DAta MEsh

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It is no longer sufficient to store your massive data sets in big data lake to bath analysis.

DAta mesh is a fundamental shift in the way think about, create, share, and use data,

at ist heart, data mesh is a much about technological reorganization as it is about

the reorgoniaziation as it is about the regotiation of social contracts, responsibilities,

and expectations

that we can do helpful and useful things: better service for our customers, error-free

reporting, actionable insights, and enabling truly data-driven p.rocesses

we first need an idea of the main data problems facing a moder bussiness:

* Big data System, underpinning a company's businness analytics engine, have exploded

in size and complexity. There have been manny attempts to address and reduce this

complexity,but they all fall short of the mark.

* Second, bussiness oerations for large companies have long since passed the point of

being served by a single monolithic deployment. Multmiservice deployments are the

norm, including microservice and service-oriented architectures. the boundaries of

these modular systems are seldomly easly defined, especially when many separate

operational and analytical systens rely on read-only access to the same data sets.

There is an oposing tension here: on one hand, colocating business functions in a

single aplication provides consistent access to all data produced and stored in that


* thrid a problem common to both oerational and analytical domains: the inability

to access high-quality, well-documented, self-updating, and reliable data.

This pressure deals the final blow to the ideal of keeping everything in a single
databases and forces developers to split up monolithic applications into separate

deployments with their own databases. Meanwhile, The big data teams struggle

to keep up with the fragmentation and refactoring of these operational systems, as

they remain solely resonsible for obtainig their own data.

This application-first thinking reamins the major source of problems in today's

comuting enviroments:

- leading to ad hoc data pipelines

- cobbled together data access mechanisms

- inconsistent sources of similar-yet-different thruth.

Important business data nedds to readil and reliably available as building block

primitives for your applications, regardless of the runtime, environment, or

codebaseof your application.

Event streams are the ideal mechanism for serving this data, providing a simple yet

powerful way of reliably communicating important business data across an

organization, enabling each consumer to access and use the data primitives they need.

What is DAta Mesh?

It's social and technological shift in the way that data is created, accessed, and

shared across organizations.

Data mesh provides a lingua franca for discussing the needs and responsibilities

of diferrent teams, domains, and services and how to they can work toguether to

make data a first class citizen.

Building Event-Driven Microservices. I introduced the term data communication layer,.

The principles of the data communication layer were simple enugh:

- treat data as first-class citizen.

- Formalize the structure for communication between doamins.

- Publis data to event streams for general purpose usage.

and make it easy to use for both the producers and consumers of data.

Data mesh is based on four main principles:

- domain ownership

- DAta as a product

- federated governance

- self-service platform.

Together, these principles help us structure a way to communicate important

business data across the entire organization.

** AN Even Driven data mesh

The modern competitive requirements of big data in motion , combined with modern

cloud computing, require a rethink of how businesses create, store, move, and use data.

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