GE6102 - The Contemporary World Week05 PRELIMS

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The five Multilateral Development Banks are composed of the following, except:

Select one:

a. World Bank Group

b. Asian Development Bank

c. Green Climate Fund

d. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

This includes private economy, educational institutions, churches, hospitals, fraternal organizations, and other non-
profit organizations:

Select one:

a. Political party

b. Tribe

c. Civil society

d. Council of elders

Economic globalization is the increasing economic interdependence of national economies across the world through a
rapid increase in cross-border movement of goods, service, technology, and capital. Some sociologists, like William I.
Robinson has argued that because a capitalist economy is premised on growth and expansion, a globalized economy is
the inevitable result of ________________.

Select one:

a. Capitalism

b. Socialism

c. Communism

d. Interactionism

What is false about the difference between standard of life and quality of life in terms of Globalization?

Select one:

a. Standard of living is the level of wealth of an individual while quality of life is the degree which a person enjoys his life

b. Standard of living pertains to the geographic area of an individual while Quality of life pertains to the level of the
country he is living on.

c. Globalization has a different effects on an individual in terms of standard of living and quality of life.

d. Standard of life is referring to the material things while quality of life is the non-tangible things a person has achieved
in life.
It is the prevailing factor that influence the European nations-states to compete with their economical level through
navigation and finding raw materials.

Select one:

a. Mercantilism

b. Colonialism

c. Navigation Policy

d. Imperialism

The following statements are correct about globalization except for the following:

Select one:

a. Globalization is the free movement of goods, services and people across the world in a seamless and integrated

b. Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different
nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology.

c. Globalization represents the global integration of international trade, investment, information technology and

d. Globalization is a recent phenomenon which traces its origin in the Information Age and thrived because of the
presence of social media and new technologies.

It is a global institution that has roles and functions such as but not limited to peace-keeping, arms control, the North-
South problem, social and human rights issues.

Select one:

a. IMF

b. WHO


d. UN

According to Albert Subbloie, CEO and Founder of Tangoe, a good benchmark of whether your company should continue
efforts in a country is when _______ percent of your business is coming from outside the United States.

Select one:

a. 60-90%

b. 10-20%
c. 20-50%

d. 50-60%

KFC was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders, an entrepreneur who began selling fried chicken from his roadside
restaurant in Corbin, Kentucky during the Great Depression. Sanders identified the potential of the restaurant
franchising concept, and the first "Kentucky Fried Chicken" franchise opened in Utah in 1952. By 1963, Sanders was
fielding franchise requests without having to put in the legwork, and had more than 600 restaurants across the US and
Canada selling Kentucky Fried Chicken. Years later, Kentucky Fried Chicken would establish its own restaurants around
the world, and the rest is history. The success of KFC as a business is what attribute of global corporations?

Select one:

a. Understand different cultures

b. Value opportunity to expand

c. Carefully chosen international partners

d. Turbo-charged by the internet

It is an ideology that is similarly geared towards a decrease of international barriers but with the aim of the economic
betterment of the planet in mind.

Select one:

a. Internationalism

b. Mercantilism

c. Voyage of Western Countries

d. Globalization

The decision, the conflict, and the resolution of that conflict are done through the ______ of the government established
and codified in that particular state, whether or not through elections:

Select one:

a. Institution

b. Treaty

c. Understanding

d. Pact

Among the different conceptions about globalization, which pertains to the global spread and integration of ideas,
values, norms, behaviors, and ways of life of a certain country to another.
Select one:

a. Globalization in Norms

b. Globalization in Nationalism

c. Globalization in Culture

d. Globalization in Influence

In January 1989, the UN Security Council passed a resolution to implement in April the resolution to establish the UN
Transition Assistance Group (UNTAG) and called for material and personnel support from member countries. In
November, a constitutional assembly election was held under observation of the UNTAG. As a result, this country
became independent in March 1990 and joined the United Nations in April:

Select one:

a. Namibia

b. Brazil

c. Zimbabwe

d. Singapore

Philip Morris International is an American cigarette and tobacco company which sells its products in 180 countries
outside the United States. In the Forbes Global 2000 List, it grabbed the top spot with foreign revenue unsurprisingly
accounting for 100 percent of total revenue, considering that it sells its products exclusively overseas. What attribute of
global corporations does Philip Morris International employ?

Select one:

a. Carefully chosen international partners

b. Measure success

c. Turbo-charged by the internet

d. Understand different cultures

Based on the Modern World System of Immanuel Wallerstein, which of the following statements is incorrect?

Select one:

a. High-income nations are considered "core" of the world economy.

b. The periphery is economically dependent on the core.

c. Poor countries lack industrial capacity that's why they need to import expensive goods from rich nations.

d. The semi-periphery of the world economy is the manufacturing base of the planet.
What is the timeframe over which a product is created, passed on to exhibit, and over the long run removed from the
world market?

