Alvarado Et Al 2016 Tectonics 2
Alvarado Et Al 2016 Tectonics 2
Alvarado Et Al 2016 Tectonics 2
Alvarado A1,2., Audin L2., Nocquet J.M3., Jaillard E2., Mothes P1., Jarrín P1., Segovia M.1,
Rolandone F.4 and Cisneros D.5
Instituto Geofísico, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, A. P. 17-2759, Quito, Ecuador
Institut des Sciences de la Terre (ISTerre), IRD : UR219 – Université Joseph Fourier -
Grenoble I – INSU – OSUG – France
Géoazur, CNRS, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, IRD, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur,
Valbonne, France
Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Université Paris 06, CNRS, Institut des Sciences de la Terre de
Paris (ISTeP), Paris, France
Instituto Geográfico Militar (IGM), Quito, Ecuador.
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not
been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process which may
lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as
doi: 10.1002/2016TC004117
Key points
New tectonic and geodetic data unambiguously define the present-day boundary of the NAS
in Ecuador.
The present-day major boundary does not follow old sutures like the Dolores Guayaquil
Cenozoic partitioning of the deformation developed by successive narrowing restraining
Geodynamic evolution of the Northern Andes departs from the classical Andean
subduction type [Uyeda and Kanamori, 1979; Lallemand, 1999]. Along the northwestern
margin of South America, subduction of the oceanic Farallón plate occurs since at least 190
Ma and interacted with the progressive development of the Caribbean domain to the North.
This plate interaction led to large-scale lithospheric deformation of northern South America
involving several individualized continental blocks (Figure 1) [Audemard and Audemard,
2002; Pindell and Kennan, 2009]. Furthermore, between 75 and 58 Ma, oceanic terranes have
been accreted to the Ecuadorian continental margin through successive episodes [Reynaud et
al., 1999; Spikings et al., 2001; Jaillard et al., 2004; 2008; 2009], before the main orogeny
phase started 23 Ma ago [Hey, 1977; Audemard and Audemard, 2002]. In the latest stage of
the Northern Andes evolution, an upper plate “sliver” in Ecuador and Colombia, trapped
between the trench and the South American craton (i.e. the Guyanese Shield) is “escaping”
NE-wards since the Mio-Pliocene [Pennington, 1981; Costa et al., 2009; Egbue and Kellog,
2010; Nocquet et al., 2014].
Since early observations by Fitch [1972], many studies have recognized that the
overriding plate in subduction zones experiences intense deformation, leading to the formation
of partly detached on board continental domains, wedged between the trench and the stable
part of the upper plate. The words “Forearc slivers” [Beck, 1991; McCaffrey, 1992], “blocks”
[Pennington, 1981], “micro-plate” [Brooks et al., 2003], “continental slivers” [Nocquet et al.,
2014] have interchangeably been used by the authors depending on the local context. In this
paper, we choose to use the term “North Andean Sliver” (NAS) for the following reasons: (1)
the mobile domain encompasses not only the fore-arc domain, but sometimes also comprises
part of the arc and back-arc domains (2) we believe that “blocks” or “micro-plate” refer to a
domain without any significant internal deformation, which is usually not the case [e.g.
Gordon, 1995]. The existence of internal deformation within the NAS has further been
demonstrated by Alvarado et al., [2014] for the Quito Fault System and by Lavenu et al. [1995]
for the Interandean Valley, precluding the use of “block” or “microplate” (3) the domain
showing coherent motion displays a large length/width ratio (here extending about 2200km
Several models have described in general terms the escape of the NAS and proposed
the driving mechanisms but none have discussed its geographical boundaries or evolution
through time. So far, studies of the NAS fall into two different conceptual categories. On one
hand, some models propose the distribution of the deformation as taking place along several
fault strands equally active, but localizing the deformation at the scale of the lithosphere
(Figure 2a) [Soulas et al., 1991; Egbue and Kellog, 2010]. Consequently, the NAS would be
divided in a succession of N-S domains (Figure 2b) [White et al., 2003]. Conversely, other
models consider the eastern limit of the NAS as a restraining bend located along the
Interandean depression (Figure 2c) [Ego et al., 1996].
Here, we present an integrated view of the tectonic evolution of the Ecuadorian Andes over the
last 15 Ma, based on all available geodynamic data. The main goals of this review paper are:
(1) to address the Neogene geologic and tectonic history of a key part of the Northern Andes
through a critical review of previously published works (2) to provide new, high-quality GPS
and structural data in order to unambiguously define the present-day eastern limit of the NAS.
