On The Modeling and Control of A Novel Flywheel Energy Storage System

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On The Modeling and Control of a Novel

Flywheel Energy Storage System

Trong Duy Nguyen, King Jet Tseng, Shao Zhang, Hoan Thong Nguyen
Centre for Smart Energy Systems, Nanyang Technological University
Nanyang Avenue, 639798, Republic of Singapore

Abstract— The concept of a novel axial flux permanent magnet N f i f : fictious magnetomotive force of rotor’s field
machine for flywheel energy storage system is presented.
Modeling and control of this novel flywheel energy storage system N s : Number of stator windings
are given. This flywheel energy storage system is designed to ω : angular velocity of the rotor
work as a fast-response energy storage device which is planned p : number of pole pairs
for use in ride-through applications in wind power. Therefore the
flywheel has to store and release energy at high power rating in PID : proportional, integral and derivative controller
short period of time to meet such requirements. Motoring torque Ri : inner radius of permanent magnets
and axial force of this flywheel are well controlled by a simple Ro : outer radius of permanent magnets
control technique. The flywheel is driven by a single power
converter. Mathematical model of the proposed flywheel is T1 , T2 , T : upper, lower and total motor’s rotating torque
presented and verified by Matlab simulations. In order to Td : differential time constant of a PID controller.
evaluate this novel machine concept, an experimental test-rig was θ : rotor electrical angular position
fabricated and tested. Experimental and simulation results are
presented and compared. Wco : magnetic co-energy
Index Terms—Flywheel Energy Storage System (FESS), Axial z : axial displacement
Flux Permanent Magnet Machine (AFPM), Axial Force Control,
Finite Element Method (FEM). I. INTRODUCTION

a , b , c : three-phase stator windings
T he increase in distributed generation (DG) causes
significant impacts on power network system security and
reliability recently. The use of energy storage systems has been
F1 , F2 , F : upper, lower and total levitation force identified as an effective method to mitigate the negative
Fz _ ext : external force in vertical direction (z-axis) impacts of DG [1-5]. Particular interests have focused on the
g1 , g 2 : upper and lower airgap length use of renewable energy generation with energy storage
systems. Such energy storage systems need to have fast
g10 , g 20 : upper and lower effective airgap response in order to ensure stability and reliability of power
id : direct-axis stator current grid.
iq : quadrature-axis stator current Flywheel energy storage systems after major improvements
J : moment inertial of flywheel-rotor in materials, magnetic bearing technology, and power
electronics have become promising alternative to traditional
K c : Carter’s factor
battery energy storage system. The main advantages of
k p : proportional coefficient a PID controller flywheel energy storage system are fast charge/discharge, high
ki : integral coefficient a PID controller energy storage density, high power density, low risk of
kd : differential coefficient a PID controller overcharge or over-discharge, wide range of operation
temperature, very long life cycle and environmental
KT : torque constant
friendliness [6-8]. So FESS may be located at electric utilities
Las , Lbs , Lcs : stator self-inductance for power smoothing and frequency regulation [2, 9-10]. A
L ff : rotor self-inductance typical conventional flywheel energy storage system is
lm1 , lm 2 : upper and lower permanent magnet thickness composed of an electrical machine connected to a flywheel for
inertial storage by long mechanical shaft. This structure of
λd : direct-axis stator flux linkages
separate motor/generator and flywheel makes the whole system
λ f : rotor flux linkages long, bulky and challenging for dynamic variation control.
λq : quadrature-axis stator flux linkages Axial-flux permanent magnet machines have higher torque and
better power density compared with radial flux machines [11-
M af , M bf , M cf : mutual inductance
12]; Hence AFPM machines have been considered for use to
µ0 : permeability in vacuum overcome above mentioned problems [13-16]. Because less
µr : relative permeability mechanical links and joints are required, such designs reduce
the overall length of a motor, thus reducing rotor side’s weight,

