Manager Handbook
Manager Handbook
Manager Handbook
State Managers
Published by the
Massachusetts Human Resources Division
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Manager Handbook
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 3
Introduction 6
Disclaimer 7
Section 3 Budget 20
State Finance Law 20
Budgetary Process 20
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Topic Page number
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Topic Page number
Appendix I: Receipt for Manager Handbook 49
Appendix II: Manager Code of Conduct 50
Appendix III: Receipt for Manager Code of Conduct 51
Appendix IV: Contact Information 52
Appendix V: References/Websites 54
Appendix VI List of Collective Bargaining Agreements 58
Appendix VII: Contact information sheet for the agency 63
Appendix VIII: Index 64
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
“I can assure you, public service is a stimulating, proud and lively enterprise. It is
not just a way of life, it is a way to live fully.” - Lee H. Hamilton
The Manager Handbook was compiled by an inter-agency task force, including representatives
from the Human Resources Division who met on a regular basis for several months. Our intent
is to provide a central source of accurate information for new managers, an overview of
policies and the special responsibilities that shape your role as a leader in the Commonwealth’s
management team.
The purpose of this Handbook is to help guide and support Massachusetts state managers in
carrying out their duties and responsibilities. There is a myriad of laws, rules, regulations,
policies, and procedures (collective bargaining agreements, Red Book, Gray Book etc.) that
managers must know and incorporate into their daily work. This Handbook provides a general
overview; and it is not intended to be the definitive source for all your public management
Before you review this Manager Handbook, it is critical that you first read the New
Employee Orientation Guide. The Guide provides an introduction to state government and
various human resource policies and procedures, essential information all employees need in
order to navigate the complexities of state government and be effective in their careers. A
significant amount of material is covered in the Guide that is not covered in this Handbook. The
link to the New Employee Orientation materials is:
You can also visit then look under “HR Policies” for the “New Employee
Orientation Kit” link . Using both resources should prepare you with the tools necessary to meet
the challenge of providing strong leadership to your state agency.
Please consult your supervisor if you have any questions or concerns. Your supervisor can refer
you to your agency resources on the specific issues. We hope you find this Handbook
informative and your leadership career with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts both
challenging and rewarding. Please send comments, edits, and suggestions by e-mail to:
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
This Handbook does not purport to contain all of the information about the topics covered.
Reference sources have been provided wherever possible for more detailed information about a
particular topic.
The topics covered in this Handbook discuss statewide policies and practices. In many cases,
your agency may have specific policies and practices that are not contained in this Handbook.
All statements contained herein are accurate as of the date of publication of this Handbook.
While efforts will be made to update information when changes occur, there may be occasions
when a policy or practice has been revised and the change is not yet reflected here. It is
important to note that the latest policy and/or practice will prevail, even if it is not the one
represented in the Handbook.
The Human Resources Division will be responsible for providing periodic updates to this
material. If you have questions or are unable to find answers to your questions in this Handbook
or if you believe information has been changed and the Handbook has not been updated
accordingly, please notify your supervisor or human resources representative or send an email to:
This Handbook is not an employment contract and the contents herein may be changed
unilaterally at any time. This Handbook only applies to Executive Branch managers.
Additional Information:
Manager Code of Conduct
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Each agency has a designated person who The Massachusetts Public Records Law
serves in the official role of handling public provides that every person has an absolute
records or FOIA requests. Each agency may right of access to public information. This
have established its own protocol on how right of access includes the right to inspect,
these requests are handled internally. If you copy or have copies of records provided upon
ever receive a records request from the press, the payment of a reasonable fee.
general public, or other entity, please consult
the appropriate official for guidance before The Massachusetts General Laws broadly
releasing any information. define “public records” to include all
documentary materials or data, regardless of
In August 2007, The Office of the physical form or characteristics, which are
Comptroller and the Human Resources made or received by any officer or employee
Division issued the Payroll Records of any Massachusetts governmental entity. As
Exemption Policy. This policy allows for a result, all photographs, papers and
public records exemptions for victims of electronic storage media including electronic
adjudicated crimes, domestic violence, mail of which a governmental employee is the
sexual assault and rape. Each department is “custodian” constitute “public records.”
responsible for notifying employees of the
availability of the new Public Records There are, however, a limited number of
Exemption Form. narrowly construed exemptions to this broad
definition of “public records.” Examples of
some records that could be exempt from
The Manager Code of Conduct (Section 8.03) disclosure under the public records statute
also provides guidance on this issue: “All include: personnel or medical files and inter-
requests for public records should be directed agency or intra-agency documents relating to
to the appointing authority or his or her policy positions being developed by an
designee who shall determine whether the agency. Home address and home phone
requested documents are public records in numbers of state employees may also be
accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 4, section 7, exempt from disclosure except to authorized
clause 26. unions or criminal justice agencies. For
specific details on what is exempt please refer
Employees must refer all requests for public to the Secretary of State’s publications noted
records to their appointing authority, or a at the bottom of this section or consult your
person or office designated by the appointing own agency expert on the issue.
authority, for response. Employees are not
permitted to make decisions on their own as Each custodian shall comply with a public
to whether a record is a “public record” as records request as soon as practicable and
defined by law, unless they are authorized to within ten calendar days. Requests for public
do so by the appointing authority.” records may be oral or written.
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
A Guide to the Massachusetts Public Records Commonwealth and may be accessed by your
Law Employer at any time.
guide.pdf Providing Information to a Union
Please see Section 10: Duty to Furnish
Condensed Guide to Public Records Law Information which provides guidance on this issue. Link: Duty_to_furnish
Personnel Records
M.G.L. Chapter 4, section 7(26) Confidential or restricted information
M.G.L. Chapter 66, section 10(a) contained in an official Personnel File may be disclosed only to persons authorized by law for official purposes.
All inquiries for references or employment
Manager Code of Conduct verification should be directed to your Human Resources office. While there is no official
files/manager-code-of-conduct.rtf state policy on providing reference
information or job verification for current or
former employees, please follow the
Records Retention recommendations below. Should you receive
Records need to be retained according to the an inquiry from another organization
guidelines published and periodically updated requesting a reference please ask the inquirer
by the Secretary of State. to fax, email, or mail you a request containing
the following:
A state employee may not dispose of any
agency records randomly. Retention The inquirer’s name and organization.
schedules may be accessed through the Name of employee.
Secretary of State’s website. The information the inquirer would
like to verify.
Please consult with your Director of An employee’s job title, job description, dates
Administration/Operations for information of employment and salary are considered
on how this policy is handled in your agency. public information and can be divulged to a
third party.
Additional Information:
Secretary of State Public Records Division If the inquirer needs more than dates of
website employment, title, and salary, you may request that the current or former employee
sign a waiver of consent form.
Massachusetts Statewide Records Retention
Schedule Accepting phone calls for references or employment verifications is not
rmurds/0707.doc recommended due to the difficulty of
confirming the identity of the caller.
Expectation of Privacy
Please be aware that objects and areas in In the event an agency chooses to release
which you may keep personal belongings, information when a waiver has been received,
including but not limited to desks, filing please ensure there is adequate documentation
cabinets, email, telephones, voicemail
messages, and lockers, are the property of the
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
in the personnel file to confirm the exercise, the right, with respect to agency
information that is released. ITRs, to inspect any user’s computer, any data
contained in it, and any data sent or received
Use of State Resources by that computer. Users of agency ITRs
The Commonwealth’s Information should be aware that network administrators,
Technology Resources (ITRs) include in order to ensure proper network operations,
computers, printers and other peripherals, routinely monitor network traffic. Use of
programs, data, local and wide area networks, agency ITRs constitutes express consent for
and the Internet. ITRs are the property of the the agency to monitor and/or inspect any data
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. that users create or receive, any messages
they send or receive, and any web sites that
The Executive Office for Administration and they access.
