NLC23 Grade 8 Consolidation Science Lesson Plan Final
NLC23 Grade 8 Consolidation Science Lesson Plan Final
NLC23 Grade 8 Consolidation Science Lesson Plan Final
Learning Camp
Lesson Plans
National Learning Camp Overview ........................................................................................ 1
Lesson Overview .................................................................................................................. 2
Consolidation Camp ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Lesson Components: Short Overview ................................................................................... 5
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 1 ............................................................................................ 7
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces ..................................................................................... 7
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 2 .......................................................................................... 10
Let’s Get Rolling! ............................................................................................................. 10
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 3 .......................................................................................... 13
Newton’s First Law – the Law of Inertia ........................................................................... 13
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 4 .......................................................................................... 17
Crash – Force can make the difference. .......................................................................... 17
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 5 .......................................................................................... 20
Newton’s Third Law – Is it Rocket Science? .................................................................... 20
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 6 Consolidation.................................................................... 23
Putting it all together in a Golf Swing! .............................................................................. 23
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 7 .......................................................................................... 27
Distinguishing Asteroids and Comets .............................................................................. 27
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 8 .......................................................................................... 30
Making meaning of Meteoroids, Meteors and Meteorites ................................................. 30
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 9 .......................................................................................... 33
Food Chains and Energy ................................................................................................. 33
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 10 ........................................................................................ 36
Trophic Levels and Losing Energy – The Food Web! ...................................................... 36
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 11 ........................................................................................ 39
Humans and the Environment ......................................................................................... 39
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 12 Consolidation.................................................................. 42
Dynamics of a Food Web ................................................................................................ 42
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 13 ........................................................................................ 45
The Nature of Matter – Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases ...................................... 45
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 14 ........................................................................................ 48
The Nature of Matter – Maria’s Special Drink .................................................................. 48
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 15 ........................................................................................ 51
The Particle Nature of Matter........................................................................................... 51
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 16 ........................................................................................ 54
Changes of State in Terms of Particles............................................................................ 54
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 17 ........................................................................................ 57
Change of State in the Water Cycle ................................................................................. 57
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 18 Consolidation.................................................................. 60
Heating Water – An Experiment ...................................................................................... 60
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 19 ........................................................................................ 63
Food Chains in Yellowstone ............................................................................................ 63
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 20 ........................................................................................ 66
Food and Energy ............................................................................................................. 66
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 21 ........................................................................................ 69
The Food Web................................................................................................................. 69
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 22 ........................................................................................ 72
Particles .......................................................................................................................... 72
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 23 ........................................................................................ 75
Physical Change ............................................................................................................. 75
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 24 ........................................................................................ 78
The Water Cycle .............................................................................................................. 78
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 25 ........................................................................................ 81
Forces – Balancing and Moving a Wheelbarrow .............................................................. 81
Balancing a wheelbarrow................................................................................................. 82
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 26 ........................................................................................ 84
Forcing Things to Move ................................................................................................... 84
Does bigger force cause more movement? ..................................................................... 85
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 27 ........................................................................................ 87
Predicting the Effects of Forces ....................................................................................... 87
Can we predict the effect of a force? ............................................................................... 88
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 28 ........................................................................................ 90
A Balloon Rocket ............................................................................................................. 90
Making a balloon rocket ................................................................................................... 91
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 29 ........................................................................................ 93
Creating Craters .............................................................................................................. 93
Modelling the impact of masses in forming craters .......................................................... 94
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 30 ........................................................................................ 96
Is it an Asteroid or a Comet? ........................................................................................... 96
An outer space object is heading toward Earth!! .............................................................. 97
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National Learning Camp Overview
The Learning Camp offers grade-level review lessons that are directed by the teacher and designed to be
highly interactive among:
i.students with their teacher; and
ii.students with their peers.
A strength of the design is the focus on both student and teacher learning. The intentions and expectations
of the Learning camp are for:
students to consolidate and enhance their thinking in topics covered;
teachers to enhance their pedagogical practices by focusing on selected skills, which include 21st
century skills; and
teachers to update, strengthen and expand their subject knowledge in ways that encourage
students to be involved in learning activities at different levels including those considered higher order.
Teachers are afforded resources, time and the opportunity to use deliberate practice to further extend
their skills, knowledge and understandings of teaching and how students learn. As the lessons are designed
to apply subject content already encountered by students, they do not contain repetitive, routine
questions of a particular subject aspect.
One important purpose of the subject content review by teachers at the beginning of each lesson is to
determine learners’ subject background knowledge and skills, enabling teachers to build on this. This
activity also reminds students of what they have already encountered. This approach is different to
‘teaching’ students anew as if they have not been taught previously.
Under an integrated banner of ‘Science of Learning’, research-evidence advances in applying disciplines to
education practice such as the learning brain, cognition, teacher and teaching growth, and learning
development is adding to our knowledge of teaching and learning. This Project draws on information in
this field that has highlighted the need to go beyond what might be considered current practice in the
Philippines and incorporate ideas and approaches, including the 21st Century skills, to enhance teaching
and learning for all.
Review lessons
The review lessons are based on content related to the students’ current grade. All lessons involve the
exploration of ideas, concepts and content already encountered by students. The purpose of the lessons is
two-fold: establish in students a stronger basis for future learning development (prior to enrolling in a new
grade after the summer break); and enable teachers to strengthen their teaching practice in a research-based professional development
program (prior to a new academic year).
The primary focus of the lessons is on students revising and then applying previously taught subject
content to support problem-solving and/or comprehension activities focused on applying knowledge, skills
and understanding to real-world problems.
Lesson Overview
All lessons in each of the three subjects, English, Mathematics and Science, contain five components.
Approximate timings for the components are indicated as timing advice to guide the teacher in pacing the
lessons. Time management involves moving through components at a pace that is appropriate for the
learners while still ensuring that the components are completed in a timely, efficient and constructive
manner. Ultimately, however, the pace will be determined by the learners’ needs and strengths.
Nevertheless, there needs to be practical limits on the duration of the components to prevent major
disruption of lessons. When times are allocated appropriately, and students become familiar with the
approach and teacher expectations, concept development and student skill levels are improved.
Research findings related to student learning quality and ‘time’ are related to student ‘time-on-task’. Time-
on-task refers to the time students are actively involved (engaged) in some aspect of the learning process
in class. The suggested times for each component are intended to maximize the time available for student
involvement. This will encourage the student to work efficiently, timewise, through the lesson without
jeopardizing the importance of such activities as students:
answering routine and non-routine questions
responding to verbal questions and explanations
interpreting and using appropriate terminology
discussing aspects with their peers
explaining or justifying their approaches and thinking
working productively on their own
listening carefully to their teacher or peers.
Care needs to be exercised in determining what engagement means. Engagement is clearer when students
are doing the learning through answering questions, writing, discussing and reading.
Establishing on-task time is more problematic when the teacher talks and students passively listen, such as
in didactic teaching. With such an approach it is difficult to determine whether students are listening or
paying attention. Often in lessons requiring problem-solving or intense reading and comprehension,
student activity is more subtle and cerebral as students work.
Critical aspects of the National Learning Camp for the teacher include questions related to learning areas,
based around a key idea. The questions are offered at different levels of difficulty involving lower- to
higher-order thinking, starting with questions of modest complexity up to those that require more
developed reasoning. Students are provided with opportunities to practice solving non-routine questions
to help improve their conceptual understanding by applying known content to subject-related problems.
Teacher reflection on the lessons presented can offer important insights to stimulate teachers to enhance
their own practice and the learning of their students. This includes:
new teaching approaches encouraged by lesson components that can contribute in different ways
to student learning and lesson success;
the use of review lessons that help review learnt material and extend student abilities in problem
solving by utilizing known information;
a focus on student concept and skill acquisition, pedagogical approaches, student errors, time-on-
task, deliberate practice and working memory demands.
Consolidation Camp
The Consolidation Camp offers students the chance to review their subject background knowledge by
consolidating previously taught material. The intention is for students to have opportunities to practice
applying their knowledge of concepts and ideas through grade-related sets of questions of developing
In the case of lessons for students in the Consolidation Camp, the materials including the lesson plans are
the same as offered to students attending the Enhancement Camp. There are important reasons for both
Camps sharing the same content. However, there are differences between the Camps associated with the
teaching focus which is related to the breadth and depth of conceptual knowledge of the students.
In all learning, lower-order thinking is a pre-requisite for higher-order skill and knowledge development.
Many students are disadvantaged in their attempts to move forward in their learning through a lack of
practice and conceptual development of needed lower-order skills, knowledge and understandings. Hence,
all students benefit from a stock-take on relevant lower-order skills with previously addressed content.
This helps establish a basis upon which student learning should build.
In both the Consolidation and Enhancement Camps important lower-order content skills, knowledge and
understandings are re-visited at the beginning of each lesson. This helps ensure that potential learning
obstacles are made visible to the student and the teacher. It also means that errors in understanding or
misconceptions are identified. This information is important in helping all students move forward
regardless of their achievement levels.
Small sets of questions offered asked in the lessons are also the same. These questions range from those of
modest difficulty to those which require more insight and knowledge. Exploring and answering these
question sets has value to all students, albeit in different ways. It enables students to work through a range
of ideas on their own before hearing from their peers and teacher concerning the same questions – a very
rich learning environment.
As the questions posed are about applying content already encountered to a new problem, students can
use or apply their current knowledge, skill and understanding in a practical way at their level, further
developing their conceptualization and understanding of the content.
This Consolidation Camp offers students the opportunity to improve their learning and conceptual
development by a stepped approach. This involves:
(i) reminding students of relevant lower-order skills through practice,
(ii) having students apply and discuss their knowledge in sets of graded questions with an emphasis
on earlier questions,
(iii) expecting students to apply their knowledge leading to more breadth in learning,
(iv) beginning an initial focused practice on higher-order skill development.
The approach advocated to solve problems or comprehend passages extends student learning beyond
simple repetitive exercises sets. For these students the teaching part of the lesson requires teachers
reviewing closely student solution attempts through student explanation, discussion and questioning of
fundamental aspects of topics that are typically found in the earlier questions. Teachers should be sensitive
to student’s self-perceptions here as the students may meet the ideas, presented in the lessons, maybe
after many failures with these concepts in the past.
Nevertheless, these students should become aware of the more difficult questions as they allow them to
consider links or connections between concepts previously taught. There is value in a problem for students
to read the question and be able to say what it is about in their own words.
It is important that students in the Intervention Camp become aware of where their learning is at and
where it is progressing. Teachers need to be nurturing and supportive of this development and continually
look for evidence of success and growth. Teachers also need to encourage students to persist, continue to
practice individual aspects, and use any mistakes they make as an opportunity to learn more. These are
important features of a successful learning journey.
Lesson Components: Short Overview
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Component 1 offers teachers the chance to:
settle the class quickly;
review or preview previously encountered information;
address previous content in the form of a few targeted questions that are relevant to the current
note what students already know;
elicit answers from the class to reinforce the important content needed for the lesson; and
address briefly issues that may arise.
The questions set for the Short Review section of a lesson are designed to remind students of knowledge
and skills developed when first studying the topic area, which are relevant to the lesson.
Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)
This component offers teachers a chance to acquaint students with the purpose/intention of the lesson. It
is valuable if students see a link here with their prior knowledge or experience, especially if the teacher can
connect it to the responses and levels of student understanding evident in Component 1.
In addition, this component is an appropriate time to address what students might expect/aim to achieve,
i.e., their lesson goal(s). Teachers should clarify, in clear language, the learning intention for the students
as well as what success will look like. (Note: The degree of success or partial success of student learning in
the lesson should occur as part of Component 5.)
Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)
Component 3 concerns language use – speaking, hearing, listening and comprehending. The focus is on
words or phrases that are to be used.
The language practice suggested has been identified by considering the whole lesson and identifying those
words/phrases that have the potential to cause difficulties for students through speech, or listening, or
understanding. Typically, the language identified is restricted to less than 6 words/phrases so that there is
enough time to use a variety of approaches in the practice within the time available.
Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Component 4 has three aspects, 4A, 4B, and 4C.
In the case of the Learning Camp activity, Component 4 addresses the key idea for the lesson. It is about
students applying known content to solve real-world problems. This requires students to
interpret/understand the meaning of the ‘stem’, a stimulus, (passage/text or diagram or the first part of
the problem or story) correctly before answering questions of differing degrees of complexity related to
the stem.
Students are first presented with the stem in 4A and are given the time/chance to understand it. Then in
4B and 4C, two separate sets of questions related to the same stem are asked.
4A Reading and Understanding the Stem
4A involves understanding the language of the stem. The purposes here are for the teacher:
to model fluent reading of the stem (first);
to identify any unfamiliar language (possibly addressed in Component 3)
the student:
to read the passage or describe the figure, etc.;
to hear and experience fluency in reading the stem.
4B Solving the First Set of Questions
4B involves a set of questions associated with the stem. Students will need to refer to the stem as they
prepare to answer the set of questions. Students write down responses or attempts at each question. It is
important that every student in the class is expected to have a response for each question. It is expected
and acceptable that students would make errors, which provide teachers with important information
students’ learning needs. A critical procedural action here for teachers is the importance of all students
starting on the same set of questions at the same time.
When the students are finished, or sufficient time has been allocated, the teacher marks the questions.
