Bablon Et Al.,2019
Bablon Et Al.,2019
Bablon Et Al.,2019
PII: S0040-1951(18)30423-2
Reference: TECTO 128001
To appear in: Tectonophysics
Received date: 9 May 2018
Revised date: 10 December 2018
Accepted date: 11 December 2018
Please cite this article as: Mathilde Bablon, Xavier Quidelleur, Pablo Samaniego, Jean-
Luc Le Pennec, Laurence Audin, Hervé Jomard, Stéphane Baize, Céline Liorzou, Silvana
Hidalgo, Alexandra Alvarado , Interactions between volcanism and geodynamics in the
southern termination of the Ecuadorian arc. Tecto (2018),
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Mathilde Bablon a*, Xavier Quidelleur a, Pablo Samaniego b, Jean-Luc Le Pennec b,c, Laurence
Audin d, Hervé Jomard e, Stéphane Baize e, Céline Liorzou f, Silvana Hidalgo c, Alexandra
Alvarado c
GEOPS, Univ. Paris-Sud, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, 91405 Orsay, France
Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, IRD, OPGC, F-
63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France
Instituto Geofísico, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ladrón de Guevara E11-253, Ap. 2759,
Quito, Ecuador
Institut des Sciences de la Terre, Université de Grenoble - IRD - CNRS, 1381 Rue de la
Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, 31 Avenue de la Division Leclerc, 92260
Fontenay-aux-Roses, France
Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Domaines Océaniques IUEM, 29280 Plouzané, France
This study focuses on the construction and evolution through time of volcanic edifices
located in the southern part of the Ecuadorian arc, with the objective to contribute to a better
understanding of the interactions between magmatism, slab geometry and the activity of
tectonic faults. Our new groundmass K-Ar ages obtained for a dozen volcanoes from the
southern Quaternary arc are rather young, without ages older than 800 ka, and highlight an
increasing volcanic activity between 300 and 100 ka. These new temporal constraints suggest
that a southward migration of the Ecuadorian arc occurred during the last 600 ka. We interpret
this evolution as the result of major and recent geodynamic reorganization in Ecuador related
to the activation of lithospheric faults and to the flexure of the slab at depth, following the
inland prolongation of the Grijalva fracture zone. Both phenomena could have been induced
by the oblique subduction of the Nazca plate towards the convex margin of the South
American continent, and the coupling of these two plates along the Wadati-Benioff zone,
progressively intensified by the Carnegie ridge subduction. Southward migration of the slab
flexure at depth could have changed pressure and temperature conditions, favoring the partial
melting of the mantle wedge and magma genesis, thereby inducing a southward migration of
the Ecuadorian arc volcanoes. These results contribute therefore to a better knowledge of the
current arc dynamics in the Northern Andes, and provide insights into the use of
geochronological data applied to volcanic rocks for studies of past tectonic activity in
K-Ar dating
Pallatanga fault
Volcanic arc migration
Slab flexure
1. Introduction
volcanic activity since the Pleistocene, with more than 80 volcanoes active during the
Quaternary, including 25 active during the Holocene (e.g., Barberi et al., 1988; Hall and
Beate, 1991; Hall et al., 2008; Bernard and Andrade, 2011). Eight of these volcanic edifices
are considered still active, namely with their latest activity during the so-called historical time
(i.e. younger than 500 years BP). Four of them have been active during the last few years:
Reventador, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua and Sangay volcanoes ( The
Ecuadorian volcanic arc originates from the subduction of the oceanic Nazca plate beneath the
South American continent (Fig. 1a). The volcanic front position is intimately linked to the
geometry at depth of the subducting plate (e.g., Tatsumi, 1986; Guillier et al., 2001; Syracuse
and Abers, 2006), which in turn is controlled by the structures of the subducted slab and the
convexity of the Ecuadorian margin. Among these structures, we can mention the Carnegie
ridge, which is the trace of the Galápagos hotspot activity on the Nazca plate, as well as the
Grijalva fracture zone, an escarpment separating two oceanic crust segments of different ages,
older than 30 Ma south and younger than 20 Ma north of the fracture zone (Lonsdale, 2005).
As recently pointed out by Yepes et al. (2016), these features induce a flexure of the slab
under the Quaternary volcanic arc. Consequently, the slab dips at an angle of ~22° north of the
Carnegie ridge, while the dip is more pronounced below the southern termination of the arc
(30-35°), then significantly decrease south of the Grijalva fracture zone, with an angle of 12°
(Yepes et al., 2016). In addition, this part of the Andean chain has a large number of active
crustal faults, notably along the Chingual-Cosanga-Pallatanga-Puná fault system (e.g., Baize
et al., 2015; Alvarado et al., 2016; Fig. 1a), mainly related to the oblique subduction of the
Nazca plate. Consequently, combined seismic and volcanic hazards in Ecuador are a high
threat for both local populations and infrastructure. The Ecuadorian volcanic arc is, therefore,
particularly suitable for the investigation of interactions between geodynamics, tectonics and
volcanism. Despite a thorough investigation of kinematics along crustal faults (e.g., Winter et
al., 1993; Lavenu et al., 1995; Ego et al., 1996; Tibaldi et al., 2007; Alvarado et al., 2014;
Baize et al., 2015; Alvarado et al., 2016; Champenois et al., 2017), few Quaternary data with
accurate timing control are available for fault activity prior to the Holocene. On the other
hand, focused geochronological data are available for several volcanic edifices, such as
Cayambe (Samaniego et al., 2005), Chacana (Opdyke, 2006), Atacazo-Ninahuilca (Hidalgo,
2006; Hidalgo et al., 2008), Pichincha (Robin et al., 2010), Imbabura (Le Pennec et al., 2011),
Chimborazo (Samaniego et al., 2012), Chachimbiro (Bernard et al., 2014), Antisana (Hall et
al., 2017) and Tungurahua volcanoes (e.g., Hall et al., 1999; Le Pennec et al., 2013; Bablon et
al., 2018a). Although some studies also focused on the development of the Ecuadorian arc at a
more regional scale (e.g., Hall and Wood, 1985; Barberi et al., 1988; Hall and Beate, 1991;
Opdyke et al., 2006), the overall chronology of the arc development is still poorly
The present study combines new geochronological data of volcanic activity and
mapping of the main faults in the southern termination of the Ecuadorian arc (Monzier et al.,
1999a), where numerous volcanic edifices and active faults appear to have been concomitant
or influencing each other. This work aims to examine the potential influence of the
geodynamics on the arc development, and to contribute to a better understanding of the large
The subduction of the former oceanic Farallón plate beneath the continental South
American lithosphere began during the Late Triassic - Early Jurassic period (James, 1971;
Aspden et al., 1987). Between ca. 75 and 55 Ma, oceanic terranes were accreted to the
Ecuadorian and Colombian margins in several tectonic episodes (e.g., Spikings et al., 2001;
Kerr et al., 2002; Hughes and Pilatasig, 2002; Jaillard et al., 2008; Jaillard et al., 2009). The
current Andean range originates from the subduction of the Nazca plate, formed after the
breakup of the older Farallón plate between 23 and 27 Ma, related to the activity of the
Galápagos spreading center (Hey, 1977; Lonsdale and Klitgord, 1978; Pennington, 1981;
Meschede and Barckhausen, 2001; Sallarès and Charvis, 2003; Lonsdale, 2005).
The width of the Quaternary volcanic arc ranges between ~60 and 150 km in front of
the Carnegie Ridge (Figure 1a), and the volcanoes are distributed north of 2°S in Ecuador.
