Sharma 2020 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 992 012005
Sharma 2020 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 992 012005
Sharma 2020 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 992 012005
Abstract: A compaction die has an essential role in the powder metallurgy process due to the
controlling and ease of processing. The shape and properties of die can significantly affect the
features of the final part as the several steps and assessments are involved before design and
fabrication of compaction die. This work is an effort to design and manufacture a compaction die
that can successfully use for uni-axial compaction of NiTi powder. The design and development of
die includes design consideration, 2D drawing, 3D model and processes involved in the fabrication
of die. The die design was analyzed by ANSYS 19.1 software in a simulated environment, and the
fabricated die was tested experimentally by preparing the composite sample successfully at 1000MPa
compaction pressure using universal testing machine. Further, the compaction behaviour, density,
compressive strength and hardness of developed NiTi composite have also evaluated.
1. Introduction
Powder Metallurgy (PM) is a rapidly growing technique used for the development of most alloys and
composites. It consists mainly three steps, as mixing of powdered materials, compress them into the desired
shape, and then heating the compressed material in order to bind the material [1]. The PM process is also
used to make specially designed material or part due to ease of processing and control, which are difficult
to fabricate by other processes such as melting and forming [2, 3]. This process can prevent or significantly
reduce the need for metal removal processes, thereby significantly reduce the manufacturing cost [4].
Another advantage of the PM process is that the components can be manufactured without decomposing or
dissolving the material by avoiding the changes in material properties in the solid-liquid phase [5].
Therefore, powder processes are more flexible compare to other manufacturing processes such as casting,
extrusion, and forging due to controlled characteristics of products prepared using this technique [6]. Several
studies reported that the porous solids, aggregates and inter-metallic composites are efficiently
manufactured by PM process with improved material characteristics [7]. There are several methods
available for pressing in which uni-axial compaction is the simplest method of powder processing. In
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ICDAMS 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 992 (2020) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/992/1/012005
uni-axial compaction the powder is compacted by compress the metal powder in a close die chamber by
applying high pressures in an axial direction [8]. Generally, the pressure of 150 MPa to 1000 MPa is usually
used for metal powder compaction [9]. Typically the die is held in the vertical direction with the punch. The
powder is then pressed into the desired shape and then ejected from the die chamber, followed by the
sintering process at a specific temperature under controlled environment [10]. The significant limitations of
pressure compaction process are higher porosity and circumferential micro-cracks developed on the surface
of green compact due to friction generated between die wall and composite particles. In PM processed
components, the micro-cracks are primarily originated during the compaction process and broadened during
sintering [11-13]. Hence, present research work aims to design and develop pressure compaction die to
compact NiTi composite powder with minimum porosity and micro-cracks. The design of die has analyzed
by ANSYS 19.1 software under simulated conditions. Further, the performance of the die has been examined
experimentally based on compaction behaviour of NiTi composite powder, porosity induced during
compaction and mechanical properties by applying maximum pressure through a universal testing machine.
High carbon (C) and high chromium (Cr) cold work steel, generally known as D3 die steel was used for
fabrication of compaction die. The studies shows that the higher hardness and wear resistance of die steel
make it suitable for tooling applications such as powder metallurgy tooling, draw dies, and blanking and
forming tools[13]. The compositional details of D3 steel is given in table 1. Singh et al. [14] have reported
that the density and ultimate compressive stress of D3 steel is equal to 7.7 g/cm³ and 2151 MPa. The
hardness, tensile strength and yield strength of D3 steel is varies from 30 to 69 HRC, 990 to 2900 MPa and
705 to 2400 MPa respectively based on the condition of heat treatment [15].
Element C Mn Si Cr Ni W V P S Cu
The compaction die was designed to develop the green compaction samples of NiTi composite with sample
diameter 20 mm and thickness 5 mm. The design of compaction die is as follows:
Chamber diameter, Di = 20 mm
ICDAMS 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 992 (2020) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/992/1/012005
σ1 = F/A = 320000/314 = 1019.1 MPa [Hence (σ1< σy) safe working condition]
= 1124.98 MPa or 1125 MPa [Hence (σ2< σy) safe working condition]
A 2D and 3D model of the die and punch set with the above mentioned design parameters was prepared
using SOLIDWORKS modeling software. The 2D drawing of die chamber, upper and lower punch with
dimensions is shown in figure 1(a). The 3D model of die assembly is shown in figure 1(b) and separate die
parts are shown in figure 1(c). A suitable clearance of 0.5 mm has also given in the punch to reduce the
surface contact between punch and wall of die cavity and thus minimizing friction and wear between the
mating surfaces of punch and die chamber.