978-1-4244-6392-3/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 1395

increasing power density, and lowering vulnerability to rotor and lower stators carries a set of three-phase double-layer
dynamic vibrations. The machine proposed in [16] can achieve copper windings with 2 slots per pole per phase [17]. Rotation
wide range of field control capability. However this design is of flywheel is ensured by upper and lower mechanical bearings
challenging in machine manufacturing and requires separate respectively. Machine’s shaft is designed to be able to slide
control of field and three phase currents. along the bearings in vertical direction and limited by the
The flywheel device proposed in this paper is based on an mechanical supporting system as in Fig.1. This supporting
axial flux permanent magnet machine. Controllability of axial system is used to adjust and limit the axial air-gap of flywheel.
force and motoring torque is obtained only based on three The electromagnetic relationship model of the flywheel
phase currents. Axial force and torque can be independently device can be illustrated as in Fig. 2. In general, a three-phase
controlled using a linearizing mathematical model. The rotor inverter working under the pulse width modulation (PWM)
of this flywheel is partially levitated by permanent magnets condition will drive the three-phase windings. In operation, the
mounted on the rotor. In order to achieve a flywheel working permanent magnet driven flux travels axially from rotor pole
as a fast-response energy storage device for ride-through to stator and goes back to rotor. Rotating flux, generated by
applications in wind power, this proposed flywheel is the three-phase sinusoidal currents in the three-phase
controlled to fast accelerate and decelerate in a short period of
windings, interacts with rotor flux and generates motoring
time. The structure and working principle of the proposed
torque and axial force in the machine. The flywheel parameters
device are introduced along with its mathematical model. The
and dimensions are shown in Table I.
system mathematical model is verified by Matlab simulations.
Experimental test-rig has been built and tested. PROTOTYPE DIMENSIONS AND PARAMETERS
Rated power 1kVA
Rated Speed 6,000 rpm
The flywheel has to work as a fast-response energy storage Frequency 200 Hz
device. In short-time duty operation, the flywheel can operate Magnet type NdFeB
with 2 to 5 times of rated power. Accelerating and decelerating Remanent flux density 1.23T
in a short period of time is a requirement; therefore fast torque Upper stator winding turns 210
Lower stator winding turns 210
control and minimizing axial-force stress as well as losses on Stator outer diameter 90 mm
mechanical bearings are the main concerns. In order that the Stator inner diameter 52 mm
flywheel can work with a current as small as possible in steady Airgap length 0.5 mm
state hence reducing flywheel device’s idling losses, Number of slots 24
Teeth width 12.40 mm
permanent magnets mounted on upper and lower rotors are Slot depth 18 mm
carefully designed by FEM. Static axial force generated by Permanent magnet length of upper rotor 2.0 mm
rotors’ permanent magnets is nearly equal to flywheel’s Permanent magnet length of lower rotor 1.87 mm
weight. The flywheel achieves partially-self levitation by static Stator yoke thickness 20 mm
Rotor core thickness 20 mm
axial force from permanent magnets while dynamic axial
variation is regulated by d-axis current.

Fig. 1 Proposed flywheel device

The flywheel structure is illustrated in Fig 1. The flywheel
Fig. 2 Electromagnetic relationship model
composes of two separate single-sided machines called upper
and lower ones respectively. The two rotors are combined into
a compact flywheel and are placed between two disk-type 24-
slot stators, upper and lower stator namely. Each of the upper

Machine’s shaft  L ff M af M bf M cf   i f 
Stator teeth   
 M af Las M ab M ac   ia  (1)
λ = ( λ f λa λb λc )
= 
Permanent  M bf M ba Lbs M ac   ib 
 
