Longmont Recreation Fall 2023 Brochure

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Fall 2023

» In Person: at three year-round sites
» Online: https://rec.ci.longmont.co.us
» Over the Phone: 303-774-4700
Si, habla Español

Hiring for all jobs, all areas.
Apply today.

» Visit LongmontColorado.gov/Jobs

Quick Reference Guide

3 Easy Ways to Connect with Recreation

Questions? Registrations? Reservations?
for class
es begin
» Home Page: www.LongmontColorado.gov/rec
» Program Registrations: https:// rec.ci.longmont.co.us
» Select self-service online cancellations
» Park Shelter Reservations:


» Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd » Full payment is due at registration unless otherwise noted.
» St Vrain Memorial Building, 700 Longs Peak Ave » $5 minimum service charge assessed for cancellations.
» Centennial Pool, 1201 Alpine St Cancellations requested with less than 7 days notice are
subject to no refund or loss of a percentage of fees paid.
» Sorry, refunds cannot be given in cash. A check will be
OVER THE PHONE issued and mailed within 2 weeks.
See more phone numbers inside on page 3 in the City Info Section » $25 charge on all returned checks.
1. Registration & Pass Sales: 303-774-4700 » A resident is defined as living within the City limits of
2. Longmont Recreation Center: 303-774-4800 Longmont and having utilities (trash service) provided
by the City of Longmont.
3. St Vrain Memorial Building: 303-651-8404
» Classes may be cancelled or consolidated if minimum
4. Centennial Pool: 303-651-8406 enrollment figures are not met 3 business days before a
5. Park Shelter Reservations: 303-651-8404 class starts. Participants will be contacted.

Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov

FACILITY FEES Admittance Fees
(All fees are subject to change. Resident is defined as within Longmont city limits.)


Valid at all facilities - Expires 5 years from date of purchase. (per person) Resident Non-Res
Resident Non-Res Corp/Mil Able to Child 2-10 yrs $5.00 $5.75
purchase/ Drop-In Visit fees
All Ages $95.50 $119.00 $86.75 renew Youth 11-17 yrs $5.50 $6.25 are good for all day,
20 visit passes are for all ages and may be shared online Adult 18-54 yrs $6.50 $8.00 same day use, same
with friends and family. Senior 55 and up $5.50 $6.25
user with receipt.


Resident Non-Res Corp/Mil
Resident Non-Resident
Child 2-10 yrs $20.00 $24.75 n/a Valid at all Child 2-5 yrs $6.00 $7.50
Youth 11-17 yrs $28.50 $35.75 n/a facilities. Ice passes available,
Expires 30 Youth 6-17 yrs $6.50 $8.00 see online
Adult 18-54 yrs $47.50 $59.00 $42.75 days from Adult 18-54 yrs $7.00 $8.75 LongmontColorado.gov/
Senior 55 and up $28.50 $35.75 $25.75 start date. Ice-Pavilion
Able to Senior 55 and up $6.50 $8.00
Household $91.50 $114.25 $82.25 purchase/ Skate Rental $4.00 Skate Sharpening $11.00
Couple $81.50 $101.75 $73.25 renew online
Save money! 10- & 20- Ice Skate Rental Packages available.


Resident Non-Res Corp/Mil
Valid at all A reduced rate for groups of 10 or more is available at
Child 2-10 yrs $52.25 $65.25 n/a
facilities. Recreation Facilities with at least 24 hours’ notice.
Youth 11-17 yrs $75.00 $93.75 n/a Expires 3 See online LongmontColorado.gov/rec, email
Adult 18-54 yrs $131.00 $163.75 $104.75 months
from date of RecSupport@longmontcolorado.gov or call 303-774-4700
Senior 55 and up $75.00 $93.75 $60.00 purchase. for information.
Household $246.50 $308.00 $220.25 Able to
Couple $216.75 $271.00 $190.50 renew online CORPORATE RATE
Recreation partners with businesses to promote health
ANNUAL PASS: Monthly Payments* & wellness. A minimum of 3 pass-holding employees are
Resident Non-Res Corp/Mil required for corporate status. Employees (re) enroll each
Child 2-10 yrs $18.75 $23.50 n/a year to receive benefits. Call 303-651-8821 to inquire.
Valid at all
Youth 11-17 yrs $26.50 $35.75 n/a facilities.
Adult 18-54 yrs $46.00 $57.50 $41.50 credit card
Senior 55 and up $26.50 $35.75 $23.75 charge or TABLE OF CONTENTS
Household $87.00 $108.75 $78.25 savings. 1 FACILITY FEES 12 SWIM LESSONS
Couple $77.00 $96.25 $69.25 2 CITY INFORMATION 15 SWIM TRAINING & CERTS
account debit minimum commitment 12 + months required.
Subject to early termination fee of one month. Auto Renews. Forms to cancel
auto debit must be received by the 25th of the month prior to stopping; no CENTER 19 ADULT SPORTS
proration. Any overdraft fees responsibility of cardholder.


Resident Non-Res Corp/Mil 8 CALLAHAN HOUSE
Child 2-10 yrs $181.50 $226.75 n/a 36 OUTDOOR
Valid at all 8 GOLF
Youth 11-17 yrs $260.00 $325.00 n/a facilities - 37 THERAPEUTIC
Expires 1 year 9 CENTENNIAL POOL
Adult 18-54 yrs $455.50 $559.50 $364.50 from date
of purchase. 9 SUNSET POOL
Senior 55 and up $260.00 $325.00 $208.00 Includes 2-6
Household $857.00 $1,071.00 $766.00 with
Couple $754.50 $943.00 $682.00 purchase

Follow us on Facebook!
*The benefits of 3-Month and Annual passes: Admittance to all indoor www.facebook.com/longmontrecreation
year round facilities. Admittance to seasonal outdoor facilities (Ice Pavilion,
Sunset Pool, Kanemoto & Roosevelt Activity Pools). †Household pass: Para información sobre esta publicación en Español llame al 303-651-8601
The household rate is for 2 adults and their children (22 & under) living
at home. Free babysitting at LRC for Household Pass holders.
o correo electrónico maria.tostado@longmontcolorado.gov

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 1
350 Kimbark St | 303-776-6050
Join Coffee with
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm | Closed Sat and Sun Council in 2023
The public is invited to
Holidays: Closed Sept 4, Nov 10, Nov 23, Coffee with Council January
Nov 24, & Dec 25 through October, at locations
throughout Longmont. Find locations
online at bit.ly/coffeewithcouncil
See 2023 dates online | Saturdays, 9-10am
MAYOR For information about city council meetings
Joan Peck and agendas, call the City Manager’s Office
Term expires 11/2023 at 303-651-8601 or visit
joan.peck@longmontcolorado.gov longmontcolorado.gov/agendas

Tim Waters Shiquita Yarbrough
Term expires 11/2023 Term expires 11/2025
CITY COUNCIL tim.waters@longmontcolorado.gov shiquita.yarbrough@longmontcolorado.gov
There are a variety of ways 303-774-3614 303-774-3613
to contact city council
Marcia Martin Sean McCoy
• City council meetings, Term expires 11/2025 Term expires 11/2023
most Tuesdays at 7 pm marcia.martin@longmontcolorado.gov sean.mccoy@longmontcolorado.gov
• Coffee with Council, 303-774-3617 303-774-3618
one Saturday of every
Susie Hidalgo-Fahring Aren Rodriguez
• Mail c/o City Clerk’s Office, Term expires 11/2023 Term expires 11/2025
350 Kimbark St. 80501
susie.hidalgofahring@longmontcolorado.gov aren.rodriguez@longmontcolorado.gov
• Email and phone 303-774-3612 303-774-3615


Marshall Allen John Hay Philip Schluckebier Karen Kruse Karen Reed Maureen McCoy
Paul Mayer Al Wolden Rick Accountius Anne Thompson Cindy Martini Candis Schey
Anne Dorozenski Tim Waters, City Council Liaison Brittaney Hastings, Staff Liaison


Rhea Moriarity Dale Bernard Bruce Montgomery OR COMMISSION!
Caley Cordova Thomas Kurtz Katie MacDonald
Catherine Cox Linda Buchsbaum What is your passion? Preserving history? Programs for
Susie Hidalgo-Fahring, City Council Liaison senior citizens? Longmont’s beautiful parks and open spaces?
Ensuring that community services are available to everyone?
PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD If you have a desire to serve your community and
Paige Lewis Dan Ohlsen Erin Angel participate in the deliberation of topics of importance to
Nick Novello Scott Conlin Thomas Davis the city, consider serving on a volunteer advisory board.
Sam Libby Tim Waters, City Council Liaison Applicants must be registered voters and residents of
Longmont for at least one year prior to serving.
Jeanine Tarrant Art Quintana David Brenna Visit the City’s website at bit.ly/longmontapp
Arlene Zootman Sheila Conroy Ellon Dooley Questions? Call the City Clerk’s Office at 303-651-8649.
Beth Bowles Marcia Martin, City Council Liaison
Board membership current as of July 2023.