This can be achieved by students providing answers or approaches to the questions and by explaining or
justifying their reasons. Time should be allocated to student discussion, explanation, reasoning, etc., about
the answers.
4C Solving the Second Set of Questions
4C offers a new start for students regardless of how they performed in Component 4B. The structure is
very similar to Component 4B, i.e., undertaking a new set of questions related to the same stem. In
addition, the lesson structure allows a refresh for the student brain processing as 4C represents for the
student a new starting point. This structure also allows all students in the class become centered around
starting a new activity.
This approach serves two purposes for teachers. First, it enables the teacher to bring all students back
together to proceed as a group with issues able to be directed to and considered by every student at the
same time. Second, it offers the teacher to practice offering their students extended problems where
different sets of questions can be used with a single Stem enabling an efficient way to incorporate more
problem-solving or comprehension practice on specific content into a lesson.
Lesson Component 5 Lesson Conclusion
Component 5 has a high metacognitive aspect for students – students thinking about their own thinking –
which can be further enhanced by teacher modelling. Component 5 is designed to offer a student-focused
overview to the main intentions of the lesson. In particular, the focus is about helping students reflect on
their progress and achievements (or partial achievements) of the lesson intention as well as their
understanding development during the lesson.
It builds on comments from Component 2 about teacher expectations. There is the chance here to confirm
student progress during the lesson. A teacher may use a diagram, picture or some aspect of the lesson as a
catalyst to stimulate student discussion and reflection.
NOTE: A fuller description of the Components and features of the lessons is provided in the Learning Camp
– Notes to Teachers Booklet. It is recommended that these notes are read and discussed by teachers as
they provide a further basis to understanding the structure of lessons and the pedagogy recommended.
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 1
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
Key Idea
Net Force is the sum of all the forces acting on an object; When the forces acting on an object are
balanced, there is no net force (Fnet) and so the object will not move. When the forces acting on an object
are unbalanced, there is net force (Fnet) and so the object will move.
Component 1: Short Review
Time: 7 minutes
Ask students to answer the following questions on their worksheet.
Q1a. What does the word balance mean in everyday terms?
Q1b. What does the word force mean in everyday terms?
Q2. What does balance mean in scientific terms when we are referring to forces?
Q3. How could you illustrate or represent balanced forces? (you can use words, symbols, or
Ask students to volunteer answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample answer for all
students to listen to and write down. (This may come from one of the students or from the sample
answers below).
Sample answers:
Q1a. • When something is stable. • Equal. • Not falling over.
Q1b. • To break something open, like to force a door open;
• A (force) field,
• A push or a pull;
• Something that makes things move (accelerate) – like a magnet pulling a metal toy.
Q2. • The forces are the same.
• The forces are cancelling each other;
• One force counteracts the other.
The lesson is about balanced and unbalanced forces and how forces can affect the way an object moves.
The lesson may also help student to be better at using symbols to communicate information in science.
Read out difficult or unfamiliar words or phrases and ask the students to read them to themselves
and then out loud as a class.
Force; Same direction; Opposite direction; Cancel; Representations; Situations
Ask the students to practice saying the words.
Component 4: Lesson Activity
Time: 25 minutes
Component 4A
Refer students to the main lesson stimulus pointing out that it includes symbolic representations of
forces that help explain what is happening.
Read out the written text. Ask the students if there are any words that they are not familiar with (or
suggest examples such as <insert>) and give descriptions of any words that may be problematic.
Situation 1 Situation 2
Situation 3 Situation 4
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. What does Equal forces mean?
Q2. What are some ways that the motion of objects might be changed?
Q3. What needs to happen for a force to change an object’s motion?
Observe students’ answers. Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a good sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. The same sized forces – two or more.
Q2. • They could start moving from being still (i.e., accelerate).
• They could speed up (i.e., accelerate).
• They could slow down (i.e., accelerate).
• They could change direction (i.e., accelerate).
• They could stop moving.
Q3. • If an object is still, you would need to apply a force to it to make it move (like push it or pull it).
If an object is moving, you could apply a force to it to make it slow down, to make it change direction,
or to make it go faster.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. The stimulus shows four ways to represent forces using symbols. Which situations are
representing balanced forces?
Q2. Assuming the square objects are the same size and mass (weight), what do you predict would be
the movement of the objects in each situation when the forces represented were applied to the
Q3. Write a general statement that describes the relationship between forces and the motion of an
Observe students’ answers. Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Ask
the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Select a good sample answer for all
students to write down. This may come from the students or from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. • Situation 1; or
• Situation 4
• Situation 1 and Situation 4 (a great answer)
Q3. • If the forces acting on an object are balanced, the object will not move., or
• If the forces acting on an object are unbalanced, the object will move.,
• If there is no net force, the object will not move., (a great technical answer)
• If there is a net force, the object will move. (a great technical answer)
3. What is something you would like to learn more about in this topic?
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 2
Let’s Get Rolling!
Key Idea
A force acting on an object is not seen directly but is detected by its effect on the object’s motion or shape.
Sample answers:
Q1 • A force is an influence that causes an object to change its velocity.
• A push or a pull;
• Something that makes things move (accelerate).
Q3. • As you climb up to the top of the slide, you are climbing against gravity.
• When you slide, gravity pulls you down, but friction makes your legs and hands feel hotter.
• When you slide, you can feel gravity pulling you down and you can feel the force of the slide
pushing up, but friction slows you down a bit too. [Great answer].
The lesson is about how forces act on an object to have an effect the object’s motion, even though the
forces involved cannot be seen directly; Maybe they can be detected by the effect the forces have on
the object’s motion?
Component 3: Lesson Language Practice
Time: 5 minutes
Read out difficult or unfamiliar words and ask the students to read them to themselves and then out
loud as a class.
Experiment; Detect; Identical; Launch; Gravity; Friction
Ask the students to practice saying the words.
Component 4: Lesson Activity
Time: 25 minutes
Component 4A
Refer students to the main lesson stimulus. Read out the written text. Ask the students if there are
words that are not familiar and give descriptions of any words that may be problematic.
Building a Force Detector
A force is an influence or interaction that causes an object to change its velocity. A force can
be a push or a pull.
Two students decided to try to build a model that would allow them to show that a force acting
on an object must exist, even if you cannot see it. To test their thinking, they conducted an
experiment to see if a force can be detected by the effect of the force on an object’s motion.
Here are some pictures of their experiment:
They used three identical toy cars to be launched from the
same starting point to run on three identical tracks. The only
thing they changed was the angle of the launch ramps because
they knew that the force of gravity acting on each car is the
same – but by using a different angle for each car, they could
accelerate each car differently.
Their teacher said to them “Without the forces of friction and air resistance to slow the cars,
the cars would just keep running right across the floor until they hit something! However, the
experiment will be valid because friction and air resistance would be the same for each car
because they used identical cars.”. The students collected their data:
DATA Distance cars travel (cm)
Car Ramp Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Ave distance
angle travelled
1 100 69 74 82 75
2 150 107 105 115 109
3 200 140 149 146 145
In summary, the students wanted to see if a greater force resulted in a car moving further.
They reasoned that a car moving a greater distance along the flat track indicated that the
initial force applied to the car was greater.
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. What is an experiment?
Q2. What things did the students keep the same in their experiment?
Q3. What do the student’s results (data) show?
Observe students’ answers. Ask the students to volunteer answers, giving positive feedback. Select a
good sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from the students or from the
following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. • A practical investigation.
Q2. • The cars; or The weight of the cars; or The size and shape of the cars;
• The type of track;
• The length of track that was flat on the ground;
Q3. • That Car 3 moved further than Cars 1 & 2, and that Car 2 moved further than Car 1.
• That the greater force resulted in a car moving the greatest distance – so the movement of the
car indicated the strength of the force acting on the car as it ran down the ramp.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. What is a force?
Q2. What did the two students want to show with their experiment?
Q3. Were the students able to detect a force? Explain.
Observe students’ answers. Ask the students to volunteer answers, giving positive feedback. Select a
good sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from the students or from the
following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. • An influence or interaction that causes an object to change its velocity, or
• A push, or
• A pull
Q2. • That a force acting on an object must exist, even if you cannot see it, or
• If a force can be detected, or
• If a greater force resulted in a car moving further.
Q3. • Yes; If a force exists, it will cause the cars to move – the larger the force, the further the cars will
move. The results show this so the students can conclude that a force exists.
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
1. Could you find any answers in the Stimulus e.g., It can be helpful to explain to students that it is
good learning technique to look for answers that might be
text for questions in Component 4B or 4C? given in a text or stimulus. This also helps understanding
Which ones? what is needed to answer questions.
Q2. and Q3. in Component 4B, and Q1. and
Q2. in Component 4C; Answers to these questions are all available directly in the text.
2. What differences do you notice between questions in 4B and 4C?
Component 4B was mostly focused on knowledge and skill about scientific investigations – the
practices and process of science. Component 4C was mostly focused on knowledge and
understanding of forces.
3. Did you find it easier to answer the questions in Component 4B or 4C? Why?
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 3
Newton’s First Law – the Law of Inertia
Key Idea
An object at rest will remain at rest until acted upon by an unbalanced force, and an object in motion will
stay in motion unless acted on by an external force. [Newton’s First Law]
Sample answers:
Q1. • A force is an influence that causes an object to change its velocity.
• A push or a pull;
• Something that makes things move (accelerate).
Q2. • A force.
• It pulls things down to the ground.
• Gravity is invisible but causes things to drop.
• Gravity is attractive. It keeps the planets going around the sun.
The lesson is about the scientific law that explains how forces affect the motion of objects, including the
motion of small objects like golf balls and really large objects like the Earth and other planets.
Read out difficult or unfamiliar words and ask the students to read them to themselves and then out
loud as a class.
Balanced; Unbalanced; Rest; Inertia; Remain; Gravity; External; Tendency;
Ask the students to practice saying the words.
Component 4: Lesson Activity
Time: 25 minutes
Component 4A
1. Refer students to the main lesson stimulus and help them to see the scientific and everyday
information and language.
2. Read out the written text. Ask the students if there are any words that they are not familiar with
and give descriptions of any words that may be problematic.
The following are all examples of everyday situations that can be used to describe the Law
of Inertia:
1. A shinny glass marble rolling over a smooth flat floor.
2. A bicycle moving forward even after peddling is stopped.
3. A drinking glass sitting on a table.
4. Rolling a heavy tenpin ball straight down the center of a bowling alley lane.
5. The motion of a heavy tenpin ball as it knocks the pins over.
6. A golf ball sitting on a golf tee before the golfer hits it down the fairway.
7. A house built in an earthquake zone just before it is destroyed by an earthquake.
8. The motion of a hockey ball that is hit along the ground between two players.
9. A spacecraft when it is cruising between the planets Earth and Mars.
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. The word ‘remain’ is used three times in the information provided about Inertia. What is another
word that means the same as ‘remain’?
Q2. Which of the 9 examples describe objects that are at rest?
Q3. What are the important differences between the Scientific and Non-scientific meanings of
Observe students’ answers. Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a good sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from one of the students
or from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. • Stay, or keep, [ Do not accept the terms ‘stop’, or ‘travel’]
Q3. • The Scientific meaning of ‘inertia’ describes objects that are either still or moving and indicates that
a force can cause a change; The Non-scientific meaning does not describe organization
movement and does not tell what could change it.
[NOTE: Science has a more precise meaning, which is common; but when science words are
appropriated for everyday usage, they often lose their precision.]
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. What is gravity and how does it affect objects?
Q2. What forces are acting in Example 1. ‘A shinny glass marble rolling over a smooth flat floor.’?
Q3. Choose one other example and describe the balanced and/or unbalanced forces that are acting
in the example. You can use a labelled diagram to display your thinking as well?
Observe students’ answers. Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Select a good sample answer
for all students to write down. This may come from the students or from the following sample
Sample answers:
Q1. • Gravity pulls things down; it makes things fall to the ground.
• Gravity is a force – it pulls all objects towards the center of the Earth.
• Gravity is a pulling force – it attracts things that have mass.
Q3. • See stylized sample responses below. Note that if students use arrows to show the direction an
object is moving, make sure they do not confuse the direction of movement as the forces acting
on the object.
2. Has the activity helped you to think about forces in everyday life? Which ones?
4. What is something you would like to learn more about in this topic?
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 4
Crash – Force can make the difference.
Key Idea
For any given object, a larger force causes a larger change in motion. [Newton’s Second Law]
Sample answers:
Q1 • When something runs into something else.
• A collision.
• A car crash.
Q3. • If a car hits someone, it can do a lot of damage because it is heavier and harder than them.
• People in a car crash are thrown forward because the car stops but the people keep going unless
seatbelts save them. [Great answer, describing inertia].
The lesson is about how larger forces can cause a larger effect on other objects. The lesson is designed
to lead students to a deeper understanding of Sir Isaac Newton’s Second Law involving a quantitative
relationship between Force, Mass and Acceleration
Read out difficult or unfamiliar words and ask the students to read them to themselves and then out
loud as a class.
Investigating; Collision; Conducted; Wondered; Identical; Mass; Acceleration
Ask the students to practice saying the words. Which are words that have a special meaning in
The student’s teacher thought the experiment will be valid because she used identical cars
and so any friction or air resistance would be the same for each car.
Here are her experimental results.