magnets M M ca M cb Lcs   ic 

 cf 

µ0π ( Ro2 − Ri2 ) N s 2

Las = Lbs = Lcs = Ls = (2)
8P 2 g

µ0π ( Ro2 − Ri2 ) N f 2

L ff = L f = (3)
8P 2 g
3 phase AC
windings Rotor and rim µ0π ( Ro2 − Ri2 ) N s N f
M af = cos θ = Lm cos θ
8P 2 g
Fig. 3 Flywheel prototype: (a) 24-slot stator core with 3-phase
double-layer windings, (b) Rotor with permanent magnets µ0π ( Ro2 − Ri2 ) N s N f
M bf = cos(θ − 2 / 3π ) = Lm cos(θ − 2 / 3π ) (4)
8P 2 g
µ0π ( Ro2 − Ri2 ) N s N f
M cf = cos(θ + 2 / 3π ) = Lm cos(θ + 2 / 3π )
A. Mathematical Model 8P2 g
A flywheel energy storage prototype is developed as shown Flux matrix (1) in rotor-reference frame:
in Fig. 3. Permanent magnets are attached on the surface of the
disk-type rotor (Fig. 3(b)) hence the flywheel can be analyzed λ f   L f 3 / 2 Lm 0  i f 
    
as non-salient-rotor machine. Schematic of the flywheel device λd  =  Lm 3 / 2 Ls 0  id  (5)
is shown in Fig. 4(a). The air-gaps between the stator and rotor λ   0 0 3 / 2 Ls  iq 
 q 
(of upper and lower machine) are adjusted to obtain g1 = g 2
by a mechanical supporting system. Motoring torque and axial Attractive force and rotating torque can be expressed as
force of the upper and lower machine are denoted as T1 , T2 , 1 T
F1 and F2 respectively. By assuming that the permanent ∂Wco
∂  i f id i q λ f λd λq )( ) 
=−  
Fs = −
magnets of the rotor are represented by a magnetomotive force ∂g ∂g
value of N f if , the flywheel is treated as a conventional µ0π ( Ro2 − Ri2 )  2 2 5 3 2 2 2 
=  N f i f + 2 N s N f id i f + 2 N s (id + iq )  (6)
permanent magnet synchronous machine. 16 P 2 g 2  
ia ω
d - axis
3 3µ 0π ( Ro2 − Ri2 ) N s N f
id Ts = × P ( λd iq − λq id ) = i f iq (7)
2 16 Pg

q - axis Because upper and lower permanent magnet length is

θ A - axis different, the effective air-gaps between the stator and rotor at
the equilibrium point are different and can be obtained as:
g10 = K c ( g1 + lm1 / µ r ) ; g 20 = K c ( g 2 + lm 2 / µ r ) (8)
ib ic
The force F1 and torque T1 which are generated by the upper
Fig. 4 (a) Schematic of the flywheel, stator can be calculated by substituting g = g10 − z , id = id 1 ,
(b) Coordinate axes of the magnetic flux
iq = iq1 and N f i f = N f 1i f 1 into the equations, whereas force F2
The flywheel system is treated as composing of two separate
single-sided axial flux permanent magnet machines. Firstly, and torque T2 which are generated by the lower stator can be
one side of the flywheel is analyzed and then extended to the calculated by substituting g = g 20 + z , id = id 2 , iq = iq 2 and
model of the whole flywheel system. The coordinate axes of
N f i f = N f 2 i f 2 . The total levitation force and rotating torque
the magnetic flux of a simple 2-pole axial flux permanent
magnet machine are defined as shown in Fig. 4(b) which is can be expressed as:
then extended to 2p-pole machine. The stator windings are  2 2 5 3 2 2 
 N f 1i f 1 + 2 N s N f 1id 1i f 1 + 2 N s (id 1 + iq1 )
denoted as a, b, and c. The phase difference between a-axis 
and d-axis is defined as θ . 2  
µ π ( Ro − Ri ) 
( g 10 − z ) 2

F = F1 − F2 = 0   (9)
The flux matrix in a permanent magnet synchronous 16 P 2  N 2 i 2 + 5 N N i i + 3 N 2 (i 2 + i 2 ) 
machine can be expressed as: − f2 f2
s f 2 d2 f 2
s d2 q2

 ( g 20 + z ) 2 
 

3µ0π ( Ro2 − Ri2 ) N s  N f 1i f 1iq1 N f 2i f 2 iq 2   1  2 2 5 3 2 2 2  
T = T1 + T2 =  +  (10) ∂F( z0 , Id 0 )  g 3  N f 1i f 1 + 2 N s N f 1i f 1 I d 0 + 2 N s ( I d 0 + iq )  
16 P  g10 − z g 20 + z   10   
K2 = = −K ×  
∂z + 1  N 2 i 2 + 5 N N i I + 3 N 2 ( I 2 + i 2 )  
3  q 
B. Torque Control  g 20  f2 f2
s f 2 f 2 d0
s d0
 