They mostly lie to the north of the inland prolongation of the Grijalva fracture zone, located
roughly below Chimborazo and Carihuairazo-Puñalica volcanoes (Fig. 1b). However, some
edifices from the southern termination of the arc, such as Sangay, Altar, Igualata and
Tungurahua volcanoes, as well as Puyo, Calpi and Licto cones, are located south of the inland
prolongation of the Grijalva fracture zone (Yepes et al., 2016; Ancellin et al., 2017; Narvaez
et al., 2018). Ecuadorian volcanoes are distributed in the Western and Eastern Cordilleras, the
Interandean Valley and the back-arc area (e.g., Hall and Beate, 1991; Hall et al., 2008). The
volcanic front of the Western Cordillera is mainly composed of andesitic to dacitic compound
stratovolcanoes, while the intermediate arc, including the Interandean Valley and the Eastern
of these volcanoes contrasts with the alkaline products emitted from back-arc edifices (e.g.,
Hall et al., 2008; Fig. 1b). The basement of the Western Cordillera and the western part of the
Interandean Valley is composed of accreted oceanic terranes (e.g., Jaillard et al., 2009;
Fig. 1b), whereas the Eastern Cordillera basement is made up of Paleozoic to Mesozoic
plutonic and metamorphic rocks with a mostly continental affinity. Lastly, the back-arc is
Cretaceous metamorphic rocks and the continental Precambrian craton (Coltorti and Ollier,
2000; Barragán et al., 2005; Hall et al., 2008). Moreover, the fast (~6 cm.a-1; Trenkamp et al.,
2002; Kendrick et al., 2003; Nocquet et al., 2014) and oblique (~N81°E; Kendrick et al.,
2003; Bird, 2003; DeMets et al., 2010; Nocquet et al., 2014) subduction of the Nazca plate,
combined with the subduction of the Carnegie Ridge (Pennington et al., 1981; Gutscher et al.,
1999; Witt et al., 2006; Fig. 1a), produce a displacement of the northwestern part of the South
America continent (e.g., Egbue and Kellogg, 2010; Nocquet et al., 2014). This domain,
previously called the “Andean Block” (Pennington et al., 1981; Ego et al., 1996), and then the
“North Andean Block” (Kellogg and Vera, 1995; Witt et al., 2006; Alvarado et al., 2014), has
been recently introduced as “North Andean Sliver” (Nocquet et al., 2014; Alvarado et al.,
2016; Fig. 1a) in order to properly depict the internal crustal deformation of the block inferred
from geodesy. Paleoseismological, geodetic and field studies propose that the deformation
generated by this displacement is accommodated along a mature dextral strike-slip fault zone,
Alvarado et al., 2016; Fig. 1a and b), with a current geodetic bulk velocity of ~8 mm.a-1
(Nocquet et al., 2014). This fault system extends from the Gulf of Guayaquil to the Caribbean
Sea, and roughly corresponds to the previous Dolores-Guayaquil Megashear (e.g., Lavenu et
al., 1995). In Ecuador, it crosses the Western Cordillera between ~2°S and ~1.7°S (Fig. 1a),
the Interandean Valley around ~1.5°S, through Igualata volcano (Fig. 1b), then goes along the
Eastern Cordillera north of 1°S. The onset of activity of the CCPP fault is still debated but
seems to have occurred during the Pliocene - Early Pleistocene (Lavenu et al., 1995). Indeed,
offshore sedimentary records indicate that the opening phase and high sedimentation rate of
the Gulf of Guayaquil occurred during the Early Pleistocene (Deniaud et al., 2001; Witt et al.,
2006), while the Miocene fore-arc marine basins were uplifted during the Pliocene and filled
up with continental deposits during the Pleistocene (Spikings et al., 2001; Alvarado et al.,
2016). Local sections of this fault were studied onshore (Winter et al., 1993; Lavenu et al.,
1995; Dumont et al., 2005; Tibaldi et al., 2007; Alvarado et al., 2014; Baize et al., 2015;
Champenois et al., 2017), and 14C dating revealed that the fault system has been continuously
active during the Holocene, with an average slip rate of 2.5 to 5 mm.a-1 for the Pallatanga fault
segment (Winter et al., 1993; Baize et al., 2015). Finally, the collision age of the Carnegie
Ridge (Pennington et al., 1981; Gutscher et al., 1999; Witt et al., 2006; Fig. 1a) to the
Ecuadorian margin is still debated and ranges between 1 and 15 Ma (e.g., Lonsdale and
Klitgord, 1978; Gutscher et al., 1999; Spikings et al., 2001). However, many evidences
suggest that the collision occurred during the last 5 Ma, such as paleogeographic
reconstructions (Collot et al., 2009), sedimentation rates of the Gulf of Guayaquil (Deniaud et
al., 2001; Witt et al., 2006), the uplift of the margin and basins (e.g. Gutscher et al., 1999;
Graindorge et al., 2004; Pedoja et al., 2006), as well as the volcanism distribution and
geochemistry (e.g., Hall and Wood, 1985; Barberi et al., 1988; Samaniego et al., 2010).
edifices, active during the Plio-Quaternary (Hall and Wood, 1985; Barberi et al., 1988; Hall
and Beate, 1991; Hall et al., 2008). This group of volcanoes is separated from the central and
northern part of the arc by a 50-100 km-long gap without active volcanism. A review of the
previously published data for these edifices is presented below, from the Western to the
Eastern Cordillera.
Sagoatoa volcano (4169 m above sea level (a.s.l.); Lat. 01°09’S; Long. 78°04’W) is
located north of our study area, on the western edge of the Interandean Valley. This volcano is
part of a large complex, with Pilisurco volcano (4508 m; Fig. 1b) located to the west. The
erosion having affected its flanks appears important, with smooth surfaces incised by deep
valleys. Two K-Ar ages have been published, at 1.73 ± 0.35 and 1.40 ± 0.29 Ma (Lavenu et
al., 1992). Nevertheless, these ages should be considered with caution as they were carried out
containing inherited radiogenic argon and/or weathered areas, possibly leading to erroneously
South of Sagoatoa, the activity of Carihuairazo volcano (5018 m a.s.l.; Lat. 01°24’S;
Long. 78°45’W) began at least ~225 ka (Samaniego et al., 2012). In the Ambato basin,
northeast of the volcano (Fig. 2a), four sequences of sector collapse and block-and-ash
deposits are interbedded with plinian fallout deposits from Huisla volcano. The debris
avalanche deposits (DAD) of Carihuairazo located at the base of the sequence are older than
45 ka; the second sector collapse occurred before ~40 ka; and the more recent tephra fallout
and debris avalanche deposits, which cover the sequence, are younger than ~40 ka based on
uncalibrated C age determinations (Clapperton, 1990; Ordóñez, 2012). Moreover, these
deposit sequences cover the deposits of the Chalupas ignimbrite, a major Ecuadorian
stratigraphic marker dated at ~215 ka (Beate et al., 2006; Bablon et al., 2018b). Volcanic
activity of Carihuairazo ended with the growth of several domes on its eastern flank (Ordóñez,
Puñalica (3988 m a.s.l.; Lat. 01°24’S; Long. 78°41’W; Fig. 2a), a morphologically
fresh-looking edifice, is located on the northeast flank of Carihuairazo volcano, and may
correspond to its last volcanic activity (Clapperton, 1990). Puñalica is made up of basic
volcanic products that cover the older moraines of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), but do
not crop out on the youngest ones, which suggests that some parts of the volcano were
Further south, the activity of Chimborazo volcano (6268 m a.s.l.; Lat. 01°28’S; Long.
78°49’W) began at ~120 ka, and is considered still active (Clapperton, 1990; Barba et al.,
2008; Bernard et al., 2008; Samaniego et al., 2012). The volcano is composed of three
successive edifices, and experienced a major sector collapse at the end of Chimborazo I
construction, at ~60-65 ka (Samaniego et al., 2012). The debris avalanche deposit spread out
into the Riobamba basin (Fig. 2d), incorporating older deposits of the Chalupas ignimbrite.
The Guano lava flow, in the northern edge of the basin (Fig. 2d), corresponds to volcanic
products erupted after the sector collapse, as it locally overlies the avalanche deposit. The
proximal outcrops of this debris avalanche deposit are covered by LGM moraines, suggesting
that both the Guano lava flow and the sector collapse are older than 33 ka (Samaniego et al.,
2012). Moreover, ash flow deposits from Chimborazo II dated at ~43 ka also cover the sector
collapse deposits, implying that the latter is older than 43 ka (Samaniego et al., 2012).
volcano (Fig. 1b), Huisla volcano (3763 m a.s.l.; Lat. 01°24’S; Long. 78°34’W) is an
andesitic edifice, previously called Cerro Llimpi (Stübel, 1897). On the basis of isopach maps
and geochemistry, at least three tephra fallout deposits, exposed in the Ambato basin,
northwest of the volcano (Fig. 2), have been assigned to Huisla (Ordóñez, 2012). The two
younger plinian eruptions occurred in the last 39 ka (Ordóñez, 2012). This edifice experienced
a sector collapse of its southeastern flank (Espín et al., 2018), whose resulting debris
avalanche deposits cover the Chalupas ignimbrite (Bustillos, 2008; Espín, 2015). However, no
geochronological data from lava flows are available for this volcano, nor for the surrounding
volcanic edifices, such as Mulmul (3878 m a.s.l.; Lat. 01°26’S; Long. 78°33’W) and Igualata
The volcanic arc in the Interandean Valley ends to the south with the Calpi and Licto
scoria cones, in the southern edge of the Riobamba basin (Fig. 2d). Only geochemical data are
available for these edifices (Ancellin et al., 2017); their periods of activity are still unknown
but stratigraphic evidences point out to an age older than the debris avalanche deposit of
In the Eastern Cordillera, only Tungurahua volcano (Fig. 1b) was studied in detail.