DATA Distance the blocks moved after collision (cm)
Car Ramp Acceleration Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Ave distance
angle travelled
1 100 low 5 4 6 5
2 150 medium 9 14 10 11
3 200 high 16 17 15 16
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. What does the scientific term ‘mass’ mean?
Q2. If toy cars are the same, what scientific properties do they all have that are the same?
Q3. What did the student do to ensure that each car could apply a different force to act on the
Observe students’ answers. Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a good sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. • Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. / SI units are kilograms (kg), but it can be
measured in grams (g) as well.
Q2. • Same weight.
• Same size.
• Same types of wheels.
• Same color. [not important to the experiment]
• Same labels. [not important to the experiment]
Q3. • She set the three ramps at different angles. She set them to increase angle by 50 from the lowest
ramp. This ensured there was an increase in force as the cars were set at a higher point amount.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. What was the average distance travelled for Car Number 2?
Q2. What things did the student need to measure accurately?
Q3. What do the experimental results show?
Observe students’ answers. Ask students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Select
a good sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from the students or from the
following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. • 11 cm.
Q2. • The angles of the ramps.
• The distance the blocks were set before collision.
• The distance the blocks moved after collision.
Q3. • A larger force causes a larger change in motion. or
• The greater the acceleration, the greater force applied to the blocks. The experiment indicates
that the force applied by the cars is proportional to the acceleration of the cars. [A great answer
indicating F = ma]
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
1. Which questions were easy to answer – the ones in 4B or the ones in 4C? Why?
2. What strategies do you use to answer the harder questions?
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 5
Newton’s Third Law – Is it Rocket Science?
Key Idea
One object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal opposite force on the first
object. [Newton’s Third Law]
Component 1: Short Review
Time: 7 minutes
Ask students to answer the following questions on their worksheet using everyday understanding or
scientific understanding.
Q1. What is an Action?
Q2. What are some examples of Reactions?
Q3. Write a statement that shows the difference between an Action and a Reaction.
Ask students to volunteer answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample answer for all
students to listen to and write down. (This may come from the students or from the sample answers
Sample answers:
The lesson is about what is possibly the best known of Newtons three Laws of Motion – it is commonly
described recited by people as “To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
Read out difficult or unfamiliar words and ask the students to read them to themselves and then out
loud as a class.
Exert; Action; Reaction; Interaction, Thrust; Recoil; Rocket
Ask the students to practice saying the words.
Component 4: Lesson Activity
Time: 25 minutes
Component 4A
Refer students to the main lesson stimulus and help them to see the scientific and everyday
information and language.
Read out the written text. Ask the students if there are any words that they are not familiar with and
give descriptions of any words that may be problematic.
The following are all examples of everyday situations that can be used to describe the Law
of Action and Reaction:
1. The movement of a balloon when air is released from the neck of the balloon.
2. The upward movement when a rocket ship takes off.
3. The way a slingshot works to project an object.
4. The recoil on a person’s shoulder when they fire a rifle.
5. The trail in the water from the propeller of a moving speedboat
6. The recoil of a heavy cannon when it fires an iron cannon ball.
7. Pushing off the ground to walk or run.
8. Rowing a boat.
9. When a billiard ball hits another one, the second one moves with the same force as the
first, but the first stops or moves back.
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. The word ‘exert’ is used three times in the information box provided. What is another word that
means the same as ‘exert’?
Q2. Which of the 9 examples provided in the information box involve gases exerting a force?
Q3. What are the important differences between the Scientific and Non-scientific meanings of
‘Action’ and ‘Reaction’?
Observe students’ answers. Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a good sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from one of the students
or from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. • Applies, or puts, or places, [not stop, or travel]
Q2. • Numbers 1, 2, 4, and 6.
Q3. • The scientific understanding about Action and Reaction is that the two things ALWAYS happen at
the same time; Non-scientific ‘actions’ and ‘reactions’ don’t need to happen at the same time –
there can be a big time-gap between them.
[NOTE: Science again has a more precise meaning, which is common and when science words are
appropriated for everyday usage, they often lose their precision, and can take on a variety of
meanings for different people – this can make it difficult to communicate ideas consistently.]
Component 4C
1. Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. What does gravity act on?
Q2. What are some ways that humans use to overcome or go against gravity?
Q3. Why do spaceships need huge rockets to get them into space?
2. Observe students’ answers. Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Select a good sample answer
for all students to write down. This may come from the students or from the following sample
Sample answers:
Q1. • Anything that has mass. or Anything that has weight.
• Common household objects around us, like glasses and sports equipment.
• Not emotions or ideas.
Q3. • To escape the Earth’s gravity, a rocket needs to exert a strong force down on Earth (the Thrust) to
propel the rocket upwards very fast. Escape velocity is about 12 km/s, which is approximately 33
times the speed of sound.
• As a rocket ship goes upwards through the atmosphere, to reach escape velocity it needs to carry
all of its own fuel and oxygen and these are very heavy, so the rocket is very big.
[NOTE: as student who can thrust to reach escape velocity and propellant weight in this question
are showing high relational ability.]
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
1. What did you learn from this lesson?
2. What are some things you enjoyed about the lesson?
3. What are some things you found difficult in this lesson?
4. What is something you would like to learn more about in this topic?
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 6 Consolidation
Putting it all together in a Golf Swing!
Key Idea
When acceleration is applied to an object, the object will then travel with constant velocity (i.e., at the same
speed and direction) until it is acted on by an external force.
Component 1: Short Review
Time: 7 minutes
Ask students to answer the following questions on their worksheet.
Q1. What is a Scientist?
Q2. What things do scientists study?
Q3. How do scientists contribute to our society?
Ask students to volunteer answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample answer for all
students to listen to and write down. (This may come from one of the students or from the sample
answers below).
Sample answers:
Q1 • A professional person who scientifically investigates about the natural world and how it functions.
Q3. • They conduct investigations to solve complex real-world problems such as fixing local pollution,
developing new medicines for COVID, developing ways to reduce global warming, establish early
warning systems for earthquakes; and designing new batteries for pollution-free vehicles.
The lesson is a consolidation lesson and is designed to help students to recognize that Newton’s three
Laws of Motion can be applied to a single situation. It is important to help students to recognize that in
many situations many laws and principles of science do not occur in simple and unrelated situations. To
make sense of the physical world, scientists often isolate small components in order to study each in
depth and with precision.
Read out difficult or unfamiliar words and ask the students to read them to themselves and then out
loud as a class.
Situations; Maximum; Acceleration; Velocity; Newton; Vertical; Horizontal
Ask the students to practice saying the words.
Component 4: Lesson Activity
Time: 25 minutes
Component 4A
Refer students to the main lesson stimulus ensuring they can identify with the golf example. If
golf is not generally known or recognized by students, the same questions could be easily applied
to a similar situation such as hitting in T-ball.
Read out the written text.
Ask the students if there are any words that they are not familiar with (or suggest examples
such as <insert>) and give descriptions of any words that may be problematic.
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. The text in the Information Box states: ‘There are forces acting on the golf ball when it is sitting
on the tee.’ Would these forces be balanced forces or unbalanced forces?
Q2. What does the acceleration of an object depend on?
Q3. Why does the diagram in the Information Box indicate that the path of the golf ball after the club
hits the golf ball is a straight line?
Observe students’ answers. Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Ask
the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Select a good sample answer for all
students to write down. This may come from the students or from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. • Balanced forces (because the ball is not moving)
Q3. • Because according to Newtons First Law, an object will stay in motion in a straight line unless
acted on by an external force. When the golf ball is hit, it will be travelling with very high velocity,
and it will not be easy to see the effects of gravity and air resistance slowing the ball until the ball
is further away from the golfer.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. The word ‘exert is used three times in the information provided. What is another word that
means the same as ‘exert?
Q2. The table below describes 7 different situations that exist when a golfer is hitting a golf ball. In
the table, add a tick () to indicate which of Newton’s Laws apply to each situation – you can
select more than one Law for each situation and you can ignore friction, air resistance and wind
resistance. [The first situation is done for you to show how to add ticks.]
Newtons laws
Situations occurring as the golfer swings and hits the ball 1st 2nd 3rd
1. When the golf ball is sitting on the tee, it does not fall off.
2. When the golf club is swung by the golfer to hit the ball, the club experiences an
unbalanced force, from the golfer’s arms, which produces a change in the club’s
velocity – it is now accelerating towards the ball.
3. As the golf club hits the ball, it is at its maximum acceleration (Mass of club head
x Acceleration of club head = F on the club head).
4. As the golf club hits the ball, it applies its force to the ball, accelerating the ball
until the golf ball leaves the club. The golf ball is experiencing a change in
velocity – it is accelerating. The greater the force applied to the golf ball the
greater the acceleration.
5. As the golf club hits ball, it applies force causing the ball to go in motion. In
return, the ball also applies an equal and opposite force back to the club. This
force slows the golf club down.
6. The golf ball moves away from the golf club at a greater velocity than the club
head because the club head has a much greater mass than the golf ball.
7. Once the golf ball is in motion in the air, its horizontal velocity remains the same
(constant); its vertical velocity is acted on by gravity.
Q3. Look at the pattern of ticks you have placed in the table in Q2. What does this tell you about how
Newton’s Laws can be applied to hitting a golf ball?
Observe students’ answers. Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a good sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. • Applies, or puts, or places, [ not stop, or travel]
Newtons laws
Situations occurring as the golfer swings and hits the ball 1st
2nd 3rd
1. When the golf ball is sitting on the tee, it does not fall off.
2. When the golf club is swung by the golfer to hit the ball, the club
( ) ( )
experiences an unbalanced force, from the golfer’s arms, which produces a
change in the club’s velocity – it is now accelerating towards the ball.
3. As the golf club hits the ball, it is at its maximum acceleration (Mass of club
head x Acceleration of club head = F on the club head).
4. As the golf club hits the ball, it applies its force to the ball, accelerating the
ball until the golf ball leaves the club. The golf ball is experiencing a change
in velocity – it is accelerating. The greater the force applied to the golf ball
the greater the acceleration.
5. As the golf club hits ball, it applies force causing the ball to go in motion. In
return, the ball also applies an equal and opposite force back to the club.
This force slows the golf club down.
6. The golf ball moves away from the golf club at a greater velocity than the
club head because the club head has a much greater mass than the golf
7. Once the golf ball is in motion in the air, its horizontal velocity remains the
same (constant); its vertical velocity is acted on by gravity.
Q3. • The pattern of ticks shows that all of Newton’s laws play a part in hitting a golf ball.
• The pattern of ticks shows that all of Newton’s laws play a part in hitting a golf ball, but the first
and second laws seem to play a more significant part.
• [If a student ticks three laws for situation 2:] Some parts of the golfer’s action can have all three
laws operating at the same time .
The focus of the lesson was on learning about how Newton’s three Laws of Motion can be applied to
complex everyday actions.
1. Has the lesson helped you apply Newton’s three Laws? What other situations could you apply the
laws to?
2. Which questions were easier to answer – the ones in 4B or the ones in 4C? Why?
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 7
Distinguishing Asteroids and Comets
Key Idea
Understanding the origin of asteroids and comets, and their motion, helps scientists to explain the nature
and formation of the Solar System.
Ask students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample answer for all
students to listen to and write down. This may come from one of the students or from the sample
answers below.
Sample answers:
Q1. • Our Sun and the celestial/planetary/astronomical objects that go around it.
Q2. • Sun
• Planets
• Moons
• Asteroids
• Comets
• Meteors
Q3. • The planets move/orbit (go around) the Sun.
• The moons go around/orbit the planets.
• The Sun goes around/orbits the center of our galaxy along with our whole Solar System.
Component 2: Lesson Purpose/Intention
Time: 3 minutes
The lesson is about understanding more deeply how asteroids and comets form and travel in space and
how they are visible or can impact on Earth.
Component 3: Lesson Language Practice
Time: 5 minutes
Read out difficult or unfamiliar words or phrases and ask the students to read them to themselves
and then out loud as a class.
Asteroid, astronomy, astronomical, orbit, a million years, a billion years, vaporize
Ask students what might be the meaning or origin of the words, asteroid, astronomy, and
Sample student responses: Astro means star [from Greek, astronomos = ‘star-arranging’.]
Component 4: Lesson Activity
Time: 25 minutes
Component 4A
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. What is generally typically bigger – an Asteroid or a Comet?
Q2. What features do Comets have that Asteroids do not have?
Observe students’ answers. Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a good sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from the students or
from the following sample answers.
Sample answers:
Q1. • An asteroid – it can be 500 km in diameter.
Q2. • Gases.
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. What type of energy and/or forces are likely to affect comets as they travel closer to the Sun?
Q2. Make some labelled drawings to show the different shapes that Asteroids and Comets can have.
Q3. If asteroids usually orbit in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter, what could cause an
asteroid to head towards and hit Earth?
Watch students answering, giving encouragement. Ask students to volunteer answers. Select a good
sample answer for students to copy. This may come from students or sample answers.
Sample answers:
Q3. • It might have collided with another asteroid and that changed its direction.
• It could move close to a large planet which would change its path due to the planet’s gravity –
gravitational attraction;
• It might have been from a bigger asteroid that collided and broke into pieces, and it is a piece
that is heading for Earth.
