P37 Ijariie
P37 Ijariie
P37 Ijariie
Article in International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education · June 2022
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3 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by C.M. Sedani on 08 June 2022.
A paper shredder is considered to be a mechanical machine that is used to cut paper into either strips or fine
particles that portray no information that was written on the paper initially. Government establishments, big
business holders, and private personalities use these shredders to abolish private, personal, or otherwise delicate
and secret pamphlets. Privacy specialists frequently claim that individuals should shred their bills, tax papers,
credit cards, and statements of their bank account, and other kinds of stuff that might be used by robs to commit
deceit and theft. In this report, we are going to design a shredder blade and perform a FEA Static Structural
analysis followed by topology optimization and Material comparison for low weight, durability, strength, span life
and other stress factors, so that the blade can handle cutting force applied to it.
Keyword - Shredder Blade, FEA Static Structural Analysis, Topology Optimization, Material
This research work is aimed at solving the problems of plastic wastes management in developing countries. In this
study, we designed and constructed a plastic shredding machine. The machine consists of the following main
components; hopper assembly, shredding chamber, drive shaft, frame, V-belts, and an electric motor. Although the
form of the plastics was vastly different to their equivalent when it comes to mass recycling over large sizes, the
energy difference highlights the potential environmental benefit of utilizing re-cyclites plastics where it can be
pointed out that shredding machine is a feasible operation for recycling purposes.
Humans have always produced trash and disposed of it in some way so solid waste management is not a new issue.
What have changed are the types and amounts of waste produced, the methods of disposal, and the human values
and perceptions of what should be done with it. The applications of plastic materials and their composites are still
growing rapidly due to their low cost and ease of manufacture. Therefore, high amount of waste plastic being
accumulated which create big challenges for their disposal.
This research is motivated by concerns about rising global composite waste. Despite the developing composite
recycling technology, environmental aspects, particularly the process energy demand of the recycling methods, has
not been thoroughly addressed. This research aims to model energy demand of composite recycling processes while
considering the quality and characteristics of the re-cyclites. The outcomes are to establish efficient use of energy
demand and to enable assessment of a circular economy for composite materials
amplified by mechanical advantage through a material made of molecules that bond together more strongly, and
resist deformation more, than those in the material being crushed do. The shredding materials must possess a better
strength and toughness than the plastic materials.
This study’s aim to investigate the effect of operational parameters on process energy demand and quality of re-
cyclates in mechanical recycling of plastics. Three control factors which will be investigated are blade, material
thickness and material size. Performance of two different granulator technologies will be also compared. The vision
is to develop the knowledge base for selecting optimum parameters to minimise energy footprint and to predict re-
cyclites quality
There may be chance of a paper jam. Even if you have a jam free shredder, you might still have to deal with a paper
jam at some point, depending on your usage so this need to understand the cutting force for the blade.
Most jams can be cleared up by simply running the machine in reverse and removing the paper.
If uneven force is applied to paper blade then it may loss its balance, shredder makes too much noise. Some of the
units out there are noisy from the get-go.
2. Design Process
When a new product or their elements are to be designed, a designer may proceed as follows:
Make a detailed statement of the problems completely; it should be as clear as possible & also of the
purpose for which the machine is to be designed.
Make selection of the possible mechanism which will give the desire motion.
Determine the forces acting on it and energy transmitted by each element of the machine.
Select the material best suited for each element of the machine.
Determine the allowable or design stress considering all the factors that affect the strength of the machine
Identify the importance and necessary and application of the machine Problems with existing requirement
of the machine productivity and demand.
In this research work each critical part of the machine will be conceptually set up and this choice will be based on
criteria design criteria which will be used to produce a detailed design of machine.
The quality that makes a good design is based on the developed of a good philosophy of design. The following
consideration was adopted in this design:
Facilities Required
1. Catia v5
Surface modeling
Part design
2. FEA Ansys Workbench R1 2020
a. Static Structural Analysis
b. Topology Optimization
c. Vibrational Modal analysis
d. Material Comparison
3. Process in Ansys
a. Stress, strain & deformation factors with fatigue assessment on Structural steel.
b. Mass reduction on topology optimization
c. Frequency generation Modal analysis on 7 modes
d. Comparing for different Material grades for strength, weight and etc.
2.2 Material
1 A2 Tool Steel
Property Value
Density 8.00 g/cm3
Melting Point 1450 °C
Modulus of Elasticity 193 GPa
Electrical Resistivity 0.72 x 10-6 Ω.m
Thermal Conductivity 16.2 W/m.K
Thermal Expansion 17.2 x 10-6/K
Table 5.3 Material properties of 304 Stainless Steel
4. Analysis
Length Z 109.95 mm
Volume 1.422e+005 mm³
Mass 1.1163 kg
Scale Factor Value 1.