Finance (ANF) has issued an Acceptable Use
Policy (AUP) governing the use of ITRs Please note that sending an email or a fax
owned by ANF agencies. The AUP is a from a work computer is the equivalent of
“floor” policy whose minimal provisions are putting the information on official agency
effective in all Executive Department letterhead. Therefore, use caution as emails,
agencies but agencies are free to adopt more faxes, records of phone calls made and
restrictive policies regarding ITR use, and received, and Internet sites visited can be
some have done so. Under the AUP, use of considered public information and can be
agency ITRs by any employee or contractor reviewed not only by your agency but also
constitutes acceptance of the terms of the any third party who requests the
AUP and any more restrictive policies information. If the information is not job-
adopted by agencies. Users of agency ITRs related, or you would not feel comfortable
are responsible for reading the AUP and any having your manager or the general public
additional more restrictive policies adopted by read it, STOP and do not send the
the agency that owns the ITR. information or visit the website. In addition,
once you send a fax or an email, you have
The AUP addresses user responsibility, no control over where the information gets
acceptable and unacceptable uses of ITRs, sent or posted, and it could wind up in the
data confidentiality, copyright protection, local press. Please be prudent.
computer viruses, network security, and email
use. IT also addresses the issue of privacy. Additional Information:
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
Employees should note that, under the AUP,
users (authorized and unauthorized) of the policies_standards/acceptableuse.pdf
Commonwealth’s ITRs have no explicit or
implicit expectation of privacy. Under the
AUP, agencies retain the right, and when
reasonable and in pursuit of legitimate needs "Let the public service be a proud and lively
for supervision, control, and the efficient and career.” - John F. Kennedy
proper operation of the workplace, will
Section 2: Federal and Statewide
Please contact the federal government agency
Policies, Employment Laws, and
you deal with for additional information.
Agencies that are recipients of federal grants
may have other requirements under OFCCP
(U.S. Office of Federal Contract Compliance
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Affirmative Action, Diversity and Equal providing final sign-off on the hiring
Opportunity paperwork.
Massachusetts is an Affirmative Action, Equal
Opportunity Employer. We have established It is mandatory that all state employees
the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity receive training in diversity. Please work
with a mission to carry out the Governor’s with your agency human resources office to
mandate to ensure practices of non- ensure that you and your staff receive this
discrimination and equal opportunity in order training as soon as practicable.
to attract, hire, retain and promote a diverse
workforce within the Commonwealth. Additional Information:
Diversity is covered under Executive Order Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity
478. Website: Visit then
see ” Employment, Equal Access, Disability”
Diversity encompasses more than Affirmative then “Diversity, Access, and Opportunity”
Action and EEO programs, which are tools to
achieve our goal. Diversity entails creating
an inclusive work environment where people
of all races, creeds, colors and national Phone: 617-727-7441
origins, individuals with disabilities, women,
gays, lesbians, and older persons feel
welcomed, valued, and respected. When an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
agency values the individual differences and The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
viewpoints of its workforce, diversity of 1990 was enacted to address the problem
becomes an organizational strength that gives of discrimination against individuals with
us a competitive advantage in the disabilities in areas such as employment,
marketplace. The more diverse our applicants housing, public accommodations, education,
and employees are, the better able we are to transportation, communication, health
serve the citizens of the Commonwealth. services and access to public services. The
ADA seeks to dispel stereotypes and
There are many federal laws and state assumptions about disabilities, and to ensure
Executive orders protecting the rights of all equal opportunity, full participation,
individuals. independent living and economic self-
sufficiency for disabled people.
Each agency has a designated Diversity
Officer, a highly placed person who reports A disability is defined in part as having a
directly to the Agency Head. The role of the physical or mental impairment that
Diversity Officer is to implement all elements substantially limits one or more major life
of the agency’s Equal Opportunity and activities or being regarded as having such
Affirmative Action programs, including the impairment as a result of the attitudes of
day-to-day responsibilities for its others toward such impairment. Under the
development, coordination and monitoring. ADA, employers have a responsibility to
provide reasonable accommodations to
The Diversity Officer also has a role in the qualified individuals with disabilities to help
hiring process, reviewing the job posting prior them perform the essential functions of a job,
to its placement on CEO, reviewing the as long as such provision does not impose
applicant pool for diversity, and reviewing the undue hardship on the operation of the
process at various stages to ensure the program or agency.
requirements contained in the agency’s
Affirmative Action Plan have been met, and Please consult your ADA Coordinator or
human resources office if you have an
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
applicant or employee who has asked for Additional Information:
some type of accommodation. If you need
an accommodation yourself or have an
employee with medical issues that are
affected by ADA, please also consult with Conflict of Interest
your HR office for guidance. The conflict of interest law, M.G.L. Chapter
268A, is intended to prevent, among other
Additional Information: things, self-dealing. Section 6 of the conflict
Massachusetts Office on Disability of interest law generally prohibits a state employee (paid or unpaid, appointed or
Contact information is in Appendix IV elected, full-time or part-time) from
participating in any particular matter in which
Campaign and Political Finance the state employee, an immediate family
The Campaign Finance Law (M.G.L. Chapter member, a partner, or a business organization
55) does not prohibit public employees from with which the employee has affiliations, has
engaging in political activity, as long as such a financial interest.
activity: 1) is not undertaken during work
hours or otherwise uses public resources, and The Massachusetts conflict of interest law
2) does not include soliciting or receiving (M.G.L. Chapter 268A) prohibits all state,
political contributions. county, and municipal public employees,
whether compensated or not, from:
The Campaign Finance Law (M.G.L. Chapter
55) prohibits all compensated state, county, Using any public resources or facilities, or
and municipal employees from: the state seal or coat of arms, for
campaign purposes.
Selling tickets to a political fundraiser or
otherwise soliciting or collecting Engaging in any campaign activities
contributions in any manner, such as by during their normal public working hours.
phone or mail. (For appointed employees) Soliciting
Serving as treasurer of a political campaign contributions or services, or
committee. anything else of substantial value, from
subordinate employees, vendors they
Allowing the employee’s name to be used
oversee, or anyone within their regulatory
in a solicitation letter or in fundraising
phone calls.
Helping identify people to be targeted for Representing a campaign (or anyone else)
in connection with some matter in which
political fundraising.
the employee's own level of government
Using public resources for political
(state or local) has a direct and substantial
campaign purposes, such as influencing
interest (unless they are "special
the nomination or election of a candidate
employees” as defined by M.G.L. Ch
or the passage or defeat of a ballot
268A, section 1(o).
The following actions are prohibited:
If you have any questions about the
Asking for or accepting anything
appropriateness of your activity or the
(regardless of its value), if it is offered
activities of your staff, please consult the
in exchange for your agreeing to
Office of Campaign and Political Finance or
perform or not perform an official act
the State Ethics Commission (see contact
information in Appendix IV) or your Asking for or accepting anything
agency’s legal counsel, or refer to these web worth $50 or more from anyone with
sites. whom you have official dealings;
accepting honoraria for a speech that
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
is in any way related to your official Statement of Financial Interests (SFI)
duties, unless you are a state legislator Certain public employees (those identified by
Hiring, promoting, supervising, or agencies as key policymakers) are required to
otherwise participating in the file a Statement of Financial Interests form for
employment of your immediate family the preceding calendar year with the State
or your spouse's immediate family Ethics Commission within thirty days after
Taking any type of official action becoming a public employee, on or before
which will affect the financial interests May first of each year thereafter that such
of your immediate family or your person is a public employee and on or before
spouse's immediate family May first of the year after such person ceases
Taking any official action affecting to be a public employee; provided, however,
your own financial interest, or the that no public employee shall be required to
financial interest of a business partner, file a statement of financial interests for the
private employer, or any organization year in which he ceased to be a public
for which you serve as an officer, employee if he served less than thirty days in
director or trustee such year. Check with your Human
In general, having more than one job Resources office to see if you need to file a
with the same municipality or county, SFI. Please ensure that you and your staff
or more than one job with the state. are in full compliance of any filing or
Exemptions may apply so contact the disclosure requirements. Before you engage
State Ethics Commission for advice. in any activity which may violate the Conflict
Having a financial interest in a of Interest Laws of the Commonwealth, you
contract with your public employer should request an opinion from the State
Representing anyone but your public Ethics Commission.
employer in any matter in which your
public employer has an interest “Management is doing things right;
Disclosing confidential information, leadership is doing the right things.” -Peter
data or material which you gained or F. Drucker
learned as a public employee
Using public resources for political or Additional Information:
private purposes. Examples of "public Ethics Primer – Code of Conduct
resources" include: office computers,
phones, fax machines, postage mach- and-training-resources/info-section-7/
ines, copiers, official cars, staff time, primers/state-primers/the-code-of-
sick time, uniforms, and official seals. conduct.html
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Office of Campaign and Political
to handle these complex matters in a
Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and sensitive way.