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
1. Has the activity helped you to think more about the astronomical objects of the Solar System?
2. What did you enjoy about the lesson?
3. What is something you would like to learn more about in this topic?
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 8
Making meaning of Meteoroids, Meteors and Meteorites
Key Idea
Analyzing the nature and origin of meteors and meteorites helps scientists to explain natural phenomena
that occur with our planet as well as how the Solar System formed.
Sample answers:
Q1. • A fireball. or A fireball from space. or A shooting star.
Q2. • They burn up in the sky.
• They can blast the ground, form craters.
• They could hit planes.
Q3. • They are the same.
• They form from one another – a meteorite is from a meteor.
Read out difficult or unfamiliar words or phrases and ask the students to read them to themselves
and then out loud as a class.
friction, meteor, meteorite, meteoroid, composition, random
Ask students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback and discussing.
Component 4: Lesson Activity
Time: 25 minutes
Component 4A
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. How big is a typical meteoroid?
Q2. What are some Major astronomical objects? What are some Minor astronomical objects?
Q3. What would you have to know to predict if a big meteoroid (0.5 meter wide and 500 kg heavy)
would become a meteorite by surviving burning up in Earth’s atmosphere?
Observe students’ answers. Ask students to volunteer answers, giving positive feedback. Select a
good sample of answers to write down. This may come from students or from the sample.
Sample answers:
• You could put it into a computer simulation that was based on what scientists know from other
meteoroids entering Earth’s atmosphere.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. What is usually bigger – a meteoroid or an asteroid?
Q2. Complete the flow chart to show the process to have a meteorite land on Earth.
Q3. Comets and meteors can glow brightly in the night sky and so they can be seen by people on
Earth. How would you distinguish a comet from a meteor if you saw them in the night sky?
Ask the students to volunteer answers, giving positive feedback. Select a good sample answer for
students to write down. This may come from one student or from the following sample answers.
Sample answers:
Q1. • an asteroid
Q2. • sample completed diagram:
Q3. • A meteor would only be visible for a very short time, unless it was very big and does not all burn
up before it hits the ground. Even so, that would only take about 10-20 seconds. It would look
very close, closer than stars. A comet will be visible each night for many weeks or months and
would not look like it is moving, relative to the stars, unless you studied it closely for a few hours.
It would look like it is a long way away – amongst the stars.
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 9
Food Chains and Energy
Key Idea
Science texts often use flowcharts to communicate complex scientific ideas.
Component 4: Lesson Activity
Time: 25 minutes
Component 4A
Refer students to the main lesson stimulus and read out the text.
Ask the students to read the text to themselves.
Ask the students if there are any words that they are not familiar with (or suggest examples such as
food chain, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores) and give descriptions of any words that may be
Food Chains
A food chain model
plants herbivore carnivores omnivores
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. What is the name given to the group of animals that eat plants?
Q2. Complete the sentence: Omnivores eat …………………….… and ………………………….…
Q3. Are all humans omnivores? Explain.
Observe students’ answers. Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from one of the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. They are called herbivores.
Q2. Omnivores eat plants and other animals.
Q3. Yes; Most humans eat both plants and other animals and their body structures have developed to
be able to eat both plants and other animals. Some humans choose to eat only plants and some
humans choose not to eat the products of animals such as milk or eggs – however, scientifically,
humans are classified as Omnivores.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to fill in the boxes on the food chain diagram for
Q1 &Q2 and to answer Q3 in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. Write in the box an example of an herbivore in the mangrove swamps in the Philippines.
Q2. Write in the name of a carnivores found in a mangrove swamps of the Philippines.
Q3. Explain the important role in a food chain that producers have and give examples.
Select a sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from one of the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. An example might include mollusks; or shrimp.
Q2. Carnivores would include turtles, fish, sharks.
Q3. Producers are very important as they make the food for animals to eat from Water and Carbon
dioxide. Examples include grasses, plants, trees, ferns and mangroves.
The focus of this lesson was to use flowcharts to describe food chains and the transfer of energy.
Ask students to answer the following questions either by class discussion or writing the answers in their
Q1 Did you find using the terms herbivore, carnivore and omnivore difficult? If so, Why?
Q2. Did you find the answers to the questions in component 4B and 4C interesting? If so, Why?
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 10
Trophic Levels and Losing Energy – The Food Web!
Key Idea
Science texts often use multi-step flowcharts to communicate complex scientific ideas.
Q1. If producers are in trophic level 1, into which trophic levels do herbivores belong?
Q2. If producers are in trophic level 1, into which trophic levels do humans belong?
Q3. Why are plants called the producers?
Ask students to volunteer to read out their answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample
answer for all students to listen to and write down. This may come from one of the students or from
the sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1 Herbivores belong in trophic level 2.
Q2. Humans may be in trophic levels 2 and or 3.
Q2. Plants are called producers because they are the living things that produce food and oxygen from the
carbon dioxide in the air, water and the energy from the sun.?
Component 2: Lesson purpose/Intention
Time: 3 minutes
Explain to the students that this lesson is about reading flowcharts and how important reading is for
learning and when answering questions.
The lesson is about the trophic levels of an ecosystem. We want to be sure we know and understand
about the loss in energy.
Ask students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Discuss answers. Select an answer
for all students to write down. This may come from one or several of the students or from the
following sample answer
Sample answers:
Q1. The arrows represent the amount of energy that is being passed from one trophic level to another.
Q2. That producers pass on some of their energy to first level consumers who pass on some of their
energy to second order consumers and they pass on some of their energy to third order consumers.
Explain to students that some everyday words have different meanings when used in Science – it is
very important to recognize these differences in word use in the English language.
Boa constrictor
deer sloth
mushrooms and plants worm
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. Which carnivore would catch and eat sloths?
Q2. If the plants you see in the diagram above start off with an energy level of 10000 calories how
many calories will the sloth get and how many calories will the jaguar get?
Q3. Explain why it is important for there to be types of insects, microorganisms and fungi as part
of a food web?
Observe students’ answers. Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from one of the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. Jaguar or a boa constrictor.
Q2. The sloth would get 1000 calories and the jaguar would end up with 100 calories.
Q3. Fungi such as mushrooms and insects, worms together with microorganisms like bacteria are
decomposers and break down dead plants and animals into nutrients.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. Name a common household pet that people in your neighborhood have that would be a
primary (first order) consumer.
Q2. If you had a pet that was a secondary (second order) consumer which native animal might
they attack and eat?
Q3. Does the Philippines have a native sloth? Why are they considered endangered?
Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from one of the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. Rabbits or chickens
Q2. Dogs and cats might attack native birds or frogs.
Q3. The sloth like animal in the Philippines is actually a primate unlike other sloths, and it is endangered
because of increasing destruction of its habitat in the forests and the presence of feral cats.
The focus of this lesson was to use multi-step flowcharts such as a food web to describe trophic levels
and the loss of energy between steps.
Ask students to answer the following questions either by class discussion or writing the answers in their
Q1 Did you find Q2. in component 3 the diagram of trophic levels and energy difficult? If so, Why?
Q2. Do you think you could describe the diagram of the Food Web in words? If so, How?
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 11
Humans and the Environment
Key Idea
Science texts are often written with technical language that helps communicate complex scientific ideas.
Q1. Suggest a human activity that is conducted on a large scale that has a negative impact on the
Q2. Select one of these human activities and suggest some of the countries of the world where this
Q3. Explain how this activity has damaged a relevant ecosystem.
Ask students to volunteer to read out their answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample
answer for all students to listen to and write down. This may come from one of the students or from
the sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1 Many answers such as: use of fossil fuels, deforestation
Q2. Deforestation occurs in the Amazon jungle but also in the tropical rainforests of Queensland
Q3. Deforestation in Queensland has caused erosion and the subsequent run off into the near bye ocean
has caused pollution in the waters of the barrier reef.
Component 2: Lesson purpose/Intention
Time: 3 minutes
Explain to the students that this lesson is about reading science texts and how important reading is for
learning and when answering questions.
The lesson is about the negative human impact an ecosystem. We want to be sure we can suggest ways
to minimize the impact.
Component 4: Lesson Activity
Time: 25 minutes
Component 4A
Refer students to the main lesson stimulus and read out the text.
Ask the students to read the text to themselves.
Ask the students if there are any words or pictures that they are not familiar with (or suggest
examples such as biodiversity, infrastructure) and give descriptions of any that may be problematic.
One of the ways that humans have had a negative impact on the environment is through the
process of deforestation.
The reason that this has occurred is that humans have wanted to clear the land for such things
as: commercial agriculture, commercial logging, building of homes and infrastructure and for
purposes of mining.
This deforestation has occurred all over the world and in recent years in Australia.
Deforestation causes soil erosion, flooding, the destruction of biodiversity, the release of
greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and as a result an increase in global warming,
In order to minimize this impact on the environment we could plant more trees particularly the
farmers and use less paper and recycle it.
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. In which country has there been recent deforestation?
Q2. What are some of the reasons why humans want to clear the land?
Q3. Why would it be particularly important for farmers to grow more trees?
Observe students’ answers. Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from one of the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. In the Australian rainforest.
Q2. They want to clear the land for farming and building houses.
Q3. Because the farmers have cleared their land to grow things or have cattle they should be replacing
some of the trees on their land.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. What is one of the negative impacts of deforestation in the Philippines?
Q2. What are some of the damaging effects on the people in the Philippines as a result of
Q3. Explain why deforestation can increase global warming.
Sample answers:
Q1. It has reduced the biodiversity of the Philippines.
Q2. Deforestation has caused flooding and landslides which have damaged our homes and even caused
injury and death.
Q3. When forests are cut down or burnt the carbon stored in them is released mostly as carbon dioxide
which is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.
The focus of this lesson was to suggest ways to minimize negative human impact on an ecosystem.
Ask students to answer the following questions either by class discussion or writing the answers in their
Q1 Did you find the text about deforestation interesting? If so, Why?
Q2. In this lesson did you learn something about minimizing human impact on an ecosystem that you did
not know before? If so, What?
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 12 Consolidation
Dynamics of a Food Web
Key Idea
Science texts often use multi-step flowcharts that help communicate complex scientific ideas.
Ask students to volunteer to read out their answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample
answer for all students to listen to and write down. This may come from one of the students or from
the sample answer:
Sample answers:
Q1. They are called carnivores.
Q2. A food web is all the food chains that exist in a single ecosystem.
Q3. A food chain shows the energy links between organisms within an ecosystem. So for example the
grass makes its own food from water, carbon dioxide and the sun’s energy. A cow eats the grass and
gets some energy and then humans eat the cow and get a little bit of energy.
Component 2: Lesson purpose/Intention
Time: 3 minutes
Explain to the students that this lesson is about using multi-step flowcharts and how important this is for
learning and when answering questions.
The lesson is about possible changes in one population of a trophic level has on the rest of the food
web/ecosystem. We want to be sure we can understand the impact.
Ask the students to complete the table about the meanings of the word in the appropriate column.
Suggest to students to use their own words to give a meaning for these scientific terms.
Read out some answers for all students to write down. This may come from one or several of the
students or from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Word Meaning
population Community of animals or plants
ecosystem biological community interacting with each other and the physical components
Component 4B
Rain forest food web
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. Identify a label in the picture which is the name of a producer.
Q2. Name the first level consumers in the picture.
Q3. Explain which trophic level has the most energy and why.
Observe students’ answers. Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from one of the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. Trees or grass.
Q2. The first level consumers are the grasshopper, mouse and deer.
Q3. The first trophic level, that is, the producers have the most energy because they actually produce
their own energy from the sun, air and water.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. Which trophic level in an ecosystem has the smallest population?
Q2 If the population of grasshoppers suddenly died in large numbers due to a disease what would
happen to:
a) the population of frogs?
b) the population of mice and deer and why?
c) the population of snakes and eagles and why?
Sample answers:
Q1. The highest trophic level, such as 3 has the smallest population.
Q2. a) the frogs would die out
b) the population of mice and deer would increase as they have more grass to eat.
c) the population of snakes and eagles might stay the same because the increase in numbers of mice
might make up the reduction in numbers of frogs.
The focus of this lesson was to suggest what the impact would be on a food web /ecosystem if there is a
change in the size of the population of one of the members.
Ask students to answer the following questions either by class discussion or writing the answers in their
Q1 Did you find the diagram of the food web interesting If so, Why?
Q2. In this lesson did you learn something about food webs and ecosystems that you did not know
before? If so, What?
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 13
The Nature of Matter – Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases
Key Idea
Science texts are often written with technical language that helps communicate complex scientific ideas.
Students volunteer to read their answers, giving positive feedback. Read sample answers for
students to listen to and write down. This may come from a student or from the sample answers:
Sample answers:
Q1. Liquids have a definite volume / Liquids have no definite or fixed shape.
Q2. The main three states of matter are solids, liquids and gases.
Q3. Solids have a definite shape and volume, but gases do not have definite shape or volume.
The lesson is about reading a science text and how important using technical language is for learning
and when answering questions.
The lesson is about solids, liquids and gases. We want to be sure we know and understand about shape
and volume for the states of matter.
Read out the following words or phrases (from the students’ worksheets) and ask the students to
read them to themselves and then out loud as a class.
shape, definite, liquid, volume, gas,
Ask students to complete the table about everyday word meanings in the appropriate Column and to
provide answers and discuss where needed.