Table geometry properties
Suppressed No
Method Automatic
Element Order Use Global Setting
Type Element Size
Element Size 2.0 mm
Defeature Size Default
Behavior Soft
Nodes 107051
Elements 24010
Table 6.2 Mesh Configuration
Boundary Condition
Object Name Rotational Velocity
State Fully Defined
Scoping Method Geometry Selection
Geometry All Bodies
Define By Components
Coordinate System Global Coordinate System
X Component 50. RPM (ramped)
Y Component 0. RPM (ramped)
Z Component 0. RPM (ramped
Table 6.3 boundary Condition
Figure Force
0.mm 1.028 MPa 5.6068e-006 mm/mm
Deformation Stress Strain
Maximum 4.4824e-002 mm 184.59 MPa 1.0785e-003 mm/mm
Average 1.2839e-002 mm 31.124 MPa 2.3453e-001 mm/mm
Table 6.5 Over all result
Total Deformation
Time [s] Minimum [mm] Maximum [mm] Average [mm]
1. 0. 4.4824e-002 1.2839e-002
Table Result Total Deformation
Object Name Life Damage Biaxiality Indication
State Solved
Topology optimization generates the optimal shape of a mechanical structure. Given a predefined domain in the
2D/3D space with boundary conditions and external loads, the intention is to distribute a percentage of the initial
mass on the given domain such that a global measure takes a minimum. Without any further decisions and guidance
of the user, the method will form the structural shape thus providing a first idea of an efficient geometry. The design
space is discretized by the finite element method to represent the material distribution and at the same time the
structural behavior. Therefore, lesser deflections are produced by more material. So, the optimization constraint is
the volume of the material. Integration of the selection field over the volume can be done to obtain the total utilized
material volume.
Topology optimization can be implemented through the use of finite element methods for the analysis and
optimization techniques based on Homogenization method, Optimality criteria method, level set, Moving
asymptotes, Genetic algorithms. A brief discussion on these methods is given below.
1. To simulate a part under topology formation, it must be simulated with one of the main modules of system
like static, transient, Dynamic, CFD, Model or IC engines etc.
2. After the main module boundary processing a topology optimization module or scope is combined with the
static structural analysis, results section from static are targeted into the optimization and upon the requirement we
can optimize the part for required constraints mode like percentage of reduction of material from part stress based,
strain based, vibrational based and mass based.
Figure number of iterations, Convergency accuracy & density of solution for optimization
Iteration 3
Geometry, Mesh & Boundary Condition.
In this Iteration Same Boundary Condition is Applied to know the difference after the optimization for stress
Figure 6.12 a. Geometry Importation b. Mesh Generation c. Co-Ordinate System d. Boundary Condition.
0. mm 0.39824 MPa 2.4609e-006 mm/mm
Total Deformation Stress Strain
Maximum 2.5015e-002 mm 113.28 MPa 5.6643e-004 mm/mm
Average 4.2803e-003 mm 21.148 MPa 1.0614e-004 mm/mm
Table Overall Results
Fatigue Result
Biaxiality Equivalent Alternating
Object Name Safety Factor Life Damage
Indication Stress
State Solved
Scoping Method Geometry Selection
Geometry All Bodies
1.e+009 1.e+009
Design Life
cycles cycles
Biaxiality Equivalent Alternating
Type Safety Factor Life Damage
Indication Stress
Suppressed No
Before optimization mass of the part body = 1.1163 Kg
After Optimization mass of the part body = 1.2296 Kg
Hence the part body optimized was successfully designed to reduce the stress factor only by increasing the
mass to a 113 grms.
The part body with optimized parameter will be feasible to fabricate then the parent section.
In next iteration two materials will be compared with the optimized part body, to know variation of strength
with respect to material physical property.
FEA Static Structural Analysis had been successfully conducted on the Engine Mount bracket for the self-load
condition, to investigate the stress concentration factor & vibrational modes of frequency for a defined boundary
condition. Finally, all the results were observed and noted down.
In first iteration the proposed modal was solved for the Static condition, stress and deformation factors were more
so on the Blade for an applied boundary Condition, so optimization strategy was used to reduce the Stress and also
to maintain equalized Mass.
After 1st optimization redesign was made, by Editing the geometry and then solved for the same. This time
deformation and stress factor were brought to minimum by conducting topology method.
Material Comparison For final designed part of Blade, Material comparison was Made to investigate the stress
factors for A2 Tool steel & Stainless-steel Alloy, Hence the solution was optimum as expected.
The following result table explains the FEA modulation for designed, optimized part of engine mount bracket.
Table of Result
Sl No Material Type of Deformation Strain Stress in Mass of
State In mm MPa part body
in Kg
1. Structural Static 0.00482 1.07e-3 184.59 1.1163
Steel Structural
2. Structural After 0.002501 5.66e-4 113.28 1.2296
steel Redesign
3. A2 tool After 0.002374 5.373-4 112.86 1.2312
Steel Redesign
4. Stain-less After 0.002549 5.87e-4 113.45 1.2531
steel Redesign
Table 7.1 overall result column
Structural steel is low cost, high strength material for cutting plastics with the shredder machine.
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