Spellblade+v1 1
Spellblade+v1 1
Spellblade+v1 1
human runs her hand across their blade tracing Most spellblades have a strong tie to the source of their
esoteric patterns that alight at a touch, flames tradition, be it a master, ancient technique, or even novel style
flickering alive in their wake casting a sudden they have poured their blood sweat and tears into mastering.
blazing light over the gloomy cavern, creatures
of the dark shrinking back from the fire's light. Rare Talent
A gnome's eyes begin to glow as a massive Spellblades are uncommon, requiring an unusual degree of
greatsword of energy condenses into their talent to master their arts compared to those that choose to
waiting hand, forming a blade of pure energy, twice their focus and specialize in only one of their two challenging
height but weightless in their hands. The edgy elf vanishes fields. Adventurers are already a rare breed, but Spellblades
from sight, teleporting behind their foe before muttering are rarer still, which often causes them to defy expectations.
something cryptically and cutting them down. A bookish and mild Spellblade may be surprisingly nimble or
A Spellblade combines magic and martial talent in a strong, while one that may look a musclebound oaf may be
perfect blend, able to blend their use of them into a single art. surprisingly erudite. By their very nature they are someone
Rather than being a Wizard that happens to be good with a that mastered both their mind and body to an unusual
sword or a Fighter that knows some magic, a Spellblade is degree.
defined by their ability to merge the spells and martial talents
into a single strike: a Spellstrike. Creating A Spellblade
Pursuit of Mastery The most important place to start when making a Spellblade
Becoming a Spellblade isn't an accident - it's a difficult path is knowing what drew your character to this difficult and rare
path. The path of a Spellblade is one that has few mundane
to master and requires intense concentration and uses - they are not scholars and their skills serve little
conditioning to master fluidly casting spells in the storm of purpose outside the adventuring arts, so what drove your
battle in perfect sync with your attacks. Spellblades are, character to master these? There's an intentionality to a
consequently, almost always driven by some form of Spellblade similar to that which might be found in a Paladin.
motivation that have made them strive for this unique style of Determine if you learned your skills on your own through
perfection. Some view it as an art or tradition important to years of hard work, or if you had a master or school that
them, some view it as the ultimate weapon to overcome a passed down the art to you - does that affect the sort of
great obstacle, and some pursue it because of the challenge weapons you use or the attitudes you take your skills and
itself, seeking to prove themselves. how to use them?
Class Features
Quick Build Hit Dice: 1d8 per Spellblade level
You can make a Spellblade quickly by following
Hit Points at 1st: Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
these suggestions. Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your
If you wish to follow the Tradition of a Constitution modifier per Spellblade level after 1st
Battlemage or Aethersword, put your highest score
in Intelligence, and your second and third highest Proficiencies
scores in Dexterity and Constitution respectively. If Armor: Light armor, medium armor
you wish to follow the Tradition of the Guardian, Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons.
put your highest score in Strength, followed by Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Constitution, and then Intelligence. If you wish to Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics,
follow the path of the Swiftblade or Spellshot, put
your highest score in Dexterity, followed by
History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception,
Intelligence, and then Constitution.
Religion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth
Choose a background that reflects your years of Equipment
hard effort and study to master this unique route, You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
preferably one that gives a physical and mental skill
to represent your twin paths of mastery.
equipment granted by your background:
When you gain cantrips at 2nd level, you can
select either combat or utility options - you'll gain
(a) a martial weapon
additional options when you reach 5th level and
(a) a light crossbow and quiver of 20 bolts or (b) any two
can use them with your Spellstrike, so you don't simple weapons.
need to plan what you want to use with it at 2nd an arcane focus
level. (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor
(a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
Arcane Warrior
Starting at 3rd level when you select this archetype,
whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one weapon
that you are proficient with and that lacks the two-handed
property. When you attack with that weapon, you can use
your Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity,
for the attack and damage rolls. This benefit lasts until you
finish a long rest.
Quickening Surge
Starting at 3rd level, you gain a new option for your Arcane
Surge feature:
You can cast a Spellblade spell with a casting time of one
action as a bonus action.