Figure 1: Schematic drawing with (a) 2D and (b and c) 3Dmodel of compaction die
ICDAMS 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 992 (2020) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/992/1/012005
A D3 die steel stock of 95 mm diameter and 50 mm diameter was procured from P. R store, Agra, India and
cut into the required size for die chamber, upper and lower punch with power hack saw. The pre- machining
of die chamber, upper and lower punch was done by facing, turning, drilling and boring operation on CNC
lathe machine. Heat treatment of die cylinder and punch set was done in muffle furnace after the pre-
machining in three steps as stress reliving, hardening and tempering. Stress relieving was done at 650 °C
for one hour and cooled slowly. For hardening, the die parts were directly placed in a furnace preheated to
1000 °C and soaked for 25-30 minutes and then quenched in still air to harden it. The parts were placed in
the furnace for tempering and the temperature of furnace is increased slowly to the desired tempering
temperature (200 0C) and cooled slowly in furnace. Finally, the surface finishing operation of die parts was
done using cylindrical grinder. The finished die chamber, upper and lower punch is shown in the figure 2.
Figure 2: Finished die parts (a) die chamber, upper and lower punch, and (b) assembly of die parts
3. Experimental analysis
The designed die, upper punch and lower punch were analyzed for stress distribution using ANSYS 19.1.
The analysis was selected as structural with the element type as round steel. The die chamber, both punches
and NiTi powder were explored as .igs file from SOLIDWORKS 2017-18 and imported to ANSYS 19.1.
The material properties of D3 steel and NiTi powder are given in table 2. All parts of die are meshed with
each other and it is assumed that the 20 gram of NiTi powder was poured in die chamber. The pressure of
1000 MPa was applied on the punch and it displaced in downward direction inside the die chamber. The
stress distribution of various die parts and compacted powder are shown in figure 3(a) to (e). The analysis
shows that the upper punch and die chamber induced minimum stress equal to 1.9751*107 Pa and the
maximum stress (1.1101*1010 Pa) was induced in lower punch and powder.
ICDAMS 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 992 (2020) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/992/1/012005
Density Young's
Material Poisson's Ratio
(g/cm3) Modulus (GPa)
D3 steel 7.7 190 0.27
NiTi powder 6.75 75 0.33
Figure 3: Stress distributions in (Pa) on (a) upper punch, (b) die chamber, (c) lower punch, (d) powder
and (e) assembly
The fabricated die was analyzed experimentally by compacting the NiTi composite powder using 400 KN
universal testing machine in material testing lab at Rajkiya Engineering College, Mainpuri, India. After
sufficient lubrication the 20 gm NiTi powder was poured in die cavity the powder was compressed by
applying pressure of 1000 MPa at uniform rate. After the compaction, the compressed green compact was
ejected from the die cavity with the help of ejector and green sample was sintered 1100 0C in muffle furnace
for 4 hrs 30 min at the heating rate of 15 0C/min. The die arrangement in UTM and green sample developed
after compaction and sintering are shown in figure 4.