Ask students to complete the table about the scientific word meanings in the appropriate column.
Suggest students use their own words to give a meaning for these scientific terms. Give
encouragement to students’ answers.
Read out some answers for students to write down. This may come from a student or from the
following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Word Everyday meaning Meaning in science
liquid Something you can pour. Flows and has a definite volume.
volume Level of sound. The 3-dimentional space that something occupies.
gas Like the air for example. A substance with no definite shape or volume.
Explain that some everyday words have different meanings when used in Science – it is very
important to recognize these differences in word use in the English language.
Refer students to the main lesson stimulus and read out the text.
Ask students to read the text to themselves.
Objects like a table or a brick are called solids. Solids have definite shape and volume. Things
like water and honey are called liquids. Liquids have definite volume but not definite shape.
Things like air and helium that make balloons rise are called gases. Gases do not have definite
volume or definite shape.
Ask students if there are any words that they are not familiar with (such as, objects, brick, helium)
and give descriptions of any words that may be a problem.
Component 4B
Students read the following questions and answer on their worksheet first.
Q1. Bricks and tables are classified as solids. What is another example of a solid?
Q2. Why are water and honey classified as liquids?
Q3. How are the properties of water and honey different to the properties of air and helium?
Observe students’ answers. Ask students to volunteer answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for students to write down. This may come from a student or from the
following sample answer.
Sample answers might be:
Q1. a wall. a piece of wood.
. . . . [many other possible answers]
Q2. Because they flow/pour. or
Because they have definite volume. or
Because they do not have definite shape.
Q3. Water and honey have definite volume, but air and helium do not. or
Water and honey have definite volume but not definite shape whereas air and helium do not
definite shape or volume.
Component 4C
Students read the following questions and answer on their worksheet first.
Q1. What would you need to measure the volume of a liquid?
Q2. What would you have to do to measure the volume/size of a brick.
Q3. Explain using examples how water can be a solid or a liquid.
Walk around giving encouragement and looking at students’ answers. Ask students to volunteer
answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a good sample of answers for students to write down for each question. This may come from a
student or from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. You need a measuring cylinder / You can measure it with a measuring cylinder.
Q2. You would need to measure the sides (length, height, depth) with a ruler.
Q3. Water from a tap or water in the ocean is a liquid and you can pour it but when it is really cold, like in
a freezer, it turns to solid ice.
The focus of this lesson was to describe the properties of solids, liquids and gases in terms of shape
and volume. Students answer the following questions using class discussion or writing the answers in
their worksheet.
Q1. Did this lesson help you to better understand and recall the properties of shape and volume for
solids, liquids and gases? If so, How?
Q2. Did you find the questions in component 4C harder than the questions in component 4B? If so, Why?
Let students know that good learners reflect on their learning
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 14
The Nature of Matter – Maria’s Special Drink
Key Idea
Scientific knowledge about solids liquids and gases helps to solve real-life problems.
Sample answers:
Q1. Gases have no definite volume.
Q2. Water can be a solid, liquid or a gas.
Q3. Scientists use shape and volume to classify the states because each state has a different
combination of shape and volume.
Explain to students that this lesson is about reading a science text and how important using
technical language is for learning and when answering questions.
The lesson is about using scientific knowledge to solve real life problems.
Read the following words or phrases (from the students’ worksheets) and ask students to read them
to themselves and then out loud as a class.
solid, states of matter
Ask students to complete the table about the everyday word meanings in the appropriate Column.
Ask students to provide answers and discuss where needed.
Ask the students to complete the table about the scientific meanings of words in the appropriate
column. Suggest to students to use their own words to give a meaning for these scientific terms. Give
encouragement to students’ answers.
Read out some answers for students to write down. This may come from one or several of the
students or from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Word Everyday meaning Meaning in science
solid It’s hard like a brick. Has shape and fixed volume.
states of matter States in a country Different forms of matter – solids, liquids and gases
Explain that some everyday words have different meanings when used in Science – it is very
important to recognize these differences in word use in the English language.
1. Refer students to the main lesson stimulus below and read out the following text.
Component 4B
Students read the following questions and answer on their worksheet first.
Q1. What is Maria trying to do?
Q2. What are the things that Maria has in her kitchen to make the special drink?
Q3. Why do scientists use measuring cylinders?
Observe students’ answers. Ask students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for students to write down. This may come from a student or from the
following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. Make a special drink.
Q2. A glass, 2 mangoes, ice, measuring cylinder, a refrigerator.
Q3. Because it is important when you are mixing liquids in science to have exactly the right amount.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer on their worksheet first.
Q1. How much cold water does Maria need?
Q2. What is the problem that Maria is having?
Q3. What steps could Maria take to solve the problem?
Walk around giving encouragement and looking at students’ answers. Ask the students to volunteer
their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from one of the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answers
Q1. 500 mL
Q2. The problem is that Maria is trying to measure the volume of a solid with a measuring cylinder.
Q3. Maria should let the ice melt, or heat it just enough to make it melt, and then measure the liquid. To
get exactly 500 mL, she might need to add more ice or pour out some of the water.
The focus of this lesson was to show that scientific knowledge about solids liquids and gases could
help to solve a real-life problem.
Ask students to answer the following questions either by class discussion or writing the answers in
their worksheet.
Q1. Did you find Maria’s special mango drink interesting? If so, Why?
Q2. Did you find the answers in component 4C helpful in your understanding of how science can solve
everyday problems? If so, Why?
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 15
The Particle Nature of Matter
Key Idea
The properties of solids liquids and gases can be described scientifically using the particle model.
Ask students to volunteer to read out their answers, giving positive feedback.
Read out a sample answer for students to listen to and write down. This may come from a student or
from the sample answer:
Sample answers:
Q1. “particles”
Q2. Particles are the smallest parts that make up an object or material or matter.
Solids, liquids and gases are made up of particles.
Q3. The particles in a solid are held in position by strong forces between the particles – that is why they
have fixed shape. The particles in a gas are also held together but are weaker and that is why they
have no shape but fill whatever space they are in.
The particles in a liquid are also held together by forces but they can move about and that’s why
they can flow and change shape.
This lesson is about reading diagrams and how important using diagrams is for learning and when
answering questions.
We want to be sure we know and understand how the particle nature of matter helps us explain the
properties of solids, liquids and gases.
Describe that the diagram below explains how particles in a solid are arranged at a really microscopic
(very small) level.
The importance of the activity is for students to read what the diagram represents.
If we could look at the smallest components of a solid,
what would we see?
Read out the question below and ask the students to write down their answer. Encourage the
students to read/view it carefully to think about what it means.
Refer students to the main lesson stimulus and describe the diagram below.
Ask students to look at the diagram themselves.
Ask the students if there are any words or pictures that they are not familiar with.
States of matter
Component 4B
Students read the questions below and answer in their worksheet first.
Q1. Which of the labels, A, B and C, represent a liquid?
Q2. Describe the particles in the diagram of a solid.
Q3. Why are the particles in a gas further apart than the particles in a liquid?
Hand out a block of ice to each student. [If ice is not available, ask them to think about a block of
Students read the following questions and answer in their worksheet first.
Q1. Look at the ice that your teacher has given you and suggest what will happen to it if you leave
it for a while?
Q2. What would happen if you put the ice in the sunlight or held it in your hand?
Q3 What would you feel if you held it in your hand? Why?
Walk around giving encouragement and looking at students’ answers. Ask students to volunteer
answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for students to write down. This may come from a student or from the
following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. It will melt.
Q2. It will melt more quickly.
Q3. My hand will feel cold because the ice is getting heat from my hand to melt faster.
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
The focus of this lesson was the use of diagrams to show how the particle model can explain the
properties of solids liquids and gases.
Ask students to answer the following questions either by class discussion or writing the answers in
their worksheet.
Q1 Did you know what the little circles represented in component 3? If so, How?
Q2. Did you find the diagram in component 4A helpful to explain the particle nature of solids, liquids and
gases? If so, Why?
Let students know that good learners reflect on their learning
NOTE: Remember to collect student worksheets to review and analyze student’s learning.
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 16
Changes of State in Terms of Particles
Key Idea
The physical changes in states of matter can be described and explained scientifically using the particle
The lesson is about reading diagrams and how important using diagrams is for learning and when
answering questions in science.
The lesson is about physical changes of solids, liquids and gases. We want to be sure we know and
understand about changes of state in terms of the particle nature of matter.
The diagram below shows how scientists represent change of state. The importance of the activity is
to see if students can interpret the diagram.
Encourage the students to read/view the diagram carefully to think about what it means.
Ask students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Discuss answers. Select an answer
for students to write down. This may come from one or several of the students or from the following
sample answer.
Sample answer:
Q1. The arrows represent the process of the change of state from a solid to a liquid to a gas.
Q2. ‘Solid changes to Liquid, and Liquid changes to Gas’.
Component 4: Lesson Activity
Time: 25 minutes
Component 4A
Ask students to look at the diagram below. Ask students to describe what they see and how does it
relate to science. Explain that scientists often use this type of diagram to represent physical
Component 4B
Ask students to write down their answers first. Encourage students to read/view it carefully and
think about what each part means.
Q1. Which one of the arrows (1,2, 3 and 4) indicates the process of freezing?
Q2. Which of the arrows indicate processes that need heat energy?
Q3. Explain what happens to the motion and the arrangement of particles when a substance
undergoes the process of melting.
Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for students to write down. This may come from a student or from the
following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. Arrow 3 indicates the process of freezing.
Q2. Arrows 1 and 2 need heat energy. Arrow 1 needs heat for melting and Arrow 2 needs heat for
Q3. The process of melting is when a solid changes to a liquid and energy in the form of heat is required.
When you heat a solid it gives the particles more energy and they have more movement they move
more so that they even change their arrangement and slide past each other and become a liquid.
Component 4C
Using the same diagram, ask students to write down their answers first.
Q1. What is the name of the process that is shown /indicated by Arrow 4?
Q2. Where in nature would you see solid ice and liquid water at the same time?
Q3. Some processes like “melting” require energy so what we need to do is heat them. Explain what
you would need to do for the processes that don’t need energy like “freezing” in terms of particle
energy and arrangement.
Sample answers:
Q1. The process shown by Arrow 4 is called condensation.
Q2. You could see ice and water at the same time in Antarctica where there is ocean or liquid water and
masses of ice/icebergs in the water.
Q3. What you would have to do is to make the water very cold by putting it in a refrigerator or freezer
where the temperature is very cold. This would mean that the particles would lose energy and then
they would not be able to move and the forces would hold the particles together very strongly like in
a solid.
The focus of this lesson was to use diagrams to describe the physical changes in states of matter
using the particle model.
Ask students to answer the following questions either by class discussion or writing the answers in
their worksheet.
Q1 Did you find the diagram showing the changes of state difficult to read? If so, Why?
Q2. Did you find the questions in component 4C more difficult than those in 4B or was there one question
more difficult than all the rest? If so, Why?
Let students know that good learners reflect on their learning.
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 17
Change of State in the Water Cycle
Key Idea
Science texts often use flowcharts to communicate complex scientific ideas.
Ask students to volunteer to read out their answers, giving positive feedback.
Read out a sample answer for students to listen to and write down. This may come from a student
or from the sample answer:
Sample answers:
Q1. The water comes from the clouds.
Q2. The two important changes of state are evaporation and condensation.
Q3. The heat from the sun evaporates the liquid water in the oceans to form water vapor in the
Component 2: Lesson purpose/Intention
Time: 3 minutes
This lesson is about reading diagrams and how important completing diagrams is for learning and
when answering questions in science.
The lesson is about physical changes. We want to be sure we know and understand the water cycle
in terms of physical changes.
The diagram below shows how scientists explain changes of state in the water cycle.
Water in Water Water droplets
oceans vapour in clouds
Ask students to look at the diagram. Read out the question below and ask the students to write
down their answer. Encourage the students to read/view it carefully to think about what it means.
Q1. In which box is the water a gas?
Time: 25 minutes
Component 4A
Refer students to the main lesson stimulus and read out the text.
Ask students to read the text themselves.
Ask the students if there are any words of which they are not familiar (such as, atmosphere,
condenses) and give descriptions of words that may be a problem.
Component 4B
Ask students to use the information in the text to complete the illustration (i.e., write the
appropriate word for the process shown with numbers)
Sample answers:
Q1. Evaporation is shown by arrow 1.
Q2. The process is called condensation.
Q3. The process is called precipitation.
Q4. The process is called transpiration.
Component 4C
Students read the following questions and answer on their worksheet first.
Q1. Which part of the cycle needs heat from the sun?
Q2. Complete the following sentence “Water exists in the liquid form in the …………... and in the
Q3. How would the water cycle be affected if there is a very long period of hot sun?
Sample answers:
Q1. The evaporation of water from the oceans won’t happen without heat from the sun.
Q2. “Water exists in the liquid form in the oceans and the clouds.”.
Q3. In long periods of hot sun more water than usual will evaporate, and this could cause a drought.
The focus of this lesson was to use diagrams to describe the physical changes of state in the water
cycle. Ask students the following questions either by class discussion or writing the answers in their
Q1 Did you find using the text to complete the diagram of the water cycle difficult? Why?
Q2. Did you find learning about the water cycle using scientific language interesting? Why?
Let students know that good learners reflect on their learning?
