Light - Reflection and Refraction 01 - Class Notes - (Udaan 2024)

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Lecture No.

- 01


Light - Reflection & Refraction


1 Mysteries of Light

2 The Dual Nature of Light : Photon & Wave Theory

3 Reflection of Light : Laws

4 Object & Image

5 Reflection on Plane Mirror & Numerical

Questions related to Mysterious Light

Q1. What is Light ?

Ans. It is a form of Energy which gives sensation of Vision

Q2. Is Light Itself Visible?

Ans. NO, Otherwise Universe would not be black

Q3. Is it a mechanical wave or non - mechanical wave?

Ans. Non Mechanical Transverse Wave, that is why it travels in Vacuum

Q4. What is Optics? How many types of Optics

Ans. Study of light, Ray Optics : Particle Nature of Light , Wave Optics :
Wave Nature of Light
Q5. What is Dual Nature of LIght?
Ans. It shows two behaviours of two different conceptualisations :
Particle & Wave
observing Phenomenon like Reflection, Refraction & Interference,
Diffraction & Polarisation
Particle Nature of Light

Newton’s Corpuscles Theory :-

Photon Theory by Einstein :-

The Wave Theory : EM Wave

Light refers to electromagnetic radiation

that can be detected by the human eye.
The entire electromagnetic spectrum is
extremely broad, ranging from low
energy radio waves with wavelengths,
shows properties such as INTERFERENCE,
Ray Nature of Light

⮚ Light also has the property of a particle. The intensity of the

light varies depending on the number of particles. Bright light
has many particles while dark light has fewer particles. These
particles of light are called “photons”
⮚ Light travels at a speed of about 300,000 kilometers per second
(c = 3 × 108 m/s).
⮚ When in a vacuum such as outer space where no matter is
present, light travels straightforward, this is called Rectilinear
Motion of Light
⮚ Several Photons in a single line constitute a Light Ray
⮚ Several Light Rays constitute a Beam of Light
Ray Nature of Light & Related Laws
➢ Law of Rectilinear Propagation of Light

➢ Law of Independence

➢ Law of Reversibility of Light

➢ Law of Persistence of Vision (1/16th)


What happened once a light ray is incident on a surface ?


How do we see things?


The laws of reflection determine the reflection of incident light rays on reflecting
surfaces, like mirrors, smooth metal surfaces, and clear water.
The laws of reflection states that
⮚ The Incident Ray, the Reflected Ray and the Normal all lie in the same plane
⮚ The Angle of Incidence (∠i) = The Angle of Reflection (∠r)

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