02 - Comprehensive Outline
02 - Comprehensive Outline
02 - Comprehensive Outline
TABLE OF CONTENTS I. REGULATION OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION A. SOURCES OF REGULATION 1. The State 2. The Federal System 3. Regulation by Multiple States B. ADMISSION TO THE PRACTICE OF LAW 1. The Application 2. Character and Fitness-"Good Moral Character" 3. Citizenship and Residency Are Not Valid Requirements C. REGULATION AFTER ADMISSION I. Misconduct 2. Duty to Report Professional Misconduct 3. Disciplinary Process 4. Choice of Law in Disciplinary Proceedings 5. Effect of Sanctions in Other Jurisdictions 6. Disability Proceedings D. UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE AND MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL PRACTICE 1. Unauthorized Practice by Lawyer 2. Permissible Types of Temporary Multi-Jurisdictional Practice 3. Permissible Types of Permanent Multi-Jurisdictional Practice 4. Consequences of Multi-Jurisdictional Practice 5. Unauthorized Practice by Nonlawyers 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 19 21 21 22 23 23 23 24 25 25
II. THE LAWYER-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP-GENERAL POINTS A. NATURE OF THE RELATIONSHIP B. CREATING THE LAWYER-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP 1. Implied Assent and Reasonable Reliance 2. Court Appointments 3. Duty to Reject Certain Cases 4. Duties Owed to Prospective Client 5. Ethical Obligation to Accept Unpopular Cases C. ATTORNEYS' FEES I. When to Agree on Fee 2. Discipline for Unreasonable Fee 3. Collecting and Financing Attorneys' Fees 4. Contingent Fees 5. Fee Disputes 6. Fee Splitting with Other Lawyers 7. Forwarding or Referral Fees D. SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION 1. Decisions to Be Made by Client 2. Limits on Lawyer's Responsibility and Authority 3. Client with Diminished Capacity 4. Emergency Legal Assistance to Nonclient with Seriously Diminished Capacity E. COMMUNICATING WITH THE CLIENT
1. Matters that Require Informed Consent 2. Information About Status of the Matter and Means to Be Used 3. Request for Information 4. Consultation About Illegal or Unethical Conduct 5. Special Circumstances 6. Withholding Information from Client F. TERMINATING THE LAWYER-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP I. Client Fires Attorney 2. Court Permission to Substitute Attorneys 3. Mandatory Withdrawal 4. Permissive Withdrawal 5. Attorney's Duties Upon Termination of Representation III. LAWYER'S DUTIES OF COMPETENCE AND DILIGENCE A. COMPETENCE 1. Legal Knowledge and Skill 2. Thoroughness and Preparation 3. Maintaining Competence-Continuing Legal Education B. DILIGENCE 1. Diligence Defined 2. Promptness 3. Completion of the Matter 4. Existence of Lawyer-Client Relationship 5. Solo Practitioner's Duty to Plan for Death or Disability C. SINGLE VIOLATION SUFFICIENT TO IMPOSE DISCIPLINE D. MALPRACTICE LIABILITY 1. Relationship Between Disciplinary Matters and Malpractice Actions 2. Ethics Violation as Evidence of Legal Malpractice 3. Theories of Malpractice Liability 4. Liability for Negligence of Others 5. Malpractice Insurance 6. Contracting with Client to Limit Malpractice Liability 7. Settling Malpractice Claims 8. Reimbursement of Client IV. DUTY OF CONFIDENTIALITY A. GENERAL RULE B. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ETHICAL DUTY OF CONFIDENTIALITY AND ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE 1. Compulsion vs. Gossip 2. Kinds of Information Covered 3. Disclosure vs. Use C. SUMMARY OF ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE 1. Basic Rule 2. Client 3. Attorney 4. Communication 5. "Confidential" Defined 6. Client Is Holder of Privilege
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7. Duration of Privilege 8. Exceptions to Privilege 9. Related Doctrine of Work Product Immunity D. ETHICAL DUTY OF CONFIDENTIALITY AND ITS EXCEPTIONS 1. Duty Not Destroyed by Presence of Third Party 2. Exceptions to the Duty of Confidentiality V. DUTY TO EXERCISE INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT A. THE GENERAL RULES CONCERNING CONFLICTS OF INTEREST I. Consequences of a Conflict of Interest 2. Imputed Conflicts of Interest B. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST-CURRENT CLIENTS 1. Concurrent Conflicts of Interest 2. Informed, Written Consent Can Solve Some Conflicts 3. Specific Conflict Situations Concerning "Direct Adversity" Between Clients' Interests 4. Specific Conflict Situations Concerning "Material Limitation" C. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST-SPECIFIC RULES FOR CURRENT CLIENTS 1. Business Transactions with Client and Money or Property Interests Adverse to Client 2. Misuse of Client's Confidential Information 3. Gifts to Lawyer from Client Who Is Not a Relative 4. Acquiring Literary or Media Rights Concerning Client's Case 5. Financial Assistance to Client in Litigation 6. Aggregate Settlement Agreements 7. Waiving Malpractice Liability and Settling Malpractice Claims 8. Proprietary Interest in Subject of Litigation D. CONFLICTS INVOLVING THE INTERESTS OF THIRD PERSONS 1. Compensation from Third Person 2. Conflict Between Client's Interest and Third Person's Interest 3. Conflicts Raised by Liability Insurance E. DUTIES TO FORMER CLIENTS 1. Continuing Duty of Confidentiality 2. Opposing Former Client-Confidential Information 3. Using Confidential Information to Former Client's Disadvantage 4. Opposing Former Client in Substantially Related Matter F. CONFLICTS WHEN PRIVATE LAWYERS CHANGE JOBS 1. Disqualification of Lawyer's New Firm 2. Disqualification of Lawyer's Former Firm G. CONFLICT RULES FOR CURRENT AND FORMER GOVERNMENT OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES 1. Federal and State Conflict of Interest Laws 2. Private Work Following Government Work on Same Matter 3. Subsequent Use of Information Gained During Government Service 4. Current Government Service After Private Practice H. CONFLICTS INVOLVING FORMER JUDGES, ARBITRATORS, AND THE LIKE 1. Switching from Judicial Service to Private Law Practice 2. Screening Can Avoid Imputed Disqualification
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3. Law Clerks Negotiating for Private Employment 4. Other Adjudicative Officers Negotiating for Private Employment I. CONFLICTS INVOLVING PROSPECTIVE CLIENTS 1. Lawyer's Duty Concerning Confidential Information 2. Lawyer's Duty Concerning Conflict of Interest 3. How to Overcome a Prospective Client Conflict J. ORGANIZATION AS CLIENT 1. Duty of Loyalty to Organization 2. Conflicts Between the Organization and Its Constituents 3. Protecting the Organization's Interests 4. Representing Both the Organization and an Associated Person 5. Serving as Both Director and Lawyer 6. Securities Lawyer's Duties Under Sarbanes-Oxley Act VI. SAFEGUARDING THE CLIENT'S MONEY AND PROPERTY A. GENERAL DUTY B. CLIENT TRUST FUND ACCOUNT 1. Type of Account 2. Funds that Must Be Placed in Account C. SAFEGUARDING PROPERTY D. DUTY TO NOTIFY, KEEP RECORDS, RENDER ACCOUNTINGS, AND PAY OVER PROMPTLY VII. THE LAWYER AS COUNSELOR A. LAWYER AS ADVISOR TO THE CLIENT 1. Duty to Render Candid Advice Giving Advice Beyond the Law 3. Volunteering Advice B. EVALUATION FOR USE BY THIRD PERSONS 1. Requirements of the Rule 2. Harmful Evaluation 3. Confidentiality 4. Lawyer's Liability to Third Person 5. Cases in Which Opinion Is to Be Widely Disseminated C. LAWYER AS NEGOTIATOR 1. Puffing and Subjective Statements 2. Misapprehension D. LAWYER AS THIRD-PARTY NEUTRAL 1. General Principles 2. Warning to Unrepresented Parties 3. Conflicts of Interest VIII. THE LAWYER AS ADVOCATE A. MERITORIOUS CLAIMS AND CONTENTIONS ONLY 1. Discipline for Asserting Frivolous Position 2. Defending in Criminal Proceedings B. DUTY TO EXPEDITE LITIGATION 1. Reasonable Efforts to Expedite Litigation 2. Interests of the Client
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C. DUTY OF CANDOR TO THE TRIBUNAL 86 86 1. Candor About Applicable Law 2. Candor About Facts of Case 87 87 3. No Obligation to Volunteer Harmful Facts 88 4. Using False Evidence 5. Other Corruption of an Adjudicative Proceeding 89 D. DUTY OF FAIRNESS TO OPPOSING PARTY AND COUNSEL 90 1. Opponent's Access to Evidence 90 2. Falsifying Evidence and Assisting in Perjury 90 Paying Witnesses 3. 90 4. Securing Absence or Noncooperation of Witness 91 5. Violating Court Rules and Orders 91 6. Abusing Discovery Procedures 92 7. Chicanery at Trial 92 93 8. Using Threats to Gain Advantage in Civil Case 9. Treating Opponents with Courtesy and Respect 94 E. DUTY TO PRESERVE IMPARTIALITY AND DECORUM OF TRIBUNAL 94 1. Improper Influence 94 2. Improper Ex Parte Communication 94 3. Disruptive Conduct 95 4. Statements About Judicial and Legal Officials 95 F. TRIAL PUBLICITY 96 1. General Rule 96 2. Right of Reply 96 3. Additional Constraint on Criminal Prosecutors 96 4. Dry Facts About Case Permitted 97 5. Rules Also Apply to Associated Lawyers 97 G. TRIAL COUNSEL AS WITNESS 97 1. Reasons to Avoid Dual Role 97 2. Ethical Limitations Imposed 98 3. Conflict of Interest Rules Also Apply 98 H. SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF A PROSECUTOR 99 1. Prosecuting Without Probable Cause 99 2. Protecting Accused's Right to Counsel 99 3. Securing Waiver of Pretrial Rights 99 4. Disclosing Evidence that May Help Defense 100 5. Disclosing Information that May Mitigate Punishment 100 6. Public Statements About Pending Matters 100 7. Subpoenaing Other Lawyers 100 8. Other Government Lawyers 100 I. ADVOCATE IN LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS 100 1. Appearances in a Representative Capacity 101 2. Duties of Candor and Respect 101 3. Limits of These Rules 101 IX. TRANSACTIONS WITH THIRD PERSONS A. TRUTHFULNESS IN STATEMENTS TO THIRD PERSONS 1. Must Not Make False Statements of Material Fact or Law 2. Failure to Disclose Material Facts-Client's Crime or Fraud 101 101 101 102
B. COMMUNICATION WITH PERSONS REPRESENTED BY COUNSEL . . 103 103 1. When Communication Forbidden 103 2. Application to Organizations 104 3. Communications Allowed by the Rule 104 C. DEALING WITH UNREPRESENTED PERSONS 104 D. RESPECT FOR RIGHTS OF THIRD PERSONS 104 1. Heavy-Handed Tactics 105 2. Documents Sent to Lawyer by Mistake 105 X. LAW FIRMS AND ASSOCIATIONS A. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 105 105 1. "Partner" 106 2. "Associate" 106 3. "Of Counsel" 106 4. "General Counsel" B. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTNERS, MANAGERS, AND SUPERVISORY 106 LAWYERS 106 1. Partners' Duty to Educate and Guide in Ethics Matters 106 2. Duties of Direct Supervisor 106 3. How Duties Are Fulfilled 106 4. Ethical Responsibility for Another Lawyer's Misconduct 107 C. RESPONSIBILITIES OF A SUBORDINATE LAWYER 107 1. Duties Concerning Clear Ethics Violation 107 2. Duties Concerning Debatable Ethics Questions 108 D. RESPONSIBILITIES CONCERNING NONLAWYER ASSISTANTS 108 1. Duty to Educate and Guide in Ethics Matters 108 2. Duty of Partners Respecting Nonlawyer Employees 108 3. Duties of Direct Supervisor Respecting Nonlawyer Employees 108 4. Ethical Responsibility for Nonlawyer's Misconduct 109 E. PROFESSIONAL INDEPENDENCE OF A LAWYER 109 1. Fee Splitting with Noniawyers and Temporary Lawyers 110 2. Partnership with Nonlawyer to Practice Law Prohibited 110 3. Nonlawyer Involvement in Incorporated Firm or Other Association 110 4. Interference with Lawyer's Professional Judgment 110 F. RESTRICTIONS ON RIGHT TO PRACTICE 110 1. Restrictive Partnership and Employment Agreements 111 2. Restrictive Settlement Agreements 111 G. SALE OF A LAW PRACTICE 111 1. When Sale Permitted 111 2. Protection of Seller's Clients After Sale 112 H. LAW-RELATED (ANCILLARY) SERVICES 112 1. Nonlegal Services and Legal Services Provided Together 2. Nonlegal Services Provided by Entity that Is Controlled by the Lawyer 112 112 3. Providing Nonlegal Services to Clients XI. PUBLIC SERVICE A. PRO BONO PUBLIC() SERVICE B. MEMBERSHIP IN LEGAL SERVICES ORGANIZATIONS 1. Statement of the Problem 113 113 113 113
2. General Rule C. QUICK-ADVICE PROGRAMS 1. Client Consents to Short-Term, Limited Legal Service 2. Applicability of Ethics Rules 3. Conflict of Interest Rules Are Relaxed 4. Imputed Conflict Rule Is Also Relaxed 5. Conflicts Rules Apply Fully If Quick Advice Leads to Regular Representation D. LAW REFORM ACTIVITIES AFFECTING CLIENT INTERESTS 1. Activities that May Harm Client 2. Activities that May Benefit Client E. POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO OBTAIN GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT 1. Prohibited Contributions 2. Excluded Employment XII. INFORMATION ABOUT LEGAL SERVICES A. BACKGROUND OF ADVERTISING AND SOLICITATION RULES 1. The Attack on Tradition 2. The Supreme Court's Response B. ADVERTISING 1. Basic Rule-Communications Must Be True and Not Misleading 2. Types of False or Misleading Communications 3. Limits on Advertising C. SOLICITATION 1. Use of Agents to Solicit 2. Offers of Free Legal Service 3. Initiating Personal Contacts with Family Members, Clients, and Former Clients 4. Targeted Direct-Mail Solicitations 5. Harassing Prospective Clients 6. Labeling Solicitations as Advertising 7. Group and Prepaid Legal Service Plans D. COMMUNICATION OF FIELDS OF PRACTICE 1. Certified Specialists 2. Statement of Fields of Practice 3. Patent and Admiralty Lawyers E. FIRM NAMES AND LETTERHEADS 1. Names of Law Firms 2. Multistate Firms 3. Using Names of Lawyers Who Have Entered Public Service 4. False Indications of Partnership 5. Associated and Affiliated Law Firms XIII. JUDICIAL ETHICS A. SELECTION, TENURE, AND DISCIPLINE OF JUDGES 1. Federal Judges 2. State Judges 3. Code of Judicial Conduct
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B. C.
INTEGRITY AND INDEPENDENCE 1. Conduct On the Bench 2. Conduct Off the Bench IMPROPRIETY AND THE APPEARANCE OF IMPROPRIETY 1. Personal Relationships 2. Misuse of Judicial Prestige 3. Relationships with Discriminatory Organizations DILIGENT, IMPARTIAL PERFORMANCE OF JUDICIAL DUTIES 1. Judicial Duties-In General 2. Hearing and Deciding Adjudicative Matters 3. Faithfulness to the Law 4. Order and Decorum in Court 5. Patience, Dignity, and Courteousness 6. Avoidance of Bias and Prejudice 7. Right to Be Heard 8. Ex Parte Communications 9. Communications from Others 10. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law 11. Independent Investigation of Facts 12. Promptness, Efficiency, and Fairness 13. Public Comments on Cases 14. Promises with Respect to Cases Likely to Come Before Court 15. Commentary on Jury Verdict 16. Nonpublic Information 17. Administrative Duties 18. Judicial Appointments 19. Disciplinary Responsibilities DISQUALIFICATION 1. General Rule-Whenever Impartiality Might Reasonably Be Questioned 2. Bias or Personal Knowledge 3. Prior Involvement 4. Economic or Other Interest 5. Involvement of a Relative 6. Persons Making Contributions to Judge's Election Campaign 7. Public Statements of Judicial Commitment 8. Remittal of Disqualification EXTRAJUDICIAL ACTIVITIES 1. Avocational Activities 2. Governmental Hearings and Consultations 3. Governmental Committees and Commissions 4. Law-Related Organizations and Nonprofit Organizations 5. Investments 6. Financial and Business Dealings 7. Participation in a Business 8. Gifts, Bequests, Favors, and Loans 9. Fiduciary Activities 10. Service as Arbitrator or Mediator 1 1 . Practice of Law 12. Outside Compensation and Expenses
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G. JUDGES AND POLITICS 1. Rules Applicable to All Judges and Judicial Candidates 2. Rules Applicable to Candidates for Judicial Office 3. Rules Applicable to Candidates for Appointed Positions 4. Rules Applicable to Judges and Candidates Subject to Public Election 5. Sanctions for Violating Rules on Political Activity H. APPLICATION OF THE CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT
I. REGULATION OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION A. SOURCES OF REGULATION al. The State The practice of law, like other professions and businesses, affects the public interest and is, therefore, subject to regulation by the states in the exercise of their police powers. a. Courts Because the practice of law is intimately connected with the administration of justice, the courts have the inherent power to regulate the legal profession in and out of court. The ultimate power thus rests with the highest court in the state, not with the state legislature. The highest court generally promulgates the ethics rules and oversees the discipline of lawyers. I) Ethics RulesThe American Bar Association ("ABA") Model Rules and Judicial Code Every state has professional ethics rules that govern the conduct of lawyers. In most states, the ethics rules are patterned after models created by the ABA. A tcl large majority of states have now add some version of the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, with most of the remaining states following some version of its predecessor, the ABA Model Code of Professional Responsibility. Likewise, most of the states have adopted some version of the ABA Model Code of Judicial Conduct. 2) Case Law Every state has a body of judge-made case law concerning the rights and duties of lawyers. For example, the case law of a state may limit a lawyer's ability to enforce a fee contract after being fired by the client. Rules of Court State courts typically have rules of court with which lawyers must comply. For example, a rule of court may govern the lawyer's obligation to represent an indigent client at the court's request.
b. Bar Associations Each state has an association of lawyers, commonly called the state bar association. A majority of states have an "integrated" bar system, meaning that every lawyer who is admitted to practice in the state must be a member of the state bar association. Common functions of a state bar association are to administer the state's bar examination, to provide continuing education programs for practicing lawyers, and to assist the state courts in regulating and imposing professional discipline on lawyers. c. The Legislature Every state has a body of statutes that govern some aspects of the practice of law. For example, a state evidence statute may define the scope of the attorney-client privilege.
2. The Federal System a. Courts A lawyer who practices in a federal court or agency is also constrained by federal statutes, federal case law, and the rules of that particular court or agency. Each federal court has its own bar, and a lawyer cannot practice before a particular court without first becoming a member of its bar. Government Attorneys An attorney for the federal government is subject to state laws and rules (as well as local federal court rules) governing attorneys in each state in which the attorney engages in her duties. [28 U.S.C. 530B(a)1 Note that federal regulations interpret this statute as pertaining only to rules that prescribe ethical conduct for attorneys and that would subject an attorney to professional discipline (e.g., it does not apply to state rules of evidence or procedure, or state substantive law). [28 C.F.R. 77.2, .3]
3. Regulation by Multiple States A lawyer is subject to regulation by each state in which the lawyer is admitted to practice, regardless of where the lawyer actually practices law. [ABA Model Rule 8.5] If the rules of the states in which the lawyer is admitted are in conflict, choice of law rules apply (see C.4.,
B. ADMINSTON TO ME PRACTICE OF LAW In most states, to be admitted to the practice of law, a person must have successfully completed college and law school, passed a bar examination, and submitted to a bar admission committee an application for admission, which generally includes proof of good moral character. If the committee approves the application, the candidate is sworn in to practice before the highest court of the state. Note that each state has its own "bar" (roster of lawyers who are admitted to practice), and admission to the bar of one state does not, without more, entitle a person to practice law in any other state. 1. The Application An applicant for admission to the bar must respond truthfully and completely to inquiries made on the application or otherwise by the admissions committee. a. False Statements An applicant for admission to the bar, or a lawyer in connection with a bar admission application, must not knowingly make a false statement of material fact. [ABA Model Rule 8.1(a)] Example: When A applied for admission to the bar, he was required to fill out a personal information form that asked whether he had ever been convicted of a crime, received less than an honorable discharge from the military service, or been disciplined for dishonesty by any school. A knowingly failed to reveal that he had been suspended from college for a semester for cheating on an examination. A's failure to reveal the suspension is grounds for denying his bar application. If A's failure to reveal is discovered after A is admitted to the bar, A is subject to discipline. [See Carter v. Charos, 536 A.2d 527 (R.I. 1988)]
Likewise, an applicant (or a lawyer in connection with an applicant's application for admission to the bar) must not: ii) fail to disclose a fact necessary to correct a misapprehension known by the person to have arisen in the matter. or (ii) knowingly fail to respond to a lawful demand for information from an admissions authority. [ABA _ Model Rule 8.1(b)] This rule does not, however, require disclosure of information otherwise protected by the confidentiality provisions of the Rules of Professional Conduct. (See IV., infra.) Bar applicant B applied for admission using a forged certificate of Example: graduation from the State University School of Law. Attorney A knew about B's forgery, and she knew that the forgery had not been detected by the bar admission officials. A must voluntarily tell the bar admission officials about the forgery. 2. Character and Fitness"Good Moral Character" The state has an interest in insuring that lawyers admitted to practice possess high moral standards and are mentally and emotionally stable.
a. Investigative Procedure
A bar applicant is usually required to fill out a detailed questionnaire and list a number of references as part of his application. (Some states also require the applicant to submit fingerprints and photographs.) This information is then checked either by letter or personal investigation. If there is a question concerning the applicant's moral fitness, the applicant may be asked to appear at a hearing before the committee. 1*.
Burden of Proof and Duties of Applicant
The burden of coming forward and establishing good moral character is on the applicant. In addition, the applicant owes a duty to cooperate in reasonable investigations by the state bar and to make disclosures relevant to his fitness to practice law. [In re Anastaplo, 366 U.S. 82 (1961)]
Procedural Rights
A bar applicant has a right to due process in committee proceedings. Thus, he has the right to know the charges filed against him, to explain away derogatory information, and to confront critics. [Willner v. Committee, 373 U.S. 96 (1963)] An applicant who is denied admission on the basis of bad moral character is entitled to judicial review, usually by the state's highest court.
b. Conduct Relevant to Moral Character
All aspects of an applicant's past conduct that reflect on his honesty and integrity are relevant to an evaluation of moral character. The committee may consider any conduct or charges against the applicantincluding those charges of which the applicant was acquittedand any litigation to which the applicant was a party. Example: In one case, an applicant was denied admission because of personality traits that were deemed to make him unfit to practice. It was shown that the applicant was overly sensitive, rigid, and suspicious; was excessively self-important; and had a tendency to make false accusations against others and ascribe evil motives to them. [Application of Ronwin, 555 P.2d 315 (Ariz. 1976)]
Criminal Conduct
Mere conviction of any crime is not sufficient to deny the admission of an applicant to practice law. To cause disqualification of an applicant, the crime in question must involve moral turpitude, such as a crime involving intentional dishonesty for the purpose of personal gain (e.g., forgery, bribery, theft, perjury, robbery, extortion) or a crime involving violence (e.g., murder, rape, mayhem). The nature of the offense and the motivation of the violator are also factors in determining whether moral turpitude exists.
a) "Adolescent Misbehavior" and Civil Disobedience
Examples of criminal behavior that do not rise to the level of moral turpitude include an applicant's arrest when he was a youth for a fistfight (adolescent behavior that does not necessarily bear on the applicant's current fitness to practice law) and an applicant's arrest for nonviolent civil disobedience. [See Hallinan v. Committee of Bar Examiners, 65 Cal. 2d 447 (1966)]
2) Rehabilitation
An applicant may still gain admission to the legal profession despite past conduct involving moral turpitude if he can demonstrate sufficient rehabilitation of his character and a present fitness to practice law. [See, e.g., March v. Committee of Bar Examiners, 67 Cal. 2d 718 (1967)]
3) Concealment of Past Conduct Constitutes Moral Turpitude
False statements or concealment of facts in response to an inquiry by the admissions committee is itself evidence of sufficient lack of moral character to deny admissioneven if the underlying conduct does not involve moral turpitude. [ABA Model Rule 8.1; and see Geoffrey C. Hazard, Jr. and W. William Hodes, The Law of Lawyering (hereafter "Hazard & Hodes") 62.7 (3d ed. 2000 and 2003 Supp.)] 0 916 4) Political Activity
An applicant who refuses to take the oath to uphold the state and federal Constitutions may he denied admission because there is a rational connection between this requirement. and the practice of law. 'Law Students Research Council v. Wadmond, 401 U.S. 154 (1971)] However, an applicant's mere membership in the Communist Party (when there is no showing that the applicant engaged in or advocated actions to overthrow the government by force or violence) is not sufficient to show a lack of moral character and deny the applicant admission to practice law. [Schware v. Board of Bar Examiners, 353 U.S. 232 (1957)]
3f Citizenship and Residency Are Not Valid Requirements
A state cannot require that a person be a United States citizen to be admitted to thepractice of law; such a requirement violates the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution. I In re Griffiths, 413 U.S. 717 (1973)] Similarly, a requirement that a bar applicant be a resident of the state in which he is seeking admission to practice law violates the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the Constitution and is, therefore, invalid. [Supreme Court of New Hampshire v. Piper, 470 U.S. 274 (1985)]
C. REGULATION AFTER ADMISSION Upon admission to the bar, a person becomes a lawyer and is thus subject to the applicable law governing such matters as professional discipline, procedure and evidence, civil remedies, and criminal sanctions. 1. Misconduct a. Violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to: (i) violate or attempt to violate any of the Rules of Professional Conduct, (ii) knowingly assist or induce another person to violate the Rules, or (iii) use the acts of another person to commit a violation. [ABA Model Rule 8.4(a)] Attorney A knows that it is a violation of the Rules to approach an Example: accident victim at the scene of the accident and offer his legal services. A asks his brother-in-law 1', a tow truck driver, to give A's business cards to people involved in the accidents that T is called to tow. A is guilty of professional misconduct for using the acts of another to violate a rule. Certain Criminal Acts A lawyer is subject to discipline for committing a criminal act that reflects adversely on his honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer in other respects. [ABA Model Rule 8.4(b)] To constitute professional misconduct, the crime must involve some characteristic that is relevant to the practice of law. For example, crimes involving dishonesty, breach of trust, substantial interference with the administration of justice, and most crimes involving violence reflect on the lawyer's fitness to practice law. Other crimes (e.g., solicitation of prostitution, single offense of drunk driving, possession of a marijuana cigarette), while punishable by law, do not necessarily trigger professional discipline. 1) Attorney A willfully failed to file a personal federal income tax Examples: return, knowing that she owed a substantial amount of tax. Even though A's conduct was not connected with her practice of law, A is subject to discipline. 2) Lawyer L is arrested for soliciting sexual acts from an undercover police officer whom L believed to be a prostitute. L is not subject to discipline because his criminal conduct does not show dishonesty, untrustworthiness, or unfitness to practice law. c. Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation Any conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, ceceit, or misrepresentation constitutes professional misconduct. [ABA Model Ru.e 8.4(c)] Examples of this type of misconduct, which need not rise to the level of a crime, include cheating on a bar examination [see In re Lamb, 49 Cal. 3d 239 (1989)liwyer who impersonated her husband for exam was disbarred], plagiarism [see In re Lamberis, 443 N.E.2d 549 (Ill. 1982) plagiarism in preparation of LL.M. thesis resulted in discipline], and defrauding one's own law firm by misusing expense accounts [see In re Siegel, 627 A.2d 156 (N.J. 1993); and see Hazard & Hodes, 65.5].
Assisting a Judge in Violation of Judicial Code A lawyer is subject to discipline for knowingly assisting a judge or judicial officer in conduct that violates the Code of Judicial Conduct or other law. [ABA Model Rule 8.4(0] Example: R graduated from law school and became a member of the bar, but he never practiced law. Instead, lie entered politics and was ultimately elected to a high federal office. When a drug charge was brought against R's chief deputy, R met personally with the judge before whom the case was pending and attempted to convince the judge to dismiss the charge. [See DC 3(A)(4)prohibits ex parte communications about a pending matter] R is subject to discipline.
partnerships with nonlawyers. (See X.E.2., infra.) A may report the violation, but she will not be subject to discipline if she fails to do so. A may decline to report B's violation because it concerns an arcane guild rule and does not indicate that B is dishonest, untrustworthy, or unfit to practice law. Other examples of violations that may not raise a substantial question as to a lawyer's fitness to practice include some types of improper solicitation and the improper use of nonlawyer assistants. 2) Lawyer M and lawyer N are good friends and golfing buddies. One day, they were golfing and mutually complaining about the tax laws; N mentioned that he does not worry about tax increases because he just underreports his income when the taxes go up. M must report N to the disciplinary authorities. Despite the fact that N was discussing his conduct in his personal affairs, it is illegal conduct involving dishonesty and must be reported. [See Hazard & Hodes, 04.4]
a. Key Definitions "Knowledge" means actual knowledge, but it may be inferred from the circumstances. [ABA Model Rules, Terminology] It has been held to mean more than mere suspicion. Thus, while a lawyer may report suspected misconduct, she must report known misconduct. "Substantial" means "a matter of clear and weighty importance." [ABA
Model Rules, Terminology] b. Sanctions for Failure to Report Misconduct A lawyer who fails to report this type of misconduct is herself subject to discipline for violating the rule requiring disclosure. [ABA Model Rule 8.3]
Exception for Confidential Knowledge This rule does not require disclosure of information protected by the confidentiality .rules. [See ABA Model Rule 1.6] Thus, if a lawyer learns about another lawyer's C 5misconduct through a privileged communication with the other lawyer or one of his .L.co toC, clients, the lawyer has no duty to report the misconduct. Indeed, the lawyer would be subject to discipline for violating the confidentiality rules if he did report it. Moreover, Lt' 66 there is no duty to disclose information gained by a lawyer or judge while serving as a member of an approved lawyers' assistance program that helps lawyers and judges with substance abuse problems. [ABA Model Rule 8.3(c) and Comment 5] Examples: 1) Lawyer L sought legal advice from his mentor, lawyer M, as to what L should do about offering a certain piece of evidence in court. L made it plain that he was seeking advice from M in M's role as a lawyer. L told M that he knew the evidence was false. M, of course, advised L not to offer the evidence. A few months later, M learned that L had ignored his advice and had offered the evidence. Because M's knowledge of the matter is protected by the ethical duty of confidentiality, M must not report L's disciplinary violation. c. 2) Attorney X had long been aware that attorney Y, another partner in his firm, had a very serious drinking problem, but X did not have any proof that it was affecting Y's job performance. One day, X ran into Y as Y
was on his way into court. Y was clearly drunk and could barely follow their conversation. X cautioned Y not to appear before the judge, but Y responded that he had tried cases when he was in worse shape than this. X must report Y to the disciplinary authorities. X did not learn of Y's substance abuse in the context of an approved lawyers' assistance program or an attorney-client relationship. 3. Disciplinary Process "Professional discipline" means punishment imposed on a lawyer for breaking a rule of professional ethics.
Disciplinary proceedings against a lawyer begin when a complaint is made to the state disciplinary authority (usually the state bar). Complaints are often brought by aggrieved clients, but may also be brought by anyone with knowledge of the misconduct. Filing a complaint against a lawyer is considered privileged, and thus cannot be the basis of an action (e.g., defamation) by the lawyer against the complainant.
If the complaint is without merit, it might be dismissed by the grievance committee without ever involving the lawyer. If the complaint appears to have merit, the lawyer will be asked to respond to the charges. After further investigation, the committee will either dismiss the complaint or schedule a hearing. If the committee dismisses the complaint, the complainant does not have any right to appeal; the decision is final.
Burden of Proof
The burden of proof is on the party prosecuting the charge, and most states require proof of the charge beyond a preponderance of the evidence (but less than beyond a reasonable doubt). Most states also require that only evidence admissible under the rules of evidence be considered; thus, inadmissible hearsay would be excluded.
d. Sanctions
The most common sanctions imposed on a lawyer found to have committed professional misconduct are:
(i) Private or public reprimand or censure, which is an acknowledgment of misconduct that goes on the lawyer's record with the disciplinary authorities;
(ii) Suspension of the lawyer's license to practice for a definite period of time, at the
end of which the right to practice is automatically reinstated; and
(iii) Disbarment, which is the permanent revocation of the lawyer's license to practice. A disbarred lawyer may, however, apply for readmission upon proof of rehabilitation. Other sanctions available include probation, restitution, costs of the disciplinary proceedings, and limitations on the lawyer's practice. [See ABA Model Rule for Lawyer Disciplinary Enforcement 10] Which sanction is imposed generally depends on the severity of the misconduct and the presence or absence of mitigating or aggravating circumstances.
Other States Professional discipline imposed by one state is not necessarily binding on another. Most states recognize the determinations of lawyer misconduct by sister states, but they do not agree on the reasons for recognition. The preferred view is that sister states accept disciplinary action by one state as conclusive proof of the misconduct, but not of the sanctions imposed. [See Kentucky Bar Association v. Signer, 558 S.W.2d 582 (Ky. 1977); Florida Bar v. Wilkes, 179 So. 2d 193 (Fla. 1965); ABA Model Rule for Lawyer Disciplinary Enforcement 22E] Under this view, sister states are free to impose their own sanctions for the misconduct. Federal Courts Each federal court in which a lawyer is admitted to practice must make an independent evaluation of the lawyer's conduct. [Theard v. United States, 354 U.S. 278 (1957)] The fact that a lawyer has been disciplined by a state, however, is competent evidence in a federal proceeding and may in itself be sufficient to convince a federal court to impose a similar sanction. [See In re Rhodes, 370 F.2d 411 (8th Cir. 1967)]
6. Disability Proceedings A lawyer who is incapacitated by an impairment such as substance abuse poses a particular risk of harm to clients, the public, and legal institutions. Most jurisdictions have disability proceedings, which result in the disabled lawyer's suspension from practice until she can show that rehabilitation has occurred. The procedures followed are generally the same as those of disciplinary proceedings, but provision may be made for psychiatric evaluation and diversion into a rehabilitation program. [Restatement of the Law (Third) Governing Lawyers (hereinafter "Restatement") ch. 1, topic 2, tit. C, introductory note] D. UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE AND MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL PRACTICE The rule against unauthorized practice of law has two prongs: (i) a lawyer is subject to discipline for practicing in a jurisdiction where she is not admitted to practice. and (ii) a lawyer is subject to discipline for assisting a nonlawyer to engage in the unlicensed practice of law. IABA Model Rule 5.5(a)J 1. Unauthorized Practice by Lawyer A lawyer who is admitted to practice law in one jurisdiction is not, without more, authorized to practice in any other jurisdiction. A lawyer is subject to discipline for practicing in a jurisdiction where she is not admitted to practice. [ABA Model Rule 5.5(a)] Except as allowed by that jurisdiction's laws or ethics rules, the unadmitted lawyer must not: (i) represent that she is admitted to practice in that jurisdiction, or (ii) establish an office or other systematic or continuous presence for the practice of law in that jurisdiction. [ABA Model Rule 5.5(b)] Permissible Types of Temporary Multi-Jurisdictional Practice The nature of modern law and commerce requires many lawyers to practice across state lines. ABA Model Rule 5.5(c) recognizes this fact and provides that if a lawyer is admitted to practice in one state, and is not disbarred or suspended from practice in any state, then she may provide legal services in a second state on a temporary basis in four situations: a. Association with Local Lawyer A lawyer may practice on a temporary basis in a state in whiclaohe is not admitted if
she associates a local lawyer who actively participates in the matter. [ABA Model Rule 5.5(c)( 1 )1 Attorney A is admitted to practice in State One only, and she works for Example: a law firm that regularly represents a nationwide labor union. The union is trying to organize workers in State Two, and A is sent there to give legal advice to the union's organizers. With the union's consent, A associates local labor lawyer L and rents a temporary office near L's office. L works actively with A in handling legal problems arising from the union's organizing efforts. A's temporary practice in State Two is proper.
b. Special Permission to Practice in Local Tribunal
An out-of-state lawyer may request special permission from a local court, administrative agency, or other tribunal to handle a matter in that tribunal. [ABA Model Rule 5.5(c)(2)1 In a court, such permission is commonly called admission "pro hac vice," which means admission for purposes of this matter only. (The rules of many states require the out-of-state lawyer to associate local counsel as a condition of pro hac vice admission.) An out-of-state lawyer who reasonably expects to be admitted pro hat vice may engage in preliminary activities in the state, such as meeting with clients, reviewing documents, and interviewing witnesses. Toxic tort lawyer L is admitted to practice in Oklahoma only. He has Example: been retained by three Oklahoma clients to bring a class action on behalf of persons injured by a herbicide manufactured by a California defendant. L plans to file the class action in a California state court, and he reasonably expects to be admitted pro hac vice to handle the case in that court. It would be proper for L to take a two-week trip to California to interview other potential class representatives, even though he has not yet filed the case in California or been admitted pro hac vice.
c. Mediation or Arbitration Arising Out of Practice in Home State
A lawyer may mediate, arbitrate, or enga ge in another form of alternative dispute resolution in a state in which she is not admitted to practice if her services arise out of, or are reasonably related to. her practice in the state in which she is admitted. [ABA Model Rule 5.5(c)(3)_I Example.' Attorney A is admitted to practice in State One only. She represents a State One client in a contract dispute, and the contract states that all such disputes will be submitted to arbitration in State Two. It is proper for A to represent her client in the State Two arbitration, and the same would be true of a mediation or other form of alternative dispute resolution.
d. Other Temporary Practice Arising Out of Practice in Home State
ABA Model Rule 5.5(c)(4) is a catch-all category that permits a lawyer to temporarily practice out of state if the lawyer's out-of-state practice is reasonably related to the lawyer's home-state practice. Example: Lawyer L is admitted to practice in State One only. He represents a State One client that buys up and revitalizes run-down shopping centers. That client asks L to travel to State Two to negotiate with the owner of a State Two shopping center, and to draft a purchase agreement that will
satisfy the owner and that will be valid under the law of State Two. It would be proper for L to render those services in State Two.
Legal Services Authorized by Federal or Local Law In rare instances, federal or local law authorizes a lawyer to practice a restricted branch of law in a state in which he is not otherwise admitted to practice. (ABA Model Rule 5 .5 (d)(2)] Example: Lawyer L is admitted to practice law in New York, and he is admitted to
prosecute patents in the United States Patent and Trademark Office, which is located in Washington, D.C. When L "retired" and moved to Florida, he did not become a member of the Florida bar; rather, he set up a Florida practice that is limited to patent prosecution in the Patent and Trademark Office. L does not handle other patent matters, such as patent licensing or patent infringement, and he does not practice any other kind of law. L's restricted practice in Florida is proper. [See Sperry v. Florida, 373 U.S. 379 (1963)]
Consequences of Multi-Jurisdictional Practice A lawyer who is admitted to practice in one state only, but who practices in another state
pursuant to 2. or 3.. above, will be subject to the disciplinary rules of both states. [ABA Model Rule 8.5(a); Comment 19 to ABA Model Rule 5.5] Furthermore, an in-house or government lawyer who practices under 3.a., above, may be subject to the second state's client security assessments and continuin g legal education requirements. [Comment 1 to ABA Model Rule 5.5]
5. Unauthorized Practice by Nonlawyers A person not admitted to practice as a lawyer must not engage in the unauthorized practice of
law, and a lawyer must not assist such a person to do so. [ABA Model Rule 5.5(a): Restatement 4]
a. General Considerations in Defining "Practice of Law" Important considerations in determining whether the practice of law is involved include: (i) whether the activity involves legal knowledge and skill beyond that which the average layperson possesses; (ii) whether the activity constitutes advice or services concerning binding legal rights or remedies: and (iii) whether the activity is one traditionally performed by lawyers. [ABA, Annotated Model Rule of Professional Conduct 5.5, p. 455 (4th ed. 1999)] 1) Activities Constituting Law Practice Examples of activities that courts have found constitute law practice when done on behalf of another include: appearing in judicial proceedings; engaging in settlement negotiations; and drafting documents that affect substantial legal rights or obligations (e.g., contracts, wills, trusts). Preparing an estate plan is generally considered the province of lawyers, and some courts have also held that nonlawyer clinics on how to obtain a low-cost divorce constitute unauthorized practice. Activities Not Constituting Law Practice There are some activities that a nonlawyer may undertake that do not constitute the practice of law. For example, state and federal agencies often permit nonlawyers, such as accountants, to appear before them representing clients. Also, while nonlawyers may not draft legal documents, they can act as scriveners, filling in the blanks on standard forms. Thus, real estate brokers, title insurance companies, and escrow companies are usually permitted to fill in the blanks on standard documents related to the sale of real property. Nonlawyers can also publish books or pamphlets offering general advice, including most do-it-yourself books and kits. Tax Advice Giving advice on tax law would probably constitute the unauthorized practice of law, but an accountant or other layperson may prepare tax returns and answer questions incidental to the preparation of the returns.
b. Consequences of Unauthorized Practice A nonlawyer who engages in the unauthorized practice of law is subject to several sanctions, including injunction, contempt, and criminal conviction. [Restatement 4, comment a] A lawyer who assists in such an endeavor is subject to professional discipline. c. Delegating Work to Nonlawyer Assistants The rule stated above does not, of course, prohibit a lawyer from delegating tasks to a paralegal, law clerk, student intern, or other such person. But the lawyer must supervise the delegated work carefully and must be ultimately responsible for the results. [Comment 2 to ABA Model Rule 5.5] Example: Paralegal P is working under attorney A's supervision on a complex real estate transaction. P may write and sign letters on the law firm letterhead to make routine requests for information from banks, mortgage companies, and governmental agencies, provided that P indicates that she is a paralegal, not a lawyer. But P should not sign letters to clients, adversaries, opposing counsel, or tribunals; she may draft such letters,
but they should be approved and signed by A. That helps assure that A is properly supervising P's work. [New Jersey Op. 611 (1988)] d. Training Nonlawyers for Law-Related Work A lawyer may advise and instruct nonlawyers whose employment requires a knowledge of the law e.g., claims adjusters, bank trust officers, social workers, accountants, and government employees. [Comment 3 to ABA Model Rule 5.51 Helping Persons Appear Pro Se A lawyer may advise persons who wish to appear on their own behalf in a legal matter. [Id.] Example: Client C asked attorney A to represent her in a dispute with her landlord concerning the stopped-up plumbing in her apartment. After hearing C's explanation, A advised C that she would be able to handle the matter herself in small claims court at far less expense. A instructed C on how to obtain the proper forms for small claims court and gave her general advice on what facts to gather and how to prove her case. A's conduct is proper. Assisting a Suspended or Disbarred Lawyer A lawyer violates ABA Model Rule 5.5(a) if he assists a lawyer whose license has been suspended or revoked in practicing law. It is proper to hire a suspended or disbarred lawyer to do work that a layperson is permitted to do, but the suspended or disbarred lawyer must not be permitted to do any work that constitutes the practice of law.