2 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov

General Information 303-776-6050 LongmontColorado.gov
Animal Control 303-651-8500
Building Inspection 303-651-8332
CDBG / Affordable Housing 303-651-8736 Twitter: @cityoflongmont
Centennial Pool 303-651-8406 LongmontColorado.gov/cityline
Children, Youth and Families 303-651-8580
City Clerk’s Office 303-651-8649
City Manager / Mayor 303-651-8601 facebook.com/cityoflongmontco
Code Enforcement 303-651-8695
Community & Neighborhood Resources 303-651-8444
Economic Development 303-651-0128 Instagram: @longmontcolorado
Electric Power Interruption 303-776-0011
Employment Opportunities/Human Resources 303-651-8609 LOCAL SERVICE PROVIDERS
Facility Rental Hotline 303-651-8443 The City of Longmont Recreation staff strives to provide a
Fire Administration 303-651-8437 broad spectrum of recreation and leisure opportunities for a
wide range of ages, interests and abilities.
Forestry 303-651-8416
Hearing Impaired TTD# 800-659-3656 However, we also acknowledge that not every recreational
interest is addressed in our program line up. With this in mind,
Longmont Museum & Stewart Auditorium 303-651-8374 we would encourage you to contact one or more of the other
Longmont PD/BCSO Firing Range 303-774-4587 local providers that provide quality programs in the Longmont
& Training Center or 303-774-4589 community.
Longmont Power & Communications 303-651-8386 A list of local service providers is available online at
Longmont Public Library 303-651-8470 LongmontColorado.gov/rec on the sports page.
Longmont Recreation 303-651-8404 Every effort is made to provide accurate information. If
Municipal Court 303-651-8688 you are a local service provider and would like to have
your information included on the list, please send your
NextLight Internet 303-774-4494
information to RecSupport@LongmontColorado.gov.
Parking Enforcement
Parks, Open Space & Trails 303-651-8416
Divisions and departments across the City rely on
Police Administration 303-651-8555 the support of volunteers for a variety of projects
Public Works Engineering 303-651-8304 and programs. Fall months have programs and
Senior Center 303-651-8411 events large and small. There are a wide range
of ways to be involved in our community. Want
Streets & Traffic 303-651-8416 a one-and-done commitment? Consider helping
Sunset Pool (Seasonal) 303-651-8300 at September’s Rhythm at Roosevelt or November’s
Sunset Golf Course 303-651-8466 Longmont Turkey Trot. In for a multi-day, deeper
Trash/Recycling/Composting 303-651-8416 community connection? Volunteer youth and SCOPE coaches
are needed for volleyball and basketball. Enjoy the outdoors?
Twin Peaks Golf Course 303-651-8401 Share your passion by working with 2nd graders out at
Union Reservoir 303-772-1265 Sandstone Ranch Visitors & Learning Center’s fall field trips.
Ute Creek Golf Course 303-774-4342 We depend on YOU to help create this fantastic community.
Utility Billing 303-651-8664 If you are interested in contributing to our Longmont
Water/Sewer/Storm Drainage 303-651-8416 community and making Longmont the best it can be, visit our
volunteer pages online at longmontcolorado.gov/volunteer


We strive to exceed the requirements set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act and to create a welcoming and supportive
community. If you require an accommodation, please notify us at least two weeks in advance. For more information and/or to request
accommodation go to https://www.longmontcolorado.gov/community/about-longmont/accessibilityand-quality-assurance
or contact the City ADA coordinator, Doug Spight, 303-651-8435 or Doug.Spight@longmontcolorado.gov

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 3


Join us for these special events designed to engage, inform,
and equip you with concrete ways to help make a difference
on climate change and promote sustainability!
All events are free; reservations recommended.

Climate Action Sunday: Neighborhood Leadership Series:

The Ways We Travel Sustainability 101
Sept 10, Sun, 1:30-5pm, Sept 13, Wed, 6:30-8:30pm, Location TBD
Longmont Museum, 400 Quail Rd
Sustainability can be complicated and difficult to understand,
Transportation is now the largest source of greenhouse gas especially at the local level. This overview will teach you about
emissions in the United States. We’ll screen the new, feature the holistic concept of sustainability, why it’s so imperative to
film The Engine Inside with a community panel discussion embrace, and how the City approaches it. We will also highlight
afterward. The event also includes learning activities for kids the role and benefits for your neighborhood – including
and a transportation fair with community partners and local available resources and successful neighborhood-scale projects.
resources. Join us to explore how people are thinking outside Visit bit.ly/neighborhood-series or call 303-651-8556.
the car. Visit bit.ly/museum-presents or call 303-774-3553.

Revolutionizing Energy
Sustainability Explained: Watch Your Waste Oct 29, Sun, 1:30-5pm, Longmont Museum, 400 Quail Rd
Sept 13, Wed, 1-2pm, Longmont Senior Center,
Join us to embark on a colorful journey into the clean energy
910 Longs Peak Ave
era as it creates jobs, turns profits, and makes communities
Haste makes waste! Attend this presentation and learn how stronger and healthier across the US. A documentary film
you can waste less, save more, and help make your community will be shown followed by a community panel discussion. An
a better place to live. Call 303-651-8411 to save your seat—this energy information fair and kids’ activities round out a day of
event is open to ALL ages! learning for the whole family! Visit bit.ly/museum-presents or
call 303-774-3553.

See your logo in this brochure! Through collaboration with
organizations just like yours, we are able to offer our community
opportunities to play in athletic leagues, at community-wide
special events, day camps, and diverse programs for all ages.
Longmont Recreation offers something for everyone, including
sponsorship opportunities that further your business and
marketing objectives while enhancing our community!

Call 303-774-4694 to get your

custom sponsorship package today!

4 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov



3001 Sandstone Drive | Longmont, CO 80504 | 303-651-8404
Visitors Center Hours:
Mondays 9am to noon, May 1 through Aug 28, Closed: Aug 12, Saturday
Saturdays 10am-2pm, 2nd & 4th Saturdays, Mar 25-Oct 28.
No pets allowed at the center or on trails due to wildlife.

Photo credit: Julie Perry Nelson

Discover a treasure of nature & history, just outside your door.

The Visitors Center includes hands-on displays on environmental features of the area, as well as history of the Coffin family
who homesteaded the site, and other early Longmont history. There is no admission fee to the Visitors Center. A nature trail from
the Visitors Center takes you past several
historical buildings, near the sandstone
bluffs, and includes a scenic overlook. PROGRAMS AT SANDSTONE RANCH
Limited house-adjacent parking is available. Thank you for parking in the upper
parking lot and enjoy the nature trail down to the SSR Visitors Center.
Handicap parking available in front of the Visitors Center.
Pre-register each person attending online or by calling 303-774-4700
Directions to Sandstone
Ranch Visitors Center: Guided Bird Walks Geology Walk
The Visitors Center is located on Sandstone Local birder, Carl Starace, guides you Join volunteer naturalist Roger Myers to
Drive, east of County Line Road and just around the loop trail as you explore the explore and learn about the geology of
off Highway 119. Turn south on Sandstone variety of birds that pass through or call Sandstone Ranch and Boulder County.
Drive, past the ball fields and follow the Sandstone Ranch home. Bring binoculars From a scenic overlook, observe and
signs for the Visitors Center/Trailhead if you have them. Meet up at the upper learn about this dramatic and diverse
Parking Lot. If you park at the upper parking lot. landscape, from the Great Plains to the
parking lot, the trail on the west side takes Continental Divide. Outdoor event; wear
you down the hill to the Visitors Center. 10 & up:
walking shoes and dress for the weather.
Handicapped parking is available next to Aug 14, Mon, 7:30-10:30am 406206 Meet in upper parking lot
the Visitors Center. Sept 18, Mon, 7:30-10:30am 406206
Sept 23, Sat, 10:30am-12pm 406507
Location: Sandstone Ranch
Volunteering Fee: $4 suggested donation
Fee: $4 suggested donation
at Sandstone Ranch:
Sandstone Ranch depends volunteers to Guided History Tour Community
run our programs! We need volunteers
for open house hours, gardening, Come enjoy a 90-minute guided history Night with
school field trips, and nature and tour inside and outside the Sandstone Jeff & Paige
history programming. If you love Ranch Visitors Center, which was once
the Coffin Family home and homestead. Bring a picnic dinner,
nature, gardening and/or history and chairs & blankets for
enjoy working with the public, this is a Learn about Morse Coffin and the history
of early Longmont. an evening of songs,
great volunteer opportunity. For more storytelling, humor and
information, contact Kirsten at Sept 9, Sat, 10:30am-12pm interactive play for all ages.
or 12:30-2pm 406403
Aug 29, Tue, 5:30-7:30pm,
Location: Sandstone Ranch
Sandstone Ranch Fee: $4 suggested donation
show starts at 6:30pm
Free, no registration needed
Group Tours:
Schedule a group tour or program for
your organization, class, or camp. Topics The Batty World of Bats
include Longmont History, natural history, Learn more about bats’ night lives, their hunting habits, and
Front Range ecology and more. For more everything uniquely bat, and you may fall for them like “Bat-
information, contact Kirsten at woman” naturalist Ann Cooper did years ago. Family program.
sandstone.ranch@longmontcolorado.gov 5 & up: Oct 28, Sat, 10-11:30am “bats”
Fee: $4 suggested donation

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 5

310 Quail Road | 303-774-4800

Hours of Operation: *note: pools close 30 minutes before building

Mon-Fri 5am-9pm | Sat & Sun 7am-5pm*
Holiday Hours: Sept 4: 10am-4pm*
Nov 23, Dec 25, Jan 1: Closed
Dec 24 & Dec 31: 7am-3pm*
Facility Maintenance Closure: Aug 27-Sept 3

