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Spellblade+v1 1

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Spellblade 1.

human runs her hand across their blade tracing Most spellblades have a strong tie to the source of their
esoteric patterns that alight at a touch, flames tradition, be it a master, ancient technique, or even novel style
flickering alive in their wake casting a sudden they have poured their blood sweat and tears into mastering.
blazing light over the gloomy cavern, creatures
of the dark shrinking back from the fire's light. Rare Talent
A gnome's eyes begin to glow as a massive Spellblades are uncommon, requiring an unusual degree of
greatsword of energy condenses into their talent to master their arts compared to those that choose to
waiting hand, forming a blade of pure energy, twice their focus and specialize in only one of their two challenging
height but weightless in their hands. The edgy elf vanishes fields. Adventurers are already a rare breed, but Spellblades
from sight, teleporting behind their foe before muttering are rarer still, which often causes them to defy expectations.
something cryptically and cutting them down. A bookish and mild Spellblade may be surprisingly nimble or
A Spellblade combines magic and martial talent in a strong, while one that may look a musclebound oaf may be
perfect blend, able to blend their use of them into a single art. surprisingly erudite. By their very nature they are someone
Rather than being a Wizard that happens to be good with a that mastered both their mind and body to an unusual
sword or a Fighter that knows some magic, a Spellblade is degree.
defined by their ability to merge the spells and martial talents
into a single strike: a Spellstrike. Creating A Spellblade
Pursuit of Mastery The most important place to start when making a Spellblade
Becoming a Spellblade isn't an accident - it's a difficult path is knowing what drew your character to this difficult and rare
path. The path of a Spellblade is one that has few mundane
to master and requires intense concentration and uses - they are not scholars and their skills serve little
conditioning to master fluidly casting spells in the storm of purpose outside the adventuring arts, so what drove your
battle in perfect sync with your attacks. Spellblades are, character to master these? There's an intentionality to a
consequently, almost always driven by some form of Spellblade similar to that which might be found in a Paladin.
motivation that have made them strive for this unique style of Determine if you learned your skills on your own through
perfection. Some view it as an art or tradition important to years of hard work, or if you had a master or school that
them, some view it as the ultimate weapon to overcome a passed down the art to you - does that affect the sort of
great obstacle, and some pursue it because of the challenge weapons you use or the attitudes you take your skills and
itself, seeking to prove themselves. how to use them?

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

The Spellblade
Proficiency Cantrips Spells
Level Features 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Bonus Known Known
1st +2 Arcane Surge (2 uses), Magic Trick 1 — — — — —
2nd +2 Spellcasting, Spellstrike, Aegis 3 3 2 — — — —
3rd +2 Spellblade Technique 3 4 3 — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 4 3 — — — —
5th +3 Empowered Strike, Arcane Surge (3 uses) 5 5 4 2 — — —
6th +3 Arcane Recuperation, Magical Warding 5 5 4 2 — — —
7th +3 Specialization Feature 5 6 4 3 — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 6 4 3 — — —
9th +4 Arcane Surge (4 uses) 6 7 4 3 2 — —
10th +4 Archetypal Magic, Innate Aegis (1st Level) 6 7 4 3 2 — —
11th +4 Improved Spellstrike, Blast Zone Immunity 6 8 4 3 3 — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 8 4 3 3 — —
13th +5 Arcane Surge (5 uses) 7 9 4 3 3 1 —
14th +5 Surging Focus, Magical Sensitivity, Innate Aegis (2nd Level) 7 9 4 3 3 1 —
15th +5 Specialization Feature 7 10 4 3 3 2 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 7 10 4 3 3 2 —
17th +6 Arcane Surge (6 uses) 8 11 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Splash Damage, Innate Aegis (3rd Level) 8 11 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 8 12 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Specialization Feature 8 12 4 3 3 3 2