II. THE LAWYER-CLIENT RELATIONSHIPGENERAL POINTS A. NATURE OF THE RELATIONSHIP The relationship between a lawyer and client is contractual. The terms of that contract are generally implied by custom, but for the most part can be varied by mutual agreement. The lawyer operates as both the client's fiduciary and agent, with the duties and limitations of those designations. For example, because the lawyer is considered a fiduciary, the contract between the lawyer and client will be construed against the lawyer and closely scrutinized for fairness. Similarly, the lawyer is subject to the limitations imposed by the laws of agency. CREATING THE LAWYER-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP In lore, although perhaps not in fact, an English barrister has an ethical duty to take any case offered upon tender of a proper fee. [Wolfram, Modern Legal Ethics 10.2.2 (1986)] In contrast, lawyers in the United States are generally free to refuse service to any person for any reason. A lawyer-client relationship arises when: (i) A person manifests an intent that the lawyer provide legal services and the lawyer agrees;
(ii) A person manifests an intent to have the lawyer represent him, the lawyer fails to make clear that he does not want to undertake the representation, and the lawyer knows or should know that the prospective client is reasonably relying on the lawyer to provide the services; or (iii) A tribunal appoints a lawyer to represent a client. [Restatement 14]
Implied Assent and Reasonable Reliance The lawyer's assent is implied when he fails to clearly decline representation and the prospective client reasonably relies on the representation. The reasonableness of the reliance is a question of fact. 1) Client Carla writes a letter to attorney Aida, asking Aida to represent her Examples: in a personal injury case. Aida never responds to the letter. One year later, the statute of limitations expires on Carla's claim, and she sues Aida for malpractice for failing to file the suit. Here, there was no attorney-client relationship. Although Aida did not expressly decline the representation, it was unreasonable for Carla to rely on Aida's representation based on an unanswered letter. [See Restatement 14, illus. 3] 2) Client Casey calls lawyer Lisa's office asking that Lisa represent him in a court proceeding relating to his arrest for driving under the influence ("DUI"). Lisa is out of the office. Casey tells Lisa's secretary that he understands that Lisa handles many DUI cases and hopes that she will take the case even though the court date is only 10 days away. The secretary tells Casey to send over all papers relevant to the proceeding. She does not tell him that Lisa will decide whether to take the case only after reviewing the papers. One day before Casey's court date, Lisa phones Casey and declines to represent him. Here, it would likely be found that an attorney-client relationship existed because Casey's reliance was reasonable. Lisa regularly handled DUI cases, her agent responded to his request for help by asking him to send the papers, and the imminence of the hearing made it appropriate for Lisa to decline while there was still time for Casey to gel another lawyer. [Restatement 14, illus. 4]
Court Appointments Trial and appellate courts often find it necessary to appoint lawyers to represent indigent clients and clients with unpopular causes. ABA Model Rule 6.2 provides that a lawyer must not seek to avoid such an appointment except for good cause. Examples of good cause are stated below. a. Violation of Law or Disciplinary Rule A lawyer must decline a court appointment if to accept it would require the lawyer tcu violate a law or disciplinary rule. [ABA Model Rule 6.2(a)] When attorney A was a deputy public defender, he represented client Q Example: in an aggravated assault case, and he learned a great deal of confidential information about Q's life and criminal background. Later, A entered private practice, and the local court appointed him to defend D, who was charged with the attempted murder of Q. The confidential information A obtained from Q is highly relevant to the defense of D. (See V.C., infra.) A must therefore decline the appointment to defend D. Unreasonable Financial Burden A lawyer may seek to be excused from an appointment if to accept it would impose an unreasonable financial burden on the lawyer. [ABA Model Rule 6.2(b)] The Supreme Court of West Dakota appointed lawyer L to represent D Example: in the appeal of D's conviction and death sentence for three murders. The trial of D's case lasted 13 months and resulted in a trial record in
excess of 150,000 pages. To handle the appeal properly, L would be required to work at least 600 hours. The West Dakota legislature has set legal fees at a paltry $17 per hour for appellate counsel in death penalty cases. L is a struggling solo practitioner and will not be able to support his family if he is required to take that much time away from his regular clients. L may seek to be excused from the supreme court appointment. c. Personal Inability to Represent Client Effectively A lawyer may seek to be excused from a court appointment if the lawyer finds the client or the cause so repugnant that the lawyer-client relationship would be impaired or the lawyer could not represent the client effectively. [ABA Model Rule 6.2(c)[ Example: The trial court appointed attorney A to defend accused child molester M. As a young boy, A himself was molested by a similar person, and A finds that he cannot even look comfortably at M, much less represent him zealously. A may seek to be excused from the court appointment. 3. Duty to Reject Certain Cases A lawyer must refuse employment in the following situations: a. Client's Motive Is Harassment A lawyer is subject to discipline for bringing an action, conducting a defense, asserting a position, or taking other steps if the client's motive is to harass or maliciously injure any person. [ABA Model Rule 4.4(a)J Thus, a lawyer must reject any case where he believes this is the prospective client's motive. h. Unsupportable Factual or Legal Position A lawyer who is serving as an advocate in a legal proceeding must not take a position that is either factually or legally frivolous. [ABA Model Rule 3.11 A position is not frivolous if the lawyer can make a good faith argument that the facts are as claimed or that the present law should be changed. A position also is not frivolous merely because the lawyer does not have all the facts at hand at the outset, but expects to develop them during discovery. Note that in a criminal case, the defense lawyer may defend his client to the extent allowed by constitutional law even if the defense would otherwise violate this rule. [Comments 1 - 3 to ABA Model Rule 3.1; and see VIII.A.2., infra] c. Lawyer Not Competent A lawyer must reject a case if he is too busy or too inexperienced to handle the matter competently. [ABA Model Rule 1.1] Strong Personal Feelings If a lawyer's personal feelings about a case are so strong that they would impair his ability to effectively represent the client, he must refuse the case. [ABA Model Rules 1 .16(a)(1), 1.7(a)(2)1 Impaired Mental or Physical Condition A lawyer must decline a case if his mental or physical condition would materially impair his ability to represent the client. [ABA Model Rule 1.16(a)(2)t
4. Duties Owed to Prospective Client When a person discusses with a lawyer the possibility of forming a lawyer-client relationship,
and no such relationship ensues, the lawyer has a duty to: (i) protect the prospective client's confidential information, which includes declining to represent other clients in the same or a related matter if the confidential information would be harmful to the prospective client; (ii) protect any property the prospective client has given to the lawyer; and (iii) use reasonable care in giving the person any legal advice, such as whether the claim has merit, whether conflicts of interest exist, and when the action must be commenced. [Restatement 15] 5. Ethical Obligation to Accept Unpopular Cases Lawyers have an ethical obligation to help make le gal service available to all who need it. A lawyer can fulfill this obligation by accepting a fair share of unpopular matters or indigent or unpopular clients. [Comment 1 to ABA Model Rule 6.2]: C. ATTORNEYS' FEES The nature and amount of an attorney's fee are subjects for contractual agreement between the attorney and the client (except when the fee is set by statute or court order). In theory, the attorney and client bargain at arm's length over the fee, but in practice many clients are inexperienced with attorneys' fees. Thus, in fee disputes, courts strain to give the benefit of the doubt to the client. [See, e.g., Terzis v. Estate of Whalen, 489 A.2d 608 (N.H. 1985); with respect to fee setting in general, see Restatement 34 - 43] 1. When to Agree on Fee When a lawyer has not regularly represented the client, the basis or rate of the fee and the expenses for which the client will be responsible must be communicated to the client. preferably in writing, before or within a reasonable time after commencing the representation. [ABA Model Rule 1.5(b)] 1) At the close of her first appointment with a new client, attorney A gave the Examples: client a simple written memorandum. The memorandum explained that her fee would be calculated at $175 per hour, and that the number of hours could not be predicted with certainty but would probably be about 100. Later, when the matter proved more difficult than A had anticipated, A gave the client a supplemental memorandum that doubled the estimated number of hours. A handled the fee issue properly under the ABA Model Rules. 2) At the end of his third appointment with lawyer L, a new client asked how L planned to charge him for the work. L responded: "In a matter of this nature, it's simply impossible to tell you in advance what the fee will be. But you have my assurance that it will be a fair fee." L's conduct is a disciplinary violation under ABA Model Rule 1.5(b). 2. Discipline for Unreasonable Fee A court will not enforce a contract for an unreasonably high attorney's fee or an unreasonably high amount for expenses, and the attorney is subject to discipline for trying to exact such a fee or expenses. [ABA Model Rule 1.5(a)] a. Factors The factors considered in determining the reasonableness of a fee are: (i) The time and labor required;
(ii) The novelty and difficulty of the questions involved; (iii) The skill needed to perform the legal services properly; (iv) The likelihood, if apparent to the client, that the work for this client will preclude
The attorney must disclose the basis on which a client will be charged for legal services and expenses, and the attorney's bill should clearly show how the amount due has been computed. The attorney must not charge the client for ordinary overhead expenses associated with staffing, equipping, and running the attorney's office, but the attorney may charge the client for the actual cost to the attorney of special services such as photocopying, long distance calls, computer research, special deliveries, secretarial overtime, and the like. [Restatement 38(3)(a)] Alternatively, the attorney may charge a reasonable amount to which the client has agreed in advance. [Comment 1 to ABA Model Rule 1.5] The attorney must not charge the client more than her actual cost for services provided by third parties, such as court reporters, travel agents, and expert witnesses. Furthermore, the attorney must not "double bill" her time. [See ABA Formal Op. 93-379 (1993)] Example: Attorney spends three hours working on client A's case while flying on an airplane to take depositions in client B's case. Attorney must not bill B for three hours of travel time if she elects to bill A for three hours of work time. She may charge either one or the other for the full three hours, or she may divide the time ratably between the two clients. 3. Collecting and Financing Attorneys' Fees
a. Payment in Advance
A lawyer may require her fee to be paid in advance, but she must refund any unearned part of the advance if she is fired or withdraws. [ABA Model Rule 1.16(d); Comment 4 to ABA Model Rule 1.5; and see F.5., infra] Be careful to distinguish a true retainer fee from a payment of a fee in advance. A true retainer fee is money that is paid solely to ensure the availability of the lawyer, and the lawyer who is fired or withdraws generally need not refund the retainer fee.
1) XYZ Oil Company pays the A & B environmental defense firm a monthly retainer fee of $1,000 simply to be available to represent XYZ in the case of an oil spill. The retainer fee agreement provides that the $1,000 per month will not be credited against hours spent on XYZ's legal work. This is a true retainer fee. If the A & B firm withdraws or is fired from a particular case, it may keep the retainer payments provided: (1) the retainer amount was reasonable, and (ii) it has not violated the retainer agreement. 2) Lawyer L agreed to represent client C in a divorce case for $100 per hour. L's written fee contract with C provided that C would pay L a $2,500 "nonrefundable retainer" and that the retainer would be "credited against C's charges." C fired L after L did $1,000 worth of work on the case, but L refused to refund any part of the retainer. L must refund $1,500 to C; the fee contract does not clearly explain the meaning of "nonrefundable retainer," and it ought to be construed against L, who drafted it. [See Jacobson v. Sassower, 66 N.Y.2d 991 (1985)]
A lawyer may accept property in return for services (e.g., an ownership interest in a business), provided that this does not involve a proprietary interest in the cause of action or subject of litigation contrary to ABA Model Rule 1.8(i) (see V.C.8., infra). Such an arrangement is also subject to scrutiny as a conflict of interest because it may be a business transaction between the lawyer and the client. [Comment 4 to ABA Model Rule 1.5]
c. Cutting Off Services
A lawyer must not make a fee agreement that could curtail services in the middle of the relationship and thus put the client at a bargaining disadvantage. [Comment 5 to ABA Model Rule 1.5] Attorney A agreed to defend client D in a drug smuggling case. A clause Example: buried in the middle of A's wordy fee agreement provides that all work must be paid for in advance. D paid A $2,000 in advance. In the middle of preparation for trial, A told D that the original advance was used up and that if D did not advance more money, the work would stop. A's conduct is not proper. [Id.; and see State v. Mayes, 531 P.2d 102 (Kan. 1975)]
d. Credit Arrangements and Security A lawyer may permit the client to pay a legal fee by credit card [ABA Formal Op. 00-419 (2000)], and a lawyer may participate in a bar association program that enables clients to finance fees through bank loans. A lawyer may also take an interest-hearing promissory note from a client to secure the payment of fees. [See Hulland v. State Bar, 8 Cal. 3d 440 (1972)] When permitted by local law, a lawyer may use a statutory, common law, or contractual attorney's lien to secure the payment of a fee. [ABA Model Rule 1.8(i)(1)]
4. Contingent. Fees
Under a contingent fee agreement, the lawyer collects a fee only if the matter is resolved in
the client's favor. Often, the fee is expressed as a percentage of the client's eventual recovery in the case. However, a contingent fee need not he a percentage of the amount recovered; an otherwise proper contingent fee may still be proper even if there is no res, or pool of money, from which the fee can be paid. Contingent fees are regarded as unethical in some common law countries, but they are tolerated in the United States. Critics contend that they stir up litigation, encourage excessive fees, and give the lawyer an unprofessional stake in the outcome of the case. Proponents reply that only through a contingent fee arrangement can a client of modest means afford to litigate a claim. Some states have set statutory limits on the contingent fee percentages a lawyer can exact in personal injury, medical malpractice, and similar types of cases. a. When Contingent Fee Prohibited 1) Criminal Cases A lawyer is subject to discipline for using a contingent fee arrangement when1 defending a person in a criminal case. [ABA Adel Rule 1.5(d)(2)] Domestic Relations Cases A lawyer is also subject to discipline for using a contingent fee in a domestic relations case when the contingency is based on the securing of a divorce, the amount of alimony or support, or the amount of a property settlement. [ABA Model Rule I.5(d)(1); see also Restatement 35, comment gl However. a lawyer may use a contingent fee in a suit to recover money that is past due under an alimony or support decree. [Comment 6 to ABA Model Rule 1.5] Example: Lawyer L agreed to represent W in a marital dissolution case in exchange for 10% of the amount to be received by W as a property settlement. The arrangement would subject L to discipline.
h. Contingent Fee Must Be Reasonable A contingent fee must be reasonable in amount ., moreover, a lawyer must not use a contingent fee when the facts of the case make it unreasonable to do so. [Comment 3 to ABA Model Rule 1.5] Example: Client C asked lawyer L to represent her as plaintiff in a medical malpractice case. Liability was clear, the damages were large, and the defendants were affluent. The case was a clear winner, and L knew that he could settle it with only a few hours of work. Nonetheless, L signed C up to a 3373% contingent fee agreement. After two hours of work, L arranged a lucrative settlement that C accepted. It was unreasonable for L to use a contingent fee agreement in the first place, and it would he unreasonable for L to collect one-third of the settlement proceeds. [See Comment 3 to ABA Model Rule 1.5] c. Writing Requirement for Contingent Fee Agreements A contingent fee agreement must be in a writing signed by the client, and the writing must state: (i) How the fee is to he calculated, including the percentage that the lawyer will get if the case is settled before trial, won after trial, or won after appeal;
(ii) What litigation and other expenses are to be deducted from the recovery: (iii) Whether deductions for expenses will be made before or after the contingent fee is calculated; and (iv) What expenses the client must pay, whether or not she wins the case. At the end of a contingent fee case, the lawyer must give the client a written statement showing the outcome of the case. the remittance to the client, and how the remittance was calculated. [ABA Model Rule 1.5(c)]
Remedies 1) Liens
In addition to filing a lawsuit to recover their fees, lawyers have several remedies if a client refuses to pay all or a portion of a fee. Most states recognize a common law or statutory charging lien, under which any recovery obtained for the client serves as security for the lawyer's fees. Even states that do not recognize a charging lien usually recognize such a lien if created by the lawyer and client's express agreement. [3 A.L.R.2d 148 (1949)] Many states also permit the lawyer to exercise a retaining lien, under which he can retain documents, funds, and property of the client until his fee is paid, but there is a strong minority view contra.
Arbitration or Mediation
Bar associations in many jurisdictions have established arbitration or mediation services to help lawyers resolve fee disputes with their clients. Comment 9 to ABA Model Rule 1.5 urges lawyers to use these services when they are available. Lawyer L's standard retainer agreement includes a provision that Example: requires arbitration of both fee disputes and legal malpractice claims. The agreement is proper, provided that it is clear and that L's clients truly understand its ramifications. [District of Columbia Bar Op. 190 (1988)]
The partners and associates within a law firm may, of courS, pool and split legal feesthat is the essence of practice in a law firm.
b. Separation and Retirement Agreements
A law firm may make payments to a former partner or associate under a separation or retirement agreement. Example: The partnership agreement of the P, D & Q law firm provides that when partner Q retires, the firm will pay her monthly benefits equal to 30% of Q's average monthly billings during the year prior to her retirement. The arrangement is proper.
c. Certain Splits with Lawyers Outside Firm
Sometimes two or more lawyers from different firms work together on a case. ABA Model Rule 1.5(e) permits them to submit a single bill to the client, and then to split the fee, if the following conditions are met: (i) The total fee is reasonable:
(ii) The split is in proportion to the services performed by each lawyer, or some different proportion if each lawyer assumes joint responsibility for the matter; and (iii) The client agrees to the split in a writing that discloses the share each lawyer will receive.
In a complex corporate tender offer matter that involves both antitrust and securities law issues, lawyers from three firms join forces to represent Grundy, Inc. Lawyers from firm A will do whatever courtroom work needs to be done. Lawyers from firm B will do the out-of-court work on the antitrust issues, and lawyers from firm C will do the out-of-court work on the securities law issues. The three firms do not agree to assume joint responsibility for the matter, but they agree to send Grundy, Inc. a single bill and to divide the proceeds in proportion to the work done by each firm. Grundy, Inc. is advised of the arrangement and consents to it in writing. Assuming that the total fee is reasonable, the arrangement is proper.
7. Forwarding or Referral Fees Referral of cases between lawyers is common, for instance, when the referring lawyer is too busy to handle a case or does not feel competent to handle a case. ABA Model Rule 7.2(b) prohibits a lawyer from paying anyoneincluding another lawyerfor recommending him or referring a matter to him. Furthermore, ABA Model Rule 1.5(e) does not permit fee splitting with a referring lawyer who neither assumes responsibility for a matter nor does work on the matter (see 6.c., above). A lawyer may, however, set up a "reciprocal referral" arrangement with another lawyer or with a nonlawyer professional in which each person agrees to refer clients or customers to the other. The arrangement must not be exclusive, and the lawyer's client must he informed of the existence and nature of the arrangement. [ABA
Model Rule 7.2 and Comment 8] These reciprocal referral arrangements are discussed further in XII.B.3.e., infra. D. SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION The scope and objectives of a lawyer's representation of a client may be defined and limited by agreement between the lawyer and client. In the absence of an agreement to the contrary, a lawyer should pursue a client's objectives in all reasonably available legal ways. However, a lawyer must not advise or assist a client to commit a crime or fraud, but a lawyer may discuss the legal consequences of a proposed course of action with the client. [ABA Model Rule 1.2(d)] Furthermore, a lawyer may help the client determine the validity, scope, and meaning of a law. [id.] A lawyer also may take actions that are irupliedly authorized to carry out the representation. [ABA Model Rule 1.2(a)]1 1. Decisions to Be Made by Client When a client brings a legal problem to a lawyer, it is the client who must decide what shall be the objectives of the lawyer's work. Thus, it is the client who must make the key decisions that affect the client's substantial legal rights. A lawyer must therefore abide by the client's decision regarding the following matters: (i) Whether to accept a settlement offer;
(ii) What plea to enter in a criminal case; (iii) Whether to waive a jury trial in a criminal case: (iv) Whether the client will testify in a criminal case; and (v) Whether to appeal. [ABA Model Rule 1.2(a); Restatement 22(1)]: 1) Lawyer L agrees to represent C on a contingent fee basis in C's suit Examples: against D for slander. L's fee agreement provides that the suit cannot be settled before trial without L's consent. L is subject to discipline. The decision to settle a suit is made by the client, not the lawyereven in a contingent fee case. [See ABA Model Rule 1.2(a)] 2) Attorney A is defending B in a burglary case. A has carefully advised B about the legal and practical consequences of pleading not guilty, waiving a jury trial, and testifying on his own behalf. Having done that, A must now allow B to make the final decision on those three vital issues. [Id.] 2. Limits on Lawyer's Responsibility and Authority A lawyer may limit the scope of the representation if the limitation is reasonable under the circumstances, and if the client gives informed consent. For example, a lawyer might agree to counsel her client about a dispute with the client's landlord, but stipulate that if the dispute has to he arbitrated or litigated, the client will hire another lawyer for that purpose. [ABA Model Rule 1.2(c) and Comment 7] a. Disagreements Between Lawyer and Client Lawyers and clients sometimes disagree about the means to be used to reach the
client's objectives. Clients normally defer to their lawyers about issues of law, tactics, and strategy. Conversely, lawyers normally defer to their clients about questions of expense and concern for third persons who might be affected by a legal tactic. A lawyer and client should try to resolve their disagreements, but if they cannot, the lawyer may withdraw or the client may fire the lawyer. [See ABA Model Rule 1.16(a)(3). (b)(4)] b. Telling the Client "No" When a lawyer discovers that her client expects assistance that violates a law or legal ethics rule, the lawyer must explain why she cannot do what the client expects. If the client insists on the lawyer's assistance in violating the law or ethics rule, the lawyer must withdraw. [ABA Model Rule 1.16(a)(1)] Discovering a Client's Illegal Conduct When a lawyer discovers that a client has begun an illegal course of action and the action is continuing. the lawyer must not assist in the wrongdoing, e.g., by drafting fraudulent documents or suggesting how the wrongdoing can be concealed. [ABA Model Rule 1.2(d) and Comment 10] In this situation, the lawyer must withdraw. [ABA Model Rule 1.16(a)(1)] Sometimes withdrawal alone is not enoughthe lawyer may have to make a "noisy withdrawal" in which she gives outsiders notice of her withdrawal and disaffirms any of her prior opinions, documents, affirmations, or the like that the client is using to carry out the wrongdoing. [Comment 10 to ABA Model Rule 1.2] The lawyer's noisy withdrawal may put the client's victim on guard, but that is permissible (and probably praiseworthy). [See also ABA Model Rule 4.1(b) and Comment 3concerning disclosure of confidential information]
3. Client with Diminished Capacity a. Lawyer's Duties Normally, it is assumed that a client can make decisions about important matters, but if the client is a minor or has diminished mental capacity, that may not be true. Nevertheless, such a client may be able to make some kinds of decisions that affect her own well-being. For example, even very young children can have valuable opinions about who should have custody of them. Similarly, even very old clients can handle routine financial matters, although they may need legal protection concerning major transactions. The lawyer has a duty. so far as reasonably possible, to maintain a normal lawyer-client relationship with the client. [ABA Model Rule 1.14(a) and Comment 1] The lawyer must treat the client with attention and respect. Even if the client has a guardian or other representative. the lawyer should, so far as possible. treat the client as a client, particularly in communicating with the client about significant developments. [Comment 2 to ABA Model Rule 1.14] Protective Action and Appointment of Guardian When the client has diminished capacity and faces a substantial risk of physical, financial, or other harm, the lawyer may take reasonable actions to protect the client. These actions include consulting with people or entities that can protect the client, and, when appropriate, seeking the appointment of a guardian or similar surrogate. [ABA Model Rule 1.14(b)] When taking protective action, the lawyer has implied authority to
Areveal the client's confidential information, but only to the extent necessary to protect the client. [ABA Model Rule I.14(c)] For many years, lawyer L has represented widower W in personal and Example: business matters. Now W's physical and mental condition make it unsafe for him to continue living alone in the old family home, and he has no close relatives or friends to assist him. L may search out suitable living quarters for W, where eating facilities and medical help are close at hand. To the extent possible, L should involve W in making the decision to move. If L reasonably believes that W needs a conservator, she may seek to have one appointed; in the appointment process, she may, if necessary, disclose confidential information about W's condition. After a conservator is appointed, L should still treat W as her client, consulting with him, keeping him advised of developments, and allowing him to make all decisions of which he is capable.
4. Emergency Legal Assistance to Nonclient with Seriously Diminished Capacity When a person with seriously diminished capacity faces imminent and irreparable harm to
her health, safety, or financial interest. a lawyer may take legal action on her behalf, despite her inability to establish a lawyer-client relationship or to make or express considered judgments about the matter. However, the lawyer cannot act until the person (or someone acting on her behalf) has consulted the lawyer, and the lawyer should not act unless he reasonably believes the person has no other representative available. Any action undertaken should be limited to that which is reasonably necessary to avoid imminent and irreparable harm. [Comment 9 to ABA Model Rule 1.14]
a. Lawyer's Duties
A lawyer who represents a person in such emergency circumstances has the same duties as he would with respect to a client. [Id.] In an emergency situation, confidences may he disclosed only to the extent necessary to accomplish the intended protective action. The lawyer should disclose the nature of his relationship with the person to any tribunal or counsel involved in the matter. Furthermore, steps should be taken to regularize the relationship as soon as possible. [Comment 10 to ABA Model Rule 1.14]
E. COMMUNICATING WITH THE CLIENT 1. Matters that Require Informed Consent The lawyer must promptly inform the client of any decision or circumstance that requires the client's informed consent. {ABA Model Rule 1.4(a)] -Informed consent - means that the
client agrees to a proposed course of conduct after the lawyer has sufficiently explained the material risks and reasonable alternatives. [ABA Model Rule 1.0(e)] Examples: 1) ABA Model Rule 1.7(b) permits a lawyer, in defined circumstances, to represent two clients who have a concurrent conflict of interests. One prerequisite is that both clients give informed consent in writing. The lawyer must sufficiently explain the material risks and reasonable alternatives to both clients before they can give valid consent.
2) If an adversary offers to settle a civil case, or offers a plea bargain in a criminal case, the lawyer must promptly convey the offer to her client unless the client has previously instructed the lawyer that an offer on those terms is acceptable or unacceptable or has authorized the lawyer to accept or reject such an offer. [Comment 2 to ABA Model Rule 1.4]
Information About Status of the Matter and Means to Be Used The lawyer must keep the client reasonably informed about the status of the matter [ABA.
Model Rule 1.4(a)(3)] and about the means by which the lawyer plans to accomplish the client's objectives [ABA Model Rule 1.4(a)(2)]. If the lawyer must make an immediate decision (such as whether to object to a line of questioning during a trial), the lawyer need not consult with the client before acting. [Comment 3 to ABA Model Rule 1.4] However, in less urgent situations, the lawyer should consult with the client before acting. Example: Client C hired lawyer L to negotiate on C's behalf in a real estate dispute. C told L: "You have complete authorityjust get the best deal you can." Despite the grant of broad authority, L should keep C advised of the progress of the negotiations. When there is time to do so, L should review the material issues with C before taking final action.
Consultation About Illegal or Unethical Conduct If the client expects the lawyer to do something that is either illegal or unethical, the lawyer
must consult with the client and explain why he cannot do what the client wants. [ABA Model Rule 1.4(a)(5)] Attorney A is representing defendant D at a criminal trial. They expected to use Example: an alibi defense based on the testimony of witness W, but the prosecution's case-in-chief proves beyond doubt that W's proposed testimony would be perjurious. In a recess before the defense's case-in-chief, D tells A to call W according to plan. A must explain to D why he cannot use W's testimony and must consult with D about an alternative defense strategy.
Special Circumstances
The amount and kind of information and explanations the lawyer should give to the client depend on the client's situation. If the client is young or has diminished capacity, the lawyer may have to do more explaining and assisting than if the client is an ordinary adult. [See ABA Model Rule 1.14; Comment 6 to ABA Model Rule 1.4] If the client is an organization or group, the lawyer should ordinarily communicate with the appropriate officer. [Comment 6 to ABA Model Rule 1.4] If the client and the lawyer have a regular, established relationship concerning many routine matters, the two of them may agree on a convenient arrangement for only limited or occasional reporting. [Id. ]
For many years, attorney A has done the routine collection work for a major hank. In a normal week, the bank sends A 20 to 30 new collection cases. Over the years, A and the bank have settled on a standard procedure for handling these cases. It would be proper for A and the bank to agree that A must report only major or unusual occurrences.
A lawyer may delay the transmission of information to a client if the client would be likely to react imprudently to an immediate communication. [Comment 7 to ABA Model Rule 1.4] The lawyer must not, however, withhold information to serve the lawyer's or a third person's interest or convenience. [Id.] Defendants D and E were charged with the felony murder of X, and they Example: were granted separate trials. In the depths of despondency, D vowed to take his own life if E was convicted. That same day, E was convicted. D's lawyer may withhold that information from D until D is able to react to it more rationally.
a. Court Rule or Order
A court rule or order may forbid a lawyer from sharing certain information with a client, and the lawyer must comply with such a rule or order. [ABA Model Rule 3.4(c); Comment 7 to ABA Model Rule 1.4] Example: In a patent infringement case, the patentee's lawyer demanded production of all of the defendant's laboratory operating manuals. The defendant complied with the demand and gave the patentee's lawyer the manuals. Subsequently, however, the defendant convinced the judge that the manuals contained valuable trade secrets, and the judge therefore issued a protective order forbidding the patentee's lawyer from sharing the information in the manuals with her client. Patentee's lawyer must either obey the order or use appropriate legal means to challenge its validity. F. TERMINATING THE LAWYER-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP Once established, the lawyer-client relationship ordinarily continues until the completion of the work for which the lawyer was hired. However, the relationship can end prematurely in any of three ways: (i) the client can fire the lawyer; (ii) in some situations, the lawyer must withdraw; and (iii) in some situations, the lawyer may withdraw. [See Restatement 32]
1. Client Fires Attorney
The client's complete trust is an essential part of any attorney-client relationship. The law thus allows the client to fire the attorney at any time, with or without just cause. [See, e.g., Fracasse v. Brent, 6 Cal. 3d 784 (1972)] Even if the client fires the attorney for no good reason, the client will not be held liable for breach of contract; for policy reasons, courts construe all attorney employment contracts as being terminable at will by the client. [Id.]
a. Client's Liability for Fees
When the client fires the attorney, the client is liable to the attorney in quantum meruit (an equitable action to avoid unjust enrichment) for the reasonable value of the work the attorney did before being fired. If the contract between the attorney and client
provides for a flat fee or a maximum fee, that constitutes a ceiling on the quantum meruit recovery. [See Rosenberg v. Levin, 409 So. 2d 1016 (Fla. 1982)] That is, the attorney cannot recover more than was provided for by express contract. b. Contingent Fee Cases When a client hires a lawyer on a contingent fee basis, and then fires the lawyer before the case is over, the lawyer is still entitled to quantum meruit recovery for the reasonable value of the work done before the firing. However, the lawyer's claim does not arise until the contingency comes to pass. [Id.] Example: Lawyer L agreed to represent plaintiff P in a personal injury case. L agreed to do the work for 40% of P's recovery, but not more than $10,000. After L spent hundreds of hours preparing the case for trial, P fired L for no apparent reason. Then P settled the case for $40,000. Before the settlement, L had no claim against P because the contingency had not come to pass. After the settlement, L is entitled to the reasonable value of his services, but not more than $10,000 (the maximum set in the contract). 2. Court Permission to Substitute Attorneys After a lawsuit has been filed, the rules of most courts require the court's permission for a substitution of attorneys. When a party wants to fire her attorney, courts almost always grant the necessary permission, but permission may be denied if a substitution of attorneys would cause undue delay or disruption. [See, e.g., Ruskin v. Rodgers, 399 N.E.2d 623 (Ill. 1979) permission denied when client tried to fire attorney without cause two days before date set for trial] On the other hand, when an attorney seeks to withdraw from a case, the court may deny the necessary permission; in that event, the attorney must continue the representation, even if there is good cause for withdrawal. [ABA Model Rule 1.16(c)] 3. Mandatory Withdrawal a. Disability An attorney must withdraw if the attorney's mental or physical condition materially impairs the attorney's ability to continue representing the client. [ABA Model Rule 1.16(a)(2)1 Illegality or Ethical Violation If to continue with the representation will require the attorney to violate a law or a disciplinary rule, the attorney must withdraw. [ABA Model Rule 1.16(a)(1)1 Attorney A agreed to represent client C in a slander suit against D. At Example: the outset, A believed in good faith that C had a sound claim against D. Discovery later showed not a shred of evidence to support C's contentions. C finally confessed to A that she was maintaining the suit simply to harass and injure D. A must withdraw because to continue would require him to violate the disciplinary rule against frivolous litigation. [ABA Model Rule 3.1]
4. Permissive Withdrawal An attorney may withdraw from representing a client for any reason if it can be done
without material adverse effect on the client's interests or if the client consents. [ABA Model Rule 1.16(b)(1)] In addition, the attorney may withdraw despite an adverse impact on the client's interests in the situations listed below, provided the circumstances are severe enough to justify harming the client's interests. [See Restatement 32]
An attorney may withdraw if there is other good cause for withdrawal. [ABA Model
5. Attorney's Duties Upon Termination of Representation An attorney who withdraws from a matter must comply with local laws that require notice to or permission of the tribunal before withdrawal. [ABA Mode] Rule 1.16(c)] Moreover.
upon termination of the representation, the attorney must take reasonable steps to protect the
(ii) Providing the client with time to obtain another attorney; (iii) Refunding attorneys' fees paid in advance and not yet earned and expense advances not yet spent; and (iv) Returning all papers and property to which the client is entitled.
[ABA Model Rule 1.16(d)] Examples: 1) Lawyer L decided to withdraw from representing client C in a workers' compensation case because C repeatedly failed to comply with the adversary's legitimate discovery requests, repeatedly failed to show up to have his deposition taken, and deliberately refused to make the monthly fee payments that he had promised to L. C asked L to turn the case files over to C's new lawyer, but L refused to do so until his past due fees had been paid. The law of L's state (following the better view) does not allow a lawyer to hold case files hostage to compel payment of legal fees. [See Academy of California Optometrists, Inc. v. Superior Court, 51 Cal. App. 3d 999 (1975)] L is subject to discipline. 2) Attorney A was retained to represent client C in a divorce case. With C's consent, C's parents paid A $1,000 as an advance on attorneys' fees not yet earned. The parents understood that they could not attempt to influence A's judgment about how to handle C's case. (See V.D.1., infra.) C then departed for parts unknown, making it impossible for A to pursue the divorce case. The parents would now like to have their $1,000 back, and A would like to withdraw from the matter. In these circumstances, it is proper for A to withdraw and to refund the fee advance to C's parents. [New York City Bar Op. 83-62 (1983)]
III. LAWYER'S DUTIES OF COMPETENCE AND DILIGENCE A. COMPETENCE When representing a client, a lawyer must act competently, i.e., with the legal knowledge, skill, thoroughness, and preparation reasonably necessary for the representation. [ABA Model Rule 1.1]' 1. Legal Knowledge and Skill a. Factors in Determining Requisite Skill In deciding whether a lawyer has the knowledge and skill required to handle a particular matter, the following factors should be considered: (i) The complexity and specialized nature of the matter;
(iii) The lawyer's training and experience in the field in question; (iv) The preparation and study the lawyer is able to give the matter; and (v) Whether it is feasible to refer the matter to, or associate or consult with, a lawyer of established competence in the field.
[Comment 1 to ABA Model Rule 1.1] Note that most matters do not require specialized skill and that every lawyer is capable of competence either through necessary study or association of another lawyer. Thus, a lack of legal knowledge or skill really means a failure to seek it. [Hazard & Hodes, 3.2] b. Becoming Competent Through Preparation It follows from the above that a lawyer may accept representation despite lacking competence in the field involved if the requisite competence can be achieved by reasonable preparation. This often comes into play when a lawyer is appointed as counsel for an unrepresented person. [Comment 4 to ABA Model Rule 1.1] Emergency Situations In an emergency, a lawyer may assist a client, even if the lawyer does not have the skill ordinarily required in the field in question if referral to or consultation with another lawyer would be impractical. However, the assistance should not exceed what is reasonably necessary to meet the emergency. [Comment 3 to ABA Model Rule 1.1] Example: In the middle of the night, attorney A's neighbor calls him and asks what to do about her estranged husband who is drunkenly trying to get into her house, in violation of a court order. The neighbor's regular lawyer is unavailable, and A knows little or nothing about family law, In this emergency situation, A may advise the neighbor, but his advice should be limited to the emergency at hand.
Thoroughness and Preparation To handle a matter competently, a lawyer must inquire into and analyze the facts and legal elements of the problem, applying the methods and procedures used by competent practitioners. Competence, of course, requires adequate preparation. [Comment 5 to ABA Model Rule 1.1] Maintaining CompetenceContinuing Legal Education Lawyers should take reasonable steps to keep abreast of current literature and developments in the fields of law in which they practice. One way to do that is by taking advantage of continuing legal education programs sponsored by the organized bar. In addition, a lawyer must comply with all applicable continuing legal education requirements. [Comment 6 td ABA Model Rule 1.1]
B. DILIGENCE A lawyer must act with reasonable diligence and promptness in representing a client. [ABA Model Rule 1.31 1. Diligence Defined A lawyer should pursue a matter on the client's behalf despite opposition, obstacles, and
personal inconvenience, and may take whatever lawful and ethical measures are required to vindicate the client's cause. The lawyer should act with dedication and commitment to the client's interests and with zeal in advocacy on the client's behalf. [Comment 1 to ABA Model Rule 1.31 a. Diligence Does Not Require Incivility A lawyer should use good judgment in determining the means by which a matter is pursued, and the lawyer is not bound by Rule 1.3 to press every conceivable advantage. Moreover, the duty of diligence does not require the lawyer to he offensive or uncivil toward the adversary or other persons. [Id.] Workload A lawyer must control his workload so that each matter can he adequately handled. [Comment 2 to ABA Model Rule 1.3]
Promptness Procrastination is perhaps the professional shortcoming most widely resented. [Comment 3 to ABA Model Rule 1.3] Procrastination often has severe or devastating consequences to the client's interests, as when a court-ordered deadline is missed or the statute of limitations is permitted to run. Even when procrastination does not harm the client's substantive interests, it can cause the client needless anxiety and can undermine confidence in the lawyer's trustworthiness. A lawyer may, of course, agree to a reasonable postponement if it will not prejudice her client. [Id.] Completion of the Matter Once a lawyer agrees to handle a matter for a client, the lawyer must see the matter through to completion (unless, of course, the lawyer is fired or is required or permitted to withdraw). If there is doubt about whether the lawyer-client relationship has come to an end, the lawyer should clarify it, preferably in writing. [Comment 4 to ABA Model Rule 1.3) Examples: 1) Over the past 15 years, attorney A has served as trademark counsel for Webb Corp., but in recent months the relationship has become somewhat strained. A is uncertain whether Webb Corp. wishes to continue to use her services. Today A read in a trademark newsletter that one of Webb's competitors is attempting to register a trademark that will seriously interfere with Webb's business. A should promptly call the matter to Webb's attention and ask Webb whether it wishes her to act on its behalf in this matter. 2) Client C hired lawyer L to defend her in a drunk driving case. At trial, C was convicted and her driver's license was suspended. L is uncertain whether C expects him to do anything about an appeal. L must consult with C about the possibility of an appeal before relinquishing responsibility for the matter.
