CGHS Rates 2014 - Bhopal
CGHS Rates 2014 - Bhopal
CGHS Rates 2014 - Bhopal
159 Cataract extraction with IOL with capsular tension rings (Cionni’s ring) 12150 13973
278 Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) for ethmoidal polyp 5175 5951
302 Excision of Pinna for Growth (Squamous/Basal/ Injuries) Skin and 3800 4370
303 Partial Amputation of Pinna 4500 5175
304 Total Amputation of Pinna 6200 7130
305 Total Amputation & Excision of External Auditory Meatus 1500 1725
306 Excision of Cystic Hygroma 4658 5357
307 Excision of Cystic Hygroma Extensive 6707 7713
308 Excision of Branchial Cyst 9315 10712
309 Excision of Branchial Sinus 9315 10712
310 Excision of Pharyngeal Diverticulum 9522 10950
311 Excision of Carotid Body-Tumours 11475 13196
312 Operation for Cervical Rib 11250 12938
313 Block Dissection of Cervical Lymph Nodes 13500 15525
314 Pharyngectomy & Reconstruction 13500 15525
315 Operation for Carcinoma Lip - Wedge-Excision 7245 8332
316 Operation for Carcinoma Lip - Vermilionectomy 5758 6622
317 Operation for Carcinoma Lip - Wedge Excision and Vermilionectomy 8400 9660
318 Estlander Operation (Estlander flap in plastic surgey of lips) 6728 7737
319 Abbe Operation (Abbe flap in plastic surgery of lips) 9800 11270
320 Cheek Advancement 8798 10118
321 Excision of the Maxilla 173885 199968
322 Excision of mandible-segmental 13973 16069
323 Mandibulectomy 18900 21735
324 Partial Glossectomy 4968 5713
325 Hemiglossectomy 7000 8050
326 Total Glossectomy 20597 23687
327 Combined Mandibulectomy and Neck Dissection Operation (Commando 20000 23000
328 Parotidectomy - Superficial 10868 12498
329 Parotidectomy - Total 13500 15525
330 Parotidectomy - Radical 17595 20234
331 Repair of Parotid Duct 10350 11903
332 Removal of Submandibular Salivary gland 7763 8927
333 Hemithyroidectomy 9500 10925
334 Partial Thyroidectomy (lobectomy) 10350 11903
335 Subtotal Thyroidectomy 11748 13510
336 Total Thyroidectomy 17100 19665
337 Resection Enucleation of thyroid Adenoma 9522 10950
338 Total Thyroidectomy and Block Dissection 23805 27376
339 Excision of Lingual Thyroid 15194 17473
611 Normal delivery with or without Episiotomy & P. repair 7200 8280
612 vacuum delivery 7763 8927
613 Forceps Delivery 8280 9522
614 Cesarean Section(CS) 12645 14542
615 Cesarean Hysterectomy 17078 19640
616 Rupture Uterus closure & repair with Tubal Ligation 15525 17854
617 Perforation of Uterus after D/E Laparotomy & Closure 12420 14283
618 Laparotomy for Ectopic pregnancy 12420 14283
619 Laparotomy-peritonitis Lavage and Drainage 10350 11903
620 Salphingo-Oophorectomy/ Oophorectomy Laparoscopic 10000 11500
621 Ovarian Cystectomy-laparoscopic. 10350 11903
622 Ovarian Cystectomy -laparotomy. 12420 14283
623 Salpingo-Oophorectomy-laparotomy 11520 13248
624 Laparoscopic Broad Ligament Hematoma Drainage with repair 6210 7142
625 Exploration of perineal Haematoma & Repair 7200 8280
626 Exploration of abdominal Haematoma (after laparotomy + LSCS) 7245 8332
627 Manual Removal of Placenta 3105 3571
628 Examination under anesthesia (EUA) 1000 1150
629 Burst-abdomen Repair 9000 10350
630 Gaping Perineal Wound Secondary Suturing 1490 1714
631 Gaping abdominal wound Secondary Suturing 3105 3571
632 Complete perineal tear-repair 1915 2202
633 Exploration of PPH-tear repair 3150 3623
634 Suction evacuation vesicular mole 4500 5175
635 Suction evacuation Missed abortion/ incomplete abortion 4658 5357
636 Colpotomy 3105 3571
637 Repair of post-coital tear/ perineal injury 3157 3631
638 Excision of urethral caruncle 3105 3571
639 Shirodhkar/ McDonald stitch 2898 3333
640 Abdominal Hysterectomy with or without salpingo- oophorectomy 15525 17854
705 Radical Hysterectomy for Cancer endometrium extending to cervix with 8500 9775
pelvic and para aortic lymphadenectomy
