Heat Transfer

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• N.V. Raghavendra, L.

Krishnamurthy, Engineering Metrology And Measurements,Oxford

University Press,1st edition 2013
• R.K.Rajput A textbook of measurement and metrology ,S.K. Kataria & Sons,2013.
• R.K.Jain ,Mechanical and Industrial Measurements,Khanna Publishers,1995
• A.K.Sawhney,Mechanical measurement and control,Dhanpat Rai & Co. (P) Limited ,2017

Reference Books

• G.M.S. De Silva, Basic Metrology for ISO 9000 Certification Elsevier Publications, 3rd Edition
• Ernest Doebelin and Dhanesh Manik, Measurement Systems , McGraw-Hill, 6th Edition, 2017.

ME 21003 Heat Transfer

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures: 3hrs / week Internal Test 1: 20 marks
Internal Test 2: 20 marks
End– Sem. Exam: 60 marks
Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course students will be able to:
• Anticipate and describe the consequence of heat transfer in thermal analyses of
engineering systems.
• Formulate, evaluate and develop solution for one and two dimensional steady state heat
conduction and unsteady state heat conduction problem.
• Describe fundamentals related to mass transfer and establish relationship between fluid
flow and convection heat transfer.
• Apply empirical correlations for free and forced convection and phase change process to
determine values for the convection heat transfer coefficient.
• Formulate and solve the heat exchanger rating and sizing problem.
• Evaluate radiation view factors using tables and obtain numerical solutions for radiation
heat transfer problems.

Unit 1 (6 hrs)

One dimensional steady state heat conduction:

Introduction, derivation of Generalized heat conduction equation in Cartesian coordinates,
Fourier, Laplace and Poission’s equation. Generalized heat conduction equation in cylindrical
and spherical co-ordinates. (no derivation). Heat conduction through a composite slab, cylinder
and sphere, effect of variable thermal conductivity, critical radius of insulation, Economic
insulation, and thermal contact resistance. Conduction with heat generation for plane wall,
cylinder and sphere.

Unit 2 (6 hrs)

Extended surfaces and unsteady state heat conduction:
Types and Applications of Fins, Heat transfer through extended surfaces, derivation of
temperature distribution equations and heat transfer through fins of constant cross-sectional
area, Effectiveness and efficiency of a fin, Errors in the measurement of temperature in a
thermo-well. System with negligible internal resistance, Biot and Fourier numbers. Lumped heat
capacity method, use of Heisler charts.

Unit 3 (5 hrs)

Two dimensional steady state heat conduction:

Introduction to analytical method – two dimensional steady state heat conduction in rectangular
plates, two dimensional steady state heat conduction in semi-infinite plates, graphical method –
boundary conditions, conduction shape factors for common geometries.

Unit 4 (9 hrs)

Free and Forced convection:

Local and average convective coefficient, Hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer, Laminar
and turbulent flow over a flat plate and through a duct, Friction factor, Drag and drag co-
efficient. Dimensional analysis in free and forced convection, physical significance of the
dimensionless numbers related to free and forced convection, empirical correlations for free and
forced convection for heat transfer in laminar and turbulent flow over a flat plate and through a
Introduction to Condensation and Boiling, pool boiling, critical heat flux, burnout point, forced
boiling. Film and drop wise condensation, determination of heat transfer coefficient.
Modes of Mass transfer, Concentrations, velocities and fluxes, Fick’s law, general mass diffusion
equation in stationery media, steady state diffusion through a plain membrane, steady state
diffusion through a cylindrical shell, steady state diffusion through a spherical shell. Convective
mass transfer.

Unit 5 (6 hrs)

Fundamental concepts, Black body radiation, Planck’s distribution law, Wien’s displacement law
and the Stefan-Boltzmann law. Surface emission, radiative properties of a surface, The grey,
black and real surface. Radiation shape factor, use of shape factor charts, Kirchhoff’s law,
Lambert’s cosine law. Heat exchange between non-black bodies, heat exchange between two
infinitely parallel planes and cylinders, Radiation shields, heat exchange by radiation, between
two finite black/gray surfaces. Gas radiation (elementary treatment only). Solar radiation,
irradiation, radiation potential, electrical network method of solving radiation problems.

Unit 6 (6 hrs)

Heat exchangers:
Heat exchangers classification, overall heat transfer coefficient, heat exchanger analysis, use of
log mean temperature difference (LMTD) for parallel and counter flow heat exchangers, LMTD
correction factor, fouling factor, The effectiveness-NTU method for parallel and counter flow
heat exchangers. Design considerations of heat exchanger.

Text Books

• S.C.Arora, V. M. Domkundwar, A.V.Domkundwar, A course in Heat and Mass Transfer,

Dhanpat Rai and Co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
• S. P Sukhatme, A Text Book of Heat Transfer, University Press, 4th Edition, 2005
• R.K.Rajput, Heat and Mass Transfer, S. Chand and Co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.

Reference Books

• Incropera and Dewitt: Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, John Wiley and Sons,NY.
• P.K.Nag, Heat and Mass Transfer, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2011
• Yunus A. Cengel, Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002
• J.P. Holman: Heat Transfer; McGraw-Hill, 1996
• C.P. Kothandaraman, S. Subramanyam, Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book, New Age
International Publishers, Mumbai.

ME 21004 Design of Machine Components

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures: 3 hrs / week 100 Marks: Continuous Evaluation
Tutorial: 1 hr/ week Assignment/Quiz: 40 marks
End– Sem Exam: 60 marks
Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course student will be able to:
• Evaluate the different types of stresses induced in a component due to different types of
static loading conditions.
• Apply the principles of static loading to design various joints, keys, couplings, screws, and
• Design shaft as per ASME code.
• Design welded joint for various loading conditions.

Unit 1 (6 hrs)

Fundamental aspects of design:


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