Existence of Lawyer-Client Relationship A lawyer's obligation under the duties stated above, as with most of the lawyer's ethical duties, depends on whether there is a lawyer-client relationship. If there is any doubt, however, as to whether the lawyer-client relationship was either formed or terminated, the lawyer must either take affirmative steps to terminate the relationship or act with the required diligence. [Hazard & Hodes, 6.5]
5. Solo Practitioner's Duty to Plan for Death or Disability The untimely death or disability of a solo practitioner can create havoc for her clients. To prevent that, every solo practitioner should designate another competent lawyer to review the clients' files, notify the clients of the circumstances, and determine whether protective action is needed. [Comment 5 to ABA Model Rule 1.3] C. SINGLE VIOLATION SUFFICIENT TO IMPOSE DISCIPLINE Neither Rule 1.1 (competence) nor Rule 1.3 (diligence) requires a pattern of misconduct; a single incident is sufficient to impose professional discipline. Special circumstances should be considered when imposing the sanction, but not when determining whether there has been a violation. Even when the lawyer is in the midst of a personal crisis, he must take reasonable steps to put his cases on temporary hold, until he can give them his full attention. [Hazard & Hodes, 6.4, illus. 6-4] Client Cathy came to lawyer Larry with a medical malpractice claim, the statute Example: of limitations on which was due to run out within the week. Larry agreed to take the case and began drafting the complaint. Two days later, Larry's son was hit by a car. For several days, during which time the doctors performed several surgeries, they did not know whether the child would live or die. Larry did not leave his son's side during this critical time, and thus did not file Cathy's case within the statutory period. Cathy filed both a malpractice case and a disciplinary complaint against Larry. Larry is subject to discipline for lack of diligence in handling Cathy's case. The disciplinary authority will likely consider the circumstances in assessing a sanction, but they are irrelevant to the question of whether Larry breached his duty to Cathy. [See Hazard & Hodes, 6.4, illus. 6-4] MALPRACTICE LIABILITY 1. Relationship Between Disciplinary Matters and Malpractice Actions Professional discipline is only one of the possible consequences of incompetent or neglected legal work. Another possible consequence is civil liability for legal malpractice. A malpractice action differs from a disciplinary matter in three ways: (i) in a malpractice action, the forum is a civil court, not a disciplinary tribunal; (ii) in a malpractice action, the attorney's adversary is an injured plaintiff, not the state bar; and (iii) the purpose of a malpractice action is to compensate the injured plaintiff, not to punish the attorney, and not to protect the public from future wrongs. Ethics Violation as Evidence of Legal Malpractice If a lawyer violates a legal ethics rule, does that automatically mean that she has also committed legal malpractice? If not, does it create a presumption that she has committed malpractice? The "Scope" section of the ABA Model Rules answers "no" to both questions: the legal ethics rules are for disciplinary purposes. They are not designed to he a basis for civil liability, and a lawyer's breach of an ethics rule does not automatically or presumptively mean that the lawyer has committed malpractice. Courts do, however, regard an ethics violation as relevant evidence that the lawyer's conduct was below the appropriate standard of care. [See Fishman v. Brooks, 487 N.E.2d 1377 (Mass. 1986); and see generally Hazard & Hodes, 4.l]
3. Theories of Malpractice Liability The plaintiff in a legal malpractice case can invoke a variety of legal theories. The choice of
theories can be important because of differences in the statutes of limitation and measures of damages. a. Intentional Tort One theory is intentional tort. An attorney is liable (just as any nonprofessional would be) for fraud, misrepresentation, malicious prosecution, abuse of process, or misuse of funds. Breach of Fiduciary Duties A second theory is breach of fiduciary duties. An attorney acting as a fiduciary for the client owes the client all of the customary duties of a fiduciary, including loyalty, confidentiality, and honest dealing. Breach of Contract A third theory is breach of contract. For instance, an attorney may have breached a term of an express oral agreement with the client. If there is no express contract, a court may be willing to find an implied promise by the attorney to use ordinary skill and care to protect the client's interests. Negligence A fourth theory, by far the most common, is unintentional torti.e., simple negligence. [See generally Restatement 48 - 541 Using this theory, the plaintiff must establish the routine elements of any negligence case: a duty of due care, a breach of that duty, legal causation, and damages. These elements are discussed separately in the paragraphs that follow. 1) Duty of Due Care a) To Clients An attorney owes a duty of due care to a client, but it is not always clear when a person becomes a client. [Id. 501 Courts are quick to find that an attorney-client relationship has been established if the attorney's neglect has misled the alleged client. [See Restatement 141 C asked attorney A to represent him as plaintiff in a products Example: liability case. A said she would have to check with her partners to make sure the case posed no conflict of interest, and A said that she would "get back to C one way or the other." A never checked with her partners, and she totally forgot C's case. The statute of limitations ran. A court could conclude that an attorney-client relationship had been established between A and C. To Third Parties An attorney also owes a duty of due care to any third party who was intended to benefit by the attorney's rendition of legal services and to other nonclients in certain circumstances. fSee Restatement 51] 1) C hired attorney A to draft a trust agreement naming B as Examples: beneficiary. A drafted the trust agreement negligently, making it subject to an unnecessary tax; the tax reduced the amount
that B could receive from the trust. Because B was intended to benefit from A's services, and because the potential for harm to B should have been obvious, B has a good malpractice claim against A. 2) M hired lawyer L to bring a civil suit against D. As it turned out, M's claim against D had no sound factual basis, and L would have recognized that from the outset had L not been negligent. D incurred trouble and expense in defending the suit. D has no negligence claim against L because D was not intended to benefit from L's services and D was not any other type of protected nonclient. c) Standard of Care The standard of care for an attorney is the competence and diligence normally exercised by attorneys in similar circumstances. [Id. 52] If an attorney represents to a client that he has greater competence (e.g., is a specialist) or will exercise greater diligence than that normally demonstrated by attorneys undertaking similar matters, he is held to that higher standard. lid. 52, comment di
2) Breach of Duty of Due Care a) Errors of Judgment An attorney is liable for negligence, but not everything that causes harm is negligence. An attorney is not liable for "mere errors in judgment" if the judgment was well-informed and reasonably made. 1) Attorney A decided not to take the pretrial deposition of Exantples: witness X. A's motive was to save litigation expenses for her client; further, it appeared that X's testimony would be peripheral and unimportant. At trial, X turned out to be a critical witness for the adversary. Even if A's failure to take X's deposition caused A's client to lose the case, A has not committed malpractice if her judgment was well-informed and reasonably exercised. 2) In a surgical malpractice case, lawyer L failed to interview the operating room nurse, an obvious witness who might have knowledge of key facts. L's client lost the case because of the failure to prove a fact that the nurse's testimony could have supplied. When the client sued L for legal malpractice, L responded that he had made a "tactical judgment" not to interview the nurse. Holding L liable, the court noted that "there is nothing tactical about ignorance." b) Knowledge of Law An attorney is expected to know the ordinary, settled rules of law known to practitioners of ordinary competence and diligence. Furthermore, an attorney
has a duty to go to the library to look up rules of law that he does not know. If the answer is there to be found through standard research techniques and sources, and if the attorney does not find it, he has breached the duty of due care. [See, e.g., Aloy v. Mash, 38 Cal. 3d 413 (1985)] Obviously, some issues of law are unsettled and debatable; if the attorney has done reasonable legal research, then he has fulfilled the duty of due careeven if he makes the wrong guess about how an unsettled issue will ultimately be resolved by the courts.
c) Calling in a Specialist
Some legal problems are uniquely within the competence of a legal specialist. It is a breach of the duty of due care for a general practitioner to attempt to handle such a problem if a reasonably prudent lawyer would have sent the client to a specialist. Client C asked attorney A to help him obtain legal protection Example: for a new manufacturing process that C had invented. A realized that he was totally ignorant about the law of patents and trade secrets, but he nevertheless tried to advise C. As a result, C lost his opportunity to apply for a United States patent on his invention. A breached the duty of due care by failing to send C to a patent attorney.
Legal Causation
As in any tort case, the plaintiff in a professional negligence case must prove that the defendant's conduct was the legal cause of the plaintiff's injury. That is. the injury would not have happened but for the defendant's negligence, and furthermore, that it is fair to hold the defendant liable for unexpected injuries or for expected injuries that happen in unexpected ways. [See Restatement 53] Examples: 1) P hired lawyer L to represent her in a suit against the federal government. L neglected P's case, and the statute of limitations ran. P then sued L for legal malpractice. In the malpractice case, P must prove that she had a good claim against the federal government. If P did not have a good claim in the first place, then L's negligence was not the legal cause of injury to P. 2) History professor H hired attorney A to defend her in a plagiarism case. H lost the case because of A's failure to prepare adequately. The loss broke H's mind and spirit; she became a hopeless alcoholic and was fired from her university position. If H files a legal malpractice suit against A, a court would probably conclude that H's loss of earning power was not legally caused by A's negligence.
The plaintiff in a professional negligence case must prove damagese.g., the money paid out to discharge an adverse judgment, or the value of a lost cause of action. The plaintiff can recover for direct losses and also for losses that are indirect but foreseeable. [Id. 53]
Attorney A did the legal work for the acquiring corporation in a large merger transaction. A bungled the merger agreement; in consequence, the merger fell through, and A's client suffered large legal expenses in defending against suits brought by aggrieved shareholders. In a malpractice action, A's client can recover both the legal expenses and the profits lost due to the aborted merger, provided that it can prove its losses with reasonable certainty.
Liability for Negligence of Others The ordinary principles of respondeat superior apply in suits for professional negligence. Thus, an attorney can be held liable for injuries caused by a negligent legal secretary, law clerk, paralegal, or employee associate when acting within the scope of employment. Furthermore, under general principles of partnership law, each partner in a law firm is liable for the negligence of another partner committed in the ordinary course of the partnership business. The law varies widely from state to state concerning vicarious liability among shareholders in an incorporated law firm.
Malpractice Insurance
Because legal malpractice actions have become commonplace, prudent lawyers carry ample malpractice insurance. Only one state, Oregon, requires lawyers to have malpractice insurance, but a growing number of states require lawyers to disclose their insured or uninsured status to the state bar, or, in a few states, directly to potential clients. [See ABA Journal 63 (May 2006)]
Reimbursement of Client
A lawyer who has breached a duty to his client with monetary effect cannot escape discipline
by reimbursing the client for any loss. [See Hazard & Hodes, 3.2] Thus, even if the lawyer pays the client back for any damage he caused, he is still subject to discipline.
IV. DUTY OF CONFIDENTIALITY A. GENERAL RULE As a general rule, a lawyer must not reveal any information relating to the representation of the client. [ABA Model Rule 1.6] A lawyer may, however, reveal such information if the client gives informed consent, or if the disclosure is impliedly authorized to carry out the representation. [ld.] The ethical duty is subject to some additional exceptions, discussed in D., infra. The rationale of the ethical duty is that it encourages candor between the lawyer and the client, encourages the client to seek early legal advice, and helps the lawyer discover all of the information relevant to the client's legal problem. [See Comment 2 to ABA Model Rule 1.6; with respect to the ethical duty of confidentiality, see generally Restatement 59 - 67] RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ETHICAL DUTY OF CONFIDENTIALITY AND ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE The ethical duty of confidentiality is closely related to the attorney-client privilege, but the two doctrines differ in three important ways. I. Compulsion vs. Gossip The attorney-client privilege is an exclusionary rule of evidence law. It prevents a court, or other governmental tribunal, from using the twin powers of subpoena and contempt to compel the revelation of confidential communications between an attorney and a client. In contrast, the ethical duty of confidentiality prohibits an attorney from voluntarily revealing information relating to the representation of a clientit applies in every context where the attorney-client privilege does not apply. [See Comment 3 to ABA Model Rule 1.6] 1) During the course of a civil trial, lawyer L's adversary called her to the Examples: witness stand and posed questions about her confidential communications with her client. In this context, the rights and duties of L and her client are governed by the attorney-client privilege, not by the ethical duty of confidentiality. 2) When lawyer L was chatting with a friend at a cocktail party, the friend asked L for some information that L had gained in the course of representing one of her clients. In this context, the attorney-client privilege is irrelevant the privilege does not apply at cocktail parties. Here, L is governed by the ethical duty of confidentiality. 2. Kinds of Information Covered The ethical duty of confidentiality covers more kinds of information than the attorney-client privilege. The attorney-client privilege protects only confidential communications between the attorney and client (or the agents of either of them). The ethical duty, in contrast, covers not only confidential communications, but also any other information that the attorney obtains relating to the representation of the client, no matter what the source of that information. The ethical duty thus applies to all information that relates to the representation of the
client, regardless of whether it is privileged, whether the client asked for it to be kept in confidence, and whether revealing it might harm or embarrass the client. For purposes of this outline, the term "confidential information" means all information protected by the duty of confidentiality expressed in ABA Model Rule 1.6. Attorney A is representing client C in proceedings to challenge the will left Example: by C's mother. While conducting her own investigation of the facts of the case, A learns from a third party that C is the illegitimate son of an itinerant book salesman. This information is not protected by the attorney-client privilege because A did not gain it through a confidential communication with C. Nevertheless, under ABA Model Rule 1.6, the information is covered by the ethical duty of confidentiality.
Basic Rule
The attorney-client privilege prohibits a court or other governmental tribunal from compelling the revelation of confidential communications between an attorney (or an attorney's agent) and a client (or a client's agent) if the subject of the communication concerns the professional relationship between the attorney and the client.
A "client" means a person or entity that seeks legal services from an attorney. The privilege covers preliminary communications leading up to an attorney-client relationship, even if no such relationship develops. [See also ABA Model Rule 1.18duty of confidentiality to a prospective client] Example: H wants to hire a lawyer to obtain a dissolution of his marriage. After speaking in confidence with lawyer L about his marital problems, H decides not to hire L as his lawyer. Even though no attorney-client relationship ultimately develops between H and L, the attorney-client privilege protects what H told L in confidence. a. Corporate Clients When the client is a corporation, the privilege covers communications between the lawyer and a high-ranking corporate official. It also covers communications between the lawyer and another corporate employee if the following conditions are met:
The employee communicates with the lawyer at the direction of the employee's
(ii) The employee knows that the purpose of the communication is to obtain legal
advice for the corporation; and
(iii) The communication concerns a subject within the scope of the employee's duties to act for the corporation.
[See Upjohn Co. v. United States, 449 U.S. 383 (1981)] 3. Attorney
An "attorney" means a person who is authorized (or whom the client reasonably believes to he authorized) to practice law in any state or nation. However, for the privilege to apply, the attorney must be acting as an attorneynot in some other capacity, such as a friend, business advisor, or member of the family. 5 4 Communication u)'}-1 The term -communication covers information passed from the client to the attorney and from the attorney to the client. It also covers information passed to or from the agents of either the attorney or the client. Whitney Corp. hires attorney A to represent it in a dispute over the construcExample: tion of a nuclear power plant. A hires structural engineer E to assist her on the technical aspects of the case. At A's direction, E talks with F, the chief engineer of Whitney Corp., to find out certain facts about the case. E's discussion with F is covered by the attorney-client privilege. a. Mechanical Details of Relationship Usually the attorney-client privilege does not cover the mechanical details of the attorney-client relationship, such as the identity of the client, the fee arrangement between the attorney and client, and the bare fact that the attorney is acting for the client. But these mechanical details can be protected by the privilege if revealing them is tantamount to revealing a privileged communication. [See Christopher Mueller & Laird Kirkpatrick, Evidence 5.19 (3d ed. 2003)] X came to lawyer L's office and asked to employ L in a confidential Example: matter. X then said that he was the hit and run driver in the car wreck reported on the front page of today's newspaper. X asked L to negotiate with the authorities for him, but not to reveal his identity without first getting X's specific permission. Later, the parents of the victim in the hit and run brought a wrongful death action against a John Doe defendant. They subpoenaed L and asked her to reveal the identity of the person who had consulted her about the hit and run. A court cannot compel L to disclose X's identity; the attorney-client privilege protects it because to reveal it would be tantamount to revealing X's statement that he was the hit and run driver. [See Baltes v. Doe I, 4 ABA/BNA Lawyer's Manual on Professional Conduct 356] The attorney-client privilege covers both oral and written communications. However, the client cannot protect a preexisting document or thing from discovery simply by
Preexisting Documents and Things
turning it over to the attorney. If the document or thing would be discoverable in the client's hands, it is equally discoverable in the attorney's hands. 1) Client C hires attorney A to defend her in a breach of contract case. C Examples: turns over to A her entire file of records relating to the contract. If the records would be discoverable when in the possession of C, they are equally discoverable when in the possession of A. 2) D tells his lawyer, L: "I just shot X, and I threw the revolver in the trashcan behind my apartment." The revolver itself is not privileged, but D's communication with L about the revolver is privileged. [California v. Meredith, 29 Cal. 3d 682 (1981)] L's knowledge of the whereabouts of the revolver is privileged. If L simply looks in the trashcan to confirm D's story, D can invoke the privilege and prevent L from testifying about what he saw. [Id.] L has no legal or ethical duty to retrieve the revolver from the trashcan. Furthermore, absent D's informed consent, L must not tell anyone where the revolver is. [ABA Model Rule 1.6] If L retrieves the revolver from the trashcan, he may keep it long enough to obtain from it any information that may be useful in D's defense. Then L must turn it over to the proper authorities. [California v. Meredith, supra; State v. Olwell, 394 P.2d 681 (Wash. 1964)] By removing the revolver from the trashcan, L has destroyed a valuable piece of evidencethe incriminating location of the revolver. L's action requires a compromise between the need to protect privileged communications and the need for relevant evidence. The compromise reached in Meredith and Olwell is as follows: The trier of fact will be told where the revolver was found, but the trier of fact will not be told that L was the source of that information. For example, L and the prosecutor can simply stipulate that the jury at D's trial will be informed of the location of the revolver, without telling them the source of that information. However, if L retrieves the revolver from the trashcan and hides or destroys it, L may face criminal liability for tampering with evidence, and L is also subject to professional discipline. [In re Ryder, 263 F. Supp. 360 (ED. Va. 1967)]
5. "Confidential" Defined
To be covered by the attorney-client privilege, a communication must be "confidential'; it must have been made by a means not intended to disclose the communicated information to outsiders, and the communicating person must reasonably believe that no outsider will hear the contents of the statement.
were Client's accountant (who was there to help explain Client's books of account), Attorney's law clerk (who was there to assist Attorney in drafting some interrogatory answers), and Attorney's legal secretary (who was there to take dictation). The presence of the accountant, the law clerk, and the secretary does not destroy the confidentiality. Compare: During a recess in trial, Attorney and Client discussed Client's intended testimony in a crowded courthouse corridor where bystanders could obviously overhear. This conversation is not confidential for purposes of the attorney-client privilege. Thus, the privilege does not bar examination of either Client or Attorney regarding the conversation.
h. Eavesdroppers
In days gone by, the presence of an unsuspected eavesdropper was sometimes held to destroy the confidentiality of a communication. Under modern evidence law, that is no longer true; an eavesdropper can be prohibited from testifying about a confidential communication.
6. Client Is Holder of Privilege
The attorney-client privilege exists for the benefit of the client, not for the benefit of the attorney. Therefore, the client is the -holder" of the privilegei.e., the client is the one who can claim or waive the privilege. a. Waiver of Privilege A waiver consists of a failure to claim the privilege when there is an opportunity to do so, or the intentional revelation of a significant portion of the privileged communication. Example: Client C shows his next-door neighbor the first two pages of a threepage privileged letter. In a later civil case, C's adversary can compel production of the entire letter. C has waived the privilege. Lawyer's Duty to Invoke Privilege If the client has not waived the privilege, and if someone tries to obtain privileged information when the client is not present, the lawyer must claim the privilege on the client's behalf. Lawyer L represents client C in a civil case. On a day when C is not Example: present in court, C's adversary calls L to the witness stand and poses questions about confidential communications between C and L. L must claim the privilege on C's behalf.
7. Duration of Privilege The attorney-client privilege continues indefinitely. Termination of the relationship. even for cause, does not terminate the privilege. The privilege even survives the death of the client. [Swidler & Berlin v. United States, 524 U.S. 399 (1998)] Thus, a lawyer has a continuing obligation to assert the privilege on behalf of a client who has died, subject to exceptions relating to the deceased's disposition of property. [Restatement 77, comment c]
8. Exceptions to Privilege Modern evidence law provides several exceptions to the attorney-client privilege. C2NrrIE eNcC rr o/t/ a. The privilege does not apply if the client seeks the attorney's services to engage in or assist a future crime or fraud. [See Restatement 82] b. The privilege does not apply to a communication that is relevant to an issue of breach (by either the attorney or the client) of the duties arising out of the attorney-client relationship. [Id. 83] The privilege does not apply in civil litigation between two persons who were for75(2)] merly the joint clients of the attorney. The privilege does not apply in a variety of situations in which the attorney can furnish evidence about the competency or intention of a client who has attempted to dispose of property by will or inter vivos transfer.
9. Related Doctrine of Work Product Immunity Generally, material prepared by a lawyer for litigation or in anticipation of litigation is immune from discovery or other compelled disclosure unless the opposition shows a substantial need for the material and an inability to gather the material without undue hardship. A lawyer's mental impressions or opinions are immune from discovery or compelled disclosure regardless of the opposition's need unless the immunity has been waived. [See Restatement 87 - 93] D. ETHICAL DUTY OF CONFIDENTIALITY AND ITS EXCEPTIONS As explained previously (see B.1., supra), the ethical duty of confidentiality applies in every context in which the attorney-client privilege does not apply. The ethical duty also covers a broader range of information than the privilege. Finally, the ethical duty concerns not only the disclosure of information, but also the use of information to the disadvantage of a client, a prospective client, or a former client. 1. Duty Not Destroyed by Presence of Third Party Unlike the attorney-client privilege, the presence of a nonprivileged third person does not necessarily destroy an attorney's duty of confidentiality. Confidential information remains confidential even if it is known to others, unless the information becomes generally known. Whether information is generally known depends on all the surrounding circumstances, but information is not generally known when it can be obtained only by means of special knowledge or substantial difficulty or expense. Exceptions to the Duty of Confidentiality The exceptions to the ethical duty are discussed separately in the following paragraphs. a. Client's Informed Consent An attorney may reveal or use confidential information if the client gives informed consent. [ABA Model Rule 1.6(a)] Remember that "informed consent" means that the client agrees to a proposed course of action after the lawyer has adequately explained the risks and reasonable alternatives. tABA Model Rule 1.0(qa
Attorney A is representing defendant q in an armed robbery case. D reluctantly tells A that at the time of the alleged robbery, D was 10 miles away visiting a house of prostitution, and that at least five witnesses can vouch for his presence there. A may disclose and use this embarrassing information in the defense of the armed robbery case if D gives informed consent.
b. Implied Authority An attorney has implied authority from the client to use or disclose confidential information when appropriate to carry out the representationunless. of course, the client gives specific instructions to the contrary. [ABA Model Rule 1.6(a)] Examples: 1) Lawyer L represents client A in negotiating a construction contract. Unless A instructs L to the contrary, L has implied authority to disclose confidential information about A's business if that will serve A's interests in the negotiation. [Comment 5 to ABA Model Rule 1.6] 2) Lawyer M represents client B in litigation. Unless B instructs M to the contrary, M has implied authority to disclose confidential information in a fact stipulation if that will serve B's interests in the litigation. [Id. ] 3) Lawyer N is drawing up a will and a trust agreement for client C. Unless C instructs N to the contrary, N has implied authority to discuss C's confidential information with other lawyers in N's firm if that will serve C's interests. [Id.] 4) Lawyer 0 is representing client D in a bankruptcy case. Unless D instructs 0 to the contrary, 0 has implied authority to allow her paralegal, her law clerk, her legal secretary, and the law firm's copy-machine operator to have access to D's confidential business papers. However, 0 must take reasonable steps to assure that those employees preserve the confidentiality of the information. [ABA Model Rule 5.3; ABA Formal Op. 95-398 (1995)] 5) Lawyer Q is representing X Corp. in secret merger negotiations with Y Corp. Secrecy is vital because if word leaks out, the stock prices of the two companies will move apart, making the merger impossible. On one knotty issue, Q seeks the informal, uncompensated advice of his friend, lawyer R, a merger expert in a different law firm. Q poses the issue to R in the form of a hypothetical that does not identify either X Corp. or Y Corp. by name. Unfortunately, Q is careless in posing the hypothetical, which allows R to deduce the identities of X Corp. and Y Corp. Q is subject to discipline for breaching the duty of confidentiality. A lawyer may use a hypothetical to obtain advice from a fellow lawyer for the benefit of the client, but the hypothetical must be discreet enough to preclude any reasonable chance that the fellow lawyer will be able to deduce the identity of the client or the situation at hand. [Comment 4 to ABA Model Rule 1.6; ABA Formal Op. 98-411]
c. Dispute Concerning Attorney's Conduct An attorney may reveal a client's confidential information to the extent necessary to protect the attorney's interests in a dispute that involves the conduct of the attorney. [ABA Model Rule 1.6(b)(5)1 In using this exception, the attorney should: (i) reveal only what is necessary, (ii) attempt to limit the disclosure to those who need to know it, ,and (iii) obtain protective orders or take other steps to minimize the risk of unnecessary harm to the client. [Comment 14 to ABA Model Rule 1.61 1) Attorney A represented client C in a child custody case. C told A in Examples: confidence about C's emotional difficulties, alcoholism, and inability to hold steady employment. These confidential disclosures made the task of representing C vastly more difficult and time-consuming than A had originally anticipated. C ultimately lost the child custody case. C then refused to pay A's legal fee, claiming that it was unreasonably high. If A is unable to settle the fee dispute amicably and has to sue C to collect the fee, A may reveal C's confidential disclosures to the extent necessary to prove why A's fee is reasonable under the circumstances. [ABA Model Rule 1.6(3)(5)] 2) Lawyer L defended client D in an arson case. D told L in confidence that he did burn the building, hoping to collect the fire insurance. After careful consideration, D followed Ls advice and did not testify on his own behalf at the trial. Furthermore, L refused to call two alibi witnesses whose testimony L knew would be false. D was convicted. D then sued L for legal malpractice. In defending against D's malpractice claim, L may reveal as much of D's confidential disclosures as is necessary to prove why L did not present the testimony of D and the two alibi witnesses. [Id.] 3) In the arson example described above, instead of suing L for malpractice, D filed a complaint with the state bar, accusing L of Incompetence in the conduct of the trial. At the disciplinary hearing, L may reveal as much of D's confidential disclosures as is necessary to prove why L did not present the testimony of D and the two alibi witnesses. [Id.] 4) Client T hired attorney Y to help him form a limited partnership venture for real estate investments. T furnished Y with confidential data for Y to use in preparing financial statements and other documents needed in connection with the sale of the partnership shares. Unbeknownst to Y, some of the confidential data was fraudulent, and T's partners lost their investments as a consequence. Two of the partners confronted Y and accused him of being knowingly involved in the fraud. Y may reveal enough of T's confidential information to convince the partners that Y did not know that the data was fraudulent, even though Y has not yet been formally charged with a criminal or civil wrong or a disciplinary violation. [See Comment 10 to ABA Model Rule 1.6] This illustrates the doctrine called "preemptive self-defense." [See Hazard & Hodes, 9.23]
Disclosure to Obtain Legal Ethics Advice A lawyer may disclose enough of the client's confidential information as is necessary to obtain legal ethics advice for the lawyer. [ABA Model Rule 1.6(b)(4)] Example: Client C came to attorney A's office carrying a mysterious package about the size of a shoebox. C explained that federal narcotics agents were looking for C in connection with the illegal importation of a significant quantity of uncut heroin; C told A that he had no connection with any heroin or any other drug trade. A agreed to represent C, and he asked C for a $5,000 advance on attorneys' fees. C replied that he had no ready cash, but that he would entrust A with the mysterious package, assuring A that its contents were worth much more than $5, q00. A was uncertain about his ethical obligations in this situation so he excused himself, went to another room, and telephoned T, his old legal ethics professor. After disclosing enough facts to give T the essence of the problembut not enough to disclose C's identity or the precise circumstancesA asked T for legal ethics advice. A's disclosure was proper. [Id. ] Disclosure Required by Law or Court Order ABA Model Rule 1.6(b)(6) permits a lawyer to reveal her client's confidential information to the extent that she is required to do so by law or court order. Examples: 1) Suppose that a federal anti-terrorism statute arguably requires lawyer L to reveal the whereabouts of client C, who is suspected of illegal entry into the United States. If L knows of C's whereabouts only because of a confidential communication from C, the information is protected by both the attorney-client privilege and the ethical duty of confidentiality. L must first determine whether the anti-terrorism statute purports to supercede the privilege and ethical duty. [See Comment 12 to ABA Model Rule 1.6] If L concludes that it does, she must next disclose the situation to C because this is the kind of vital information that a lawyer must communicate to a client. [See ABA Model Rule 1.4(a)(3)] If L cannot find a nonfrivolous ground for challenging the validity or applicability of the statute, ABA Mode] Rule 1.6(b)(6) permits her to reveal the information about C's whereabouts. [See Comments 12 and 13 to ABA Model Rule 1.6] 2) In the situation described in I), above, suppose that a federal district judge is considering whether to order L to disclose C's whereabouts. Absent C's informed consent to the disclosure, L should assert all nonfrivolous grounds for not disclosing the information. If the court orders disclosure, L should consult with C about an appeal. If no appeal is taken, or if the order is upheld on appeal, then ABA Model Rule 1.6(b)(6) permits L to reveal the information about C's whereabouts. [Id.]
F. Disclosure to Prevent Death or Substantial Bodily Harm ABA Model Rule 1.6(b)(1) permits a lawyer to reveal the client's confidential information to the extent that the lawyer reasonably believes necessary to prevent reasonably
certain death or substantial bodily harm. [Accord Restatement 66] Note that the exception applies to death or bodily harm whatever the cause; it need not be caused by the client, and the cause need not be a criminal act. Notice also that the death or bodily harm need not be imminentit need only be reasonably certain. Finally, notice that the exception gives the lawyer discretion to disclose the confidential information; it does not require disclosure. Some states, however, do require disclosure. 1) Kidnapper K is in custody pending trial, and he hires attorney A to Examples: defend him against a charge that he kidnapped and murdered victim V. K tells A in confidence where he buried V's body. This is a completed crimedisclosure of K's secret could not prevent death or substantial bodily harm to anyone. If A reveals K's secret, A will be subject to discipline. 2) Kidnapper J telephones attorney B and asks for B's legal advice. J tells B in confidence that he has kidnapped victim U, that he has her bound and gagged in the back of his van, and that he is on the road to Lonesome Pine, where he plans to hold U for ransom. The legal advice J seeks from B is whether the penalty for murder is more serious than the penalty for kidnapping for ransom. B promises to call J back in a few minutes. B then telephones the police, tells them the situation, and tells them that J is on the road to Lonesome Pine. B's conduct is proper in light of the reasonably certain risk of death or substantial bodily injury to U. g. Disclosure to Prevent or Mitigate Substantial Financial Harm
The Restatement, about 90% of the states, and now the ABA Model Rules permit a
lawyer to reveal the client's confidential information to the extent necessary to prevent the client from committing a crime or fraud that is reasonably certain to result in substantial financial harm to someone, if the client is using or has used the lawyer's services in the matter. The same is true if the client has already acted, and the lawyer's disclosure can prevent or mitigate the consequent financial harm. [See Restatement 07; ABA Model Rule 1.6(b)(2), (3), as amended in August 2003]
V. DUTY TO EXERCISE INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT A. THE GENERAL RULES CONCERNING CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Loyalty is an essential element in the relationship between a lawyer and client. The lawyer's professional judgment must be exercised solely for the benefit of the client, free of compromising influences and loyalties. [See Restatement 121 - 135restates the law of conflicts of interest; and see Comment 1 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] Thus, absent the necessary informed consent, a lawyer must not represent a client if a conflict of interest exists. A conflict of interest arises when there is a substantial risk that the lawyer's representation of the client will be materially and adversely affected by the lawyer's own interests or the lawyer's duties to another current client, a former client, or a third person. [Restatement 121; ABA Model Rule 1.7(a)] 1. Consequences of a Conflict of Interest If a conflict of interest is apparent before a lawyer takes on a client's matter, then the lawyer
must not take it on. [ABA Model Rule 1.7(a)] If a conflict becomes apparent only after the lawyer has taken on the client's matter, and if informed consent of the affected client(s) will not solve the problem, then the lawyer must withdraw. {ABA Model Rule 1.16(a)(1); Comment 4 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] A lawyer's failure to handle a conflict properly can have three unpleasant consequences: (i) disqualification as counsel in a litigated matter, (A) professional discipline, and (iii) civil liability for legal malpractice. 2. Imputed Conflicts of Interest Generally, lawyers who practice together in a "firm" are treated as a single unit for conflict of interest purposes. That is, when one of the lawyers cannot take on a matter because of a conflict of interest, the other lawyers in the "firm" are also barred from taking on that matter. {ABA Model Rule 1.10(a)] The conflict is said to be "imputed" from the first lawyer to the other lawyers.
a. Meaning of "Firm"
The term "firm" includes not only an ordinary private law firm, but also other groups of lawyers who practice closely together, such as lawyers in a corporate law department, legal aid office, or prosecutors' or public defenders' office. [See ABA Model Rule 1.0(c) and Comments 2 - 4] Whether a group of lawyers should be regarded as a "firm" for conflict of interest purposes depends on many factors, including: (i) do the lawyers have a formal agreement among themselves, (ii) do they hold themselves out in a way that would make the public think they practice together as a firm, (iii) do they share their revenues and responsibilities, (iv) do they have physical access to each other's client files, (v) do they routinely talk among themselves about the matters they are handling, and (vi) would the purpose of the particular conflict rule be served by imputing one lawyer's conflict to other lawyers in the group.
b. Exceptions to Imputed Disqualification
As will be seen in the paragraphs below, some kinds of conflicts are not imputed to other lawyers in the firm. Generally, these conflicts are uniquely personal to the lawyer in question, which makes it unlikely that other lawyers in the firm would have divided loyalties. [ABA Model Rule 1.10(a) and Comment 3] Client C hires attorney A to defend her in a copyright infringement Example: action. After A takes on C's case, C commences a sexual relationship with lawyer L, who is one of A's law partners. ABA Model Rule 1.8(j) prohibits a lawyer from starting a sexual relationship with a client (see B.4.h.3), infra); therefore, L would be subject to discipline if he himself were defending C in the copyright case. However, L's conflict is uniquely personal to L and is not likely to affect the way L's partner A handles C's case. Thus, L's conflict is not imputed to partner A.
B. CONFLICTS OF INTERESTCURRENT CLIENTS 1. Concurrent Conflicts of Interest Except on the conditions stated in 2., below, a lawyer must not represent a client if the
representation creates a concurrent conflict of interest. A concurrent conflict exists in two situations:
(ii) There is a significant risk that the representation of one client will be materially limited by the lawyer's own interest or by the lawyer's responsibilities to another client, a former client, or a third person. [ABA Model Rule 1.7(a)11 Client C asked attorney A to defend her in a vehicular manslaughter case in Example: which C is charged with killing victim V while driving drunk. Unbeknownst to C, V was A's college roommate, and they remained best friends until V's death. There is a significant risk that A's efforts on C's behalf would be materially limited by A's personal grief at the loss of his best friend. Therefore, A must not take on C's case.
2. Informed, Written Consent Can Solve Some Conflicts Despite a concurrent conflict of interest, a lawyer may represent a client if all four of the
following conditions are satisfied: (i) the lawyer reasonably believes that he can competently and diligently represent each affected client, despite the conflict of interest; (ii) the representation is not prohibited by law: (iii) the representation does not involve asserting a claim by one client against another client represented by that lawyer in the same litigation (or other proceeding before a tribunal); and (iv) each affected client gives informed, written consent. [ABA Model Rule 1.7(b)]
a. Consent Must Meet Reasonable Lawyer Standard
Notice that the consent rule creates a reasonable lawyer standard. That is, if a reasonable lawyer looking at the facts would conclude that the client's interests would not be adequately protected in light of the conflict, then the conflict is unconsentable, meaning that the client's consent will not solve the conflict. [See Comments 14 and 15 to ABA Model Rule 1.7; and see ABA Op. 05-436} General practitioner G represents husband H in legal matters arising out Example: of the investment of H's inherited fortune. G has represented H for many years, and he knows all of H's innermost secrets, both financial and personal. Now wife W has asked G to represent her in obtaining a divorce from H. In light of all of the confidential information G has learned about H over the years, a reasonable lawyer would have to advise H not to consent to the conflict of interest. Thus, even if H did consent, the consent would not solve the conflict.
b. Consent Must Be Informed
Only informed consent will solve a conflict. That means that the affected client is v i b jrd./. l Cori et' aware of all of the relevant circumstances, reasonable alternatives, and foreseeable ways the conflict might harm her. [See ABA Model Rule 1.0(e); Comment 18 to ABA 4-->L' t Model Rule 1.7] Sometimes a lawyer cannot obtain informed consent from one client without revealing a fact that she learned in confidence from another client; if the irCo r evN. second client will not permit the lawyer to reveal that confidence, then the lawyer cow, s cannot represent the first client; consent will not solve the conflict.
c. Consent Must Be in Writing
A consent that is merely oral will not solve a conflict. The consent must he "confirmed
in writing." Usually that means either of two things: (i) there is a tangible or electronic record that is physically or electronically signed by the client; or (ii) there is an oral consent that is promptly memorialized in a tangible or electronic record that is promptly sent to the client. [See ABA Model Rule 1.0(b), (n); Comment 20 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] But note: The client's consent to an aggregate settlement or a business tratasaction with the lawyer must bigned by the client (see C.1.a. and C.6., infra). [ABAIIVIodel .Rule 1.8(a), (g)] 1) Rationale The writing requirement has two purposes: (i) it helps impress on the client that consent to a conflict is a serious matter, and (ii) it helps avoid later disputes that might arise if there were no writing. d. Revocation of Consent Just as a client can almost always fire a lawyer, the client can almost always revoke a previously given consent to a conflict. [Comment 21 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] The revocation may or may not mean that the lawyer can continue representing other clients in the matter, depending on the particular facts. [Id] Consent to Future Conflicts A lawyer may properly ask a client to consent to conflicts that may arise in ttnatture, but only if it is reasonable to do so, and only if the client truly understands the -particular kinds of conflicts that may arise and the consequences of consenting. {Comment 22 to ABA Model Rule 1.7; and see ABA Op. 05-436] Example: The standard contract that a firm of class action lawyers uses when signing up class representatives provides that: "Client hereby consents to and waives any and all conflicts of interest, both present and future." The contract does not explain the possible present or future conflicts, nor do the lawyers offer any explanation when they sign up the class representatives. The consent provision is invalid.
3. Specific Conflict Situations Concerning "Direct Adversity" Between Clients' Interests ABA Model Rule 1.7(a) prohibits a lawyer from representing one client whose interests are directly adverse to those of another client, unless both of the affected clients give their informed, written consent. The following examples show the bounds of "direct adversity." Examples: 1) Lawyer L represents patent owner 0 in connection with the licensing of O's patent. Manufacturer M is one of O's licensees, but M does not realize that L represents 0. M asks L's law partner P to sue 0 for a declaratory judgment that O's patent is invalid and that O's license agreements are void. Obviously, L herself could not represent M because M's interests are directly adverse to O's interests. L's conflict is imputed to her law partner P. A reasonable lawyer would advise 0 and M not to consent to this conflict. Moreover, consent will not solve the conflict when one client sues another client represented by the lawyer in the same litigation. [See ABA Model Rule 1.7(b)(3)] Therefore, P must not represent M. 2) Attorney A represents GenCorp, a genetic engineering company that is working on a cure for melanoma. A's law partner P represents BioTek, another genetic engineering company that is working on an entirely different
way to cure melanoma. SioTek and GenCorp are head-to-head adversaries in an economic sense, but their interests are not adverse in any legal sense. If A and her partner P can disclose the situation to their respective clients without revealing confidential information, they may do so for the sake of client goodwill, but they would not be subject to discipline for failing to do so. [See Comment 6 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] 3) Lawyer L is defending D, who is accused of the armed robbery of a liquor store. L is stunned when he sees the prosecutor's witness list because it includes Z, a purported eyewitness to the armed robbery. L knows Z very well because he is defending Z in a drunk driving case. From confidential information L gathered in the drunk driving case, L knows that Z is an alcoholic who sometimes sees things that are not there and sometimes remembers things that did not happen. In defending D, L will have to cross-examine Z about his capacity to perceive, remember, and relate events accurately. If L cross-examines Z vigorously, he might seem to be using information about Z that he learned in confidence, or at least Z might think so. On the other hand, if L soft-peddles the cross-examination of Z, D might think he is not getting the effective assistance of counsel. A reasonable lawyer would have to advise D and Z not to consent to this conflict of interest. L must seek the court's permission to withdraw from one case or the other, preferably the case in which his withdrawal will be least harmful to the client. [See Comment 6 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] 4) Attorney A represents client C as plaintiff in an employment discrimination case against Mack's Grill. While that matter is pending, one of A's regular clients, Grinch Rentals, Inc., asks A to represent it in unlawful detainer proceedings to have C thrown out of her apartment for failure to pay rent. Even if the two cases are completely unrelated, A faces a conflict of interest. If A agrees to represent Grinch, C could feel betrayed by her own lawyer, and that could destroy A's ability to represent C effectively in the employment discrimination case. [See Comment 6 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] Would the conflict be solved by getting the informed, written consent of both C and Grinch? Comment 6 suggests that it could. (Do you agree?) 5) Lawyer L represents buyer B in negotiations for the purchase of a rundown shopping center from seller S. While those negotiations are in progress, S seeks to hire L to represent it in negotiations with the Planning Commission of a different city concerning an urban renewal project S wants to pursue. The shopping center sale is totally unrelated to the urban renewal project. Nevertheless, L must not represent S without first getting the informed, written consent of both B and S. [See Comment 7 to ABA Model Rule 1.7]
to: (i) a different client, (ii) a former client, or (iii) a third person. [ABA Model Rule 1.7(a)(2)] When there is such a risk, the lawyer must not take on the matter (or must withdraw), unless each affected client gives informed, written consent. Illustrations of these "material limitation" conflicts are discussed in a. through h., below.