Stalking Policy
The Commonwealth, under Executive Order Drug-Free Workplace Policy
491, has a zero tolerance policy for domestic In a good faith effort to comply with the
violence, sexual assault, and stalking federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, the
including incidents that happen on an Commonwealth seeks to ensure a safe,
employee’s own time off state property. The healthy, and productive work environment for
policy defines domestic violence, sexual all employees. Employees of state agencies
assault, and stalking leave allowances for receiving federal grant funding must accept
victims, disciplinary action for perpetrators, all of the conditions required by the federal
and workplace security measures and training government regarding controlled substances.
procedures to mitigate the disruptive nature
these conditions cause when the consequences Managers have an obligation to ensure that
affect the workplace. this policy is adhered to. A drug-free
Each agency establishes its own domestic workplace is pivotal to a productive, safe,
violence, sexual assault, and stalking policy and healthy work environment. If you
utilizing HRD’s model policy as a guideline. suspect that an employee may not be
adhering to this policy, please contact your
Additional Information: human resources department.
See Section 12 of this Handbook
Additional Information:
Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Office of the Comptroller
Stalking in the Workplace Policy Annual Memo
prevention/domestic-violence-sexual- legislatively-mandated/legislatively-
assault.doc mandated-reports.html
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
corrective action was taken when such actions ensuring that her/his conduct does not
became known. Additionally, the sexually harass any other employee,
Commonwealth may be responsible for acts applicant for employment, or other
of sexual harassment by non-employees individual in the workplace;
within its control. Agency heads, managers cooperating in the investigation of
and supervisory staff are responsible for: informal reporting or formal
complaints of alleged sexual
providing each employee with a copy harassment by providing any
of the Commonwealth's policy on information she/he possesses
sexual harassment; concerning the matters being
informing employees that sexual investigated; and
harassment is prohibited conduct otherwise cooperating with the
which is not to be tolerated or Commonwealth's efforts to prevent
condoned and will result in and eliminate sexual harassment and
disciplinary action; to maintain a working environment
developing and implementing free from such unlawful conduct.
procedures for receiving,
investigating, and resolving informal Sanctions
complaints or reports of alleged sexual Any employee found to have engaged in
harassment within their respective sexual harassment in violation of this policy is
offices, and informing their employees subject to disciplinary action up to and
of these procedures; including termination of employment.
advising employees of the sanctions
imposed for engaging in sexual Additional Information:
harassment, and of their right to See your agency-specific policy
complain about harassment to the Title VII of the Federal Civil Rights
agency head or her /his designee; Act of 1964
informing employees that it is M.G.L. Chapter 151B, as inserted by
advisable to report, in a timely Chapter 278 of the Acts of 1996
fashion, conduct which they believe to
be sexual harassment; and l-151b-toc.htm
informing the agency head or the Executive Orders 398 and 442
agency sexual harassment officer
immediately upon receiving notice of mass/eo/eotext/EO398.txt
an allegation.
The agency sexual harassment officer is
responsible for taking appropriate action
Memo on Sexual Harassment Policy
to investigate the allegation. The agency
head will be responsible for taking
immediate and appropriate corrective
action, including disciplinary actions, with
Sexual Harassment Policy
respect to employees engaging in such
prohibited behavior.
Employee Harassment
Sunshine Policy
Each employee of the Commonwealth is
The Sunshine Policy was devised and
personally responsible for:
implemented to ensure that the citizens of the
Commonwealth have full confidence in their
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
government and its hiring process. Under this Please work with your agency human
policy all Executive Branch candidates who resources director to ensure that you and
are hired into positions on or after January 9, your staff receive this training as soon as
2003 are asked to complete a disclosure form practicable. The Human Resources
listing any members of their immediate Division’s Director of Workplace and
family and those who are related through Domestic Violence Prevention is available to
marriage with an immediate family member assist agencies with policy and training
who are working for the Commonwealth. development and delivery. To schedule
Any employees hired prior to January 9, 2003 training for your agency through HRD,
are not required to disclose this information. please contact Imad Sandakly at (617) 878-
This disclosure is not used to exclude any 9821
qualified candidates.
If you or one of your employees is aware of a
Additional Information: workplace violence incident or actions that may lead to workplace violence, you are
policies/files/sunshine-pol-memo.doc responsible for immediately contacting your
Executive Order 444 human resources office for confidential expert assistance. Your HR office is trained
source/mass/eo/eotext/EO444.txt to handle these complex matters in a
proactive way.
Please consult your manager to see what Bureau of State Office Buildings
procedures are in place at your agency and Emergency Information website
whether your services would generally be Visit then Property
required during a state of emergency. Management & Construction > Facilities
Management & Maintenance > State Office
COOP/COG or the Continuity of Operations Buildings > Massachusetts State House >
Plan/Continuity of Government is a plan to Security, Safety, & Parking >
ensure that essential government services are Emergency phone numbers
not interrupted in the event of an extended How to handle bomb threats
emergency, such as an influenza pandemic. A Tips on preventing workplace violence
COOP identifies essential services, agency Emergency and evacuation
leads, delegations of authority and other key instructions for:
pieces of information critical to the o The State House
maintenance of services during an extended o McCormack Building
emergency. Each agency has a written o Lindemann/ Hurley Building
COOP/COG plan that includes an addendum
o Springfield State Office
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Section 3: Budget
“A leader takes people where they want to
go. A great leader takes people where they Please consult with your agency’s Chief
don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to Fiscal Officer (CFO) if you have any
be.” - Rosalynn Carter questions on budgets, expenses, signing
official documents, and negotiating or
signing contracts.
Budgetary Process
The Governor's budget is traditionally called
“House 1” (H.1) but in the second year of the
Legislative session, the budget is called
“House 2” (H.2).
Additional Information:
Executive Office for Administration and
Finance website
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Comptroller website
House Ways & Means Budget The House Ways and Means Committee reviews this
April budget and then develops its own recommendation.
At this point, the House passes its bill to the Senate. The
Senate Ways & Means Budget Senate Ways & Means Committee reviews that bill and
develops its own recommendation.
Vetoes From there, the Senate passes the bill to the Governor who
has ten days to review and approve it, or make vetoes or
reductions. The Governor may approve or veto the entire
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
budget, or may veto or reduce certain line items or
sections, but may not add anything.
“Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by
results not attributes.”
- Peter Drucker
“The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them.
They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care.
Either case is a failure of leadership.”
– Colin Powell
Comm-PASS: Commonwealth
Section 4: Purchasing Procurement Access and Solicitation
and Procurement
Comm-PASS is the Commonwealth’s electronic
Procurement system that provides buyers with online
Please consult with your
procurement services from the issuance of solicitations to
agency’s Chief Fiscal
contract management. It also provides free access to
Officer (CFO) or
vendors interested in doing business with the
Procurement Officer for
Commonwealth. For vendors who are interested in value
guidance before taking any
added features such as: email notifications of upcoming
action on purchasing,
solicitations, business directory listing, customized desktop
procurement, car rental, or
and online bid response capability. (There is a subscription
disposal of any state
service, SmartBid, available for an annual fee).
Additional Information:
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
http://www.comm- public purchasers, including non-executive departments (Judicial and Legislative branches,
Comm-PASS Helpdesk Independent Authorities, Constitutional Offices,
Phone: 617-720-3197 etc.) and cities and towns.
Email: comm- M.G.L. Chapter 30B applies to cities and towns and county entities of the Commonwealth. OSD has no
oversight authority over this statute or these entities.