Due to the upper and lower windings are connected in series,  1 5  
 g 2  2 N s N f 1i f 1 + 3 N s I d 0  

motoring torque of the flywheel can be expressed as: ∂F( z0 , I d 0 )  10   

K3 = = K × 
∂id − 1  5 
3µ π ( Ro2 − Ri2 ) N s  N f 1i f 1 N f 2i f 2   N s N f 2i f 2 + 3N s2 I d 0  
T= 0 +  g 20  2
 
  × iq (11)
16 P  g10 − z g20 + z 
and K = µ0π ( Ro − Ri )
2 2

As z is much smaller than g10 and g 20 , (11) is simplified into: 2

16 P
The flywheel is designed to have its rotor side’s weight about
3 µ 0π ( Ro2 − Ri2 ) N s  N f 1i f 1 N f 2 i f 2 
T = ×  +  × iq = K T iq (12) the value of K1 . Axial displacement z is controlled around
16 P  g10 g 20 
equilibrium point z = 0; this makes the term K 2 z almost zero
Where K = 3µ0π ( Ro − Ri ) N s ×  N f 1i f 1 + N f 2i f 2 
2 2

T   at this point. The term K 3icd is a dynamic value which can be

16P  g10 g20 
used to control this levitation force.
Dynamic rotating equation can be written as follows:
Assuming that flywheel system is well stabilized in radial
dω 1 K direction, system’s dynamic equation in axial motion can be
= Te = T iq (13)
dt J J expressed as:
Equations (13) can be transformed into d 2z
m = K1 + K 2 z + K 3icd − G (18)
d 2t
θ (s) = ϖ (s) (14)
s where G stands for the flywheel’s weight.
K Using the Laplace transformation, equation (18) can be
ϖ (s ) = T I q ( s) (15)
Js transformed into
A proportional integral (PI) controller is used to control the m s 2 z ( s ) = K 1 + K 2 z ( s ) + K 3 ic d ( s ) − G
angle velocity. K3 K1 − G
⇒ z(s) = 2
ic d ( s ) + (1 9 )
C. Axial Displacement Control ms − K2 ms2 − K 2

To simplify the model, it is assumed that radial motion of the A proportional integral derivative (PID) controller is used to
rotor is stabilized by radial bearings. Therefore, the axial stabilize the system’s axial motion
displacement of the rotor is independent of radial motion. ki kd s
Levitation force equation can be written as: Gc (s ) = k p + + (2 0 )
s 1 + sTd
 2 2 5 3 2 2 2  
  N f 1i f 1 + 2 N s N f 1i f 1id + 2 N s (id + iq )   D. Control System
   
µ0π ( Ro2 − Ri2 )  ( g10 − z )2  Based on rotor-flux oriented vector control [18], d- and q-
F=   (16)
16 P 2  5
 N 2 i 2 + N N i i + N 2 (i 2 + i 2 )  3  axis current of the flywheel can be decoupled and controlled
   q 
f2 f2 s f2 f2 d s d
2 2 separately. From torque and axial force equations (13, 18) it
− 
 ( g 20 + z ) 2
 can be seen that torque and force can be controlled
Linearizing the force equation about z = 0 and id = I d 0 , independently for rotor’s rotation and axial levitation.
The flywheel control system block diagram is shown in Fig. 6.
expanding it into Taylor series to the first order term, force Information of rotor angle which obtained from rotary encoder
equation becomes:
is required to control the flywheel. PID controllers are used to
F = K1 + K 2 z + K3icd (17) control the speed, axial displacement and regulate the d- and
q-axis currents as shown in Fig. 6. The rotational angular
Where: speed ω is detected and then compared with speed command
 1  2 2 5 3 2 2 2   ω * , the speed error signal ω * − ω is amplified in PI controller
 g 2  N f 1i f 1 + 2 N s N f 1i f 1 I d 0 + 2 N s ( I d 0 + iq )  
 10   
K1 = F( z0 , I d 0 ) = K ×  as the torque component current command iq* in the rotational
− 1  5 3 
 N f 2i f 2 + N s N f 2i f 2 I d 0 + N s ( I d 0 + iq2 )  
2 2 2 2
 g 20 
2 2   coordinate. Similarly, the error between z and z * are
amplified by the PID controllers to generate current command
id * . Space vector modulation technique [19] is applied to