Based on these results, we propose an evolution model showing how oblique plate
convergence has been accommodated within the South American continent in Ecuador at least
since the Miocene. This model is used to discuss the role of tectonic heritage of continental
In major active mountain ranges, suture zones are considered as fundamental inherited
lithospheric structures. In Tibet for example, sutures usually indicate the contact of margin
rocks with exotic terrains and control the further evolution of the orogeny and the location of
deformation [Guillot and Replumaz, 2013]. Sutures can thus be re-activated or abandoned
through time at the favour of compatible convergence directions, especially as strike-slip fault
systems. For instance in Tibet, it has been proposed that boundary forces resulted in stresses
sufficient to reactivate weakly welded sutures [Tapponnier et al., 2001]. Similarly to Tibet,
Two different kinds of suture zones and fault systems summarized in this compilation
have been previously identified (Figure 1) [Feininger, 1987; Lebras et al., 1987; Aguirre, 1992;
Van Thournout et al., 1992; Reynaud et al., 1999; Hughes and Pilatasig, 2002; Kerr et al.,
2002; Mamberti et al., 2003; Jaillard et al., 2009]. The first one illustrates the major phases of
deformation recorded by the continental metamorphic domains, while the second marks the
geographic eastern limit of the accreted oceanic terranes (Figures 3 and 4). Southern Ecuador
marks the transition from the Central Andes of Peru to the Northern Andes of Ecuador and
Colombia [Zamora and Litherland, 1993]. On Figure 3, our new geologic map of the
Pallatanga region, in SW Ecuador, reflects the structural evolution of this area during the
Cretaceous. While most inherited and inactive major fault systems strike parallel to the orogen
Thermochronological studies reveal variable exhumation rates for each Andean domain
and several distinct cooling events since the Cretaceous [Spikings et al., 2001; 2010]. These
exhumation phases were coeval with transpressive deformations recorded on the continent and
are recorded between 75 and 30 Ma, and most importantly for our study during the last 15-
10 Ma [Spikings et al., 2005]. Although spatially variable, even in a single region, the general
exhumation pattern for the last 15 Ma is presented on Figure 4 [Steinmann et al., 1999; Spiking
et al., 2000; 2001; 2010; Winkler et al., 2005]. Distinct periods of cooling during the late
Miocene-Recent in the northern Eastern Cordillera and the Western Cordillera temporally
correlate with giant alluvial fan sedimentation along the edges of the Andean massif, west or
east in the Amazon foreland basin, attesting that cooling was a result of surface uplift and
erosion. However rock uplift was a result of continental deformation, although not necessarily
Between 9 Ma and 5 Ma, the eastward migration of the uplifted and deformed areas
was coeval with the initiation of the deformation of the Subandean zone (Figure 4). AFT ages
from the igneous basement rocks from the Subandean Zone suggest that they were rapidly
cooled during the Late Miocene [Ruiz, 2002; Spiking et al., 2010]. The entire extent of the
Western Cordillera located west of the Pujilí Suture exhumed rapidly at 15 Ma (Figure 4).
Apatite (UeTh)/He data reveals rapid cooling and exhumation (from 2.3 km to the present
surface; Spikings and Crowhurst, [2004]) in the northern part of the Eastern Cordillera,
commencing around 5 to 3 Ma, although this has not been detected south of S1°30’. In parallel,
the eastern Western Cordillera also started exhuming in the Late Miocene. This spatial
variation in exhumation is attributed to dextral transcurrent reactivation of the favourably
oriented and mechanically weak sutures, leading to exhumation in the Western Cordillera. This
microblock played the role of an indenting buttressing block and Spikings et al., [2010]
attribute the driving force to pulses of compressive stress during the collision of the Carnegie
Ridge with the upper plate, starting at 15 Ma.
3- Neotectonic homogeneous map and new data: major fault systems description
Here, we compile individual and local tectonic studies from the literature and present
them on a new comprehensive map based on an analysis of tectonic geomorphology (Figure 5).
The faulting patterns observed across Ecuador appear to preserve different stages in
In northern Ecuador, the Chingual fault runs along the Eastern Cordillera northeastward
[Tibaldi and Ferrari, 1992; Ego et al., 1996] and connects to the La Sofia and Río Cofanes
faults. Morphological and geodetic evidence of transpression combined with C radiometric
dating provide reliable slip rate measurements for the Quaternary time period [Ego, 1995]. Slip
rates along the Chingual system range from 7 – 10 mm/yr. [Ego, 1995; Tibaldi et al., 2007].