Procurement of Goods and Cities and towns frequently purchase off statewide
Services contracts because it saves them time and money
There are several statutes that based on the Commonwealth’s volume purchasing
apply to the procurement of power.
goods and services in the The University of Massachusetts and the
Commonwealth: Commonwealth’s State Colleges and Community
M.G.L. Ch. 7, section Colleges have statutory authority with regard to
22 and M.G.L. procurements up to certain dollar thresholds and for
Chapter 30, sections the purchase of library books, periodicals,
51 and 52 authorize educational supplies and other commodities and
the Operational services without dollar threshold limitations. See
Services Division M.G.L. Ch. 75, section 13, M.G.L. Chapter 73,
(OSD), as the section 15, M.G.L. Chapter 15A, section 24 and
Commonwealth’s 24A. Beyond that, all of their purchases fall under
central procurement OSD’s procurement statutes.
office, to establish the
policies and The Request For Response (RFR) is the document used by
procedures for all Executive Branch Departments to conduct a
Executive Department procurement process and communicate contract
procurements and to performance specifications to all potential bidders. An
competitively bid and RFR is also known as a “solicitation” or “procurement,”
establish statewide and these terms are used interchangeably throughout the
contracts. These procurement process. An online resource, the Procurement
contracts must be Information Center (PIC), is a one-stop resource to better
used by Executive understand the Commonwealth procurement process and
Departments but are requirements.
also available to all
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Executive Branch departments are required to use statewide
contracts if the commodities and/or services they are seeking There are three types of
are available on an existing statewide contract. procurements:
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Standard Sedans, Mini-Vans, 12 Passenger
Environmentally Preferable Products Vans and Alternative Fuel vehicles (Toyota
(EPP) Prius). You are encouraged to reserve the
The Environmentally Preferable Products most economical vehicle available.
(EPP) Procurement Program of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts is Additional Information:
administered by the Operational Services
Division with the support of the Executive
Office of Administration and Finance, oc
Executive Office of Energy and
Environmental Affairs (EEA), and the Surplus Property Program
Department of Environmental Protection The Surplus Property Program (SSP), which
(DEP). is administered by the Operational Services
Division, maximizes the benefits from all
The statewide contracts established by OSD property purchased by the state's departments
under this program designate products and through the oversight, transfer and disposal of
services with minimum specifications for surplus personal property. With the exclusion
recycled content, energy efficiency, water of land and buildings, departments must
conservation, toxic use reduction and waste periodically assess their inventories of
prevention. Cost savings of EPPs are most equipment, supplies, and materials. Surplus
often measured through lower purchase price, property includes, but is not limited to, office
operations and maintenance costs (including equipment and furniture, clothing, vehicles,
energy and water savings) and/or reduced and building materials that exceed
disposal fees. departmental need.
The list of designated EPPs is updated
periodically by OSD, in cooperation with The State Surplus Property Office:
Ensures departmental compliance with
Additional Information: surplus property declarations (Form OSD 25).
Unilaterally declares surplus status for
Commonwealth Rent-A-Car non-compliant departments.
The Operational Services Division/Office of Oversees and authorizes the
Vehicle Management has a contract for Short- distribution, transfer and disposal of
Term Rental of Various Light Duty Vehicles. surplus property.
You will be able to reserve your vehicle(s) Reviews condition codes of surplus
over the Internet at the address below. property assigned by departments.
Notifies eligible entities of surplus
This contract is available to all departments of availability.
the Commonwealth, including constitutional Grants departments’ waiver of surplus
offices, the legislature and judiciary, cities, policies on a case-by-case basis.
towns, counties, political subdivisions of the
Maintains surplus property records.
Commonwealth, including schools,
Acts as the receiving agent for Federal
commissions, institutions of higher education
Surplus Property.
and quasi-public agencies. Each agency is
directly billed for the use of the vehicle.
Additional Information:
The categories of vehicles are Compacts,
Intermediate Sedans, Intermediate Wagons,
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Breaks, and meal times are governed by the
collective bargaining agreements.
Massachusetts law requires that employees
Section 5: Employee Responsibilities
receive a thirty minute unpaid meal break
after six hours of working. Some employees
Please consult your agency human resources
may be free to leave the workplace during the
office for all questions regarding timesheets,
break. (M.G.L. Chapter 149, section 100).
attendance, leaves of absence, absenteeism,
tardiness, overtime, compensatory time,
flextime and alternative work options such Generally, the collective bargaining
as compressed work weeks and agreements require that an employer make
telecommuting, employment-at-will, and the every effort to pay overtime in the pay period
codes of conduct. it was worked. Overtime should be reported
in the same pay period that it issued and
Time and Attendance earned. Failure to pay overtime in a timely
The Human Resources Division (HRD) has manner may be a violation of the Fair Labor
the authority to issue or negotiate policies Standards Act (FLSA). If overtime is reported
governing the tracking of employee time and late, it must be entered into HR/CMS and paid
attendance. Executive Branch agencies must in the following pay period.
follow these policies to ensure compliance
with federal and state laws, regulations, The information above is only a basic
policies and the Human Resources/ summary; please read the following
Compensation Management System documents for further critical details.
(HR/CMS) standards. (HR/CMS is the
application used to process all payroll and Additional Information:
personnel transactions.) Executive Branch HRD’s time and attendance policy
employees, including cabinet secretaries,
division directors, and agency heads, must cies/files/time-attendance-policy.doc
maintain daily time and attendance records, The Red Book “Rules Governing
including an appropriate accounting for leave Paid Leave and Other Benefits for
utilized. Managers and Confidential
The official time and attendance record cies/publications/pol-redbk.rtf
consists of (1) an employee’s confirmation of Collective bargaining agreement(s)
his/her daily time, (2) his/her supervisor’s covering union employees; links are in
approval and (3) its entry in HR/CMS. Appendix VI
FLSA Guide
Total hours worked and leave used by every
employee must be reported in HR/CMS every agency_services/
pay period (not necessarily updated on a daily AS_Manage_Workforce/
basis; updating daily records at one time each Rules_and_Guidelines/flsa.pdf
pay period is acceptable). The record of daily M.G.L. Chapter 149, section 100
time of arrival, departure, lunch periods, etc. regarding meal breaks
may continue to be maintained separately in
paper or electronic form. Falsification of time 49-100.htm
sheets by an employee or their supervisor/
manager may be grounds for discipline up to
and including immediate termination.
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Fair Labor Standards Act, Overtime, and Additional Information:
Compensatory Time Red Book Section 10
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a
federal law establishing minimum wage, blications/pol-redbk.rtf
overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor
standards affecting full-time and part-time Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Guidelines
employees, including employees of state
governments. In general, the FLSA requires S_Manage_Workforce/Rules_and_Guidelines
that employees be paid at least a specified /flsa.pdf
minimum wage for each hour worked and that
employees who work more than a stated U.S. Department of Labor website
number of hours in a work week receive
overtime compensation equivalent to at least
one and one-half times their regular rate of Flextime
pay for the additional hours. The Alternative Work Options Program
(AWO) was established to allow state
Compensatory time in lieu of overtime will employees greater flexibility in their work
not be allowed for managers. Managers’ schedules. The program encompasses various
overtime is governed by the Red Book and scheduling strategies designed to enable
the provisions of the federal Fair Labor employees to balance their personal and work
Standards Act (FLSA) where applicable. responsibilities more easily. The options
M1 – M4: Managers in grades 1-4 (I-IV) are include:
eligible for overtime upon the written Part-time work
approval of the Appointing Authority and the Job sharing
Cabinet Secretary, where applicable. Flextime
M5-M8: Managers in grades 5-8 (M-V to M Staggered work hours
VIII) are not eligible for overtime unless the Telecommuting
position has received prior approval for Intermittent employment
overtime compensation by the Chief Human
Seasonal employment
Resources Officer and the Secretary of
Administration and Finance.
Alternative Work Options may be appropriate
M9-M12: Managers in grades 9-12 (IX- XII)
for employees with young children or elders
and Unclassified Employees are not eligible
needing daily care, employees who are also
for overtime.
students, employees with disabilities, and
workers who are making a gradual transition
For the most part, you will not have to
to retirement, among others.
address specific FLSA issues as wages and
overtime compensation policies have already
Please consult your agency human resources
been established through collective bargaining
office to see which of the alternative work
agreements, statutes, and/or the statewide
options are available at your agency. Your
agency may have its own flextime policy or
telecommuting policy that must be approved
Violations of FLSA may result in your agency
by HRD and negotiated with the applicable
being subject to penalties and fines so please
unions before implementation.
exercise caution and involve human resources
immediately if you have any questions or
concerns in this area.
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Additional Information: employee may be unfit for duty, or if the
Alternative Work Options website employee is absent for longer than a certain
Visit then Home > amount of time, 5 days for example. Consult
Employment, Equal Access, Disability > HR the applicable policy for specific guidance on
Policies >Alternative Work Options the employee involved.
access-disability/hr-policies/alt-work-options/ Upon an employee’s retirement (or upon their
death) the employee (or estate) will receive
Memo on AWO 20% of the value of their current sick leave balance.