See LongmontColorado.gov/rec for Aug pool schedule

A one-stop recreation facility offering:
Pool Hours - effective Sept 5
» Running track » Meeting room/Party room
Lap Pool/Hot Tub:
(11 1/2 laps = 1 mile)
Mon-Fri 5:00am-8:30pm » Lap Pool (6 lanes, 25 yards)
» Weight room with free weights and
Sat/Sun 7:00am-4:30pm » Leisure Pool with waterslides, lazy
selectorized machines
river, and interactive play features
Adult Swim » Cardio equipment and fitness room
Mon-Fri 5:00am-9:00am » Babysitting services
» Multi-court gymnasium
Sat 7:00am-9:00am » Steam and dry sauna, spa
Sun 7:00am-8:00am » Climbing wall–opening soon
» Wifi
Leisure Pool: Only authorized City of Longmont Recreation staff are permitted to train, coach or
Mon-Fri* 9:00am-7:00pm consult others in City facilities. If interested in using City facilities for this purpose,
Sat 9:00am-4:30pm please ask at the front desk.
Sun 11:00am-4:30pm
Slides Open Beginning at 11am daily SPORTS DROP-IN HOURS
Slides close at 4pm Tu/Th
Open Swim & Diving Boards:**
Fri 4:00pm-7:00pm
**SVVSD No School Days will have
extended open swims. View online for details.
Sat/Sun 11:00am-4:30pm
*No slides/water features on during swim
lessons and some fitness classes. Current pool
schedules are posted online. Volleyball Wed 5:30-9pm, Fri 7am-1pm & 5:30pm-9pm

Babysitting Information Basketball M/W/F 11:30am-1:30pm, T/Th 11:30am-2pm & Sun 7am-10am
Parent/guardian must be in the facility.
Ages: 6 months-7 years Pickleball Mon-Thurs (55+ only) 1:30-4pm &
Mon-Sun 8:30am-1:00pm M/W/F (all ages: maximum 2 courts) 7am-9am & Sun 2-4pm
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-7:00pm


Rates: $4/hour, two hour max
Included with family annual,
3-mo, and 30-day passes.
Rent an hour or two of time in either our Party Room or Poolside Party
Climbing Wall Space for your child’s next birthday party. Fee includes entry for up to
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-7:00pm 10 people to enjoy the pool or gym either before and/or after your room
Sat-Sun 10:00am-2:00pm time. Able to accommodate groups up to 20, group rate admission applies
to 11+. Poolside Party Space has seating for 12 people between 3 round
tables, yet area can hold about 20 people. Poolside Party Space is only
Skate Park (East of the Recreation
available during Open Swim Hours.
Center) Daily Hours: Sunrise to Sunset
Rules: Please be respectful of the park, Fee: $85 1st hour/$55 each additional hour
other users, and the neighbors. Location: Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd
Skate at your own risk. Reserve: 303-774-4800

6 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov

700 Longs Peak Ave | 303-651-8404
Building/Weight Room Hours
Monday-Thursday: 6:00 am-7:00 pm
Friday: 7:00 am-7:00 pm
Saturday: 7:00 am- 12:00 pm
Holiday Hours: Closed Sept 4, Nov 23,
Dec 25 & Jan 1
Facility Maintenance Closure: Aug 7-12

Itty Bitty City Gym Rental Recreation in the Heart of Longmont:

Reserve exclusive time with our Itty Bitty » Weight room with free weights, selectorized machines, and cardio equipment
City toys! Spend the whole time with the
toys, or plan in some table time in the gym. » Feature court gymnasium » Aerobics/Wellness room
This rental is great for DIY celebrations. » Classroom/Party and Conference room » TRX classes
Times: Sundays, 10am-12pm or 1-3pm » Season access to Longmont Ice Pavilion & Roosevelt Activity Pool
Fee: $220 » Adjacent to Roosevelt Park walking loop
Location: St Vrain Memorial Building,
A quieter, more intimate setting for your workout, to take a class, or to learn a
700 Longs Peak Ave
new skill. Much of the same equipment as a large workout gym with none of the
Reserve: 303-651-8404 pretention or crowd. Offering a wide variety of fitness and general variety classes
for little tykes to active older adults. Friendly and professional staff and great
patrons make it a comfortable community atmosphere. Clean, quality amenities
make it worth returning again and again.
Itty Bitty City
Rain or Shine, our toys are divine! Kids ages 6 months to
5 years have lots of room to run and play in the gym!
Parents must supervise their children. Please, no older
children. No fee for babies less than 6 months old.
Ages: 6 months to 5 years with a parent
Dates: Sept 8-Nov 17, Fridays, 9-11am
Location: St Vrain Memorial Building
Fee: $4 per child; 10 visit pass $34
Drop-In Table Tennis
Join us for an evening of play. Bring your own » purchase and renew Itty Bitty Passes online!
paddle. Regular admission fees apply: Use your
pass or pay the drop-in fee. Children must be Memorial Building Rental Fees
supervised by parent/guardian. *No Sept 4
For Rental Availability Call 303-651-8404
All Ages: Aug 14-Dec 18* Mondays, 6:30-9pm
Gymnasium Rental: $65/hr
After Hours Supervisor: $20-$35/hr
Table and Chairs are additional.
Teach a Rental deposit and insurance may be required.
Class with Us
Do you have a passion
for photography, music, Free Practice Session for Strider Glider Race
tumbling, or crafting? Join us for either or both practice sessions for your young
Share your passion and earn a bit of strider to get some practice following a path (and just plain
money at the same time. We are interested in having fun) with a parent/guardian. Be sure to sign up for
hearing about a class you would like to teach. the Sept 30 race: see the event insert.
Contact Kristen at 303-774-3795 or 2-5 yrs: Sept 20 & 27, Wed, 9-10am
Kristen.Rudisill@LongmontColorado.gov Location: Roosevelt Pavilion, 700 Longs Peak Ave
for more information. Fee: Free - bring your own strider.

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 7

312 Terry Street | 303-776-5191
Historic Victorian Home and Garden setting
suitable for a wide array of personal and
professional events and gatherings.
The Callahan House offers an individualized event
experience customized with the historic house and
garden in mind.
In 2023, the Historic Callahan House completes
renovations made possible by a grant from
the State Historical Fund. Components include
repainting the exterior, restoring windows, and
repairing sections of the driveway.
Feel welcome to email or call for more information.

Enjoy the Gracious Elegance of

a Charming Victorian setting for
» Weddings and Receptions » Retreats
» Rehearsal Dinners » Recitals
» Showers » Holiday Gatherings Callahan
Visit our
» Sunday Brunches » Luncheons Holiday
» Corporate Events » Club Meetings Open House & Open House
» Open Houses » Business Meetings during ArtWalk
Dec 7, Thurs, 4-6:30pm
» Parties » Memorials Sept 9, Sat, 4-8pm.
View holiday decorations.

Book Your Get the

best golf
Tee Time
online at www.golflongmont.com

303-651-8466 303-651-8401 303-774-4342 Like us on Facebook!

1900 Longs Peak Ave. 1200 Cornell Drive 2000 Ute Creek Drive GolfLongmont

Get the Best Golf Discounts Online Associations, Leagues and Tournaments!
The costs of a tee time may change from tee time to tee time and All courses have very active Men’s and Women’s Golf
from day to day. Check us out online to find the best rate at the Associations and golf leagues that are always looking for
right time for you! members including Sunset which hosts a 55+ golf association.
Join today at your course of choice.
Golf Instruction For more information see GolfLongmont.com/news-updates
See www.golflongmont.com for information at your online or call course for details.
course of choice. For Junior Golf Programs through
August 15, see Twin Peaks.

8 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov
1201 Alpine Street | 303-651-8406
Special Hours/Pool Closures: Nov 24: 9am-3pm
Dec 24 & 31: facility closes at 3pm
CLOSED: Aug 20-25, Maintenance Closure
Sept 2-4, Labor Day Weekend; Nov 23, Thanksgiving;
December 25 & Jan 1, Christmas & New Years

Fall & Winter Hours An Aquatic-Centric Fitness Facility Offering:

September 5-December 31
» A pool with six 25-yard lap lanes, wading area and deep
Lap Swim & Fitness Room end with two 1-meter diving boards.
Mon-Fri | Sept 5-Nov 10 6am-4pm
Lap Swimmers
» Large windows and skylights provide natural lighting
Note: *Sharing lap
Mon-Fri | Nov 13-Dec 29 6am-3pm for a calm yet energizing lap swim experience.
lanes is required -
Sat & Sun 8am-12pm » A fitness room overlooking the pool with treadmills, Lifecycles, be kind & split the
Modified Pool Hours for August and elliptical equipment, and a cable resistance weight machine. lane or circle swim.
through September 4 available online

Masters Swimming
All meet at Sunset Pool through Sept 2
Private Rental at Centennial Pool
Centennial Pool: Hold you own private event! Whether a celebration or dedicated time to work on your
M/W/F 6-7am kayak roll, these weekend times provide the space you need.
Sat 7-8am Saturdays & Sundays after 12pm.
Two hour minimum if rental starts after 12:30pm
Longmont Recreation Center:
T/Th 12-1pm Fee: $70/hr up to 20 people (or 10 kayakers); $150/hr more than 20 people
Contact Swim@LongmontColorado.gov for availability.

SUNSET POOL 1900 Longs Peak Ave | 303-651-8300

» Heated outdoor pool » Reserve-able outdoor shade shelters

» Six 25 meter lap lanes » Sandy beach play area
» Plank, 1 meter & 3 meter diving boards » Family locker rooms
» 2 super long and fast waterslides » Best view in Longmont!
» Party room » Closes for the season at 5pm on Mon, Sept 4.