Class Features
Quick Build Hit Dice: 1d8 per Spellblade level
You can make a Spellblade quickly by following
Hit Points at 1st: Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
these suggestions. Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your
If you wish to follow the Tradition of a Constitution modifier per Spellblade level after 1st
Battlemage or Aethersword, put your highest score
in Intelligence, and your second and third highest Proficiencies
scores in Dexterity and Constitution respectively. If Armor: Light armor, medium armor
you wish to follow the Tradition of the Guardian, Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons.
put your highest score in Strength, followed by Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Constitution, and then Intelligence. If you wish to Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics,
follow the path of the Swiftblade or Spellshot, put
your highest score in Dexterity, followed by
History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception,
Intelligence, and then Constitution.
Religion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth
Choose a background that reflects your years of Equipment
hard effort and study to master this unique route, You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
preferably one that gives a physical and mental skill
to represent your twin paths of mastery.
equipment granted by your background:
When you gain cantrips at 2nd level, you can
select either combat or utility options - you'll gain
(a) a martial weapon
additional options when you reach 5th level and
(a) a light crossbow and quiver of 20 bolts or (b) any two
can use them with your Spellstrike, so you don't simple weapons.
need to plan what you want to use with it at 2nd an arcane focus
level. (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor
(a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Arcane Surge Spellcasting Focus
You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your
Your affinity for magic gives you a pool of Arcane Surges. Spellblade spells.
Once during your turn, you can expend a use of Arcane Surge
to do any of the following: Spellstrike
Cast detect magic without expending a spell slot. Starting at 2nd level, you can infuse spells into your weapon.
Gain advantage on an attack roll (no action required). As a bonus action, you can cast a 1st level or higher
Add your Intelligence modifier to a Strength or Dexterity Spellblade spell with a casting time of 1 action in a special
ability check (no action required). way, infusing it into a melee weapon instead of having it
Teleport up 5 feet to an unoccupied space you can see (no immediately take effect. The next time you make a melee
action required). This distance increases by 5 feet at 5th attack with that weapon before the end of your turn, the spell
(10 feet), 9th (15 feet), 13th (20 feet), and 17th (25 feet) is cast against the target of the attack. The spell fizzles and
levels. fails to cast if you cast another spell before attacking.
Spellstrike's interaction with the spell mechanics is
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your determined by the spell's effect:
proficiency bonus. You can regain expended uses when you
complete a short or long rest. As you level, you may gain If the spell requires an attack roll (melee or ranged) it
additional uses for your Arcane Surges, but can still only automatically hits the target if the weapon attack hits and
spend a single use of Arcane Surge a turn. misses the target if the weapon attack misses.
If the spell has a saving throw, it automatically deals
Magic Trick damage as if they failed saving throw against the spell on
Additionally at 1st level , you learn one cantrip of your choice hit, but if it has any effects besides dealing damage, the
from the Spellblade class list. Intelligence is your spellcasting target makes the save against those effects as normal for
ability for this cantrip. being targeted by the spell (regardless if the attack hits or
misses). If a spell does half damage to targets that pass
Spellcasting their save, they take half damage on a missed attack,
As part of your study of magic, you gain the ability to cast treating it as if they had passed their saving throw. If a
spells at 2nd level. The spells you learn are limited in scope, spell always hits (such as magic missile), the spell hits
primarily concerned with enhancing your abilities and regardless if you hit or miss your attack.
devastating your foes. If the spell has an area of effect, that area of effect must
include the space the target of the Spellstrike is in, be
Cantrips placed such that one one edge of it is within the range of
At 2nd level, you learn additional two cantrips of your choice your weapon, and otherwise follows the rules of the spell
from the Spellblade spell list. You learn additional Spellblade regarding placement and range. Other creatures caught in
cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the the area of effect treat the spell as if you had cast it
Cantrips Known column of the Spellblade table. The table normally. The target is not affected by the spell again
includes the bonus cantrips gained from Spellblade class (having already resolved as part of the attack).
features (such as Empowered Strike) Spells that have multiple attack rolls (such as scorching ray
Spell Slots or crackleK) tie the outcome of only the first attack roll to the
The Spellblade table shows how many spell slots you have to melee weapon attack. You resolve all subsequent attack rolls
cast your Spellblade spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of the spell as if you had cast the spell, but can ignore the
of your Spellblade spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's disadvantage on ranged attack rolls from being within 5 feet
level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you of hostile creatures when doing so.
finish a long rest. You can only cast spells that are on the Spellblade class list
using Spellstrike, and can only cast them at a level you can
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher cast them as a Spellblade, though you can use any spell slot
You know three 1st-level spells of your choice from the you have available to cast the spell.
Spellblade spell list. The Spells Known column of the
Spellblade table shows when you learn more Spellblade Arcane Deflection
spells of your choice. At 2nd level, you learn the shield spell, incorporating it into
Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have your Aegis, allowing you to cast it without components, and
spell slots. For instance, when you reach 5th level in this allowing you to cast it without expending a spell slot once,
class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level. after which you must expend a spell slot as normal until you
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can complete a short or long rest.
choose one of the Spellblade spells you know and replace it
with another spell from the Spellblade spell list, which also
must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Intelligence modifier.
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Intelligence modifier.

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Aegis Archetypal Magic
Additionally at 2nd level, you start to form a magical Aegis At 10th level, you can cast each of the spells granted by your
that enhances your physical powers with magical powers, Spellblade technique without expending a spell slot once.
blending them together. You can select one 1st level Aegis After you cast a spell that way, you cannot cast it that way
effect (listed at the end of the class) and gain the effects. again until you complete a long rest.
When you complete a long rest, you can change your
selected 1st level Aegis effect or further boost your Aegis by Expanded Aegis
sacrificing spell slots, granting magical empowerments that Starting at 10th level, when you finish a long rest you can
last until you complete your next long rest. When you do so, select an additional 1st Level Aegis Effect to gain the benefit
select an additional Aegis Effect (listed at the end of the class of without expending a spell slot. This effect lasts until you
document) and expend the listed level of spell slot. complete a long rest, at which time you can select a new
You can expend a maximum number of spell levels this way effect.
equal to your Spellblade level divided by four (rounded up). At 14th level, you can additionally select one 2nd level
Aegis Effect this way, and at 18th level, you can additionally
Spellblade Technique select one 3rd level Aegis effect this way.
When you reach 3rd level, you select a specialization for your
powers. You can choose from the Battlemage, Aether Blade, Splash Damage
Guardian, Mage Hunter, Swiftblade, or Spellshot techniques, Beginning at 11th level, when you hit a creature with
each of which grants you additional features. Spellstrike, the target and creatures of your choice within 5
Your choice grants you features at 3rd level, and again at feet of the target that would be hit by the same attack roll
7th, 15th, and 20th level. take 1d8 additional force damage. On a miss, the target takes
half as much damage, and nearby creatures take no damage
Ability Score Improvement (even if the attack roll would have hit them).
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice Blast Zone Immunity
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by Starting at 11th level, you are immune to the area of effect of
1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 your own spells. You take no damage from them, and ignore
using this feature. all other affects unless you choose to be affected.
Empowered Strike Surging Focus
Beginning at 5th level, you can use cantrips on the Spellblade Starting at 14th level, if you fail a Constitution saving throw
class list with your Spellstrike feature. to maintain concentration on a spell, you can spend an
You learn 2 additional cantrips of your choice, selecting the Arcane Surge to succeed instead.
options from the Spellblade cantrip list, and an additional
cantrip at 9th, 13th, and 17th level (these additional cantrips Magical Sensitivity
are included on the Spellblade table). Additionally at 14th level, you learn the detect magic spell,
Arcane Recuperation and it does not count against your spells known, and the
detect magic spell no longer requires concentration for you.
Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to regain some of For the duration of detect magic, you gain proficiency in
your magical energy through a quick focused meditation. the Arcana skill. If you are already proficient in the Arcana
When you finish a short rest, you regain some of your skill, for the duration you gain expertise, allowing you to add
expended spell slots. The spell slots can have a combined double your proficiency bonus to ability checks made using
level that is equal to or less than one third of your Spellblade the Arcana skill.
level (rounded down). You can't use this feature again until
you finish a long rest. Blast Zone Control
Additionally, at any time, as a bonus action you can expend
a spell slot to regain Arcane Surges equal to the level of spell At 18th level, when use Spellstrike to cast a spell that affects
slots spent. an area of effect, you can expend a use of your Arcane Surge
expand the effect of your Blast Zone Immunity to a number of
Magical Warding allies equal to your Intelligence modifier. When used this way,
it only protects your allies until the start of your next turn, at
Additionally at 6th level, you gain proficiency in your choice of which point they go back to being affected by any ongoing
Wisdom or Charisma saving throws, and you automatically effects of a spell.
succeed on saving throws against your own spells.

