens before
individual performance discussions.
The outcome may be a team plan which is used as the basis for
developing individuals’ performance plans.
The outcomes of team performance discussions can be recorded by adapting the Templates for Recording Performance
Discussions to suit a group of people rather than an individual.
During the discussion • Open the discussion by setting the scene and context:
»» purpose of the discussion
»» where the team is at – e.g. what the priorities and challenges are.
“The purpose of the discussion is to involve everyone in clarifying our priorities and goals,
how we will do our work and the knowledge and skills we need to be effective. It’s an
opportunity for us all to be clear on how we contribute and what is expected of us.”
• Make sure everyone has an opportunity to speak:
»» you may wish to set some ground-rules for the discussion
For example – all contributions are valuable, any question is OK, only one person
to speak at a time.
»» Make sure you don’t dominate the conversation. If people aren’t talking - ask
questions and invite comments:
“What does everyone think about doing it this way next year…” “Does anyone
have an idea about how we can tackle X”
Some people are more comfortable talking in small groups than the whole team,
some people may prefer to listen than talk.
• Don’t single out anyone with feedback. Keep talking about the group as a whole,
ie, “We really do well at this…But I think we could improve on that. . .”
• Keep a record of the key points, what has been agreed and
follow-up actions
After the discussion • Prepare a summary of the discussion using the Template for Recording Team
Performance Discussions.
• Ask everyone to sign a copy
Our strategic priorities • What elements of our higher level business plan will we be responsible for, or
and goals - how do we contribute to?
contribute to higher level
Our outputs, projects and • What are our objectives, responsibilities and key activities for the year ahead?
deliverables - what will • What elements of our work are we going to focus on improving this year?
our main work be?
• Who is responsible for each of the outputs, projects and deliverables?
Our conduct and • What values or behaviours will be particularly relevant to our role? Refer to:
behaviours - how will we »» ACTPS Code of Conduct, Values and Signature Behaviours
do our work and interact
with others? »» Talking about Behaviours in Performance Discussions: A Guide for Employees and
»» directorate or team values or codes of conduct
»» professional standards or codes of conduct
»» the RED Framework.
• In what ways are we going to improve how we do our jobs this year?
Knowledge and Skills - • What skills and knowledge will be important to our role this year?
what do we need to do • What skills and knowledge do we already have in the team?
our job well?
• What are the gaps?
• What learning and development activities will we undertake this year?
• How will we learn from each other?
• How will our new skills and knowledge be applied?
How will we review our • How will we keep a track of how we are going?
performance? • When will we meet next to review our performance?
What has changed since What changes have occurred since the performance planning discussion OR our last
we developed our plan? review discussion in relation to:
• our outputs, projects and deliverables
• our conduct and behaviours
• how we will assess our performance
• learning and development
• support required
• performance discussions.
What changes need to be made to our plan?
What has been done • What has gone particularly well or better than expected?
well? • What impact has this had?