(e.g., Hall et al., 1999; Le Pennec et al., 2006; Bablon et al., 2018a). Its activity began at
~300 ka, and the volcano was erupting between 1999 and 2016. Made up of three successive
edifices, it experienced two major sector collapses, at ~35 and ~3 ka (Hall et al., 1999; Le
Pennec et al., 2013). In the Río Chambo valley, southwest of the volcano, the oldest avalanche
deposit covers another avalanche deposit originated from Altar volcano (Bustillos, 2008).
three edifices and experienced two undated major flank collapses (Valverde, 2004).
Finally, the Puyo cones, made up of alkali basalts, were emplaced in the back-arc
In this study, we present twenty-four new K-Ar ages on groundmass, and their corresponding
major and trace element contents, performed on lava flows from eight different volcanoes
(Huisla, Mulmul, Igualata, Carihuairazo, Chimborazo, Sagoatoa, as well as Licto and Calpi
cones; Fig. 1b), to investigate the temporal evolution of the southern termination of the
Ecuadorian arc.
Twenty-six lava flows were sampled from several edifices (Fig. 2), mostly located
between Chimborazo and Tungurahua volcanoes (Fig. 1b). Whenever possible, we sampled
outcrops located in the deep incised valleys and in the summit area of the edifices, in order to
Three lava flows were sampled from Sagoatoa volcano. Sample 16EQ03 is from a
distal lava flow located in the Río Cutuchi valley, northwest of Píllaro town (Fig. 2a). This
lava flow is covered by the Chalupas ignimbrite, while samples 16EQ40 and 16EQ41 are
located near the summit of the volcano.
We sampled proximal (16EQ43) and distal (16EQ28) areas of the Guano lava flow
(Fig. 2d), which originated from Chimborazo volcano (Samaniego et al., 2012), and followed
the southern flank of Igualata, north of the Riobamba basin. As this lava flow is cut and
slightly shifted by the Pallatanga fault (Baize et al., 2016), its age might bring valuable
insights regarding the period of activity and the velocity of the fault displacement.
Two lava flows were sampled in order to constrain the timing of the construction of
Carihuairazo volcano. Sample CAR-14 (Fig. 2a) is from Tzunantza dome (also spelled Cerro
Sunantza; Ordóñez, 2012), located at the foot of its northern flank, while RIO-14 is from the
The morphology of Igualata (Fig. 2d) is rather similar to that of Sagoatoa volcano,
except for its large E-W trending summit depression. This depression is similar to a pull-apart
structure controlled by the NE-SW dextral Pallatanga fault. Samples 16EQ22 and 16EQ24 are
from lava flows interbedded with breccia layers, in the upper part of the northern flank, north
of this structure. Sample 16EQ23 is from a lava flow located at the summit of the volcano.
Because of agricultural fields and abundant vegetation present in the southern flank, we only
sampled two rocks, in the Patalú valley, which drains the southwest flank of Igualata volcano
down to the Riobamba basin (Fig. 2d). Sample 16EQ30 is from a juvenile block from a
~10 m-thick block-and-ash flow deposit, which covers an older lava flow (sample 16EQ29),
Two basal lava flows were also sampled in the Río Chambo valley, at the foothill of
Mulmul (l6EQ14) and Igualata (16EQ27) volcanoes (Fig. 2). They are mapped as deposits
from the Mio-Pliocene Pisayambo formation (Litherland et al., 1993; Hughes and Pilatasig,
2002), and may represent an old and extinct volcanic activity. The outcrop of 16EQ27, more
than 150 m-wide, presents tilted blocks, several dykes and numerous vesiculated enclaves
with a phaneritic texture made up of plagioclase and amphibole phenocrysts (see Appendix A
for photographs of thin sections).
Five lava flows were sampled in basal areas or in deep incised valleys on northern
(16EQ04, RIO-111) and western (RIO-107, 16EQ05, 16EQ07) flanks of Huisla volcano
(Fig. 2b). Unfortunately, no lava from the terminal activity crops out at the summit of this
edifice. We sampled four lava flows from Mulmul volcano (Fig. 2b), which partly grew in the
deposit containing juvenile blocks included in an ash-rich matrix, which was probably related
to a dome collapse, while samples 16EQ09, 16EQ10 and 16EQ11 are from lava flows from
Finally, three cones located in the Riobamba basin were sampled (Fig. 2). Samples
16EQ34, 16EQ35 and 17EQ114 are from slightly vesicular lava flows from Calpi cones,
located along the Pallatanga fault, north-west of Riobamba city. The two former correspond to
proximal lava flows, while 17EQ114 is a distal lava flow covered by the debris avalanche
deposits of Chimborazo volcano. Sample 16EQ47, located in the southernmost part of our
study area, is from a lava flow from Licto cone (Cerro Tulabug), which is covered by varved
lacustrine deposits associated with the distal parts of the Chimborazo DAD.
The freshest samples, selected after a careful examination of thin sections (Appendix A), were
dated by the potassium-argon (K-Ar) dating method applied to the groundmass, while the
whole-rock major and trace element contents were measured for all samples.
The K-Ar dating method was applied to the groundmass, using the unspiked
Cassignol-Gillot technique (Cassignol and Gillot, 1982). This technique was developed for
Quaternary volcanoes, whose lavas contain low radiogenic argon (40Ar*; Gillot et al., 2006). It
has been shown to be particularly suitable for dating young calk-alkaline lavas, such as in
Ecuador for Tungurahua volcano (Bablon et al., 2018a), as well as in Argentina or in the
Lesser Antilles (Samper et al., 2009; Germa et al., 2010; Germa et al., 2011; Ricci et al.,
2015). The description of sample preparation and analytical procedures, standards used and
uncertainty calculations are given in Bablon et al. (2018a). Samples were crushed and sieved
to 63-80, 80-125 or 125-250 µm, based on the size of the phenocrysts, which must be
removed, and on the groundmass proportion. The technique relies on the detection of the very
small difference between the isotopic Ar/36Ar ratio of the groundmass extracted from the
sample and the atmospheric ratio. The result corresponds to the quantity of 40Ar* produced by
the radioactive decay of 40K since the eruption. Therefore, together with the potassium content
of the groundmass and the 40K decay constants (Steiger and Jäger, 1977), we can calculate the
age of the lava sample. Both potassium and argon measurements were carried out at the
performed at least twice in order to check their reproducibility within uncertainty, except for
samples 16EQ28, 16EQ34 and 16EQ35, for which the argon content was measured five times,
in order to improve the precision calculated for the mean age. As the five ages obtained for
each aliquot are consistent within uncertainty, we can calculate the mean age by averaging
each analysis, weighted by the inverse of its variance. The final age uncertainty of these three
samples is obtained as the reciprocal square root of the five reciprocal variances sum (Taylor,
1997). Ages reported throughout this study are given at the 1-σ confidence level.
The analytical procedure for measurement of major and trace element content is
samples were analyzed by ICP-AES (Inductively Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission
Occidentale (Brest, France). Relative uncertainties are lower than 2% and 5%, for major and
trace elements, respectively. Major element concentrations were recalculated to a total of
100% on a water free-basis. Major and trace element concentrations are given in Table 2.
4. Results
Twenty-five K-Ar ages obtained in this study are presented in Table 1 and Fig. 2. All
samples have porphyritic textures with a variable amount of plagioclase, ortho- and
clinopyroxene, Fe-Ti oxides, olivine, and amphibole phenocrysts (Appendix A). Overall, the
groundmass represents about up to 50% of the rocks, and generally contains microlites of
plagioclase, pyroxene and Fe-Ti oxides into a glassy matrix. The K content of the separated
groundmass ranges between 1.3 and 3.1 wt.%, and radiogenic argon content ranges between
0.04% and 24.88%. The mean density of the dated fractions is about 2.66 The ages
obtained for each edifice are detailed below, from the Western to the Eastern Cordillera.
Both samples from Sagoatoa volcano have similar ages: 826 ± 12 ka for the summit
(16EQ40), and 799 ± 12 ka for the eastern distal lava flow (16EQ03; Fig. 2a). These ages
probably represent the terminal activity of the volcano, and, although we do not have any lava
flow from its initial stages, Sagoatoa volcano is the oldest edifice of our study.
Further south, the sample from Tzunantza dome (CAR-14; Fig. 2a), to the north of
Carihuairazo volcano, is dated at 512 ± 9 ka. Given that Carihuairazo lavas have been dated
at ~225 ka by Samaniego et al. (2012), this age may correspond to an older, pre-Carihuairazo
activity. The volcanic activity around Carihuairazo area may have ended with the formation of
Puñalica edifice, at 18 ± 3 ka (RIO-18).