Using the Euler pole from Nocquet et al. (2014) (long. -83.40°E, lat. 15.21°N, angular velocity
0.287°/Ma), the motion predicted for the NAS with respect to Stable South America suggests
movement of 8.5mm/yr. in a N65°E direction (at long. 76.79°W, lat. 1.24°N), and is in
agreement with the Quaternary slip rates. This rate of movement indicates that the Chingual
fault is the major fault accommodating the motion of the NAS, the contribution of all other
faults being negligible in terms of kinematics. The Chingual fault system extends to Colombia
through the Afiladores-Sibundoy-Algeciras Fault System [Paris et al., 2000; Velandia et al.,
2005] (Figures 1 and 5a).
The Cosanga segment (Figure 1 and 5a) follows the entrenched valley of the Río
Cosanga and trends N-S, showing compressive components of movement during the
Quaternary period. The successive active fault segments can be followed northward in the Río
Quijos valley. The Cosanga segment shows a mainly reverse offset with a dextral secondary
The Pallatanga segment (Figure 1 and 5a) is the southern extension of the Pujilí Fault
[Hughes and Pilatasig, 2002]. It crosscuts the Western Cordillera and several sutures are shown
in Figure 3. This fault system extends east of the Gulf of Guayaquil [Winter et al., 1993] and
about 200 km to the NE across the Interandean Valley, up to the foot of Chimborazo volcano,
following the entrenched valley of the Río Pangor. Holocene slip rates have been proposed to
be 2.5-4.6 mm/yr. [Winter et al., 1993, Baize et al., 2014]. This value is 30% of the prediction
(7.1 mm/yr., N47E) derived from GPS for the relative motion of the NAS with respect to the
Inca Sliver, using the Euler poles from Nocquet et al. [2014]. To the Southwest, the Pallatanga
fault system can be traced down toward the coastal plain. It forms at least two restraining
bends and then connects to the Puná active fault segments on the Puná Island [Dumont et al.,
The Puná fault system [which can be traced to the Miocene Dumont et al., 2005]
represents a segment of the southern boundary of the NAS. This system includes several active
segments: the Zambapala flower structure [Lions, 1995] and the Santa Clara fault [Dumont et
al., 2005]. Farther to the south, the Amistad flower structure in the Gulf of Guayaquil [Benítez,
1985; Deniaud, 1999] is considered to represent the offshore continuation of the main
Pallatanga-Puná fault system (Figure 5a). The Gulf of Guayaquil itself is a complex pull-apart
structure, bordered by secondary NW-SE normal faults and a very thick sedimentary package
of Pleistocene age. Witt and Bourgois [2010] suggest that the opening of the Gulf of Guayaquil
marks the onset of a northward drift of the NAS, in agreement with the development of local
In Southeastern Ecuador, the Macas fault system bounds the Cordillera Real on its
western flank. Its northern prolongation was probably part of the Méndez fault (Figures 1 and
5a) [Aspden and Litherland, 1992]. Morphological evidence suggests a compressional
deformation toward the Sub Andean domain to the east [Bès de Berc et al., 2005], although no
significant instrumental or historical crustal seismicity (M > 4) appears to be related to this
structure (Figure 5b).
This fault system combines the Quito Fault System (QFS, Figure 1 and 5a) and the
Latacunga Fault System defined after Lavenu et al. [1995], Ego [1995], and Fiorini and Tibaldi
[2011]. These fault segments affect the whole pile of Quaternary to Holocene layers that fill
the Interandean Valley, attesting to the on-going blind thrusting in this region. The QFS
exhibits evidence for a slip rate of 4-5 mm/yr. shortening estimated from GPS, whereas the
Neotectonic Summary
Assessment of the geometry and location of active structures in the region has proven
challenging to date in Ecuador, primarily because of the dense vegetal cover and the low
crustal instrumental seismicity registered since 1960 [Beauval et al., 2010]. However,
systematic analysis of fault size, geometry and geomorphic displacement reveals a hierarchy of
tectonic features [PMA,]. The Chingual-Cosanga-Pallatanga-Puná fault
system (CCPP) represents the best developed fault system in Ecuador (Figure 5a). It
constitutes the eastern tectonic boundary of the North Andean Sliver and connects three
different transpressive and reverse subsystems. It was first suggested by Ego et al. [1996] to be
associated with a major restraining bend in Ecuador or to secondary active faults, lying east of
a main transfer zone described by Winkler et al. [2005]. The CCPP is about 800 km long, from
the Gulf of Guayaquil in southwestern Ecuador, to the eastern side of Cordillera Real at the
Ecuador-Colombia border (Figure 1). Its geomorphology is expressed by one or more parallel