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Spellblade Techniques
Battlemage Technique
In the versatile world of the Spellblades, the Battle Mage is
the paragon of balance, mastering both martial prowess and
arcane artistry. Standing at the crossroads of might and
magic, you represent the perfect synthesis of these two
ancient disciplines.
A Battle Mage is a force of constant adaptability, prepared
for every eventuality. With your arcane might and martial skill
in perfect balance, you stand on the battlefield as an
embodiment of strategic might, showing that the pen and the
sword can indeed be one.
Battlemage Spells
You learn the following spells at the following levels. The
following are Spellblade spells for you, but do not count
against your spells known.
Spellblade Level Spells Learned
3rd burning hands
5th mirror image
9th lightning bolt
13th dimension door
17th hold monster

Arcane Warrior
Starting at 3rd level when you select this archetype,
whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one weapon
that you are proficient with and that lacks the two-handed
property. When you attack with that weapon, you can use
your Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity,
for the attack and damage rolls. This benefit lasts until you
finish a long rest.
Quickening Surge
Starting at 3rd level, you gain a new option for your Arcane
Surge feature:
You can cast a Spellblade spell with a casting time of one
action as a bonus action.
Twin Surge
At 7th level, when you use Arcane Surge, you can select two
of the available options. Unlimited Surges
Surge Mastery Starting at 20th level, you can enter a state of perfect arcane
Starting at 15th level, when you use your Arcane Surge, you resonance for 1 minute (no action required). During this state
gain enhanced results: the first Arcane Surge you use on your turn does not expend
a use of your Arcane Surge feature.
When you cast detect magic with your Arcane Surge, you Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you
also gain the effects of darkvision and see invisibility. complete a long rest.
When you gain advantage on attack through Arcane
Surge, you can reroll one of the attack’s dice once.
When you add your Intelligence to a Strength or Dexterity
ability check, you gain advantage on the check.
When you teleport, the range you can teleport is increased
by 10 feet.

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Aether Blade Technique Aether Great Weapon
Aether Blade Spellblades make use of their magical Starting at 7th level, the aether weapon manifested by
techniques to create a weapon of pure arcane power, with Aethersword grows larger and more powerful. Its damage
most of their abilities revolving around mastering the use of increases to 1d12, and it gains the reach property.
this weapon. Channeled Power
Aether Blade Spells
Starting at 15th level, you gain the effects of Empowering
Surge when you use any of your Arcane Surge effects.
You learn the following spells at the following levels. The
following are Spellblade spells for you, but do not count Massive Blade
against your spells known. Starting at 20th level, you can overcharge your Aether Blade
for 1 minute (no action required). For the duration, when you
Spellblade Level Spells Learned attack with your Aether Blade, you ignore all non-magical
3rd magic missile
armor and defenses to treat the target's AC as 10 + their
Dexterity modifier for that attack (magical defenses like the
5th star dustK mage armor or shield are not bypassed). While attacking in
9th aether lanceK
this way with your Aether Blade, your attacks can target up to
2 creatures as long as they are within 10 feet of each other,
13th resilient sphere though if an attack triggers a spell through Spellstrike, it does
17th aether stormK not affect the second target unless the spell can target
multiple creatures.
Aether Blade Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you
Starting at 3rd level when you select this archetype, when complete a long rest.
you roll initiative or as a bonus action at any time, you can
manifest an oversized melee weapon of pure force energy.
This can take the shape of any bladed melee weapon, but it is
a one-handed weapon that deals 1d10 force damage with a
range of 5 feet regardless of its form.
When you attack with this weapon, you can
use your Intelligence modifier (in place of your Strength)
for attack and damage rolls. This weapon lasts until you let
go of it, become incapacitated, or dismiss it as a bonus action.
While this weapon is temporary and magical, it counts as
having a value of 1 sp for purposes of being treated as a
material component in spells.
As a ritual taking 1 hour, you can
absorb the power from a magical
weapon with a bonus to attack and
damage rolls. This cannot target
artifacts, sentient weapons, or
cursed items. At your GM's
discretion, this might not work with
other weapons depending on their origin
and type. This drains the power from the
weapon, leaving it as a mundane weapon,
but your Aethersword gains the bonus to
attack and damage rolls previously
possessed by the magical weapon.
Empowering Surge
Starting at 3rd level, you gain a new
option for your Arcane Surge
You empower your Aether Blade (no action required)
causing it to deal an additional die of damage until the end
of your next turn. During the effect, you can reroll any
weapon damage dice from your Aether Blade once (you
must use the new roll after doing so).

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Guardian Technique
Specializing in defending their allies, spell blades
following this technique make broad use of
abjuration and self-enhancing magics, often
specializing more toward their physical
skills. They place themselves at the
front of combat, but are a highly
mobile line of defense.
Guardian Spellblade Spells
You learn the following spells at the
following levels. The following are
Spellblade spells for you, but do not
count against your spells known.
Spellblade Level Spells Learned
3rd arcane ablationK
5th warding bond
9th haste
13th resilient sphere
17th wall of stone

Guardian Proficiency
Starting at 3rd level when you select this archetype, you gain
proficiency in heavy armor and shields.
Additionally, you can use a melee weapon as your arcane
focus, and when you do so you can perform somatic
components with the hand holding your arcane focus (even Swiftblade Technique
for spells without a material component).
The quickest and most deadly of the Spellblades, Swiftblades
Projected Barrier specialize in mobility, striking from the shadows and
Starting at 3rd level, you gain a new option for your Arcane withdrawing as quickly as they appeared, favoring lighter
Surge feature: weapons and flurries of blows that leave their target dead
before it can retaliate.
As a reaction to an allied creature within 30 feet being hit
by an attack or targeted by the magic missile spell, you Swiftblade Spellblade Spells
expend a use of Arcane Surge to cast shield without You learn the following spells at the following levels. The
expending a spell slot, granting that creature the AC following are Spellblade spells for you, but do not count
bonus instead of yourself. against your spells known.
Fortifying Surge Swiftblade Level Spells Learned
At 7th level, when you expend a use of Arcane Surge, you
gain temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + your Intelligence 3rd inflict wounds
modifier. 5th poison dartK
Swapping Surge 9th spider biteK
Starting at 15th level, when you use your Arcane Surge to 13th blight
teleport, you can instead swap positions with a willing
creature within range, teleporting to their space and 17th mislead
teleporting them to your space. When you do so, both you
and them gain the temporary hit points from Fortifying Fighting Style
Surge. Starting at 3rd level when you gain this archetype, you gain
the Two Weapon Fighting Fighting Style.
Resilient Aegis
At 20th level, you can fortify yourself with magic for 1 minute Two-Weapon Fighting
(no action required). For the duration, you have resistance to When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your
all damage. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
until you complete a long rest.