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 18 Consolidation
Heating Water – An Experiment
Key Idea
Science texts often include graphs to communicate trends in data.
Ask students to volunteer to read out their answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample
answer for students to listen to and write down. This may come from a student or from the sample
Sample answers:
Q1. Condensation
Q2. Three processes that need heat include boiling, melting and evaporation.
Q3. When water is heated the particles gain energy from the heat and begin to vibrate and move faster,
they might even get enough energy to change to a gas.
This lesson is about reading diagrams and graphs and how important this is for learning and when
answering questions in science.
The lesson is about physical changes. We want to be sure we know and understand that physical
changes require energy in the form of heat and that this can be explained by the particle model.
Time in 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ask students to look at the graph. Read out the question below and ask the students to write down
their answer. Encourage the students to read/view it carefully to think about what it means.
Refer students to the main lesson stimulus and read out the text. Ask students to read the text
Heating water
A small group of students followed the teacher’s instruction to gently heat some ice in a beaker
and take the temperature every minute. The students recorded their data and produced the
graph below.
Ask the students if there are any words of which they are not familiar (such as, wire gauze, tripod,
Bunsen burner) and give descriptions of words that may be a problem.
Ask students to use the information in the diagram and graph to answer the following questions.
Component 4B
Students read the following questions and answer on their worksheet first.
Q1. What do you think has happened in the last 4 minutes?
Q2. What might you see happening in the first 4 minutes?
Q3. What do you think would happen if the students went on heating the water?
Students read the following questions and answer on their worksheet first.
Q1. Describe the temperature in the first 4 minutes while the ice is melting.
Q2. Describe what is happening according to the graph in words.
Q3. Use your understanding of the particle model to explain why the temperature does not rise in the
first 4 minutes.
Ask students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Select sample answer for students
to write down. This may come from a student or from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. The temperature is staying the same.
Q2. When you first start heating the ice the temperature stays the same for 4 minutes and then when the
ice melts the temperature starts to go up quickly.
Q3. For the ice to change to liquid water the particles need heat to give them enough energy to move
about a bit and become a liquid so while that is happening the temperature doesn’t rise.
Component 5. Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
The focus of this lesson was to use an experiment and graphs of the data to explain the physical
changes of state using the particle model.
Ask students to answer the following questions either by class discussion or writing the answers in
their worksheet.
Q1 Did you find the questions in B easier than the questions in C. Why?
Q2. Did you find this lesson helped you to understand the particle model better? Why?
Let students know that good learners reflect on their learning?
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 19
Food Chains in Yellowstone
Key Idea
Significant ecological relationships within an ecosystem can be represented and analyzed using food
Ask students to write down their answer in the space provided on their worksheet.
Q1. What do we mean if we say an animal is an herbivore?
Q2. What do we mean if we say an animal is a carnivore?
Q3. How do plants get their food?
Ask students to volunteer to read out their answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample
answer for all students to listen to and write down. This may come from one of the students or from
the sample answer:
Sample answers:
Q1. We mean that the animal eats plants.
Q2. We mean that the animal eats meat or other animals.
Q3. Plants make their own food.
Component 2: Lesson purpose /Intention
Time: 3 mins
Explain to the students that this lesson is about reading scientific texts and flowcharts and how important
reading is for learning and when answering questions.
E.g., The lesson is about food chains. We want to be sure we know and understand the
differences between herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores.
Read out the following word (from the students’ worksheets) and ask the students to read them to
themselves and then out loud as a class.
• Ask the students to write one sentence using that word. Read out some answers for all students to
write down. This may come from one or several of the students or from the following sample answer.
Sample answer:
Omnivores are animals that eat both plants and animals (meat).
Time: 25 mins
Component 4A
Refer students to the main lesson stimulus and read out the text.
Ask the students to read the text to themselves.
Ask the students if there are any words that they are not familiar with (or suggest examples such as
plants and animals in the national park) and give descriptions of any words that may be problematic.
Common plants are wheat grass, juniper, sage bush, pine, and fir trees.
Carnivores include grey wolf that feeds on elk, deer, and bison.
Bears eat grasses and juniper berries, but also, they eat rats and mice, elk calves
and large mammals.
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in their worksheet.
Q1. Name an herbivore that lives in Yellowstone National Park and what it eats.
Q2. Name a carnivore that lives in Yellowstone National Park and what it eats.
Q3. Name an omnivore that lives in Yellowstone National Park and what it eats.
Observe students’ answers. Ask students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from one of the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. A deer is an herbivore because it eats grass.
Q2. A gray wolf is a carnivore because it eats deer.
Q3. A bear is an omnivore because it eats grasses and rats.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. Draw up a food chain that might exist in the Yellowstone National Park
Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from one of the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answer:
The focus of this lesson was to use technical language in complex scientific texts about the
significance of the ecological relationships within an ecosystem.
Ask students to answer the following questions either by class discussion or writing the answers in
their worksheet.
Q1. Has this lesson helped you to use more technical language when talking about food chains. If
so, give an example.
Q2. Has this lesson helped you to remember and or understand the differences between herbivores,
carnivores and omnivores? If so, how?
Let students know that good learners reflect on their learning.
REMINDER: Collect student workbooks after each lesson to review and analyze student’s learning.
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 20
Food and Energy
Key Idea
The relationships among organisms and how energy is transferred can be represented in food chains.
Ask students to write down their answer in the space provided on their worksheet.
Q1. What do scientists mean by the term ‘a first order consumer’?
Q2. What is another name used to identify ‘a second order consumer’?
Q3. Why are plants called ‘producers’?
Ask students to volunteer to read out their answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample
answer for all students to listen to and write down. This may come from one of the students or from
the sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. First order consumers are the herbivores that eat plants.
Q2. They are called carnivores.
Q3. Plants are the producers because they make their own food.
Read out the following phrase (from the students’ worksheets) and ask the students to read it to
themselves and then out loud as a class.
Trophic level
Ask the students to write one sentence using that phrase. Read out some answers for all students to
write down. This may come from one or several of the students or from the following sample answer.
Sample answer:
A trophic level is the step in a food chain that determines the level of energy.
Component 4A
Refer students to the main lesson stimulus and read out the text.
Ask the students to read the text to themselves.
Ask the students if there are any words that they are not familiar with (or suggest examples such as
plants and animals in the national park) and give descriptions of any words that may be problematic.
2nd order consumers Red fox Raven Bald eagle Grizzly bears
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in their worksheet.
Q1. What trophic level does the juniper berry bush belong to?
Q2. What trophic level does a red fox belong to?
Q3. Which animal is in the highest trophic level in Yellowstone?
Sample answers:
Q1. It belongs in trophic level 1.
Q2 A red fox would belong in trophic level 3.
Q3. The gray wolf is top of the food chain in Yellowstone.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. Which trophic level holds the most energy?
Q2. How much energy is usually passed on from one trophic level to the nest?
Q3. If the amount of juniper berries eaten by the red squirrel contained 100,000 calories how many
calories would the gray wolf get?
Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from one of the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. Trophic level 1.
Q2 About 10% of the original energy is passed on.
Q3. The gray wolf would get about 100 calories.
The focus of this lesson was to use technical language in complex scientific texts about food chains
and trophic levels.
Ask students to answer the following questions either by class discussion or writing the answers in
their worksheet.
Q1. Has this lesson helped you to use more technical language when talking about food chains. If
so, give an example.
Q2. Has this lesson helped you to remember and or understand the idea of energy levels in food
Let students know that good learners reflect on their learning.
REMINDER: Collect student workbooks after each lesson to review and analyze student’s learning.
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 21
The Food Web
Key Idea
The interrelationships among organisms and how energy is transferred among all the organisms can be
represented within a food web.
Ask students to write down their answer in the space provided on their worksheet.
Q1. Which trophic level has the fewest number of organisms?
Q2. Does a food web also have trophic levels of energy like a food chain?
Q3. What is the difference between a food web and a food chain?
Ask students to volunteer to read out their answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample
answer for all students to listen to and write down. This may come from one of the students or from
the sample answer:
Sample answers:
Q1. The highest trophic level has the fewest number of organisms.
Q2. A food web shows all the different trophic energy paths.
Q3. The difference is that a food chain is about who eats what whereas a food web is about all the food
chains within the web.
Component 2: Lesson purpose /Intention
Time: 3 mins
Explain to the students that this lesson is about reading scientific texts and flowcharts and how
important reading is for learning and when answering questions.
E.g., The lesson is about the food webs. We want to be sure we know and understand all the
possible the interrelationships within a food web.
Read out the following word (from the students’ worksheets) and ask the students to read them to
themselves and then out loud as a class.
Ask the students to write one sentence using that word. Read out some answers for all students to
write down. This may come from one or several of the students or from the following sample answer.
Sample answer:
If you want to make your own compost, you need to put some decomposers into the food scraps to
break them down.
Component 4: Lesson Activity.
Time: 25 mins
Component 4A
Refer students to the main lesson stimulus and read out the text.
Ask the students to read the text to themselves.
Ask the students if there are any words that they are not familiar with (or suggest examples such as
plants and animals in the national park) and give descriptions of any words that may be problematic.
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in their worksheet.
Q1. Name some of the decomposers in the national park.
Q2. Explain the role of the decomposers in an ecosystem.
Observe students’ answers. Ask students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from one of the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. Worms, Bacteria and Fungi are decomposers.
Q2. The role of the decomposers is to break down dead plant material to nutrients that can be used by
the plants to grow.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. The Gray wolf was almost wiped out from the national park because they were killing domestic
livestock. What effect would this have had on the Yellowstone food web?
Q2. The Gray wolf has been reintroduced into the park, but what would happen to the population of
Red squirrels if the Red fox was eliminated?
Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from one of the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. There would have been a lot more Hare and Elk and that would mean that they would eat more
of the plants and then there might not be enough for some of the other herbivores.
Q2. The Red squirrels would increase in numbers and eat more plants but would also be eaten by
the Gray wolves.
The focus of this lesson was to use technical language in complex scientific texts and diagrams about
relationships in an ecosystem.
Ask students to answer the following questions either by class discussion or writing the answers in
their worksheet.
Q1. Has this lesson helped you to use more technical language when talking about food webs? If so,
give an example.
Q2. Has this lesson helped you to remember and or understand the interrelationships within an
Let students know that good learners reflect on their learning.
REMINDER: Collect student workbooks after each lesson to review and analyze student’s learning.
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 22
Key Idea
The particle model of matter explains the properties of solids, liquids and gases.
Ask students to write down their answer in the space provided on their worksheet.
Q1. Complete the following sentence. “Scientists say that solids, liquids and gases are made up
Q2. Are particles the same size as cells?
Q3. A Particle Theory has been around for thousands of years, but particles were not identified for
a long time. What do you think the reason is?
Ask students to volunteer to read out their answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample
answer for all students to listen to and write down. This may come from one of the students or from
the sample answer:
Sample answers:
Q1. Solids liquids and gases are made up of particles.
Q2. Particles are much smaller than cells.
Q3. The reason is because they are so small, they cannot be seen with the naked eye or even a
Read out the following word (from the students’ worksheets) and ask the students to read it to
themselves and then out loud as a class.
Ask the students to write one sentence using that word in everyday language.
Ask the students to write one sentence using the scientific meaning of that word. Read out some
answers for all students to write down. This may come from one or several of the students or from
the following sample answer.
Sample answer:
Component 4: Lesson Activity.
Time: 25 mins
Component 4A
States of matter
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in their worksheet.
Q1. What do the small, shaded circles represent?
Q2. Which diagram A, B, or C represents the arrangement of particles in a gas?
Q3. Are the particles in liquid water the same particles as in water when it’s a gas?
Sample answers:
Q1. The circles represent the particles.
Q2 Diagram B represents a gas
Q3. Yes, the particles are the same whether the water is solid, liquid or gas.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. Describe the motion of the particles in a solid.
Q2. What is there between particles in a gas?
Q3. What is the difference between the motion of particles in a liquid to the motion of particles in a
Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from one of the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. Particles in a solid vibrate in one place.
Q2. Between particles there is just empty space.
Q3. Particles in a liquid vibrate and do move about whereas particles in a solid only vibrate.
The focus of this lesson was to use technical language in complex scientific texts including diagrams
about the particle theory of matter.
Ask students to answer the following questions either by class discussion or writing the answers in
their worksheet.
Q1. Did you know what the shaded circles represented in component 3? If so, how?
Q2. Did you find the diagram in component 4A helpful to explain the particle nature of solids, liquids,
and gases? If so, why?
REMINDER: Collect student workbooks after each lesson to review and analyze student’s learning.
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 23
Physical Change
Key Idea
The physical changes in solids, liquids and gases can be described and explained using the particle model
of matter.
Ask students to write down their answer in the space provided on their worksheet.
Q1. What is the name of the process when a liquid turns into a solid?
Q2. What do you need to do to turn liquid water into ice?
Q3. What happens to particles when they get very cold?
Ask students to volunteer to read out their answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample
answer for all students to listen to and write down. This may come from one of the students or from
the sample answer:
Sample answers:
Q1. It is called freezing.
Q2. You need to cool it down like in a fridge.
Q3. The particles stop moving so much and just vibrate.
Explain to the students that this lesson is about using scientific terms and diagrams and how
important this is for learning and when answering questions in science.
