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Intel Core i7 Processor, 13th Generation

Albatoul Ahmed Alfassi

Computer Engineering Department
The University of Jordan
Amman, Jordan

Abstract— This paper analyzes the advancements and

performance improvements in the Intel Core i7 Processor, 13th
Generation. The objective of this study is to assess its
specifications and the cutting-edge solutions it offers for various
computing challenges. Many aspects such as performance,
speed, graphics, memory enhancements, and advanced features
are discussed. Finally, the conclusion section presents the
findings of this study and offers recommendations for future
Intel processors.

Keywords—Intel Core i7, 13th Gen, Cache, Performance,

Multithreading, Features, Comparison, Future trends.


The history of processors dates back to the 1950s when the
first general-purpose CPUs were designed [1]. The first Fig. 1 Intel Core i7-13700K [14]
commercially available microprocessor was the Intel 4004 in
1971 [2, 3]. Since then, technology has improved by a
amount of L2 cache shared among each quad-core cluster of
significant margin. Core i7 was introduced in 2008 following
E-Cores to 4 MB, a doubling over the 2MB with Alder Lake.
the retirement of the Core 2 Quad family [15]. Core i7
microprocessors are the high-end brand from the Core family, That means we'll see up to 32MB of L2 cache [6]. As we've
positioned above both the Core i5 and the Core i3 [15]. In the seen with Intel's previous chips that got a big increase in L2
second half of 2022 Intel launched the Intel core i7 processor capacity, this type of improvement tends to result in better
13th generation and it seems that they improve it to be more performance in multi-threaded workloads, but it is possible
powerful [4]. The three main improvements with this version that it could result in higher IPC in some workloads due to
are the 10nm process, Intel’s new Iris Xe graphics, and finally, keeping the cores fed with more data [6].
the support for Thunderbolt 4 and Wi– Fi 6 [4].
Another major change is the addition of Iris Xe graphics.
A. The 10nm Process These graphics offer up to 2x the performance of previous
One of the most significant changes in this generation is generations, making them perfect for gaming and other
the move to the 10nm process. As a result for this change is a visually-intensive tasks [5]. With support for up to three 4K
processor that can handle more demanding tasks without displays, It will be better experience to enjoy games and
sacrificing performance or battery life [5]. This makes the movies in stunning detail [5]. And because they’re integrated
13th generation of Intel Core processors ideal for gaming, into the processor, a separate graphics card will not be needed,
video editing, and other resource-intensive activities [5]. which saves both money and space [5].
B. Performance Cores (P-cores) and Efficiency cores
The Intel core i7 processor 13th generation chips will have E. Thunderbolt 4 and Wi-Fi 6E Support
Performance Cores (P-cores) with a new Raptor Cove
microarchitecture [6]. These cores are designed for single - The 13th generation of Intel Core processors also extends
and lightly-threaded tasks, like gaming and productivity the support for Thunderbolt 4 and Wi-Fi 6E. Thunderbolt 4 is
workloads. The Efficiency Cores (E-cores) also bear signs of the latest standard for data transfer and provides speeds up to
a revamped microarchitecture, like a doubled L2 cache, but 40Gbps [5]. This means a higher capability to transfer large
these cores still have the Gracemont design. These cores step files quickly and easily [5]. Wi-Fi 6E is the latest standard for
in for heavily-threaded workloads, background tasks, and wireless networking and provides speeds up more than 9Gbps.
multitasking [6]. This means a better experience streaming media without
buffering or lag [5].
C. Caches
Intel has increased per-core L2 cache capacity for both
the P-Cores and the E-Cores. The E-Cores see an increase to F. DDR5-5600
2MB of private L2 cache per core, a 60% increase over the DDR5 is the next step in DRAM technology, offering
1.25 MB per core found in Alder Lake. Intel also boosted the significant improvements in speed and power efficiency over

DDR4. The 13th generation Intel Core processors are the first deployments, simplifying the transition to a hybrid cloud. A
to support DDR5-5600, providing up to 3200 MT/s of data blockchain cloud solution based on Intel Xeon Scalable
transfer rate [5]. DDR5 also consumes less power than DDR4, processors can also enhance security and protect transactions
making it ideal for use in mobile devices [5]. In addition, across the cloud [11].
DDR5 offers an enhanced Error Correction Code (ECC) to
help prevent data corruption. With these benefits, DDR5 is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances
poised to become the standard for DRAM going forward [5]. powered by Intel Xeon Scalable processors have the largest
III. STATE OF THE ART SOLUTIONS breadth, global reach, and availability of compute instances
across AWS geographies [9].
Intel comes out with great enhancements as we’ve seen in
the previous section, which offers improvements over the
previous12th generation processor. In this section we will V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS
compare between the two generations.
With the features of Intel core i7 13th generation which
 Performance: The 13 generation processor offers higher
described in this project briefly, we can say that Intel will
performance figures compared to the 12th generation keep increasing the performance of its processors by
processor. According to Intel, the new CPU offers an 11% increasing core counts, improving clock speeds, and refining
increase in single-threaded performance and up to 49% in microarchitectures. This could result in improved
multicore performance compared with the 12th generation multitasking capabilities, faster computations, and better
[5, 7]. This is a significant jump in performance [5, 7]. overall system responsiveness. Also future Intel processors
 Power efficiency: Intel is expanding its range of 13th- may feature advancements in power management techniques,
generation desktop processors with 65-watt processors optimizations at both the hardware and software levels, and
that offer superb performance in more energy-efficient increased integration of low-power components. These
ways [7]. This makes the 13th generation processors more improvements would aim to provide better performance per
power-efficient compared to the 12th generation watt, enabling longer battery life for mobile devices and
processors [7]. reducing power consumption in data centers. In addition,
Intel may focus on integrating AI acceleration technologies
 13900K vs. 12900K: The new CPU offers an 11% directly into their processors, enabling faster AI
increase in single-threaded performance the 13900K was
computations and enhancing performance in AI-related tasks
usually 25% to 49% faster than the 12900K in
multithreaded applications [7]. like machine learning and deep learning. Finally, future Intel
processors may incorporate enhanced security features at the
In short, the 13th generation processor is more powerful as hardware level. These could include improved encryption,
compared to the 12th generation processor. You get an 11 – 15 secure enclaves for protecting sensitive data, and hardware-
% juice in single-threaded tasks and up to almost 50% more level mitigations against emerging threats.
speed on multicore activities – now, that’s some serious power
– according to Intel [5]. Actually, Intel has a roadmap for its future processors. Intel’s
IV. EFFCT AND CHANGES CPU roadmap includes Ice Lake and Comet Lake in 2020,
Tiger Lake, Xe graphics, and more in 2020, a hybrid
At this time we see the effect of the technology in each architecture approach in 2021, moving to 7nm in 2022, and
side of our lives, from transport efficiency and safety to access journey to 1.4nm from 2023 through 2029 [12].
to food and healthcare, socialization and productivity, this
makes us feel like we are in a small village, see and know all Intel has also announced that the future of their CPU design
things that happens around us, the technology has a large will be built around the new embedded multi-die interconnect
effect on the economy, environment, and other sides. bridge (EMIB), a technology which will allow chips from
Intel processors are a type of technology that has an impact different generations to be stitched into the same package
on our lives. For example Intel processors are used in cloud
services to provide fast and efficient processing power. They VI. REFERENCES
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