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Swift Casting
Starting at 3rd level you can use Spellstrike as part of the
Attack action before making a melee weapon attack. You
cannot Spellstrike more than once per turn. Mage Hunter
Additionally, you can use a melee weapon as your arcane Some Spellblades hone their magical powers for the sake of
focus, and when you do so you can perform somatic countering other magical purposes. They become the
components with the hand holding your arcane focus (even anathema of all spellcasters, they fight fire with fire, honing
for spells without a material component). their own magical skills for the purposes of binding and
denying the magical powers of others.
Rapid Surge
Starting at 3rd level, you gain a new option for your Arcane Mage Hunter Spells
Surge feature. You learn the following spells at the following levels. The
You can expend a use of Arcane Surge to make a single following are Spellblade spells for you, but do not count
weapon attack (no action required). against your spells known.
Relentless Spellstrike Spellblade Level Spells Learned
At 7th level, if you miss an attack empowered by a Spellstrike, 3rd Aldricor's elemental rebukeTAG
you can choose to not trigger the effect. When you do so, your
next attack before the end of your turn will trigger it instead. 5th silence
9th counterspell
Vanishing Surge
Starting at 15th level, when you expend an Arcane Surge, you 13th suffocateK
become invisible until the start of your next turn. 17th dispel evil and good
Infinite Strikes
At 20th level, you draw on your magic to hasten yourself to Disrupting Blows
blinding speeds (no action required). For one minute, any Starting at 3rd level, once per turn when you hit a target with
time you make a weapon attack with an action or bonus a melee weapon, you deal bonus Force damage equal to your
action, you can immediately make another attack with the proficiency bonus. This bonus is doubled until end of your
same weapon. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it turn when you cast an Abjuration or Mage Hunter spell.
again until you complete a long rest. Additionally, your weapon attack rolls bypass the effects of
1st level spells (such as mage armor, shield, or sanctuary).

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Purging Surge
Starting at 3rd level, you gain a new option for your Arcane
Surge feature.
On your turn, you can expend a use of Arcane Surge to
end a magical effect or supernatural condition (such as
being Charmed or Frightened) on yourself (no action
required). If the spell is of a level greater than half your
Spellblade level (rounded up) you must make an
Intelligence saving throw with a DC of 10 + the spell's
level to end it. You cannot do use this ability if you are
Nullifying Surge
Starting at 7th level, you can use Purging Surge even when
incapacitated. Additionally, you can project the purging power
outwards, expending two uses of Arcane Surge to cast
counterspell or dispel magic without expending a spell slot.
Expert Abjuration
Starting at 15th level, when you have to make a Spellcasting
check to dispel or counter a magical effect with Purging
Surge or Nullifying Surge, you can add your Proficiency
bonus to the roll.
Mana Void
At 20th level, you can turn yourself into a magical void,
devouring and nullifying magic around you. For one minute,
you project the effect of antimagic field 5-feet around yourself
(no action required). You can still cast spells while within this
field, but are limited to Abjuration spells and Cantrips. Once
per turn for the duration, when you counter or end the effect
of a spell, you regain 1 use of Arcane Surge.
This effect ends early if you become unconscious, or you
can end it at any time (no action required). Once you use this
ability, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.
Spellshot Spells infused into a ranged weapon affect the target of the
The lone option able to use their Spellstrike at range, the ranged weapon when fired, but only have a range equal to the
Spellshot gets a lot of freedom in position and target range of the spell or the normal range of the weapon
selection, able to flex their powers across the battlefield (whichever is shorter range). If you attack a target beyond that
raining death from afar, and ever farther their talent grows. range, the spell fails and is lost.
Spellshot Spellblade Spells Distant Surge
You learn the following spells at the following levels. The Starting at 3rd level, you gain a new option for your Arcane
following are Spellblade spells for you, but do not count Surge feature.
against your spells known.
When you infuse a spell into a piece of ammunition with
Spellblade Level Spells Learned Spellstrike, you can expend an Arcane Surge to increase
that spell’s range to the range of weapon used to fire that
3rd multishotK piece of ammunition.
5th elemental barrageSpellblade Transmuted Ammunition
9th lightning bolt Additionally at 7th level, when you infuse a spell that targets a
13th greater invisibility
line, you can transmute your ammunition into the spell effect,
releasing the spell in a line from you as if you had cast it, but
17th pressure cutterK using your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice) in
place of your Intelligence modifier for the spell save DC.
Ranged Spellstrike When you do this, you add your weapon damage (including
Starting at 3rd level when you select this archetype, you gain modifier) to the spell's damage roll.
the ability to apply your Spellstrike to pieces of ammunition
as well as melee weapons, and can trigger the spell strike on Seeking Surges
a ranged weapon attack made with the infused piece of Starting at 15th level, when you expend an Arcane Surge, you
ammunition. can add your Intelligence modifier to your next attack roll.

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Arcane Bolts
Additionally at 15th level, you can always generate
ammunition out of arcane force energy when you fire a
ranged weapon. When you do so, you consume no
ammunition when firing an ranged weapon with the
ammunition property, and your weapon damage becomes
force damage.
Complete Control
Starting at 20th level, you can enter a state of perfect focus
granting you the ability to bend and guide your shots. For 1
minute, your ranged weapon attacks ignore cover (including
total cover) as long as there is a path to the target the project
can travel. While you are in this state, once per attack if you
miss a creature, you can redirect that attack at another
creature within range (making a new attack roll against the
new target). When you redirect the attack with a Spellstrike
effect that requires a save, you can choose if you want to
discharge the spell against the target (if it has any effect on
miss), or redirect it to the new target.
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you
complete a long rest.