Select one:

a. Degeneration period

b. Product improvement

c. Market revolution

d. Item life cycle

Among the historical event in the world, which of the following event has a great influence in facilitating economic

Select one:

a. Creating trade routes

b. Mercantilism

c. Tariff System

d. Monopoly of Tobacco

Nike and Apple's "Nike+" is a co-branding collaboration which started as as a way to bring music from Apple to Nike
customers' workouts using the power of technology: Nike+iPod created fitness trackers and sneakers and clothing that
tracked activity while connecting people to their tunes. It's a genius co-branding move that helps both parties provide a
better experience to customers - and with the popularity of fitness tracking technology, Nike+ is ahead of the curve by
making it easy for athletes to track while they play. What attribute of global corporations do Nike and Apple employ?

Select one:

a. Value opportunity to expand

b. Turbo charged by the internet

c. Carefully chosen international partners

d. Understand different cultures

The European Union grew out of a desire for peace in a war-torn and divided continent. Five years after World War II
ended, France and Germany came up with a plan to ensure their two countries would never go to war against each
other again. The result was a deal signed by six nations to pool their coal and steel resources in 1950. Seven years later a
treaty signed in Rome created the European Economic Community (EEC) - the foundations of today's European Union.
The UK was one of three new members to join in the first wave of expansion in 1973. Today the EU has 28 member
states with a total population of more than 500 million ( The founding of the European Union is influenced by
what aspect of globalization?

Select one:
a. Cultural

b. Sociological

c. Imperial

d. Political

Which of the following statements is true about the effects of globalization?

Select one:

a. Globalization has influenced the standard of life and personal satisfaction of people and families throughout the

b. All of the choices.

c. Globalization creates a more level playing field between nations and businesses.

d. Globalization promotes interconnection among diverse national economies.

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:

a. Economic globalization is the independence of world economies as a result of the growing scale of cross-border trade
of commodities and services.

b. Economic globalization is enhanced by the acquisition of multinational enterprises that resulted to the rise of the
profits of that "global marketplace".

c. A multinational company is a firm or company that has "headquarters" in one country but with bases, manufacturing
or assembly plants in other countries.

d. Economic globalization leads to the development of a "global marketplace" or "a single world market".

Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Netherlands, Japan, and the United States colonized countries and spread their
empires. These nations have created global economic, political, cultural, and social connections around the world. The
extending of a country's power and influence is called:

Select one:

a. Imperialism

b. Interactionism

c. Fascism

d. Communism

The term international financial institution typically refers to the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank Group,
the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The last five banks are considered MDBs. What does MDBs stand for?
Select one:

a. Multifunctional Development Banks

b. Multilingual Development Banks

c. Multicultural Development Banks

d. Multilateral Development Banks

This type of financing is provided by the Multilateral Development Banks to member countries, with maturities of 30 to
40 years, at interest rates well below market rates. These are funded through direct contributions by governments in the
donor countries:

Select one:

a. Very-long-term loans

b. Long-term loans

c. Personal loans

d. Grant financing

Long before Airbnb persuaded strangers to sleep in one another's homes and became a $25 billion company, it was just
an idea to make extra bucks and make rent. It started with an email. Joe Gebbia sent his roommate, Brian Chesky, an
idea: What if they made a designer's bed and breakfast, complete with a sleeping mat and breakfast? It was a way to
"make a few bucks." Almost nine years later that idea is worth $25 billion. They created a simple site,, and bought three air mattresses. The duo had met at college at the Rhode Island School of
Design, so they thought acting as tour guides to designers would be a fun way to make money. By 2011, four years after
the first air mattress guests, Airbnb was already in 89 countries and had hit 1 million nights booked on the platform. It
also finally won the break-out mobile app award at SXSW - despite having tried to launch there three years earlier
(Carson, 2016). What attribute of global corporations contributed to the success of Airbnb?

Select one:

a. Carefully chosen international partners

b. Understand different cultures

c. Measure success

d. Turbo-charged by the internet

The following are the roles of International Financial Institutions in the world. EXEPT:

Select one:

a. Supports program of a country of quality education for all

b. Transfer of resources

c. Financial Support for the developing countries

d. Mobilization of economic and financial cooperation

In his book, The Modern World System, American sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein described high-income nations as
the ____ of the world economy.

Select one:

a. Margin

b. Periphery

c. Semi-periphery

d. Core

It is an attribute of Global Corporations that is considered as the most essential characteristic of any international

Select one:

a. Value Opportunity to Expand

b. Understand Different Cultures

c. Measure Success

d. Think Globally

In an outsourcing work, how did capitalist from the emerging countries benefits from the developing countries in many
service-related positions?

Select one:

a. They charge a large amount for shipments

b. Internal functions of outsourcing has maximizes company expenses

c. Expanding their business in other country have hidden expenses

d. They offer cheaper labor pay for their employees overseas

Since joining the world body in 1956, this country has all along positioned cooperation with the United Nations as a
major pillar of its diplomacy. It has cooperated in UN activities in a wide range of areas, making the second largest
financial contributions among the member States next only to the United States:

Select one:

a. Japan

b. France

c. China

d. Germany

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