Guano lava flow unit samples, related to the post-collapse activity of Chimborazo,
show two significantly different ages, which indicate that the proximal and distal areas do not
belong to a single lava flow. Indeed, the proximal sample yields 30 ± 3 ka (16EQ43), while
the distal sample suggests the existence of a Holocene lava flow emission from Chimborazo
In the Interandean Valley, Igualata volcano seems to be older than the neighboring
volcanoes, based on the high erosion of its flanks and its morphology. However, the oldest
sample is dated at 376 ± 10 ka (16EQ23; Fig. 2d), although we could not sample the base of
this edifice, due to the lack of outcrops. On the southwestern flank, the lava flow located in
the valley incised along the Pallatanga fault is dated at 237 ± 9 ka, while the pyroclastic flow
deposit sequence, dated at 107 ± 11 ka (Fig. 2d), is the most recent outcrop dated from this
volcano. Eastward, the two lava flows sampled as basement lavas yielded ages of 358 ± 6 and
371 ± 7 ka, for sample 16EQ27 located south of Igualata volcano, and for sample 16EQ14
located on the eastern foot of Mulmul volcano, respectively. Both ages are too young to be
associated with the old volcanic basement (Litherland et al., 1993; Hughes and Pilatasig,
2002), and they are in the same range as those obtained for Igualata volcano, with a similar
geochemical composition (see below). Thus, these lava flows should be related to the base of
this edifice.
Huisla volcano appears older than Igualata and coeval with Tzunantza dome, north of
Carihuairazo, with five ages ranging between 612 ± 10 ka (16EQ07) and 492 ± 9 ka (RIO-
111; Fig. 2b). The ages obtained for Mulmul volcano are consistent with the fact that it partly
grew within the sector collapse amphitheater of Huisla volcano. Indeed, ages are younger than
those of Huisla, and range between 174 ± 3 ka (16EQ08) and 145 ± 4 ka (16EQ11; Fig. 2b).
Finally, the timing of construction of Licto and Calpi cones, within the Riobamba
basin, is significantly different. In fact, the lava flow of Licto cone is dated at 183 ± 9 ka
(16EQ47), while the proximal lava flows of Calpi monogenic cones display ages of 9 ± 3 and
8 ± 5 ka (16EQ34 and 16EQ35, respectively; Fig. 2c). The distal lava flow of Calpi
oldest stage occurred before the major sector collapse event of Chimborazo volcano
(Clapperton, 1990; Bernard et al., 2008; Samaniego et al., 2012), and the youngest stage
corresponds to the construction of the cones during the Holocene. Detailed field investigations
Geochemical analyses of the twenty-seven samples show that they belong to the
medium-K calc-alkaline series in the K2O vs. SiO2 diagram (Peccerillo and Taylor, 1976;
Fig. 3a). Sample RIO-111, from Huisla volcano, plots in the limit between the medium and
high-K calc-alkaline series. Silica contents range between 52.8 and 65.9 wt.%, and K2O
content between 1.5 and 2.6 wt.%. Hence, lavas from this study are mainly basaltic andesites
and andesites, with some dacitic rocks, such as the youngest lava flow of Huisla (RIO-111),
the lava flow at the summit of Sagoatoa (16EQ40), and the pyroclastic flow deposit of
Igualata volcano (16EQ30; Fig. 3a). The Licto cone lava flow is a basaltic andesite, as well
as those from Puñalica (RIO-18) and from the southern Calpi cone (16EQ35), while other
samples from Calpi cones (16EQ34 and 17EQ114) are andesitic lavas with silica content of
~61%. All samples from Huisla volcano plot in the field of both in-situ lava flows and blocks
of the collapse deposits (Bustillos, 2008; Fig. 3a). Finally, we note that most samples have
lower potassium content than Tungurahua lava flows (Fig. 3a), located in the Eastern
Cordillera. Indeed, the content of most of the incompatible elements, including K, increases
with the distance from the trench, interpreted as a lower degree of mantle partial melting
(Barragán et al., 1998; Hidalgo et al., 2012; Ancellin et al., 2017).
Spider diagrams of trace elements normalized to the primitive mantle, and diagrams
of Rare Earth Elements (REE) normalized to chondrites (Sun and McDonough, 1989; Fig. 3b
and 3c), show enrichment of Large-Ion Lithophile Elements (LILE; Rb, Ba, and K) and Light
REE (LREE; La, Ce, Nd), as well as a depletion of High-Field Strength Elements (HFSE;
Nb, Ti and Y). These patterns are typical of arc magmas. The content of incompatible
elements is similar to our samples, except for Y and the heavy REE (HREE; Dy, Er, Yb),
which are enriched in samples of Mulmul and Sagoatoa volcanoes (red and pink lines
respectively; Fig. 3b and 3c). Finally, the content of major, trace and incompatible elements
flows, yielding a negative correlation between compatible elements (e.g., MgO, Fe2O3, CaO,
Cr, Ni; Fig. 4a and b) and SiO2, due to the crystallization of olivine, pyroxene, Fe-Ti oxide
and plagioclase phenocrysts in the magma chamber, and a positive correlation for Na2O
(Fig. 4c) and for incompatible elements (e.g., Rb and Ba; Fig. 4d). These trends are in
agreement with previous analyses carried out on other volcanoes from the southern part of
the arc (grey dots in Fig. 4), including lavas from Tungurahua, Chimborazo, Huisla, and
Sangay. However, there is no single and unequivocal interpretation about the origin of the
temporal variation of the geochemistry, which may be related to changes in the deep mantle
source or crustal processes. Our data, despite age differences, reflect the same macro-process
related to the subduction context, and do not result from local, superficial or minor
phenomena. For that reason, we prefer not to use these major and trace element analyses for
5. Discussion
5.1. Comparison with previously published data
Our new ages (Table 1) are in the range of those previously reported at Carihuairazo,
Chimborazo and Tungurahua volcanoes (Barba et al., 2008; Samaniego et al., 2012; Le
Pennec et al., 2013; Bablon et al., 2018a). However, both ages from Sagoatoa volcano are
younger than published K-Ar whole-rock and plagioclase ages (1.73 ± 0.35 and 1.40 ± 0.29
Ma respectively; Lavenu et al., 1992), obtained for the same lava flow as 16EQ03
(799 ± 12 ka), and for a lava flow located on the eastern flank of the volcano, respectively.
This large difference of about 1 Ma can be explained by the presence of inherited radiogenic
argon in the phenocrysts, which are necessarily included in the whole-rock analysis. Indeed, if
they were incorporated late in the magma chamber, they did not have time to be reset before
the eruption, hence producing a bias towards older values for the whole-rock ages. Whole-
rock samples may also contain concealed weathered areas, where the potassium may have
been leached, and, hence, this will also induce too old ages.
The age obtained for Tzunantza dome (512 ± 9 ka), north of Carihuairazo volcano, is
significantly older than lava flows of its southern flank, dated at ~225 ka (Samaniego et al.,
2012). We thus propose that this new age may correspond to an older, pre-Carihuairazo
volcanic activity. Moreover, the lava sample of Puñalica edifice, dated at 18 ± 3 ka, confirms
that it was constructed at the end of the LGM, before the emplacement of the younger
Further to the south, the Riobamba basin is filled by 10-12 km3 of debris avalanche
deposits from the huge sector collapse of Chimborazo volcano (Bernard et al., 2008;
Samaniego et al., 2012). The avalanche deposit related to this event is locally covered by the
distal Guano lava flows unit, the LGM moraines (18-25 ka), and the Río Blanco ash flow
sequence (42-43 ka; Samaniego et al., 2012). The age of 30 ± 3 ka, obtained here for a
proximal lava flow from the Guano unit, yields a maximum age for the LGM (Clapperton,
1990). Moreover, it implies that the sector collapse occurred before 30 ka, which is roughly in
agreement with the stratigraphic data and the ages of Samaniego et al. (2012). However, the
age obtained for the distal Guano lava flow (4 ± 2 ka), whose levees are well preserved
(Fig. 5a), is significantly younger than the previously published 40Ar/39Ar groundmass age of
60 ± 11 ka (sample RIO-5; Samaniego et al., 2012). Unfortunately, this age is not supported
by any 40Ar/39Ar age spectra, nor inverse isochron. Furthermore, it was the only age from that
study that was obtained using stepwise laser heating, hence without temperature control (M.
Fornari, pers. com.). The lack of detail information prevents us from explaining such large
differences, but we note that the groundmass fraction used for Ar/39Ar dating was selected
by hand, without using heavy liquids to obtain a narrow density range (2.53-2.60), as was the
case here for K-Ar dating. Similarly, undetected Ar recoil, occurring during irradiation,
could also have significantly biased the Ar/39Ar results. The elevation profile of the valley
across the distal Guano lava flow (Fig. 5c) shows that a ~120 m-thick sequence of the
Chimborazo avalanche deposits, which also crop out on the southern flank of Igualata volcano
(Bernard et al., 2008), was eroded by the San Andrés river before the emission of this lava
flow. The fact that the base of the flow is at the same elevation as the present day bottom of
the valley (Fig. 5c) strongly suggests that the river had no time to further incise the valley, and
argues in favor of the very young age of 4 ± 2 ka obtained from our measurements (16EQ28;
Table 1). Finally, this age implies that Guano lava flows were emitted as two different units.