2) Civil Litigation
In civil litigation, one lawyer may represent two plaintiffs or two defendants whose interests are potentially in conflict, but only if the two clients give informed, written consent. [See Comment 23 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] There is a four-step guide for handling this situation: a) First, the lawyer should analyze the facts of the case and the applicable law. If she concludes that she can effectively represent both clients, despite their potentially conflicting interests, then she can move to the second step. [See Comment 15 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] Second, the lawyer should disclose the potential conflict to each client and explain how it can harm each client, the reasonably available alternatives, and the disadvantages of having only one lawyer for the two of them. [See Comment 18 to ABA Model Rule 1.7]
Third, when the clients fully understand the situation, the lawyer may invite their informed, written consent to the joint representation. [Id.] Fourth, if the potential conflict eventually ripens into a present conflict, the lawyer must repeat steps a), b), and c), above. The lawyer must withdraw from the joint representation if a reasonable lawyer would have to advise either of the two clients not to consent. [See Comments 4, 14, and 15 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] The lawyer may continue to represent one consenting client, but only if the client who is dropped gives informed, written consent to the continuation. [See ABA Model Rule 1.9(a)] Example: Attorney A agreed to defend Ace Corp. and Bay Corp. in a negligence case. At the outset, A believed that neither Ace nor Bay caused the harm to the plaintiff. A went through steps a), h), and c), above, and obtained Ace's and Bay's informed, written consent to the joint representation. Discovery revealed that Ace had a credible defense, but that Bay was very likely negligent, and that its negligence probably harmed the plaintiff. A repeated steps a), b), and c), at which point Ace insisted on obtaining a separate lawyer. A may continue representing Bay, but only if Ace gives informed, written consent under ABA Model Rule 1.9(a), and Bay gives informed, written consent under ABA Model Rule 1.7(b).
Representing Two Clients with Inconsistent Legal Positions in Two Unrelated Cases Suppose a lawyer represents two clients in different cases that are pending in different tribunals. On behalf of Client One, the lawyer needs to argue that a certain statute is unconstitutional. On behalf of Client Two, the lawyer needs to argue that the same statute is constitutional. Aside from that legal issue, the cases are unrelated. On those bare facts, there is no conflict of interest between Client One and Client Two. [Comment 24 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] Suppose, however, that Client One's case will be heard next week in the intermediate appellate court that hears cases from Judicial District Six. Client Two's case will be tried seven months from now in a trial court in Judicial District Six. Thus, the appellate court's decision in Client One's case is likely to become the controlling precedent in Client Two's case. That presents a substantial risk that the lawyer's representation of one client will be materially limited by her responsibilities to the other client. [Id.] Therefore, the lawyer must fully disclose the situation to both clients and seek their informed, written consent. If either or both clients will not consent, the lawyer must seek the court's permission to withdraw from one or both cases. [Id.] Unnamed Members of a Class Do Not Count as Clients In class action litigation, the unnamed members of a class ordinarily are not regarded as clients for conflict of interest purposes. [Comment 25 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] Example: Lawyer L is presently representing victim V in a medical malpractice case against Dr. D. Today, United Motors Corp. asked L to defend it in a class action case that is unrelated to the malpractice case. V is not a named plaintiff in the class action, but she will be a member of the class
if the court eventually certifies the case as a class action. L does not need to obtain V's consent before agreeing to defend United Motors. [Id.]
e. Handling Conflicts in Nonlitigation Matters The same four-step process discussed in a.2), supra, is suitable for handling conflicts in
nonlitigation matters: 1) 2) The lawyer should analyze the facts and law to see if she can effectively represent the various clients, despite their potentially conflicting interests. Next, the lawyer should disclose the potential conflicts to each client and explain how they can harm each client, the reasonable alternatives, and the disadvantages of having only one lawyer. When the clients fully understand the situation, the lawyer may invite their informed, written consent to the joint representation. If a potential conflict ripens into a present conflict, the lawyer must repeat steps 1), 2), and 3), above. The lawyer must withdraw from the joint representation if a reasonable lawyer would have to advise any of the clients not to consent. [See Comments 4, 14, and 15 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] The lawyer may continue to represent one or more consenting clients, but only if the clients who are dropped give their informed, written consent to the continuation. [See ABA Model Rule 1.9(a)]k
3) 4)
identifying and building on the interests that the clients have in common. [Comment 28 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] When doing this, the lawyer must be impartial in dealing with the several clients. [Comment 29 to ABA Model Rule 1.71 If the relationships among the clients are already antagonistic, or if contentious negotiations or litigation is on the horizon, a single lawyer ordinarily should not try to represent all of the clients. [Id.]
accident cases. L's regular client C was badly injured when his car was struck at a crossing by one of Kansas Central's trains, and C asked L to represent him in a suit against Kansas Central. If L serves as C's lawyer, and M serves as Kansas Central's lawyer, there is a risk that client confidences may be compromised (e.g., if M takes a telephone message at home for L, M may inadvertently learn something confidential about C). [See Comment 11 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] Moreover, the family relationship may interfere with the loyalty or independent judgment of the two lawyers. [Id.] Thus, L and M must each disclose the situation to their respective clients and must not proceed without their respective client's informed, written consent. The same is true of other lawyers who are closely related by blood or marriage (e.g., parent, child, spouse, or sibling). This kind of conflict is personal in nature and is ordinarily not imputed to other lawyers in a firm. [Id.]
1. Business Transactions with Client and Money or Property Interests Adverse to Client a. Statement of the Rule
A lawyer's professional training, together with the bond of trust and confidence between a lawyer and client, create a risk that the lawyer can overreach the client in a business, property, or financial transaction. Therefore, a lawyer must not enter into a business transaction with a client or knowingly acquire an ownership, possessory, security, or money interest that is adverse to a client, unless all of the following conditions are satisfied:
The terms of the business transaction (or the terms on which the interest is acquired) are fair to the client; (ii) The terms are fully disclosed to the client in writing, expressed in a manner that the client can reasonably understand (not legal gobbledygook). The lawyer's disclosure to the client must cover the essential terms of the transaction and the lawyer's role in the transaction (including whether the lawyer is acting as the client's lawyer in the transaction); (iii) The client is advised in writing that he should get the advice of an independent lawyer about the arrangement before entering into it (and the client must be given a reasonable chance to obtain that advice); and (iv) The client gives informed consent, in a writing that the client signs. [ABA Model Rule 1.8(a)]:
wedding reception. L advised F to cancel the contract and hire a different caterer. L is subject to discipline for using the information to the disadvantage of Chez Nous. h. Possible Civil Liability Even When Client Is Not Disadvantaged Note that the rule applies only when the lawyer's misuse of confidential information disadvantages the client, former client, or prospective client. However, a lawyer who uses the confidential information for his own pecuniary gain (other than in the practice of law) may be subject to civil liabilityi.e., he may have to account to the client, former client, or prospective client for his profits. [Restatement 60(2)] Example: Attorney A's client C told A in confidence that she was about to build a large new medical complex on the corner of 5th and Main Streets. Without telling C, A quietly bought land at 4th and Main and built a four-story parking garage to serve the new medical complex. The garage did not harm C; in fact it was a benefit to her. Nevertheless, A must disgorge the garage profits to C because A used C's confidential information to enrich himself other than in the practice of law. 3. Gifts to Lawyer from Client Who Is Not a Relative The following rules limit a lawyer's freedom to solicit or accept a substantial gift from a client who is not the lawyer's relative. The same rules apply to a substantial gift from a client to the lawyer's relative. In this rule, "relative" includes a spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, and other persons with whom the lawyer maintains a close, familial relationship. [ABA Model Rule 1.8(c)] "Gift" includes a testamentary gift. [Id.] a. Soliciting Substantial Gift A lawyer must not solicit a substantial gift from a client who is not the lawyer's relative. However, a lawyer may accept a small gift from a client, such as a token of appreciation or an appropriate holiday gift. [Comment 6 to ABA Model Rule 1.81 Indeed. the rule does not prohibit a lawyer from accepting even a substantial gift, although the gift may be voidable for undue influence. Example: Lawyer L is a loyal alumnus of Port Arthur School of Law. The school asked L to serve as a pro bono legal advisor to a committee that was drafting a new affirmative action policy for the school. L gladly agreed and worked many hours on the project for no fee. When the work was done, L told the school's dean that his daughter would love to attend the school, but that she could not afford the high tuition. The dean then arranged for L's daughter to be admitted on a full scholarship. L is subject to discipline for soliciting a substantial gift from the school to his daughter. Preparing Legal Instrument that Creates Substantial Gift ABA Model Rule 1.8(c) also prohibits a lawyer from preparing a legal instrument (such as a will or a deed of gift) that creates a substantial gift to the lawyer (or the lawyer's relative), except when the donor is one of the lawyer's relatives. Attorney A's aged father asks her to draft a new will for him. The father Example: tells A that he wants to set up a testamentary trust that will provide college funds for A's children. A may draft the will and related documents, but only because the client is her father.
Lucrative Appointments
ABA Model Rule 1.8(c) does not prohibit a lawyer from seeking to have himself or his law partner or associate named as executor of an estate or counsel to the executor or to some other fee-paying position. However, the general conflict of interest principles expressed in ABA Model Rule 1.7 do prohibit such efforts if the lawyer's advice is tainted by the lawyer's self-interest. [Comment 8 to ABA Model Rule 1.8] Moreover, lawyers with long experience in probate and estate planning law know that clients tend to rebel when they discover the lawyer trying to feather his own nest in this manner.
Other Financial Help Is Prohibited A lawyer is subject to discipline for giving a client other financial help in the context of pending or contemplated litigation. [ABA Model Rule 1.8(e)] Chem Corp.'s chemical plant blew up, spreading toxic fumes across Example: pasture land belonging to dozens of dairy farmers. The grass shriveled, the cows died, and the farmers became destitute. The law offices of E.Z. Bucks took out newspaper ads offering to represent the farmers on contingency, to advance the costs and expenses of litigation, and to lend them money to restore their pastures and dairy herds. The last feature of that offer makes the lawyers subject to discipline.
6. Aggregate Settlement Agreements When a lawyer represents several co-parties in a matter (e.g., several plaintiffs or several defendants), the adversary sometimes makes an "aggregate settlement offer," for example, an offer to settle all claims for a lump sum of $1 million. That creates a potential conflict of interest among the lawyer's several clients. Some of them may want to settle for that amount, but others may want to hold out for a better offer. Moreover, the several clients may disagree about how the lump sum is to be allocatedwho pays how much or who receives how much. Because of the potential conflict, the lawyer must not participate in the making of an aggregate settlement agreement unless all of the following conditions are met: (i) The lawyer must assure that the clients have come to an agreement among themselves about how the aggregate sum will be shared (who will pay how much or receive how much);
(ii) The lawyer must disclose to each client all of'the terms of the aggregate settlement, including: (a) the total amount that will be paid or received: (b) the existence and nature of all the claims, defenses, and pleas involved in the settlement; (c) the details of every other client's participation in the settlement, including how much each will contribute or receive and how each criminal charge will be resolved; and (d) how the lawyer's fees and costs will be paid and by whom. Note: These extensive disclosures may require the lawyer to share one client's confidential information with the others, so at the outset of the matter, the lawyer should get each client's informed consent to do that; and (iii) Each client must give informed consent to the aggregate settlement agreement in a writing signed by the client. [ABA Model Rule 1.8(g); ABA Op. 06-438] a. Class Action Settlements In a class action, the lawyer who represents the class ordinarily does not have a complete lawyer-client relationship with the unnamed members of the class. Even so, at settlement time, the class's lawyer must follow all of the class action rules concerning notice and other procedural requirements that protect the unnamed class members. [Comment 13 to ABA Model Rule 1.8] Aggregate Settlement of Criminal Case The same rules that apply to an aggregate settlement in a civil case also apply to a joint plea bargain in a criminal case [ABA Model Rule 1.8(g)], although ordinarily one lawyer will not be representing more than one defendant in a criminal case [see Restatement 129(1)1.
7. Waiving Malpractice Liability and Settling Malpractice Claims a. Prospective Waiver or Limit of Malpractice Liability A lawyer must not make an agreement with a client that prospectively waives or limits the lawyer's liability for legal malpractice (except in the unlikely event that the client is independently represented in making the agreement). [ABA Model Rule 1.8(h)(1)] A lawyer may, however, do the following: 1) Practice in a Limited Liability Entity A lawyer may practice in a limited liability entity, provided that the lawyer remains personally liable to the client for her own malpractice, and the entity complies with legal requirements for notice, insurance coverage, and the like. [Comment 14 to ABA Model Rule 1.8] Reasonably Limit Scope of Representation A lawyer may enter into an agreement with his client that reasonably limits the scope of the lawyer's representation in accordance with ABA Model Rule 1.2. [Id.] Client C is thinking of purchasing the worldwide distribution rights Example: to a strain of pest-resistant rice. C asks lawyer L to find out whether any nation imposes trade restrictions on that kind of rice. L tells C that to research the laws of every nation could take as much as 300 hours and cost $60,000, but C said he could not afford that much enlightenment. C and L agreed that L would research as many nations as he could in 100 hours, starting with C's most likely markets. The agreement is proper. Arbitrate Legal Malpractice Claims A lawyer may agree prospectively with a client to arbitrate all legal malpractice claims, provided that such an agreement is proper under local law and the client understands the scope and effect of the agreement. [Id.]
b. Settling Malpractice Claims The law always favors the amicable settlement of claims. Thus, a lawyer may settle a malpractice claim or potential claim made by his client, but only if the lawyer first advises the client in writing to seek the advice of an independent lawyer about the settlement, and the lawyer gives the client a reasonable chance to obtain such advice. [ABA Model Rule 1.8(h)(2)1 8. Proprietary Interest in Subject of Litigation Except as permitted below, a lawyer must not acquire a proprietary interest in the cause of action or the subject matter of litigation that the lawyer is conducting for the client. [ABA Model Rule 1.8(i); Restatement 36(1)[ 1) Lawyer L regularly does consumer loan collection work for American Examples: Consumer Finance Company. When one of American's debtors defaults, American assigns the debt and cause of action to L; in return, L immediately pays American 50 q of the face value of the debt. If L ultimately collects more than the 50%, she pays half of the excess to American and keeps the other half. L is subject to discipline.
2) F owns a United States patent on a process for manufacturing fertilizer. R brings a declaratory judgment action against F, alleging that F's patent is invalid. Attorney A agrees to represent F in the declaratory judgment action in exchange for an assignment of a one-half ownership interest in F's patent. A is subject to discipline.
A lawyer must not accept compensation from a third person for representing a client, unless three conditions are met: (i) The client gives informed, written consent;
(ii) The third person does not interfere with the lawyer's independence or the representation of the client; and (iii) The arrangement does not compromise the client's confidential information. [ABA Model Rules 1.8(f), 1.7(b), 5.4(c)1 1) T, a pimp, seeks to employ attorney A to defend C, who is charged with Examples: prostitution. T demands to be present whenever A talks with C, and T directs
C to plead not guilty, promising to pay the fine if C is found guilty after trial. If A agrees to represent C under these conditions, A is subject to discipline. 2) Midwest Highway Construction Corp. and its executive vice president C are both indicted for conspiring with other highway contractors to rig the bids on government highway contracts. Midwest seeks to employ lawyer L to serve as C's separate defense counsel. Midwest will pay L's fee, but will not interfere with L's handling of the case or with the confidentiality of the relationship between L and C. Under these conditions, L may agree to represent C. 3) Trimmers and Fitters Union Local #876 established a group legal service program for the benefit of its members. Using money from union dues, the Local hired the law firm of R, S, and T to provide the necessary legal services to members. Union member C asked the firm to represent her in a sexual harassment case against her fellow worker D, a loyal member of the union. When the president of the Local heard about C's case, he called the law firm, demanding to know what C said about D and demanding that the firm dismiss the case. The law firm must not allow the union or its officials to interfere with the handling of C's case. 2. Conflict Between Client's Interest and Third Person's Interest Sometimes the interest of a third person may create a substantial risk of materially limiting the lawyer's ability to represent the client effectively. [ABA Model Rule 1.7(a)(2)] When that is true, the lawyer may represent the client, provided that: (I) the lawyer reasonably believes that the third person's interest will not adversely affect the representation; and (ii) the client gives informed, written consent. [ABA Model Rule 1.7(b)] 1) Carter Corp. and its executive vice president K were indicted for mail Examples: fraud in connection with the interstate sale of certain investment properties. The bylaws of Carter Corp. provide that the corporation will pay for separate legal representation of any officer accused of wrongdoing in the course of the corporation's business; however, there is no provision for indemnifying officers who are found guilty of wrongdoing. Carter Corp. asks lawyer L to provide the necessary separate representation for K. L's fee will be paid by Carter Corp. L may represent K if: (i) the arrangement between Carter Corp. and L assures L's independence, (ii) L reasonably believes that he can represent K effectively, and (iii) K gives informed, written consent. 2) The United Coastal Charities Fund offers to pay attorney A's fee for drafting the will of any person who leaves a bequest of $2,000 or more to the Fund. If A agrees to the arrangement, he will be subject to discipline. [New York City Bar Op. 81-69 (1981)] 3) Lawyer L is a staff attorney for the County Legal Aid Society. Her salary is set by the board of directors of the society, but her clients are those who come to the society for legal assistance and are assigned to L. The board of directors may set general operating policies, but L must not allow the board of directors to influence her independent legal judgment about how to handle a particular client's legal matter. [ABA Model Rule 5.4(c); ABA Formal Op. 334 (1974)]
3. Conflicts Raised by Liability Insurance
Policyholder's Interests Liability insurance policies commonly provide that the insurance company will select and pay for a lawyer to defend the policyholder in suits arising out of events covered by the policy. The policyholder, in turn, promises to cooperate with the defense. Generally, the policyholder wants a claim handled in a way that minimizes his risk of paying money out of his own pocket (e.g., if the policy limit is $50,000, but the claimant wins a judgment for $60,000, the policyholder would have to pay the $10,000 difference from his own pocket). Insurance Company's Interests The insurance company generally wants a claim handled in a way that minimizes what it must pay, whether in litigation costs or payments to a claimant. To minimize litigation costs (and thus to keep insurance premiums affordable), some insurance companies adopt spending limits and audit procedures that limit the defense lawyer's fees and expenses for various steps in the litigation process. Insurance defense lawyers have complained that these limits sometimes undercut their ability to represent policyholders effectively. Whom Does the Defense Lawyer Represent? Does an insurance defense lawyer represent the policyholder (a person he is likely to encounter only once) or the insurance company (which pays his fees and can send him repeat business)? Curiously, the law on this question varies from state to state. [See ABA Formal Op. 01-421, nn. 6, 7 (2001)] Some states say that the client is the policyholder only, but others say that the policyholder and the insurance company are joint clients. [See Restatement 134, comments a and finsurance law and contract law determine who is the client] No matter whether the defense lawyer represents the policyholder only or both the policyholder and the insurance company, the defense lawyer's ethical obligations are governed by the Rules of Professional Conduct and not by the insurance contract. [ABA Formal Op. 01-421] Conflicts Between Insurance Company and Policyholder Most of the time, the insurance company's interests are in harmony with those of the policyholder. Both of them want to see the claim defeated or settled at the least possible expense. Their respective interests can, however, come into conflict, as in the following examples. 1) Is the Event Covered by the Policy? Suppose that G drove her car over her boyfriend B in circumstances that make it unclear whether G acted intentionally or only negligently. B sued G, alternatively alleging negligence and intentional conduct. G's auto liability policy covers negligence, but not intentional conduct. G's insurance company hired lawyer L to defend the case, but it sent G a "reservation of rights" letter, informing her that it might ultimately contend that G acted intentionally, thus freeing the company from liability. During pretrial preparation, G told L in confidence that she ran over B intentionally. L must not disclose that confidential information to the insurance company. [See Parsons v. Continental National American Group, 550 P.2d 94 (Ariz. 1976)] If G's confidential statement means that L cannot defend G effectively, L must withdraw. [Restatement 134, comment f] Settlement Within the Policy Limits Suppose that lnsco Insurance Co. hires attorney A to defend policyholder D in a
slip-and-fall case brought by P. The liability limit in D's policy is $100,000, and P offers to settle for $90,000. D wants to settle because that would free him from paying P anything from his own pocket. Insco, on the other hand, might rather go to trial because its exposure is only $10,000 more than the settlement offer. The settlement offer creates a conflict of interest that has the following consequences: (i) A and Insco must disclose the conflict to D and invite D to obtain independent counsel (at Insco's expense) to advise D on the settlement issue; (ii) if A fails to do that and negligently or in bad faith advises D to reject the settlement offer, A is subject to discipline and perhaps civil liability to D for malpractice; and (iii) if Insco negligently or in bad faith rejects the settlement offer, Insco will be liable for the entire judgment P obtains against D, even the amount over the policy limits. [Easley v. State Farm Mutual Insurance Co., 528 F.2d 558 (5th Cir. 1976)] 3) Settlement Controlled by Insurance Company Although the policyholder is usually glad to have the insurance company settle a claim within the policy limits, that is not always true. For example, a physician might not want her malpractice insurance company to settle for fear that the settlement will tarnish her medical reputation. Some insurance policies authorize the insurance company to control the defense and to settle within the policy limits at the company's sole discretion. In that situation, a lawyer hired by the insurance company must inform the policyholder, as early in the case as possible, about the constraints on the representation. Having done that, the lawyer may then follow the insurance company's instructions about settlement. If the lawyer knows that the policyholder objects to a settlement, the lawyer must not proceed without first giving the policyholder a chance to reject the insurance company's defense and to assume responsibility for her own defense at her own expense. [ABA Formal Op. 96-403]
Unreasonable Limits on Defense Fees and Expenses Seeking to control litigation costs, some insurance companies insist on detailed
audits of a defense lawyer's time records and litigation files. Some companies also limit the amount a defense lawyer can spend in preparing the case for trial. Some companies use "litigation managers" who look over the lawyer's shoulder and sometimes try to micromanage the defense. A defense lawyer must not disclose a policyholder's confidential information to an outside auditor without the policyholder's informed consent, but he may disclose bills and time records containing confidential information to the insurance company itself if doing so will aid, not harm, the policyholder. [ABA Formal Op. 01-421] Furthermore, a defense lawyer must refuse to follow insurance company litigation management guidelines that interfere with the lawyer's professional judgment or prevent the lawyer from representing the policyholder competently. If the insurance company will not relent, the lawyer must withdraw. [Id.] E. DUTIES TO FORMER CLIENTS
I. Continuing Duty of Confidentiality
An attorney's duty to preserve a client's confidential information does not cease when the representation ends. The attorney has a continuing obligation to preserve information gained in confidence during the representation. (ABA Model Rule 1.9(c)]
1) When A retired from his solo law practice, he sold his practice to another lawyer. The purchaser received not only books, furniture, and an office lease, but also all of A's files relating to past and pending legal matters. Many of the files contained confidential information, and A made no effort to obtain the consent of his clients and former clients before transferring the files. A is subject to discipline. [See ABA Model Rules 1.17(c), 1.6, 1.9(c)1
2) Lawyer L, a solo practitioner, left instructions for the winding up of his law practice in the event of his unexpected death. L directed his personal representative to contact each client to find out whether that client's files should be delivered directly to the client, to another lawyer of the client's choice, or to a young lawyer designated by L. L's instructions are proper.
received from the former client, but the rule applies even when the former client cannot demonstrate that the lawyer received any confidential information. a. Meaning of "Substantially Related" Matter Whether a matter is "substantially related - depends on the facts of the particular situation. [Comment 3 to ABA Model Rule 1.9] When a lawyer has been directly involved in a specific transaction, the lawyer cannot later oppose the former client in a dispute concerning that same transaction absent informed, written consent. On the other hand, if a lawyer routinely handled a type of problem for a former client, the lawyer may later oppose that former client in a wholly different problem of the same general type. [Id. ] 1) Summitville Hospital employed lawyer L to draft a consent form to Examples: be signed by all patients scheduled for elective surgery at the hospital. L drafted the form and thereafter did no further legal work for the hospital. Three years later, client C asked L to represent her in a suit against the hospital; in that suit, C will contend that the consent form violates public policy and is therefore void. L must not represent C unless the hospital gives informed, written consent. 2) When attorney A was an associate in the M, N, 0 & P firm, she regularly represented the Magnum Oil Company in suits to eject service station dealers for failure to comply with the terms of their service station leases. Two years ago, A left the firm to enter solo practice. Now 5, a Magnum service station dealer, has asked her to defend him in an ejectment suit brought by Magnum. A may represent S without getting Magnum's consent. F. CONFLICTS WHEN PRIVATE LAWYERS CHANGE JOBS In modern law practice, it is common for a lawyer to change jobs, perhaps several times over the span of a career. This can create conflict of interest problems for both the lawyer's former firm and the lawyer's new firm. Clients should be able to count on continuing loyalty and on continuing protection of their confidential information. A broad, rigid rule of imputed disqualification would serve those two interests, but it would also have two drawbacks: (i) lawyers would be hindered in changing jobs and taking on new clients; and (ii) clients would face a reduced choice of legal counsel. [Comment 4 to ABA Model Rule 1.9; and see Restatement 124concerning screening when a lawyer switches between private firms] ABA Model Rules 1.9(b) and 1.10(b) provide two specific rules concerning lawyers who switch between private law firms. (ABA Model Rule 1.11 applies to lawyers who switch to or from a government law office; see G., infra.) 1. Disqualification of Lawyer's New Firm ABA Model Rule 1.9(b) states the ethical obligations of the new firmthe firm that hires the switching lawyer: -A lawyer shall not knowingly represent a person in the same or a substantially related matter in which a firm with which the lawyer formerly was associated had previously represented a client (1) whose interests are materially adverse to that person; and (2) about whom the lawyer had acquired information protected by Rules 1.6 and 1.9(c) that is material to the matter; unless the former client gives informed consent, confirmed in writing." Example: Lawyer L is an associate at Firm One. Firm One represents client A in the case of A v. B. L works on the A v. B case. and he receives reams of confidential
information about the case from A. L then quits Firm One and becomes an associate at Firm Two. L may not now represent B in the A v. B case. No other lawyer at Firm Two may represent B in the A v. B case. Furthermore, neither L nor any other lawyer at Firm Two may represent C in the case of C v. A if the C v. A case is substantially related to the A v. B case and if the confidential information L obtained from A is material to the C v. A case. The disqualification can be waived if A gives informed, written consent. Thus, if A consents, the results of the foregoing hypotheticals would be the opposite. 2. Disqualification of Lawyer's Former Firm ABA Model Rule I .10(b) states the ethical obligations of the former firmthe firm with which a lawyer terminated association: -When a lawyer has terminated an association with a firm, the firm is not prohibited from thereafter representing a person with interests materially adverse to those of a client represented by the formerly associated lawyer and not currently represented by the firm, unless: (1) the matter is the same or substantially related to that in which the formerly associated lawyer represented the client; and (2) any lawyer remaining in the firm has information protected by Rules 1.6 and 1.9(c) that is material to the matter." Example: Lawyer L is a partner at Firm One. L and three associates of Firm One represent client A in the A v. B case. L and the three associates obtain reams of confidential information from A about the case. Then L leaves Firm One to form Firm Two. The three associates stay at Firm One. Now L and Firm Two represent client A in the A v. B case. No lawyer at Firm One may represent B in the A v. B case because the three associates who obtained confidential information from A are still at Firm One. No lawyer at Firm One may represent C in the case of C v. A if that case is substantially related to the A v. B case, and if the confidential information the three associates obtained from A is material to the C v. A case. If the three associates had also left Firm One, and if no other lawyer in Firm One had been privy to the confidential information received from A, then any lawyer at Firm One may represent B in the A v. B case or C in the C v. A case. The disqualification can be waived if A gives informed, written consent. Thus, if A consents, the results of the foregoing hypotheticals would be the opposite. G. CONFLICT RULES FOR CURRENT AND FORMER GOVERNMENT OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES When a lawyer serves as an officer or employee of the government for a period and then leaves to
enter private law practice, the government has a right to expect that its confidential information will not be abused. [See Comments 3 and 4 to ABA Model Rule 1.11] Furthermore, private clients should not be allowed to gain an unfair advantage from information known to a lawyer only because of prior government service, and lawyers should not be in a position to benefit private clients because of prior government service. Finally, possible future benefit to private clients should not distort a lawyer's professional judgment while working for the government. [Id.] All of the foregoing would suggest that there should be a broad, rigid rule of disqualification for lawyers who move from the government to private practice. However, such a rule would have a serious drawbackthe government would be hindered in recruiting good lawyers for shortterm government service. Thus, the ABA Model Rules establish disqualification rules that are relatively narrow and flexible. [See also Restatement 133]
1. Federal and State Conflict of Interest Laws
Lawyers who move between government and private jobs must comply not only with the ethics rules but also with various state and federal statutes and regulations. [See, e.g., Federal Ethics in Government Act, 18 U.S.C. 2 q7-208] Those are not covered in this outline, but they must be considered in solving an actual problem of successive government and private employment.
2. Private Work Following Government Work on Same Matter
Except when expressly permitted by law, a lawyer who leaves government service and enters private practice must not represent a private client in a matter in which the lawyer participated personally and substantially while in government service, unless the government agency gives informed, written consent. [ABA Model Rule 1.11(a)]
a. Meaning of the Term "Matter"
As used in this rule, "matter" has a narrow, technical meaning. It does not mean "general topic" or "broad subject area." It means a specific set of facts involving some specific parties. [ABA Formal Op. 342 (1975)] ABA Model Rule 1.11(e) defines it more fully as, "any judicial or other proceeding, application, request for a ruling or other determination. contract, claim, controversy. investigation, charge, accusation, arrest, or other particular matter involving a specific party or parties" (plus anything else that is covered under the conflict of interest rules of the government agency in question). Examples: 1) When lawyer L worked for the State Consumer Protection Agency, she was assigned to draft some regulations to govern the conduct of door-to-door salespeople. The regulations that she drafted were ultimately adopted, almost verbatim, by the agency. A year later, L left government service and entered private practice. She was asked to represent American Encyclopedia Company (a door-to-door sales company) in a dispute with the State Consumer Protection Agency. The essence of the dispute is the proper application of the regulations that L herself drafted. L may represent American because the drafting of regulations is not a "matter"; it does not involve specific facts and specific parties. 2) When serving as Oakville City Attorney, lawyer L drafted a city ordinance for the rezoning of a particular tract of land owned by developer R. The drafting of the ordinance is a "matter" because it involved
one narrow, specific situation. Thus, when L later enters private law practice, she may not work on a case that involves that ordinance. [See Restatement 133]
Imputed Disqualification
If a lawyer is disqualified by the rule stated above, then everyone in that lawyer's firm is also disqualified unless the following three conditions are met: (i) The lawyer must be timely screened off the case. That is, the lawyer must not work on the case, discuss it with those who do, or have access to the case files.
(ii) The lawyer must not be apportioned a part of the fee earned in the case. That does not prevent the lawyer from receiving a regular salary or partnership share set by prior independent agreement. It means only that the lawyer's compensation must not be "directly related . . . to the fee in the matter in which the lawyer is disqualified." [Comment 6 to ABA Model Rule 1.11] (iii) Written notice must promptly be given to the governmental agency to enable it to make sure that the above conditions are being met. Example: When lawyer L worked for the State Environmental Safety Bureau, he participated personally and substantially in an investigation of Noxatox Corp. concerning the dumping of radioactive industrial waste in Evergreen Slough. Later, L quit the Bureau and became a partner in the T, S & U firm. One of L's law partners is now asked to defend Noxatox in private litigation arising out of the Evergreen Slough matter. L will not work on the case, will have no access to the case files, and will not discuss the case with others in the office. L will receive his ordinary share of the proceeds of the partnership, set by prior independent agreement. Finally, the Bureau will be promptly informed of the foregoing facts in writing. Under these conditions, the partner may represent Noxatox.
3. Subsequent Use of Information Gained During Government Service ABA Model Rule 1.11(c) provides that (except when expressly permitted by law) a government
lawyer who receives confidential government information about a person must not later represent a private client whose interests are adverse to that person. when the information could be used to the material disadvantage of that person. The rule covers only information actually received by the government lawyer. not information that could be fictionally imputed to the lawyer. [Comment 8 to ABA Model Rule 1.11] "Confidential government information" means information that is gained under government authority and which the government is prohibited from revealing, or has a privilege not to reveal, and which is not otherwise available to the public. [ABA Model Rule 1.11(c)] When attorney A worked on the legal staff of the State Parole Board, he Example: received confidential information about the personal life, character, and criminal proclivities of X, a parolee. Later, A entered private practice as a criminal defense lawyer. He was assigned to defend D in a case in which it appeared quite likely that X, not D, was the perpetrator. The proper defense of D would require a thorough investigation of the very facts that A learned about X in confidence. A must request the court to relieve him of the assignment to defend D. a. Imputed Disqualification If a former government lawyer is disqualified by this rule, then everyone in that lawyer's firm is also disqualified unless: (i) The lawyer is timely screened off from the matter; and
(ii) The lawyer is not apportioned any part of the fee earned in the matter. [ABA Model Rule 1.11(c)] In the State Parole Board example above, attorney A's law partner P may defend D if A is screened off from the case and is not apportioned any part of the fee earned in the case.
4. Current Government Service After Private Practice ABA Model Rule 1.11(d) states the rules that apply to a person who becomes a government officer or employee after private practice or other nongovernmental work. a. Ordinary Conflict Rules Apply The ordinary conflict rules stated in ABA Model Rules 1.7 (current clients) and 1.9 (former clients) apply to a lawyer who enters government service after private practice or other nongovernmental work. [ABA Model Rule 1.11(d)(1)1 Example: For the past five years, lawyer L worked for the M & N law firm. In that job, L worked on a few matters for Cosmoplex, a diversified communications company, and he gained considerable confidential information about the company's finances. Now, L has quit M & N and has gone to work for the United States Department of Labor, which is about to sue Cosmoplex for fraud in connection with the purchase of overvalued company stock for its employee pension plan. ABA Model Rule 1.9 prohibits L from working on that suit (unless Cosmoplex gives informed, written consent). However, if L is timely screened off from the
suit, other labor department lawyers may work on itL's conflict will not be imputed to them. [See Hazard & Hodes, 15.9screening procedure is implied, although not expressed] b. "Personal and Substantial" Rule Also Applies If a lawyer worked "personally and substantially" on a "matter" in private practice or other nongovernmental employment, the lawyer must not work on that same matter when she later enters government service, whether or not the later work would be adverse to a former client. However, informed, written consent can solve the conflict. Example: In private practice, attorney A represented Electro Corp. in trying to obtain a license from the State Energy Commission to build a geothermal electric generating plant. While Electro's application was still pending, A quit private practice to become a lawyer for the Commission. A must not work on the Electro application unless she obtains the informed, written consent of both the Commission [ABA Model Rule 1.11(d)(2)(ii)] and Electro [ABA Model Rule 1.9(a)]. Negotiating for Private Employment When a person in government service is currently working personally and substantially on a matter, she must not negotiate for private employment with any party or lawyer who is involved in that matter. tABA Model Rule 1.11(d)(2)(ii)] There is a special exception for judges' and adjudicative officers' law clerks who are seeking work after their clerkships (see H.3., infra) end. Example: Lawyer L currently serves on the State Agriculture and Fisheries Commission. L's work for the Commission is strictly nonlegal; he does not function as a lawyer for the Commission. Currently, L and the other Commissioners are working personally and substantially on a matter involving the Shady Bay Salmon Farm. Now, Shady Bay approaches L, asking if he would like to become Shady Bay's in-house general counsel. If L negotiates for employment with Shady Bay, he will be subject to discipline. Notice that the rule applies to L, even though his work for the Commission is nonlegal.
The conflict of interest problems posed when a lawyer switches between government and private practice are also present when a judge leaves the bench and enters private practice. Thus, the rules discussed here are similar to those discussed above.