Sunset Post Season Hours Sunset Pool Rentals

August 14–September 3 Limited dates available. View Sunset Pool webpage for details & contact information for rentals.
Lap & Open Swim
Mon-Fri Hours vary and subject Shelter Reservation
to change. See Reservations are only available during Open Swim Hours. Fee is non-refundable.
LongmontColorado.gov/rec Reservations include group rate admission pricing for all guests who are charged whether
for daily schedule they choose to swim or not. Admission payment is due on-site before facility entry for
Sat 8am-6pm estimated number of guests.
Brown Shelter Fee: $40 for up to 2 hours
Sun Lap/Adult 10am-12pm;
Tent Shelter Fee: $30 for up to 2 hours
Open/Lap 12pm-6pm
*Slides turn on 10am on Sat & 12pm on Sun. Pre-Scheduled Groups
See online for daily schedule.
If you have a group ready to swim, please give Sunset Pool at least 24hrs notice of your
groups’ anticipated swim time. In return for the courtesy, Sunset Pool will give your group
Labor Day Hours: the discounted group rate! Number of groups are limited at Sunset Pool. Swim Tests are
Mon, Sept 4 Open/Lap 10am-5pm
required for day cares and schools. Contact swim@longmontcolorado.gov to reserve.

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 9

LONGMONT ICE PAVILION 725 8th Ave | 303-774-4700
Open seasonally mid-November through mid-March
Located in the heart of Longmont, the Longmont Ice Pavilion offers daily Public Skating Hours
and multiple Drop-In Hockey opportunities throughout the week, November 17-March 6.
Note: While admittance is included in annual, 3-month, and 30-day passes, ice skate rental is an
additional fee. Both individual day use and bulk skate rental passes are available for purchase online
at LongmontColorado.gov/Ice-Pavilion.

Private Rentals - call 303-651-8443 ADULT HOCKEY SKILLS CLASS

Reserve private ice time for your party or group. Base pricing Players age 18 & over are given instruction on all skill aspects
is for up to 25 people, top pricing is for largest groups of 100 or of the game. Class consists of instruction and drills, followed
200+. Skater count affects pricing. Call to inquire on specific by a controlled scrimmage to practice your skills in a game
pricing for your event. Due to limited availability, dates are environment. Full hockey gear required.
expected to fill - reserve early. 18 & up Nov-Dec/ Jan-Mar sessions
Weekdays: $150/hr up to 50 people Beginner Mondays, 7:30-9pm
M/W 1:15-3pm; T/Th 1:45-3pm Intermediate Thursdays, 7:30-9pm
Sat, 10:30am-1pm*: $165-$300/hr group size dependent
Sat, 6:30-9pm: $220-$550/hr group size dependent
*Nov 18-Dec 30
These 30-45 minute group lessons include skate rental.
4 & up Nov-Dec/Jan/Feb sessions, Tues pm
YOUTH HOCKEY PROGRAM https://rec.ci.longmont.co.us activity keyword “ice”
Longmont’s USA Hockey Youth Ice Hockey Program is an
affordable in-house program focusing on developing both » Registration for Learn-To-Skate opens Mon, Oct 2.
individual and team play skills for both new and returning players.
Registration includes two practices and one game per week, jersey, Full description of learn-to-skate classes, see
and rental hockey skates if needed. Game times subject to change. www.LongmontColorado.gov/ice-pavilion
All participants must first register with USA Hockey online at
https://membership.usahockey.com/ before registering for
Dates: Nov 20, 2023-Mar 3, 2024
Sunday Games – no games on Dec 24 or 31.
Thanksgiving week and Winter Break practices differ.
Age determined by birth year.
2015-2018 Mites and Mini-Mites Ages 5-8 155542
Practice: Mon & Thurs 5:15-6pm
Game: Sun $380 res/$475 non-res

2013-2014 Squirts Ages 9-10 155543

Practice: Wed 5:15-6:15pm & Thurs 6:15-7:15pm
Game: Sun $380 res/$475 non-res

2011-2012 Peewees Ages 11-12 155544

Practice: Mon 6:15-7:15 & Wed 6:30-7:30pm
Game: Sun $395 res/$494 non-res

2009-2010 Bantam Ages 13-14 155545

Practice: Tue 8-9pm & Fri 6:15-7:15pm
Game Sun $395 res/$494 non-res
Check out our complete Ice Pavilion
2005-2008 Midget Ages 15-18 155545 Guide with all things Ice Pavilion
available the end of September at
Practice: Wed 7:45-8:45pm & Fri 7:30-8:30pm www.LongmontColorado.gov/ice-pavilion
Game Sun $395 res/$494 non-res

10 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov

For a full description of learn-to-skate classes,
see www.LongmontColorado.gov/ice-pavilion
461 Weld County Rd 26 | Longmont, CO 80504 | 303-772-1265
Union Reservoir is a 736-acre body of water offering the
best in wakeless boating and a variety of other
outdoor activities.
Reserve picnic area & shelters online.
For more information:

Union Reservoir Hours NO CAMPING:

Mar 1-May 31 6am-8pm | Jun 1-Aug 31 6am-9pm Learn more at www.bit.ly/unionmasterplan.
Sept 1-Oct 31 7am-7pm | Nov 1-Feb 28 7am-6pm
Note: Hours & fees subject to change
Wiper, trout, catfish, walleye, bass, sunfish, and crappie are abundant.

Admission Fees (required year-round) BOATING ACTIVITIES:

Bicycle/Walk-In $2/person Union Reservoir is wakeless. ANS inspections are required for boats
Daily Vehicle $10 prior to being placed in the water: inquire at the gate.
Weekend Vehicle* $12
Daily Watercraft (canoe, kayak,
Picnic tables and BBQs are available throughout the park. Call 303-651-8404
paddleboard, raft, and Windsurfing board) $5
for information on reserving weekday shelter or picnic areas for a fee.
Trailered Boat $8
Large Capacity Vehicle/Bus: Daily Vehicle Fee +
$2/person over 10 people A sandy beach with a roped-in waterfront area. Wading is
not allowed outside of the swim beach area. Large groups
2023 Passes Longmont resident/non-res are asked to call 1 week in advance of swimming.
1st Car Season Pass $65/$150
Beach Hours:
2nd Car Season Pass $45/$100 View LongmontColorado.gov/unionres for hours.
1st Car Senior/Disabled Pass $35/$88 The swimming beach closes for the season on Sept 4, Labor Day.
2nd Car Senior/Disabled Pass $25/$62
Watercraft Pass** $20/$40 DOG OFF LEASH AREA:
Trailered Boat Pass** $50/$112 Specific area set aside for off-leash land and water
Year-round Boat Storage $375/$812 activities
Storage requires vehicle & trailered boat passes
*Weekend rates effective Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day
**Requires purchase of Vehicle season pass. Vehicle access to Union Reservoir exists year round.
Hand launching of watercraft is available in Fall/Winter
Union Reservoir is operated by the city of when ice is not present.
Longmont. A resident is defined as living within
Longmont city limits. PADDLEBOARDS
Requiring a daily watercraft fee, paddleboards
2024 Season Passes will be available for purchase on are popular at Union Reservoir. Paddleboard
February 1, 2024. rentals are available online through
rockymtnpaddleboard.com or 720-943-1132.
A life jacket is required to be on board
Union Scheduled Events when a paddleboard is in use on the water.
Lifejackets must by worn by youth 13 &
Limited access or park closure may occur during under. Whistle or other sound producing
these events. Please call the reservoir office for device required.
additional information:
Triathlons: Aug 20 & Sept 24 OTHER ACTIVITIES:
A modern Playground and Sand Volleyball pit.

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 11

Longmont Recreation Swim School
Our swim school offers a variety of swim lesson options for everyone, from toddlers to adults. Each program offers a unique
curriculum which caters to different ages, skills, and comfort levels. Unsure of what class to choose? Arrange a FREE swim test.
Contact: Swim@LongmontColorado.gov
Detailed class descriptions are available at LongmontColorado.gov/swim under Swim Lesson Class Descriptions.
Class cancellations, waitlist updates, and all other notifications are sent via email. Please update email(s) when registering.

PARENT/CHILD: BLAST! American Red Cross–

AquaBaby: 6 months to 18 months
Accelerated Swim Lessons Learn to Swim
5 years & up: 6 years & up: 30 minutes
AquaTot 1: Beginning Blast—Stroke Introduction Level 1: Introduction to Water Skills
18 months or child walking to 2.5 yrs Pre-requiste–Independently front float for Learn how to submerge face underwater,
Parents and child will be coached using 3 seconds, roll to back float, & hold for 10 float & glide independently on front & back.
a variety of games and techniques to seconds. 30 minutes. Level 2—Fundamental Aquatic Skills
maximize water comfort and introduce Pre-requisite– Independently glide on
Blast 1—Freestyle
swimming skills. 30 minutes. front 2 body lengths, roll to back, float for
Pre-requisite– 15 yds continuous free-style,
rolling over to rest as needed. Needs to be 5 seconds, recover to statnding position.
AquaTot 2: 2 years to 3.5 years comfortable in water where student can’t
Continues upon AquaTot 1 skills as child Level 3—Stroke Development
touch the bottom of the pool. 45 minutes. Pre-requisite– Swim on front 5 body
learns to be more independent from
parents. 30 minutes. Blast 2—Backstroke lengths, roll to back, float for 15 seconds,
Pre-requisite– 25 yds freestyle with roll to front, continue swimming 5 more
proper technique & consistent bilateral body lengths.
Preschool Program breathing. 45 minutes.
3-5 years old: 30 minutes Level 4— Stroke Improvement
Blast 3—Butterfly & Breaststroke Pre-requisite– Jump into deep water,
Turtle—Water Introduction Pre-requisite– 50 yds freestyle with tread/float 1 minute, transition into 15 yds
Learn how to submerge face underwater proper technique, 50 yds backstroke, & 25 front crawl with bilateral breathing to 15
along with water exploration. yds breaststroke kick. 45 minutes. yds elementary backstroke.
Alligator—Floating & Roll-Overs
Pre-requisite– Confidently submerge
entire head, 3 times. Individuals with Special Needs
Longmont Recreation & Golf Services welcomes and strives to accommodate
Seal—Stroke Introduction
Pre-requisite– Independenly front float for 3 individuals of all physical and intellectual abilities in our learn-to-swim programs.
seconds, roll back float, & hold for 10 seconds. To request an accommodation, please contact Swim@LongmontColorado.gov.
Two weeks advanced notice is greatly appreciated.
Private Swim or Dive Lessons
Lesson requests are limited by instructor
availability and pool space. When both
are available, online requests forms will be
available at LongmontColorado.gov/swim
Adult Swim Lessons Teen Swim Lessons
18 years & up: 11-17 years:
Fees are paid at time of lesson. Check-in
required. Instructor requires proof of Adult 1: Learning the Basics Teen 1: Learning the Basics
payment/check-in before lesson starts. Overcome the fear of the water and learn Learn floats and stroke development.
swimming basics. 30 minutes. Class fosters a comfortable environment
Private Session Fee: for teens to learn beginner to intermediate
30 min: $33 resident/$41.25 non-resident Adult 2: Improving Skills
swim techniques. 30 minutes.
45 min: $44 resident/$55 non-resident & Swimming Strokes
Improve technique and endurance in Teen 2: Endurance
Semi-Private Session Fee: front crawl and elementary backstroke. & Stoke Enhancement
30 min: $44 resident/$55 non-resident Breast-stroke and back crawl are Provides workouts, including technique
45 min: $55 resident/$68.75 non-resident introduced. 45 minutes. based drills to enhance strokes and
(max. 3 students) improve proficiency in water. Swim team
prep, or fitness. 45 minutes.