An older proximal unit was erupted after the sector collapse of Chimborazo and before the
LGM period, whereas a younger unit includes the distal lava flow. This suggests that a pulse
of lava emission occurred during the Holocene, probably associated with the explosive
It was previously described that the Chimborazo collapse deposits cover scoria fallouts
from Calpi cones located southwest of the Riobamba basin (Bernard et al., 2008). New field
observations indicate that a distal lava flow can be also related to the activity of Calpi cones.
The distal lava flow from Calpi cones is unambiguously covered by the debris avalanche and
tephra fallout deposits from Chimborazo volcano, while Calpi proximal lavas do not seem
covered by any volcanic product. Consequently, Calpi cones could have been constructed in at
least two stages. The remnants of the oldest stage, represented by the distal lava flow that lies
under the collapse deposits, were emitted at 62 ± 4 ka (17EQ114), while we have dated the
youngest stage at 9 ± 3 and 8 ± 5 ka (16EQ34 and 16EQ35; Table 1), which is responsible of
the formation of the cones and proximal lava flows. Directly overlying the lava flow of the
oldest construction stage, the debris avalanche deposits emplaced during the Chimborazo
major sector collapse have therefore a well constrain maximum age of 62 ± 4 ka. This new
age confirms the previous hypothesis that the sector collapse event occurred ~65-60 ka, based
on stratigraphy and 40Ar/36Ar ages of Chimborazo lava flows (Samaniego et al., 2012).
Although no lava flow from Huisla volcano was previously dated, three plinian fallout
deposits, exposed in the Ambato basin (Fig. 2a), have been attributed to the late activity of
this volcano (Ordóñez, 2012). They contain grey and white pumice clasts, crystals of
plagioclase, amphibole, pyroxene and biotite, as well as some metamorphic clasts with a
petrography close to the basement of the Eastern Cordillera, and andesite clasts similar to lava
flows of the Huisla-Mulmul complex (Ordóñez, 2012) and incorporated during magma ascent.
According to uncalibrated C age determinations, the two younger tephra fallout deposits
were erupted during the last 40 ka, while the first plinian eruption is older (Ordóñez, 2012).
However, our ages indicate that Huisla volcano was constructed between 612 ± 10 ka and
492 ± 9 ka, and collapsed before the onset of Mulmul construction, dated here at ~180 ka
(Fig. 5b; Table 1). As there is no evidence of activity for Huisla volcano after its sector
collapse, the proposed age of the tephra fallout deposits, in particular for the two younger
plinian eruptions, is therefore much too young to be associated with Huisla volcano. On the
other hand, Mulmul volcano is younger than 180 ka, with major element compositions of its
lavas similar to those of Huisla (Fig. 3a; Fig. 4). Therefore, we suggest that plinian fall
deposits of the Ambato basin may originate from a late activity of Mulmul volcano. This
hypothesis remains consistent with the isopach maps (Ordóñez, 2012), although no proximal
tephra fallout deposit seems to crop out in the vicinity of Mulmul. Moreover, based on
stratigraphy, Bustillos (2008) and Espín (2015) showed that Huisla sector collapse is younger
than the Chalupas ignimbrite, dated at ~215 ka (Beate et al., 2006; Bablon et al., 2018b).
Since this destabilization occurred before the construction of Mulmul volcano, which is partly
constructed inside the amphitheater, we therefore propose that the sector collapse of Huisla
Based on our new data and previous studies of Chimborazo, Tungurahua and Sangay
volcanoes (Monzier et al., 1999b; Samaniego et al., 2012; Bablon et al., 2018a), a
reconstruction of the eruptive history of the E-W section from the southern Ecuadorian arc can
be proposed as follows.
The development of the southern part of the arc began with the construction of the
andesitic Huisla volcano in the Interandean Valley, around 600 ka. Before, the southernmost
edifice of the Middle Pleistocene arc was probably Sagoatoa volcano, which was constructed
before 800 ka (Fig. 6a and b). Huisla volcano activity ended ~500 ka ago, when andesitic
domes were emplaced at the current location of Carihuairazo volcano, in the Western
Cordillera. This activity was probably followed by the onset of Igualata and Sangay
construction, older than 400 ka (Monzier et al., 1999b). At 300 ka, the end of construction of
the main edifice of Igualata volcano (Fig. 6c) was coeval with the onset of Tungurahua
activity, in the Eastern Cordillera (Fig. 6d; Bablon et al., 2018a). Then, the volcanic activity
seems to increase between 300 and 100 ka (Fig. 6d and e), with the construction of
Carihuairazo (Samaniego et al., 2012), and Tungurahua (Bablon et al., 2018a) volcanoes, then
those of Licto cone, Mulmul volcano and Puyo cones in the back-arc (Hoffer et al., 2008), as
well as the onset of Chimborazo activity ~120 ka (Samaniego et al., 2012). The construction
of Mulmul volcano followed the Huisla sector collapse (Fig. 6c) and the large ignimbrite
eruption of Chalupas caldera that occurred at ~215 ka, 75 km to the north (Beate et al., 2006;
Bablon et al., 2018b). The construction stages of Altar volcano, located south of Tungurahua
volcano (Fig. 1b), are poorly documented, but it started before ~35 ka since its debris
avalanche deposit related to its western flank collapse crops out under the Tungurahua DAD
(Bustillos, 2008) dated at that age (Le Pennec et al., 2013). At least seven major sector
collapses occurred within the last 100 ka. They are evidenced by the debris avalanche deposits
from Chimborazo in the Riobamba basin (Clapperton, 1990; Bernard et al., 2008; Samaniego
et al., 2012), from Carihuairazo in the Ambato basin, and from Altar and Tungurahua in
Chambo and Pastaza valleys (Hall et al., 1999; Bernard et al., 2008; Bustillos, 2008; Bablon et
al., 2018a; Fig. 2). In addition, Mulmul volcano reactivated and produced at least three plinian
eruptions, whose deposits are found in the Ambato basin, interbedded with the avalanche
deposits of Carihuairazo volcano (Fig. 6f; Ordóñez, 2012). Finally, the volcanic activity of
Tungurahua continued during the Holocene, as well as the construction of Puñalica, Sangay
volcano (Monzier et al., 1999b), the youngest construction stage of Calpi cones (Fig. 6f), and
the emission of the ~15 km-long distal Guano lava flow from Chimborazo volcano.
5.3. Relationship between volcanism and the deep geometry of the slab
Overall, the development of volcanoes from the southern Ecuadorian arc seems to have
migrated southward. Such migration can also be inferred at larger scale. Indeed, the onset of
volcanism in the northern part of the Ecuadorian arc is older than for volcanoes from the
southern part (Fig. 7). Although many edifices remain to be studied in detail, such as Altar
and Sangay volcanoes, we point out that northern edifices began their activity earlier or close
to 1 Ma (Cayambe, Pichincha, Chacana, Pan de Azúcar and Atacazo, for instance; Samaniego
et al., 2005; Opdyke et al., 2006; Hidalgo et al., 2008; Hoffer, 2008; Robin et al., 2010), while
volcanic activity in the southern arc started later and is younger than 0.6 Ma.
In general, the volcanic front corresponds to the line formed by the volcanoes closest
to the subduction zone and generally parallel to the trench axis. These edifices are typically
located about 105-110 km above the dipping plate (e.g., Tatsumi, 1986; England et al., 2004;
Syracuse and Abers, 2006), where the temperature and pressure conditions allow melting of
the mantle wedge and magma genesis. In Ecuador, the depth of the slab below the volcanic
front varies between 85 and 100 km for the northern part of the arc, and between 100 and
130 km for southern termination (Fig. 8). Moreover, the distribution of volcanoes along the
Ecuadorian arc is not uniform. At least four volcanic clusters stand out, separated by along-arc
segments without Quaternary volcanic activity (Fig. 7). For these segments, the spacing
between volcanic centers is greater than the volcano-spacing average of ~25 km (Fig. 7). To
the north, the Colombian arc consists of a single alignment of volcanoes (Hall and Wood,
1985), which extends into northern Ecuador, forming a first volcanic group of rather small-
size edifices, less than 10 km wide (Fig. 7). Further south, separated from the first cluster by a
20-25 km interval without Quaternary volcanic activity, the second group extends from
Chachimbiro to Iliniza volcanoes (Fig. 7) and includes the greatest number of volcanoes and
back-arc volcanism. The width of the arc increases significantly between 0.5°N and 1°S and
reaches 140 km wide, in front of the subducting Carnegie ridge (Fig. 1a). Southward, where
the volcanic activity is younger, the arc becomes narrower again. The third group of volcanoes
is mainly represented by Pilisurco-Sagoatoa complex, Chinibano and Quilotoa volcanoes
(Fig. 1b and 7). They are separated from the previous group by about 35 km, where only
the Ecuadorian arc, and ends with a single edifice, Sangay volcano. The northeastern Japan
arc presents similar volcanic clusters, interpreted as a result of thermal anomalies within the
mantle wedge, which increase melting rate and magma production (Tamura et al., 2002).