1. Switching from Judicial Service to Private Law Practice
A lawyer must not represent a private client in a matter in which the lawyer has earlier participated personally and substantially while serving as a judge or other adjudicative officer (e.g., a referee or special master) or as a law clerk to such person, or as an arbitrator, mediator, or other third-party neutral, unless all parties to the proceedings give informed, written consent. [ABA Model Rule 1.12(a)] However, an arbitrator who is selected as a partisan of a party in a multi-member arbitration panel may subsequently represent that party. [ABA Model Rule 1.12(d)] 1) Lawyer L was selected as the partisan of union U on a three-member Examples:
arbitration panel. L may serve as U's lawyer in later proceedings relating to the dispute that was arbitrated. 2) Law clerk C worked on the case of P v. D and made recommendations to Judge J about some discovery motions and a motion for default judgment. When C completes her clerkship and enters private practice, she cannot work on the case of P v. D. [See Maryland State Bar Op. 85-23 (1985)] 3) J was one of 15 judges on the County Superior Court (a trial court) while the case of State v. Able was pending in that court. However, the Able case was assigned to a different judge, and Judge J never had anything to do with it. Later, Judge J resigned from the bench and entered private practice. Able asked J to represent her on the appeal of her case. J may represent Able because J did not personally work on the Able case. [See ABA Model Rule 1.12(a)] 4) S was the Senior Presiding Judge of the Circuit Court of Appeal (an intermediate appellate court). In that capacity, Judge S was responsible for all court administration and for assigning judges to hear various cases. During that period, the case of Commonwealth v. Beale was heard and decided by the court, but Judge S had nothing to do with that case except to assign it to three other judges. Later, Judge S left the bench and entered private practice. S may represent Beale in a subsequent stage of Beak's case. [Id.] 2. Screening Can Avoid Imputed Disqualification If a lawyer is disqualified under Rule 1.12(a), everyone else in the lawyer's firm is also disqualified unless the following conditions are met: (i) The lawyer is timely screened off from the matter;
(ii) The lawyer is not apportioned any part of the fee earned in the matter; and (iii) Written notice is given to the parties and the appropriate tribunal so that they can ensure that the foregoing conditions are met. [ABA Model Rule 1.12(e); ABA Formal Op. 342 (1975)]
Other Adjudicative Officers Negotiating for Private Employment The lenient rule that applies to law clerks does not apply to judges, arbitrators, mediators. third-party neutrals, and other adjudicative officers. They are forbidden to negotiate for private employment with a party (or the attorney for a party) in a matter in which they are participating personally and substantially. [ABA Model Rule 1.12(b)]
I. CONFLICTS INVOLVING PROSPECTIVE CLIENTS 1. Lawyer's Duty Concerning Confidential Information A prospective client is someone who discusses with a lawyer the possibility of forming a lawyer-client relationship. [ABA Model Rule 1.18(a)] The attorney-client privilege protects confidential communications between a lawyer and a prospective client. The ethical duty of confidentiality also applies to discussions between a lawyer and prospective client. Thus, the lawyer must not reveal or use information learned during those discussions, unless an exception to the duty of confidentiality applies. Examples: 1) Prospective client PC came to lawyer L's office seeking L's legal advice about a plan to murder PC's sister-in-law without getting caught. The attorney-client privilege would not protect PC's communication because he was seeking L's aid to commit a future crime. Furthermore, the ethical duty of confidentiality would not prohibit L from warning the sister-in-law and telling the police if L reasonably believes that PC really will carry out the plan. [ABA Model Rules 1.18(b), 1.6(b)(1)] 2) Senator S telephoned attorney A, asking A to visit him in the county jail. When A arrived, S explained in confidence that he was picked up for felony drunk driving, that he was very drunk at the time, and that he wanted A to represent him. A was overburdened with other work and could not do so. Several weeks later, the entire story of Senator S's drunken escapade became common knowledge after S talked about it on Oprah Winfry's television show. Not long afterward, in an unrelated matter, A had occasion to crossexamine S, who had testified on behalf of A's adversary. A asked S: "Sir, shortly before witnessing the events about which you testified on direct, had you drunk any alcohol?" S was outraged and accused A of violating the duty of confidence owed to a potential client. A's conduct was proper. The question on cross-examination was designed to test S's ability to perceive correctly. Furthermore, the information about S's drinking, although originally confidential, lost its protection when S himself made it public on television. [See ABA Model Rules 1.18(b), 1.9(c)(1)] 2. Lawyer's Duty Concerning Conflict of Interest Subject to the exceptions stated in 3., below, a lawyer who obtains confidential information during preliminary discussions with a prospective client must not later represent a different person in the same or a substantially related matter if the confidential information could significantly harm the prospective client. [ABA Model Rule 1.18(c)] This conflict is imputed to others in the lawyer's firm, but the imputation can be overcome by screening, as stated in 3., below. How to Overcome a Prospective Client Conflict One way to overcome the conflict described in 2., above, is to obtain informed, writIon
consent from both the affected client and the prospective client. [ABA Model Rule I.18(cI)(1)? A second way to overcome the conflict is to satisfy all of the following conditions: (i) Demonstrate that the lawyer who held discussions with the prospective client took care to avoid exposure to any more confidential information than was necessary to determine whether to represent the prospective client:
(ii) Demonstrate that the disqualified lawyer is timely screened from any participation in the matter and will not share the fee (but he may take his ordinary salary or partnership share); and (iii) Give written notice to the prospective client. [ABA Model Rule 1.18(d)(2)]
Duty to Report to Higher Authority in Organization In the situation described above, the lawyer must ordinarily report the violation to a higher authority in the organization (e.g.. to a corporation's president). If necessary, the lawyer must report it to the organization's highest authority (e.g., a corporation's outside directors). ABA Model Rule 1.13(b) does, however, give the lawyer a narrow range of discretionshe need not report the violation if she reasonably believes that the organization's best interests do not require the violation to be reported. [id.] Duty to Report Outside the Organization If the lawyer reports the violation to the organization's highest authority, but the highest authority fails to take timely, appropriate action, the lawyer may report the relevant information to appropriate persons outside of the organization. This is true even if the information would otherwise be protected by the duty of confidentiality expressed in ABA Model Rule 1.6. [ABA Model Rule 1.13(c)] However, the lawyer's authority to report to outsiders applies only if, and to the extent that, the lawyer reasonably believes that reporting is necessary to prevent substantial injury to the organization. The authority to report to outsiders does not apply to a lawyer who is hired by the organization to investigate an alleged violation of law or to defend the organization or its constituents against a claimed violation of law. [ABA Model Rule 1.13(d)] Example: Attorney A's corporate client produces frozen chicken pies. C's production process creates large quantities of liquid waste, which C is supposed to pump into recycling tanks. C's manufacturing vice president sometimes orders his workers to dump the waste into a ditch that drains into some neighboring wetlands; the dumping is cheaper and quicker, but it gradually destroys the wetlands in violation of state and federal environmental laws. When A learns about the dumping, she reports it to C's president and warns him that C will be fined millions of dollars if it gets caught. C's president ignored A's warning, so A reported the matter to the highest authority in the companythe audit committee of the board of directors. The audit committee did nothing. If A reasonably believes that the company will be seriously injured if the dumping continues, A may report the relevant information to the appropriate environmental enforcement authority, even if some of that information would otherwise be protected by the duty of confidentiality. Whistle Blower Protection A lawyer who reasonably believes that she has been fired because she acted pursuant to Model Rule 1.13(b) or (c) (see a. and b. above), or who withdraws under circumstances that require or permit her to act pursuant to either of those paragraphs, must proceed as she reasonably believes necessary to assure that the organization's highest authority is informed of the firing or withdrawal. {ABA Model Rule 1.13(e)]
4. Representing Both the Organization and an Associated Person The lawyer for an organization may represent both the organization and one or more directors, officers, employees, or other persons associated with the organization, provided that the ordinary conflict of interest rules are satisfied. [ABA Model Rule 1.13(g): Restatement 96. comment h, 131, comment e] When dual representation requires the consent of the organization, the consent must be given by an appropriate person other than the person to be represented. LABA Model Rule 1.13(g)]
The Anti-Nuclear Coalition sued Consolidated Light and Power Co. and the president of Consolidated under federal, state, and common law to prevent Consolidated from starting up a nuclear generating plant that it had constructed. The firm of W, X & Y was retained to represent both Consolidated and its president. After careful examination, the firm concluded that it could represent both clients effectively, even though their interests potentially conflict on one or two points. After the firm explained the potential conflicts, the president gave informed, written consent on his own behalf, and the chairman of the board of directors gave informed, written consent on behalf
of the company. The dual representation is proper.
Serving as Both Director and Lawyer The ABA Model Rules do not forbid a lawyer from serving as both a director of an organi-
zation and as a lawyer for the organization. but the Model Rules point out that the dual role can create conflicts of interest. [See Comment 35 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] For instance, when the lawyer participates in a meeting as a director (rather than as the organization's lawyer), the attorney-client privilege will not apply to communications at the meeting, but some of the other directors may not realize that. If there is a substantial risk that the dual role will compromise the lawyer's professional judgment. the lawyer should either resign as
director or not act as the organization's lawyer when a conflict arises. [Id.] 6. Securities Lawyer's Duties Under Sarbanes-Oxley Act In response to the collapse of several high-flying corporations in 2002, Congress passed the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Among other things, the Act instructs the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") to make rules for securities lawyers who discover their clients violating the federal or state securities laws or similar laws. The SEC did make rules, which are now part of the "law of lawyering" that is covered on the MPRE. [See 17 C.F.R. 205] The
following discussion includes highlights of the Sarbanes-Oxley rules. a. Application to "Securities Lawyers" The rules apply to lawyers who represent an issuer of securities and who practice
before the SEC ("securities lawyers"). This includes not only lawyers who transact business with the SEC, communicate with it, or represent a securities issuer before it,
but also lawyers who give advice about a document that will be filed with the SEC or advice about whether information must be filed with the SEC. b. Reporting Requirement If a securities lawyer becomes aware of credible evidence that her client is materially violating a federal or state securities law, she must report the evidence to her client's chief legal officer ("CLO") or chief executive officer. The same reporting duty applies to credible evidence that one of her client's personnel has breached a fiduciary duty under federal or state law or has committed a "similar material violation" of federal or
state law. c. Investigation by CLO The CLO must investigate the situation to determine whether a violation occurred. Alternatively, the CLO can turn the matter over to a legal compliance committee, but for purposes of this discussion, that complication will be ignored.
If Violation Found"Appropriate Response" Required If the CLO concludes that no violation occurred, he must report that conclusion back to the securities lawyer. If the CLO concludes that a violation did occur, is occurring, or is about to occur, the CLO must take all reasonable steps to get the client to make an "appropriate response." Roughly stated, that means that the client must stop or remedy the violation and make sure that it does not happen again. The CLO must report those results to the securities lawyer. When Appropriate Response Not Taken If the securities lawyer believes that the CLO did not achieve an appropriate response from the client, the securities lawyer must report the evidence to one of the following: (i) the client's whole hoard of directors, (u) the audit committee of the board, or (iii) a committee made up of outside directors (directors who are not beholden to the client). Notice that the Sarbanes-Oxley reporting rule is mandatory, unlike ABA Model Rule 1.13(b), which gives the lawyer some discretion about how to proceed (see 3., supra). Revealing Confidential Information The securities lawyer may reveal to the SEC, without the client's consent, any confidential information that is reasonably necessary to: (i) stop the client from committing a violation that will cause substantial financial injury to the client or its investors; (ii) rectify such a financial injury if the lawyer's services were used to further the violation; or (iii) prevent the client from committing or suborning perjury in an SEC matter or lying in any matter within the jurisdiction of any branch of the federal government. Compliance with Rules A securities lawyer who violates the Sarbanes-Oxley rules can be disciplined by the SEC, but a securities lawyer who complies with the Sarbanes-Oxley rules cannot he held civilly liable for doing so and cannot be disciplined under any inconsistent state rule. Action When Securities Lawyer Is Fired If a securities lawyer is fired for complying with the Sarbanes-Oxley rules, she may report the firing to the client's board of directors (thus setting up the client for an expensive wrongful termination suit).
VI. SAFEGUARDING THE CLIENTS MONEY AND PROPERTY A. GENERAL DUTY When money or property belonging to a client comes into the lawyer's hands, the lawyer must not steal it, borrow it, or put it to the lawyer's own use. Furthermore, the lawyer must keep it separated from the lawyer's own money and property. A lawyer is subject to discipline for commingling the client's money or property with the lawyer's own personal or business funds or property. [ABA Model Rule 1.15; and see Restatement 44lawyer safeguarding client's property acts as a fiduciary and is subject to civil liability for failure to safeguard such property] CLIENT TRUST FUND ACCOUNT All money that a lawyer receives on behalf of a client (whether from the client or a third party)
must promptly be placed in a client trust fund account, separate from the lawyer's own personal and business accounts. [Id.]
1. Type of Account
The client trust fund account must be located in the state where the lawyer practices. [ABA Model Rule 1.15(a)however, the account may be elsewhere if the client consents] Ordinarily, a lawyer must never put her own money or her firm's money into the client trust account, but she may put some of her own money into that account for the sole purpose of paying bank service charges. [ABA Model Rule 1.15(b)]
a. Large Sum Held for Long Period
If a lawyer is entrusted with a large sum to hold for a long period, the lawyer should put it into a separate, interest-bearing account, and the interest it earns will belong to the client. [See Restatement 44. comment d] A separate account is recommended when the lawyer is administering estate funds or the like. [Comment 1 to ABA Model Rule 1.15]
b. Small Sums
Usually, lawyers are entrusted with only relatively small sums to hold for relatively short periods of time. The lawyer should put these sums into a pooled client trust account; the account is pooled in the sense that it holds funds entrusted to the lawyer by a variety of different clients. The pooled client trust account is typically a checking account that earns interest. If each client's small sum were put in an individual account, the amount of interest it could earn would be less than the bank's service charge for maintaining the individual account. The 50 states devised Interest On Lawyer Trust Account ("IOLTA") programs. If a client entrusts a lawyer with a sum that is too small to earn any net interest, the lawyer must put it into a pooled checking account that earns interest. After the bank deducts its service charges from the interest, the bank sends the remaining interest to the state bar or to a legal foundation, which uses the interest to fund charitable legal programs. In short, an IOLTA program creates an asset that would otherwise not exist, and it then puts that asset to a public use. In Brown v. Legal Foundation of Washington, 538 U.S. 216 (2003), a sharply divided Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of IOLTA programs, holding that the individual clients whose interest was "taken" for "public use" were not entitled to "just compensation" because they did not lose anything they would otherwise have had. 2. Funds that Must Be Placed in Account
a. Money Advanced by Client to Cover Costs and Expenses
When the client entrusts the lawyer with money to pay costs and expenses not yet incurred. the advance must be put into the lawyer's client trust fund account. [ABA Model Rule 1.15 j The lawyer can then pay the expenses with checks drawn on the account.
b. Legal Fees Advanced by Client
Sometimes a client entrusts the lawyer with an advance against legal fees that the lawyer has not yet earned. Such an advance must be put into the client trust account. That is because a lawyer must refund to the client any unearned, prepaid legal fees at
the close of the representation, and an irresponsible lawyer could harm a client by frittering away a fee advance. When a lawyer holds a fee advance in her client trust account, she may make withdrawals as fees are earned if there is no existing dispute about the lawyer's right to do so. [See Restatement 44, comment f] To make sure there is no dispute, cautious lawyers send the client an itemized bill before withdrawing legal fees from the trust account. [See Restatement 44, comment f]
c. Funds in Which Both Client and Lawyer Have an Interest
A lawyer sometimes receives funds from a third party that are to be used, in part, to pay the lawyer's fee. The lawyer must place such funds in a client trust account until there is an accounting and severance of the respective interests of the client and the lawyer. [ABA Model Rule 1.15(e)] If the client disputes the amount that is due to the lawyer, then the disputed portion must be kept in the client trust account until the dispute is resolved. [Id.] Example: Attorney A agreed to represent P as plaintiff in a products liability case. P agreed to pay A $75 per hour for her work, and P agreed that the fee could be deducted from the proceeds of the suit before remittance to P. After expending 100 hours on the case, A arranged a settlement of $50,000, and the defendant sent A a check in that amount. A deposited the check in her client trust fund account and notified P that it had arrived. The same day, A sent P a statement for services showing 100 hours of work and a total fee of $7,500. P protested the fee, saying that she would pay $5,000, but not a cent more. Furthermore, P demanded immediate payment of the entire $50,000. A then sent P $42,500, transferred $5,000 to her personal bank account, and kept the remaining $2,500 in her client trust fund account. P and A ultimately submitted their fee dispute to arbitration; when the arbitrator ruled in A's favor, she transferred the $2,500 to her personal bank account. A handled the matter properly. [See Restatement 44, comment f]
d. Funds in Which a Third Party Has an Interest
Sometimes a third party has an interest in funds that come into the lawyer's possession on behalf of a client. [Comment 4 to ABA Model Rule 1.15] Statute, common law, or contract may require the lawyer to protect the third party's interest against interference by the client; accordingly, when the third party's claim is not frivolous, the lawyer must refuse to surrender the funds to the client until the third party has been paid. [Id.] However, a lawyer should not unilaterally presume to arbitrate a dispute between the client and the third party. [Id.] If there are substantial grounds for the dispute, the lawyer may file an interpleader action to have a court resolve the dispute. [Id.] The lawyer must promptly distribute any sums that are not in dispute. [ABA Model Rule 1.15(e)] Example: When attorney A agreed to represent client C in a personal injury case, A and C made a three-way agreement with C's physician that A would pay C's medical bills out of the proceeds of C's suit. When C won a $10,000 judgment, he demanded that the entire sum be immediately paid over to him because of a dispute between C and the physician over the medical bills. A's legal and ethical obligation is to hold the amount of money necessary to pay C's medical bills until the dispute between C and the physician is resolved.
SAFEGUARDING PROPERTY When the lawyer comes into possession of property (other than money) to be held on a client's behalf, the lawyer must identify it as belonging to the client and must put it in a safe place. [ABA Model Rule 1.15(a)] For small items, most lawyers use a bank safe deposit box. Lawyer L represented horse breeder B in negotiating a contract whereby B exExample: changed two valuable horses for a lakeside cottage. While the transfer was pending, B turned the two horses over to L for safekeeping. L arranged for them to be boarded at a certified and bonded stable. L's conduct was proper. DUTY TO NOTIFY, KEEP RECORDS, RENDER ACCOUNTINGS, AND PAY OVER PROMPTLY A lawyer has the following additional duties respecting a client's money or property: The lawyer must notify the client promptly when a third party turns over money or property to the lawyer to hold on the client's behalf; (ii) The lawyer must keep complete, accurate, and up-to-date records of all money and property held on behalf of the client. These records must be kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice, and they must be preserved for five years after the termination of the representation: (iii) The lawyer must render appropriate accountings of all money and property held on behalf of the client; and (iv) When the time comes to pay over money or deliver property to which the client or a third party is entitled, the lawyer must do so promptly. [ABA Model Rule 1.15(a), (d)}
VII. THE LAWYER AS COUNSELOR A. LAWYER AS ADVISOR TO THE CLIENT 1. Duty to Render Candid Advice When acting as advisor to a client, a lawyer must exercise independent judgment and render candid advice. [ABA Model Rule 2.1] Candid advice is sometimes hard to takethe facts may be harsh and the choices unattractive. The lawyer should attempt to keep the client's morale up but should neither sugarcoat the advice nor delude the client. [See Comment 1 to ABA Model Rule 2.1] Giving Advice Beyond the Law A lawyer may give a client not only legal advice, but also moral, economic, social, or political advice when relevant to the client's situation. [ABA Model Rule 2.1] When appropriate, a lawyer may also urge a client to seek advice from persons in related professions-e.g., advice from an accountant, psychiatrist, physician, or family counselor. [See Comment 4 to ABA Model Rule 2.1]
Volunteering Advice A lawyer ordinarily has no duty to give advice until asked. However, if the lawyer knows that the client is planning a course of action that will have substantial adverse legal consequences for the client. the lawyer may volunteer advice without being asked. [See Comment 5 to ABA Model Rule 2.1] Example: Client C hired lawyer L to do some tax work. In the course of that work, L learned that C was regularly putting large amounts of money into a trust established for her grandchildren. If L reasonably believes that C is endangering her ability to provide for her own needs in old age, L may call that fact to C's attention, and L may assist C in working out a safer plan for investment and disposition of her assets.
B. EVALUATION FOR USE BY THIRD PERSONS ABA Model Rule 2.3 concerns the lawyer who is asked. expressly or impliedly, to evaluate the affairs of a client and to supply the evaluation for use by third persons. Examples: 1) Client X asks her lawyer to evaluate her legal title to 40 acres of ranch land and to furnish the evaluation to a proposed purchaser of the land. 2) Client Y Corp. wants to borrow a large sum from a bank and asks its lawyer to evaluate its legal and business affairs and to furnish a report to the bank. 3) Client Z, a school district, proposes to issue some school bonds and asks its lawyer to examine its situation and its proposed bond issue and to render a legal opinion for use by election officials, voters, and potential investors. Note that in each of the foregoing examples, the client is the person or entity whose affairs are to be evaluated by the lawyer. ABA Model Rule 2.3 does not apply when a client asks a lawyer to evaluate the affairs of a third party and then to make a report to the client. Example: Bank proposes to lend a large sum of money to Y. Bank therefore asks its own lawyer to evaluate Y's business and legal affairs and to report back to Bank. ABA Model Rule 2.3 does not apply to this situation. [Comment 2 to ABA Model Rule 2.3] 1. Requirements of the Rule A lawyer may evaluate a client's affairs for the use of a third person if the lawyer reasonably believes that making the evaluation is compatible with the lawyer's other responsibilities to the client. [ABA Model Rule 2.3(a)] Example: Lawyer L is defending client D Company in a suit for infringement of three United States patents. If D loses the infringement suit, its business will be virtually wiped out. D seeks to borrow a substantial sum of money from trust company T, and D asks L to evaluate its business and its pending litigation and to render a report to T. L should decline to perform the evaluation. L's responsibilities to D as an advocate in the patent infringement case are not compatible with rendering a candid evaluation for use by T. [See Comment 3 to ABA Model Rule 2.3] Harmful Evaluation If the lawyer knows or should know that the evaluation will materially harm the -Went. the lawyer must obtain the client's informed, written consent before making the evaluation.
Confidentiality Except as disclosure is authorized in connection with a report of an evaluation, the ordinary rules of confidentiality apply to information gained during the evaluation. [ABA Model Rule 2.3(b)] The client may limit the scope of the evaluation or the sources of information available to the lawyer, but the lawyer should describe any material limitations in the report furnished to the third person. The lawyer may have other legal duties to the third person in connection with the reportthat depends on the applicable law and is not covered in ABA Model Rule 2.3. [Comment 3 to ABA Model Rule 2.3] Lawyer's Liability to Third Person A lawyer who is hired to evaluate a client's affairs for a third person may be liable to the third person for negligence in rendering the evaluation. Client C hired attorney A to evaluate C's financial condition for bank B in Example: the hope that B would lend money to C. A's opinion letter to B negligently misrepresented C's financial condition, as a direct result of which B suffered a large loss. A is liable to B for the negligent misrepresentation. [See VereinsUnd Westbank, AG v. Carter, 691 F. Supp. 704 (S.D.N.Y. 1988)] Cases in Which Opinion Is to Be Widely Disseminated When a lawyer agrees to certify facts to a large number of persons who can be expected to rely on the lawyer, the lawyer has a special obligation to be complete, accurate, and candid. a. Securities Cases This special obligation most often arises when a lawyer has prepared an opinion letter to be used in disclosure documents for securities investors. The lawyer may be held liable for both misstatements and omissions of material facts. [SEC v. National Student Marketing Corp., 457 F. Supp. 682 (D.D.C. 1978)]
1) Due Diligence Required
A lawyer is not a guarantor of every fact in the disclosure materials about the company or transaction. However, if the disclosures are inconsistent, or the lawyer has any reason to doubt their accuracy, the lawyer has a duty to inquire to determine the correct facts. [ABA Formal Op. 335 (1974)] b. Tax Shelter Opinions When a lawyer gives a widely disseminated legal opinion about the tax treatment likely to be afforded an investment, the lawyer must candidly disclose and estimate the degree of risk that the IRS will not allow the tax treatment being sought, even if such disclosure will be contrary to the interest of the client in selling the investment. [ABA Formal Op. 346 (1982)]
C. LAWYER AS NEGOTIATOR Lawyers must negotiate in both litigation (e.g., settlement negotiations) and nonlitigation contexts (e.g., real estate transaction, business merger negotiation). Issues of honest and affirmative disclosure often arise in connection with such negotiations. Thus, the Rules prohibit a lawyer from making a false statement of material fact. [ABA Model Rule 4.1(a)] However, the lawyer is under no duty to do the other side's fact research or volunteer any facts that would undermine the client's position.
A lawyer who believes an opponent is underestimating the strength of his client's position has no duty to correct that misapprehension unless the lawyer or the client caused it. [Brown v. County of Genessee, 872 F.2d 169 (6th Cir. 1989)opponent miscalculated amount of lost pay] However, in certain instances, the opponent's lack of knowledge of pertinent facts may be so important that disclosure is required. Examples: 1) Plaintiff's lawyer failed to disclose to the defendant that, during the settlement negotiations, the plaintiff, who was considered to be a strong witness, died. The settlement of the case was set aside. [Virzi v. Grand Trunk Warehouse, 571 F. Supp. 507 (E.D. Mich. 1983)] 2) Prosecutor had a duty to disclose to a criminal defendant that, prior to the acceptance of his guilty plea, physical evidence of the defendant's guilt was accidentally destroyed. [Fambo v. Smith, 433 F. Supp. 590 (W.D.N.Y. 1977)]
General Principles
A lawyer serves as a third-party neutral when she assists two or more nonclients in resolving a dispute or other matter that has arisen between them. [ABA Model Rule 2.4(a)] Examples of a third-party neutral are an arbitrator, mediator, conciliator, or evaluator. [Comment 1 to ABA Model Rule 2.4] Nonlawyers can serve as third-party neutrals, but some court rules require lawyers for some types of cases. When a lawyer serves as a third-party neutral, she is subject not only to the ordinary rules of legal ethics, but also to various codes of conduct devised by groups such as the American Arbitration Association. [Comment 2 to ABA Model Rule 2.4]
Conflicts of Interest
A lawyer who serves as a third-party neutral in a matter must not thereafter become the lawyer for anyone involved in the matter, unless all of the parties give their informed,
written consent. [ABA Model Rule 1.12(a)] This conflict is imputed to other lawyers in the lawyer's firm, but it can be solved by screening the lawyer from the matter, assuring that he does not share the fee, and notifying the parties about the screening arrangement. [ABA Model Rule 1.12(c)] No conflict arises when a lawyer who served as a partisan arbitrator for a party is later asked to become that party's lawyer. [ABA Model Rule 1.12(d)]
VIII. THE LAWYER AS ADVOCATE A. MERITORIOUS CLAIMS AND CONTENTIONS ONLY 1. Discipline for Asserting Frivolous Position A lawyer is subject to discipline for bringing a frivolous proceeding, or for asserting a frivolous position in the defense of a proceeding. Likewise, a lawyer is subject to discipline for taking a frivolous position on an issue in a proceeding. [ABA Model Rule 3.1; Restatement 110; and see Fed. R. Civ. P. l l litigation sanctions for frivolous pleadings and motions] A "frivolous" position is one that cannot be supported by a good faith argument under existing law and that cannot be supported by a good faith argument for changing the existing law. [Id.] Note the following: (i) It is not frivolous to assert a position without first fully substantiating all the facts. [Comment 2 to ABA Model Rule 3.11
(ii) It is not frivolous to assert a position knowing that vital evidence can be uncovered only through discovery proceedings. [Id.] (iii) It is not frivolous to assert a position even though the lawyer believes that the position will not ultimately prevail. [Id.]
1) C purchased land bordering a government forest, hoping to obtain the necessary government approval to build a ski resort. When the government refused to grant the necessary approval, C hired lawyer L to sue the government for taking C's property without just compensation. L advised C that her legal position was contrary to the existing law, but L developed two tenable arguments for distinguishing C's case from the existing law. Even though L believed that his arguments were sound, he did not believe that they would ultimately prevail in the United States Supreme Court. L is not subject to discipline. 2) An attorney may advise a client to take a tax position if the attorney believes that the position has a "realistic possibility of success if the matter is litigated." The attorney need not be convinced that the position will ultimately prevail. But when advising a client about a debatable tax position, the attorney must warn the client about possible penalties and other adverse legal consequences. [ABA Formal Op. 85-352 (1985)]
2. Defending in Criminal Proceedings Despite the general rule against taking frivolous positions, the lawyer for the defendant in a criminal case (or for the respondent in a proceeding that could result in incarceration) may
conduct the defense so that the prosecutor must prove every necessary element of the crime. [ABA Model Rule 3.1; Restatement 110(2)] Example: Attorney A agrees to defend D in a kidnapping case. From the facts related in confidence by D, A concludes that D is clearly guilty as charged. If D nevertheless wishes to plead not guilty, A will not be subject to discipline for putting the prosecution to its proofs and requiring every element of the case to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. B. DUTY TO EXPEDITE LITIGATION 1. Reasonable Efforts to Expedite Litigation A lawyer must make reasonable efforts to expedite litigation, consistent with the interests of the 4 client. ABA Model Rule 3.2] A lawyer may occasionally ask for a postponement for personal reasons, but he should not make a habit of it. [See Comment I to ABA Model Rule 3.2] Interests of the Client The duty to expedite does not require the lawyer to take actions that would harm the client's legitimate interests. [See ABA Model Rule 3.2] However, realizing financial or other benefit from otherwise improper delay is not a legitimate interest. [Id.] Example: Client C lost her case at trial, and a judgment for $500,000 was entered against her. C's obligation to pay the judgment was stayed pending appeal. C instructed her lawyer to appeal the case and to drag out the appeal as long as possible, pointing out that she could earn an 11% return on the $500,000 while the appeal was pending. C's lawyer obtained every possible extension of time and delayed the appeal as long as he could. Ultimately, the appellate court affirmed the judgment below. C's lawyer is subject to discipline for causing delay.
C. DUTY OF CANDOR TO THE TRIBUNAL 1. Candor About Applicable Law An attorney must be candid with the court about the law that applies to the case. a. False Statements of Law An attorney is subject to discipline for knowingly making a false statement of law to the court or for failing to correct a previously made false statement of material law. [ABA Model Rule 3.3(a)(1)] Examples: 1) During oral argument, attorney A cited the court to an intermediate appeals court opinion, knowing that the opinion had later been reversed by the state's highest court. A is subject to discipline.
2) In a memorandum of points and authorities, attorney B cited an obscure case for a proposition, knowing that the case held precisely the opposite. B is subject to discipline.
b. Failing to Disclose Controlling Authority An attorney is subject to discipline for knowingly failing to disclose to the court a legal authority in the controlling jurisdiction that is directly adverse to the client's position and that has not been disclosed by the opposing counsel. [ABA Model Rule 3.3(a)(2); Restatement 111(2); and see Jorgenson v. Volusia County, 846 F.2d 1350 (11th Cir.
1988)Rule 1 i sanctions imposed for failure to cite adverse authority] The attorney is, of course, free to argue that the cited authority is not sound or should not be followed. 1) Lawyer L is representing client C in a diversity of citizenship case Examples: pending in the United States District Court for the District of Nevada. Under the Erie doctrine, Nevada law (including Nevada's choice of law rules) governs on issues of substance. In the case at hand, Nevada's choice of law rules make the controlling law that of the state of New York. L's adversary fails to call the court's attention to a New York Court of Appeals case that is directly contrary to the position taken by L's client. L must cite the case to the court. 2) Under the facts given in the example above, L would have no duty to cite the court to a directly adverse Utah case or to a directly adverse case decided by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Nor would L have a duty to cite the court to a New York Court of Appeals case that was against L's position only by analogy. (Note, however, that many lawyers would cite these cases to the court as a matter of sound tactics.) 2. Candor About Facts of Case An attorney is subject to discipline for knowingly making a false statement of fact to the court or for failing to correct a previously made false statement of material fact. [ABA Model Rule 3.3(a)(1)] Ordinarily, an attorney is not required to have personal knowledge of the facts stated in pleadings and other litigation documentsthose contain assertions made by the client or by other persons, not by the attorney. [Comment 3 to ABA Model Rule 3.3] But when an attorney does make an assertion of fact to the court (e.g., in an affidavit or when asserting facts in oral argument), the attorney is expected either to know that the assertion is true or to believe it to be true based on reasonably diligent inquiry. Furthermore, an attorney's failure to speak out is. in some contexts, the equivalent of an affirmative misrepresentation (e.g., when the attorney or the client has caused a mistake or misunderstanding). [Id.] 1) When the court was pondering whether to release attorney A's client on his Examples: own recognizance, the court asked A: "Does your client have a steady job here in the city, counsel?" A answered: "Oh, yes, Your Honor." If A knew that his client was unemployed, A is subject to discipline. Furthermore, if A had never inquired about his client's employment status and had no reasonable basis for the assertion, A is subject to discipline. 2) When the court was deciding what sentence to impose on attorney B's client, the court said: "I assume that this is your client's first drunk driving offense, counsel, so I am ordering him to attend drunk driving school and to pay a fine of $100." B knew that his client had two prior drunk driving offenses and that the mandatory sentence for the third such offense is revocation of license and 90 days in the county jail. Because neither B nor his client caused the court's mistake, B may keep quiet. But note: If B or his client had caused the mistake, B would have to speak up and correct it.
No Obligation to Volunteer Harmful Facts An attorney generally has no obligation to volunteer a fact that is harmful to his client's
case. The adversary system assumes that opposing sides can use discovery proceedings and their own investigations to find out the facts. (See Comment 14 to ABA Model Rule 3.4] If an attorney's adversary fails to uncover a harmful fact, an injustice may result, but that is simply the way the adversary system works. Lawyer L is defending D at the trial of a private treble damages antitrust Example: case. Plaintiff's case-in-chief is defective. L knows that the defect could be cured if plaintiff were aware of a certain meeting between D and D's competitors. Throughout the long discovery proceedings, plaintiff never inquired about this meeting, although he had ample opportunity to do so. L has no duty to volunteer information about the meeting; L's ethical obligation is to move for a directed verdict at the close of plaintiff's case-in-chief. a. ExceptionEx Parte Proceedings In an ex parte proceeding, only one side is present. Because the other side has no opportunity to offer its version of the facts, the model of the adversary system does not apply in the ex parte context. Therefore, a lawyer in an ex parte proceeding must inform the tribunal of all material facts known to the lawyer that will help the tribunal make an informed decision. [ABA Model Rule 3.3(d); Restatement 112(2)] Example: The same day that W filed for divorce from H, W's lawyer petitioned for a temporary restraining order to prevent H from entering the family home and from bothering the children. Because H could not be found, the court agreed to hear the petition ex parte. At the hearing, W's lawyer must inform the court of all the material facts, both helpful and harmful, that bear on the issue before the court. 4. Using False Evidence In a matter pending before a tribunal, a lawyer is subject to discipline for offering evidence that the lawyer knows is false. [ABA Model Rule 3.3(a)(3)] "Knows" means actual knowledge, but actual knowledge can be inferred from the circumstances. [ABA Model Rule 1.0(f)] A lawyer should resolve doubts about veracity in favor of her client, but a lawyer cannot ignore an obvious falsehood. [Comment 8 to ABA Model Rule 3.3] Furthermore, a lawyer may refuse to offer evidence that she reasonably believes is false, except for a criminal defendant's testimony on his own behalf. [ABA Model Rule 3.3(a)(3)] These principles apply, not just in court, but also in an ancillary proceeding, such as a deposition. a. Discovery of Falsity After Evidence Has Been Offered If a lawyer has offered a piece of evidence and later discovers that it is false, she must take reasonable remedial measures. First, the lawyer must speak confidentially with her client, urging the client's cooperation in withdrawing or correcting the false evidence. [Comment 10 to ABA Model Rule 3.3] Second, if the client will not cooperate, the lawyer should consider asking the court's permission to withdraw. Ordinarily, withdrawal is not mandatory, but it becomes mandatory if the lawyer's discovery of the false evidence creates such a rift between the lawyer and client that the lawyer can no longer represent the client effectively. [Comment 15 to ABA Model Rule 3.3] Withdrawal alone is not a sufficient remedial step if it leaves the false evidence before the tribunal. The lawyer should also move to strike the false evidence or take other steps to cancel out its effect. [See Restatement 120, comment h] Third, if withdrawal is not permitted or will not solve the problem. the lawyer must disclose the situation to the
judge, even if that means disclosing the client's information that would otherwise be protected under the duty of confidentiality. [Comment 10 to ABA Model Rule 3.3] Note that the duty to rectify false evidence continues until the end of the proceedings, which means when a final judgment has been affirmed on appeal or the time for appeal has expired. [Comment 13 to ABA Model Rule 3.3] b. False Testimony by Criminal Defendant One of the thorniest problems in legal ethics arises when a criminal defense lawyer learns that her client has testified falsely, or is about to testify falsely, in his own defense. A criminal defendant has a Sixth Amendment right to the effective assistance of counsel. A criminal defendant also has a constitutional right to testify on his own behalf. [Rock v. Arkansas. 483 U.S. 44 (1987)] On the other hand, a criminal defense lawyer must not present evidence that he knows is false, and ordinarily he must not reveal the client's confidential information. What is the criminal defense lawyer to do when the client insists on testifying to something that the lawyer knows (because of the client's confidential disclosures) is false? 1) ABA Model Rules and Restatement Solution When you take the MPRE, apply the solution adopted by the ABA Model Rules and the Restatement. [See ABA Model Rule 3.3(a)(3); Restatement 120, comment i] That is, the criminal defense lawyer should follow the same three steps stated in a., above. First. the lawyer must try to convince the defendant not to testify falsely. Second, if the defendant insists on testifying falsely, the lawyer should consider withdrawal, if that will solve the problem. Usually it will not solve the problem, either because the court will not permit withdrawal or because withdrawal will not erase or prevent the false testimony. Third, if all else fails, the lawyer must reveal the situation to the judge, even if that means disclosing the client's confidential information. The judge must then decide what to do. perhaps declare a mistrial, make some kind of statement to the jury, or perhaps nothing. The duty to rectify false evidence continues until the end of the proceedings, which means when a final judgment has been affirmed on appeal or the time for appeal has expired. [Comment 13 to ABA Model Rule 3.3] This solution to the problem does not violate a criminal defendant's constitutional right to effective assistance of counsel. [Nix v. Whiteside, 475 U.S. 157 (1986)] Minority View Several jurisdictions (including New York and California) handle the problem by allowing the criminal defendant to testify in "narrative fashion." That means that the defense lawyer questions the defendant in the ordinary way up to the point of the false testimony. At that point, the defense lawyer asks a question that calls for a narrative answer (such as "What else happened?"). The defendant then tells his story. The defense lawyer is not permitted to rely on the false parts of the story when arguing the case to the trier of fact. ABA Model Rule 3.3 defers to the local law in jurisdictions that follow the minority view. [Comment 7 to ABA Model Rule 3.3]
5, Other Corruption of an Adjudicative Proceeding A lawyer who represents a client in an adjudicative proceeding must take appropriate measures to prevent any person (a client or anyone else) from committing criminal or fraudulent
conduct that will corrupt the proceedings. [See ABA Model Rule 3.3(b)] Examples of such conduct are: (i) hiding or destroying evidence, (ii) bribing a witness, (iii) intimidating a juror, (iv) buying a judge, and (v) failing to obey a law or court order to disclose information. [Comment 12 to ABA Model Rule 3.3[ Appropriate measures include disclosure to the court, if that becomes necessary. Example: Attorney A is defending surgeon S in a medical malpractice case. Student nurse N observed the operation in question, including the act that allegedly constitutes the malpractice. Two days before plaintiff took N's deposition, S's father told N: "If you testify at your deposition that you saw S do the act in question, make sure you never get a nursing job in this state." At her deposition, N testified that she was not in the operating room at the time of the alleged act. Two days after the deposition, A learned what S's father did. A must set the record straight; if all else fails, A must tell the tribunal what happened. D. DUTY OF FAIRNESS TO OPPOSING PARTY AND COUNSEL I. Opponent's Access to Evidence A lawyer must not unlawfully obstruct another party's access to evidence. Furthermore, a lawyer must not unlawfully alter, destroy, or conceal a document or other item having evidentiary value. In addition, a lawyer must not counsel or assist another person to do any of these things. [ABA Model Rule 3.4(a); Restatement 118] Suppressing or tampering with evidence may also constitute a crime. [See, e.g., Cal. Penal Code 135] Example: A special prosecutor was appointed to investigate certain allegations against a government official. The official told his lawyer about some highly incriminating documents in a file in his office. The lawyer suggested that the official "deep six" the file in the nearest river. The lawyer is subject to discipline. 2. Falsifying Evidence and Assisting in Perjury A lawyer must not falsify evidence. [ABA Model Rule 3.4(b); Restatement 118] Furthermore, a lawyer must not counsel or assist a witness to testify falsely. WI.] Well-prepared lawyers seldom pass up an opportunity to talk to a witness before the witness testifies. The lawyer may probe the witness's memory, explore the basis of the witness's knowledge, point out holes and fallacies in the witness's story, and seek to refresh the witness's recollection by proper means. [Restatement 116] However, the lawyer must not try to "bend" the testimony or put words in the witness's mouth. New York's Judge Finch put the matter this way in an 1880 disciplinary case: "[The lawyer's] duty is to extract the facts from the witness, not to put them into him; to learn what the witness does know, not to teach him what he ought to know." [In re Eldridge, 82 N.Y. 161 (1880)] Paying Witnesses A lawyer must not offer an inducement to a witness that is prohibited by law. [ABA Model Rule 3.4(b); Restatement 117] However, except when prohibited by local law, the following payments to witnesses are proper. a. Travel, Meals, and Lodging An attorney may pay expenses reasonably incurred by the witness in attending and testifying (e.g., travel, hotel, meals, and incidental expenses). [Comment 3 to ABA Model Rule 3.41
Loss of Time An attorney may pay reasonable compensation for the witness's loss of time in attending and testifying (e.g., the amount the witness would have earned at her job had she not had to come to testify). [Restatement 117, comment b] Experts' Fees An attorney may pay a reasonable fee to an expert witness for preparing to testify and for testifying. The fee must not he contingent on either the content of the testimony or the outcome of the case. [Comment 3 to ABA Mode] Rule 3.4] In a complex securities case, client C needed the testimony of an expert Example: On securities brokerage. C's lawyer L agreed to advance the expenses for expert E and promised to pay E's travel, hotel, meal, and incidental expenses. L also promised E a witness fee of $1,000 or 2% of C's eventual recovery, whichever was greater. The arrangement for expenses was proper, but the witness fee arrangement makes L subject to discipline.
4. Securing Absence or Noncooperation of Witness A lawyer must not advise or cause a person to secrete himself or to flee the jurisdiction for the purpose of making him unavailable as a witness. [ABA Model Rule 3.4(a); Restatement 116] A lawyer may, however, advise a person not to voluntarily give information to an opponent or other party if the following conditions are met: (i) The person is a client, or a relative, employee, or agent of a client; and
(ii) The lawyer reasonably believes that the person's interests will not be harmed by not volunteering the information. [ABA Model Rule 3.4(f)] Attorney A represents W in a child custody dispute with W's former husExample: band, H. A believes that H's lawyer will probably try to interview W's sister to find out information about W's fitness as a parent. Absent some kind of harm to the sister, A may advise the sister that she need not speak voluntarily with H's lawyer about the matter. However, if A learns that H's lawyer is trying to serve a deposition subpoena on the sister, A must not advise the sister to leave town or hide from the process server. 5. Violating Court Rules and Orders A lawyer must not knowingly violate a rule of procedure, a rule of evidence, a rule of court, or an order made by the courtbut a lawyer may openly refuse to obey such a rule or order for the purpose of making a good faith challenge to the validity of the rule or order. [ABA Model Rule 3.4(c); Restatement 105] 1) At the jury trial of D for automobile theft, the trial judge ordered prosecuExamples: tor P to make no mention whatsoever of D's former misdemeanor convictions. In cross-examining one of D's witnesses, P asked: "When you and D were cel]mates in the county jail back in 1998, did D invite you to join a car theft operation after your release?" If P was intentionally trying to evade the trial judge's order, P is subject to discipline.