ICDAMS 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 992 (2020) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/992/1/012005
Figure 4: Image of (a) die arrangement on universal testing machine during compaction process and NiTi
composite sample after (b) compaction and (c) sintering
3.3 Density
The green density of the sample was examined after compaction as well as sintering and compared with the
theoretical density of NiTi composite powder. Theoretical density of NiTi composite powder was calculated
using mixing rule. In addition, the green density of developed sample was measured using Archimedes
principle in distilled water. The mass of the sample was measured on the electronic balance. The sample
was attached to a thread and fully immersed in distilled water. The weight of the sample in distilled water
was measured, whereby the loss of weight of the sample when suspended in distilled water is equal to the
mass of fluid displaced, from which its volume can be calculated. Further, the porosity of sintered samples
was analyzed by following formula:
The compressive strength and hardness of sintered sample was also examined. Compression test has carried
out using 400 KN universal testing machine at room temperature. The compressive strength NiTi sample is
investigated by single experiment mode in which a cylindrical shape sample with 19.48 mm diameter and
12.8 mm thickness is used for the compression test. The set up for compression testing was shown in figure
5(a). To determine the hardness, the composite sample was tested using a Rockwell hardness testing
machine with a diamond indenter. The Rockwell hardness of NiTi composite is measured at a load of 150
kg for 15 s dwell time. An average value of 5 measurements on the composite sample was determined. The
set up for hardness testing is shown in figure 5(b).
ICDAMS 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 992 (2020) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/992/1/012005
Figure 5: Arrangement for (a) compression testing and (b) hardness testing
The compaction behavior of NiTi powder was directly influenced by compaction pressure. The compaction
behavior of NiTi composite powder is shown in figure 6. It shows higher displacement of punch in the
beginning of compaction due to the larger space available between the particles of composite powder but at
the higher load displacement become constant at the end of compaction due to green strength and less space
developed between composite particles. It is observed that the NiTi composite powder has successfully
compressed to maximum density without any considerable die deformation.
Figure 6: Compaction behavior of NiTi powder with respect to displacement versus load
ICDAMS 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 992 (2020) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/992/1/012005
The density of developed sample was measured after compaction and sintering. The density of NiTi
composite sample after compaction and sintering compared with theoretical density of NiTi composite is
shown in figure 7. The results show that the density achieved after the compaction of sample (4.89 g/cm3)
is lower than the theoretical density (6.75 g/cm3) of NiTi powder. The density of sintered sample (5.02
g/cm3) was slightly increased due to the formation of necking between the NiTi particles and vaporization
of moisture and lubricant. The porosity of sintered NiTi composite sample has calculated with the help of
equation 1. By calculation, 27.56 % porosity was found during the compaction process.
Figure 7: Density of NiTi powder and sample after compaction and sintering
Compression testing was performed on computerized UTM of capacity 400 KN. The sample was placed in
between two flat plates and maximum failure load was recorded. The hardness test was performed on
Rockwell hardness tester with diamond indenter. The result of compression and hardness test was shown in
table 3. The results show that the sample prepared by compaction process by applying 1000 MPa load has
achieved compressive yield strength, ultimate compressive strength and Rockwell hardness equal to 37.737
MPa, 115 MPa and 67 HRC respectively. It is observed that the compressive yield strength and ultimate
compressive strength of NiTi composite is lower side due to induced porosity during the compaction
process. However, the hardness of developed NiTi composite is near about of theoretical Rockwell hardness
of NiTi alloy (58-65 HRC) [16].
Table 3: Compressive Yield strength, ultimate compressive strength and hardness of NiTi composite sample
37.737 115 67
ICDAMS 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 992 (2020) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/992/1/012005
5. Conclusion
The compaction die was successfully designed and fabricated to develop NiTi composite by the application
of 1000 MPa load on UTM. The ANSYS analysis shows the minimum stresses are distributed on die and
upper punch and maximum stresses are distributed on powder and lower punch. The experimental analysis
shows that the NiTi powder was successfully compressed to make green compact with 4.89 g/cm3 sample
density and 27.56% porosity. The sintering further improves the sample density due to formation of necking
between the composite grains and vaporization of moisture and lubricant. The mechanical properties of
sintered sample have optimum value compare with the theoretical values of compressive yield strength,
ultimate compressive strength and hardness. Finally, it can conclude that the NiTi composite can
successfully developed by applying uniform pressure upto 1000 MPa using cold compaction die.
The authors are grateful and acknowledged to Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, India
(Ref. No: AKTU/Dean-PGSR/2019/1570, Project Id: 286, Dated: 10/07/2019) for the financial and
technical support under Collaborative Research and Innovation Program (TEQIP III) for this research work.
ICDAMS 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 992 (2020) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/992/1/012005
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