Moreover, the geographic orientation of the Ecuadorian Quaternary arc changes significantly
from the northern to the younger southern part, although it seems to have been rather straight
during the Pliocene (yellow areas west of Chimborazo volcano; Fig. 7). More specifically, the
line formed by the volcanic front in Colombia has a NE trending orientation, which changes to
a NNE trend in northern and central Ecuador, then to a NW trend in the southern part of the
arc, south of 1°S. A recent seismic study focused on the geometry of the slab below Ecuador
has shown that the subduction of the Grijalva fracture zone between Farallón and Nazca plates
(Fig. 1a), as well as the change of convergence obliquity resulting from the convex shape of
the continental margin, produce a flexure of the slab at depth (Yepes et al., 2016; Fig. 8). We
observe that the young volcanoes from the southern termination of the arc investigated here
are located just above this flexure. By contrast, volcanoes with an older activity are located
above an area where the dip of the slab is shallower (Yepes et al., 2016; Fig. 8), whereas only
two Quaternary edifices (Sangay and Altar volcanoes) are present south of the Grijalva
fracture zone prolongation. We infer that the regional volcanism and the development of the
arc are related to the slab geometry at depth. Consequently, the curvature of the volcanic front
could have been initiated by the change in the slope of the slab induced by the flexure area,
while the recent southward migration of volcanic activity highlighted here may have been
partly triggered by a displacement of both the flexure and the Grijalva fracture zone at depth
below the arc in the last 600 ka. Indeed, the fast and oblique convergence of the Nazca plate
may induce a translation of the Grijalva fracture zone, and then, a displacement of the slab
flexure southward through time. The resulting changes of pressure and temperature conditions
may favor mantle partial melting, and hence magma genesis. Such relationships between the
slab geometry and the volcanism migration have been previously described in the Central
Andes (e.g., Ramos and Folguera, 2005; 2009). Assuming that the average velocity and
motion direction of the Nazca plate during the last million years is similar to the current GPS
data (~6 cm.a-1 and ~N81°E relative to South America; Trenkamp et al., 2002; Kendrick et al.,
2003; Bird, 2003; DeMets et al., 2010; Nocquet et al., 2014), that the angle between the
Grijalva fracture zone and the motion direction of the Nazca plate is 10 ± 1°, that
the angle between the Grijalva fracture zone and the margin is 45 ± 5° (Fig. 8),
and using the same approach as used by Hampel (2002) to estimate the displacement of the
Nazca ridge in Peru, we propose that the southward translation of the Grijalva fracture zone
agreement with the paleogeographic reconstructions of the Nazca plate based on marine
magnetic anomalies and the inferred past location of the Grijalva fracture zone (Hey, 1977;
Meschede and Barckhausen, 2001; Collot et al., 2009). However, this velocity seems too low
to account alone for the southward volcanism migration since 600 ka, and a slab deformation
without a significant displacement of the Grijalva fracture zone may have occurred to explain
The intense volcanic activity since ~500 ka and the numerous sector collapse events
that seem to occur in the last 100 ka in the southern termination of the arc may also be
Puná (CCPP; Alvarado et al., 2016; Fig. 1a) fault system, and especially along the Pallatanga
fault segment. Several edifices, such as Calpi cones, Igualata, Huisla, and Mulmul volcanoes,
line up with the fault (Fig. 2b; Fig. 6). Their location and morphology suggest a close
relationship between the tectonic activity of the Pallatanga fault and the location and evolution
of volcanoes within the Interandean Valley. The volcanic edifice construction that appears to
be most affected by the interaction with the tectonic activity is Igualata volcano. The
construction of its main structure occurred approximately between 380 and 350 ka (Table 1).
Then, after an apparent period of quiescence of ~100 ka, it experienced at least two periods of
activity, at 237 ± 9 ka with the andesitic lava flow, and at 107 ± 11 ka with the three dacitic
pyroclastic flows unit. Both units were emitted along the Pallatanga fault (Baize et al., 2016).
Moreover, their emplacement within the Patalú valley (Fig. 2c) incised by the recurring
seismic activity of the Pallatanga segment strongly suggests that the fault had already an
impact on the morphology at ~250 ka, and therefore that it was already active at that time. In
the southern foothill of Igualata volcano, the distal Guano lava flow is sheared by the
Pallatanga fault (Fig. 4a). Taking into account its age of 4 ± 2 ka (Table 1) and a lateral offset
calculated. This result is in agreement with the Holocene slip rate obtained for the Pallatanga
fault (Winter et al., 1993) and GPS data for the bulk CCPP fault velocity (Nocquet et al.,
2014). Further south, Calpi cones are quite isolated from other volcanoes and sit along the
fault system, southwest of the Riobamba basin (Fig. 6). Characterized by a relatively primitive
composition (Monzier et al., 1999a; Ancellin et al., 2017; Fig. 3a), their eruption could have
been favored by fracture openings along the fault possibly following large earthquakes.
Similarly, Huisla and Mulmul volcanoes are constructed at the intersection between the
northeastern known tip of the Pallatanga fault and a N-S suture zone located along the Eastern
Cordillera (Alvarado et al., 2016). These fracture zones may also have facilitated the rise of
magma. Moreover, as evidenced at Mount St Helens (e.g., Endo et al., 1981; Tilling et al.,
1990; Lagmay et al., 2000) and in Ecuador (Andrade et al, 2018), fault activity may also favor
sector collapses. It seems to have been the case for Huisla volcano, since the Pallatanga fault
is roughly aligned with the orientation of its flank collapse amphitheater (Fig. 5b) that
occurred between 215 and 180 ka (Table 1). In addition, the morphology of Mulmul volcano
shows that its southeastern side is more eroded than Huisla volcano, even though Mulmul is
much younger (Table 1). The dismantling of both edifices could have been promoted by a
recent activity along these segments of the Pallatanga fault (Fig. 5b), triggering local
collapses, thereby enhancing the effects of erosion and river incision. The gradual erosion of
the banks of the deep Río Chambo valley could also have played a role in the dismantling of
Finally, the morphological comparison of the two largest edifices studied here,
Sagoatoa and Igualata volcanoes, highlights the impact of the tectonic activity on erosion of
volcanoes. Both volcanoes are located in the Interandean Valley. Sagoatoa volcano seems
rather unaffected by tectonics, although no survey focused on the western edge of the
Interandean Valley was performed, except south of Chimborazo (Baize et al., 2015). On the
contrary, Igualata is cross-cut by the Pallatanga fault (Baize et al., 2016; Fig. 6), forming a
sigmoidal graben-like structure in its central area. Such structure is characteristic of a locally
extensive deformation, typical of interactions between strike-slip faults and volcanic edifices
(Mathieu and van Wyk de Vries, 2001; Lagmay et al., 2000; Andrade et al, 2018). The
different tectonic settings of Sagoatoa and Igualata volcanoes may thus influence their
different erosional processes. A simple way to compare the degree of erosion affecting each
volcano is to calculate the circularity index (Grosse et al., 2009; 2012) of a contour line
located mid-height of the volcano. This index is defined by , with A being the area
contained within the contour line and P its perimeter. C tends towards 1 for a quasi-circular
line, which would characterize non-eroded flanks of a young edifice, while it gets closer to 0
for a highly eroded volcano. Circularity index of Sagoatoa volcano is ~0.34 for the contour
line at 3480 m (unaffected by the presence of Pilisurco to the west), while the circularity index
for Igualata is ~0.19 at 3770 m. Igualata volcano is thus much more eroded than Sagoatoa,
despite the fact that it is only half the age. The presence of faults facilitated the erosion of
volcanic edifices, more specifically by destroying the edifice during earthquakes, but also by
driving water circulation (e.g., Traineau et al., 1989). The striking morphologic difference
between Sagoatoa and Igualata volcanoes can thus be related to the impact of the shear of the
Pallatanga fault on Igualata volcano, which favored erosion and led to the formation of the
wide valleys observed in the present-day landscape. However, they could have experienced
different climatic conditions that would increase the apparent tectonic impact on erosion, as
Igualata volcano has a summit elevation that currently reaches 4430 m and could have been
capped by a glacier during the Younger Dryas and/or Neoglacial periods (Clapperton, 1990;
Samaniego et al., 2012), contrary to the Sagoatoa summit, which culminates at 4169 m and
may not have experienced any glacial erosion since the LGM.
