Jesmi MiniProject
Jesmi MiniProject
Jesmi MiniProject
Arduino Color Detector
University Id :2331905
Group : L4CG2
Submission date :
To detect and identify multiple colors, this color detector sensor project makes use of simple
electronic components. A microprocessor device like Arduino with the help of color sensor that
processes the color data and outputs what comes out on an LCD screen connects to a color
sensor. The report that is included in this project covers schematics, circuit diagrams, and
source code as a supplement to more complete details about this project
My heartful appreciation goes out to Nabin Acharya, my tutor, and the team leading the
embedded systems module for giving us the opportunity to work on some delightful projects. The
assignment not only offered us a great opportunity to learn, but it further educated us on a broad
variety of subjects.
1. Color Detection System:
This mini-project is a cocktail mixer that automatically makes the drink for the user
with a click of a button. I was inspired to make this project after seeing similar
projects on youtube. The drinks are mixed with the help of 12V DC water pumps
which are set high or low by the Arduino which receives signals from the Bluetooth
module. The project is simple and is very beneficial in the modern day as it saves
time and increases efficiency. Sometimes, humans can make mistakes while mixing
drinks but this project doesn’t make any errors as it mixes a specific amount of drink.
2. Components Used in the project:
For this project, Arduino Uno(R3) has been used which is the best board to get
started with electronics and coding. Arduino UNO is a microcontroller board
based on the ATmega328P. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be
used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB
connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains
everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer
with a USB cable or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.
(Arduino, 2022)
2.2 4-channel relay module: The 4-channel relay module is a convenient board
that can be used to control high voltage, a high current load such as motor,
solenoid valves, lamps, and AC load. It is designed to interface with a
microcontroller such as Arduino, PIC and etc. It contains four 5V relays,
associated components, and isolating components which makes interfacing with
a microcontroller easy with minimum components and connections.
The module contains the following pins:
Figure 1: 4-Channel Relay Module
The switching transistors act as a buffer between the relay coils that require high
currents, and the inputs which don’t draw much current. They amplify the input
signal so that they can drive the coils to activate the relays. The freewheeling diodes
prevent voltage spikes across the transistors when the relay is turned off since the
coils are an inductive load. The indicator LEDs glow when the coil of the respective
relay is energized, indicating that the relay is active. The optocouplers form an
additional layer of isolation between the load being switched and the inputs.
2.3 Bluetooth module HC-05: HC-05 is a Bluetooth module that is designed for wireless
communication It is an easy-to-use Bluetooth SPP (Serial Port Protocol) module, designed
for a transparent wireless serial connection setup. Its communication is via serial
communication which makes an easy way to interface with the controller or PC. HC-05
Bluetooth module provides a switching mode between master and slave mode which
means it is able to use neither receiving nor transmitting data. (elctronicwings, 2022)
The description and functionality of each pin in the module:
STATE Shows connected or not It tells whether module is
connected or not.
For the project, the module is used to communicate between the application and the
2.4 Water pump 12V DC: 12V DC water pump refers to an electric water pump built
by a 12V dc motor. It uses centrifugal force generated by a high-speed rotating impeller
to lift, transfer or boost water, coolant, fuel, food-grade liquid, etc.
Compared with AC water pumps, DC water pump has advantages of low price, safety,
high efficiency, low noise, portable, etc. As a low voltage electric water pump, DC water
pumps are widely used as a dc booster pump, dc submersible pump, dc solar pump, or
dc circulation pump for applications that require safety, quiet, and low power
consumption. (voyopumps, 2022)
2.5 Resistors: Resistors are one of the most widely used components in electronic
circuits. As their name indicates they resist the flow of electricity, and this function is key
to the operation of most circuits.
Resistance is one of the key factors used in electrical and electronic circuits. Resistance
is the property of materials to resist the flow of electricity, and it is governed by Ohm's
Law. The unit or resistance is the Ohm, which is denoted by the Greek letter Omega(Ω)
and resistor values may be seen quoted in terms of Ohms(Ω), thousands of Ohms or
kilohms(kΩ), and millions of Ohms or megohms(MΩ).
2.6 Capacitors: A capacitor is a device for storing electrical energy, consisting of two
conductors in close proximity and insulated from each other. A simple example of such
a storage device is the parallel-plate capacitor. If positive charges with total charge +Q
are deposited on one of the conductors and an equal amount of negative charge −Q is
deposited on the second conductor, the capacitor is said to have a charge Q.
3. Working Principle, Circuit Diagram and Schematics:
The project is controlled by an application that has been built into the phone using
MIT app inventor which is a easy to use website that helps make apps. The
application simply has some buttons that when clicked perform specific functions.
The RXD and TXD pins of the HC-05 is connected to the TX and RX pins of the
Arduino to transfer TTL(Transistor-Transistor Logic) serial data.
Min Vin = 3V
The maximum input voltage that the Arduino can supply to the HC-05 is 4.1V.
Comparing that to the maximum voltage input that the HC-05 can take i.e. 4.2V, the
voltage supplied to the HC-05 can be very high which can damage the module. So,
a 1k ohm resistor is used to lower the voltage so that the data can be transferred
safely to the Bluetooth module.
The Arduino is connected with the 4-channel relay module which receives a signal to
either turn on or off the circuit. The IN1, IN2, and IN3 are connected to the Arduino.