706 Sterilization Post partum (minilap) 3375 3881
707 Sterilization interval (minilap) 3500 4025
708 Ultrasonography Level II scan/Anomaly Scan 450 518
709 Fetal nuchal Translucency 300 345
710 Fetal Doppler/Umblical Doppler/Uterine Vessel Doppler 800 920
711 Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP)- 1st Trimester 2700 3105
712 Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) - 2nd Trimester 3933 4523
713 Quadruple test 2000 2300
714 Biophysical score 600 690
715 Other Major Surgery-Obstetrics and Gynaecology 28000 32200
716 Other Minor Surgery-Obstetrics and Gynaecology 5000 5750
805 Block Dissection of ilio-inguinal Nodes -Both Sides (For Ca- Penis) 20700 23805
827 Bilateral (single Lumen) Femoral Catheterization for Haemodialysis 1350 1553
992 Dorsal column stimulation for backache in failed back syndrome 25875 29756
993 Surgery for recurrent disc prolapse/epidural fibrosis 28980 33327
994 Surgery for brain stem tumours 39589 45527
995 Decompressive craniotomy for hemispherical acute 40000 46000
subdural haematoma/brain swelling/large infarct
996 Intra-arterial thrombolysis with Tissue Plasminogen Activator (TPA) 4140 4761
(for ischemic stroke )
997 Stereotactic aspiration of intracerebral haematoma 32545 37427
998 Endoscopic aspiration of intracerebellar haematoma 40000 46000
999 Stereotactic Radiosurgery for brain pathology(X 27560 31694
knife/Gamma ) - ONE session
1000 Stereotactic Radiosurgery for brain pathology(X knife 51750 59513
/Gamma knife -Two or more sessions
1082 Reduction of Fractures of Mandible & Maxilla - Gunning Splints 6800 7820
1083 Internal Wire Fixation of Mandible & Maxilla 10350 11903
1084 Cleft Lip - repair. 11000 12650
1085 Cleft Palate Repair 11500 13225
1086 Primary Bone Grafting for alveolar cleft in Cleft Lip 10350 11903
1087 Secondary Surgery for Cleft Lip Deformity 9720 11178
1088 Secondary Surgery for Cleft Palate 11385 13093
1147 Open Reduction of fracture of Long Bones of Upper / Lower Limb 8694 9998
-AO Procedures
1337 Extracorporeal Shortwave Lithotripsy (ESWL) (Select CGHS rate code See Code No. 888 See Code No. 888
rate) 1464
1517 Serum Ferritin 100 115
1518 Vitamin B12 assay. 225 259
1519 Folic Acid assay. 270 311
1520 Extended Lipid Profile. (Total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, Triglycerides 580 667
Apo A1,Apo B,Lp (a) )
1521 Apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1) 180 207
1522 Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) 179 206
1523 Lipoprotein A / Lp A 401 461
1524 CD 3,4 and 8 counts 170 196
1525 CD 3,4 and 8 percentage 170 196
1526 Low density lipoprotein (LDL) 56 64
1527 Homocysteine. 387 445
1528 Haemoglobin (Hb) Electrophoresis/ (Select CGHS rate code 1417 for See Code No. 1417 See Code No. 1417
approved rate)
1529 Serum Electrophoresis. 220 253
1530 Fibrinogen. 165 190
1531 Chloride. 56 64
1532 Magnesium. 135 155
1533 Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGTP) 85 98
1534 Lipase. 215 247
1535 Fructosamine. 200 230
1536 Beta 2 microglobulin (B2M) /β2 microglobulin 85 98
1537 Catecholamines. 1050 1208
1538 Creatinine clearance (Select CGHS Rate Code 1462) See Code 1462 See Code 1462
1661 MRI Head – Without Contrast 1998 2298
1662 MRI Head – With Contrast 2848 3275
1663 MRI Orbits – Without Contrast 1445 1662
1664 MRI Orbits – With Contrast 2000 2300
1665 MRI Nasopharynx and PNS – Without Contrast 2450 2818
1666 MRI Nasopharynx and PNS – With Contrast 3500 4025
1667 MR for Salivary Glands with Sialography 2700 3105
1668 MRI Neck - Without Contrast 2700 3105
1669 MRI Neck- with contrast 4500 5175
1670 MRI Shoulder – Without contrast 2600 2990
1671 MRI Shoulder – With contrast 2000 2300
1672 MRI shoulder both Joints - Without contrast 2700 3105
1673 MRI Shoulder both joints – With contrast 4000 4600
1674 MRI Wrist Single joint - Without contrast 2125 2444