To summarize, our new ages suggest that the Pallatanga fault is active since at least
~350 ka, i.e. at the end of Igualata main edifice construction (Fig. 6c). It shows an ongoing
activity, as evidenced by Huisla sector collapse that occurred at 215-180 ka, by Chimborazo
collapse deposits that are sheared and present fault related pressure ridges (Baize et al., 2016)
since at least ~62 ka (Fig. 6d), and by the distal Guano lava flow, displaced by the fault during
5.5. Geodynamical evolution of the Ecuadorian range in the last million years
The new ages provided in this study (Table 1) highlight the southward migration of the
volcanic activity of the Ecuadorian arc since 600 ka (Fig. 6 and 7). It correlates with (1) a
change of the position and orientation of the volcanic front (Fig. 7), (2) the geometry of the
slab at depth and the presence of a flexure zone (Fig. 8), and (3) the activity of the Pallatanga
fault segment of the CCPP fault system (Fig. 6 and 8). We interpret these interactions by
occurred between 15 and 1 Ma (e.g., Lonsdale and Klitgord, 1978; Spikings et al., 2001),
coupling between the Nazca plate and South American continent increased (Spikings et al.,
2001; Espurt et al., 2008; Nocquet et al., 2014). This strain accumulation intensifies at 3 to
6 Ma, contributing to the uplift of the Ecuadorian Andes and forearc basins (Spikings et al.,
2001; Pedoja et al., 2006; Alvarado et al., 2016). The oblique convergence of the Nazca plate
led to re-activation of N-S suture zones segments (Alvarado et al., 2016), progressively
reorganized and connected with the more recent Pallatanga and Chingual oblique fault
systems. While the dip of the subducting plate is too flat in Peru and Southern Ecuador to
trigger partial melting of the mantle wedge (e.g., Gutscher et al., 1999), pressure and
temperature conditions favored the magmatic production in the northern part of Ecuador, and
the Quaternary volcanic arc developed in front of the Carnegie ridge (Fig. 7). The convex
geometry of the margin, the presence of the over thickened Carnegie ridge, together with the
stress increase related to its arrival in the trench area, lead to the formation of a major slab
flexure at depth (Yepes et al., 2016), driven by the Grijalva fracture zone subduction (Fig. 8).
Additionally, the detailed seismic tomography of Ecuador also evidences a curvature of the
Mohorovičić discontinuity between 1 and 2°S (Araujo, 2013). Relative to the South American
continent margin, and due to the oblique convergence, the location of this slab flexure slightly
moved southward as the oceanic plate was subducted. The fast evolution of the slab depth, the
width of the flexure and its slope, may have initialized the migration of the volcanic arc for
the last 600 ka. Moreover, as the arc magmatism occurred above the subducting plate from a
rather constant depth, between 90 and 120 km in Ecuador (Fig. 8), the location and orientation
of the volcanic front changed markedly, from ~27°NE to ~320°NW, following the new
orientation of the slab at depth. Finally, the activity of major faults and the presence of suture
zones (Alvarado et al., 2016) favored magma ascent and participated in the important
development of the arc since 400-300 ka (Fig. 7). In parallel, magmatic dikes and sporadic
intrusion of magma through crustal faults may have also contributed to the development of the
today (Winter et al., 1993; Tibaldi et al., 2007; Alvarado et al., 2014; Baize et al., 2015;
Along the American Pacific coast, several areas are characterized by the subduction of
an aseismic ridge, such as the Cocos ridge in Central America, the Nazca ridge and the Inca
Plateau in Peru, and the Juan-Fernandez ridge in Chile (e.g., Espurt et al., 2008). However, the
influence of these ridges on geodynamics is variable. Indeed, at these three locations the
geometry of the slab is rather flat due to a higher buoyancy of the oceanic crust (e.g., Pilger,
1984; Gutscher et al., 2000), while the Nazca plate presents a deep flexure below Ecuador.
This can be related to the age, and therefore density difference of the subducting oceanic crust
across the Grijalva fracture zone. In addition, the flat slab of Mexico does not prevent the
development of a Quaternary volcanic arc, contrary to Peru and Chile, where no recent
volcanism is present (e.g., Manea et al., 2017). Gutscher et al. (2000) suggest that volcanism
can occur during the early stages of a flat subduction, and wane progressively with the lack of
mantle wedge and a prolonged cooling of the subducting lithosphere. Following this
hypothesis, the present geodynamic setting of Ecuador would be at an early stage of the slab
geometry evolution, preceding a long-term shallowing of the Nazca plate and a gradual
decrease of volcanism in the far future (Gutscher et al., 2000; Espurt et al., 2008; Ramos and
Folguera, 2009).
6. Conclusions
The twenty-five new K-Ar ages performed on groundmass for young volcanic activity
characterization presented in this study provide new temporal constraints on the development
of the Ecuadorian arc. Although the periods of activity of some volcanoes remain poorly
documented at the regional scale, such as Sangay, Altar or Pilisurco, edifices from the
southern termination of the arc appear significantly younger than northern volcanoes
(Samaniego et al., 2005; Opdyke et al., 2006; Hidalgo et al., 2008; Hoffer, 2008; Robin et al.,
2010; Alvarado et al., 2014). An intensification of the volcanic activity seems to have
occurred since 600 ka, with the construction of Huisla, Igualata, Sangay (Monzier et al.,
1999b), Tungurahua (Hall et al., 1999; Le Pennec et al., 2006; Bablon et al., 2018a), then
Carihuairazo, Chimborazo (Samaniego et al., 2012) and Mulmul volcanoes, in the vicinity of
the Pallatanga fault. In addition, the magmatic composition of most recent strombolian cones,
such as those of Calpi, Licto and Puñalica, contrasts with the rest of the arc by showing a
the Nazca plate, and both Grijalva fracture zone and Carnegie Ridge subduction. The coupling
between the subducting plate and the South American continent, intensified with the increase
of crustal material accumulating into the trench and the oceanic crust age difference across the
Grijalva fracture zone, triggered the formation of a slab flexure at depth (Yepes et al., 2016).
Strains were accommodated at the surface by the activation of the major CCPP fault system.
Moreover, the new ages allow us to estimate that the Pallatanga fault was active since at least
350 ka, with a displacement velocity of about 3.3 to 10 mm.a-1 since the last 6 ka. Our
hypothesis relating volcanic arc development in direct connection with the upper plate and
slab geodynamics in Ecuador seems to favor a future increase of the number of volcanoes to
the south of the current active arc.
The authors warmly thank Victor Ramos and an anonymous reviewer for their
constructive comments and detailed reviews that greatly improved this manuscript. We thank
members of Instituto Geofísico (Escuela Politécnica Nacional) of Quito for their support
during field trips, and the French Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), through
the Laboratoire Mixte International program “Séismes et Volcans dans les Andes du Nord”,
which made this work possible. We also wish to thank Valérie Godard for her quality
manufacturing of the thin sections, Fanny Soler for her help during preparations and
measurements of Sagoatoa, Calpi and Guano samples, as well as Santiago Santamaría for
useful discussions, Pierre Lahitte for his advices and remarks concerning the impact of erosion
on the morphology, and Sébastien Lénard for his suggestions on the earlier draft of the
manuscript. This work is dedicated to the memory of our colleague Michel Monzier,
volcanologist at IRD, which was the first to describe the unusual characteristic of the southern
termination of the Ecuadorian arc. This publication was financially supported by INSU CNRS
TelluS Aleas (INSU 2015-ALEAS) and LMI IRD (2012-16 LMI-SVAN-IRD) programs. This
number XXX.