2) In the civil suit of P u D, P demanded production of some documents that D claimed were protected by the attorney-client privilege. The trial judge ordered the documents to be produced in camera so that he could determine whether the documents were privileged. D's lawyer asserted that the state law of attorney-client privilege did not authorize the judge to require an in camera examination. The trial judge refused to stay the order long enough to allow D to pursue an interlocutory appeal. D's lawyer may refuse to produce the documents while she seeks a writ of mandamus or prohibition to test the validity of the trial judge's order. [See also In re Tamblyn, 695 P.2d 902 (Or. 1985)attorney may advise client not to obey void court order] 6. Abusing Discovery Procedures A lawyer must not make a frivolous discovery request, or fail to make reasonable efforts to comply with a legally proper discovery request made by the adversary. [ABA Model Rule 3.4(d)] Abuse of discovery proceedings can also subject both the lawyer and the client to fines and other sanctions. [See, e.g., Fed. R. Civ. P. 37(b); Roadway Express, Inc. v. Piper, 447 U.S. 752 (1980)federal court has inherent authority to hold counsel personally responsible for expenses and attorneys' fees incurred because of counsel's bad faith in discovery] Example: Lawyer L intentionally failed to produce a certain set of handwritten notes that were clearly called for by a court order. L's conduct caused L's adversary to spend several hundred hours in developing alternative evidence of the facts stated in the notes. L is subject to discipline and is subject to such other sanctions as the court may see fit to impose. Chicanery at Trial A lawyer is subject to discipline for engaging in the following types of chicanery during the trial of a case. a. Referring to Inadmissible Material During the trial of a case, a lawyer must not refer to material that the lawyer does not reasonably believe is relevant or that will not be supported by admissible evidence. [ABA Model Rule 3.4(e); Restatement 107] Examples: 1) At the trial of a railway accident case, plaintiff's lawyer made repeated reference to the great size and wealth of the railway company. The comments were irrelevant to any issue in the case and were made solely to inflame the jury. The lawyer is subject to discipline. [See also Simmons v. Southern Pacific Transportation Co., 62 Cal. App. 3d 341 (1976)verdict for plaintiff reversed because of counsel's misconduct] 2) During her opening statement to the jury, the defense lawyer pointed out that plaintiff had offered to settle his claim for a small sum. The defense lawyer knew that evidence of the settlement offer would not be admissible. The lawyer is subject to discipline. h. Asserting Personal Knowledge of Contested Facts During the trial of a case, a lawyer must not assert personal knowledge of facts in issue (except when testifying as a witness). [ABA Model Rule 3.4(e)]
Lawyer L represented the plaintiff in a dog bite case. The defendant contended that he was not the owner of the offending dog. In his closing argument to the jury, L said: "The defendant has solemnly told you that he does not own the dog. As it happens, I live down the street from the defendant, and every night about 10, I see the defendant taking that very same dog for a walk." L is subject to discipline.
c. Asserting Personal Opinions During the trial of a case, a lawyer must not state a personal opinion about: (i) The justness of a cause;
(ii) The credibility dr'a witness; (iii) The culpability of a civil litigant; or (iv) The guilt or innocence of an accused. [ABA Model Rule 3.4(e); Restatement 107] A lawyer may, of course, make an argument based on the evidence concerning any of these matters. 1) During his closing argument in a routine traffic accident case, attorExamples: ney A said: "D has told you that the light was green. I was appalled to hear the man say that from the witness stand, under oath! I don't believe him for a minute, and I ask you not to believe him either." A's argument is not proper. 2) In the example above, it would have been proper for A to make his point by referring to the evidence rather than expressing personal opinion. For instance: "D has told you that the light was green. D stands to lose a great deal of money in this case. Two eyewitnesses, who have nothing to lose, testified that the light was red. It is up to you jurors to decide whom to believe." 8. Using Threats to Gain Advantage in Civil Case Under the ABA Model Rules, a lawyer may bring, or threaten to bring, criminal charges against her adversary in order to gain an advantage in a civil case, provided that the criminal and civil matters are closely related and that both the civil case and criminal charges are warranted by the law and the facts. [ABA Formal Op. 92-363 (1992)] However, a lawyer must not threaten to report adversary counsel for a disciplinary violation in order to gain an advantage for her client in a civil case. If the adversary counsel's disciplinary violation is the kind that must be reported, the lawyer should simply report itshe should not use it as a bargaining chip in the civil case. [ABA Formal Op. 94-383 (1994)] Lawyer L has personal knowledge that adversary counsel lied to the judge Example: about a certain document that L had requested in discovery. Lying to a judge is the kind of conduct that raises a substantial question about a person's fitness to practice, and L therefore must report it. L told adversary counsel: "If you accept my client's settlement proposal, then I will not report you for lying to the judge about that document." L's conduct is improper; she should simply have reported adversary counsel, not used the misconduct as a bargaining chip in the civil case.
lawyers and jurors or prospective jurors. In general, however, before and during the trial of a case, a lawyer who is connected with the case must not communicate (outside of official proceedings) with a juror or member of the panel from which the jurors will be chosen. This rule forbids communication on any subjecteven the weather. It does not matter who initiates the communication. If a juror or prospective juror attempts to clairiunicate with a lawyer, the lawyer must refuse. [Restatement 115]
Disruptive Conduct
A lawyer must not engage in Illaluct intended to disrupt a tribunal. [ABA Model Rule 3.5(d)] This rule applies in depositioNas well as in the courtroom. [Comment 5 to ABA Model Rule 3.5] Despite repeated warnings by the trial judge, attorney A persisted in banging Example: on the counsel table, interrupting the judge in mid-sentence, making sour faces while witnesses were examined, and leaning over the jury rail in an intimidating manner. A is subject to discipline (and, at the court's discretion, to punishment for contempt of court).
Statements About Judicial and Legal Officials a. False Statements About Judges or Candidates for Public Legal Office
A lawyer must not make a statement that the lawyer knows is false about the qualifications or integrity of a judge, hearing officer, or public legal official. or about a candidate for a judicial or legal office. The same rule applies to statements made with reckless disregard as to truth or falsity. [ABA Model Rule 8.2(a); Restatement 114] Lawyer K made unfounded accusations in two petitions, asserting that Example: certain appellate judges were deliberately dishonest in failing to recuse themselves in a case K was handling. Such accusations in court papers constitute criminal contempt that can be summarily punished. The court fined K and referred her to the state bar disciplinary authorities. [hi re Koven, 134 Cal. App. 4th 262 (2005)]
Attorney A was one of two candidates for a vacant superior court judgeship. She personally solicited and accepted campaign contributions from other members of her law firm, a violation of ABA Code of Judicial Conduct 7(B)(2). A is subject to discipline.
F. TRIAL PUBLICITY The litigants in a trial have a Fifth Amendment right to have their dispute resolved on admissible evidence, by fair procedures, in a tribunal that is not influenced by public sentiment or outcry. Protection of that right requires some limits on the kinds of information that can be disseminated to the public before trialparticularly where the trial is to be by jury. On the other hand, the public and the press have countervailing rights under the First Amendment. The public has a right to know about threats to its safety, and it has an interest in knowing about the conduct of judicial proceedings. Moreover, the subjects of litigation are often significant in debate over questions of public policy. 1. General Rule A lawyer who is connected with a case must not make a public statement outside the courtroom that the lawyer reasonably should know would have a "substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing" the case (e.g., discussing the character or credibility of a party or witness, performance or results of an examination, possibility of a guilty plea, or existence or contents of a confession). [ABA Model Rule 3.6(a); Restatement 109] Right of Reply A lawyer may, however, make a public statement that "a reasonable lawyer would believe is required to protect a client from the substantial undue prejudicial effect of recent publicity not initiated by the lawyer or the lawyer's client." [ABA Model Rule 3.6(c)] Example: Professional tennis star Jacques LaMont was arrested for sexually assaulting an employee in the hotel where he was staying. Dozens of media reporters descended on the inexperienced prosecutor assigned to LaMont's case. The reporters demanded to know what evidence there was against LaMont, who was reputed to be a clean-living family man. The prosecutor said he could not disclose any details, but that there was "some incriminating physical evidence," plus a "helpful signed statement that LaMont gave to the police voluntarily." The prosecutor's comments got wide coverage in the press and on television. LaMont's counsel feared that the prosecutor's characterization of LaMont's signed statement as "helpful" would make people think that LaMont had incriminated himself. Seeking to dispel that false impression, LaMont's counsel told reporters, quite accurately, that the most "incriminating" parts of LaMont's statement were that he was a paying guest of the hotel on the night in question and that at the time in question LaMont was asleep in his own hotel room, alone. The prosecutor is subject to discipline, but the defense lawyer's statement was proper. [See ABA Model Rule 3.6(c) and Comment 5; see also ABA Model Rule 3.8(f)] Additional Constraint on Criminal Prosecutors There is an additional constraint on the prosecutor in a criminal case. The prosecutor must not make extrajudicial comments that have a "substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused." [ABA Model Rule 3.8(f)]
4. Dry Facts About Case Permitted Notwithstanding the general rule against prejudicial statements, a lawyer who is connected with the case may publicly state the following "dry facts" about the case: a. The claim, charge, or defense involved (provided there is an accompanying statement that the charge is only an accusation and that the party is deemed innocent until proven guilty); The names of persons involved (unless the law prohibits it); Any information that is already in the public record; The scheduling or result of any step in litigation; The fact that an investigation is ongoing, a request for help in getting information, and a warning of danger (if appropriate); and Routine booking information about a criminal defendant, such as his name, address, occupation, family status, the time and place of arrest, the names of arresting officers. and the names of investigating officers or agencies.
b. c. d. e.
5. Rules Also Apply to Associated Lawyers The rules stated above apply equally to other lawyers who are associated in a law firm or agency with the lawyers participating in the case. G. TRIAL COUNSEL AS WITNESS 1. Reasons to Avoid Dual Role Several problems are posed when a client's trial counsel also testifies as a witness at the trial. a. Conflict of Interest The dual role may create a conflict of interest between the client and the trial counsel. For example, the trial counsel's testimony may contradict the client's testimony, or the trial counsel's obvious bias may make her an ineffective witness on behalf of the client. [Comment 6 to ABA Model Rule 3.7] Differing Functions The functions of trial counsel and witness are different. A witness must state facts objectively, but a trial counsel is supposed to present facts as a partisan advocate. When the two roles are combined, it may be unclear whether a particular statement is to be taken as evidence or as advocacy. The tribunal itself can object when the dual role may confuse or mislead the trier of fact. [Comment 2 to ABA Model Rule 3.7] Effect on Adversary The adversary may be handicapped in challenging the credibility of one who serves as both trial counsel and witness. Courtesy and sound tactics may force the adversary to tread softly on cross-examination. Furthermore, a favorable impression created as trial counsel may lend unjustified believability to the trial counsel's words as witness.
2. Ethical Limitations Imposed For the foregoing reasons, the ABA Model Rules place limits on serving as both trial counsel and witness. [See also Restatement 108] Except in the situations discussed below, a lawyer must not act as an advocate at a trial in which the lawyer is likely to be a necessary witness. BABA Model Rule 3.7(a)] a. Uncontested Matter or Mere Formality A lawyer may serve as trial counsel if her testimony as a witness will relate solely to an uncontested matter or to a mere formality. [See ABA Model Rule 3.7(a)(1)1 Attorney A's testimony will be limited to the authentication of a letter, Example: and there is no reason to doubt the letter's authenticity. Either A or another lawyer in her firm may serve as trial counsel. Testimony About Legal Services Rendered in the Case A lawyer may serve as trial counsel if his testimony will relate solely to the nature and value of legal services he has rendered in the case. [ABA Model Rule 3.7(a)(2)1 Example: State law allows attorneys' fees to be awarded to the victor in environmental suits brought under the public trust doctrine. Attorney B's client won such a case. At the fee setting hearing, B may continue as trial counsel and may also testify about the number of hours he spent on the case, the nature of the services, and the amount of his ordinary hourly fee. Substantial Hardship on Client A lawyer may serve as trial counsel and also testify about any matter if withdrawal as trial counsel would cause "substantial" hardship. [ABA Model Rule 3.7(0(3)] Courts tend to be narrow-minded in applying this exception. Mere duplication of legal fees or the loss of a long working relationship with counsel are sometimes held not to constitute substantial hardship. Example: For the past five years, attorney C has worked full time on the discovery and pretrial preparation of a major tax fraud case. Just before trial, C discovered that she would have to testify on a contested issue concerning some entries in her client's books of account. If C withdraws as trial counsel, it will cost her client many thousands of dollars in extra legal fees, and it will delay the trial by 18 months. The substantial hardship exception ought to apply here, but there is some authority to the contrary. Other Lawyers in Firm May Be Witnesses A lawyer is permitted to act as an advocate at a trial in which another lawyer in the lawyer's firm is likely to he called as a witness unless precluded from doing so by the conflict of interest rules. [ABA Model Rule 3.7(b)]
3. Conflict of Interest Rules Also Apply A lawyer who is asked to be both an advocate and a witness must comply not only with ABA Model Rule 3.7, but also with the general conflict of interest principles stated in ABA Model Rules 1.7 (current clients) and 1.9 (former clients). For instance, the dual role can create a conflict between the current client's interest in winning the case and the lawyer's interest in earning a fee as trial counsel.
Rock climbers A, B, C, and L (a lawyer) went on a rock climbing venture guided by professional climber Bea Lai Long. C was badly injured on the climb, allegedly by Bea's foolhardy decision to take an exposed route when a storm was approaching. A, B, and L were the only people who saw what happened to C, and their testimony will be vital to C's claim against Bea. C has asked L to be her trial counsel. L would like to earn the fee, but he also knows that his testimony about the accident will be open to attack for bias; C might be better off having another trial counsel and using L only as an eyewitness. L must not represent C unless he fully explains the conflict to C and obtains her informed, written consent.
H. SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF A PROSECUTOR The prosecutor in a criminal case is not simply an advocate but also a minister of justice; the prosecutor's primary goal is to seek justice, not to convict. [Comment 1 to ABA Model Rule 3.8] Thus, the prosecutor must assure that the defendant is tried by fair procedures and that guilt is decided on proper and sufficient evidence. Local laws may impose additional duties on a prosecutor, and failure to comply with such laws is grounds for professional discipline. [Id.] 1. Prosecuting Without Probable Cause A prosecutor must not prosecute a charge that she knows is not supported by probable cause. [ABA Model Rule 3.8(a)] 2. Protecting Accused's Right to Counsel A prosecutor must make reasonable efforts to assure that the accused is: (i) Advised of the right to counsel;
(ii) Advised of the procedure for obtaining counsel; and (iii) Given a reasonable opportunity to obtain counsel. [ABA Model Rule 3.8(b)] Example: Sheriff S is in charge of the county jail. S has established jail regulations that frequently result in an accused being held incommunicado for a long period before being given a chance to use the telephone. County District Attorney A must make reasonable efforts to have the jail regulations changed. [See ABA Model Rule 3.8(b)] 3. Securing Waiver of Pretrial Rights A prosecutor must not seek to obtain from an unrepresented accused a waiver of important pretrial rights, such as the right to a preliminary hearing. [ABA Model Rule 3.8(c)] Example: Indigent accused, A, was advised of his right to remain silent and of his right to have counsel appointed to defend him. A asked for the services of a public defender, and A said that he did not want to make any statement. Before the public defender arrived, A was brought to a small room and allowed to relax over a cup of coffee. At that time, prosecutor P urged him to "assist us voluntarily in finding out what happened so we can clear this up and get you out of here without getting into legal technicalities." P is subject to discipline.
Disclosing Evidence that May Help Defense A prosecutor must timely disclose to the defense all evidence and information known to the prosecutor that tends to negate the guilt of the accused or mitigate the degree of the offense. [ABA Model Rule 3.8(d)] Failure to disclose material information may deprive the defendant of due process. [See Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963), explained in United States v. Bagley, 473 U.S. 667 (1985)] Example: D was accused of second degree murder. Prosecutor P asked the county coroner to pay special attention to the size, shape, and location of the stab wound that killed the victim. The coroner reported that the wound was probably inflicted by a person who was being held down on the ground by the victim. Since this information tends to suggest self-defense, P must promptly report it to D's lawyer. Disclosing Information that May Mitigate Punishment When a convicted person is to be sentenced, the prosecutor must disclose to the defense and to the court all unprivileged mitigating information known to the prosecutor (except when a protective order of the court relieves the prosecutor of this obligation). [ABA Model Rule 3.8(d)] Public Statements About Pending Matters Except for statements that are necessary to inform the public of the nature and extent of the prosecutor's action and that serve a legitimate law enforcement purpose, a prosecutor must not make extrajudicial statements that have a "substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused." A prosecutor must take reasonable care to prevent investigators, police, employees, and other subordinates from making such statements. [ABA Model Rule 3.8(01 Subpoenaing Other Lawyers A prosecutor must not subpoena another lawyer to give evidence about a client or former client unless the evidence is not privileged, is essential, and cannot be obtained in another way. [ABA Model Rule 3.8(e)] Other Government Lawyers Many of the above duties are incumbent on all government lawyers, not merely public prosecutors. a. Terminating Actions A government lawyer with discretionary power relative to civil litigation should not institute or continue actions that are obviously unfair. [Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas Co. v. F.E.R.C., 962 F.2d 45 (D.C. Cir. 1992)] Developing Full Record Even if litigation appears warranted, a government lawyer has a responsibility to develop a full and fair record. The lawyer must not use her position or the economic power of the government to harass parties or to force unjust settlements or results.
Appearances in a Representative Capacity Lawyers sometimes appear before legislatures, city councils, executive agencies, regulatory boards, and other groups that act in a rule-making or policy-making capacity. [See Comment to ABA Model Rule 3.9] When a lawyer appears on behalf of a client before a legislative body or administrative agency, the lawyer must disclose that she is acting in a representative capacity (not on her own behalf). [ABA Model Rule 3.9; Restatement 104] The Columbia Association of Manufacturers and Retailers hired lawyer L to Example: assist it in opposing a proposed new inventory tax. In that capacity, L testified in hearings before the Finance Committee of the Columbia Municipal Council. In her testimony, L presented both legal and economic arguments against the proposed tax. L must disclose to the Finance Committee that she is acting in a representative capacity. Duties of Candor and Respect When a lawyer represents a client before a legislative body. administrative agency in an official hearing or meeting at which the lawyer or client prents evidence or argument, the lawyer must, generally speaking, follow the same rules as though in court. Yd.] For example, the lawyer must not make false statements of fact or law, offer evidence known to be false, obstruct access to evidence, knowingly violate the rules and orders of the legislative or administrative body, seek to use undue influence, or engage in disruptive conduct. [ABA Model Rules 3.9, 3.3(a) - (c), 3.4(a) - (c), 3.51 A lawyer should comply with these rules even though the rules do not bind nonlawyers who do similar work. [Comment 2 to ABA Model Rule 3.9] Limits of These Rules The rules stated in 1. and 2., above, do not apply: (i) when a lawyer represents a client in bilateral negotiations with the government, (ii) in an application for a license or other privilege, (iii) when the government is investigating the client's affairs, or (iv) when the government is examining the client's compliance with a regular reporting requirement (such as the filing of tax returns).
IX. TRANSACTIONS WITH THIRD PERSONS A. TRUTHFULNESS IN STATEMENTS TO THIRD PERSONS 1. Must Not Make False Statements of Material Fact or Law When dealing on behalf of a client with a third person, a lawyer must not knowingly make a false statement of law or material fact. [ABA Model Rule 4.1(a); Restatement 98] Generally, a lawyer has no duty to inform a third person of relevant facts. [Comment 1 to ABA Model Rule 4.1] However, a lawyer must not misrepresent the facts. a. Types of Misrepresentation A misrepresentation can occur when the lawyer makes a statement knowing that it is false, when the lawyer affirms or incorporates a statement knowing that it is false, when the lawyer states something that is partly true but misleading, or in some contexts when the lawyer fails to speak or act. [Id.]
1) Lawyer L represented seller S in negotiating a sale of S's farm to buyer B. L and S accompanied B on a walking tour of the farmlands, and it soon became apparent to them that B knew little or nothing about fanning. When B looked over the north 40 acres, he said: "I assume that the soil and water here would be good for a nice walnut orchard." L and S both knew that the soil was far too wet and heavy to grow walnuts. S replied: "Oh, you'd be surprised what can grow here." L said nothing. L's failure to speak out in this context is equivalent to an affirmative misrepresentation. L is subject to discipline. 2) Attorney A represented plaintiff P in a personal injury case. P died while settlement negotiation was going on with the defendant. A must not pursue the settlement negotiation without notifying the defense lawyer of P's death. [ABA Formal Op. 95-397 (1995)]
b. Distinguish Conventional Puffery Under generally accepted conventions in negotiation, certain types of statements ordinarily are not taken as statements of material fact. [Comment 2 to ABA Model Rule 4.1] Estimates of price or value placed on the subject of a transaction are ordinarily regarded as mere puffery, and so is a statement of a party's intentions as to settlement of a claim. FM.] Example: Attorney A was employed by Consolidated Liability Insurance Company to defend its insured, D, in an automobile accident case. After careful investigation, A concluded that D was clearly at fault. A advised Consolidated to settle, and Consolidated authorized A to settle the case for any sum under $10,000. A few days later, plaintiff's lawyer telephoned A and suggested that they meet to discuss a settlement. A responded: "I will be glad to listen to whatever you have to propose, but I sincerely doubt that Consolidated will be interested in settlingI think we can win this one at trial." Under generally accepted conventions, A's statements would be regarded as mere puffery, not as false statements of material fact.
2. Failure to Disclose Material FactsClient's Crime or Fraud
A lawyer must disclose material facts to a third person when necessary to avoid assisting the client in a crime or fraudunless the lawyer is forbidden to do so by the ethical duty of confidentiality. [ABA Model Rule 4.1(b)] Under the ABA Model Rules view, where the duty of confidentiality prevents the lawyer from disclosing material facts. and where continued representation would require the lawyer to assist in the client's crime or fraud, the lawyer must withdraw. [See ABA Model Rules 1.16(a)(1), 1.2(d); ABA Formal Op. 92-366 (1992)] The lawyer may notify the affected third person of the withdrawal and may withdraw or disaffirm any opinion, document, or affirmation previously furnished in connection with the matter. [See Comment to ABA Model Rule 1.6; ABA Formal Op. 92-366 (1992)] Example: Client C hired attorney A to obtain import licenses to sell C's chemical fertilizer in Australia and New Zealand. While the license applications were pending, C and A negotiated a contract to sell C's entire fertilizer business to X. At C's request, A prepared a "Statement of Operations, Assets, and Liabilities" for X. In the statement A represented that the Australian and New
Zealand import licenses were pending and that in A's opinion they would be granted. Before the sale was closed, both Australia and New Zealand notified C that they would not issue the import licenses, and C conveyed this information to A in confidence. A advised C that X must be informed of this material fact, but C responded: "To hell with Xyour job is to get the sale completed. Now get busy." Under the ABA Model Rules view, the duty of confidentiality forbids A from revealing the license denial to X, but if A continues with the representation, he will be assisting C in defrauding X. A must withdraw. A may advise X of his withdrawal, and he may disaffirm his prior opinion as respects the Australian and New Zealand import licenses. The Restatement takes a simpler, more forthright position. The news of the license denial is not protected by the duty of confidentiality because the law of fraud requires A to disclose it to X. [See Restatement 63, 98, comment d] B. COMMUNICATION WITH PERSONS REPRESENTED BY COUNSEL 1, When Communication Forbidden A lawyer must not communicate about a matter with a person the lawyer knows is represented by counsel, unless that person's counsel consents, or unless the law or a court order authorizes the communication. [ABA Model Rule 4.2; Restatement 99] 1) In the case of P v. D, the lawyer for D had excellent reason to believe that Examples: P's lawyer had failed to convey D's settlement offer to P. D's lawyer therefore telephoned P and made the settlement offer directly. D's lawyer is subject to discipline for communicating with a represented person without consent of that person's counsel. [ABA Formal Op. 92-362 (1992)] P's lawyer is also subject to discipline if he failed to convey D's settlement offer to P. 2) Defendant D was in jail awaiting trial for murder. D was represented by appointed counsel. Without the consent of the appointed counsel, the prosecutor visited D at the jail and discussed the possibility of a plea bargain with D. The prosecutor is subject to discipline. [Comment 5 to ABA Model Rule 4.2; ABA Formal Op. 95-396 (1995); Restatement 99, comment h] 2. Application to Organizations Corporations and other organizations are "persons" for purposes of this rule. Thus, a lawyer must get the consent of the organization's counsel before communicating with the following constituents of the organization: (1) A person who supervises, directs, or regularly consults with the organization's lawyer about the matter at hand; (ii) A person whose conduct may be imputed to the oreabiatiiin for purposes of criminal or civil liability; or (iii) A person who has authority to obligate the organization concerning the matter. [Comment 7 to ABA Model Rule 4.2] Consent is not needed before talking to a former constituent of the organization. [Id.] However, when talking with either a present or former constituent, a lawyer must take care not to violate the organization's legal rights, such as the attorney-client privilege.
Lawyer L represents the plaintiff in a defamation action against the Herald Newspaper Corp. Without getting the permission of the Herald's counsel, L interviewed the newspaper's former editor-in-chief and convinced him to disclose some privileged communications be had with the newspaper's lawyer about the case. L acted improperly in prying into the privileged communications. [m.; and see Comment 1 to ABA Model Rule 4.4]
3. Communications Allowed by the Rule The rule does not prohibit: (i) a lawyer from communicating with a represented person when the communication is authorized by law or court order or when the communication does not concern the subject of the representation; (ii) represented persons from communicating directly with each other; and (iii) a lawyer from interviewing an unrepresented person who will be called as a witness by some other party. 'Comment 4 to ABA Model Rule 4.2; and see Lewis v. S.S. Baune, 534 F.2d 1115 (5th Cir. 1976)] Example: In a complex contract suit between P and D, both parties were represented by counsel. For several months, the respective sets of lawyers tried to work out a satisfactory settlement, but without success. P concluded that the lawyers had become befogged by petty detail and bickering. P therefore invited D out to lunch, and the two of them worked out a settlement within the space of an hour. Direct communication between represented persons is not prohibited by the rule. C. DEALING WITH UNREPRESENTED PERSONS When dealing with an unrepresented person, a lawyer must not state or imply that the lawyer is disinterested. [ABA Model Rule 4.3; Restatement 103] When the lawyer knows, or reasonably should know. that the unrepresented person misunderstands the lawyer's role in the matter, the lawyer must make reasonable efforts to correct the misunderstanding. [Id.] Likewise, if the lawyer knows or should know that her client's interests are likely to be in conflict with those of the unrepresented person, she must not give legal advice to that person (other than to get a lawyer). [Id.] The rule does not, however, prevent a lawyer from negotiating a transaction or settling a client's dispute with an unrepresented person. [Comment 2 to ABA Model Rule 4.3] Example: Property owner 0 wants to lease his empty retail store to merchant M, who wants to use it for a shoe store. M does not have a lawyer, but 0 is represented by attorney A. In negotiating the terms of the lease, A may communicate directly with M, but A should make clear to M that A represents 0 and is not looking out for M's interests. During the lease negotiations, A may tell M what terms will be acceptable to 0. A may also draft a proposed lease agreement and may explain to M what A believes the legal effect of the lease will be. [Id.] RESPECT FOR RIGHTS OF THIRD PERSONS 1. Heavy-Handed Tactics In representing a client, a lawyer must not use means that have no substantial purpose other than to embarrass, delay, or burden a third person. [ABA Model Rule 4.4(a)] Furthermore, a lawyer must not use methods of obtaining evidence that violate the legal rights of a third person. Examples: 1) When preparing to cross-examine witness W, attorney A discovered that W had six misdemeanor convictions for prostitution. A knew that under the
applicable evidence law, he would not be allowed to use those misdemeanor convictions for impeachment, and A knew that they were not otherwise relevant to the proceeding. Nonetheless, on cross-examination, A asked: "How old were you when you decided to devote your life to prostitution, Miss W?" A is subject to discipline. 2) Lawyer L represented P in a complicated trade secrets case against D Corporation. During discovery, L used a subpoena duces tecum to require E Corporation (a nonparty) to produce thousands of documents in connection with the depositions of some employees of E Corporation. The lawyer for E Corporation allowed L to personally go through E Corporation's files to pick out and photocopy documents responsive to the subpoena. While doing that, L made copies of many other documents that were not covered by the subpoena, and L did not tell the lawyer for E Corporation what he had done. L is subject to discipline. 3) Deputy District Attorney A was assigned to prosecute a bank robbery case against D. A suspected that heroin addict X could probably furnish valuable evidence against D but that X would doubtless refuse to do so. Therefore, A told the police: "Go pick up X on suspicion of drug peddling, and we'll find out what he knows about D and the bank robbery." A is subject to discipline. 2. Documents Sent to Lawyer by Mistake Lawyers sometimes receive documents that were sent to them by mistake. That happens with e-mail, fax transmission, postal service, and even personal messenger service. It can also happen when documents are produced pursuant to a discovery request. When a lawyer obtains such a document, and when she knows or reasonably should know that it was sent by mistake, she must promptly notify the sender so that the sender can take protective measures. [ABA Model Rule 4.4(b) and Comment 2] The Model Rule does not address some related questions on which state law is split: e.g., whether the recipient must return the document to the sender, and whether the inadvertent disclosure of the document waives a privilege that would otherwise protect it.
X. LAW FIRMS AND ASSOCIATIONS A. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 1. "Partner" In the context of a private law firm, the term "partner" means a person who is a party to the firm's partnership agreement. [See ABA Formal Op. 310 (1963)] In an incorporated law firm, the shareholders are the equivalent of partners. The term "member of the firm" usually means the same as "partner." [Id.] The rules explained in B., infra, apply not only to private law firms, but also to the law departments of governmental agencies, law departments of businesses, and similar groups of lawyers. For purposes of those rules, a lawyer who has supervisory or managerial responsibility over other lawyers in a governmental agency, business, or other group of lawyers is the equivalent of a partner.
"Associate" In the context of a private law firm, the term -associate - means a lawyer who has a regular relationship with the firm other than as a partner. Usually an associate is an employee who is paid by salary. but the term is also sometimes used to refer to a regularly retained independent contractor. Two lawyers who merely share office space should not refer to themselves as "associates." [Id.] Furthermore, two lawyers must not falsely hold themselves out as a partnership or similar entity. [ABA Model Rule 7.5(d)] "Of Counsel" The term "of counsel" refers to a lawyer who has a continuing relationship with a law firm other than as partner or associate. The term is commonly used to designate a retired partner who remains active in the firm. It is also sometimes used to refer to an independent contractor who is regularly retained by the firm to do certain kinds of work. In the context of a lawsuit, "of counsel" is sometimes used to designate a firm or lawyer who has been called in to assist the counsel of record on a specific taskfor instance, writing an appellate brief or advising on a special field of law. "General Counsel" The term "general counsel" is often used to designate the person in charge of the in-house law department of a business. It may also be used to designate a private firm or lawyer who devotes a "substantial amount of professional time" to the representation of the business or organization in question.
B. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTNERS, MANAGERS, AND SUPERVISORY LAWYERS 1. Partners' Duty to Educate and Guide in Ethics Matters The partners or managing lawyers of a law firm (and the supervisory lawyers in a governmental agency. business, or other group of lawyers) must make reasonable efforts to assure that the other lawyers adhere to the Rules of Professional Conduct. [ABA Model Rule 5.1(a): Restatement 11] Duties of Direct Supervisor A lawyer who directly supervises the work of another lawyer must make reasonable efforts to assure that the other lawyer adheres to the Rules of Professional Conduct. [ABA Model Rule 5.1(b)] How Duties Are Fulfilled The steps necessary to fulfill these two duties depend on the kind and size of the firm or other group. In a small private law firm, informal supervision and occasional admonition may be sufficient. [Comment 3 to ABA Model Rule 5.1] In a larger organization, more elaborate steps may be necessary. Some firms provide continuing legal education programs in professional ethics, and some firms have designated a partner or committee to whom a junior lawyer may turn in confidence for assistance on an ethics issue. [Id.] Ethical Responsibility for Another Lawyer's Misconduct A lawyer is subject to discipline for a disciplinary violation committed by a second lawyer if:
The first lawyer ordered the second lawyer's misconduct or knew about it and ratified itIABA Model Rule 5.1(c); Restatement 11]; or
(ii) The first lawyer is a partner or manager or has direct supervisory responsibility over the second lawyer, and she knows about the misconduct at a time when its consequences can be avoided or mitigated and falls to take reasonable remedial action [Id.]. Examples: 1) Attorney A is not a partner in the M, N & 0 firm, but she is a senior associate and has been assigned direct supervisory responsibility for the work of junior associate J in the case of Cox v. Fox. A told J to interview Ms. Cox and to prepare her to have her deposition taken. In a fit of misdirected zeal, J advised Ms. Cox to testify to a patent falsehood. After the Cox deposition was taken, but while Ms. Cox was still available as a witness, A discovered what had happened. A made no effort to reopen the Cox deposition or otherwise remedy J's misconduct. A is subject to discipline. 2) In the Cox v. Fox example. above, suppose that M, a partner in the firm, is not J's supervisor and has no connection whatever with the Cox v. Fox case. In a casual lunchtime conversation with J, M learned that J had advised Ms. Cox to testify falsely at her deposition. M made no effort to rectify the consequences of J's misconduct. M is subject to discipline. C. RESPONSIBILITIES OF A SUBORDINATE LAWYER 1. Duties Concerning Clear Ethics Violation Orders from a supervisory lawyer are no excuse for clearly unethical conducta lawyer must follow the ethics rules even when acting under the directions of another person. [ABA Model Rule 5.2: Restatement 12] However, the fact that a subordinate lawyer was acting on directions from a supervisor may be relevant in determining whether the subordinate had the knowledge that is required for some ethics violations. [Comment 1 to ABA Model Rule 5.2] Partner P gave associate A a memorandum of fact and asked A to draft a Example: complaint for fraud based on the information in the memorandum. A had no way to know whether the information in the memorandum was complete and truthful. A's lack of opportunity to gather the facts personally is relevant in deciding whether to discipline A for participating in the filing of a frivolous complaint. Duties Concerning Debatable Ethics Questions A subordinate lawyer does not violate the rules of professional conduct by acting in accordance with a supervisor's reasonable resolution of an arguable question of professional duty. [ABA Model Rule 5.2(b); Restatement 12] When a debatable ethics question arises, someone must decide on a course of action, and that responsibility must rest with the supervisory lawyer. If the supervisor's judgment turns out to have been wrong, the subordinate lawyer should not be disciplined for doing what the supervisor directed. [Comment 2 to ABA Model Rule 5.2] Example: Subordinate lawyer L was assisting supervisor S on a summary judgment motion in a products disparagement case. When drafting the reply memorandum on the motion, L stumbled across a new appellate decision in the
controlling jurisdiction concerning libel and slander of persons. The new decision had not been cited by S and L's adversary. S and L's duty to call the new decision to the attention of the trial judge depends on whether it is "directly adverse" to their position. L argues that the law of products disparagement and the law of personal libel and slander are so closely related that the new decision must be considered "directly adverse." S, on the other hand, argues that the two bodies of law are similar only by crude analogy. On this debatable point of ethics, the responsibility for making the final decision rests with S, and L should not be disciplined for following S's instructions not to mention the new decision in the reply memorandum. D. RESPONSIBILITIES CONCERNING NONLAWYER ASSISTANTS 1. Duty to Educate and Guide in Ethics Matters Law firms, governmental and business law departments, and other groups of lawyers employ many kinds of nonlawyerssecretaries, investigators, paralegals, law clerks, messengers, and law student interns. Lawyers who work with such employees must instruct them concerning the ethics of the profession and should he ultimately responsible for their work. [Comment I to ABA Model Rule 5.3] Duty of Partners Respecting Nonlawyer Employees The partners and managers in a law firm (and the supervisory lawyers in a governmental agency, business, or other group of lawyers) must make reasonable efforts to assure that the conduct of the nonlawyers is compatible with the obligations of the profession. [ABA Model Rule 5.3(a)] Lawyer L hired secretary S without carefully checking her background. L put Example: S in charge of his client trust fund account, but did not carefully supervise her bookkeeping procedures. S stole a substantial sum from the account. L failed to fire S even after he discovered her theft. L is subject to discipline for gross negligence. [See In re Scanlan, 697 P.2d 1084 (Ariz. 1985)] Duties of Direct Supervisor Respecting Nonlawyer Employees A lawyer who directly supervises the work of a nonlawyer employee must make reasonable efforts to assure that the conduct of the nonlawyer is compatible with the obligations of the profession. [ABA Model Rule 5.3(b); Restatement 1 1(4)] Deputy Public Defender D directly supervises the work of her secretary, 8, Example: and her investigator, I. D must instruct S and I about the need to keep clients' information in confidence, and D must make reasonable efforts to assure that they do so. Ethical Responsibility for Nonlawyer's Misconduct A lawyer is subject to discipline in two situations when a nonlawyer does something that, if done by a lawyer, would violate a disciplinary rule. The lawyer is subject to discipline if: a. The lawyer ordered the conduct or knew about it and ratified it [ABA Model Rule 5.3(c)(1)]: or b. The lawyer is a partner or manager or has direct supervisory responsibility over the nonlawyer, and the lawyer knows about the misconduct at a time when its consequences
can be aVgded or mitigated and fails to take reasonable remedial action (ABA Model, Rule 5.3(c)(2)}. E. PROFESSIONAL INDEPENDENCE OF A LAWYER 1. Fee Splitting with Nonlawyers and Temporary Lawyers Except as provided below, a lawyer must not share her legal fee with a noniawyer. [ABA Model Rule 5.4(a); Restatement 101 The purpose of this rule is ill-defined, but it is said to help "protect the lawyer's professional independence of judgment." [Comment 1 to ABA Model Rule 5.4] Obviously, the salaries of nonlawyer employees of a firm are paid with money earned as legal fees, but that is not regarded as "sharing" a fee. Furthermore, a firm can employ temporary lawyers through a placement agency without violating the fee-splitting rule. Lawyer L wants to practice law part-time, doing work for law firms that need Example: extra temporary help. L gives copies of her resume to LawTemp, Inc., a placement agency that is owned by nonlawyers. When law firms need extra help, they call LawTemp, which sends them resumes of several available lawyers. By this route, L obtains temporary work at a firm that agrees to pay her $100 per hour for her work and to pay LawTemp a "placement fee" equal to 5% of the total amount it pays to L. The law firm's bill to its client includes the amount the firm pays to L and the "placement fee" paid to LawTemp. This arrangement is proper. [ABA Formal Op. 88-356 (1988)] a. Death Benefits Permitted The lawyers in a firm may agree that, when one of them dies, the others will pay al death benefit over a reasonable period of time to the dead lawyer's estate or to designated persons. [ABA Model Rule 5.4(a); Restatement 10] Example: The R, S & T firm set up a death benefit program. After a partner or associate dies, the firm will make monthly payments to her estate for three years after the death, each payment to equal 40% of her average monthly income during the year before death. The death benefit program is proper. Compensation and Retirement Plans for Nonlawyer Employees The nonlawyer employees of a firm may be included in a compensation or retirement plan even though the plan is based on a profit-sharing arrangement. [Id], Example: The U, R & S firm sets aside 10% of all legal fees in a fund to be used for year-end bonuses to the partners, associates, and nonlawyer employees. The year-end bonus program is proper, even though it is a profitsharing arrangement with nonlawyers. Sale of a Law Practice One lawyer's practice can be sold to another lawyer pursuant to rules that are discussed in G., infra. One who buys the practice of a dead, disabled, or disappeared lawyer niay pay the purchase price to the estate or representatives of the lawyer. [Idj. Sharing Court-Awarded Fee with Nonprofit Organization When a court awards attorneys' fees to the winning lawyer in a case. the lawyer may share the fee with a nonprofit organization that hired or recommended him as counsel.