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Winter's Grip
Playtest Subclasses Starting at 15th level, the effect of Frostbite is prolonged each
The following subclasses, Iceblade, Flying Sword, and time a creature takes cold damage by an additional round
Spellfist are new subclasses that are currently under testing (ending at the end of your next turn). Additionally, when a
and development for Spellblade. They should be treated as creature under the effect of Frostbite fails a saving throw
playtest content, and may not be as complete or finalized as against one of your spells that deal cold damage, they become
the other content. restrained until start of their next turn.
Iceblade Ice Age
Starting at 20th level, you can release a blast of freezing
As an Iceblade, you blur the boundary between the arcane energy that plunges an 30-foot radius around you into a state
and the arctic, wielding your sword with the cold precision of of everfrost for 1 minute (no action required). It has the
an icicle's edge. Your enemies find no warmth nor respite, following effects:
only the biting frost of your magic and blade.
Whether born amidst the relentless snows of the far north The area becomes difficult terrain for creatures other than
or touched by the raw, freezing power of the elemental plane you.
of ice, you have carved a path of icy resolve. Your frost-infused Allied creatures in the area gain resistance to cold
strikes echo the merciless advance of winter, freezing foes in damage, while hostile creatures lose any resistance than
their tracks and turning the battlefield into a glacial field of may have to cold damage.
victory. Creatures in the area when you use the ability become
under the effect of the slow spell as they start to freeze.
Iceblade Spells Creatures slowed in this way make make a Constitution
Spellblade Spells Learned saving throw at the end of each of their turns. On success
the effect ends. On failure, they become restrained while
3rd arctic breathK under the effect. Creatures automatically pass the save if
5th cold snapK they are outside of the area of effect. You can exclude a
number of creatures from becoming slowed equal to your
9th slow Intelligence modifier.
13th ice spikesK
You can end the effect letting the area thaw earlier as an
17th cone of cold action. Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until
you complete a long rest.
Starting at 3rd level when you select this archetype,
whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one weapon Frozen World
that you are proficient with and that lacks the two-handed Note that difficult terrain and slow stack, meaning
property. That weapon is imbued with frost energy. Its that for at least one turn, creatures affected by this
damage becomes cold damage, and when you attack with ability are not going anywhere fast.
that weapon, you can use your Intelligence modifier, instead
of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls.
Arctic Armory
Additionally, you learn the ice weaponK cantrip can cast it
once per turn without requiring a bonus action. Any weapon
created by that spell is considered under the effect of your
Rimeblade feature (even if it has the two-handed property).
Starting at 3rd level, you gain a new option for your Arcane
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
expend an Arcane Surge to remove any immunity or
resistance to cold damage they have and give the
disadvantage on saving throws against spells that deal
cold damage (including the triggering spell if used with
Spellstrike on a spell that triggers a saving throw for
additional effects). These effects last until the end of your
next turn.
Frozen Heart
Starting at 7th level, you gain resistance to cold damage, and
gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed or

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Flying Sword Phantom Sword Barrage
As a Flying Sword Spellblade, you master the art of the Starting at 15th level, when you use your Phantom Sword
floating blade, separating your willpower from your physical Surge ability, you can create 2 addtionally copies of your
body. Your sword is not just a weapon, but an extension of sword (up to 4 total), each of which can strike a different
your mind and a manifestation of your arcane prowess. target within range.
Born out of a deep understanding of telekinesis and arcane Additionally, if you use any other use of your Arcane Surge,
manipulation, your technique combines mental acuity with you can create a single phantom sword copy on your next
martial mastery. Whether a reclusive hermit who honed this attack before the end of your turn.
art in the solitude of your own thoughts, or a prodigy who has Ultimate Move
broken the conventional boundaries of weapon use, your Starting at 20th level, master the ultimate move of your style
chosen path is an unorthodox mix of intellect and combat unleashing massive power in an unstoppable strike. You
prowess. charge your with sword mystical power before sending it
Flying Sword Spells
forward in a burst of power. All creatures in a 120-foot long,
5-foot wide line must make a Dexterity saving throw. On
Spellblade Spells Learned failure, they take 6d6 slashing damage and 6d6 force
damage. On success, they take half as much damage.
3rd jump If the sword was infused with spell that has an area of
5th dancing object effect through Spellstrike when you made this attack (for
example fireball), the spells area of effect becomes the area of
9th fly effect of this ability (otherwise the spell is discharged against
13th quicksilver stepsK the first target, treating a failed save as a hit).
17th animate objects
Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you
complete a long rest.
Flying Sword
Starting at 3rd level, during a long rest you can touch a melee
weapon, infusing it magical power. This Flying Sword can be
carried or stowed like a normal weapon, or you can ready it,
causing it to float beside you. While an Flying Sword is
readied, you can make attacks with it as part the Attack
action, sending it out to strike a target.
Attacks made with your Flying Sword are considered
melee weapon attacks with the weapon, but you can use your
Intelligence modifier in place of your Strength or Dexterity
modifier for attack and damage rolls, and you can make this
attack against a target out to a range of 30 feet away from
you. If the weapon has the heavy or special property, this
range is halved to 15 feet; and if the weapon has the light
property, this range is doubled to 60 feet.
Phantom Sword Surge
Starting at 3rd level, you gain a new option for your Arcane
When you make an attack with your flying sword, you can
spend an Arcane Surge to make two phantom copies of it
that strike other targets within range. The phantom
swords use their own attack rolls. On hit, the target takes
damage equal to your Flying Sword's weapon damage
(including modifier) as force damage.
Sword Flight
Starting at 7th level, your mastery of telekinetic manipulation
of your blade is so complete you can command it remotely
and even use it as a mode of transport. You can stand on your
sword to treat it as a Broom of Flying, though only you can
ride it, and anything being carried by it is dropped if you
attack with it.
Additionally, the range of your Flying Sword attacks are