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Longitude Latitude K Ar* 40
Ar* x 1011 Age ± 1σ Mean age
Sample Location
(m) (m) (%) (%) (at/g) (ka) (ka)
Sagoatoa volcano
16EQ40 Lava flow, summit 759889 9872238 2.512 22.10 21.661 825 ± 12 826 ± 12
19.66 21.721 828 ± 12
16EQ03 Distal lava flow, west of 770638 9869872 1.639 24.88 13.710 801 ± 12 799 ± 12
Píllaro city 22.84 13.651 797 ± 12
Carihuairazo volcano
CAR-14 Tzunantza dome, N flank 753880 9851817 1.287 8.46 6.9239 515 ± 9 512 ± 9
10.58 6.8446 509 ± 9
RIO-18 Distal lava flow from Cerro 761709 9848098 1.409 0.59 0.2953 20 ± 3 18 ± 3
Puñalica 0.52 0.2357 16 ± 3
Chimborazo volcano
16EQ43 Proximal deposit of Guano 752451 9833515 2.132 0.90 0.6553 29 ± 3 30 ± 3
lava flow 1.02 0.6993 31 ± 3
16EQ28 Distal deposit of Guano lava 759527 9834465 2.029 0.17 0.1871 9±5 4 ± 2*
flow, north of Riobamba city 0.10 0.0955 5±5
0.09 0.0965 5±5
0.06 0.0598 3±5
0.04 0.0409 2±5
Igualata volcano
16EQ23 Lava flow, summit 762559 9834762 1.783 4.44 6.9751 374 ± 10 376 ± 10
3.99 7.0389 378 ± 11
16EQ14 Distal lava flow, under 776294 9837640 1.967 9.78 7.5893 369 ± 6 371 ± 7
Mulmul 5.62 7.6959 375 ± 9
16EQ27 Distal SE lava flow 770383 9818984 1.455 12.87 5.4347 358 ± 6 358 ± 6
11.17 5.4406 358 ± 6
16EQ24 Lava flow, E flank 765091 9834997 1.320 7.94 4.6095 334 ± 6 337 ± 7
Longitude Latitude K Ar* 40
Ar* x 1011 Age ± 1σ Mean age
Sample Location
(m) (m) (%) (%) (at/g) (ka) (ka)
cone 0.20 0.1861 12 ± 6
0.13 0.1263 8±6
0.11 0.0953 6±6
0.07 0.0693 4±6
16EQ35 Lava flow, Calpi, SW 752117 9817907 1.417 0.09 0.1561 11 ± 12 8 ± 5*
cone 0.09 0.1536 10 ± 12
0.07 0.1391 9 ± 13
0.04 0.0805 5 ± 13
NU 0.02 0.0385 3 ± 12
Table 1:
New groundmass K-Ar ages obtained in this study. Column headings indicate sample name,
detail of the outcrop location, sample coordinates projected using the Universal Transverse
Mercator (UTM) coordinate system (Zone 17), potassium concentration in percent, radiogenic
argon content in percent, and in atoms per gram (x1011), ages, and weighted mean age in ka,
with 1-sigma uncertainty. Ages marked with an asterisk (*) were calculated using reciprocal
Sagoatoa Igualata
16EQ03 16EQ40 16EQ41* 16EQ14 16EQ22* 16EQ23 16EQ24 16EQ27 16EQ29 16EQ30
SiO2 57.54 63.98 58.13 63.09 53.02 56.32 54.40 61.23 57.81 65.87
TiO2 0.84 0.90 0.81 0.59 1.09 0.96 1.04 0.62 0.93 0.54
Al2O3 15.56 15.32 16.87 16.94 18.32 18.19 16.59 17.41 16.93 16.29
Fe2O3 7.49 6.04 7.28 5.17 8.88 7.38 8.99 6.03 7.33 4.36
CaO 6.99 4.59 6.88 5.29 8.16 7.01 7.96 5.81 6.74 4.20
MgO 6.05 2.55 4.66 2.35 5.03 4.00 5.57 2.35 4.18 1.80
MnO 0.11 0.08 0.10 0.09 0.12 0.09 0.12 0.10 0.11 0.06
K2O 1.25 2.49 1.19 1.77 1.22 1.66 1.32 1.69 1.79 2.38
Na2O 3.95 3.76 3.89 4.51 3.86 4.10 3.71 4.49 3.89 4.32
P2O5 0.23 0.29 0.20 0.19 0.30 0.29 0.30 0.28 0.29 0.18
L.O.I. 0.06 0.80 1.84 0.13 -0.17 1.22 -0.04 0.20 0.59 1.33
Sc 18.30 11.88 14.90 9.47 15.80 13.87 16.34 8.52 15.50 6.93
V 187.92 158.16 160.56 106.22 190.51 176.31 210.68 118.90 177.04 90.21
Cr 256.62 49.20 123.16 24.41 124.88 57.29 163.31 21.52 100.32 17.94
Co 29.01 17.22 23.56 12.90 27.64 23.10 29.98 13.73 23.62 11.06
Ni 144.22 47.49 66.01 16.71 58.54 46.54 95.46 17.03 58.89 13.52
Rb 25.89 57.70 28.00 43.91 27.20 43.53 21.54 37.16 45.10 71.36
Sr 536.70 376.50 547.10 616.91 815.67 730.12 926.55 948.97 740.76 534.82
Y 16.34 23.83 13.06 11.80 15.31 15.95 14.68 11.64 15.58 11.17
Zr 129.18 246.62 32.41 128.86 121.67 140.26 118.60 116.87 146.06 145.29
Nb 4.45 9.62 4.90 5.23 7.44 6.40 4.92 4.57 6.64 4.65
Ba 475.42 809.53 574.08 853.96 625.38 719.38 620.08 901.10 793.83 949.89
La 14.06 24.00 14.14 18.77 20.14 20.66 23.52 21.90 20.89 19.33
Ce 31.14 50.40 24.82 37.27 38.82 42.17 47.06 43.74 44.74 41.90
Nd 17.45 27.33 15.55 17.19 24.40 22.99 26.23 21.61 23.34 18.71
Sm 3.62 5.74 2.98 3.40 4.86 4.36 4.75 4.10 4.44 3.66
Eu 1.12 1.36 0.97 0.92 1.37 1.21 1.34 1.19 1.21 0.81
Gd 3.62 5.01 2.77 2.77 4.37 3.92 4.29 3.15 3.84 2.93
Dy 2.86 4.05 2.31 2.16 3.04 2.95 2.72 2.18 2.78 2.06
Er 1.50 2.04 1.02 0.64 1.22 1.41 1.32 0.76 1.52 0.86
Yb 1.45 1.87 0.87 1.04 1.01 1.28 1.07 1.15 1.26 0.87
Th 2.78 6.55 3.16 4.34 3.49 4.31 4.60 5.20 5.06 6.61
Huisla-Mulmul complex
RIO 107 RIO 111 16EQ04 16EQ05 16EQ07 16EQ08 16EQ09 16EQ10 16EQ11
SiO2 54.02 64.66 55.74 55.52 56.92 60.35 60.72 61.08 52.83
TiO2 0.98 0.58 0.93 0.94 0.97 0.77 0.74 0.77 0.97
Al2O3 18.85 16.58 18.39 17.48 17.52 17.81 17.76 17.37 18.47
Fe2O3 8.38 4.69 7.98 8.27 7.92 6.22 6.40 6.31 9.05
CaO 7.24 4.57 6.80 7.44 6.97 5.72 5.43 5.59 8.20
MgO 4.59 2.10 3.73 4.78 3.89 2.49 2.24 2.47 5.23
MnO 0.13 0.08 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.15
K2O 1.41 2.64 1.69 1.38 1.51 2.12 2.09 2.04 1.37
Na2O 4.08 3.94 4.29 3.81 3.92 4.21 4.26 4.03 3.52
P2O5 0.32 0.17 0.33 0.25 0.27 0.23 0.25 0.22 0.22
L.O.I. 0.56 1.20 0.06 0.31 0.51 0.96 0.01 0.06 -0.18
Sc 16.46 9.02 12.95 18.91 16.90 11.74 9.48 12.45 25.51
V 209.32 89.23 186.12 178.00 196.57 150.78 123.52 140.61 227.85
Cr 90.20 36.43 69.96 76.48 47.81 5.48 7.10 9.55 42.69
Na2O 4.41 3.61 4.22 4.17 3.50 4.21 4.03 4.14
P2O5 0.22 0.26 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.19 0.36 0.20
L.O.I. 0.12 0.21 0.34 0.16 0.26 0.70 0.12 0.72
Sc 13.17 26.00 13.11 12.53 20.85 12.79 18.49 12.39
V 146.54 220.00 143.99 139.08 205.34 145.83 197.08 146.83
Cr 53.58 156.00 56.76 64.73 362.66 193.05 283.17 164.81
Co 20.72 28.00 18.07 17.53 35.86 20.79 31.35 23.44
Ni 46.72 41.00 40.57 48.73 172.54 75.66 136.86 74.25
Rb 17.03 20.00 41.88 45.77 19.36 38.16 27.19 34.35
Sr 692.38 1145.00 578.33 557.92 700.83 562.84 930.73 642.81
Y 11.41 16.90 13.54 13.49 14.07 9.84 13.51 12.12
Major and trace element compositions of whole-rock samples. All major element data were
brought down to a total of 100%. Samples marked with an asterisk (*) have not been dated.
The activity of the southern Quaternary Ecuadorian arc is younger than 800 ka.
A southward migration of the Ecuadorian arc occurred during the last 600 ka.
The spatial distribution of the volcanoes is related to the slab geometry at depth.
Major active faults in Ecuador could favour volcanic activities and flank collapses.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8