1675 MRI Wrist Single joint - With contrast 4000 4600
1676 MRI Wrist both joints - Without contrast 2125 2444
1677 MRI Wrist Both joints - With contrast 4500 5175
1678 MRI knee Single joint - Without contrast 2125 2444
1679 MRI knee Single joint - With contrast 4500 5175
1680 MRI knee both joints - Without contrast 2125 2444
1681 MRI knee both joints - With contrast 4500 5175
1682 MRI Ankle Single joint - Without contrast 2125 2444
1683 MRI Ankle single joint - With contrast 4500 5175
1684 MRI Ankle both joints - With contrast 4500 5175
1685 MRI Ankle both joints - Without contrast 2500 2875
1686 MRI Hip - With contrast 2500 2875
1687 MRI Hip – without contrast 2125 2444
1688 MRI Pelvis – Without Contrast 2125 2444
1689 MRI Pelvis – with contrast 4500 5175
1690 MRI Extremities - With contrast 4500 5175
1691 MRI Extremities - Without contrast 2125 2444
1692 MRI Temporomandibular – B/L - With contrast 4000 4600
1693 MRI Temporomandibular – B/L - Without contrast 2125 2444
1694 MR Temporal Bone/ Inner ear with contrast 4000 4600
1695 MR Temporal Bone/ Inner ear without contrast 2500 2875
1696 MRI Abdomen – Without Contrast 2125 2444
1697 MRI Abdomen – With Contrast 4500 5175
1698 MRI Breast - With Contrast 4250 4888
1699 MRI Breast - Without Contrast 2125 2444
1700 MRI Spine Screening - Without Contrast 1000 1150
1701 MRI Chest – Without Contrast 1913 2200
1702 MRI Chest – With Contrast 4000 4600
1703 MRI Cervical/Cervico Dorsal Spine – Without Contrast 2125 2444
1704 MRI Cervical/ Cervico Dorsal Spine – With Contrast 4000 4600
1705 MRI Dorsal/ Dorso Lumbar Spine - Without Contrast 2125 2444
1706 MRI Dorsal/ Dorso Lumbar Spine – With Contrast 4000 4600
1707 MRI Lumbar/ Lumbo-Sacral Spine – Without Contrast 2125 2444
1708 MRI Lumbar/ Lumbo-Sacral Spine – With Contrast 4500 5175
1709 Whole body MRI (For oncological workup) 5100 5865
1710 MR cholecysto-pancreatography. 4500 5175
1711 MRI Angiography - with contrast 4950 5693
1712 MR Enteroclysis 2125 2444
1713 Dexa Scan Bone Densitometry - Two sites 1500 1725
1714 Dexa Scan Bone Densitometry - Three sites (Spine, Hip &extremity) 2000 2300
1736 Basic studies including cell count, protein, sugar, gram stain,India Ink
216 248
preparation and smear for AFP
1737 Special studies 1000 1150
1738 PCR for tuberculosis/ Herpes simplex 1080 1242
1739 Bacterial culture and sensitivity 180 207
1740 Mycobacterial culture and sensitivity 180 207
1741 Fungal culture 128 147
1742 Malignant cells 64 74
1743 Anti measles antibody titre (with serum antibody titre) 890 1024
1744 Viral culture 255 293
1745 Antibody titre (Herpes simplex, cytomegalo virus, flavivirus, zoster
760 874
varicella virus)
1746 Oligoclonal band 1200 1380
1747 Myelin Basic protein 1871 2152
1748 Lactate (Select CGHS rate code 1479 for approved rate) See Code No. 1479 See Code No. 1479
1753 H pylori serology for Coeliac disease /Celiac disease 468 538
1754 HBV genotyping 2321 2669
1755 HCV genotyping 4633 5328
1756 Urinary vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) 1350 1553
1757 Urinary metanephrine/Normetanephrine 1024 1178
1758 Urinary free catecholamine 1521 1749
1759 Serum catecholamine 3060 3519
1760 Serum aldosterone 1020 1173
1761 24 Hr urinary aldosterone 828 952
1762 Plasma renin activity 1050 1208
1763 Serum aldosterone/renin ratio 1080 1242
1764 Osmolality urine 128 147
1765 Osmolality serum 128 147
1766 Urinary sodium 72 83
1767 Urinary Chloride 43 49
1768 Urinary potassium 72 83
1769 Urinary calcium 79 91
1770 Thyroid binding globulin 510 587
1771 24 hour urinary free cortisole 200 230
1772 Islet cell antibody 750 863
1773 Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Autoantibodies test (GAD antibodies) 1197 1377
1809 EUS (Endoscopic Ultrasound) guided FNAC (Using with Needle) 12750 15000