Hellwig-2019-Tongue Involvement in Embouchure
Hellwig-2019-Tongue Involvement in Embouchure
Hellwig-2019-Tongue Involvement in Embouchure
Background: The embouchure of trumpet players is of utmost importance for tone production and quality of
playing. It requires skilled coordination of lips, facial muscles, tongue, oral cavity, larynx and breathing and has to be
maintained by steady practice. In rare cases, embouchure dystonia (EmD), a highly task specific movement disorder,
may cause deterioration of sound quality and reduced control of tongue and lip movements. In order to better
understand the pathophysiology of this movement disorder, we use real-time MRI to analyse differences in tongue
movements between healthy trumpet players and professional players with embouchure dystonia.
Methods: Real-time MRI videos (with sound recording) were acquired at 55 frames per second, while 10 healthy
subjects and 4 patients with EmD performed a defined set of exercises on an MRI-compatible trumpet inside a 3
Tesla MRI system. To allow for a comparison of tongue movements between players, temporal changes of MRI
signal intensities were analysed along 7 standardized positions of the tongue using a customised MATLAB toolkit.
Detailed results of movements within the oral cavity during performance of an ascending slurred 11-note harmonic
series are presented.
Results: Playing trumpet in the higher register requires a very precise and stable narrowing of the free oral cavity.
For this purpose the anterior section of the tongue is used as a valve in order to speed up airflow in a controlled
manner. Conversely, the posterior part of the tongue is much less involved in the regulation of air speed. The
results further demonstrate that healthy trumpet players control movements of the tongue rather precisely and
stable during a sustained tone, whereas trumpet players with EmD exhibit much higher variability in tongue
Conclusion: Control of the anterior tongue in trumpet playing emerges as a critical feature for regulating air speed
and, ultimately, achieving a high-quality performance. In EmD the observation of less coordinated tongue
movements suggests the presence of compensatory patterns in an attempt to regulate (or correct) pitch. Increased
variability of the anterior tongue could be an objective sign of dystonia that has to be examined in further studies
and extended to other brass instruments and may be also a potential target for therapy options.
Keywords: Magnetic resonance imaging, Real-time MRI, Brass playing, Embouchure dystonia, Focal dystonia,
Tongue movements, Movement disorder
* Correspondence: eckart.altenmueller@hmtm-hannover.de
Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien, Hannover, Germany
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Hellwig et al. Journal of Clinical Movement Disorders (2019) 6:5 Page 2 of 8
Fig. 3 (Left) Sagittal image with definition of 7 profile lines and (right) resulting temporal intensity profiles (profile lines) for the ascending slurred
11-note harmonic series (vertical marker line positioned at the 5th note of the harmonic series)
Hellwig et al. Journal of Clinical Movement Disorders (2019) 6:5 Page 5 of 8
Fig. 4 Changes in oral cavity (in % OCS and SD) during the ascending harmonic series in healthy trumpet players. Profile line 2 (pink), profile line
5 (green) and profile line 7 (yellow). Corresponding numeric values below
Patients with EmD moves anteriorly during the harmonic series, increasing
The results for the trumpet players with EmD are pre- the % OCS in this area from 34,85% on the lowest note
sented in Fig. 5. When looking at the anterior section of to 50,67% on the highest tone. However, the consistency
the tongue again represented by profile line 2, the % of this pattern was not as clear in the dystonic players
OCS also reduces with ascending the harmonic series (see also Additional file 2: Video 2).
from the lowest to the highest tone from 25,57% to 6,
63% but not as continuously during the harmonic series Variation of the tongue position
as in the healthy trumpet players. The intermediate sec- In Fig. 6, the average c% OCS-values of the tongue edge
tion of the tongue (see profile line 5) also behaves differ- position for each profile line of the healthy and dystonic
ently in the dystonic players, causing a gradual increase trumpet players are presented. The maximum difference
in % OCS from 18,97% to 39,01% during the ascending is illustrated in profile line 2 where the healthy trumpet
harmonic series rather than remaining constant. As with player’s variation of the tongue position is 0,98 c% OCS
the healthy players, the pharyngeal section of the tongue and the variation of the trumpet players with EmD is 2,
Fig. 5 Changes in oral cavity (in % OCS and SD) during the ascending harmonic series in trumpet players with EmD. Profile line 2 (pink), profile
line 5 (green) and profile line 7 (yellow). Corresponding numeric values below
Hellwig et al. Journal of Clinical Movement Disorders (2019) 6:5 Page 6 of 8
Fig. 6 Variation of tongue position (c% OCS) for each profile line during the performed harmonic series for the healthy trumpet players (blue)
and the trumpet players with EmD (orange). Corresponding numeric values below
08 c% OCS. In profile lines 3 and 4 the difference is not frequencies. A similar principle is shown in French horn
as prominent. However, in profile line 5, the difference players using real-time MRI [6]. Interestingly, and des-
between the c% OCS-values of healthy and diseased pite minor individual variations, this decrease of gap size
trumpet players is again very strong. This difference is in trumpet players seems to be restricted to the anterior
again lower in profile lines 6 and 7. Although the differ- section of the oral cavity (profile lines 1 to 3) and does
ences between the variations of the tongue position of not hold true for the intermediate and pharyngeal parts
healthy and diseased trumpet players vary between pro- of the tongue.