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Spellfist Brawler's Resilience
As a Spellfirst, you are the embodiment of raw power and Starting at 15th level, when you spend an Arcane Surge,
arcane energy, a brawler who channels magic into every resistance to damage until the start of your next turn.
punch. Where other Spellblades may wield elegant weapons Unlimited Power
or conjure dazzling spells from a distance, you understand Starting at 20th level, you can channel magic directly into
that sometimes, magic is most effective when it's delivered up your muscles, causing your strength to surpass all common
close and personal. Your hands are not just weapons, but reason and granting you the following benefits for 1 minute:
conduits for your magical force, and your style of combat
reflects this, as brutal and direct as it is unpredictably Your Strength score and maximum strength score
magical. increase by 2.
Whether you're a former street fighter who discovered an The damage from your Splash Damage feature becomes a
innate talent for magic or a spellcaster who decided the best 30 foot cone.
way to channel your power was through physical force, you've The distance you can jump becomes equal to your
chosen a path that combines the cerebral challenge of magic movement speed.
with the visceral thrill of melee combat. As a Spellfirst, you're You have advantage on all Strength ability checks and
a force to be reckoned with, breaking through enemy saving throws.
defenses with a flurry of magically enhanced punches and
turning the tide of any battle with your explosive arcane Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you
power. complete a long rest.
Spellfist Spells
Spellblade Spells Learned
3rd thunder punchK
5th shatter
9th vortex blastK
13th aero barrageK
17th shockwaveK

Kinetic Magic
Starting at 3rd level when you select this archetype, you
master the harmony of kinetic delivery of magic with your
fists. Your unarmed strike damage with your fist increases to
1d8 bludgeoning damage, and it becomes a valid target for
imbuing with magic with Spellstrike. Any time you make an
unarmed strike with a Spellstrike imbued, your unarmed
strike is considered magical for the purpose of uncovering
resistance to non-magical attacks.
When you imbue a Spellblade spell that deals damage to
an area into your fist, you can use your Strength modifier to
calculate the Spell Save DC for that spell (instead of your
Intelligence modifier).
Impactful Magic
Starting at 3rd level, you gain two new options for your
Arcane Surge:
When you knock a target away from you, you can expend a
use of Arcane Surge to knock the target 10 feet further
When you hit an melee weapon attack, you can spend a
use of Arcane Surge to attempt to grapple the target (no
action required)
Point Blank
Starting at 7th level, when you use Spellstrike while
grappling a target, you can instead infuse the target with the
spell, treating the spell as if you'd automatically hit an infused
attack. The target can still save against effects beyond
damage, but any saving throw is made with disadvantage.

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Illusionary Ally
Spellblade Aegis When you roll initiative, you create a single duplicate as per
The level listed for an Aegis spell is the level of spell slot the mirror image spell. You can only have one duplicate at a
sacrificed to gain the feature. A spell slot sacrificed for an time from this effect. If you cast mirror image during the
Aegis feature cannot be regained until the Aegis Spell effect effect, the spell remains the same, but the first time an image
is removed during a long rest. You can select any Aegis is lost, this duplicate is destroyed instead.
feature from the list, up to the maximum number of total Loyal Weapon
spell slot levels you can spend on this feature. A weapon you touch as part of selecting this Aegis is under
You can have a maximum number of spell slot levels the effect of returning weaponK.
sacrificed equal to the highest slot you have from the
Spellblade class. You can only sacrifice spell slots you have, Quickened Movement
and have gained from the Spellblade class. Your movement speed is increased by 5.
Aegis effects are not spells and cannot be dispelled as
such. 3rd Level Aegis Effects
Aether Barrier (prerequisite: Aether Blade only)
1st Level Aegis Effects When you deal damage with your Aether Blade, you gain
Arcane Agility temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier.
You are under the effect of the jump spell during the effect.
Arcane Shield
Arcane Armor You can create a shield of arcane power that protects you,
You are under the effect of the mage armor spell during the blocking incoming attacks. You gain a +2 to AC as if you had a
effect. shield equipped. This counts as an equipped shield but does
not require the use of your hand, and you cannot benefit from
Arcane Swiftness both this and an equipped shield.
Your movement speed is increased by 5 feet.
Elemental Enchantment Whenever you teleport using an Arcane Surge or a spell of
You touch a weapon converting its damage type to Fire, 1st level or higher spell during the effect, your Aegis sends
Cold, or Lightning while you wield it. out a blastwave. Creatures of your choice within 5 feet of your
Enchanted Shield destination must make a Strength saving throw against your
You touch a shield making it easy to wield. You have Spell Save DC or be knocked prone.
proficiency with that shield during the effect. Chameleon Aegis
Surging Saves You can hide without cover, and do not become
You can use your Arcane Surge to add your Intelligence immediately revealed when in line of sight of a creature. If
modifier to Strength or Dexterity saving throws as well as you move while a creature can see you, you must pass an
ability checks (no action required), expending a use as you additional Dexterity (Stealth) check to remain hidden.
would to empower an ability check. Contingent Blink
Warding Barrier The first time you would drop to 0 hit points as a result of
You reduce all damage taken by 1. taking damage, you instead drop to 1 hit point, and vanish
from your plane of existence, appearing on the Ethereal
Weapon Focus Plane. At the start of your turn, you return to an unoccupied
You turn your weapon into an arcane focus for your space of your choice that you can see within 10 feet of the
Spellblade spells. space you vanished from. Once triggered, this cannot be
triggered again until you complete a long rest.
2nd Level Aegis Effects
4th Level Aegis Effects
Arcane Eyes Arcane Resistance
You gain the ability to see in the dark. You have darkvision You gain resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or
out to a range of 60 feet during the effect. thunder damage during the effect. You may select a new
Arcane Style damage type when you select this Aegis again.
While this Aegis is active, you gain one Fighting Style Combat Contingency
option of your choice from the Fighter class. If you already You incorporate a contingency for rapidly deploying combat
have a style, the one you choose must be different. magic into your Aegis. When you roll initiative, as a reaction
Arcane Skill you can cast one spell of 3rd level or lower spell that affects
You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice. only you and has a casting time of 1 action.
Blade Channel Dimensional Pathways
When you can cast a spell using Spellstrike, you can use When you use Arcane Surge to teleport, you can take one
the ability modifier used to attack with that weapon instead of willing Medium or smaller creature within 5 feet of you with
your Intelligence for the spellcasting ability modifier. you, teleporting them to within 5 feet of your destination.

