Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer
Reference Books
• G.M.S. De Silva, Basic Metrology for ISO 9000 Certification Elsevier Publications, 3rd Edition
• Ernest Doebelin and Dhanesh Manik, Measurement Systems , McGraw-Hill, 6th Edition, 2017.
Unit 1 (6 hrs)
Unit 2 (6 hrs)
Extended surfaces and unsteady state heat conduction:
Types and Applications of Fins, Heat transfer through extended surfaces, derivation of
temperature distribution equations and heat transfer through fins of constant cross-sectional
area, Effectiveness and efficiency of a fin, Errors in the measurement of temperature in a
thermo-well. System with negligible internal resistance, Biot and Fourier numbers. Lumped heat
capacity method, use of Heisler charts.
Unit 3 (5 hrs)
Unit 4 (9 hrs)
Unit 5 (6 hrs)
Fundamental concepts, Black body radiation, Planck’s distribution law, Wien’s displacement law
and the Stefan-Boltzmann law. Surface emission, radiative properties of a surface, The grey,
black and real surface. Radiation shape factor, use of shape factor charts, Kirchhoff’s law,
Lambert’s cosine law. Heat exchange between non-black bodies, heat exchange between two
infinitely parallel planes and cylinders, Radiation shields, heat exchange by radiation, between
two finite black/gray surfaces. Gas radiation (elementary treatment only). Solar radiation,
irradiation, radiation potential, electrical network method of solving radiation problems.
Unit 6 (6 hrs)
Heat exchangers:
Heat exchangers classification, overall heat transfer coefficient, heat exchanger analysis, use of
log mean temperature difference (LMTD) for parallel and counter flow heat exchangers, LMTD
correction factor, fouling factor, The effectiveness-NTU method for parallel and counter flow
heat exchangers. Design considerations of heat exchanger.
Text Books
Reference Books
• Incropera and Dewitt: Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, John Wiley and Sons,NY.
• P.K.Nag, Heat and Mass Transfer, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2011
• Yunus A. Cengel, Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002
• J.P. Holman: Heat Transfer; McGraw-Hill, 1996
• C.P. Kothandaraman, S. Subramanyam, Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book, New Age
International Publishers, Mumbai.
Unit 1 (6 hrs)