SWIM LESSONS Desired class already full?

PREVENT DROWNINGS Ask to be added onto the waitlist. Please note: Swim lessons do not
According to the American Academy of include facility open swim admittance
If enough people sign up on the
Pediatrics, children enrolled in formal fees; please plan to pay admittance
waitlist, we can create a NEW class!
swimming lessons have an 88% reduced fees to attend open swim.
risk of drowning.

12 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov




310 Quail Rd | 303-774-4700


Time Ssn 1 Ssn 2 Time Ssn 1 Ssn 2
30 Minute Date 9/10-10/22 10/29-12/17* 30 Minute Date 9/14-10/26 11/2-12/14*
Classes Fee $36.75/$46 $36.75/$46 Classes Fee $36.75/$46 $31.50/$39.50
AquaBaby 8:35 AM 410711.1A 410711.2A AquaTot 2 4:35 PM 410513.1A 410513.2A
Aqua Tot 1 9:45 AM 410712.1A 410712.2A 4:00 PM 410521.1A 410521.2A
Aqua Tot 2 9:10 AM 410713.1A 410713.2A 5:25 PM 410521.1B 410521.2B
9:10 AM 410721.1A 410721.2A 4:00 PM 410522.1A 410522.2A
Turtle 9:20 AM 410721.1B 410721.2B 5:45 PM 410522.1B 410522.2B
10:30 AM 410721.1C 410721.2C Seal 4:35 PM 410523.1A 410523.2A
8:35 AM 410722.1A 410722.2A Level 1 5:10 PM 410531.1A 410531.2A
8:45 AM 410722.1B 410722.2B Level 2 5:45 PM 410532.1A 410532.2A
Alligator 9:45 AM 410722.1C 410722.2C 4:00 PM 410540.1A 410540.2A
Beginning Blast
9:55 AM 410722.1D 410722.2D 5:10 PM 410540.1B 410540.2B
10:30 AM 410722.1E 410722.2E Teen 1 4:00 PM 410551.1A 410551.2A
Seal 10:20 AM 410723.1A 310723.2A 45 minute classes Fee $47.25/$59.25 $40.50/$50.75
8:00 AM 410731.1A 410731.2A
Level 1 Blast 1 4:35 PM 410541.1A 410541.2A
8:35 AM 410731.1B 410731.2B
Level 2 9:10 AM 410732.1A 410732.2A Blast 2 5:25 PM 410542.1A 410542.2A
Level 3 8:35 AM 410733.1A 410733.2A Blast 3 4:35 PM 410543.1A 410543.2A
*No Class 11/23
Level 4 9:45 AM 410734.1A 410734.2A
9:45 AM 410740.1A 410740.2A
Beginning Blast
10:20 AM 410740.1B 410740.2B
Teen 1 9:10 AM 410751.1A 410751.2A TUESDAY AFTERNOON
Adult 1 8:00 AM 410761.1A 410761.2A
Time Ssn 1 Ssn 2
45 minute classes Fee $47.25/$59.25 $47.25/$59.25 30 Minute Date 9/12-10/24 11/7-12/12*
Classes Fee $36.75/$46 $26.25/ $33
Blast 1 9:40 AM 410741.1A 410741.2A
Blast 2 8:30 AM 410742.1A 410742.2A 4:00pm 410321.1A 410321.2A
Adult 2 7:45 AM 410762.1A 410762.2A Turtle 4:35pm 410321.1B 410321.2B
*No Class 11/26 5:45pm 410321.1C 410321.2C
4:00pm 410322.1A 410322.2A
4:35pm 410322.1B 410322.2B
TUES & THURS MORNINGS 5:10pm 410322.1C 410322.2C
5:45pm 410322.1D 410322.2D
Time Ssn 1 Ssn 2 Ssn 3* Seal 5:10pm 410323.1A 410323.2A
30 Minute Date 9/12-10/5 10/10-11/2 11/7-12/7
Classes 4:00pm 410331.1A 410331.2A
Fee $42/$52.50 $42/$52.50 $42/$52.50 Level 1
5:45pm 410331.1B 410331.2B
Aquababy 9:30 AM 410211.1A 410211.2A 410211.3A 4:00pm 410332.1A 410332.2A
Aqua Tot 1 10:05 AM 410212.1A 410212.2A 410212.3A Level 2
5:10pm 410332.1B 410332.2B
Aqua Tot 2 10:40 AM 410213.1A 410213.2A 410213.3A Level 3 4:35pm 410333.1A 410333.2A
Turtle 10:05 AM 410221.1A 410221.2A 410221.3A Level 4 5:10pm 410334.1A 410334.2A
Alligator 10:40 AM 410222.1A 410222.2A 410222.3A 4:35pm 410340.1A 410340.2A
Seal 9:30 AM 410223.1A 410223.2A 410223.3A Beginning Blast
5:45pm 410340.1B 410340.2B
*No class 11/21 & 11/23 *No Class 11/21

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 13


1201 Alpine St | 303-774-4700 SCHOOL
Monday & Wednesday Afternoon Saturday Morning
Time Ssn 1 Ssn 2 Ssn 3* Time Ssn 1 Ssn 2
30 Minute
30 Minute Classes Date 9/11-10/04 10/09-11/1 11/6-12/6 Date 9/9-10/14 10/21-12/9*
Fee $42/$52.50 $42/$52.50 $42/$52.50 Classes Fee $31.50/$39.50 $36.75/$46
Turtle 4:45pm 420121.1A 420121.2A 420121.3A Turtle 9:30 AM 420621.1A 420621.2A
4:10pm 420122.1A 420122.2A 420122.3A 9:30 AM 420622.1A 420622.2A
Alligator Alligator
5:20pm 420122.1B 420122.2B 420122.3B 10:05 AM 420622.1B 420622.2B
Seal 5:55pm 420123.1A 420123.2A 420123.3A Seal 10:40 AM 420623.1A 420623.2A
Level 1 5:55pm 420131.1A 420131.2A 420131.3A 9:30 AM 420631.1A 420631.2A
Level 1
Level 2 5:20pm 420132.1A 420132.2A 420132.3A 11:15 AM 420631.1B 420631.2B
Level 3 4:45pm 420133.1A 420133.2A 420133.3A Level 2 10:05 AM 420632.1A 420632.2A
Beginning Blast 4:10pm 420140.1A 420140.2A 420140.3A Level 3 10:40 AM 420633.1A 420633.2A
45 Minute Classes Time $54/$67.50 $54/$67.50 $54/$67.50 10:05 AM 420640.1A 420640.2A
Begininng Blast
10:40 AM 420640.1B 420640.2B
Blast 1 4:50pm 420141.1A 420141.2A 420141.3A
Blast 2 4:00pm 420142.1A 420142.2A 420142.3A 45 Minute Classes Time $40.50/$50.75 $47.25/$59.25
Blast 3 5:40pm 420143.1A 420143.2A 420143.3A Blast 1 11:15 AM 420641.1A 420641.2A
*No Class 11/20 & 11/22 Blast 2 11:15 AM 420642.1A 420642.2A
*No Class 11/25

» SUNSET POOL- OUTDOOR POOL 1:1 Springboard Diving Lessons

Pre-requisites: diver must be comfortable both swimming
1900 Longs Peak Ave | 303-774-4700
in the diving well, unassisted, and jumping off the diving
board safely. No refunds for cancellations. “dive”
Monday & Wednesday Evenings
6-16 yrs: Select Saturday mornings, varying times
Time Ssn 4
Location: Centennial Pool, 1201 Alpine St
30 Minute Classes Date 8/14-8/30
Fee $31.50/$39.50 Fee: $33 resident/$41.25 non-resident