fault segments striking N-S to NE-SW. The North-South trending segments localize the
hypocenters of several major historical earthquakes as well as instrumental seismicity as
described below. However, the active tectonic synthesis presented above suggests the existence
of an additional microblock: the Quito-Latacunga Microblock (Figure 5a), which extends from
east to west between the Cosanga and Quito-Latacunga fault systems. The Quito-Latacunga
Microblock southern limit coincides with the Pisayambo fault zone (Figure 5a) and its northern
limit with the SW tips of the Chingual fault. Indeed, several branches of the Algeciras-
Sibundoy-Chingual Fault system display evidences of a southwest-ward continuation into the
Interandean Valley, with NNE-SSW trending individual faults, such as the Santa Barbara and
San Gabriel segments. We discuss the potential existence of this microblock using seismicity
and GPS data and its role in terms of the evolution of the upper plate deformation through
Since 1988, the local seismic network (RENSIG) has detected more than 44,000
tectonic events, 14 % of them with magnitudes ≥ 4, with about 300 focal mechanisms (Figure
5b). Focal mechanisms of shallow crustal earthquakes (M > 4 and less than 40 km deep, Depth
error ± 10km), which occurred in Ecuador in the last 25 years, define distinct zones of seismic
activity and stress regime (Figure 6). Strike-slip faulting dominates within and near the Gulf of
Guayaquil in agreement with the right-lateral motion of the Puná segment of the CCPP.
Predominant reverse faulting occurs along the Cosanga-Chingual segment, in agreement with
the fault style observed in this area and the large-scale kinematics derived from GPS. Finally, a
few significant earthquakes have occurred in the Interandean valley, including the recent
August 12, 2014, Mw 5.1 Quito earthquake.
The location of the focal mechanisms and large historical earthquakes enlightens the
CCPP as a major boundary. The change in earthquake focal mechanisms is coherent with the
relative motion of the NAS with respect to its surrounding domains: pure right-lateral strike-
slip motion occurs between the NAS and the Inca sliver from the Gulf of Guayaquil to the
eastern Cordillera, and a mainly transpressive motion occurs between the NAS and the
Subandean domain. As secondary features, active faults and their focal mechanisms are found
west and south of the Interandean valley, along the Quito-Latacunga fault system. There,
Quaternary and on-going movements are mainly compressive with a right lateral component
compatible with longer term data documented through previous geomorphic analysis [Lavenu
et al., 1995; Fiorini and Tibaldi, 2011]. The Pisayambo area marks the tectonic transition zone
5- GPS results
Nocquet et al. [2014] show that at the regional scale, the present-day kinematics of the Andes
and its western margin is dominated by the diverging motion of the NAS and the Inca Sliver,
the latter encompassing southern Ecuadorian and Peruvian Andes and their margin. Here, we
present new GPS data along the Cosanga segment (Figure 7) and the Pallatanga-Puná segment
(Figure 8), together with data used in Alvarado et al. [2014]. The results are based on
campaigns data, first measured in the 1990’s by the Instituto Geográfico Militar (IGM), which
we re-measured in 2009 and 2011. All campaign sites have a minimum observation period of
10 years, leading to velocity determined at the 1 mm/yr. level, or less. The full description of
the GPS processing is provided in Nocquet et al. [2014, supplementary information]. With
respect to a Stable South America Reference Frame (Figure 7a), a clear gradient is seen in the
eastern component of the velocity field from ~12.5 mm/yr. in the western Cordillera, 8 mm/yr.
in the Interandean valley east of Quito, and finally 3-4 mm/yr. for sites located on the
Subandean fold-and-thrust belt. Furthermore, the overall shortening is accommodated over
short distances that correlate spatially with the active faults. About 4-5 mm/yr. are
accommodated across the Quito Fault System (QFS, Figure 7B, Alvarado et al., 2014) and a
Figure 7D shows the velocity field for the area located east of the Gulf of Guayaquil, expressed
in the NAS reference frame as defined in Nocquet et al. [2014]. The area encompasses the
Puná and Pallatanga segments of the CCPP. The velocity field shows a clear pure right-lateral
strike-slip motion of the Inca sliver with respect to the NAS. Although, there is no clear
geomorphologic trace of the fault between the Pallatanga and the Puná segments, GPS predicts
that ~8 mm/yr. of relative motion over a distance less than 50 km is accommodated there,
providing evidence that the CCPP is the major tectonic structure delimiting the southern limit
of the NAS.