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
confidential employees) and union contracts
(for bargaining unit employees). M.G.L. Chapter 7, section 28
Red Book
Rules Governing Paid Leave and Other Gray Book 11/02
Benefits for Managers and Confidential Salary Administration Rules for Managers,
Employees Confidential and Unclassified Employees
These rules regulate the awarding of vacation The rules in the Gray Book are applicable to
leave, sick leave, other leave with pay; Executive Branch employees classified as
overtime compensation; payments in lieu of managers pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 30,
any of the preceding; reimbursement for section 45 and Chapter 150E, section 1 or
meals and transportation for persons traveling designated as confidential employees. These
in-state and out-of-state; charges to state rules do not apply to the following
employees; prevention of accidents and employees:
occupational diseases; and other Those covered under any collective
miscellaneous benefits. bargaining agreement
Governor’s Office
These rules apply to all employees employed Lieutenant Governor’s Office
in the Executive Branch of the Employees outside the Executive
Commonwealth whose positions are classified Branch
by the Chief Human Resources Officer in Higher Education agencies
accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 30, section Constitutional offices
45, and who are in positions not covered by
County sheriffs’ offices
collective bargaining agreements based upon
Judicial Branch
M.G.L. Chapter 150E.
Legislative Branch
The rules concerning meal reimbursement
while traveling on state business apply to all Among the subjects covered in the Gray Book
persons employed by offices, departments, are the following: the length of the
boards, commissions and other agencies workweek, time and attendance records,
receiving state appropriations, as stated in recruitment rates, setting salaries for
M.G.L. Chapter 7, section 28. promotions and job grade reductions,
processing transfers, overtime pay, acting pay,
The Human Resources Division regularly salary collisions, merit pay and the appeal
reviews the adequacy of the Red Book process.
benefits by conducting surveys and other
studies. By law (M.G.L. Chapter 7, section The salary administration rules are
28), the Human Resources Division is promulgated by the Chief Human Resources
required to post a notice at all agencies of any Officer who has the right to establish, rescind
proposed changes to the Red Book, at least and modify these rules.
thirty days prior to the effective date of such Gray Book Section 21.0 covers the Merit Pay
changes, and to conduct a public hearing Program for Managers.
regarding the proposed changes no later than
fifteen days prior to the effective date. Additional Information:
Gray Book
Additional Information:
Red Book publications/pol-graybk.pdf Management Classification
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015 Leave benefits that may be transferred include
45.htm the following:
Leave Benefit Definition
Management Pay Plan Vacation Status Rate at which vacation leave is accumulated
46c.htm per year.
Vacation Days/Hours of unused
Management Pay Bands (eff 10/1/08) Credits accumulated vacation leave for which no
mcr/2008/salary-bands-08.doc compensation (buyout)
has been received.
Appeals and Grievances Sick Leave Days/Hours of unused Credits accumulated sick leave
53.htm for which no
compensation (cash
Overtime Pay out) has been received.
24c.htm The type and extent of the allowed leave transfers vary based on the jurisdiction in
46g.htm which the prior service occurred and on
whether the position being entered is covered
by the Red Book, i.e., managerial or
Transfer of Vacation and Sick Leave confidential, or is covered by a collective
Benefits for Prior Public Service bargaining agreement. No prior service will
Individuals entering service in the Executive be recognized for these purposes if the
Branch of the Commonwealth of separation from the service in question
Massachusetts who previously worked in a occurred three years or more from the date of
political sub-division of the Commonwealth, entering service in the Executive Branch.
under certain conditions, may transfer
vacation and sick leave benefits that were Vacation and sick leave credits deemed
accrued during their prior public service in eligible for transfer are subject to pro-rating
these other jurisdictions. Service recognized (upward or downward) in cases where the
for these purposes includes work in the leave accumulation rates for the prior service
judicial or legislative branch, state and local differed from the accumulation rates in effect
public authorities, municipal or county for the position into which the individual is
government, constitutional and independent being hired.
offices (e.g., Office of the State Auditor or
Treasurer), the state higher education system “A genuine leader is not a searcher
and district attorneys’ offices. for consensus but a molder of
- Martin Luther King
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Please refer to the New Employee
Orientation Guide for a complete list of Dental/Vision Insurance
benefits including health, life, and disability Managers and confidential employees may
insurance, as well as retirement. Please enroll in an individual or family combined
consult your human resources office for dental/vision insurance plan via a payroll
complete plan details and instructions on deduction. Employees covered by a union
enrolling. contract have dental/vision coverage through
a union-sponsored private insurance plan that is partly funded by the Commonwealth.
new-employee-orientation/guide.pdf Please check with your human resources
office, as you have limited time to enroll
Mandatory Health Insurance after hire. Please see for
As of April 2007, the Health Care Reform more information.
Law made health insurance mandatory for all
Massachusetts residents. The Law also Extended Illness Leave Bank (EILB)
created the Commonwealth Connector The Extended Illness Leave Bank is an
Authority (CCA) to assist individuals and optional program in which employees enroll
employers with access to health insurance. by donating at least one sick, vacation, or
personal day annually. Active members who
Program have exhausted all other leave benefits may
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has be eligible to withdraw from the EILB to a
established a Section 125 (“cafeteria”) plan collective sick leave bank for use by
for the state’s employees who are not eligible employees when they have long-term
to receive state-subsidized health insurance absences (of more than 20 consecutive work
through the Group Insurance Commission days) due to illness or injury. As a manager,
(GIC) – for example, contract employees and you may be asked to approve your staff for
most employees who work fewer than the EILB membership. Criteria include one year
required hours for GIC coverage – to of employment and an acceptable attendance
purchase health insurance on a pre-tax basis record. Please encourage your staff to enroll
from the Commonwealth Choice Program in this program, especially if they have no
available through the Commonwealth Health income replacement program such as short or
Connector. long-term disability insurance. Please see then Employment,
All Commonwealth employees who are not Equal Access, Disability > Employee
eligible for Commonwealth-sponsored GIC Programs & Training >New Employee
health insurance coverage are eligible. Orientation
Employees who are eligible for
Commonwealth-sponsored GIC coverage are Travel
not eligible for this plan. Rules and guidelines for reimbursements for
Please see this link for more details. job-related travel, including meals, lodging,
Visit then Insurance air travel, bus and rail travel, the use of state
& Retirement > Benefit Enrollment > and private vehicles, and parking are set forth
Enrollment for NON GIC-Eligible Employees in the collective bargaining agreements for
in HR-CMS Agencies and UMASS > positions covered by collective bargaining; or
in the Red Book for managers, confidential employees and others not covered by
insurance-and-retirement-benefits/benefit- collective bargaining. All employees must
enrollment/enrollment-for-non-gic-eligible- also adhere to the guidelines governing travel
employees-in-hrcms-agencies-and-umass/ issued by the Executive Office of
Administration and Finance.
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Public Safety
Approved travel reimbursements, which are Environment
not subject to state or federal income taxes, Foster Care Leave (to attend legal
are issued as part of the normal bi-weekly proceedings)
payroll remittances.
As a manager, you can serve as a role model
Additional Information: by becoming a volunteer yourself or
Use of State Vehicles encouraging your staff to become volunteers, as long as it is feasible to accomplish the
administrativebulletin10.pdf work on those volunteer days using other
available resources.
Travel Guidelines Additional Information:
administrativebulletin8.doc SERV website:
SERV Brochure:
Tuition Remission s/leave/serv-brochure.doc
Please see Section 12 for information on
tuition remission Executive Order 479
SERV Volunteer Leave Program Executive%20Orders/
Under the SERV: State Employees Executive_order_479.pdf
Responding as Volunteers program, eligible
employees in the Executive Branch who have
at least six months of state service may
volunteer during their regular work schedule
“Great leaders are almost always
up to one day per month at an approved
great simplifiers, who can cut
Massachusetts non-profit organization (7.5 or
through argument, debate, and doubt
8 hours/month; pro-rated for part-time
to offer a solution everybody can
employees.) Supervisor and agency approval
is required. Operational needs of the agency
are a factor in reviewing volunteer requests. - General Colin Powell
Eligible areas include:
Youth Mentoring “Only those who dare to fail greatly
Public and Charter Schools can ever achieve greatly.”