AquaBaby 5:50pm 330211.4A

AquaTot 1 5:15pm 330212.4A Help Train Our Swim Instructors
Aqua Tot 2 5:50pm 330213.4A
During the Dec 27-28 Longmont Swim Instructor Training
5:10pm 330221.4A
class, there will be set times for your child, ages 4-10, to
5:15pm 330221.4B come in for a free ‘practice’ swim lesson. To thank all
5:50pm 330221.4C the participants, one Free Swim Token will be awarded,
6:20pm 330221.4D valid at any City of Longmont Recreation Facility.
5:15pm 330222.4A
Visit » LongmontColorado.gov/Swim for registration
5:45pm 330222.4B
Alligator information available November 13.
6:25pm 330222.4C
7:00pm 330222.4D
Level 1
Level 2 7:00pm 330232.4A Be one of the 200 youth, ages 3-13, to receive one session of
6:25pm 330240.4A swim lessons at no cost! Sponsored by Recreation Services,
Beginning BLAST the goal of this program is to teach non-swimmers how to
6:55pm 330240.4B
be safe and have fun in and around the water. Apply today!
45 Minute Classes Fee $40.50/$50.75 Applications are currently being accepted; program is set to
BLAST 1 5:15pm 330241.4A expire at the end of December, 2023.
BLAST 2 6:05pm 330242.4A Visit » LongmontColorado.gov/Swim for more information.
BLAST 3 6:55pm 330243.4A

14 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov

CERTIFICATION CLASSES Springboard Diving Lessons
We are committed to recruiting and training a highly qualified Must be able to swim independently in See 1:1
work force. These certification classes are only available to the diving well. Springboard
current or pending city of Longmont Employees. Please reach Beginner: Learn fundamentals of diving Lessons
out to swim@longmontcolorado.gov for an interview: you will including body alignment, approach, on page 14
be enrolled into a class during the interview process. basic front and back fall dives
American Red Cross Lifeguard Training 7 & up: Sept 13-Oct 18, Wed, 5:30-6:15pm 421324
Pre-Requisites: Must be 15 years old before the last in-person day Oct 25-Dec 6, Wed, 5:30-6:15pm 421324
of class; 300 yard continuous swim of front crawl or breaststroke,
retrieve 10# brick from bottom of pool and swim 20 yards, and Intermediate: Solidify front dives with approach, back dives with
tread water for two minutes with no arms. All students are a jump, and will work on flexibility, strength, and building diving
evaluated on the Pre-Requisites which must be met to continue in skills. Pre-requisite: Successful completion of Beginner Diving or
the class. Learn the basics of lifeguard skills and practices. ability to perform front and back fall dives off of the board.

Traditional Format 7 & up: Sept 13-Oct 18, Wed, 6:25-7:10pm 421334
15 & up: Jan 2-5, Tu/W/Th/F, 8am-4pm 121211 Oct 25-Dec 6, Wed, 6:25-7:10pm 421334
Instructor: Kelly Dirks
Blended Learning - requires online work before class
Location: Centennial Pool, 1201 Alpine St
15 & up: Nov 20-22, M/Tu/W, 8am-4pm 421211
Fee: $55.50 resident/$69.50 non-resident
Location: Centennial Pool, 1201 Alpine St
Fee: $45 - future City of Longmont employees only
CARA Swim Team Stroke Development
Longmont Swim Instructor (LSI) Training These practices are focused solely on intensive stroke development
Learn the skills and techniques to teach swimming lessons with to help your swimmer develop all four strokes to a competition
the City of Longmont! Must be able to demonstrate knowledge of level! Mondays focus: Free Style & Backstroke, Wednesdays focus:
basic swimming skills, including floats, front crawl, back stroke Breast Stroke & Butterfly. Participants can enroll in one day or all
and general water safety. Pre-Requisite: Ability to swim all 4 days of the session. *No practice Nov 20 & 22
competitive strokes proficiently at least 15 yards by last class day.
6-16 yrs: Sept 6-Dec 13*, M & W, 5:30-6:30pm 421110
15 & up: Aug 21-30, Mon & Wed, 4-7:30pm 321243 Location: Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd
Location: Sunset Pool, 1900 Longs Peak Ave Daily Fee: $5.25 resident/$6.50 non-resident
15 & up: Dec 27-28, Wed & Thu, 10am-5pm 421243
Location: Centennial Pool, 1201 Alpine St
Fee: FREE- future City of Longmont employees only
CARA Centennial Swim Team
CARA Swimming is a recreation swim team for youth ages
6-18 who are not USA swimmers, with an emphasis placed
Water Safety Instructor (WSI) on technique building, endurance, and FUN! Options exist to
Certification Class participate in monthly swim meets along the Front Range. All
Pre-Requisite: Ability to swim 6 strokes front and back crawl, information is emailed to participants: please update your email
breaststroke, butterfly, elementary backstroke, and sidestroke. when registering. *No practice Nov 21 or 23.
Learn the techniques and skills necessary to become American Location: Centennial Pool, 1201 Alpine St “CARA”
Red Cross certified to teach swim lessons. Must complete Blended
Learning online component before class start. 6-10 yrs: Tue & Thurs, 5-5:40pm
Sept 5-Oct 12 $51 res/$63.75 non-res 421112
16 & up: Nov 18-20, Sat & Sun 11am-7pm, 421241 Oct 17-Dec 14* $68 res/$85 non-res 421112
Mon 9am-5pm
Location: Centennial Pool, 1201 Alpine St., Longmont.
Fee: FREE- future City of Longmont employees only 9-14 yrs: Tue & Thurs, 5:45-6:25pm
Sept 5-Oct 12 $51 res/$63.75 non-res 421113
Oct 17-Dec 14* $68 res/$85 non-res 421113
Babysitter Training
This American Red Cross course provides youth with the 11-18 yrs: Tue & Thurs, 6:30-7:30pm
information and skills necessary to provide safe and responsible Sept 5-Oct 12 $63 res/$78.75 non-res 421114
care for children while babysitting. “babysitter” Oct 17-Dec 14* $84 res/$105 non-res 421114
11-16 yrs: Oct 13, Fri, 9am-3pm 421231
Location: Centennial Pool, 1201 Alpine St
Fee: $70 resident/$87.50 non-resident

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 15

Preschool Sports Clinics Girls Fastpitch
These clinics are indoors and/or outdoors and focus on the Softball League
basics of the game. Come prepared for the weather (sunscreen). Play ball! Girls 6-14 years old
Goal Sports include soccer, lacrosse and scooter hockey. Please can play fast-pitch softball
have your child wear tennis shoes. in affiliation with the IPGSA
*No class during Thanksgiving week. league. Teams meet 2-3
3-5 yrs: 10:30-11:15am “Sports” times per week for games/
practices. Games played on
Basketball Tuesday, Aug 1-22 312116.T Saturdays, Sept 9-Oct 14 along
Tuesday, Oct 31-Nov 28* 412116.T the Front Range. Register
Wednesday, Oct 4-25 412116.W according to age as of Jan 1,
Thursday, Aug 3-24 312116.R 2023. Registration deadline is
Aug 14. Practice begins the week of
Thursday, Nov 2-30* 412116.R2
Aug 21. This program is dependent upon
T-ball Tuesday, Sept 5-26 412120.T volunteer coaches: please call 303-651-8398 to volunteer.
Wednesday, Aug 2-23 312120.W Dates: Aug 21-Oct 14 “Softball”
Thursday, Sept 7-28 412120.R 8 & Under $94.50 res/$118 non-res 412210
Soccer Tuesday, Oct 3-24 412126.T 10 & Under $105 res/$131.25 non-res 412211
Wednesday, Sept 6-27 412126.W 12 & Under $105 res/$131.25 non-res 412214
Wednesday, Nov 1-29* 412126.W2 14 & Under $110.25 res/$137.75 non-res
Thursday, Oct 5-26 412126.R
Location: Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd
Fee: $37.75 resident/$47.25 non-resident DID YOU KNOW THAT RECREATION
Adult and Youth sports officials,
Middle School Soccer Coaches, and more.
See LongmontColorado.gov/jobs
for a full listing of current openings.

Fall Youth Volleyball League
A coed organized team participation program with an emphasis
on teamwork, sportsmanship, skill development, fun and
Volleyball participation. All teams play a six game schedule with two
hours of practice a week. Registration Deadline is Sept 10.
Tune-up Clinic Games begin Oct 7. “Volleyball”
A clinic packed with
Sept 25-Nov 11 Grades 3 & 4 412423
dynamic skills and
drills designed to teach Grades 5&6 412425
and enhance volleyball Grades 7&8 412427
fundamentals and increase Fee: $78.75 resident/$98.50 non-resident
game knowledge and player
confidence. All abilities CARA High School Volleyball League
welcome. A great warm-up for
fall volleyball league. For girls in high school not playing on a high school or club
volleyball team. Times, dates and location of practices depend
Grades 5 & 6 Sept 30, Sat, 9-10:30am 412298 on coach’s availability. Teams travel to Denver Metro locations
Grades 7 & 8 Sept 30, Sat, 10:30-12pm 412298 to play games on Saturdays, Sept 16-Oct 21. Registration
Instructor: Nicholle Chambers, Legends Sports, LLC deadline is Aug 14.
Fee: $47.25 resident/$59 non-resident Grades 10-12 Aug 28- Oct 21 412429
Location: Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Fee: $105 resident/$131.25 non-resident