Justice International, a nonprofit organization, hired lawyer L to represent a class of persons who were imprisoned after 9/11 in violation of their civil rights. L won the case, and the court awarded her attorney fees to be paid by the defendants. L may share the fees with Justice International. [Id, ]
2. Partnership with Nonlawyer to Practice Law Prohibited A lawyer must not form a partnership with a nonlawyer if any part of the partnership activities will constitute the practice of law. [ABA Model Rule 5.4(b)] Distinguish this from ancillary services provided by a separate entity (see H., infra). Example: Family lawyer F formed a partnership with marital psychologist P; their purpose was to offer a full range of counseling and legal services to family clients. All of the legal work was done by F, and all of the other counseling was done by P neither transgressed into the domain of the other. Nevertheless, F is subject to discipline because part of the partnership activity constitutes the practice of law. 3. Nonlawyer Involvement in Incorporated Firm or Other Association A lawyer must not practice in an incorporated law firm or association authorized to practice law for profit if: (i) A nonlawyer owns any interest in the firm or association (but, when a lawyer dies, her estate may hold an interest during the administration of the estate);
(ii) A nonlawyer is a corporate director or officer or the equivalent thereolor (iii) A nonlawyer has the right to direct or control the professional judgffietit of a lawyer. [ABA Model Rule 5.4(d)] Example: M is a nonlawyer. She is the business manager of W, Y & U Ltd., an incorporated law firm. As business manager, she keeps the firm's calendar, does the firm's accounting, hires, fires, and supervises all of the firm's nonlawyer employees, procures all of the firm's supplies and equipment, and runs the firm's library. Despite M's central role in the firm's operations, M cannot become a stockholder in the firm. 4. Interference with Lawyer's Professional Judgment A lawyer must not allow a person who recommends, employs, or pays her for serving a client to direct or regulate the lawyer's professional judgment. [ABA Model Rule 5.4(c)] Federated Life Insurance Company employs lawyer L to prepare estate plans Example: for potential life insurance customers. The potential customer pays nothing for the estate planning service; L works on a flat salary paid by Federated. L, realizing who provides his daily bread, makes sure that every estate plan includes a careful explanation of the "benefits of balanced protection through Federated's term and whole life policies." L is subject to discipline. F. RESTRICTIONS ON RIGHT TO PRACTICE 1. Restrictive Partnership and Employment Agreements A lawyer must neither make nor offer a partnership or employment or similar agreement that restricts a lawyer's right to practice after termination of the relationship, except for an agreement concerning benefits upon retirement. [ABA Model Rule 5.6(a); Restatement 13]
Such agreements not only limit a lawyer's autonomy but also limit the freedom of clients to choose a lawyer. 1) Oakville practitioner A employed young lawyer L by an agreement that Examples: purported to prohibit L from practicing in Oakville after leaving A's employment. Both A and L are subject to discipline. 2) Sixty-four-year-old solo practitioner S took young lawyer Y in as a partner. Their partnership agreement provided that after S retired, the firm would pay S a retirement benefit of $5,000 per month so long as S did not re-enter the practice of law. The agreement is proper. 2. Restrictive Settlement Agreements A lawyer must neither make nor offer an agreement in which a restriction on the lawyer's right to practice is part of the settlement of a client controversy. [ABA Model Rule 5.6(b); and see ABA Formal Op. 93-371 (1993)] Over a period of several years, attorney A represented a series of federal Example: employees in personal injury suits against the federal government concerning cancers allegedly caused by working in the Dos Arboles Radiation Laboratory. The government settled each suit as it came along, but the more suits the government settled, the more new plaintiffs A was able to find. Ultimately, the government offered to settle all then-pending suits for generous sums, provided that A would never again represent a claimant in a Dos Arboles Radiation case. If A agrees to settle on those terms, A will be subject to discipline. [See ABA Formal Op. 95-394 (1995)] G. SALE OF A LAW PRACTICE I. When Sale Permitted ABA Model Rule 1.17 permits the sale of a law practice or a field of law practice, including goodwill, under certain circumstances. Pursuant to this rule: (i) the seller must cease to engage in the private practice of law or in the sold field of practice in the area where the practice has been conducted; (ii) the entire practice, or the entire field of practice. must be sold to one or more lawyers or firms; and (iii) written notice must be given to the seller's clients regarding the sale, the clients' right to retain other counsel or to take possession of their files, and the fact that consent to the transfer of the clients' files will be presumed if a client takes no action within 90 days of receipt of the notice. If notice cannot be given to a client, a court order is required to authorize the transfer of the representation of that client to the purchaser. Also, the seller must "exercise competence in identifying a purchaser qualified to undertake the representation competently." [Comment 11 to ABA Model Rule 1.17] a. Selling Lawyer May Practice in Limited Circumstances After the sale of his practice, a lawyer may still be employed as a lawyer on the staff of a public agency or legal services entity that provides legal services to the poor, or as inhouse counsel to a business. Additionally, a lawyer's return to private practice because of an unanticipated change in circumstances does not necessarily violate the Rules. 2. Protection of Seller's Clients After Sale The purchaser must undertake all client matters in the practice, and not just those that generate substantial fees (subject of course to client consent and conflict of interest rules). [See Comment 6 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] This requirement prevents the sale of only
fee-generating matters, which could leave clients whose matters are not very lucrative in a situation where they might find it difficult to find other representation. Also, clients' fees must not be increased because of the sale. [ABA Model Rule 1.7(d)] The purchaser must honor existing fee agreements made by the seller. [Comment 10 to ABA Model Rule 1.7] H. LAW-RELATED (ANCILLARY) SERVICES Lawyers are permitted to provide law-related services. Law-related services (often referred to as ancillary services) are services that might reasonably be performed in conjunction with (and are related to) the provision of legal services and that are not prohibited as unauthorized practice of law when provided by a nonlawyer. Examples of law-related services include financial planning, accounting, lobbying, trust services, real estate counseling, providing title insurance, and preparing tax returns. Even though law-related services are not legal services, a lawyer who provides such services is subject to the Rules of Professional Conduct in two situations: 1. Nonlegal Services and Legal Services Provided Together If a lawyer provides nonlegal services in circumstances that are not distinct from her provision of legal services, then the Rules of Professional Conduct apply to both the legal and nonlegal services. [ABA Model Rule 5.7(a)(l)] Example: Attorney A is an expert in setting up new business ventures. He also knows many wealthy people who invest money in untried business venturessocalled venture capitalists. When A draws up the articles of incorporation for client C's new business venture and also finds some willing investors for C, A is subject to the Rules of Professional Conduct in both activities. Nonlegal Services Provided by Entity that Is Controlled by the Lawyer If a lawyer provides nonlegal services through an entity that is not her law office but that she controls (either alone or with other lawyers), that lawyer must take reasonable steps to assure that people who receive the nonlegal services understand that those services are not legal services and that the Rules of Professional Conduct do not cover those services. For instance, the attorney-client privilege does not apply to the nonlegal services. If the lawyer does not take those reasonable steps, then the lawyer is subject to the Rules of Professional Conduct with respect to the nonlegal services. Example: Lawyer L is a certified specialist in family law. Many of her clients are women who want to divorce their husbands and also want to find work outside the home. L and one of her nonlawyer friends own and manage Jobs-4-U, a job placement service. When one of her law clients needs a job, L usually refers the client to Jobs-4-U. L is always careful to tell the client that she has a personal financial stake in Jobs-4-U, but L does not explain that the Rules of Professional Conduct do not apply to services rendered by Jobs-4-U. L is therefore bound by the Rules of Professional Conduct in her job placement work. Providing Nonlegal Services to Clients When a client-lawyer relationship exists between the lawyer and the individual receiving the law-related services, the lawyer must comply with bole 1.8(a), which specifies the conditions a lawyer must satisfy when she enters into a business transaction with her own client. [Comment 5 to ABA Model Rule 5.7] Specifically, the transaction must meet the following requirements: the terms of the transaction must be fair to the client; the terms must be fully disclosed to the client in writing, and such disclosure must cover the essential terms of the transaction and the lawyer's role in the transaction; the client must be advised
in writing that he should seek advice from an independent lawyer regarding the arrangement; and the client must give informed consent in a writing signed by the client. (See also V.C.I.a., supra.)
XI. PUBLIC SERVICE A. PRO BONO PUBLICq SERVICE Every lawyer has a professional responsibility to provide legal service to people who cannot pay for it. [ABA Model Rule 6.1] ABA Model Rule 6.1 states an ethical obligation; violating it is not grounds for professional discipline. However, Model Rule 6.1 recommends that every lawyer should spend 50 hours per year on pro bono work; a "substantial majority - of those hours should be spent doing unpaid legal service for poor people or organizations that address the needs of poor people. MEMBERSHIP IN LEGAL SERVICES ORGANIZATIONS 1. Statement of the Problem Lawyers are encouraged to support and participate in legal services organizationse.g., local legal aid societies that provide free legal assistance to underprivileged persons in civil matters. [See Comment 1 to ABA Model Rule 6.3] An officer or member of such an organization does not have a lawyer-client relationship with persons served by the organization, but there can be potential conflicts between the interests of those persons and the interests of the lawyer's regular, paying clients. [Id.; and see South Dakota Op. 88-6 (1988)] General Rule A lawyer may serve as a director, officer, or member of a legal services organization (apart from the lawyer's regular employment) even though the organization serves persons whose interests are adverse to the lawyer's regular clients. [ABA Model Rule 6.3] This general rule is, however, subject to the limitations stated below. (i) The lawyer must not knowingly participate in a decision or action of the organization if doing so would be incompatible with the lawyer's obligations to a client under the general conflict of interest rules. [See ABA Model Rules 1.7, 6.3(a)]
(ii) The lawyer must not knowingly participate in a decision or action of the organization if doing so would adversely affect the representation of one of the organization's clients whose interests are adverse to those of a client of the lawyer. [See ABA Model Rule 6.3(b)] Example: Lawyer L is a member of the board of directors of the Cuttler County Legal Aid Society. The board sets guidelines for the kinds of cases the society will and will not handle. The society's budget has recently been cut, and the board is forced to revise the guidelines to eliminate some kinds of service. L is also a partner in the R, S & T firm, and that firm is outside general counsel to the Cuttler County Apartment Owners Association, a trade association for landlords. One proposal pending before the Legal Aid Society Board is to eliminate free legal service in landlord-tenant cases. L must not participate in this decision.
C. QUICK-ADVICE PROGRAMS Some courts and nonprofit organizations have established programs in which lawyers offer quick advice to people who can then handle their own legal problem without further assistance. Examples are programs that show people how to fill out their own EZ tax forms, legal-advice hotlines, advice-only legal clinics, and programs that show people how to represent themselves in small claims court. A lawyer-client relationship exists between the lawyer and the person who obtains the quick advice, but neither person expects the relationship to continue past the quickadvice stage. [Comment I to ABA Model Rule 6.54 A lawyer may participate in a quick-advice program sponsored by a court or nonprofit organization, subject to the following rules. I. Client Consents to Short-Term, Limited Legal Service The lawyer must obtain the client's informed consent to the limited scope of the relationship. [Comment 2 to ABA Model Rule 6.5] If the lawyer's quick advice is not enough to set the client on the right track, the lawyer must advise the client to obtain further legal help.
Applicability of Ethics Rules In a quick-advice situation, the conflict of interest rules are relaxed somewhat. as explained in 3., below. However, the remainder of the Rules of Professional Conduct apply to a quickadvice situation. Example: When attorney A was answering telephone calls on the bar association hotline, she took a call from a farmer who explained that six months ago he hired a farmhand to help him. The farmhand insisted on being paid in cash and insisted that the farmer not withhold any income taxes or pay any Social Security contributions on his behalf. Based on the farmer's answers to A's questions, A concluded that the farmhand was an employee, not an independent contractor. A then advised the farmer about his potential tax liability. The farmer's statements to A are protected by the attorney-client privilege and the ethical duty of confidentiality; therefore, A must not disclose the farmer's confidential information or use it to the farmer's disadvantage. [See ABA Model Rules 1.6, 1.9(c)] Conflict of Interest Rules Are Relaxed A lawyer who participates in a quick-advice program ordinarily has no time to conduct an ordinary conflict of interest check. Therefore, the general conflicts principles expressed in Rule 1.7 (current clients) and 1.9 (former clients) do not apply unless the lawyer actually knows that giving the quick advice creates a conflict of interest. [ABA Model Rule 6.5(a)(1)] As in other contexts. actual knowledge can be inferred from the circumstances. [ABA Model Rule 1.0(f)] Imputed Conflict Rule Is Also Relaxed The rule of imputed conflicts of interest [ABA Model Rule 1.101 is also relaxed in a quickadvice situation. Therefore, a lawyer may dispense advice in a quick-advice program unless the lawyer actually knows that he is disqualified from doing so because of a conflict imputed from another lawyer in his firm. [ABA Model Rule 6.5(a)(2)] Conversely, a conflict created by advice a lawyer dispenses in a quick-advice program will not be imputed to others in the lawyer's firm. [ABA Model Rule 6.5(b)] Examples: 1) Lawyer L and partner P are partners in the 300-lawyer firm of R & Q. L
participates in a quick-advice program sponsored by a local court. In that context, L advised apartment tenant T that she could withhold rent from her landlord Z to pay for repairing a leaking roof that made the apartment uninhabitable. L did not realize that Z had recently hired L's partner P to deal with legal issues arising out of the apartment house in question. 2) In the example above, if L advised T about withholding rent on May 1, and landlord Z did not hire partner P until July 30, L's conflict is not imputed to P. 5. Conflicts Rules Apply Fully If Quick Advice Leads to Regular Representation If a person who has received quick advice from a lawyer then wants to hire that lawyer to render further service in the matter, the ordinary conflict of interest rules apply to that further service. [Comment 5 to ABA Model Rule 6.5] After attorney A dispensed advice to client C in a quick-advice program, C Example: asked to hire A as his trial counsel in the matter. Before agreeing to render the further service to C, A should check for conflicts of interest to make sure that neither she nor other lawyers in her office have a conflict that would disqualify her. D. LAW REFORM ACTIVITIES AFFECTING CLIENT INTERESTS 1. Activities that May Harm Client A lawyer may serve as a director, officer, or member of a law reform group. even though a reform advocated by the group may harm one of the lawyer's clients. [See ABA Model Rule 6.4] Attorney A is a member of the West Carolina Law Revision Commission, a Example: private organization that drafts and recommends new legislation to the West Carolina Legislature. The commission is now working on new statutes that will revise the West Carolina law respecting administration of trusts. One of A's clients is the First Carolina Bank. The bank's trust operations will become less profitable if the legislature passes the statutes recommended by the commission. A may work on the trust law project for the commission, unless doing so would violate the general conflict of interest rules. [See ABA Model Rule 1.7; Comment to ABA Model Rule 6.4] Activities that May Benefit Client When a lawyer is working on a law reform project and is asked to participate in a decision that could materially benefit one of the lawyer's clients, the lawyer must disclose that fact but the lawyer need not identify the client. [ABA Model Rule 6.4] In the Law Revision Commission example above, suppose that one of the Example: statutes proposed by the commission will substantially increase trustee fees paid to commercial banks. Before participating in a decision about that statute, A must disclose to the other commissioners that she represents a major commercial bank, but she need not identify which bank.
E. POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO OBTAIN GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT A lawyer or firm must not accept a government legal engagement (i.e., employment that a public official has the power to award) or an appointment by a judge if the lawyer or firm makes or
solicits a political contribution for the purpose of obtaining such employment or appointment ("pay to play" contributions). [ABA Model Rule 7.6 and Comment 11 1. Prohibited Contributions This rule does not prohibit all political contributions by lawyers or firmsonly those that would not have been made but for the desire to be considered for the employment or appointment. The circumstances of the contribution may indicate its purpose. Contributions that arc substantial compared to contributions made by other lawyers or firms, are made for the benefit of an official who can award such work, and are followed by an award to the lawyer or firm support an inference that the contributions were for the purpose of obtaining the work. Other factors, such as a family or professional relationship with the judge or a desire to further a political. social, or economic interest, weigh against inferring a prohibited purpose. {Comment 5 to ABA Model Rule 7.61 Excluded Employment Excluded from the ambit of the rule are: (i) uncompensated services: (ii) engagements or appointments made on the basis of experience, expertise, qualifications, and cost, following a process that is free from influence based on political contributions; and (iii) engagements or appointments made on a rotating basis from a list compiled without regard to political contributions. [Comment 3 to ABA Model Rule 7.6]
XII. INFORMATION ABOUT LEGAL SERVICES A. BACKGROUND OF ADVERTISING AND SOLICITATION RULES "Advertising" generally refers to a lawyer's communication with the public at large or a segment of the public. In contrast, "solicitation" generally refers to individual contact with a layperson, initiated by a lawyer (or lawyer's agent), that is designed to entice the layperson to hire the lawyer. A blatant form of solicitation is "ambulance chasing," in which a lawyer (or lawyer's agent) seeks out injured people and urges them to hire the lawyer to represent them. I. The Attack on Tradition From 1908 until the late 1970s, professional ethics rules banned lawyer advertising and solicitation. In the 1970s, public interest groups and some groups of lawyers began to question the wisdom and validity of the traditional ban on advertising and solicitation. They based their arguments on the free speech principles embodied in the First and Fourteenth Amendments and on free market principles that are commonplace in antitrust doctrine. They argued that laypersons cannot select lawyers intelligently without easy access to information about what is available in the legal marketplace. Furthermore, they argued that the advertising ban restricts price and quality competition among lawyers, thus harming the public. Finally, they argued that the solicitation ban sometimes prevents laypeople from recognizing and pursuing worthy claims. 2. The Supreme Court's Response In 1977, the Supreme Court recognized lawyer advertising as commercial speech protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments, holding that a state may adopt reasonable regulations to insure that lawyer advertising is not false or misleading, but may not flatly prohibit all lawyer advertising. [Bates v. State Bar of Arizona, 433 U.S. 350 (1977) ]
False and Misleading Ads and In-Person Solicitation May Be Banned A state may flatly prohibit lawyer advertising that is false or misleading. [In re RMJ, 455 U.S. 191 (1982)] Similarly, a state may adopt prophylactic rules to forbid in-person solicitation for profit in circumstances that are likely to result in overreaching or misleading a layperson. [Ohralik v. Ohio State Bar Association, 436 U.S. 447 (1978)] When Regulation of Truthful, Nondeceptive Advertising Permitted Since attorney advertising is commercial speech, regulation of it is subject to only intermediate, rather than strict, scrutiny. [Florida Bar v. Went For It, Inc., 515 U.S. 618 (1995)] Thus, this type of commercial speech may be regulated if the government satisfies a three-prong test: (i) The government must assert a substantial interest in support of its regulation;
(ii) The government must demonstrate that the restriction on commercial speech directly and materially advances the interest; and (iii) The regulation must be narrowly drawn. [Florida Bar v. Went For It, Inc., supraciting Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. v. Public Service Commission of New York, 447 U.S. 557 (1980)] After conducting a two-year study on the effect of lawyer advertising on Example: public opinion, which included surveys and hearings, Florida adopted a rule prohibiting lawyers from sending any targeted direct-mail solicitations to victims and their relatives for 30 days following an accident or disaster. The United States Supreme Court upheld the regulation, finding that it met the three-prong test above. The Court found that: (i) the state has a substantial interest in protecting the privacy and tranquility of its citizens as well as in protecting the reputation of the legal profession; (ii) the studies show that the public was offended by these solicitations and that the 30-day ban directly advances the state's interests; and (iii) the regulation is narrowly tailored to achieve the desired results. [Florida Bar v. Went For It, Inc., supra] B. ADVERTISING 1. Basic RuleCommunications Must Be True and Not Misleading A lawyer is subject to discipline for any type of communication about the lawyer or the lawyer's services that is false or misleading. [ABA Model Rule 7.1] This rule applies to all kinds of communications, including advertisements, personal communications, office signs, professional cards, professional announcements, letterheads, brochures, letters sent by post or e-mail, and recorded telephone messages. [See Comment 1 to ABA Model Rule 7.1] Types of False or Misleading Communications a. Outright Falsehoods Obviously, a lawyer must not use a communication that is simply false. Attorney A's office letterhead lists him as "Trial CounselExxonMobil Example:
Corporation." Indeed, A used to do trial work in the in-house law department of ExxonMobil, but no member of that department carries the title "Trial Counsel"; moreover, A left ExxonMobil 18 months ago. The listing is an outright falsehood. h. True Communications that Mislead A communication can be true but misleading if it omits a fact that is necessary to make the communication as a whole not materially misleading. [Comment 2 to ABA Model Rule 7.1] Example: Lawyer L's display advertisement in the telephone book Yellow Pages includes the phrase "Yale Law School-1987." Indeed, L did attend a two-week summer program at Yale Law School in 1987, but he earned his law degree at a school of considerably less distinction. The statement is misleading. c. Communications that Create Unjustified Expectations A true communication about a lawyer's accomplishments in past cases is misleading if it could make a reasonable person think that the lawyer could do as well in a similar case, without regard to the facts and law in that case. [Comment 3 to ABA Model Rule 7.1] Attorney A won jury verdicts in excess of $500,000 in the last three Example: asbestos cases she took to trial. Her television advertisement includes that truthful statement without explaining that the recovery in asbestos cases varies dramatically, depending on the precise facts surrounding the plaintiff's exposure to asbestos. A's statement is misleading. Unsubstantiated Comparisons An unsubstantiated comparison of a lawyer's services or fees with those of other lawyers is misleading if it could make a reasonable person think that it can be substantiated. [Id.] Lawyer L advertises that her fees for estate planning service are "15% Example: lower than the prevailing rate in Fairmont County." If L cannot substantiate that statement with hard data, she is subject to discipline.
3. Limits on Advertising ABA Model Rule 7.2(a) gives lawyers broad latitude in advertising their services instate and nonmis]eading manner. They' may advertise in written, recorded. and electronic media, including public media. But even true, nonmisleading advertisements are subject tcthe following limits: a. Fields of Practice Statements about the fields of law in which the lawyer practices must comply with ABA Model Rule 7.4 (see D., infra). Consent of Named Clients If a lawyer wishes to identify some regular clients in an advertisement, the lawyer should first obtain the clients' consent. [Comment 2 to ABA Mode] Rule 7.2]
Identification of Advertiser Every advertisement must include the name and office address of at least one lawyer or law firm that is responsible for its content. [ABA Model Rule 7.2(d)] Payments for Recommending a Lawyer's Services Except in connection with the sale of a law practice, a lawyer must not give anything of value to a person for recommending the lawyer's services. [ABA Model Rule 7.2(b)] This rule does not prohibit a lawyer from paying the reasonable cost of advertising, nor does it prohibit a lawyer from paying people to prepare and disseminate the advertising. Furthermore, it does not prohibit an organization (such as a legal aid office or a group legal service plan) from advertising the services offered by the organization. Finally, it does not prevent a lawyer from paying the usual charges of a legal service plan or a nonprofit or qualified lawyer referral service. [Id.] "Qualified" means that the lawyer referral service has been approved by the appropriate regulatory authority. [Comment 6 to ABA Model Rule 7.2] Example: The A, B & C firm seeks to increase its client base. The firm may hire and pay a media consultant to design some newspaper advertisements, and it may pay the newspaper for the advertising space. The firm may also participate in a prepaid legal service plan that advertises to obtain new members. Furthermore, some of the lawyers in the firm are listed with the nonprofit lawyer referral service run by the local county bar association; when those lawyers obtain clients through the referral service, they may pay the referral fees charged by the service. Reciprocal Referral Arrangements Despite the general rule that a lawyer must not pay anyone for the referral of a case, the ABA Model Rules permit a lawyer to set up a reciprocal referral arrangement with another lawyer or with a nonlawyer professionali.e., "1 will refer potential clients, patients, or customers to you if you will do likewise for me." [ABA Model Rule 7.2(b)(4)) Such a reciprocal arrangement is subject to the following restrictions: 1) The arrangement must not be exclusive (i.e., the lawyer must not promise to refer all potential estate planning clients to his friend F and to no one else). [ABA Model Rule 7.2(b)(4)] 2) The referred client must be told about the arrangement. [Id.] If the arrangement creates a conflict of interest for either the referring or the receiving lawyer, then that lawyer must obtain the client's informed, written consent under ABA Model Rule 1.7. [See Comment 8 to ABA Model Rule 7.2] (Comment: One wonders whether a reciprocal referral arrangement invariably creates a conflict because it gives the referring lawyer a personal financial interest in sending the case to his referral counterpart rather than to some other lawyer.) The reciprocal arrangement must not interfere with the lawyer's professional judgment as to making referrals. [Id.] (Comment: One wonders whether a reciprocal referral arrangement would work if it had no influence on the referring lawyer's judgment about whom to send the case.) 4) Reciprocal referral arrangements should not be of indefinite duration and should be reviewed periodically to make sure they comply with the ABA Model. Rules. [Id.]
C. SOLICITATION The basic rule is this: A lawyer must not seek fee-paying work by initiating personal or live telephone contact, or real-time electronic contact, with a nonlawyer prospect with whom the lawyer has no family, close personal, or prior professional relationship. [See ABA Model Rule 7.3(a)] Thus, an attorney who hangs around in the hallway of the courthouse, offering legal services for a fee to criminal defendants who are not represented by counsel, is subject to discipline. [See Attorney Grievance Commission of Maryland v. Gregory, 536 A.2d 646 (Md. 1988)] Likewise, a lawyer who hears on the radio that a person was badly injured in an accident and promptly telephones that person's spouse offering legal services for a fee is subject to discipline. [See also 49 U.S.C. 1136(g)(2)federal law prohibits lawyers from communicating with victims of airplane accidents, or their families, until 45 days after the accident] 1. Use of Agents to Solicit ABA Model Rule 8.4(a) prohibits a lawyer from using an agent to do that which the lawyer must not do, e.g., violate a law or disciplinary rule. Thus, a lawyer must not use an agent (sometimes called a "runner" or "capper") to contact prospective clients in a manner that would violate ABA Model Rule 7.3. 1) Lawyer L hired R to be a "claims investigator." R's work involved checkExamples: ing accident and crime reports at the local police station and then personally contacting those involved to "advise them of their legal rights." L furnishes R with copies of her standard form retainer agreement and instructs R to sign up clients when possible. L is subject to discipline. 2) Attorney A has a reciprocal referral arrangement with a "debt consolidation" company. Employees of the company initiate personal, face-to-face conversations with debtors and advise them about loans and ways to get out of debt. If it appears that a debtor needs legal assistance, the company employee refers the debtor to A. In return, when one of A's clients needs help getting a loan or managing debts, A refers the client to the company. A is subject to discipline because he is using the debt consolidation company to initiate personal, face-to-face communications with potential clients. 2. Offers of Free Legal Service The basic rule expressed in ABA Model Rule 7.3(a) applies only "when a significant motive" for the lawyer's solicitation "is the lawyer's pecuniary gain." [See also In re Primus, 436 U.S. 412 (1978)lawyer could not he disciplined for offering free legal services of the ACLU] Thus, a lawyer who volunteers to represent someone without a fee, and without other hope of pecuniary gain, is not subject to discipline for solicitation. Example: When lawyer L learned that the police arrested 65 persons in an animal rights protest, she went to the police station, spoke with the leader of the group, and volunteered to represent the arrested persons without a fee. L realized that the case might receive wide press coverage, and that the publicity might lure feepaying clients in other matters, but this was not a substantial motive for her offer. L is not subject to discipline for solicitation. Initiating Personal Contacts with Family Members, Clients, and Former Clients The basic rule expressed in ABA Model Rule 7.3(a) does not prohibit a lawyer from initiating an otherwise forbidden contact with a family member, close friend, present or past client, or another lawyer.
Attorney A prepared an estate plan for client C. A did no further work for C. Two years later, the state repealed its inheritance tax, thus creating a much more advantageous way for C to dispose of her assets on death. A may telephone or write a letter to C, advising C to have her estate plan revised, and A may do the necessary work if C asks her to do so.
Targeted Direct-Mail Solicitations Absent actual knowledge that the prospective client does not wish to receive communications from the lawyer, a lawyer is not prohibited from sending truthful, nondeceptive letters to persons known to face a specific legal problem. [ABA Model Rule 7.3J Harassing Prospective Clients A lawyer must not use "coercion, duress, or harassment" when making contact with a prospective client. [ABA Model Rule 7.3(b)] Furthermore, the rule prohibits a lawyer from making contact with prospective clients who have "made known to the lawyer a desire not to be solicited by the lawyer." Example: Lawyer L obtained a mailing list of all persons who used a certain prescription drug that allegedly caused grave side effects. L sent personal letters to each person, offering to represent them for a fee in litigation against the drug manufacturer. C, one of the recipients of L's letters, telephoned L's office and told her that she did not want to sue anybody and did not want to hear further from L. L failed to remove C from the mailing list so C received a series of follow-up letters, each urging C to join in litigation against the drug manufacturer. L is subject to discipline. Labeling Solicitations as Advertising All written. electronic. or recorded communications with prospective clients who are known to need specific legal services must include the words "Advertising Material." For written communications. this must appear on the outside of the envelope and on the first page of the communication. Recorded and electronic communications must begin and end with such an announcement. [ABA Model Rule 7.3(c)1 Communications with relatives, close friends, clients, former clients, and other lawyers are exempt from the labeling requirement. Furthermore, the requirement does not apply to a lawyer's professional announcements or responses to inquiries made by potential clients. [Comments 4 and 7 to ABA Model Rule 7.3] Example: Attorney A uses TeleMarket, Inc. to solicit fee-paying legal work from persons who have been named as defendants in debt collection cases. TeleMarket employees obtain lists of prospective clients from current court filings. Then TeleMarket uses computerized phone equipment to call each prospective client and play a recorded message from A. A's recorded message must begin and end with an announcement that identifies it as advertising material. Group and Prepaid Legal Service Plans A lawyer is permitted to participate in a group or prepaid legal service plan, even though the plan uses personal contacts and live telephone contacts to offer the plan to persons who are not known to need specific legal services. [ABA Model Rule 7.3(d)] Furthermore, a lawyer may personally contact a group that might wish to adopt a legal service plan for its members. [Comment 6 to ABA Model Rule 7.3] Example: The X, Y & Z law firm learns that the Lincoln Teachers' Association wants to form a group legal service program for school teachers. In such a program,
the association would contract with a local law firm to provide a specified yearly amount of legal service to each teacher subscriber. The X, Y & Z firm may initiate personal contact with the association to present a proposed plan. [Id.] Furthermore, if the association ends up hiring the X, Y & Z firm, it is proper for the association to make personal contact and live telephone contact with school teachers to urge them to subscribe to the plan. [ABA Model Rule 7.3(d)]
I. Certified Specialists
Some states and private organizations certify lawyers as specialists in a field of laW:A lawyer who has been certified as a specialist in a field may state that fact to the public if the certifying body is identified and if it has been approved by the state or the ABA. [ABA Model Rule 7.4(d)]
a. Trade Names
Trade names (e.g., "Greater Chicago Legal Clinic"; "The Smith Firm")even ones that do not include the names of one or more partnersare permitted. provided the name is not misleading and does not imply a connection with a governmental agency or with a public or charitable legal services organization. [ABA Model Rule 7.5(a)]
Multistate Firms A law firm that has offices in more than one jurisdiction may use the same name, Internet address, or other professional designation in each jurisdiction. [ABA Model Rule 7.5(b)] However, when the lawyers in a particular office are identified (e.g., on the office letterhead), the identification must indicate the jurisdictional limitations on those lawyers not licensed in the jurisdiction where the office is located. [Id.] Example: The firm of Diaz and Farnsworth has offices in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Houston, Texas. The letterhead used in the Houston office lists all of the firm's partners, not just those who practice in Houston. The letterhead must indicate which partners are not licensed in Texas. For example: "Ruben Diaz (admitted in New York only)." Using Names of Lawyers Who Have Entered Public Service A private law firm must not use the name of a lawyer who holds public office (either as part of the firm name or in communications on the firm's behalf) during any substantial period in which the lawyer is not regularly and actively practicing with the firm. [ABA Model Rule 7.5(c)] Example: Attorney Tzao took an indefinite leave of absence from the Tzao, Dean & Goldberg firm to serve as a commissioner on the Federal Communications Commission. The firm must remove Tzao's name from the firm name until he returns to regular, active practice. False Indications of Partnership Lawyers must not imply that they are partners or are otherwise associated with each other in a law firm unless they really are. [ABA Model Rule 7.5(d)] Attorneys A and B share office space, secretarial services, and a common law Example: library. They frequently refer cases to one another, and they continually consult each other on difficult legal questions. The sign on their office door says: "Offices of A and B, Attorneys at Law." The sign is not proper; it implies that they are in partnership when they are not. [Comment 2 to ABA Model Rule 7.5] Associated and Affiliated Law Firms Two law firms may hold themselves out to the public as being "associated" or "affiliated" if they have a close, regular, ongoing relationship and if the designation is not misleading. But using such a designation has a significant drawbackordinarily the two firms would be treated as a single unit for conflict of interest purposes. [ABA Formal Op. 85-351 (1985)] The ABC firm practices business law in Denver. For many years-it has Example: worked regularly and closely with the XYZ firm, which practices patent law in Washington, D.C. If the ABC firm letterhead lists the XYZ firm as its Washington, D.C., affiliate in patent matters, then any conflict of interest that would disqualify the XYZ firm will ordinarily also disqualify the ABC firm.
Federal Judges Justices of the United States Supreme Court and judges of other Article III federal courts are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. They hold office for life during good behavior. [U.S. Const. art. III, 1]A federal judge can be removed from office by impeachment and can be disciplined in less drastic ways by a committee of federal judges. [U.S. Const. art. II, 4; 28 U.S.C. 332, 372(c)(1) - (17); and see In re Complaints, 783 F.2d 1488 (11th Cir. 1986)] The ABA Code of Judicial Conduct is the official standard of conduct for all federal judges. State Judges The constitutions of most states specify how judges are to be selected. In some states, judges are appointed by the governor or the state legislature, while in others they are elected by the voters. In still other states, judges are initially appointed and later retained or rejected by the voters. State judges can be removed from office or otherwise disciplined in accordance with state constitutional and statutory provisions. Code of Judicial Conduct As with lawyer conduct, the ABA has provided standards for judicial conduct. In 1924, the ABA adopted the Canons of Judicial Ethics, which were superseded in 1972 by the Code of Judicial Conduct. In 1990, the ABA adopted a new Code of Judicial Conduct, which is intended as a model that the states and the federal judiciary can follow in formulating their own standards of judicial conduct. The following sections discuss the 1990 ABA Code of Judicial Conduct ("CJC"). a. Adoption of the CJC The CJC becomes binding on the judges in a jurisdiction when it is adopted (sometimes with significant amendments) by the appropriate authority in that jurisdiction. [See, e.g., California Code of Judicial Ethics] Who Is Subject to the CJC? Where adopted, the CJC applies to all persons who perform judicial functions, including magistrates, court commissioners, referees, and special masters. [CJC, Application] Retired judges, part-time judges, and pro tempore part-time judges are exempted from some provisions of the CJC, as explained in H., below.
B. INTEGRITY AND INDEPENDENCE To preserve the public's confidence in an honest. independent judiciary, a judge should participate in establishing, maintaining, and enforcing high standards of conduct, and shall personally observe those standards. [CJC 1] 1. Conduct On the Bench The general standard of integrity and independence obviously applies to a judge's conduct on the bench in a judicial capacity. Although judges must be independent, they must also comply with the law. [CJC 1, Commentary] Example: Judge H was an outspoken opponent of laws against prostitution and gun control, and he routinely dismissed prostitution and gun control cases, despite contrary instructions from reviewing courts. Judge H is subject to discipline for repeatedly refusing to follow the law. [See In re Hague, 315 N.W.2d 524 (Mich. 1982)]
2. Conduct Off the Bench The duty of integrity and independence also appllts to a judge's behavior in his personal life. [See CJC 1, 2] 1) Judge R discovered his estranged wife in an automobile with another man. Examples: The judge broke the car window (causing the other man to be cut with broken glass) and slapped his estranged wife. Judge R is subject to discipline, even though his conduct was unconnected with his judicial duties. [See In re Roth, 645 P.2d 1064 (Or. 1982)] 2) While driving under the influence of alcohol, Judge L ran a traffic signal and violated other traffic laws. Judge L is subject to discipline. [See Matter of Lawson, 590 A.2d 1132 (N.J. 1991)] C. IMPROPRIETY AND THE APPEARANCE OF IMPROPRIETY A judge must respect and comply with the law and must act in a way that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary. [CJC 2A] Like CJC 1, this duty applies to conduct both on and off the bench. A judge is subject to constant public scrutiny and must therefore accept constraints that would be burdensome to the ordinary citizen. [CJC 2A, Commentary] 1. Personal Relationships A judge must not allow family, social, political, or other relationships to interfere with the judge's conduct or judgments. [CJC 2B] Judge A was assigned to hear a case in which a well-known legislator was Example: charged with a RICO violation. Judge A and the accused legislator are members of the same charitable organization and the same political party. Judge A must not allow these relationships to influence her decisions in the case. Misuse of Judicial Prestige A judge must not lend the prestige of judicial office to advance the private interests of the judge or others. [CJC 2B] 1) When Judge B was stopped for a routine traffic violation, he imperiously Examples: informed the traffic officer: "I am a judge in this town, young man, and I don't take kindly to being stopped for petty reasons!" Judge B is subject to discipline. 2) Judge C used her official court stationery when writing to a building contractor with whom she was having a personal contract dispute. Judge C is subject to discipline. [See CJC 2B, Commentary] 3) When Judge D's teenage daughter was charged with shoplifting, Judge D called Judge E, to whom the daughter's case was assigned. D said: "E, as a fellow judge, I want to tell you that my little girl is a good kid who deserves a break." Judge D is subject to discipline. [See CJC 2B, Commentary] 4) Judge F writes materials and gives lectures for a proprietary continuing legal education company. Judge F should retain control over the company's advertisements of his materials and lectures to avoid exploitation of his judicial office.
a. Permissible Acts The Commentary to CJC 2B indicates that the following acts are permissible, as long as the judge is sensitive to abuse of the prestige of the judicial office: 1) References and Recommendations Based on personal knowledge, a judge may act as a reference or provide a recommendation for someone. Sentencing and Probation Information In response to a formal request from a sentencing judge, probation officer, or corrections officer, a judge may provide relevant information about a person. A judge must not initiate the communication of such information.
Character Witness Judges must not appear voluntarily as character witnesses, and (except when the demands of justice require) they should discourage people from requiring them to serve as character witnesses. If served with a summons, however, a judge may testify as a character witness.
3. Relationships with Discriminatory Organizations A judge can be disciplined for membership in or use of a discriminatory organization or for publicly manifesting a knowing approval of an invidious discrimination. a. Discrimination Based on Race, Sex, Religion, or National Origin CJC 2C prohibits a judge from being a member of an organization that currently practices "invidious discrimination" based on four specified grounds: race, sex, religion. or national origin. This category does not include an "intimate, purely private organization" whose membership limitations could not he constitutionally prohibited. Furthermore. this category does not include an organization that is -dedicated to the preservation of religious, ethnic, or cultural values of legitimate common interest to its members." [CJC 2C, Commentary] Examples: 1) Judge G belongs to the Slovenian League, which limits its membership to all descendants (regardless of sex or race) of persons from Slovenia, a former republic of Yugoslavia. The object of the organization is to preserve the culture and traditions of the Slovenian people. The organization does not stigmatize as inferior those who do not fall within its membership requirements. Judge G may belong to the Slovenian League because it does not practice "invidious discrimination." [See Moser, The 1990 ABA Code of Judicial Conduct: A Model for the Future, 4 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 731, 739-44 (1991)1 2) Judge H belongs to the Wednesday Morning Prayer Club, which limits its membership to 12 persons who are members of the Oakdale Evangelical Church. The object of the club is to meet every Wednesday morning for prayer and study of religious writings. Judge H may belong to the club because it is an intimate, purely private organization whose membership limitations could not be constitutionally prohibited. [Id.] 3) Judge J belongs to Maplehurst College Alumnae Society. Maplehurst is a women's college, and membership in the Alumnae Society is limited
to graduates of the college. The object of the organization is to raise money for the college and to put on college-related social events for its members. Because the organization has a rational basis for its single-sex limitation, and because it does not stigmatize nonmembers as inferior, Judge J may belong to the Alumnae Society. [Id.] 4) Judge K belongs to the Ashmount Golf and Tennis Club, which limits its membership to 1,200 white male Protestants. The object of the organization is to provide golf, tennis, and social facilities for its members. Conversations in the clubhouse frequently concern business and professional matters, and membership in the club offers significant business and professional advantages. Judge K is subject to discipline. [See CJC 2C, Commentary] b. Use of Organization that Invidiously Discriminates Even if a judge is not a member of an organization that invidiously discriminates based on race. sex, religion, or national origin, the judge can be disciplined under CJC 2A for using such an organization. [CJC 2C, Commentary] 1) Judge L does not belong to the Ashmount Golf and Tennis Club (deExamples: scribed in Example 4), above), but once or twice a week he eats lunch at the club as a guest of various members, Judge L is subject to discipline under CJC 2A for regularly using the club. [CJC 2C, Commentary] 2) Judge M does not belong to the Ashmount Golf and Tennis Club (described in Example 4), above), but he rents one of the club rooms to hold a meeting of the Bench and Bar Society. Judge M is subject to discipline under CJC 2A for arranging the meeting at the club. [CJC 2C, Commentary] c. Organizations that Discriminate in Violation of Local Law The proscription in CJC 2C covers only organizations that invidiously discriminate based on race, sex, religion, or national origin. The laws of sonic jurisdictions proscribe discrimination on other grounds (e.g., sexual orientation). A judge in such a jurisdiction is subject to discipline under CJC 2A for belonging to an organization that violates that jurisdiction's anti-discrimination laws. Judge N belongs to the Elmdale Auto and Cycle Club, which excludes Example: gay males and lesbian women in violation of state statute. Judge N is subject to discipline under CJC 2A. [Id.] Public Approval of Invidious Discrimination The Commentary to CJC 2C states that a judge can be disciplined under CJC 2A for publicly manifesting a knowing approval of "invidious discrimination on any basis." The scope of this phrase is unclear. [But see Moser, a., supra] Read in context, it appears to cover more than race, sex, religion, and national origin. Perhaps it can be read to include grounds of discrimination that have been condemned in various state and federal statutes, such as sexual orientation, age, disability, and socioeconomic status. [See CJC 3B(5), 4A, Commentary] In any event, to warrant discipline the judge must: (i) know of the discrimination, and (ii) publicly manifest approval of it.