control a voltage source inverter to supply three-phase pulse negative in generating mode as the quadrature current iq is
width modulation voltage as calculated by the controllers to
controlled accordingly, Fig. 7(e). Therefore iq has the
feed the flywheel.
waveform quite similar with the motoring torque.
Currents in stator windings are shown in Fig. 7(f). Fig. 7(g)
is the current during the charging to idle period of the
flywheel. Large current is maintained in this period to speed
up the flywheel as fast as possible. This current becomes small
when flywheel goes into steady state at 3,000 rpm. Three
phase currents during idle to discharging period are shown in
Fig. 7(h). At about three times of rated currents, 5 amps are
maintained in stator windings during this period to fast
Fig. 6 Control system diagram discharge the stored energy.
x 10

Displacement [ m ]
Mathematical model and control system for this flywheel

Speed [rpm]
device in section III have been implemented and verified in 1500 0
Matlab Simulink simulations. The mathematical model of this 1000
flywheel is implemented by S-function and PID controllers are 500

built from basic components of Matlab Simulink. 0 -1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Experimental parameters of the flywheel device are used in Time [s]
0 0.5 1 1.5
Time [s]
2 2.5

simulation, as in Table II. In this simulation, the flywheel is (a) Flywheel’s speed (b) Axial displacement
controlled to accelerate for charging and decelerate for 35 3
discharging the energy respectively. Stator currents are 2
controlled at the value of three times of its rated one in

Torque [Nm]
Force [N]

transient period to accelerate and decelerate the flywheel as 15

fast as possible. id is used to control the axial variation while 10


5 -2
iq is used to control the motoring torque.
0 -3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Number of stator windings, N s 210 turns (c) Axial force (d) Motoring torque
2 5
Moment of inertia, J 0.0049 kg m 5

Phase resistance, R 4.67 Ω ← iq

Currents [A]
Currents [A]

d and q inductance, Ld ≈ Lq 26.8 mH

0 id 0

Mass of flywheel’s rotor, M 3.15 kg
Equivalent upper air-gap, g10 2.457 mm
-5 -5
Equivalent lower air-gap, g 20 2.264 mm 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time [s] Time [ s ]
Number of pole pair, p 2 (e) id and iq (f) 3 phase currents
5 5
Fig. 7(a) shows the velocity of the flywheel, which is
controlled to speed up linearly to 3,000 rpm since starting.
Currents [A]
Currents [A]

The speed is constant after reaching the reference speed. When 0

the reference speed is changed to 1,000 rpm , the speed slows
down linearly to this reference value. This shows that the
charge and discharge of the flywheel can be performed -5 -5
successfully. Axial variation is shown in Fig. 7(b). This 0.7 0.75 0.8
Time [s]
0.85 0.9 1.45 1.5
Time [s]

variation is stabilized at equilibrium point by id control. (g) Charging mode (h) discharging mode
Fig. 7(c) and (d) are the levitation force and motoring Fig. 7 Simulation results
torque respectively. Axial force is actively controlled by
From the simulations, it is seen that the flywheel device can
direct-current id (Fig. 7(e).) and is maintained at the value of be well controlled for charging and discharging by simple PID
the flywheel weight. Torque is independently controlled by controllers. Fast charge/discharge of the flywheel can be
quadrature current iq . A constant torque is kept to speed up performed by controlling an over-rated current (about 3 times
the flywheel to its reference speed. At the speed of 3,000 rpm , of rated current) in stator windings during the transient time.
Motoring torque is controlled by iq while axial displacement
torque is nearly zero as this is the steady state of the flywheel
device. Torque is positive in motoring mode and becomes is well controlled by id . Therefore an axial stress on bearings

is actively stabilized by id control. This axial motion different speeds is displayed in Fig. 10. A quasi-linear
controllability is more significant when this flywheel system relationship is obtained between id and axial displacement.
operates with radial passive magnetic bearings where radial This result demonstrates that axial variation can be regulated
stabilization is constrained by passive magnetic bearings and by controlling id .
axial variation is actively controlled by id .