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Phantom Aegis
You can move in brief bursts of intangibility. You can move
through the spaces of other creatures (allied or hostile)
without any penalty to your movement, and can pass through
objects and non-magical barriers as thick as 1 inch.
Runic Strength
Your Strength score becomes equal to your Intelligence
score during the effect.
5th Level Aegis Effects
Arcane Flight
You gain a flying speed of 30 feet during the effect.
Arcane Alacrity
When you take the Attack action, you can attack twice,
instead of once.
Resilient Aegis
You gain proficiency in one Saving Throw of your choice
during the effect.
Stone Aegis
You reduce all damage taken by 5.

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Spellblade Spell List
Inflict Wounds Mirror Image Banishment
Cantrips (0 Level) Ice ArrowK Misty Step Black Tentacles
Acid Splash Lightning TendrilK Poison DartK Blight
Chill Touch Longstrider Pseudopod SlamK Confusion
Dancing Lights Mage Armor Ray of Enfeeblement Devour ShadowK
Decaying TouchK Magic Missile See Invisibility Dimension CutterK
Electric ArcK Melting GlobK Shatter Dimension Door
Fire Bolt Prismatic FlashK Shattering ShieldK Echoing LanceK
FreezeK Shield Spiderclimb Fire Shield
Force BoltK Shadow BindK Star DustK Force BladeK
Illusionary DartK Hideous Laughter Vacuum PullK Freedom of Movement
Light Thunder PunchK Web GeyserK
Mage Hand Thunderwave Wind CutterK Greater Invisibility
Message Unseen Servant Ice SpikeK
Minor Illusion Violent UpdraftK 3rd Level Ice Storm
Poison Spray Water BlastK Acidic PitK Iron GardenK
Prestidigitation Aether LanceK Jumping JoltK
Produce Flame 2nd Level Arctic AuraK Orbital StonesK
Ray of Frost AlacrityK Blink Phantasmal Killer
Resistance Become FireK Counterspell Pillar of FireK
Shocking Grasp Become StoneK Crushing SingularityK Poison PuffK
True Strike Become WaterK Dispel Magic Quicksilver StepsK
Water BulletK Become WindK ElectrocuteK Stoneskin
Blindness/Deafness ErodeK SuffocateK
1st Level Blur Fireball Wall of Fire
Acid BubbleK Boil BloodK Fire CycloneK
Alarm Burning StrikeK Flash FreezeK 5th Level
Aldricor's Elemental Clay TouchK Fly Acid RainK
RebukeTAG Cold SnapK Ghost StepK Aether StormK
Arcane AblationK CrackleK Haste Anvil DropK
Arcane WeaponK Crescent Wind SlashK Hungering VoidK BlastwaveK
Arctic BreathK DisorientK Lightning Bolt Burial BarrageK
Bad BloodK Darkness Seismic WaveK Cloudkill
Bane Darkvision Sleet Storm Cone of Cold
Burning Hands Dragon SurgeK Spider BiteK Deglove CreatureK
Blade MirageK Earth RippleK Static FieldK Devouring DarknessK
Crashing WaveK Enhance Ability Stinking Cloud FissureK
Crippling AgonyK Enlarge/Reduce Tongues Flickering StrikesK
ElectifyK Ethereal ImmolationK Vampiric Touch Hold Monster
Elemental OrbK FlingK Vortex BlastK Mislead
EntombK Gravity SurgeK Water Breathing Passwall
Eyes of ImmolationK Hold Person Water CannonK Pressure CutterK
Faerie Fire Hurricane SlashK Water Walk Pyroclastic LanceK
Feather Fall Infernal ShacklesK WitherK Scrying
Fog Cloud Instant CounterK Sky BurstK
Gale BoltK Invisibility 4th Level Sonic ShriekK
Grease Iron Wind StrikeK Aero BarrageK TornadoK
Grip of the DeadK Arcane Eye

All Spells marked with a K can be found in Kibbles'
Casting Compendium, available under the CC-BY
license here.

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Spellblade Specific Spells
This is a testing category for new spells created for
Spellblade. They will be merged into the casting
compendium in the future.
Elemental Barrage
2nd level transmutation
Classes: Ranger, Spellblade
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round.
You touch of piece of ammunition infusing it with chaotic
elemental power. The next time that piece of ammunition is
fired before the start of your next turn, it is destroyed and
transformed into three elemental bolts one of which does fire
damage, one of which does cold damage, and one of which
does lightning damage.
Make a weapon attack roll for each elemental bolt. You can
fire all three at the same target or different targets within the
weapon attacks range. On a hit, each elemental bolt does
elemental damage equal to the normal weapon damage of the

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Spellblade Feats
Aegis Expert
(Prerequisite: 2nd level Spellblade)
You are particularly adept at forming and manipulating
your enhancing Aegis of magical effects. You gain the
following benefits:
You can select an Aegis effect that costs a 1st level spell
slot, gaining that feature without expending a spell slot.
You can change your selection when you complete a long
rest when you prepare your Aegis effects.
At the end of a long rest when you activate your Aegis
effects, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to
the total levels of spell slots expended on empowering it
(including the free one granted by this feature).
During a short rest, you can exchange one Aegis effect for
another of the same spell slot cost. Once you do this, you
cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.
Aegis Master
(Prerequisite: Aegis Expert)
You gain the following benefits:
You can select an Aegis effect that costs a spell slot of 2nd
level or lower, gaining that feature without expending a
spell slot. You can change your selection when you
complete a long rest when you prepare your Aegis effects.
You can use your Aegis feature to cast shield without
expending a spell slot an additional time before
completing a short rest.