Twin Surge
At 7th level, when you use Arcane Surge, you can select two
of the available options. Unlimited Surges
Surge Mastery Starting at 20th level, you can enter a state of perfect arcane
Starting at 15th level, when you use your Arcane Surge, you resonance for 1 minute (no action required). During this state
gain enhanced results: the first Arcane Surge you use on your turn does not expend
a use of your Arcane Surge feature.
When you cast detect magic with your Arcane Surge, you Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you
also gain the effects of darkvision and see invisibility. complete a long rest.
When you gain advantage on attack through Arcane
Surge, you can reroll one of the attack’s dice once.
When you add your Intelligence to a Strength or Dexterity
ability check, you gain advantage on the check.
When you teleport, the range you can teleport is increased
by 10 feet.
Guardian Proficiency
Starting at 3rd level when you select this archetype, you gain
proficiency in heavy armor and shields.
Additionally, you can use a melee weapon as your arcane
focus, and when you do so you can perform somatic
components with the hand holding your arcane focus (even Swiftblade Technique
for spells without a material component).
The quickest and most deadly of the Spellblades, Swiftblades
Projected Barrier specialize in mobility, striking from the shadows and
Starting at 3rd level, you gain a new option for your Arcane withdrawing as quickly as they appeared, favoring lighter
Surge feature: weapons and flurries of blows that leave their target dead
before it can retaliate.
As a reaction to an allied creature within 30 feet being hit
by an attack or targeted by the magic missile spell, you Swiftblade Spellblade Spells
expend a use of Arcane Surge to cast shield without You learn the following spells at the following levels. The
expending a spell slot, granting that creature the AC following are Spellblade spells for you, but do not count
bonus instead of yourself. against your spells known.
Fortifying Surge Swiftblade Level Spells Learned
At 7th level, when you expend a use of Arcane Surge, you
gain temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + your Intelligence 3rd inflict wounds
modifier. 5th poison dartK
Swapping Surge 9th spider biteK
Starting at 15th level, when you use your Arcane Surge to 13th blight
teleport, you can instead swap positions with a willing
creature within range, teleporting to their space and 17th mislead
teleporting them to your space. When you do so, both you
and them gain the temporary hit points from Fortifying Fighting Style
Surge. Starting at 3rd level when you gain this archetype, you gain
the Two Weapon Fighting Fighting Style.
Resilient Aegis
At 20th level, you can fortify yourself with magic for 1 minute Two-Weapon Fighting
(no action required). For the duration, you have resistance to When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your
all damage. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
until you complete a long rest.
Kinetic Magic
Starting at 3rd level when you select this archetype, you
master the harmony of kinetic delivery of magic with your
fists. Your unarmed strike damage with your fist increases to
1d8 bludgeoning damage, and it becomes a valid target for
imbuing with magic with Spellstrike. Any time you make an
unarmed strike with a Spellstrike imbued, your unarmed
strike is considered magical for the purpose of uncovering
resistance to non-magical attacks.
When you imbue a Spellblade spell that deals damage to
an area into your fist, you can use your Strength modifier to
calculate the Spell Save DC for that spell (instead of your
Intelligence modifier).
Impactful Magic
Starting at 3rd level, you gain two new options for your
Arcane Surge:
When you knock a target away from you, you can expend a
use of Arcane Surge to knock the target 10 feet further
When you hit an melee weapon attack, you can spend a
use of Arcane Surge to attempt to grapple the target (no
action required)
Point Blank
Starting at 7th level, when you use Spellstrike while
grappling a target, you can instead infuse the target with the
spell, treating the spell as if you'd automatically hit an infused
attack. The target can still save against effects beyond
damage, but any saving throw is made with disadvantage.
All Spells marked with a K can be found in Kibbles'
Casting Compendium, available under the CC-BY
license here.
Multiclassing Requirements
Should you want to multiclass into Spellblade, the
prerequisites and proficiencies are listed below:
Prerequisite: 13 Intelligence, and 13 Strength or
Proficiencies gained: Light Armor, Simple