file lines, the values representing the trumpet players In principle, trumpet players with EmD generated a
with EmD are always higher compared to the healthy similar pattern of tongue movements for the 11-note
trumpet players. harmonic series, though with largely increased vari-
ability while sustaining each tone and a less consist-
Discussion ent decrease of the %OCS as the healthy musicians.
This work presents for the first time high-resolution Similar to the group of healthy musicians, there was
real-time MRI examinations of a group of healthy pro- hardly any change in the intermediate part of the
fessional trumpet players and a small group of four pro- tongue. This finding again supports the notion that
fessional trumpet players with EmD. Focus of the study the airflow in trumpet players is mainly controlled by
was on the role of the tongue in controlling the size of the anterior section of the tongue which seems to
the oral cavity, and on the variability of tongue position work as a valve. The slight increase of the gap size in
during each note in an ascending harmonic sequence. the pharyngeal section of the oral cavity seen in both,
Although the sample size is limited, and the phenomen- EmD patients and healthy musicians may be the re-
ology of the four patients is somewhat variable and fur- sult of a high intra-oral pressure [1] and a passive
thermore sound quality was not directly assessed, the stretching of the surrounding tissues by the amount
study identified several mechanistic differences in tongue of air inside the oral cavity.
movement, which may help to explain the altered per- When comparing healthy trumpet players and patients
formance of players affected by EmD relative to that of with EmD, two findings become obvious: (i) Healthy
healthy trumpet players. players are characterized by a very stable tongue position
First, healthy trumpet players decrease the distance be- with well-defined movements of the anterior section
tween the surface of the tongue and the upper limit of when playing an ascending harmonic series. (ii) Musi-
the oral cavity (“close the gap”) when playing notes of cians with EmD have difficulties in maintaining a stable
increasing height. As described in Bernoulli’s law, volun- tongue position during each note and apparently suffer
tary narrowing of the free air channel accelerates the air- from a lack of voluntary tongue control. This problem
flow to reach the speed for vibrating the lips at higher may indeed be a most characteristic symptom of
Hellwig et al. Journal of Clinical Movement Disorders (2019) 6:5 Page 7 of 8
Ethics approval and consent to participate 14. Iltis PW, Frahm J, Voit D, Joseph AA, Schoonderwaldt E, Altenmüller E. High-
The study was approved by the local ethics committee of the Hannover speed real-time magnetic resonance imaging of fast tongue movements in
Medical University under the Number EA_2017_2569. elite horn players. Quant Imaging Med Surg. 2015b;5(3):374–81. https://doi.
Informed consent was obtained from all participants before study participation. org/10.3978/j.issn.2223-4292.2015.03.02.
15. Iltis PW, Schoonderwaldt E, Zhang S, Frahm J, Altenmüller E. Real-time MRI
comparisons of brass players. A methodological pilot study. Hum Mov Sci.
Consent for publication
2015c;42:132–45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.humov.2015.04.013.
We have written consent from all healthy subjects to publish the data.
16. Iltis, Peter W.; Gillespie, Sarah L.; Frahm, Jens; Voit, Dirk; Joseph, Arun;
We have written consent from all 4 patients to publish the data in an
Altenmüller, Eckart (2017): Movements of the glottis during horn
anonymized form (as it has been done).
performance. A pilot study. Med Probl perform Art 32 (1), 33–39. DOI:
The Videos have been anonymized. Both, the subject and the patient gave
consent to having the videos and data published.
Besides the two videos, our manuscript does not contain any individual
person’s data. Publisher’s Note
We have written consent from all authors to publish the manuscript in the Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
present form. All authors read and approved the manuscript. published maps and institutional affiliations.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Author details
Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien, Hannover, Germany. 2Gordon
College, Wenham, MA, USA. 3Biomedizinische NMR, Max-Planck-Institut für
biophysikalische Chemie, Göttingen, Germany.
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