Multiclassing Requirements
Should you want to multiclass into Spellblade, the
prerequisites and proficiencies are listed below:
Prerequisite: 13 Intelligence, and 13 Strength or
Proficiencies gained: Light Armor, Simple

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Changelog 0.1
Changelog 0.2
Changelog 0.3
Changelog 0.8
Changelog 0.8.1
Changelog 0.9
Changelog 0.9a
Editing pass by Gabriel Russell
Changelog 1.0
Changelog 1.1
Iceblade subclass added
Flying Sword subclass added
Spellfist subclass added
Clarified damage type as Force damage.
Misty Step replaced with Elemental BarrageK on their
spell list. While Misty Step isn't bad, it's conflict with
Spellstrike means it's also not good.
Perfect Escape replaced with Complete Control. While
Perfect Escape wasn't a bad feature, it wasn't always
useful, and Spellblades are already exceptionally hard to
catch (since they can just Arcane Surge teleport away
many times at that level). The goal of the new ability is be
something you more consistently want to use, and give a
more epic archery-feel of making absurd shots.
Aegis Effects
Added Arcane Skill
Added Elemental Enchantment
Added Chameleon Aegis
Added Phantom Aegis
Spell list updated (to match Casting Compendium).
Rock Slam removed
Ice ArrowK added
Grip of the DeadK added.
Changelog 1.1.1

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Cody Borntreger Grady Hamilton Matthew Terilli SpaceRobot
Credits Colin Reilly
Connor Meislahn
Spectre Creations
Creation is made possible Conor McLaughlin Hayden Deatherage Meghan Gallagher Spindrift Games
by generous patrons: CovertMuffin Herdsheep Micaela (Dera)
!Alice_Demencia Craig Biddulph Invader Rin Michael Manuel Splycke
5health Dacryn Ixi Michael Ramage SquishyBonbon
AARON KASPER Daklor Jace Nowlin Michael Smith StarKnight 75
Abeezy Dan Schmidt Jack Inacker Mitchell Stevenson Stikkychaos
Adam Thaxton Daniel Dangond Jacob Anderson mvanduijvenvoorde Storm Melon
Aidan O'Brien Daniel Lindsay Jacob Herrera nada Stygian Nights
Aislinn Mullen Darcy Austin Jason White Nathaniel Schnebly SubSammiches
Alex Dave Thomas Jeff Wain Nathaniel Sievert Suliman Adel
Alex Adler David Andrews Jeffrey Nicholas Sutekh
alex_xr David Bradley Jenna Nicholas Gerrity SweetIntoxikation
Andrea Yarmolyuk David Burrow Jerry Nick Tambel
Andrew Etsell David cox JL Nickolas Homan Tanner Smith
Andrew Keenan David Crawford Joey de Ligt Nilacan Tawkua
Richardson David Hartung Jon Tinney NolanForMayor The Hat
AndrewRP8023 David Hayward Jonah Nomatron TheEnderscroll
Andri Sveinbjörnsson David Novotný Jonathan Crawford OdinAwasos TheNavalRadar
Angel Gomez David Trudell Jonathan Kennedy Old Greg Thomakaze
arcadia666 DDarksaber Jonathon Cottrell Olteir Thomas Ofchus
Arcturus Eaenar Dejan Maramu Joseph Moore Oraibi Valentine Thomassen Honnor
Aren Harper Derek Ernst Joseph Paternoster orionSquared Thortron
Arkeus a Druid Devin Mccabe Joseph Richie Oscar Flores TimChappy
ArkOfTheBark DigitalLucas Joseph Sanicky Patrick Moore TJ
Arvind Menon Douglas Stanish Josh Sitton Persephone Rumsey Tomek Prussak
Asin Samay Dr.arielpro Joshua Hunt Peter Cronan Topside21
Aslan Shepard Dragarr Joshua Mozingo poprock3189 Trevor
Astagon! Sha Dragonican Joshua Sulistio Preston Trevor Kroon
Austin Fox Drive access Julian Young PrussiAntique Twangybee
Austin Widdershoven Drowsy Witch Justin Walker (Antiqua) Twksoccer
AYRoberson dutifulpoo Kaj Hogenbirk PurblyDurbly Tyler
B45eDnD Dylan Calvert KarashiGensai Quadatomic Tyler Davis
Bado Dylan Mcmanis Kat Benn Quinn Aschoff Tyler Johnson
Benjamin David Dylan Petterson Kaylib B Raikiris Chat Tyler Vella
Barber Dylan Pitcher Kenneth Bellamy Ren Vaa1t
brad stitt Dylan Walton Kizokuriyuu Retro Level varunasi
Bradley Green Elric Zhang KnightOfAlcea Revenant Ventra Valar
Brandon Em Kory Dickman Rezu - Verixa Okblek
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Brandon Willkie Endercoloss l2pcolt45 Ronick Dizon Violet King-Martellock
Brock Goldstein EnigmaticSystematic Larry Eger Rory Collier Wade Louque
Brodie perry Envy Larry Price RSilver Weston
Brynn Szczesniak Eric Heupel Litchalope Sam B. Spivey Wow dude
Bucket Erin Wolsleben Lochlan McCallister Sam Bright Wraithkin
Caleb Jamison Ethan Peregoy Logan McConaughey Sam Williams Wryen Meek
Caleb Rogers Ethan Rickard Logan Olson Sam Wilson Yuuen
Callum McAleavy Evan LoreMaster.io Sana Rinomi Zachariah Ramos
Cameron Fantajikuri Louis. Sap, but also Stars Zachary Frank
Cameron McGrath Fi Magic The Casual SatansLilleUnge Zannah
Cardespawn Finn Anderson Mahtaran Sean Thorpe Zeromanex
Celeste Roemen FireFlight94 Manil Hmd Seffykun zldress
Chandavir FOE Kelly Mannacollided selene papathanasiou Zou Zou
cheicen Fortunato Martinez Marc Adelman Senrik
FS-1414 Marcus Shane Kimbrell ...and many more!
Chelsea Ash Gaming Juggernaut Marcus Perry Shaun Sullivan Want to support
Chreng Garion Pankievich Matt Shawn Fleck KibblesTasty in keeping
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Chris Stone Glasur Schmidt Matt St-Jean Sindri more homebrew like this?
Christopher Allen Glenn Stark Matthew Dunn Sintav You can join them here on
Christopher Glider Onair Matthew Jeffers somanyrobots Patreon.
Thompson GM Binder Matthew Reed SonOfSofaman Thank you!

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

Art Credits
All art is copyright KibblesTasty.
Spellblade Battle - Alifah Zahrah Witriyono
Arcanist Image - Rifky Haikal
Battlemage - Art by Trung Tin Shinji
Aether Blade - Art by Trung Tin Shinji
Guardian - Art by Trung Tin Shinji
Swiftblade - Art by Trung Tin Shinji
Spellshot - Art by Trung Tin Shinji
5e SRD Content
This work includes material taken from the System
Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast
LLC and available at:
The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License available at:
Kibbles Content
Copyright 2022 KibblesTasty Homebrew LLC. You can use
content created by KibblesTasty Homebrew LLC following
the permissions listed on:

Kibbles' Spellblade v1.1

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