The Pinecrest Union is an association of young business and professional men and women. Its bylaws exclude persons over age 55. Membership in the Pinecrest Union offers significant business and professional advantages, and the membership limitation has become a topic of heated public controversy. Judge 0 is not a member of the Pinecrest Union, but he publicly endorses its age limitation. If this age limitation constitutes "invidious discrimination," Judge 0 is subject to discipline under CJC 2A.
e. Judicial Efforts to End Discrimination The Commentary to CJC 2C states that when a judge learns that an organization to which she belongs practices discrimination that would bar the judge's membership under CJC 2A or 2C, the judge must either: 1) 2) Resign promptly; or Work to end the discriminatory practice, and not participate in other activities of the organization in the meantime. If the organization does not end the discrimination within a year, then the judge must resign.
D. DILIGENT, IMPARTIAL PERFORMANCE OF JUDICIAL DUTIES 1. Judicial DutiesIn General Judicial duties include all the duties of the judge's office that are prescribed by law. Judicial duties take precedence over all of the judge's other activities. [CJC 3A] Example: Judge P's elderly, infirm sister needs a custodian to look after her personal and financial affairs. Judge P should not undertake this responsibility if it will interfere with the proper performance of her judicial duties. [See CJC 3A, SD] Hearing and Deciding Adjudicative Matters A judge must hear and decide all matters assigned to her, except those in which disqualification is required. [CJC 3B(1)] Faithfulness to the Law A judge must be faithful to the law and maintain professional competence in it. A judge must not be swayed by partisan interests, public clamor, or fear of criticism. [CJC 3B(2)] Judge Q frequently hears criminal cases, but she has not kept up on changes Example: in the law of search and seizure. She routinely decides search and seizure issues on a combination of intuition and what she learned in law school many years ago. Judge Q is subject to discipline for failing to maintain her professional competence. Order and Decorum in Court A judge must require order and decorum in court proceedings. [CJC 3B(3)] "Require" means that the judge must exercise reasonable direction and control over persons who arc subject to the judge's direction and control. [CJC, Terminology] Patience, Dignity, and Courteousness A judge must be patient, dignified, and courteous to those with whom the judge deals in an
official capacity, including litigants, lawyers, jurors, and witnesses. A judge must require like behavior of lawyers, court officers and staff, and others who are under the judge's direction and control. [CJC 3B(4); see, e.g., California v. 51111111, 37 Cal. 4th 1218 (2006)death penalty reversed because trial judge repeatedly belittled defense counsel and defense witnesses] Judge R routinely permits the lawyers in her courtroom to browbeat witExample: nesses, and she occasionally does some browbeating herself. Judge R is subject to discipline. 6. Avoidance of Bias and Prejudice A judge must avoid bias and prejudice and must require others (including lawyers) who are under the judge's direction and control to do likewise. [CJC 3B(5), (6)] Prejudice in this context includes, but is not limited to, prejudice based on race, sex, religion, national origin, disability. age, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. Even in nonjudicial activities, a judge should avoid making demeaning remarks or jokes that play on these prejudices. [See C.IC 4A, Commentary] A judge's duty to control lawyers does not preclude legitimate advocacy by lawyers when issues of prejudice arise in a case. [CJC 3B(6)] A judge should be aware that facial expression and body language can convey prejudice as easily as words. [CJC 3B(5), Commentary] Whenever an old person testifies in Judge S's court, Judge S speaks extra Example: loud and in a patronizing manner. Whenever Judge S conducts the voir dire of a jury panel member who is poor, Judge S scowls and adopts a tone of voice normally reserved for slow learners and errant pets. Judge S is subject to discipline. Right to Be Heard A judge must give every person who has a legal interest in a proceeding (or that person's lawyer) the right to be heard in accordance with the law. Ex Parte Communications "Ex parte" means one side only. An ex parte communication means a communication between a judge and representative from one side of a matter when no representative from the other side is present. A judge must not initiate, permit, or consider ex parte communications except in these three situations: a. Expressly Authorized by Law A judge may have ex parte communications when expressly authorized by law [CJC 3B( 7)(e) j. which is defined to include court rules and decisional law, as well as constitutional and statutory law. [CJC, Terminology] Mediation or Settlement With the consent of the parties, the judge may confer separately with the parties and their lawyers in an effort to settle or mediate a pending matter. [CJC 3B(7)(d)] Emergencies or Administrative Matters In other situations, the judge may have an ex parte communication, only if all four of the following conditions are met: (i) The circumstances require the judge to communicate with one side only (if the other side cannot he reached):
(ii) The communication concerns an emergency or a scheduling or administrative matter as distinct from a substantive matter or matter affecting the merits; (iii) The judge believes thhf no pa from the communication; and
or tactical advantage
(iv) The judge notifies the lawyers for the other parties of the essence of the communication and gives them an opportunity to respond. [CJC 3B(7)(a)] 9. Communications from Others A judge must not initiate, permit. or consider communications from others made to the judge outside the presence of the parties' lawyers concerning a pending or impending matter, except in these four situations: a. Court Personnel A judge may consult about a matter with other judges and with other court personnel whose function is to aid the judge in carrying out adjudicative responsibilities (e.g., the judge's law clerk). [CJC 3B(7)(c)] Disinterested Legal Experts A judge may obtain the advice of a disinterested expert on the applicable law, provided that the judge tells the parties' lawyers what expert was consulted, what the expert said, and gives the parties' lawyers a chance to respond. [CJC 3B(7)(b)] A common and often desirable way to get the advice of a legal expert is to invite the expert to file a brief amicus curiae. [CJC 38(7), Commentary] Other Communications A judge must not have communications about a matter outside the presence of the parties' lawyers with any person not mentioned above, unless the four conditions stated in 8.c., supra, are satisfied. [CJC 38(7)(a)] Example: In the middle of a trial, juror A telephoned Judge T at home and blurted out that she had accidentally overheard a graphic radio report about the trial and felt unable to continue as a juror. Judge T calmed A and instructed her to come to court the next morning and report the incident in the presence of the lawyers for the parties. Judge T handled the matter properly. Communications Between Trial and Appellate Courts Some jurisdictions permit a trial judge to communicate with an appellate court about a proceeding. A copy of any written communication, or the substance of any oral communication, should he provided to the parties' lawyers. [CJC 3B(7), Commentary]
10. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law If a judge asks the lawyers for one side to propose findings of fact and conclusions of law, the lawyers for the other parties must be told of the request and given a chance to respond to the proposed findings and conclusions. [CJC 3B(7), Commentary]
11. Independent Investigation of Facts A judge must not independently investigate the facts in a case and must consider only the evidence presented. [CJC 3B(7), Commentary] Judge U took a case under submission. While reading the transcript and Example: pondering her decision, she became puzzled about the testimony of witness W. To save time and effort, Judge U simply telephoned W and asked him to clarify the point that puzzled her. Judge U's conduct is improper. 12. Promptness, Efficiency, and Fairness A judge must dispose of judicial matters promptly, efficiently, and fairly. This duty requires the judge to: (i) (ii) Respect the rights of the parties, but resolve issues without unnecessary expense or delay; Monitor cases closely to eliminate dilatory practices, avoidable delays, and unnecessary costs;
(iii) Encourage settlements, but without forcing the parties to give up their right to adjudication; (iv) Devote adequate time to judicial duties; (v) Be punctual in attending court-,
(vi) Be expeditious in deciding mattersunder submission; and (vii) Insist that the parties, lawyers, and court personnel cooperate in achieving the objectives stated above. [CJC 313(8)] 13. Public Comments on Cases When a case is pending or impending in any court, a judge must not make any public comment that might reasonably be expected to affect its outcome or impair its fairness, or make any nonpublic comment that might substantially interfere with a fair trial. This duty continues through appeal and until the case is finally disposed of. The judge must require like abstention from court personnel under her control. a. Official Duties Excepted The duty to abstain from comment does not prohibit judges from making public statements in the course of their official duties, or from publicly explaining court procedures. Judge as a Party The duty to abstain from comment does not apply if the judge is a litigant in a personal capacity. The duty does apply, however, if the judge is a litigant in an official capacity, as in writ of mandamus proceedings. Example: During the trial of a state criminal case, Judge V ordered the State Governor to appear as a witness and to bring certain documents that the
Governor claimed were protected as government secrets. The State Attorney General sought a writ of prohibition from the appellate court to block Judge V's order. At that point, Judge V made a public statement that "the Governor apparently has a lot to hide." If Judge V's statement might reasonably be expected to impair the fairness of the proceedings, Judge V is subject to discipline. 14. Promises with Respect to Cases Likely to Come Before Court With respect to cases or issues that are likely to come before the court, a judge must not make pledges, promises, or commitments that are inconsistent with the impartial performance of the adjudicative duties of the office. [CJC 3B( 10)] 15. Commentary on Jury Verdict A judge must not commend or criticize jurors for their verdict, but a judge may thank jurors for their service. This duty does not apply to judicial commentary on a verdict in a court order or judicial opinion. [CJC 313(11)] Example: After the jury came in with a multimillion-dollar verdict for the plaintiff, Judge X told the jurors: "Apparently you people just didn't understand what was going on in this case." Judge X then issued a court order setting aside the jury verdict and ordering a new trial. Judge X's order was proper, but her comment to the jury was not. 16. Nonpublic Information A judge must not disclose or use, for nonjudicial purposes. any nonpublic information acquired in a judicial capacity. [CJC 3B(12)] Nonpublic information includes, without limitation, information that is under seal, impounded, or obtained in camera, and information obtained in grand jury proceedings, presentencing reports, dependency cases, and psychiatric reports. [CJC, Terminology] 17. Administrative Duties Judges must discharge their administrative duties diligently without bias or prejudice, maintain their competence in judicial administration, and cooperate with others in administrative matters. [C1C 3C(1)] Judges must require those under their direction and control to do likewise. [CJC 3C(2)] Supervising judges must take reasonable steps to insure the prompt disposition of matters in their courts. [CJC 3C(3)] 18. Judicial Appointments A judge must exercise the power of appointment impartially and on the basis of merit (e.g., when appointing referees, special masters, receivers, guardians, assigned counsel, and court personnel). A judge must not make unnecessary appointments, must avoid nepotism and favoritism, and must not approve compensation for appointees beyond the fair value of their services. [CJC 3C(4)] a. Appointments of Lawyers Making Contributions to Judge's Election Campaign A judge who is subject to public election must not appoint a lawyer to a position if the judge either knows that the lawyer has contributed to the judge's election campaign more than the jurisdiction's specified dollar amount within a designated number of years prior to the judge's campaign, or learns of such contribution through a timely motion by a party or other interested person. [CJC 3C(5)] This provision does not
apply if the appointed position is substantially uncompensated, the lawyer is selected in a rotation from a list of qualified and available attorneys compiled without regard to their having made political contributions, or the judge finds that no other lawyer is willing, competent, and able to accept the position. 19. Disciplinary Responsibilities Judges have the following duties respecting misconduct by lawyers and other judges: a. Judicial Misconduct If Judge A receives information indicating a substantial likelihood that Judge B has committed a violation of the CJC, Judge A should take appropriate action. [CJC 3D(1)] What constitutes "appropriate action" depends on the situation; it could range from simply speaking directly with Judge B about the matter to reporting Judge B to the relevant disciplinary authority. [CJC 3D(1), Commentary] If Judge A has actual knowledge that Judge B has committed a violation of the CJC that raises a substantial question as to Judge B's fitness for office, Judge A must inform the appropriate disciplinary authority. Lawyer Misconduct If a judge receives information indicating a substantial likelihood that a lawyer has violated the Rules of Professional Conduct, the judge should take appropriate action. If a judge has actual knowledge that a lawyer has committed a violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct that raises a substantial question about the lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness to practice, then the judge must report the lawyer to the relevant disciplinary authority. [CJC 3D(2)] Privilege A judge's acts in dealing with misconduct by a lawyer or other judge are privileged and cannot be the basis for civil suit. [CJC 3D(3)]
E. DISQUALIFICATION 1. General RuleWhenever Impartiality Might Reasonably Be Questioned CJC 3E(1) states the broad, general rule on disqualification of a judge: A judge must disqualify himself in a proceeding in which the judge's impartiality might reasonably be questioned. (Disqualification of federal judges is governed by 28 U.S.C. section 455.) Note that the rule uses the objective standard of reasonableness; a far-fetched argument or litigant's whim is not sufficient to disqualify a judge. [See In re Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc., 861 F.2d 1307 (2d Cir. 1988), cert. denied, 490 U.S. 1102 (1989)] a. Disclosure by Judge The judge should disclose on the record any information the judge believes that the parties or their lawyers might consider relevant to the question of disqualification, even if the judge believes there is no reasonable basis for disqualification. [CJC 3E(1), Commentary] Example: Judge Y plans to retire from the bench at the end of the year and return to private law practice. Judge Y has held tentative discussions with the private firm of A, B & C about joining that firm. Now Judge Y is assigned to hear a case in which the defendant is represented by the A, B
& C law firm. Judge Y should disclose the facts and let the parties decide whether to waive disqualification. b. Rule of Necessity Case law has created a rule of necessity that overrides the rules of disqualification. [CJC 3E(1), Commentary] For example, suppose that Judge Z is the only judge available to rule on an emergency motion for a temporary restraining order. Judge Z may rule on the motion even though she might be disqualified were it not an emergency. Even in such a situation, Judge Z should disclose the ground for disqualification on the record and should use reasonable efforts to transfer the matter to a different judge as soon as possible. Furthermore, a judge should not be disqualified for a reason that would apply equally to all other judges to whom the matter might he assigned. 1) State trial judge A is assigned to hear a case concerning the constituExamples: tionality of a statute that will raise the salary of all trial judges in the state. Judge A may hear the case because the reason for disqualification applies equally to all other judges to whom the case might be assigned. 2) Judge B was assigned to hear a sex discrimination case, and the defendant moved to disqualify her on the sole ground that she is a woman. Since all judges are of one sex or the other, Judge B is not disqualified. 2. Bias or Personal Knowledge A judge must disqualify himself if there is reasonable ground to believe that the judge has: (i) a personal bias concerning a party or a party's lawyer; or (ii) personal knowledge of relevant evidentiary facts. [CJC 3E( I )(a)] To be disqualifying, a bias must be personal and must stem from an extrajudicial source; adverse attitudes toward a party formed on the basis of evidence presented in the case are not disqualifying. [See, e.g., In re Cooper, 821 F.2d 833 (1st Cir. 1987)] Prior Involvement A judge must disqualify himself if the judge previously: (i) Served as a material witness in the matter:
(ii) Served as a lawyer in the matter: or (iii) Was associated in law practice with a person who served as a lawyer in the matter at the time they practiced together. [CJC 3E(1)(b)]
1) Before her appointment as a state supreme court justice, Justice C practiced law with lawyer L. At the time C and L were in practice together, L represented X in the trial of X v. Y After the trial, L withdrew as X's lawyer. Now the case is on appeal to the state supreme court. Justice C is disqualified. 2) In the preceding example, suppose that L did not begin representing X until C had left the practice and become a supreme court justice. Justice C
need not recuse herself unless her prior association with L creates a reasonable question about her impartiality under the general rule of disqualification (see 1., supra). 3) Before taking the bench, Judge D was a lawyer for the United States Justice Department. At that time, attorney A was also a lawyer for the Justice Department. Now Judge D is assigned to hear a case in which A represents the Justice Department. Ordinarily, a lawyer in a government agency is not "associated" with the other lawyers in the agency for purposes of the Code. Thus, Judge D is not disqualified unless his prior work with A creates a reasonable question about his impartiality under the general rule of disqualification stated in 1., above. [CJC 3E(1)(b)[ 4. Economic or Other Interest A judge must disqualify himself if the judge knows that he, either as an individual or as a fiduciary: (i) has an economic interest in the matter or in one of the parties; or (ii) has any other interest that is more than de minimis and that could be substantially affected by the proceedings. [CJC 3E(1)(c)] Disqualification is also required if the interest is held by the judge's spouse, parent, or child (wherever residing) or by any other member of the judge's family who resides in the judge's household. [Id.] A judge must keep informed about his economic interests, and must make a reasonable effort to keep informed about those of the judge's spouse and minor children residing in the judge's household. [CJC 3E(2)]
a. Definition of "Economic Interest"
For the purpose of this rule, the term "economic interest" has a very technical definition; it means that the judge (or judge's spouse, parent, child, or family member residing in the judge's household): (i) Is an officer, director, advisor, or other active participant in the affairs of a party; or
(ii) Owns more than a de minimis legal or equitable interest in a party. [CJC, Terminology]
b. Exceptions to the Definition
Ownership of an interest in a mutual fund or common investment fund that holds securities is not an economic interest in those securities unless: (i) the judge participates in the management of the fund; or (ii) the proceeding could substantially affect the value of the interest. Example: Judge D's son owns 100 shares of Universal Diversified Fund, a mutual fund that owns common stocks of many different companies, including Ohio Chemicals, Inc. Judge D is assigned to hear a case in which Ohio Chemicals is the defendant. The outcome of the case will not significantly affect the value of the mutual fund shares, and Judge D does not participate in the management of the fund. Judge D is not disqualified.
Securities Held by Organization Suppose that a judge is an officer, director, advisor, or other active participant in an educational, religious, charitable, fraternal, or civic organization. Suppose, further, that the organization owns securities of the XYZ Corporation, which is a party to a case that the judge is assigned to hear. The judge's involvement with the organization does not give the judge an economic interest in the XYZ Corporation. The same is true of any type of organization in which a judge's spouse, parent, child, or family member residing in the judge's household is an officer, director, advisor, or other active participant. Judge E's wife is a vice president of the National Life Insurance Example: Company. Among its many investments, National Life owns 1,000 shares of common stock in Delta Coal & Steel Inc. Judge E is assigned to hear a case in which Delta is a party. Judge E is not disqualified. Bank Deposits, Mutual Insurance Policies, and the Like Suppose that a judge, or member of the judge's family, owns a deposit in the First Federal Bank. That does not disqualify the judge from hearing a case in which First Federal is a party, unless the proceedings could substantially affect the value of the deposit. The same rule applies to a deposit in a mutual savings association or credit union, and also to the proprietary interest of a policy holder in a mutual insurance company. Judge F's mother owns a disability insurance policy issued by the Example: Toledo Mutual Insurance Company. This does not disqualify Judge F from hearing a case in which Toledo is a party. Government Securities Ownership of government securities is not a disqualifying economic interest, unlessthe value of the securities could be substantially affected by the proceedings. Example: Judge G has invested a substantial part of her retirement nest egg in municipal bonds issued by the city of Springfield. Springfield is on the brink of fiscal collapse, and Judge G is assigned to hear a case in which the outcome could substantially affect the value of her bonds. Judge G is disqualified.
5. Involvement of a Relative A judge must disqualify himself if the judge has a relative; involved in the case. [See CJC 3E(1)(d)] The terms "relative" and "involved" have technical definitions: a. Meaning of "Relative" For the purpose of this rule, the term "relative" means a person (or the spouse of a person) who is related within the third degree to the judge or to the judge's spouse. The third degree of relationship means: great-grandparents, grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildrenin short. anyone related closer than cousin. [CJC, Terminology] Remember that spouses are included on both ends of the calculation. Example: Judge H is married to Mable. The third husband of Mable's aunt Lulu is the plaintiff in a case assigned to Judge H. Judge H is disqualified.
h. Meaning of "Involved" The term "involved" means that the relative is: (i) A party, or an officer, director, or trustee of a party;
(ii) A lawyer in the proceedings; (iii) Known by the judge to have more than a de minimis interest that could be substantially affected by the proceedings; or (iv) Known by the judge to be a likely material witness in the proceedings. Example: Judge J is assigned to hear a case in which the state Attorney General seeks suspension of the license of the Shady Acres Nursing Home until Shady Acres provides more humane living conditions for its residents. Judge J's husband's great-grandmother is a Shady Acres resident. Because the great-grandmother's interests could be substantially affected, Judge J is disqualified.
Persons Making Contributions to Judge's Election Campaign A judge who is subject to public election must disqualify himself if he knows, or learns through a timely motion, that a party or a party's lawyer has, within a designated number of prior years, made contributions to the judge's election campaign that exceed the jurisdiction's specified amount. [CJC 3E( I )(e)] Public Statements of Judicial Commitment A judge must disqualify himself if he, while a judge or a candidate for judicial office, has made a public statement that commits or appears to commit him with respect to an issue in the proceeding or the controversy in the proceeding. [CJC 3E( I )(0] Remittal of Disqualification The parties and their lawyers can remit (waive) all of the foregoing grounds of disqualification, except personal bias concerning a party. [CJC 3F] The procedure for remittal is as follows: (i) The judge discloses on the record the ground for disqualification. The judge may then ask whether the parties and their lawyers wish to discuss waiver.
(ii) The lawyers consult privately with their respective clients. (iii) All the parties and their lawyers meet, outside the presence of the judge, and agree that the judge should not be disqualified. As a practical matter, the judge may wish to have all the parties and their lawyers sign a remittal agreement. (iv) If the judge is willing to do so, she may then proceed with the case. [See CJC 3F, Commentary] F. EXTRAJUDICIAL ACTIVITIES A judge must conduct all extrajudicial activities so that they do not:
(ii) Demean the judicial office; or (iii) Interfere with the judge's judicial duties. [CJC 4A] 1. Avocational Activities A judge may speak, write, lecture, teach, and participate in nonjudicial activities that involve either legal or nonlegal subjects, provided that these activities are consistent with the duties stated elsewhere in the Code of Judicial Conduct. [CJC 4B] Because judges are in a unique position to help improve the law, they are encouraged to do so through bar associations, judicial conferences, and the like. [CJC 4B, Commentary] Governmental Hearings and Consultations A judge must not appear at a public hearing before, or otherwise consult with, an executive or legislative body or official. except on matters concerning the law, the legal system, or the administration of justice. This duty does not apply when the judge is acting pro se in a matter that involves the judge or his interests. [CJC 4C(1)] Examples: 1) Judge M is invited to testify before the State Assembly Committee on Criminal Justice concerning a proposed revision of the state's mandatory sentencing statute. Judge M may testify. 2) Judge N met privately with the Mayor of the city of Glenview to protest the city's plan to open a city dump adjacent to Judge N's property. The meeting was proper because it concerned Judge N's own interests. 3. Governmental Committees and Commissions A judge must not accept appointment to a governmental committee or commission or other governmental position that is concerned with fact or policy issues that do not relate to the law, the legal system, or the administration of justice. [CJC 4C(2)] Such appointments are likely to be very time-consuming, can involve the judge in controversial matters, and can interfere with the independence of the judiciary. [See CJC 4C(2), Commentary] A judge may, however, represent a governmental unit on a ceremonial occasion, or in connection with a historical, educational, or cultural activity. Law-Related Organizations and Nonprofit Organizations A judge may serve as an officer, director, trustee, or nonlegal advisor of: (i) a government agency or private organization devoted to the improvement of the law, the legal system, or the administration of justice; and (ii) a nonprofit educational, religious, charitable, fraternal, or civic organization. Note that service on the board of a public educational institution other than a law school is prohibited [CJC 4C(2)], but service on the board of a public law school or any private educational institution would generally be permitted [CJC 4C(3)]. [See CJC 4C(2), Commentary] Examples: 1) The Governor appointed Judge 0 to serve on the State University Board of Directors. Judge 0 must decline the appointment because State University is a public school. That fact makes this a governmental appointment, and the position is not related to the law, the legal system, or the administration of justice. (See 3., supra.)
2) The Governor appointed Judge P to serve on the board of directors of the State University School of Law. Judge P may accept the appointment, even though it is a governmental appointment, because it involves the law. 3) Judge Q was appointed to serve on the board of directors of Butterfield University, a private school. Judge Q may accept the office because Butterfield University is not a governmental institution. a. Exception If Litigation Likely A judge must not serve as an officer, director, trustee, or nonlegal advisor of an organization if it is likely that the organization: (i) Will be engaged in proceedings that would ordinarily come before the judge; orpo.
(ii) Will frequently be engaged in adversary proceedings in the court on which the judge sits or one under its appellate jurisdiction. [CJC 4C(3)(a)] 1) State supreme court justice R is invited to be a director of the Forest Examples: Protection League, a nonprofit organization that frequently brings lawsuits to block the logging of old-growth forest areas. Justice R must decline the invitation. 2) Judge S is the only trial judge who sits in Oceanside County. She is invited to be a trustee of the Oceanside Memorial Hospital, which is frequently named as a defendant in medical malpractice cases filed in Oceanside County. Judge S must decline the invitation. b. Fund and Membership Solicitation A judge must not use the prestige of the judicial office for fund-raising or membership solicitation for an organization. [CJC 4C(3)(b)(iv)] A judge must not solicit members for an organization in a manner that might be taken as coercive. [CJC 4C(3)(b)(iii)] A judge may, however, make recommendations to fund-granting sources concerning law-related projects. [CJC 4C(3)(b)(ii)] Furthermore, a judge may help plan fundraising for an organization. and may help manage and invest the organization's funds. [CJC 4C(3)(b)(i)] However, a judge must not personally participate in fund-raising activities, except for soliciting funds from other judges who are not under his supervisory or appellate authority. The same rules apply to membership solicitations that are essentially used to raise funds. A judge may attend an organization's fund-raising event, but may not be a guest of honor or a speaker at the event. [CJC 4C(3)(13), Commentary] 1) Judge T is the treasurer of International House, a nonprofit organizaExamples: tion that serves foreign students at the local college. Each year International House puts on a "membership drive," which is essentially a fund-raising device. Judge T may help plan the annual drive, may help manage the funds thus raised, and may solicit memberships from coequal judges, but not from other people.
2) In the previous example, Judge T may sign a general membership solicitation letter on the International House letterhead. The letterhead may list Judge T as the treasurer of International House, and it may identify him as a judge if others on the letterhead are comparably identified. [CJC 4C(3)(b), Commentary] 3) In the previous example, Judge T may attend the International House annual membership solicitation dinner, but not as a speaker or guest of honor. 5. Investments Unless otherwise improper under the Code of Judicial Conduct, a judge may hold and manage investments (including real estate) for himself or members of his family. [CJC 4D(2)] In managing his own investments, a judge must seek to minimize the number of cases in which he will be disqualified. As soon as it can be done without serious loss, a judge must eliminate investments that might require frequent disqualification. (CJC 4D(4)} Financial and Business Dealings A judge must not engage in financial or business dealings that might be perceived to exploit the judge's position, or that involve frequent dealings with lawyers or others who are likely to come before the court on which the judge sits. [CJC 4D( 1 )1 A judge who acquires information in a judicial capacity must not use it for private gain. A judge should discourage members of his family from engaging in dealings that might be perceived to exploit the judge's position. [CJC 4D(1), Commentary] Example.. Judge U's son sells life insurance and is on the lookout for prospective customers. He introduces himself as "Judge U's son" when soliciting members of the local bar. Judge U should discourage this practice. Participation in a Business A judge must not be an officer, director, manager, general partner, advisor, or employee of any business entity. A judge may, however, manage or participate in a business that is closely held by the judge or members of his family, or a business that is primarily engaged in investing the judge's or the family's financial resources. [CJC 4D(3)] A judge should not participate in even a closely held family business if it will take too much time, or if the business frequently appears before the court on which the judge sits. [CJC 4D(3), Commentary] Gifts, Bequests, Favors, and Loans As a general rule, a judge should not accept gifts, bequests, favors, or loans from anyone. A judge should urge family members who reside in the judge's household not to accept such items either. The exceptions to the general rule are as follows: (i) A gift incident to a public testimonial, except when the donor frequently appears on the same side in litigation (e.g., an organization of criminal prosecutors);
(ii) Books, tapes, and-the like, given by publishers for official use: (iii) An invitation to the judge and his spouse to a law-related function;
(iv) A gift, award, or benefit incident to the activities of the judge's spouse or a family member living in the judge's household, unless it could be perceived as intended to influence the judge; (v) Ordinary social hospitality (e.g., a dinner invitation);
(vi) A gift from a relative or friend on a special occasion (e.g., a birthday or wedding gift), if it is commensurate in value to the relationship and the occasion (not an expensive gift from a distant friend); (vii) A gift, bequest, favor, or loan from a relative or close personal friend whose appece in a case would disqualify the judge in any event (e.g., a new car from the judge's parents); (viii)A loan from a lending institution, made in the regular course of its business and on the same terms available to nonjudges; (ix) A scholarship or fellowship given on the same terms as to other people; and (x) Any other gift, bequest, favor, or loan by a person who has not, and is not likely to, come before the judge as a litigant or lawyer (if the value exceeds $150, the judge must report it in the manner described in I 2.h., below).
[CJC 4D(5)] 9. Fiduciary Activities Generally, a judge must not serve as an executor, administrator, trustee, guardian, or other fiduciary. However, a judge may serve in such a capacity for a member of the judge's family, but only if the service will not: Interfere with the judge's judicial duties; (ii) Involve the judge in proceedings that would ordinarily come before him; or
(iii) Involve the judge in adversary proceedings in the court on which the judge sits or one under its appellate jurisdiction. [CJC 4E] a. Financial Dealings as Fiduciary The restrictions on financial dealings that apply to a judge personally also apply when the judge acts as a fiduciary. [CJC 4E(3)] Conflicting Duties When the duties of a fiduciary conflict with the judge's duties under the Code of Judicial Conduct, the judge should resign as fiduciary. Example: Judge V is appointed as trustee of a fund for the use and benefit of his invalid brother. The trust fund includes common stock of several companies that frequently appear as litigants before Judge V. CJC 4D(4)
requires a judge to manage her investments in a way that minimizes disqualifications. If the trust fund would be harmed by divestiture of those stocks, Judge V should not serve as trustee. [CJC 4E(3), Commentary] 10. Service as Arbitrator or Mediator A full-time judge must not act as an arbitrator, mediator, or private judge unless expressly authorized by law. [CJC 4F] This does not, of course, prevent the judge from participating in arbitration, mediation, or settlement conferences in a judicial capacity. [CJC 4F, Commentary] 11. Practice of Law A full-time judge must not practice law. However, a judge may act pro se and may, without compensation, give legal advice to, and draft or review documents for, a member of her family. [CJC 4G] A judge must not, however, act as an advocate or negotiator for a family member in a legal matter. [CJC 4G, Commentary] 12. Outside Compensation and Expenses The federal government and many other jurisdictions have adopted rigorous requirements concerning receipt and reporting of judges' outside compensation and expense reimbursement. The following rules apply only where not supplanted by more rigorous requirements. a. General Requirements A judge may receive compensation and reimbursement of expenses for proper outside activities if: 1) The compensien or expense reimbursement mot create an appearance of impropriety or trf influencing the judge's perforiftlice of judicial duties; The compensation is reasonable for the work done and does not exceed what would be given to a nonjudge; and The reimbursement of expenses does not exceed actual expenses reasonably incurred by the judge and, when appropriate to the occasion, the judge's spofte-or guest.
b. Reports of Compensation A judge who receives compensation for outside activities must report: the activity, when and where it took place, the payor, and the amount. A judge must make such reports annually in a public court document. In a community property state, compensation received by the judge's spouse is not attributed to the judge for this purpose. [CJC 4H(2)] c. Judge's Financial Privacy Like other citizens, judges are entitled to reasonable privacy concerning their income, debts, investments, and other assets. Except when required by reporting rules. or by the rules concerning disqualification, judges are not required to disclose their financial affairs. [CJC 41, Commentary]
G. JUDGES AND POLITICS The general rule is simple: Judges must stay out of politics. The general rule has three exceptions: (i) A judge may participate in political activities designed to improve the law, the legal system, or the administration of justice;
(ii) A judge may participate in political activities where specifically authorized by law: and (iii) A judge may participate in political activities that are permitted under the Code of Judicial Conduct, as explained below., [-CJC 5D] 1. Rules Applicable to All Judges and Judicial Candidates The following rules apply to all judges and candidates for judicial office. [CJC 5A] As you read all of the provisions on political activity, be aware that various federal and state laws may restrict such activities more than the Code of Judicial Conduct does. Where that is true, judges and candidates must, of course, obey the applicable law.
a. Definition of "Candidate"
A "candidate" is a person who seeks to obtain or retain a judicial office either by election or appointment. The same definition applies to a judge who seeks an elected or appointed nonjudicial office. A person becomes a candidate when she does any one of the following things: (1) Makes a public announcement of candidacy:
(ii) Declares or files as a candidate with the election or appointment authority; or (iii) Authorizes solicitation or acceptance of contributions or support. Example: Seeking new challenges and a higher salary, Municipal Court Judge A
filed with the Governor's Appointments Committee for appointment as a Commissioner on the State Transport and Communications Commission. With that act, Judge A became a candidate for a nonjudicial office. b. General Prohibitions Except where specifically permitted by the CJC, a judge or candidate for judicial office must not: (i) Act as a leader or hold office in a political organization;
(ii) Publicly endorse or oppose another candid: to for public officia; (iii) Make speeches on behalf of a political organization: (iv) Attend political gatherings; or
(v) Financially support a political organization or candidate, which includes soliciting funds, making contributions, paying assessments, and buying tickets for political dinners or other functions. [CJC 5A(I)] These general prohibitions have some exceptions that are discussed in 3. and 4., infra. c. Explanation of General Prohibitions When false statements are publicly made about a judicial candidate, a judge or judicial candidate who knows the facts may make the facts public. A public officer, such as a prosecutor, may retain that office while running for an elective judicial office. A judge or judicial candidate may privately express her views on candidates for public office. A candidate does not "endorse" another candidate simply by running on the same political ticket. [CJC 5A(1), Commentary] In State X, a supreme court justice is subject to a retention vote by the Example: public every seventh year. When Chief Justice B was up for her retention vote, her opponents publicly maligned her skills as a judicial administrator. Her fellow justices, who have firsthand knowledge of her skills, may publicly respond with the facts. Judges Who Run for Nonjudicial Office A judge must resign from judicial office when she becomes a candidate for a nonjudicial office. (However, a judge need not resign when seeking to become a delegate to a state constitutional convention.) [CJC 5A(2)]
2. Rules Applicable to Candidates for Judicial Office The following rules apply to all candidates for judicial office. (Remember that that includes an incumbent judge who seeks retention, see 1.a., supra.) a. Dignity, Impartiality, Integrity, and Independence A candidate must act with the dignity, impartiality, integrity, and independence expected of a judge. [CJC 5A(3)(a)] A candidate must encourage members of her family to adhere to the same standards expected of the candidate when they act in support of the candidate. [CJC 5A(3)(a)] Control of Subordinates and Agents A candidate must take appropriate steps to assure that her subordinates and agents act with the same restraint expected of the candidate. [See CJC 5A(3)(b), (c)] Response to Attacks Subject to the rules stated in d., below, candidates may respond to attacks on themselves or their records. Statements, Promises, and Pledges When seeking judicial office, a candidate must not: (i) With respect to cases, controversies, or issues that are likely to come before the court, make pledges, promises, or commitments that are inconsistent with the impartial performance of the adjudicative duties of the office; or
(ii) Knowingly misrepresent the identity, qualifications, present position, or other fact concerning the candidate or an opponent. [CJC 5A(3)(d)] A candidate may make pledges or promises to improve judicial administration, and an incumbent judge may speak privately with other judges and court personnel in the performance of judicial duties. The duties stated in this section apply to any statements made in the process of securing judicial office, including statements to selection, tenure, and confirmation authorities. [CJC 5A(3)(d), Commentary] 1) The United States Senate Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing to Examples: determine whether to recommend lawyer L to the Senate for confirmation as a Supreme Court Justice. A committee member asked L, "Tell us whether you believe the Blotz Anti-Conspiracy Act is constitutional." If the constitutionality of the Act is likely to come before the Court, L should decline to commit herself. 2) In the situation posed in Example 1), suppose a committee member asked, "Tell us your views on the role of stare decisis in interpreting the Bill of Rights." L should answer the question candidly, but without indicating how she would rule on any specific issue that is likely to come before the Court. 1) But Note"Announce Clause" Is Unconstitutional The United States Supreme Court has held that an "announce clause"i. e., a clause prohibiting candidates for judgeships from announcing their views on disputed legal or political issuesis unconstitutional because it violates the First Amendment. [Republican Party of Minnesota v. White, 536 U.S. 765 (2002)] The Court examined the announce clause in the Minnesota Code of Judicial Conduct and stated that the clause prohibited speech on the basis of content and burdened the speech of political candidates. 3. Rules Applicable to Candidates for Appointed Positions Where a judgeship or other government position is filled by appointment, a candidate is subject to the following rules: a. Ban on Fund Solicitation A candidate must not solicit or accept funds (even through a campaign committee) to support her candidacy. /C.JC 5B(1)] Limits on Politicking A candidate must not engage in political activity to secure the appointed position, except that she may: (i) (ii) Communicate with the appointing authority and screening groups: Seek support from groups that regularly offer such support (or from individuals, where requested by the appointing authority); and
(iii) Provide information about her qualifications to the appointing authority and to support groups. [CJC 5B(2)(a)]
State Superior Court Judge B would like to be appointed by the Governor to the State Court of Intermediate Appeals. To that end, Judge B may inform the Governor's Appointments Committee of her interest, be interviewed by the committee, solicit support from the State Bar Committee on Judicial Appointments, and provide information about her qualifications to the above entities.
c. Nonjudge Candidates for Appointed Judicial Positions In addition to the acts permitted in b., above, a nonjudge candidate for an appointed judicial position may: (i) Retain an office in a political organization;
(ii) Attend political gatherings; and (iii) Pay ordinary assessments and make ordinary contributions to a political organization or candidate and purchase tickets for political party dinners and other functions. [CJC 5B(2)(b)] Example: District Attorney C is seeking appointment to the local State Superior Court. C may retain her position as District Attorney, retain her position as treasurer of the local Democratic Party, and buy tickets to and attend the annual $100 a plate Democratic Party fund-raising dinner. [CJC 5B(2)(b)] 4. Rules Applicable to Judges and Candidates Subject to Public Election In G. and Gib., above, you read some general rules that are designed to insulate judges and candidates for judicial office from routine politics. Those general rules have some exceptions that apply to positions filled by public election. The exceptions recognize the practicalities of elective politics in a democratic systemif the system is to work, the participants must be allowed some freedom to engage in politicking and campaigning. The exceptions cover three classes of persons: (i) Judges who are subject to public election:
(ii) Candidates for a judicial position filled by public election; and (iii) Judges who seek a nonjudicial position filled by public election.
[See CJC 5C(1); CJC, Terminology (definition of candidate)] These three classes of persons do the following things:
a. Party Politics They may at any time (whether or not they are then standing for election): (i) Buy tickets for and attend political gatherings:
(iii) Contribute to a political organization. [CJC 5C(1)(a)] b. Election Politics When standing for election, they may: (i) Speak at gatherings on their own behalf;
(ii) Appear in advertisements supporting their candidacy; (iii) Distribute campaign literature supporting their candidacy; (iv) Publicly endorse or oppose other candidates for the same judicial office; and (v) Allow their names to be listed on election materials along with the names of candidates for other elective offices, and appear in promotions of the political ticket.
[CJC 5C(1)(b), (3)] c. Campaign Activities These parties may engage in campaign activities, subject to the following rules: 1) Ban on Personal Solicitation These parties must neither personally solicit publicly stated support nor solicit or accept campaign contributions. [CJC 5C(2)} Campaign Committees These parties may, however, establish campaign committees, which may: (i) put on candidate forums and publish campaign literature; (ii) manage campaign funds; and (iii) solicit public support and reasonable contributions from members of the public, including lawyers. Note that if a judge knows the identity of contributing lawyers or litigants, that fact may require the judge to disqualify himself under CJC 3E (see E., supra). [CJC 5C(2), Commentary]
a) Solicitation Time Limits Campaign committees may solicit contributions and public support no earlier than one year before an election and no later than 90 days after the last election in which the candidate participates during the election year. Example: Lawyer L hopes to be elected County Court Judge in 2005. The primary election will be held on June 15, 2005, and the general election will be held on November 5, 2005. L's campaign committee may start gathering contributions and public support on June 15, 2004, and must cease such activity by February 5, 2006.
Excessive Campaign Contributions A candidate must instruct her campaign committee not to accept contribu-, tions in excess of the jurisdiction's specified limits. Also, the campaign
committee must file with the designated state office a report stating the name. address, occupation. and employer of each person who has made such excessive contributions. [CJC 5C(3), (4)1 5. Sanctions for Violating Rules on Political Activity A successful candidate who violates the foregoing rules on political activity is subject to judicial discipline. An unsuccessful candidate who is a lawyer and who violates the rules is subject to lawyer discipline. [CJC 5E] H. APPLICATION OF THE CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT In jurisdictions that adopt the Code of Judicial Conduct, it applies to all persons who perform judicial functions, including magistrates, court commissioners, and special masters and referees. The Application section at the end of the CJC contains a group of highly detailed exceptions that make various parts of the CJC inapplicable to several categories of retired and part-time judges. If your purpose in reading this book is to answer a specific question about the conduct of such a person, you should examine the Application section of the CJC with care. On the other hand, if your purpose is to prepare for the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination, we suggest that mastering the detailed exceptions is not the best use of your time, and that you be content with the following broad generalizations: 1. 2. A retired judge subject to recall is allowed to serve as an arbitrator or mediator, and (except when acting as a judge) to serve as a fiduciary. Continuing part-time judges, periodic part-time judges, and pro tempore part-time judges are exempt from many, but not all, of the CJC provisions that restrict outside activities and political activities.