PROJ-22!23!06!08!04 Abadi Ki Dhani

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PNT DESIGNS (Pvt.) Ltd. A REPORT ON GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR THE PROJECT “PROVIDING FHTCS INCLUDING ONE YEAR DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD AND 0 & M OF 5 YEARS OF CONVERSION TO PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME NAROLI CHAUR- BHANWARKI-MADHOPURA- MAHRAWAND, TEHSIL BONLI, DISTT. SAWAIMADHOPUR”. LOCATION :- 50 KL CAPACITY, 15 MTR. STAGING RCC OHSR AT VILLAGE ABADI KI DHANI For: M/S. LNA INFRA PROJECTS PVT. LTD., JAIPUR, RAJASTHAN By: PNT DESIGNS PVT LTD. 4-229 (A), Road No.5, LP.LA., Jhalawar Road KOTA-324005 (Raj.) Mob.09929866699, 9414188818 sano PRON. 26eboe PNT DESIGNS (Pvt.) Lid. PAGENO, INTRODUCTION SCOPE OF WORK FIELD INVESTIGATION LABORATORY INVESTIGATION INTERPRETATION OF TEST RESULTS FOUNDATION ANALYSIS CALCULATION OF ALLOWABLE BEARING | PRESSURE, CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION REFERENCES ‘APPENDIXA TABLES FIG.1 : SITE LOCATION PHOTOGRAPH INTRODUCTION {tis proposed to carry out Geotechnical Investigation forthe Construction of $0 KL Capacity, 15 mir. Staging RCC OESR at Village ‘Abadi ki Dhani under the Project “Proving FHTCs including one year Defect Lilt period and © & M of S years of conversion to piped water supply scheme Naroli Chaur- Bhanwarki- Madhopura- Mahrawand, Tehsil onli, Dist, Sawaimadhopur". The ite plan as shown in Fig SCOPE OF WORK Geotechnical investigation was planned for: Boring of bore holes atthe site up to 6.0m depth oF up to refusal (N>S0) whichever is earlier (Conducting of SPT for SBC at every 1.5 m interval as per IS 2131-1981 up 10 6.0m depth or refusal whichever is eal Collection of DS & UDS soil samples at 1.5 m depth or change of strata & ‘conducting lab. Test ‘Transportation of tools, plant to the site & back Preparation & submission of detailed report of allowable bearing capacity 8s per relevant IS Codes. Accordingly, one bore hole with Standard Penetration tests were performed at the proposed location, Soil samples were collected for further esting inthe laboratory PNT DESIGNS (Pvt) Ltd. FIELD INVESTIGATION Boring (One boreholes (ie. BH-1) was made at the loction decided by engineer in-charge. The bore hole was made by shell and auger method 4s per IS 1892-2021 up tothe depth of 4.00m. Beyond this, Hard! Refusal Stata (NSO) was found. The exploration in hard strata was beyond the Scope of the present work. The samples were collected a5 required for laboratory testing. Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Standard penetration tests (SPT) were conducted inthe bore hole as per IS 2131-1981. The numbers of blows fr frst 1S em penetration reconsidered as seating dive and are not taken into account. The number of blows required for last 30 em penetration i taken as SPT number ("N? value). Ifmumber of blows for lst 30 em penetration exceeds 5, i is said to be theresa, SPT Test was conducted at regular inervl of Sm, Test results are shown in Table-1 Water Table ‘The water table was not found upto the maximum depth of exploration 4,00m atthe time of investigation (ie. Jun’ 2022). LABORATORY INVESTIGATION ‘The following laboratory tests were conducted onthe samples obtained fom test bore holes: 8) Natural Moisture content 1b) Specitic gravity Liquid & Plastic Limit, Grain size Analysis Bulk density / Dry Density Free swell test C-0 parameters Compression Index (Ce) ‘The above laboratory tests were conducted a per relevant Indian Standard Codes of Practice. The results are presented in Teble INTERPRETATION OF TEST RESULTS Strata at the Site ‘The upper layer of strata consist of Low Plastic Clay (CL) ‘mixed with Sand upto the depth of 150m, Below this, Low Plastic Clay (CL) mixed with Sand & Gravels was found upto the depth of exploration i.e 4.00m as shown in bore - log i.e:Table-1 Swelling Characteristics “The results of fee swell test reveal that sola site is found to be Low Expansive in Nature FOUNDATION ANALYSIS For a saisfictory performance of the foundation, following criteria must be satisfied (The foundation must be safe against shea failure Gi) The foundation must not undergo. excessive settement, ‘The smaller of the bearing pressures obtained eccording to (i) and (ji) above is adopted asthe allowable bearing pressure. For the foundation, a permissible (otal settlement of SO mm for 2 foundation resting on sand and 75 mm fora foundation resting on clay is specified in IS: 1904-2021 A permissible total settlement of 12mm for a foundation resting on rock is specified in IS: 13063-1991 CALCULATION OF ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE, ‘Type and Depth of Foundation (Open foundation has been analyzed. The depth of foundation has been analyzed as 1.50m, 2.00m, 2.50m & 3.00m (for Annular Ring ‘Type Foundation) from Existing ground surface. Annular Ring type Foundation The allowable bearing capacity of subsoil strata have bees computed for Annular Ring type foundation at a depth of 1.SOm, 2.00m 250m & 3.00m below existing ground surfs. The analysis has boos caried out for shear and setlement fuilure consideration as pr IS: 6403 1981, 18: 8009 Part (1976) and IS: 1904-2021. The details of ealelatons ae shown in Appendix-A. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Based on field exploration and laboratory investigation of Soil, the following are the conclusion and recommendation, Itis proposed to carry out geotechnical investigation forthe Construction of| 50 KL Capacity, 15 mtr. Staging RCC OHSR at Village Abadi ki Dhan, ‘Tehsil Boal, Dist. Sawaimadhopur. The site plan ofthe structure is showa ‘The upper layer of strata consist of Low Plastic Clay (CL) mixed with Sand ‘upto the depth of 1.50m, Below this, Low Plastic Clay (CL) mixed with Sand & Gravels was found upto the depth of exploration ie. 4.00m as shown in bore - log ie,Tablel ‘The water table was not found upto the maximum depth of exploration 4.00m atthe time of investigation (i.e. Jun’ 2022). ‘The net allowable bearing capacity has been recommended as follows : Location of Depth of | Net Allowable Bearing | Type of, Borehole __| Foundation Dt(m) | __Cupacity (vm) foundation 1.50 10.00 200 1030 Annular Ring 250 Th Type 300 7250 “The results of free swell lest reveal dit suil a sity fs found 1 be Low Expansive in Nature. ‘The size of foundation may be determined by considering the atual load transferred tothe sol tis presumed that actual location of the overhead tank will not be different from the site indicated to us and where the tests were carried put ‘The overflow chamber shall be constructed away from the tank and pucea ‘constuction is to be done to ensure that there is no leakage of water from it to the foundation of the main overhead tank PNT DESIGNS (Pvt.) Lid, ‘The tank shall not be filled in one operation. The filling may be done in 3 of 4 stages and the performance ofthe structure watched orer a period of one week All the above recommendations are based upos the fed data collected from limited test location and results of laboratory tests and our experience in this regard. In case the proposed structure is located away from the test locations and /or the actual geotechnical corditons during excavation of foundation trench are found different fom what has been reported above, the consultant is to be referred for suggestions prior to taking up of actual construction work at ste (DIRECTOR / AUTH. SIGN.) IS: 1892-2021 IS: 1904-2021 IS: 6403-1981 (RA-2021) Is: 8009 (Part 1 1976 (RA-2018) IS: 1498-1970 (RA-2021) 1S; 2131-1981 (RA-2021) IS: 4968 Part 1 1976 (RA-2021) Ranjan & Rao (1992) 18:13063:1991 (RA-2021) 18:12070-1987 (RA-2020) 18:9143-1979 (RA-2021) 11315 Part-II 1985 (RA-2021) 182720 & parts REFERENCES Subsurface Investigation for Foundations ~Code of Practice. General Requirements for Design and Const. of Foundations in Soils Code of Practice Code of practice for determination of bearing capacity of shallow foundations. Code of practice for calculation of setlements of foundations Par | shallow foundations subjected to symmetrical static vertical loads. Classification & Identification of soil for general ‘engineering purpose. Method of standard penetration test for soil Method of subsurface soundings of soils Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics Wiley Eastern Limited, Delhi Code of practice for structural safety of buildings ‘on shallow foundations on rocks ‘Code of practice for design and construction of shallow foundation on rocks Method for the determination of uncenfined compressive strength of rock materia's Methods for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass - Core recovery and rock quality designation. ‘Methods of determination of Engineering Properties of soil. gets oa “omg sous uaaurer = opi woiseauduo = 29 ‘ax CD) AVI SuSYIE WOT Ltd, Ta waLanvava un syste 8 ‘sar amy eoneaysen9 st PNT DESIGNS a0 a AINOHAVWIVAYS “LLSIA'TINOM 1 LLY SHO 904 ONIOVAS "ALN $1 “ALIOVAVD "DY 05 40 NOLLDAMISNOD HOd NOLLYDLLSAANT TVIINHDALOSD Hla YOd LHS L100 Tava INVA DI 1avay dV THA, Append ‘Te loneberng ene sl a hae en pie fr Open son The mh be aed ot sh we Ieaenearmanmcinnyenrens-0/49) Bo [ete Com [ep i NGL a Iw im Se Dee a a Ta ap pn a gaa ar Th PNT DESIGNS (Pvt.) 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