Health and Human Services - Robert Francis Kennedy
External pay equity; i.e., fair and
Section 8: Job Classification, competitive pay, consistent with labor
Compensation, Civil Service, and market conditions
Mutual clarification of job
Layoffs expectations between employees and
their supervisors
Position Classification and Compensation Valid performance appraisal
The proper classification and compensation of Identification of training and
positions are fundamental requirements for development needs
sound human resources management and
Recruitment and retention of valuable
form the foundation for the following:
Internal pay equity; i.e., equal pay for
equal work
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Compliance with federal and state by the manager’s supervisor and the human
labor laws, e.g., ADA, OSHA, FLSA resources office. The MQ serves as the
High morale and productivity position’s official description and as the basis
for classifying the job, setting its level of pay
Management Classification and developing performance and training
The Human Resources Division classifies objectives. A copy of the current MQ for
positions as management consistent with the each active management position should be
provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 150E, the kept by the incumbent, and the original
collective bargaining law. Once designated, document should be filed centrally in a
the classification level and compensation for collective file in the agency’s HR office.
the management position are determined by a MQs should be updated regularly particularly
job evaluation process that assesses the when a position changes substantially due to
intrinsic value of the job using measurement factors such as the following:
scales of common compensable factors.
New and/or different initiatives or job
The current job evaluation system was components;
developed by Hay Associates. The Hay Requirements of different bases of
evaluation system measures positions using knowledge and skill sets; or
rating scales known as “guide charts.” These Significant increases in budgetary,
charts were designed by Hay specifically for supervisory or regulatory
the Commonwealth and were most recently responsibilities.
updated in 2005. There are three general
evaluative factors used in the Hay evaluation To ensure accuracy and consistency,
system that are common to all management management positions are evaluated and
jobs: reevaluated only by evaluators who have been
trained in the use of the Hay job evaluation
Know-How: the total of knowledge, process. Standardization in the evaluation
skills and abilities accumulated from process yields pay equity, i.e., the means of
training and practical experience that classifying and compensating fairly and
are necessary to perform the job. providing equal pay for similar levels of work
Problem Solving: the nature, and responsibility.
complexity and variability of
problems and challenges faced by Management Compensation
incumbents of the position, and the
degree of creativity needed to address Salary Collisions
these problems and challenges. Once appointed, managers may be eligible to
Accountability: the output or impact receive adjustments to their salaries if they are
on end results, including the degree of determined to be in collision with the salaries
autonomy practiced by the incumbent, of non-management subordinates. If a
the size and scope of budgets manager receives a salary adjustment, and
managed, the amount of benefits such action causes a collision with her /his
disbursed, or the magnitude and own supervisor, the manager's supervisor may
breadth of operations regulated. also be eligible for a salary adjustment.
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
warrant salary adjustments. Note that salary and tables of organization when the nature
adjustments are awarded at the sole discretion and requirements of positions change and
of the Chief Human Resources Officer. when agency reorganizations significantly
alter the inter-relationship between positions.
Additional Information: Employees who feel that their positions are
M.G.L. Chapter 30, section 46C not appropriately classified have the right to appeal their classifications, pursuant to
30-46c.htm M.G.L. Chapter 30, section 49.
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Section 9: The Hiring and assigned to one of the job groups. Each union
Recruitment Process contract must be approved and funded by the
legislature and the Governor before it is
Before hiring or interviewing any applicants, implemented. Each job group has a
please consult with your human resources corresponding pay range from which
office to ensure there is adequate funding to incumbents of positions with those titles are
fill the position, to determine the proper paid. Confidential employees may not be a
classification and starting salary ranges, to member of a union (collective bargaining
get approval to fill the position, and to unit) but will receive the salary associated
ensure all recruitment and diversity with the job group to which their title is
guidelines are followed. assigned. The bargaining units (excluding
those in the higher education system) are
Hiring Process listed in Appendix VI.
There are separate rules and guidelines that
govern the management and non-management Affirmative Action
hiring and salary administration processes. The Commonwealth is an affirmative
The agency Diversity Officer should be action/equal employment opportunity
involved in the hiring process by: employer. We take many measures to ensure
Reviewing the job posting prior to its that our applicant pool as well as our
placement on CEO workforce reflects the diversity of the citizens
of Massachusetts.
Reviewing the applicant pool for
Through our various recruitment and outreach
Reviewing the process at various
efforts, we seek to attract, recruit, hire, retain
stages to ensure the requirements
and/or develop for advancement, persons
contained in the agency’s Affirmative
from all backgrounds. There is special
Action Plan have been met and
emphasis on reaching out to persons who
Providing final sign-off on the hiring have been identified as protected class
paperwork members. The agency Diversity Officer is
involved in the recruitment and hiring
Management titles are allocated to job groups process, and his or her name and contact
established by statute. Those titles are paid in information are listed on each job posting on
accordance with the Management the CEO (see next section for details.).
Compensation Reform Salary Bands. The
Management Compensation Reform was Additional Information:
initiated in 2003 to make compensation more
Office of Diversity and Equal
competitive, flexible and performance-based.
Opportunity 617-727-7441
The steps and grades that formerly
characterized the management pay schedule
have been replaced with salary bands divided
into four quartiles.
Non-management titles are allocated by the
Division of Labor Relations to a specific Visit then
collective bargaining unit, based upon an Employment, Equal Access, Disability
assessment of the functions of the title. Each or use this direct link:
bargaining unit negotiates with the Office of
Employee Relations a salary schedule -equal-access-disability/civil-serv-
composed of many job groups or grades. Each info/civil-serv-overview/
title assigned to that bargaining unit is also
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Job Posting Additional Information:
All jobs, except those for which a waiver has Human Resources Division Shared Services
been obtained and approved, must be posted Model Hiring Guidelines
on the Commonwealth Employment
Opportunity (CEO) website. Jobs must be hire/shared-services-model-hiring-
posted internally and externally for a guidelines.doc
minimum of 14 days. Position Classification
Position Management
CEO postings for non-management and Posting/Waivers/Recruitment
management levels M1-M4 (I-IV) are posted Selections
at the agency level and approved by the Appointment Process
Secretariat. CEO postings for management Post-Hire Audit Guidelines
levels M5-M12 (V-XII) are posted at the
agency level and must gain Secretariat and HRD Model Hiring Plan, Chapter VI
HRD approval before being posted to the
website. files/pol-modelhiringpln.doc
Waivers must be submitted and approved for Interview Questions
any job the agency does not wish to post The purpose of the interview questions is to
externally. Non-management waivers and learn about the candidate’s work experience,
waivers for management levels M1-M4 (MI- knowledge, skills, and abilities, management
MIV) are completed and approved at the style, and career and professional goals, from
Secretariat level. Waivers for management a variety of angles. The interview questions
levels M5-M12 (MV-MXII) are submitted to should give the interviewers an idea of the
HRD. candidate’s motivation to perform and
experience working with a diverse workforce.
Management Hiring When developing your interview questions
All management hires must be placed in the you should focus on job-related
Notice of Intent to Hire (NIH) web-based qualifications. The questions you decide to
system. Most agency heads are appointed by ask should be reviewed by the agency’s
the Governor. NIH entries for management Diversity Officer prior to conducting the
levels M1-M4 (MI-MIV) are made at the interviews. When developing your interview
agency level and must gain both agency and questions, utilize the job description and draft
Secretariat (or his or her designee) level a series of questions that will allow the
approval before the employee can begin work. interviewers to evaluate the individual’s
NIH entries for management levels M5-M12 ability to do the job, (his/her work experience,
(MV-MXII) must gain agency, Secretariat (or skills, characteristics, and knowledge of the
his or her designee), and HRD approval subject matter, etc.). All candidates should be
before the employee can begin work. asked the same series of questions. A
Furthermore employees hired at the M5-M12 standard evaluation tool should be used to
(MV-MXII) level must complete and pass an rank all candidates.
employment check which is done through the
Governor’s Office. Additional Information:
HRD Model Hiring Plan, Chapter V
Recruitment/Interviewing Procedures files/pol-modelhiringpln.doc
There is extensive information that will
provide guidance to you on the hiring process. Massachusetts Commission Against
Please read the following in-depth resources. Discrimination on Pre-Employment Inquiries.
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015 The appointing authority may request
html to recruit a manager based on the appointee's number of years of
disability1a.html#4 previous work experience, which is
comparable in kind and level to the
Conducting Reference Checks work to be performed.