E.g., We want to be sure we know and understand about changes of state in terms of the particle
nature of matter.
Component 3: Lesson Language Practice
Time: 5 mins
Read out the following words (from the students’ worksheets) and ask the students to read them to
themselves and then out loud as a class.
Evaporation, condensation
Ask the students to select one of the words and write one sentence using that word.
Read out some answers for all students to write down. This may come from one or several of the
students or from the following sample answer.
Sample answer:
On a hot day the puddles of water from the rain disappear very quickly because of evaporation.
The condensation on the windscreen of our car meant that we couldn’t see where we were going.
Component 4: Lesson Activity.
Time: 25 mins
Component 4A
Refer students to the main lesson stimulus and read out the text.
Ask the students to read the text to themselves.
Ask the students if there are any words that they are not familiar with and give descriptions of any
words that may be problematic.
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in their worksheet.
Q1. The process of evaporation is shown by which arrow 1, 2, 3, or 4?
Q2. What is the name of the process as shown by arrow 4?
Q3. What is the name of the process as shown by arrow 1?
Sample answers:
Q1. Evaporation is shown by arrow 2.
Q2. The process is called condensation.
Q3. The process is called melting.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. Which of the processes shown by arrows 1,2,3, and 4 require heat?
Q2. Why do some processes need heat?
Q3. Why do particles need energy to change from the liquid to the gas state?
Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from one of the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. Processes 1 and 2.
Q2. Some processes need heat because the particles need energy.
Q3. Particles in a liquid need energy to change from just moving about to moving freely and at high
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 mins
The focus of this lesson was to use technical language in complex scientific texts and diagrams about
the changes of state and the particle theory.
Ask students to answer the following questions either by class discussion or writing the answers in
their worksheet.
Q1. Did you know what the technical words in component 3 meant?
Q2. Did you find the diagram in component 4A helpful to explain the change of state of solids,
liquids, and gases using the particle nature of matter? If so, why?
REMINDER: Collect student workbooks after each lesson to review and analyze student’s learning.
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 24
The Water Cycle
Key Idea
The changes of state in water are illustrated by the water cycle in nature.
Ask students to write down their answer in the space provided on their worksheet.
Q1. What are the basic needs of plants and animals?
Q2. Where do many living things get their water from?
Q3. What are the three states that water can exist on Earth?
Ask students to volunteer to read out their answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample
answer for all students to listen to and write down. This may come from one of the students or from
the sample answer:
Sample answers:
Q1. The basic needs of plants and animals are food, water, air and shelter.
Q2. Most living things get their water from rainfall and melting snow and ice.
Q3. Water can exist on Earth as a solid, liquid or a gas.
Explain to the students that this lesson is about using scientific terms and diagrams and how
important this is for learning and when answering questions in science.
E.g., We want to be sure we know and understand about the significance of the changes of state of
water to all living things.
Component 3: Lesson Language Practice
Time: 5 mins
Read out the following words (from the students’ worksheets) and ask the students to read them to
themselves and then out loud as a class.
Precipitation, transpiration
Ask the students to select one of the words and write one sentence using that word.
Read out some answers for all students to write down. This may come from one or several of the
students or from the following sample answer.
Sample answer:
Time: 25 mins
Component 4A
Refer students to the main lesson stimulus and read out the text.
Ask the students to read the text to themselves.
Ask the students if there are any words that they are not familiar with and give descriptions of any
words that may be problematic.
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in their worksheet.
Q1. The process of evaporation is shown by which Arrow 1,2, 3, or 4?
Q2. What is the name of the process as shown by Label 3? (inside the cloud)
Q3. What is the process called as shown by Arrow 4?
Q4. What is the process called as shown by Arrow 2?
Sample answers:
Q1. Evaporation is shown by arrow 1.
Q2. The process is called condensation.
Q3. The process is called precipitation.
Q4. The process is called transpiration.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. Which of the processes shown by arrows 1,2,3, and 4 is liquid water changing to a gas?
Q2. Which process is a gas changing to a liquid?
Q3. Why do particles need energy to change from the liquid to the gas state?
Ask the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Select a sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from one of the students or
from the following sample answer.
Sample answers:
Q1. Processes 1 and 2.
Q2. Process 3.
Q3. Particles in a liquid need energy to change from just moving about to moving freely and at high
The focus of this lesson was to use technical language in complex scientific texts and diagrams about
the changes of state and the water cycle.
Ask students to answer the following questions either by class discussion or writing the answers in
their worksheet.
Q1. Did you know what the technical words in Component 3 meant?
Q2. Did you find the diagram in component 4A helpful to explain the water cycle? If so, why?
REMINDER: Collect student workbooks after each lesson to review and analyze student’s learning.
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 25
Forces – Balancing and Moving a Wheelbarrow
Key Idea
When the forces acting on an object are balanced, there is no net force (Fnet) and so the object will not
move. When the forces acting on an object are unbalanced, there is net force (Fnet) and so the object will
move. To move an object, a property of matter that resists changes in motion, called Inertia, needs to be
overcome by applying a net force to the object.
Ask students to write down their answers in the space provided on their worksheet.
Q1. What does the word balance mean in everyday terms?
Q2. What does the word force mean in everyday terms?
Q3. What does balance mean in scientific terms when we are referring to forces?
Ask students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample answer for all
students to listen to and write down. This may come from the students or from the sample answers:
Sample answers:
Q1. When something is stable; Equal; Not falling over.
Q2. To break something open, like to force a door open; A (force) field; A push or a pull; Something
that makes things move – like a magnet pulling a metal toy.
Q3. The forces are the same; The forces are cancelling each other; One force counteracts the other.
Explain to the students that this lesson is about balanced and unbalanced forces and how forces can
affect the way an object moves. The lesson may also help students to be better at using arrows or
symbols to communicate information in science.
Read out the following words (from the students’ worksheets) and ask the students to read them to
themselves and then out loud as a class.
Wheelbarrow; Balanced forces; Unbalanced forces; Represent/Representations
Ask the students to practice saying the words.
Component 4: Lesson Activity.
Time: 25 mins
Component 4A
Balancing a wheelbarrow
This diagram represents a wheelbarrow that contains a load of soil. The wheelbarrow
is not moving – it is said by scientists to be ‘at rest’.
The weight of the load is pushing down and is being held off the ground by the
wheelbarrow tray, the wheel and two legs of the wheelbarrow.
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in their worksheet.
Q1. The wheelbarrow is at rest. What does that mean?
Q2. Are there any forces acting on the wheelbarrow while it is at rest? If so, please list any?
Q3. What does a person need to do to move the wheelbarrow forward by 2 meters?
Observe students’ answers. Ask students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Select
a sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from the students or from the
following sample answers.
Sample answers:
Q1. It is not moving.
Q2. Yes; Gravity, or Normal force (Opposing force)
Q3. A person would need to firstly lift the handles of the wheelbarrow so the wheel will work (so they
apply a vertical force against gravity) then secondly push the wheelbarrow forward (to overcome
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. While the wheelbarrow is at rest, are the forces acting on it balanced or unbalanced?
Q2. On the diagram in your worksheet, use force arrows to represent the forces acting on the
wheelbarrow while it is at rest?
Q3. On the same diagram in your worksheet, add more force arrows to represent the forces that
would need to be applied to make the wheelbarrow move forward ?
Q4. Which of the arrows you added will represent the wheelbarrow having an unbalanced force?
Please explain your answer.
Look at students’ answers and give encouragement. Ask the students to volunteer their answers.
Select a sample answer for all students to write down for each question. This may come from the
students or from the following sample answers.
Sample answers:
Q1. Balanced (The force of Gravity acting down is balanced by a Normal force acting up).
Q2. Students could add arrows like shown in one of the following representations:
Q3. Students should add arrows like show in the following representations. The second arrow is the
one that produces the unbalanced force situation.
1. A force is needed
to lift the wheelbarrow
against gravity.
Q4. The second arrow is the one that produces the unbalanced force situation. It is unbalanced
because there is no force opposing it in the same or opposite direction.
REMINDER: Collect student workbooks after each lesson to review and analyze student’s learning.
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 26
Forcing Things to Move
Key Idea
For any given object, a larger force causes a larger change in motion. [Newton’s Second Law]
Ask students to write down their answers in the space provided on their worksheet.
Q1. What does force mean in science?
Q2. What are some forces we can recognize in our daily lives?
Q3. How can a coiled spring exert a force on another object?
Ask students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample answer for all
students to listen to and write down. This may come from the students or from the sample answers:
Sample answers:
Q1. A push or a pull; or Something that makes things move. or A force is an influence that causes an
object to change its velocity.
Q2. The force that makes you feel you heavy; weight; – (Gravity)
When you shoot a basketball in the hoop – (Applied force)
Attracting force of metal to a magnet – (Magnetic)
The static in your hair when you brush it in dry weather – (Electrostatic)
Force that holds you up or pushes back against gravity – (Normal force).
Q3. If you release the spring while it is touching the object, it will push the object away .
Component 2: Lesson purpose /Intention
Time: 3 mins
Explain to the students that this lesson is about reinforcing good science processes to use when
investigating the relationships between forces and how they affect the motion of objects.
Read out the following words (from the students’ worksheets) and ask the students to read them to
themselves and then out loud as a class.
Scientific investigation; Coiled springs; Trials;
Ask the students to practice saying the words.
It might be useful to ensure all students understand the meanings of the terms provided.
Component 4: Lesson Activity.
Time: 25 mins
Component 4A
Experimental set-up:
Data table:
Car Number of springs Trial 1 (cm) Trial 2 (cm) Trial 3 (cm) Trial 4 (cm) Ave (cm)
1 2 17 20 22 21 20
2 4 33 32 40 35 35
3 6 50 49 49 52 50
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in their worksheet.
Q1. What shown in the Information box has Sami used to represent the coiled springs?
Q2. What are some of the factors that Sami needs to measure?
Q3. What would Sami need to do to make sure this a valid and reliable investigation?
Observe students’ answers. Ask students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Select
a sample answer for all students to write down. This may come from the students or from the
following sample answers.
Sample answers:
equally flat; 3. Make sure the types of springs are the same and that the individual components
can all push with the same force (although Sami is using multiple springs to provide bigger forces
for each car); 4.Make sure all cars are touching their coils. To be sure the investigation is
RELIABLE, Sami should run multiple trial runs for each car under the same conditions each time
and check that the average is close to each trial distance.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. How far did Car 1 travel on average, and what was the trial which varied most from the average?
Q2. What other objects could Sami use if there were no toy cars available?
Q3. What relationship between the amount of force applied and the change in a car’s motion can
Sami conclude?
Look at students’ answers and give encouragement. Ask the students to volunteer their answers.
Select a sample answer for all students to write down for each question. This may come from the
students or from the following sample answers.
Sample answers:
Q1.The average distance was 20 cm; and the trial which varied most from the average was trial 1 for
Car 1.
Q2 Sami could use identical marbles – maybe on a track; Sami could use wooden blocks on a really
smooth surface; Ice cubes if they could be identical in size and weight (mass), etc.
Q3. From the experiment, Sami can conclude that the change in a car’s motion is proportional to the
amount of force applied. or
From the experiment, Sami can conclude that the greater the amount of force applied, the further
cars will travel.
The focus of this lesson was to better understand e.g., It can be helpful to explain to students that
it is good learning technique to look for answers
how good science processes are used when that might be given in a text or stimulus. This also
investigating the relationships between forces and helps understanding what is needed to answer
how they affect the motion of objects.
REMINDER: Collect student workbooks after each lesson to review and analyze student’s learning.
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 27
Predicting the Effects of Forces
Key Idea
Scientists study phenomena in order to understand the natural world, and to make predictions where strong
pattern, trends, relationships or laws can be sustained from experimental evidence.
Ask students to write down their answers in the space provided on their worksheet.
Q1. What is a prediction?
Q2. What do Scientists do to make sure their predictions are reasonable, valid and reliable?
Q3. What are the ways to make sure experiences are valid?
Ask students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample answer for all
students to listen to and write down. This may come from the students or from the sample answers:
Sample answers:
Q1. A prediction is what someone works out will happen in certain circumstances or situations.
Q2. Scientists base their predictions on experimental data that comes from valid and reliable
investigations, and they check if their experiments and results can be replicated by other
Q3. When conducting scientific experiments, scientists make sure they accurately measure the aspect
being investigated while keeping all other factors or variables the same.
Explain to the students that this lesson is about reinforcing that at times strong patterns, trends or
relationships can be identified from experimental evidence that enable us to make valid and reliable
Read out the following words (from the students’ worksheets) and ask the students to read them to
themselves and then out loud as a class.
Data table; Graphed data; Propel; Predict/Predictions
Ask the students to practice saying the words.
It might be useful to ensure all students understand the meanings of the terms provided as they will
be important to understand the questions in the main lesson activity.
Time: 25 mins
Component 4A
Sami has been working to expand his investigation. He has now graphed his data for the
average distances that toy cars travel when 2, 4 or 6 springs are used to propel the cars.
Experimental set-up:
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in their worksheet.
Q1. What data is plotted on the X-axis of Sami’s graph?
Q2. What are the factors (variables) that Sami is seeking to find a relationship between?
