Unit 7
Unit 7
Unit 7
Task 2 Read the text quickly to check your answers to Task 1.
1. FOR THOUSANDS of years the need to use their bodie,z in the next life.
Egyptian pyramids in Giza were The process of mummification took about
considered among the Seven Wonders of 70 days. The brains were taken out
the World and they are the only ones still through the nose and the other organs
existing. Of the ten pyramids at Giza, the were removed and placed in special jars.
first three are the most important. The Only the heart was left so that it could be
largest one, the Great Pyramid of Cheops weighed in the next life. Embalming
was erected for the tomb of Pharaoh involved drying the body out with salty
Khufu, who died in 2566 BC. It is about crystals called natron. Afterwards, it was
147m high (having lost about 10m off the stuffed and covered with oils and then
top over the years), and its base is about wrapped in bandages. The mummy was
230m2 in area. It is made up of about then placed inside two or three richly
2,300,000 massive blocks of stone, each decorated coffins in the shape of the body.
one weighing about 2.5 tonnes. It is 5. In 1922 the English archaeologist
believed that the construction took about Howard Carter made an amazing
20 years and 100,000 workers. discovery in Egypt. He found the tomb of
2. Many scholars think that the pyramid the young pharaoh Tutankhamun. This
shape had an important religious meaning ifnd has provided a great deal of
for the Egyptians, perhaps symbolising the information about the way of life of the
slanting rays of their god the Sun. The ancient Egyptians.
slanting sides of the pyramid were 6. The written language left by the
intended to help the soul of the king to Egyptians, the hieroglipbs, consisted of a
climb to the sky and join the gods. thousand pictures and symbols. Each of
3. The ancient Egyptians believed in life these could stand for an object, an idea or
after death, so when a pharaoh was buried, a sound. However, by AD 600 no one
many treasures and useful objects for the understood hieroglyphs, so the secrets of
next world were buried with him. Inside ancient Egypt were lost for 1,200 years
the burial chambers the painters drew until the discovery of the Rosetta Stone in
pictures and hieroglyphs narrating the 1799. This stone, which contained a
pharaoh's life. The work had to be done royal
very carefully because the Egyptians decree written in 196 BC, had the same
believed that the scenes would come to life words in three languages, hieroglyphic text
when the dead pharaoh was sealed in the at the top, Demotic (a later Egyptian
tomb. Inside the pyramid there was a language) in the middle, and Greek at the
labyrinth of passages and rooms intended bottom. This enabled a French scholar,
to prevent the burial chamber from being Jean Francois Champollion, to decipher
robbed. and translate the hieroglyphs.
4. Over the ages, the Egyptians became 7. Now that hieroglyphs can be read, it is
experts at preserving bodies by embalming possible to learn a great deal about the
them. They believed that the dead would ancient Egyptian world. -
Task 3 Look back at the text and find words that mean the same as the Spanish words below.
(The first number indicates the paragraph in which the words appear and the second,
the line in the paragraph.)
Task 4 In pairs, read the text again and put these four topics in the order in which
they appear.
..... Beliefs of the Egyptians about the next life ...... Discovery of Tutankhamun
Task 5 Read the first part of the text carefully and complete the chart below.
Height: ................................
Area of base: ...........................
Number of stone blocks:.
Weight of each stone:
Construction time:
Number of workers:
Task 6 Practise taking notes of relevant facts completing the following with
information from the text.
1 What the pyramid shape symbolises. ....The slanting rays of the sun ...
2 The reason for the labyrinths inside the pyramid. ......
3 The reason for embalming the dead. .....................................................
4 The substance used for embalming.
5 Why the heart was left inside the body. ....................................................
6 How long the process took.
7 What hieroglyphs represented.
8 What Howard Carter found.
9 The importance of his discovery. ...................................................
10 The Rosetta Stone and its importance. ..................................................
Task 7 Reading for Gist (Skimming)
ut in general, so you
Learning Note 16lien you read for gist you only wan! to know what the text is abo do
not need to read or understand every word. This technique of reading is called skimming it is a good idea to
read a text for gist before you try to understand it in detail in order to have a general ide of the topic.
To practise skimming, read the text below very quickly, then, from the there sentences
below, put a cross against the one that does not correspond to what the text is abaut
1 The origin of the Great Pyramid
2 Its amazing characteristics
3 The technology used in building the Great Pyramid
Task 10 Test your understanding of both texts by answering the following questions.
1 What was the original height of the Great Pyramid?
What was its total weight?
How many years ago was Tutankhamun's tomb discovered?
How long did the mummification process take?
5 Name three things some scientists claim that the structure of the pyramid reveals.
There are many ancient (1) remains all over the world that have been surrounded
by mystery. One of these is at Tiahuanaco. Massive (2) .............................. were used to
build this ceremonial centre. Archaeologists (3) .......................... that Tiahuanaco was
(4) ..................................... around 700 AD, but after 1200 AD it was abandoned and became a
Tiahuanaco is (5) ..................................... near Lake Titicaca and it was soon
(6) ............................................... by the Spanish who (7) .......................... most of its treasures
and statues.
Much of the information about this structure has been (8) ..................................... and many
of its secrets may never be known.
The Egyptian tools were made of wood and copper. (Past Simple)
Most of the treasures have been lost through the years. (Present Perfect)
The pyramids' shape may be connected with the sun worship. (Modal Verb)
Task 12 Look at these sentences, underline the correct form of the verb and d,,‘cide
whether the sentences are in active or passive voice.
The Great Pyramid of Cheops built/ was built more than 2,000 years ago.
2 Many archaeologists have/have been examined this pyramid.
3 The Egyptians believed that the hieroglyphs painted on the tombs walls would be/ would
come to life.
4 The Rosetta Stone enabled/ was enabled a French scholar to decipher the hieroglyphs.
5 Some people believe/ are believed that the Great Pynunid contains revelations about an
event which will be taken/ will take place on September 17th, 2001.
6 2,300,000 blocks of stone were used/used in its construction.
7 The Great Pyramid of Cheops called/has been called the Bible in stone.
8 New archaeological sites are being discovered/discovered in other places of the world.
Task 13 Look back at the passage you completed in Task 11 about Tiahuanaco. Underline
all the sentences which have a passive verb structure.
agree a great deal
believe body
bury deviant
dry out fact
include foot/inch
intend jar
involve knowledge
join shape
make up so far
place such as
prevent way
take place
What other useful new words did you find in this lesson ? write them in the table at the end of this unit.
ords. Remember, a good vocabulary is essen
Make sure you learn all these w tial for reading.
this lesson?
LESSON EVALUATION How did you find Tick the best answer.
1. Where was this article published? 4. How many workers built the pyramids
according to him?
2. Which pyramids does it refer to?
5. What did this scientist find so he can
3. Who is the person being interviewed?
prove his theory?
Task 2. GUESSING WORDS. Using the line references given, underline the col rec,
these terms:
Task 3 Now read the article more carefully and decide if the following sentences are true (T)
or false (F). Justify your answer underlining and numbering the part of the text where the
information appears; then make changes in the false items so that they become true.
Task 4 Here is a summary of Dr Davidovits' interview, but some words are missing. Complete
the summary with the words in the box. Be careful, there are some extra words.
hotel last night. Among other things, he said: "I am quite sure that I found the
..................................... behind the mystery of the Pyramids - through chemical and microscopic
been asking themselves for thousands of years: Were pyramids built using a ......................
of more than 50,000 men or are supermen from the outer space to be .............................. for
synthetic ............................. from which the stone blocks were made gave us the clue"