The hiring manager or human resources unit Under certain conditions, persons
should conduct reference checks. These appointed to management positions
reference checks can be completed over the may be recruited at a salary rate higher
phone or in writing. Ensure the applicant has than the entry-level rate for their
provided you with the addresses and respective job classifications. A
telephone numbers of their references. Start request for a salary increase above the
by attaining factual information, verifying minimum, exceeding 15% of the
employment and proceed to more detailed candidate’s prior salary must be
information regarding applicant’s submitted to HRD for approval.
communication skills, work performance,
relationship with co-workers, and employer’s Non-Management Compensation upon
willingness to rehire. Consider all the Hire
information you gather from these references Appointees to non-management positions
before making your decision. may be recruited above the minimum salary
rate of the job group of the position as
Additional Information: follows:
Model Hiring Plan, Chapter VI Class recruitment. The appointing authority requests to recruit, certifying
files/pol-modelhiringpln.doc that an emergency exists due to the
inability to hire at the minimum or
Management Compensation Upon Hire entrance rate. Written justification is
required and the recruitment rate, if
Management Levels M1-M12 approved, applies to all positions in
By law, all management recruitments require the class/title to be recruited. For
a recommendation by the appropriate example: if a recruitment rate of step
Secretariat and the Chief Human Resources 4, job group 14, is established for the
Officer as well as the prior approval of the class title of Staff Nurse, all new
Secretary for Administration and Finance. incumbents in Staff Nurse positions in
Agencies that have been delegated the state agencies will be hired at step 4,
authority by the Secretary for Administration and all current incumbents in this
and Finance to process their own management position who are at steps 1, 2, or 3 will
recruitments are subject to post-audit of their be advanced to step 4.
conformance to procedures and regulations by These emergency recruitment rates are
HRD. in effect for one year unless rescinded
earlier by the Chief Human Resources
Appointees to management positions in job Officer. Emergency recruitment rates
groups M-I through M-XII may be recruited require a recommendation by the
as follows: appropriate Secretariat and the Chief
When the entry-level rate is not Human Resources Officer as well as
competitive, the appointing authority the prior approval of the Secretary for
may certify that an emergency exists Administration and Finance. (Note:
due to the inability to fill the position Implementation of class recruitment
at the minimum salary level and may initiatives would also be subject to
request to recruit above the minimum.
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
agreement between HRD and the conversions themselves), and also submit to
collective bargaining agent the Information Technology Division the
representing employees in the affected resumes of the individuals they wish to
title.) appoint. The current TPL salary ranges may
Recruitment due to Creditable Service. be obtained from HRD. Pay increases are
The appointing authority may also performance-based and at the discretion of the
request to recruit individuals above agency within the guidelines set forth by
step one who have the years of HRD.
experience to reach a certain step. If
placement at a step above step 1 does Additional Information:
not exceed a salary increase of 15% For additional information regarding
then this recruitment can be approved recruitment of non-management personnel:
and implemented at the agency and/or M.G.L. Chapter 30, section 46,
secretariat level. If the employee has paragraphs (5) and (5A)
the years of experience but placement
at a step above step 1 exceeds a salary 30-46.htm
increase of 15%, then the recruitment HRD Shared Services Model Hiring
must be sent to HRD for approval. Guidelines
An appointee may not be recruited at a salary policies/hire/shared-services-model-
rate above the minimum if the appointee has hiring-guidelines.doc
been in the service of the Commonwealth or HRD Model Hiring Plan
held a personal service contract with the
Commonwealth within the previous l2-month policies/files/pol-modelhiringpln.doc
period. Some exceptions to this rule are Technical Pay Guidelines
described in certain collective bargaining
contracts; for example, those which allow cies/tpl/final-tpl-guide.doc or go to
crediting of experience as a consultant under then “Policies and
special conditions. Contact the Office of Benefits” then “Technical Pay Law”
Employee Relations for information about link for current salary guidelines and
these exceptions. eligible titles.
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Section 11: Performance may set optional goals for professional
Evaluations and Employee development (career growth objectives)
appropriate to their positions during each
annual cycle. In addition, managers are
encouraged to mentor and lead their reporting
ACES: Achievement and Competency
employees by making opportunities for
Enhancement System
training and professional development
accessible to all.
You are responsible for assuring that all
managers and unclassified employees who
The development plan should be adjusted and
report to you and your staff receive timely
modified as needed throughout the
and well documented performance reviews
employee’s career growth.
and that performance discussions/meetings
are held each year.
Some agencies and/or Secretariats have
established specific staff development
ACES is the annual performance evaluation
opportunities for their staff.
system used by managers and some
unclassified employees. The ACES cycle runs
from October 1st through September 30th
EPRS: Employee Performance Review
each year. A manager being evaluated is
called a Reporting Manager. The supervisor
Managers are responsible for ensuring all
of the Reporting Manager is called the
unionized employees, including TPL
Appraising Manager. The Appraising
employees, in their chain of command
Manager reports to a Reviewing Manager.
receive timely performance reviews.
Upper level managers may have appraising
Managers and supervisors must implement
and/or reviewing responsibilities. Under the
remedial development plans for employees
guidance and direction of the Human
who are approaching “Below” performance
Resources Division, managers will complete
ratings at mid-year or at the end of the
this process in a timely manner in order to
evaluation cycle.
gain authorization to increase managers’
compensation according to the Management
The Employee Performance Review System
Compensation Reform (MCR) guidelines for
(EPRS) is the tool mutually developed by the
the year just ended.
HRD and the labor unions to measure
employee performance and to ensure there is
Additional information:
a direct correlation between compensation
Visit and employee performance. EPRS is
Employment, Equal Access, Disability mandated by the various collective bargaining
> State Employee Benefits & agreements (CBA) for all employees in CBA
Compensation > Performance classifications, including non-management
Reviews and Management confidential employees and employees who
Compensation or use this direct link: choose to pay the agency fee rather than union dues. The evaluation cycle runs from
employment-equal-access-disability/ July 1st through June 30th each year (a fiscal
employee-benefits-and-comp/perf- year.)
EPRS defines, for both the employee and the
Professional Development supervisor, the job duties and related
As part of the Achievement and Competency performance metrics that will be expected of
Enhancement System (ACES) performance the employee for the evaluation year. There
evaluation system for managers, all managers are three (3) distinct stages in the annual
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
cycle: Stage A: Performance Planning, Stage provisions of the CBA and evaluated annually
B: Performance Review, and Stage C: Annual using the EPRS. Salaries for TPL positions
Review. The three-tiered ratings categories are determined by a market survey process.
are as follows: “Exceeds”, “Meets”, or
“Below”. The Annual Review rating is the Additional information:
determining factor whether an employee EPRS Supervisor Guide
receives any collectively bargained salary Visit
increases, step increases, or bonuses. Employment, Equal Access, Disability
Employees who receive “Below” ratings may > State Employee Benefits &
have their annual rating re-determined by the Compensation > Performance
Appointing Authority via an appeal processed Reviews & Management
through the union at a tripartite panel. We Compensation > EPRS Supervisor
encourage you to attend EPRS training Guide
offered by the Human Resources Division Or use this direct link:
Employees in specified Information benefits-and-comp/perf-reviews-and-
Technology positions covered by the mgmt-comp/eprs-supervisor-guide/
Technical Pay Law (TPL) are subject to the
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Mandatory Training
Section 12: Career Development Diversity (offered by the
Human Resources
Division (HRD) and at the
A training/development plan for each employee is a way
Secretariat or agency
to aid in the success of all employees within State
Government. Some suggested training would include
basic computer skills, job specific training, advanced
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Managers must attend diversity awareness training. The coordinate training, and
training seeks to increase the level of awareness around ensure that all necessary
difference and helps the manager to gain a sense of self- safety protocols are
awareness of their views on difference(s). implemented. The Training
The goal of the training is to help foster a more inclusive and Learning Development
work environment where everyone regardless of race, team works closely with
sex, color, national origin and ancestry, religion, age, the Executive Office of
mental/physical disability, sexual orientation, veterans’ Public Safety, State Police,
status, organizational level, economic status, OSHA, and local law
geographical origin, marital status, communication and enforcement to identify
learning style, and other characteristics and traits, feels best practice responses to
valued and respected. Creating a work environment that workplace violence
capitalizes on each individual’s talents, skills, and incidents. The Human
perspectives increases organizational productivity and Resources Division will
effectiveness. continue to provide
executive briefings to
Sexual Harassment Prevention (offered by HRD) agency heads and training
The Human Resources Division is responsible for resources to help ensure
updating and issuing the Commonwealth’s sexual that training objectives
harassment policy, while working with agencies to remain consistent and
ensure compliance with state and federal laws internal trainers fully
prohibiting discrimination in the workplace. In understand the
accordance with guidelines set forth by the Commonwealth’s role in
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination and minimizing the risks
M.G.L. Chapter 151B, employers are encouraged to associated with violence in
conduct prevention training targeting sexual harassment the workplace.