Each pin of the relay has a separate circuit that is turned on or off by the signal
received by the Arduino. The following diagram shows the schematic of the relay
Figure 3: Schematic of 4 channel Relay Module
There is an electromagnet in each key of the relay module which is turned on when
electricity is passed which completes the circuit and current is passed to the 12V DC
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Figure 4: Circuit Diagram of the project
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The figure above clearly shows all the connections done in the project. Capacitors of
1 microfarad charge has been used as sometimes due to the radio frequency noise
of the brushes of the DC motor will cause the Bluetooth module to disconnect.
The above schematic shows the connections of different components used in the
circuit. Some electrical components were not available in the Tinkercad application
so different components having similar connections has been used to draw the
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schematic diagram. A 741 operational amplifier has been used instead of the HC-
0Bluetoothth module and Relay SPDT has been used instead of the 4-channel relay
module. To make the schematic connections clear, only a single motor representing
a 12V DC motor. There is a capacitor connected between the connections in the
motor. Here, only a single motor is shown but the project uses 3 motors. The
connections Bluetooth module and the 4-channel relay module are different from the
ones shown in the schematic above as those were not available in the application.
Also, the 9V battery is representing an AC to DC adapter used in the project.
First of all, a signal is sent to the Arduino through the RX and TX pins whenever the
user clicks any specific button in the application built into the phone. The Arduino
then communicates with a 4-channel relay module and switches on or off the circuit
according to the instructions sent by the Arduino program. The motor then draws
current whenever the switch is on in the relay. The Arduino code has been written in
a way that the motors operate for specific milliseconds for mixing different drinks.
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4. Code:
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// Done by Jeron Rajak
//Uni-Id: 2228148
int TimeBetweenPours = 500; //after a particular drink is selected in the cocktail mixer
app, there is a 0.5 second delay
void setup() {
Serial.println("The bluetooth gates are open #Connect to hc-05 from any other
bluetooth with key 1234");
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
// The relay module is of a "LOW true" board. Setting the relays to initially low will
turn on all the pumps. So, it is set high
digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
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digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
void loop() {
if(Serial.available() > 0) { // check if the data is coming from the serial port
//vodka sprite
if (state == 'a') {// if vodka sprite button is selected in the cocktail app then this
statement will be executed
// vodka lemon
if(state == 'b') { //if vodka lemon button is selected in the cocktail app then this
statement will be executed
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if(state == "d") {//if lemon button is selected in the cocktail app then this statement will
be executed
//set-up vodka
if(state == 'q') { //if set-up vodka button is selected in the cocktail app then this
statement will be executed
Serial.println("set- up vodka");
// set-up sprite
if(state == 'v') {//if set-up sprite button is selected in the cocktail app then this statement
will be executed
Serial.println("set- up sprite");
//set-up lemon
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if(state == 'r') {//if set-up lemon button is selected in the cocktail app then this
statement will be executed
Serial.println("set- up lemon");
if(state == 't') {//if cleaning button is selected in the cocktail app then this statement
will be executed
Mix(5000, 5000, 5000); // all three drinks are turned on for 5 seconds
state = 0;
digitalWrite(Vodka, HIGH);
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digitalWrite(Sprite, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LemonJuice, HIGH);
Serial.println("Drink is done");
state = 0;
The Arduino code waits to get a signal from the cocktail app. If the user clicks on the
vodka sprite button then the bluetooth sends the signal ‘97’ i.e. ‘a’ in asci code to the
Arduino which checks the ascii code to be performed.
After the button is clicked the following if statement is executed and water pump 1 and
water pump 2 starts pouring liquid for 5 seconds each at once.
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Figure 7: Arduino code performed when Vodka Sprite button is clicked
The cocktail application is made using the MIT App Inventor website which is a free and
easy to use service that makes it easy to build any application.
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5. Testing:
The project required many electrical components so each component had to tested
before using in the actual project.
At first, the Bluetooth module had to be tested. All the connections were made
according to the schematic as shown in figure 4. The Bluetooth module successfully
connected to my phone.
Then, the 4-Channel relay module had to tested. Initially I only connected IN1 of the
module and supplied the motors with 12V DC. This was done to see if the relay
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is properly functioning. Using a test code later, all four IN pins started to work and i
started working on connecting all the water pump motors.
Then, all the components were assembled together and connected as shown in figure
4. After connecting all the jumper wires, and connecting all the motors with relays the
project looked like the figure below before testing with the Arduino code.
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Figure 10: Project before connecting with the code
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6. Conclusion:
The project is working properly and is able to mix 3 different types of drinks. The
project can be expanded with the addition of more motors using an 8-channel or a
16-channel relay module. The application was easily built using the MIT Inventor
App and the app communicates with the Arduino properly but the connection takes
time and also the buttons in the app have to be pressed continuously to send serial
data to the Arduino.
I got inspired to make this project from a YouTube video, the creator of the video
was making various different types of drinks using 8 water pumps with an 8-Channel
relay module. The project seemed interesting and challenging at the same time.
There were other various projects based on making cocktails using Arduino. There
were many advanced projects similar to this. Maybe this project could have been
done in that way but that would have required many other components and it would
be quite expensive to do so. The most challenging part of this project was to execute
the working of each component as any mistake while making the project would have
resulted in damage to the components.
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7. References:
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