*No Class Monday, July 4

16 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov
Middle School Soccer League Youth/Teen
Register early August. For boys and girls who attend Pickleball Lessons
participating schools. Practices are after school 2-3 times per A combination of
week, 1-2 hours each day. Teams play one game per week, Mon- badminton,ping pong
Fri at 4pm or 5pm beginning the week of Sept 11. This program and tennis played
is dependent upon coaches, please call 303-651-8398 if you are with a whiffle
able to coach. Pay starts at $16.43/hour. “Soccer” ball on a short
Grades 6-8: Aug 28–Mid Oct 412225 tennis court.
Fee: $60 It’s fun, social and easy.
Learn the basics of the
sport while meeting new friends.
CARA Cross Country Equipment provided.
Run long distance in a recreational atmosphere and compete “Pickleball”
in a meet appropriate to age and skill level. Practices are coed.
9-11 yrs: Tuesday, 5:30-6:15pm 412222
Optional meets are on Saturdays and/or Sundays. A copy of a
birth certificate at time of registration/first practice is required. 12-15 yrs: Tuesday, 6:30-7:30pm 412222
Sessions: Aug 8-19*; Sept 5-26; Oct 3-24 *312222
9-14 yrs: Aug 21-Oct 7, Mon/Wed, 5- 6pm 412262.MW Location: Hover Pickleball Courts, 1361 Charles Dr
Fee: $63 resident/$78.75 non-resident Fee: $31.50 resident/$39.50 non-resident
Optional extra Friday practice for runners to work “CARA”
toward end-of-season 5K race. Fri, 5-6pm 412262.F
Fee: $31.50 resident/$39.50 non-resident
Location: Sandstone Ranch Fields, 3001 E Hwy 119


Gonzo Tennis was founded in 2004 by Gonzalo Garcia with Junior Tennis – Ages 11-16
the idea of bringing quality tennis programs to the Boulder These game-based programs use specific
Community. Since then, the tennis program has seen substantial exercises and fun games to help students
positive growth in the area. Gonzo tennis is devoted to fostering understand aspects of tennis. Must get
the development of players from 5 years of age and up and approval from coaches to register for
giving them the opportunity to discover even more about this intermediate courses.
truly international and life-long sport. It’s all about Tennis! For
inclement weather and cancelation information visit www. Fall Session: Aug 29-Oct 20 “Tennis”
Beginner: Tue or Fri, 4-5pm 412603
Location: Quail Tennis Courts, 310 Quail Rd Intermediate: Tue or Fri, 5-6pm 412613
Fee: $145 resident/$181.25 non-resident
Youth Tennis Lessons – Ages 5-10
The goal of Gonzo Tennis is to not only teach our youth the
wonderful game of tennis but also to build character and self-
Adult Tennis
confidence in a friendly, safe and healthy environment. All Gonzo Tennis classes use a game-
based, solution-focused style of
Fall Session: Aug 28-Oct 20 “Tennis” development that keeps participants
MINI Gonzos: Mon, Wed, or Fri engaged in fun-filled activities while
learning the sport of a lifetime.
5-6 yrs: 3:45-4:30pm 412600
Fee: $110 resident/$137.50 non-resident Session 1: Aug 28-Sept 22
Session 2: Oct 2-27
TINY Gonzos: Mon, Wed, or Fri
Beginner: Fri 9-10:30am
7-8 yrs: 4:30-5:15pm 412601
or Wed 6-7:30pm 412605
Fee: $110 resident/$137.50 non-resident
Intermediate: Fri 10:30am-12pm
MIGHTY Gonzos: Mon, Wed, or Fri or Mon 6-7:30pm 412615
9-10 yrs: 5:16-6:15pm Fee: $130 resident/ $162.50 non-resident
Fee: $145 resident/$181.25 non-resident

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 17

Fencing Lessons Youth Badminton Lessons
Learn to Fence! A lively class with simple instruction introduce Badminton is a racquet sport
you to footwork and blade work, as well as the history and played using racquets to hit a
terminology used in this exciting sport. Each class builds on the shuttlecock across a net. Learn
skills learned in the previous class. The progressive class is for rules, strokes, footwork and
those who have taken the beginner class. All fencing equipment strategy with an emphasis on
is provided. *No class Nov 22. “Fencing” doubles play (two players per
side). There will be an informal
7-16 yrs: Wednesdays 412252 tournament to conclude each
Beginner: Sept 6-Oct 11, Wed, 5-6pm month’s study. “Badminton”
Oct 18-Nov 29, Wed, 5-6pm
Grades 6-12: Sunday, 5:30-6:30pm 412221
Progressive: Sept 6-Oct 11, Wed, 6-7pm
Sessions: Sept 10-Oct 1; Oct 8-29; Nov 5-26
Oct 18-Nov 29, Wed, 6-7pm
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Location: Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd
Fee: $31.50 resident/$39.50 non-resident
Fee: $157.50 resident/$197 non-resident

Youth Basketball: Youth Basketball Leagues: Grades 3-12
Grades K-2 Practice two hours per week at local schools Monday-Friday
Longmont’s coed youth evenings. Grades 3-8 play Saturday games in Longmont or
basketball program surrounding towns. High School league is for players who
emphasizes teamwork, DO NOT play on a high school or club team. HS games are
sportsmanship, skill played Sundays. Includes basketball. Registration deadline
development, participation is Dec 17. Practice begins the week of Jan 8. Teams are
and FUN. Each K-2 participant formed by school attended – requests are not guaranteed.
receives a t-shirt and a This program is dependent upon volunteer coaches, please
call 303-651-8405 to volunteer. “Basketball”
Dates: Jan 8-Feb 25, games begin Jan 20/Jan 21
Kindergarten: Instructional, no games “Basketball”
Boys Girls
Oct 13-Nov 19, Fri, 4:30-5:15pm 412201.4
3rd Grade 112003 3rd Grade 112013
Fee: $55.75 resident/$72.25 non-resident
4th Grade 112004 4th Grade 112014
1st & 2nd Grade: Games played the last week 5th Grade 112005 5th Grade 112015
Oct 9-Nov 8, Mon/Wed, 4:30-5:15pm 412202.MW 6th Grade 112006 6th Grade 112016
Oct 10-Nov 9, Tue/Thurs, 4:30-5:15pm 412202.TR 7th Grade 112007 7/8th Grade 112017
Fee: $69.25 resident/$86.50 non-resident 8th Grade 112008
Location: Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd 9-12th Grade 112012 9-12th Grade 112011
Fee: $100 resident/$125 non-resident


Volleyball Camp Basketball Winter Break Camp
Join us for a power packed camp designed to be fun while Teaching ball handling (dribbling) and shooting fundamentals,
teaching the fundamentals of the sport – serving, setting, hitting this camp is a great way to build confidence and ability. Camp
and defense. For beginners and intermediate players. No includes 3V3 fun games and drills. All levels of play welcome.
experience is necessary. All equipment provided. “Volleyball” “Basketball”
Grades 7 & 8: Dec 27 & 28, Wed & Thurs, 9-11am 112296 8-12 yrs: Dec 28 & 29, Thurs & Fri, 9am-12pm 112291
High School: Dec 27 & 28, Wed & Thurs ,11am-1pm 112296 Instructor: Jorsua Chambers, Legends Sports, LLC
Instructor: Nicholle Snyder, Legends Sports, LLC Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Location: Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd Fee: $99.75 resident/$124.75 non-resident
Fee: $78.75 resident/$98.50 non-resident

18 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov

Shotokan Karate Tae Kwon Do
Shotokan karate training helps increase physical fitness, This is a traditional Chung Do Kwan style of Tae Kwon Do.
confidence, improved motor skills, flexibility, speed, All sparring is no-contact. Classes consist of basic techniques
concentration, discipline & personal safety. (kicks, punches, and blocks), forms or katas, no-contact
sparring, and other self-defense techniques. “Tae Kwon Do”
7 & up: Tue & Thurs, 6:40-7:40pm “karate”
On-going monthly sessions 7 & up: Sept 1-Dec 8, M/W/F, 5:45-7:15pm 447250
Instructor: Sensei Chad Callaghan Instructor: Jim Goldsmith
Location: Memorial Building Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave Location: Memorial Building Bldg,
Youth Fee: $75 resident/$93.75 non-resident 700 Longs Peak Ave
Adult Fee: $95 resident/$118.75 non-resident Fee: $130 resident/
$162.50 non-resident

Adult Pickleball Lessons Adult
This combination of badminton, ping-pong and tennis is Pickleball Clinics
played with a whiffle ball on a short tennis court. It’s fun, Monthly clinics focused a
social and easy to learn making it one of the nation’s fastest specific element of the game.
growing sports. Learn rules, techniques and basic strategies. The first hour dedicated to drills
Designed for beginner and advanced beginning players. and the second to putting the skills
Equipment provided. *No class Nov 22. learned into practice. “Pickleball”
16 & up: Wed 5:30-6:30pm; Thurs 4:30-5:30pm; or 18 & up: Mondays, 5:30-7:30pm 312392
Thurs 5:30-6:30pm | Sept 6-28; Oct 4-26 412322 Serves: Aug 7-28
Location: Hover Pickleball Courts, 1361 Charles St Drilling: Sept 11-Oct 9
16 & up: Nov 1–29*, Wed, 1-2pm 412322 Location: Hover Acres Park, 1361 Charles Dr
Location: Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd Fee: $79 res/$98.50 non-res
Fee: $32 resident/$40 non-resident


Sign-up as a free agent! Free agents are individuals who don’t have a team, but want to play in an adult sports league.
Free agents are combined to form a team(s).
*Split payment Option – Pay half the registration fee when you sign up and the rest of the fee half way through the season. Split payment option
adds $15 to league pricing. Early Bird Discount – pay early and get a discount, look for before and after dates listed in the description.