Early studies of the northern Andes and the southern Caribbean proposed the Dolores-
Guayaquil Megashear as a major boundary decoupling crystalline rocks from accreted oceanic
crust [Campbell, 1968, Case et al., 1968, Case et al., 1971]. In Ecuador, the major limit was
first proposed to follow the foothill of the western Cordillera [Campbell, 1968]. Further
detailed studies showed that the main suture zone was actually following the eastern side of the
western Cordillera [Kerr et al., 2002] and that the correct definition of this suture corresponds
During the last two decades, several models have been proposed to explain the tectonic activity
observed in Ecuador [e.g. Tibaldi and Ferrari, 1992; Lavenu et al., 1995; Ego et al., 1996 ;
White et al., 2003; Dumont et al., 2005 ; Winkler et al., 2005 ; Witt and Bourgois, 2010].
Previously proposed models fall into two conceptual classes. According to the first category of
models, the tectonic activity is distributed along four major fault types: reverse, parallel, N-S-
The cordilleran exhumation as well as the observed horizontal deformation in Ecuador appears
also to be intimately linked with the development of evolving tectonic configurations through
time. We propose here a coherent interpretation, which involves successively narrowing
restraining bends rather than a single one. Also, the principal tectonic shortening or
transpression between the former trench location and the stable craton appears to have
We postulate that dextral transpressional deformation is the dominant process in the structural
development and uplift of the Northern Andes in Ecuador for more than 15 Ma, as opposed to
the mainly compressive deformation style recorded in Northern Peru [Naeser et al., 1991].
Modelling the structure of the northern Andes as a dextral transpressional margin requires a
temporal evolution of the NAS´s southeastern boundary, and associated restraining bends, into
a more mature fault system, which suggests the establishment of a localized continental plate
boundary. This plate boundary developed and localized since the Quaternary [Benitez, 1975].
The opening of the Gulf of Guayaquil attests for its activity during the past 1.8 - 1.6 Ma
[Deniaud et al., 1999].
Seismicity distribution at depth indicate that the allochtonous terrains are dipping eastward;
constituting a crustal accretionary prism, which indeed forms the crustal root of the Western
Ecuadorian Andes [Guillier et al., 2001; Jaillard et al. 2002]. Following the accretions, the last
tectonic episodes of activity are associated with the rapid uplift of the Cordilleras (15-0 Ma)
and correspond to the initiation of continental deformation. As on-going subduction yielded
compression to the upper plate, the overthickened prism becomes rigid and is no longer able to
accommodate additional compression as proposed by Bonnardot [2003]. As a consequence, at
3 – 0 Ma, most of the strain is transferred eastward to the Cordillera Real’s inherited fault
zones. Previously, from 40 to 15 Ma, deformation was concentrated along sutures and faults
[Jaillard et al., 2009; Spikings et al., 2010]. However, as structures were reorganized with the
migration of the deformation, compression involving the Interandean Valley, resulted in its
rapid uplift of the Interandean Valley and that of the Cordilleras as observed between 15 and 0
Ma (see Figure 3). This rapid exhumation concluded with the coastal plain and the marine
NAS extrusion occurs rapidly as the Nazca plate moves eastward relative to the Brazilian
Shield at ~ 56 mm/yr. GPS results indicate 8-10 mm/yr of northeastward motion with respect
to the stable South American plate and indicate a quasi-rigid continental sliver.
Crustal seismic activity is high in the Northern Andes and the occurrence of large earthquakes
Contrasting with others segments in the Andes, the deformation in the Subandean domain is
small compared to the relative motion accommodated by the CCPP.
This publication was made possible thanks to the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
(IRD), which provided support to UMS 2572 LMC14 (CNRS-CEA-IRD-IRSN-Min. Culture et
Comm.) and to the PhD grant of the author. ADN project (ANR-07-BLAN-143) and LMI
“Séismes et Volcans dans les Andes du Nord”. The data for this paper are available by
contacting the first author and on the following opendatabase, Website : http://neotec- Constructive reviews of a previous version helped to improve the
manuscript. This contribution is part of an Ecuadorian–French cooperation program between
the Instituto Geofisico, Escuela Politécnica Nacional (IG-EPN), Quito, Ecuador; Institut de
Recherche pour le Développement and the UMR ISTerre in France (LMI SVAN).
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Code Y/M/D Event name Magnitude Code Y/M/D Event name Magnitude
Figure Figure 5
1 1587/08/31 Guayllabamba 6.4 MI 12 1955/7/20 Atahualpa 6.1 MI