Q3. Sami found out from his teacher that a relationship applies to his experiment – “The amount of
Force applied to an object is equal to the Mass of the object multiplied by (x) the Acceleration of
the object” – it is written as F = ma. How is Sami making use of acceleration in his experiment?
Observe students’ answers. Ask students to volunteer their answers. Select a sample answer for all
students to write down. This may come from the students or from the following sample answers.
Sample answers:
Q1. The number of springs pushing the cars.
Q2. To find the relationship between 1. The size of the forces applied to the cars and 2. the distance
that cars move.
Q3. When a force is applied to an object, the force accelerates the object while it is in contact or under
the influence of the force. When the force is a contact force, such as when the springs are pushing
the cars, the cars are accelerated until the force is no longer in contact. From then on, the cars
move with a constant velocity, unless acted on by another force. In Sami’s experiment, friction
between cars and the ground slows the cars at a constant rate as they are on the same surface.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. What shape is the tine plotted on Sami’s graph?
Q2. Use the line on the graph to predict how far a car might travel if 3 springs are used to propel a
Q3. From Sami’s data and graphs, predict what might be the number of springs needed for a car to
be propelled to about 90 cm to 100 cm along the ground?
Ask the students to volunteer their answers. Select a sample answer for all students to write down
for each question. This may come from the students or from the following sample answers.
Sample answers:
Q1. It is a straight line.
Q2. Three springs would probably result in a car
moving about 27 cm.
Q3. The number of springs needed would be about 12 [ For teacher information: mathematically for
this set of data, 12 springs would actually predict a car travelling 95 cm. A student answer between
80-110 cm would be a very good prediction.]
REMINDER: Collect student workbooks after each lesson to review and analyze student’s learning.
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 28
A Balloon Rocket
Key Idea
When one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal opposite force on
the first object. The size of the force on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object.
[Newton’s Third Law].
Ask students to write down their answers in the space provided on their worksheet.
Q1. What is a rocket?
Q2. What are rockets used for?
Q3. How can we safely investigate how rockets work if they are usually dangerous vehicles?
Ask students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample answer for all
students to listen to and write down. This may come from the students or from the sample answers:
Sample answers:
Q1. A rocket can be a tall round vehicle that flies into space.
A rocket can be a type of engine – one that produces gases out the end to push a vehicle .
Q2. Space rockets are used to get space vehicles (payloads, shuttles, space probes) into space.
Skyrockets are a type of firework that use the burning solid fuel to create gases that push the
rocket into the sky.
Meteorological rockets carry weather instruments in the atmosphere.
Water rockets use a jet of water to push machines out of a water pool or lake – people can ride on
There are toy rockets that use compressed air and/or water to propel objects.
Q3. We can make models of rockets using safe propellants like air and water.
Component 2: Lesson purpose /Intention
Time: 3 mins
Explain to the students that this lesson is about reinforcing that models can be used to show that
when an object exerts a force on an object (an action), there is an equal and opposite force acting
(call a reaction).
Component 3: Lesson Language Practice
Time: 5 mins
Read out the following words (from the students’ worksheets) and ask the students to read them to
themselves and then out loud as a class.
Exert; Action; Reaction; Propel;
Ask the students to practice saying the words.
It might be useful to ensure all students understand the meanings of the terms provided as they will
be important to understand the questions in the main lesson activity.
Component 4: Lesson Activity.
Time: 25 mins
Component 4A
Once Angela blew up the balloon with air, she tied the end with a twist and then with a peg to
hold in the gas. When Angela released the peg, the balloon rocketed along the string line
between the chairs in about 2 seconds.
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in their worksheet.
Q1. Why did Angela need to use a string line for her model rocket?
Q2. What are the factors (variables) that Angela will need to measure?
Q3. About how fast did the rocket travel?
Observe students’ answers. Ask students to volunteer their answers. Select a sample answer for all
students to write down. This may come from the students or from the following sample answers.
Sample answers:
Q1. Without the string line the model rocket would fly randomly around the room.
Q2. Angela would need to measure the distance the rocket travelled and the time it took to travel the
distance, (so she could determine speed = distance / time).
Q3. Distance = 5 m; the time = 2 sec Therefore speed = 5m/2s = 2.5 m/s.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. Angela’s teacher told her that for every ACTION there is an equal and opposite REACTION.
What was the ACTION in her experiment?
Q2. On the picture of Angela’s model, on your worksheet, draw labelled arrows to show the size and
direction of the ACTION and REACTION?
Q3. Try to visualize the working model when Angela released the peg from the balloon. What are
some aspects of the motion of the model balloon rocket that you would be able to observe and
Ask the students to volunteer their answers. Select a sample answer for all students to write down
for each question. This may come from the students or from the following sample answers.
Sample answers:
Q1. The force of air rushing out of the model balloon.
Q2. Sample labelled drawing .
Q3. The air would rush out of the balloon due to the elastic energy in the balloon. The model balloon
rocket would propel very fast to the right as soon as the air gushes out. The balloon would travel
fast until the air is gone, then it would slow and stop because of the friction of the straw on the
REMINDER: Collect student workbooks after each lesson to review and analyze student’s learning.
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 29
Creating Craters
Key Idea
Applications of Newton’s Laws of motion (here the 2nd – the Law of Acceleration) can be used to predict the
effects of natural phenomena in order to better understand the natural world, and to make predictions
based on experimental evidence.
Ask students to write down their answers in the space provided on their worksheet.
Q1. What is a crater?
Q2. What can form craters and where can they be seen?
Q3. How can models help with understanding and explaining the natural world?
Ask students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample answer for all
students to listen to and write down. This may come from the students or from the sample answers:
Sample answers:
Q1. A crater is a circular bowl-shaped depression in the ground; or on the surface of an astronomical
body such as planet or moon. It usually has a circular rim due to soil or rocks being forces
outwards from the depression.
Q2. Craters can be formed from:
- Volcanic rock being forced out from the neck of a volcano
- the impact of a meteorite or other celestial body on the surface of a planet or a moon
- an explosion in or on the ground.
Q3. Models allow scientist and learners understand things that are too big or too far away to see. Scale
models allow detailed accurate measurements that simulate real-life situations. They can be
developed to help understand things that are invisible or abstract (ideas that people have in their
minds that explain how things work).
Component 2: Lesson purpose /Intention
Time: 3 mins
Explain to the students that this lesson is about reinforcing that models can be used to predict the
effects of natural phenomena in order to better understand the natural world, and to make
predictions based on experimental evidence.
Read out the following words (from the students’ worksheets) and ask the students to read them to
themselves and then out loud as a class.
Models / Modelling; Impacts; Experiments / Experimentation; Variables
Ask the students to practice saying the words. It might be useful to ensure all students understand
the meanings of the terms provided as they will be important to understand the questions in the
main lesson activity.
Component 4: Lesson Activity.
Time: 25 mins
Component 4A
Before: After:
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in their worksheet.
Q1. What was the size and weight of the largest stainless-steel balls used in the experiment?
Q2. What are the factors (variables) that the student should consider and be able to measure
accurately if this experiment is to be valid?
Q3. How could the investigation be improved?
Observe students’ answers. Ask students to volunteer their answers. Select a sample answer for all
students to write down. This may come from the students or from the following sample answers.
Sample answers:
Q1. The largest stainless-steel ball was 3.0 centimeters in diameter and weighed 110.0 grams.
Q2. - The size and shape of the stainless-steel balls;
- The weight (mass) of the stainless-steel balls;
- The height of dropping of the stainless-steel balls;
- The level of the fine dry clay powder;
- The force acting on the stainless-steel balls – here it is Gravitational force – providing an
acceleration of approximately 9.8 m/s/s.
Q3. 1. It would be a more valid investigation if the student could drop objects that are the same size
but different weights (masses); in the experiment as shown, there are two variables being tested at
the same time (the size of the stainless-steel are different AND the weights are different – a valid
scientific investigation would test one variable (factor) at a time – so the objects should be all the
same size but with different densities, OR all the same weight but with different sizes.
2. Also, the student should conduct the experiment with at least three trials to see if the results are
reliable. Only one trial is shown in the data table.
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. What impact did Ball 2 have on the fine dry clay powder?
Q2. What were the similarities and differences in the three craters formed in the fine dry clay powder?
Q3. What can the student conclude from the experiment?
Ask the students to volunteer their answers. Select a sample answer for all students to write down
for each question. This may come from the students or from the following sample answers.
Sample answers:
Q1. It went into the fine dry clay powder to a depth of 1.0 cm; It caused a crater of fine dry clay powder
that was 1.3 cm high; It formed a crater that was 6.6 cm in diameter.
Q2. SIMILARITIES: All three craters appeared to be the same general shape. The bases of all three
craters are deeper than the original level surface of the fine dry clay powder.
DIFFERENCES: The three craters are different sizes. The base of the three craters are at different
depths from the original level surface of the fine dry clay powder.
Q3. The student can conclude that bigger craters are produce by bigger and heavier objects. There
might need to be some modifications, but the experience could potentially conclude that there is a
direct proportional relationship between force applied and mass (size and weight) of the objects.
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 mins
The focus of this lesson was about reinforcing that that models can be used to predict the effects of
natural phenomena in order to better understand the natural world, and to make predictions based
on experimental evidence.
Ask students to answer the following questions.
Q1. Has this lesson helped you to better understand about using models in science? In what ways?
Q2. Were you able to visualize craters being formed by space objects colliding with planets and
REMINDER: Collect student workbooks after each lesson to review and analyze student’s learning.
Science Grade 8 Lesson Plan 30
Is it an Asteroid or a Comet?
Key Idea
Astronomical objects can be classified from their properties and motions, and this helps us to understand
the universe better.
Ask students to write down their answers in the space provided on their worksheet.
Q1. Where is Earth located in the Universe?
Q2. What are some astronomical objects that we can see from Earth or that we know are in our part
of the Universe?
Q3. Visualize and then describe what our Solar System looks like and how the members of the Solar
System move in Space?
Ask students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback. Read out a sample answer for all
students to listen to and write down. This may come from the students or from the sample answers:
Sample answers:
Q1. In the Solar System.
Q2. The Sun; the Moon; Planets; Moons of other planets; Comments; Asteroids; Meteoroids and
Explain to the students that this lesson is a challenge – to see if they can work out from a description
what a near Earth object is. This will give them a chance to recall and apply their learning for Week 3
and from the whole learning camp because it involves them reading and interpreting scientific
language and information in order to answer some questions.
Read out the following words (from the students’ worksheets) and ask the students to read them to
themselves and then out loud as a class.
Comet; Asteroid; Elongated shape; Crater; Astronomical; Orbit,
Ask the students to practice saying the words.
It might be useful to ensure all students understand the meanings of the terms provided as they will
be important to understand the questions in the main lesson activity.
Component 4: Lesson Activity.
Time: 25 mins
Component 4A
Named Object April 1X, it is an irregular elongated shaped object. It has a stony composition. Its
surface is heavily cratered. Its temperature is -73 oC. Object April 1X is currently travelling at 25 km/sec
(or 90,000 km/hr). The space object has the dimensions of about 1.2 km x 0.5 km x 0.4 km. It has an
average diameter of 600 meters (0.6 kilometers); That is about the size of a horse racing track!
Scientists have measured the object’s density to be about 2.6 grams/cubic centimeters – that is similar
to the density of concrete. They say its mass is about 40,000 tonnes (4 x 107 kg). That is equivalent to
the mass of a 40-storey office block in Manilla. That’s heavy.
Component 4B
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in their worksheet.
Q1. What is a Near-Earth Object (NEO)?
Q2. What are some features of the NEO that scientists have named Object April 1X?
Q3. From the description of Object April 1X, make a labelled drawing or sketch of what you think it
looks like in the space provided in your worksheet. Include a scale to show its size?
Observe students’ answers. Ask students to volunteer their answers. Select a sample answer for all
students to write down. This may come from the students or from the following sample answers.
Sample answers:
Q1. An astronomical object in space that might be travelling in our area of space.
Q2. Features include:
It has an irregular elongated shape; It is travelling at 25 km/sec (or 90,000 km/hr);
It has a stony composition; It has average diameter of 600 meters (0.6 kilometers);
Its surface is heavily cratered; It is about as dense as concrete;
Its temperature is -73 oC; Its mass is about 40,000 tonnes;
Component 4C
Read out the following questions and ask students to answer in the space on their worksheet.
Q1. What temperature is Object April 1X and is that hot or cold?
Q2. What might happen if Object April 1X were to head directly toward Earth and enter the Earth’s
Q3. From what you have read and interpreted do you think Object April 1X is a Comet of an
Asteroid? Provide reasons for your answer.
Ask the students to volunteer their answers. Select a sample answer for all students to write down
for each question. This may come from the students or from the following sample answers.
Sample answers:
Q1. It is -73 oC, which is cold; colder that the Earth’s surface; and colder than space objects that
produce light and heat.
Q2. It would begin to burn up due to the friction as it hit the particles of gas in our atmosphere;
It might make a loud sonic boom noise as it breaks the sound barrier;
It is so large that it would probably survive entry and land as a meteorite;
It would make a big impact crater;
It might explode into pieces on entry to the atmosphere and leaver a crater field.
Q3. Object April 1X is an Asteroid, because it fits the size range and is a solid object; it does not
produce its own light and heat; it does not have a tail
REMINDER: Collect student workbooks after each lesson to review and analyze student’s learning.