and other forms of prohibited discrimination for all
managers and employees on a regular basis. Employers Additional Information:
are also advised to conduct additional training for Domestic Violence Policy
supervisory and managerial employees, addressing their
specific responsibilities in investigating and applying docs/hrd/policies/
appropriate corrective action to address these complaints. prevention/domestic-
To ensure that Commonwealth supervisors, managers
and employees fully understand their responsibilities to Sexual Harassment Policy
maintain a workplace free from sexual harassment,
agency wide training should be offered. docs/hrd/policies/files/pol-
Workplace Violence/Domestic Violence (offered by
HRD and at the Secretariat or agency level) Workplace Violence Policy
The Human Resources Division is responsible for the http://
oversight, management and delivery of workplace and
domestic violence prevention training as per Executive agency_services/
Orders #398 and #442 respectively. As mandated in the AS_Manage_Workforce/
executive orders, it is essential that Agency Heads work Rules_and_Guidelines/
with the Training and Learning Development Group to Workplace_Violence/
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Appendix I:
Manager Name
Appendix II:
Manager Code of Conduct
Manager Code of Conduct (33 pages)
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Appendix III:
Receipt for Manager Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
I, _________________________hereby acknowledge receipt of the Code of Conduct for
Managers and Non-Union Employees.
I hereby acknowledge that I am obligated to familiarize myself with the contents of the
Code and that I must abide by all requirements.
I understand that the effective date of the Code is ten days from the receipt of the Code. I
further acknowledge that the effective date clause of the Code. Rule 3.01 (f), does not
grant a waiver of the requirement to adhere to the several requirements of the Code.
NOTE: Failure to sign and return this Receipt Form within ten days is itself a violation of
the Code, and will subject a violator to immediate dismissal or other discipline, at the
discretion of the appointing authority.
Print Name
Signature Date
Appendix IV:
Contact information
Please contact your agency Human Resources Office first before contacting other
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Appendix V:
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) - IT
Budget process
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Code of Conduct
Conflict of Interest
M.G.L. Ch. 268A
Executive Orders
Visit > Legislation & Executive Orders or:
FMLA Guide
Gray Book
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Hiring Guidelines
Management Classification
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Overtime Pay
Pre-employment Inquiries
Records Retention
Red Book
Rental Cars
Sexual Harassment
Memo 4/05
Nepotism Advisory
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
US Department of Labor
Appendix VI:
List of Collective Bargaining Agreements
Unit 1 Clerical and Administrative:
National Association of Government Employees (NAGE)
Administrative Secretary, Clerk, EDP Control Clerk, Job Services Representative, Job
Specialist, Typist
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Salary chart
Rules_and_Guidelines/Collective_Bargaining/cba/oer_unit1_salchrt.xls through 7/8/07
Union contract
Salary chart
Union contract
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Salary chart
Union contract
Union contract
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Unit 5 Investigators:
Coalition of Public Safety (COPS)
Environmental Police Officer, Parole Officer, Special Investigator
Implementation Memo 7/1/04 – 6/30/07 and 7/1/07 – 6/30/09
Rules_and_Guidelines/Collective_Bargaining/cba/oer_unit5_cba.pdf Through 6/30/09
Unit 6 Professionals:
National Association of Government Employees (NAGE)
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Salary chart
Union contract
Salary chart
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Union contract
Salary chart
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Union contract
Salary chart
Union contract
Unit 10 Education:
Educational Specialist, Librarian, Teacher, Vocational Instructor
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Salary chart
Union contract
Appendix VII :
Contact Information Sheet
Key Names & Telephone Numbers To Assist
During Transition/Orientation
Benefits Coordinator
Payroll Director
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
IT Support
Diversity Officer
Training Officer
Budget Director
Procurement Director
Director of Operations/
FOIA/ Public Information
Legislative requests
Appendix VIII:
Subject Page
Accommodations (Lodging) 31
ACES Achievement and Competency Enhancement System 44
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act 12, 35
Affirmative action 12, 38
Affirmative market program (AMP) 25
Alcohol and drug use 15, 30
Alternative work options 27-29
Appeals 31-32, 36-37, 45, 54-55
Appendix 49
Appropriation accounts 22
Archiving 10
Attendance policy 27, 31, 33, 57
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Emergencies 19
Emergency preparedness 19
Employee benefits – see Benefits
Employment at will 30
Employee Performance Review System (EPRS) 42-45
Environmentally Preferable Products (EPP) Procurement Program 26, 55
EProcurement 23
Equal employment opportunity/diversity 12
Equipment, State 11, 13, 26
Ethics 13-14, 47-48, 53, 57
Evaluations, Performance 42
Extended Illness leave Bank (EILB) 33
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) 27-28, 35, 55
Family, Employment of 14, 18, 57
Federal funding 12
Fellowships 48
Financial disclosure policy 14
Fiscal year 20-21
Flexible work schedules 27-28
Flextime 28-29
Family Medical leave Act (FMLA) notice and reporting 15-16, 33, 55
Form 30 36
Freedom of Information requests 9
Gifts 14, 47, 57
Governor’s Welcome 2
Grants 12, 15, 47
Gray Book 6, 31-32, 36-37, 55
Grievances 32, 42-43, 54
Hay evaluations 35, 55
Health insurance, mandatory 33
Hiring Process 38-39
Honoraria 14
House 1 or 2 (budget) 20
Human Resources Division (HRD) 27-28, 36, 39-41, 52, 55
ID cards and badges 30
Impact bargaining 42
Indemnification 16-17
Information technology personnel 41
Intermittent employees 28
Internet policy 11
Interviewing questions 39
Investigatory interviews 43
Job classification 35
Job descriptions 36
Job posting system 38-39
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Purchasing 23-25
Reasonable Accommodation 13
Recruitment 38-39
Recruitment rates 38,40
Red Book 6, 31, 56
Recognition Program, Performance 45
Records retention 10
References/websites 54-57
Reference requests (current or former state employees) 10, 40
Reference checks 10,40
Relatives, Employment of 14,18
Reservations, Car 26
RFRs – Request for responses 23
Rooney award 45
Safety 19, 46-47
Salary collision 31,36
Salary guidelines 40
Salary increases 40
Schedules 27-28
School volunteer (SERV) 34
Seal, State 13-14
Seasonal employees 28
SERV Employee Volunteer Program 34
Sexual harassment policy 17-18, 46-47, 57
Sick leave policies/enforcement 14, 29, 31-33, 42
Signatory Authority 20
Solicitation (procurement) 23-25
Staggered work hours 28
State Seal
State finance law 20
Statement of Financial Interests (SFI) 14
SOMBWA State Office of Minority and Women Business Assistance 25
Steward, Union 43
Suffolk fellowship 48
Sunshine policy 18
Surplus property 26
Suspension 42
Technical pay law (TPL) employees 41, 44-45
Telecommuting 27-29
Terminations 37, 42
Time and attendance policy 14-15, 27, 30, 57
Timesheets 27
Training 46, 48
Training, Mandatory 12
Transfer of benefit guidelines 32
Transportation 26, 31
Manager Handbook January 7, 2015
Travel 31, 33
Travel authorization form 31
Travel reimbursements 31
Tuition remission 34, 48
Unilateral changes 42
Union 42
Union contracts 58-62
Union requests for information 10, 43
Union steward 43
Use of state resources 11, 14
Vacation 31
Vacation status 31, 32
Vacation credits 31, 32
Vehicle use, reservations 26, 33-34
Veterans status 46
Vision/ dental insurance 33
Voluntary services leave (SERV) 34
Waivers to job postings 39
Warnings 42
Weapons 19, 30
Websites 54-57
Weingarten rules 43
Whistleblowers 30
Workers’ compensation 30
Work week 27-28
Workplace violence policy 18-19, 46-47