Risk Assessment - Chemical Cleaning

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(a) (b) (c). (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)

Serial Task Hazard Probability Consequence Risk Rating Control Measure Responsible Person

Spills 1.Sealed 25 liter plastic containers

Skin contact 2.PPE to include:
Delivery of BLUESTAR Mr. Zhang Jiyu
1 Inhaltion Possible Minor Moderate Coveralls; Goggles; Gloves; Masks 13910133672
3.Provision of dousing water
Eye contact 4.Availability of SOS

YPEC Mr. Gao Guanghong

Storage of Spills Chemical to be stored in Warehouse No.8 13851615120
2 Possible Minor Moderate BLUESTAR
Chemical as Per.1 and brought to site as required. Mr. Zhang Jiyu 13910133672

1.Training pre task for all operation. YPEC Mr. Gao Guanghong
3 Mixing Possible Minor Moderate 2.As per No.1 (g) 13851615120 BLUESTAR
as Per.1 Mr. Zhang Jiyu 13910133672
3.Scaffold to be inspected and tagged

1.Drums to be capped.
2.Stored in barriered shaded area. YPEC Mr. Gao Guanghong
Disposal of
4 Contamination Possible Low Low 3.Respective MSDS on display 13851615120 BLUESTAR
Container Mr. Zhang Jiyu 13910133672
4.Handling personnel to use goggles
and gloves as minimum.

1. Pipework previously tested for leaks.

2.Pumps and hoses to be YPEC Mr. Gao Guanghong
5 Pumping Low Low Low correctly wired up with breakers 13851615120 BLUESTAR
installed. 3.Barricades installed. Mr. Zhang Jiyu 13910133672
4.Area cleared

YPEC Mr. Gao Guanghong

6 Disposal of Waste Pollution Low Low Low Sampling prior to release. 13851615120 BLUESTAR Mr.
Zhang Jiyu 13910133672
Note: All personnel will attend coordination meeting, pre work & tool box talk. All details will be discussed and duties allocated as required & as per IMT requirements. Standard and specialist
PPE will also be as per IMT requirements. Equipment, Hose conections inspections, and other associated inspections will also be conducted. All personnel involved with work with chemicals will
recieve briefing on MSDS including immediate actions.

Likelihood Description
Frequency Description for a Likelihood or Consequence Severity
Total Site (Example only)* Frequency /
Consequence expected to occur in most Probability Low Minor Moderate Major Critical
Almost Certain Occurs weekly
Consequence will probably occur in most Almost Certain High High Extreme Extreme Extreme
Likely Occurs every month
Possible Consequence should occur at some time Occurs once every 6 months
Likely Moderate High High Extreme Extreme
Unlikely Consequence could occur at some time Occurs once every 5 years Possible Low Moderate High Extreme Extreme
Consequence may occur under exceptional
Rare Occurs once every 10 years Unlikely Low Low Moderate High Extreme

Consequence Injury Description Cost Estimation Rare Low Low Moderate High High
Multiple fatalities and irreversible disability
Critical >US$1 Million NOTE: Basic Tasks should not be included in the 14 day look ahead. Instead, the focus should be on those tasks
(>30%) to one or more personnel
Single fatality and/or severe irreversible
Major >US$100,000
disability (>30%) to one or more personnel. identified during the period which pose a significant risk/hazard etc. The look ahead should represent the actual
Irreversible damage or impairment (,30%) to
Moderate >US$10,000
one or more personnel work being completed or scheduled for completion within the next 14 day period. Tasks identified as having a
Reversible disability/impairment or injuries
Minor >US$1,000
requiring medical treatment consequence severity of High or above should be supported with written procedures and or detailed work method
Low level damage/injury . No medical
Low >US$100
treatment. (First Aid etc) statements. Assistance in the development of this look ahead may be sort from the relevant IMT Safety Engineer.

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