A. Experimental Setup
A flywheel prototype is developed and tested. Stator yoke is
constructed from laminated iron which enrolled and
compacted as a spiral. In that way, radial flux is minimized
and mainly axial paths are used to conduct magnetic flux.
Permanent magnets are made of neodymium-iron-boron
(NdFeB35) with Ni-Cu-Ni coating. Schematic topology is
described in section II. Experimental setup is shown in Fig. 8.
Rotor angle and axial displacement are measured by a rotary Fig. 10. Axial displacement versus id
encoder (Kubler Co. 05.2400.1122.1024) and an eddy-current
type displacement sensor (Micro-Epsilon Co. DT110-T) Performance test of the flywheel is performed by closed
respectively. loop control of speed and axial displacement as discussed in
section IV. The testing speed was limited at 3,000 rpm due to
Displacement the experimental setup’s rotor-dynamics. In order that flywheel
Power circuit sensor can be fast accelerated and decelerated in short period, stator
current is controlled to maintain at 3 times larger than its rated
value. The flywheel is controlled to speed up from 1000 to
3000 rpm and then slowed down to 1000 rpm which reflects
Rotor and rim charging and discharging accordingly. All the data was
captured and displayed in dSPACE ControlDesk by the
personal computer. The experimental results of the above
mentioned period are shown in Fig. 11.
Stator windings Fig. 11(a&b) show the speed response and axial
displacement of the flywheel. Speed is well managed by iq

Driving while axial displacement is well controlled at the flywheel’s

circuit Rotary encoder equilibrium point by regulating id , Fig. 11(e). Flywheel
accelerating period is zoomed in and shown in Fig. 11(b). It
Fig. 8 Experimental setup takes about 0.48sec for the flywheel to reach its reference
The control system is shown in Fig. 9. The speed and axial speed. Fig. 11(c) shows the speed response of the flywheel in
displacement is supervised and controlled by digital signal discharging period. It takes about the same time for
processor TMS320LF240 embedded in the dSPACE 1103 decelerating to 1,000 rpm. iq is controlled according to speed
card together with a personal computer (host computer). command, and shown in Fig. 11(f).
The q-axis current, iq of ± 5 Amperes (about 3 time of
rated current) is maintained during the acceleration and
deceleration for fast charge and discharge of the flywheel,
respectively. The three phase currents in period of charging
and discharging mode are shown in Fig. 11(g&h). A small
stator current is maintained during steady state of the flywheel.
Therefore the flywheel has small losses in idling mode (about
11.5 watts at 1,000 rpm and 43.5 watts at 3,000 rpm).
Fig. 9 Control system diagram of the flywheel device
B. Experimental Results
Experiments are performed with pulse width modulation
frequency of 20 KHz and sampling time of 50 µ sec . The axial
controllability is tested by controlling the flywheel to run at
wide speed range and regulate id in steady state of each (a) Speed (b) Axial displacement
speed. Average axial displacement versus d-axis current id at

developed and tested.
Characteristic of fast charging and discharging of the
proposed flywheel is demonstrated by both simulations and
experiments. The paper also shows that axial variation can be
stabilized by proper control of id. With the proposed design,
only a small current is needed in steady state because axial
force of this axial flux machine is partially compensated. It is
(c) charging mode (d) discharging mode seen that the flywheel can be considered as a good candidate
for charge and discharge applications, such as ride-through
applications in wind power.

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iq properly. Mathematical model of the proposed device is

presented. Based on the proposed design, a prototype has been


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