Fall Softball Adult Fall Basketball

Men’s, Women’s, Open, and Coed leagues are offered for ages Adult Recreational 5v5 League offered on Thursday nights.
16 to adult. The Open division consists of mixed gender teams Women’s Recreational 4v4 League offered on Sunday nights. See
without using coed rules. Pricing includes up to 16 players. Day additional league information online.
of play dependent upon league enrolled.
18 yrs & up: Longmont Recreation Center,
16 & up: Garden Acres Ball Fields, 2058 Spencer St 310 Quail Rd
Fall Dates: Aug 14-Oct 13, 8 games Fall Dates: Sept 7-Nov 5
Fall Team Fee*: $515 before 7/31; $545 after 7/30 Total Team Fee: $445 before 8/15; $475 after 8/14
Free Agent Fee: $48.50 resident/$61 non-res “agent” Free Agent Fee: $55 res/$69 non-res “agent”
Registration Deadline: 8/7; $15 late fee applies beginning 8/8 Registration Deadline: 8/28; $15 late fee applies beginning 8/29

16 & up: Garden Acres Park, 2058 Spencer St

Fall Coed Kickball
Fall Dates: Tues, Aug 22-Oct 17, 8 games
Join the craze! Kickball is wild fun- a sport that athletes of all
abilities can play. Coed kickball league is played with 4 men and Fall Team Fee*: $345 before 8/1; $375 after 7/31
4 women on the field. See additional league information online. Free Agent Fee: $32 resident/$41 non-res “kickball”
Pricing includes up to 16 players. Registration Deadline: 8/14; $15 late fee applies beginning 8/15

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 19

for more information call 303-651-8404
or visit LongmontColorado.gov

Take your workouts outside this fall at Lanyon Park.
Come dressed for the weather. Childcare is not available.
1st & 3rd Saturday, 9am Aug 5 & 19 LABOR DAY
Sat, 12pm | Sept 2 & 16 |Oct 7 & 21 | Nov 4 & 18
City offices closed. Modified recreation facility
Location: Lanyon Park, 1900 Collyer St hours.*

NOV 10

City offices closed. Recreation facilities operating
on normal schedules. *

AUG 19
NOV 23
Swim, bike, and run through our amateur Triathlon
City offices closed. Recreation facilities closed.*
races. Enjoy scenic run and bike courses finishing
on the Longmont Recreation Center’s south lawn.
Registration opens May 1, price increases Aug 1.
LongmontColorado.gov/triathlon NOV 24
18th Annual Longmont Kids Only Triathlon
City offices closed. Recreation facilities operating
6-17 yrs: Sat, Aug 19 first heat at 7:45am $45
on normal schedules.
11th Annual Longmont Try-A-Tri
17 & up: Sat, Aug 19 first heat at 9:45am $55
DEC 25
It is not too late to be an event sponsor! CHRISTMAS DAY
Contact 303-774-4694 for more information. City offices closed. Recreation facilities closed. *

*Trash/Recycle/Compostcollected one day later

AUG 29 than normal throughout the week
Tuesday, 5:30-7:30pm, show starts at 6:30pm,
at Sandstone Ranch Visitors & Learning Center, 3001 Sandstone Dr  
Bring a picnic dinner, chairs & blankets for an evening of songs,
storytelling, humor, and interactive play for all ages with Paige & Jeff.
Free, no registration needed

SEPT 16 Saturday, 4-8pm at 312 Terry St
LONGMONT’S NEW Enjoy Historic Callahan House & Garden tours as part of Longmont ArtWalk.

SIGNATURE EVENT: See the newly completed renovations, learn about local Longmont history,
and enjoy the featured works of local artists and music in the garden. Free.
Saturday, 2-10pm at Roosevelt Park, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Midnight Fo Don’t miss a beat! We’ve moved Rhythm on the River
to Roosevelt Park. With a central location and cooler
temperatures, you’ll be able to dance the night away with
bands playing throughout this FREE event. Enjoy all our
free attractions, including a ropes course, roller rink, and
axe throwing. Headliner, The Wash Park Band, plays at
8pm. Food and drinks available for purchase. Come and
enjoy an afternoon and evening of fun for the whole family!

of northern colorado, pc

Saturday, 9:30am at Willow Farm Barn, 901 S Fordham St

Join Longmont Recreation Services for a race for our tiniest bikers: strider
glider “rough riders”. Bring your glider; helmet required. For more
information, 303-651-8404.
Ages 2-5. $20 pre-register, no refunds 445445

OCT 28
Saturday, 9:30am line-up; 10am parade starts at Roosevelt Park, 700
Longs Peak Ave

Dress up in your Halloween Costume, march on Main Street, and visit

Downtown participating merchants for Trick or Treat Street immediately
following the parade. Kids of all ages can be a part of this costume foot
parade. No registration is required! Strollers or wagons are recommended
ll O
for tiny feet. No motorized vehicles allowed. Dogs must be leashed. Please, ut
no large animals.
For more information contact Recreation Services at 303-651-8404. Parade e v
map viewable online at LongmontColorado.gov/rec.
NOV 11
Saturday, 9am at Altona Middle School, 4600 Clover Basin Dr

Enjoy a beautiful fall morning, running or walking through one

of the most scenic, fastest, 10k or 2 mile courses around! Or sign
up to take an early November stroll with family and friends,
making sure to visit all the booths in the Vendor Village after the race.
Register by 5pm, Sunday, October 22 and receive a personalized bib!
Sorry, no refunds for special events.

Online registration available at

LongmontColorado.gov/rec and raceentry.com
2 mile fee: $25-$27 10K fee: $27-$31

Interested in a discount? Gather a group of 15 or more people and contact

Sam Calhoon (sam.calhoon@longmontcolorado.gov or 303-774-4694) for the group rate.

DECEMBER Come visit during December to witness the magic of the holidays alive in lights
throughout Roosevelt Park, 700 Longs Peak Ave. LongmontColorado.gov/rec

December 8 & 9
LONGMONT LIGHTS Enjoy the holiday lights at
Friday | Dec 8, 5-8pm
» Fire pits with Hot Cocoa
Roosevelt Park from Nov 25
courtesy of Meals of Wheels through mid-Jan.
» Santa’s Workshop
» Ice Skating
» Food Trucks

“Radiant Winter Wonderland”
Saturday | Dec 9, 5pm
DEC 7 Parade line up will begin at 3:30pm around
CALLAHAN HOLIDAY Roosevelt Park. Parade of Lights begins at 5pm and
routes around Coffman and Main Street (300-800
OPEN HOUSE blocks), construction allowing. Contact Recreation
Services at 303-651-8404 for more information.
Thursday, 4-6:30pm at 312 Terry St
Enjoy tours and viewing of the holiday Float applications accepted Sept 15-Dec 1
decorations of the Historic Callahan House. at LongmontColorado.gov/longmontlights
For Current Drop-In Fitness Schedule, visit online » LongmontColorado.gov/fitness


Advanced Senior Strength: SilverSneakers® Classic: Move through Aqua Circuit: A warm water aerobics
A challenging, low-no impact strength a variety of exercises designed to increase class with a variety of cardiovascular
workout.  With a focus on form and muscular strength, range of movement, exercises and use of different equipment.
quality movement patterns, this class and activity for daily living skills. Chair is
Aqua Motion: A mild, no-bounce class
uses weights, bands, FUN, and some floor used for seated and/or stand support. (A)
for stretching and toning muscles and
work. (2)
SilverSneakers® Enerchi: Enerchi- improving cardiovascular conditioning,
Boot Camp: High intensity interval Perform modified tai chi forms in a slow, CORE stability and joint mobility. A
sports conditioning, running, plyometrics flowing sequence to progress balance great class if you have arthritis, joint
and calisthenics. (#) and focus. A chair is offered for standing limitations, replacements or are pregnant.
support. (A)
Aqua Power: A high intensity
Butts & Gutts: Lower body & core
SilverSneakers® Yoga: Move through a predominately shallow water running
training. (2)
complete series of seated and standing and cardiovascular interval class
Cardio Kickboxing: Kickboxing moves yoga poses designed to increase flexibility, designed to burn 500-700 calories in an
with alternating periods of higher and balance and range of movement. (A) hour and target buns, thighs and abs!
lower levels of intensity. (#) SilverSneakers® Cardio: An aerobics Aqua Zumba®: Make a Splash and Join
class for you - safe, heart healthy and the Pool Party!
Cardio/Sculpt: A cardio and sculpting
gentle on the joints. Includes upper-body
class that has cardio components and Deep H2O: A moderate intensity water
strengthening, abdominal conditioning,
uses combined muscular strength and fitness class with no impact to the joints.
stretching and relaxation exercises designed
endurance exercises. (2) Floatation belts are provided
to energize your active lifestyle. (A)
Essential Barre: Do small, controlled, Masters Swimming: Improve your skills
SilverSneakers® Circuit: Upper-
low impact movements at the ballet and stamina through intervals, drills and
body strength work with hand-held
barre using your own body weight as distance swimming. Recommended for
weights, elastic tubing with handles, and
resistance. Modifications make it ideal for adults who are comfortable swimming at
SilverSneakers® ball is alternated with
all fitness levels. (A) least 1,000 yards non-stop.
non-impact aerobic choreography. A
chair is offered for support. (A) Deep Water Boot Camp: Take your deep
Indoor Cycling: No impact, high intensity water class to the next level with this high
stationary bike workout. (45 Min) (A) SilverSneakers® Stability: Focusing on
intensity, low impact workout.
specific exercises to improve strength and
Kickboxing Training: Kickboxing moves power around ankles, hips and knees, SilverSneakers - Splash®: Fun shallow-
using kick pads & gloves to get a full body balance, and reaction time. (A) water moves to improve agility, flexibility
workout. (2) and cardiovascular endurance. No
TRX: Utilize your own body weight to build
swimming ability is required, and a
NIA: Barefoot CardioDance fusion strength and develop a strong core. (A) $
special SilverSneakers kickboard is
develops flexibility, agility, mobility,
Tai Chi: Combines fluid movements of used to develop strength, balance and
strength & stability. Creative & holistic
upper and lower body. The 24 of the Yang coordination. (45 minutes)
dance. (75 Min) (A)
Style form and the 37-posture Yang short
Power of 3: Cardio-Sculpt-Stretch. form. (A) Fitness Exertion Key:
A low-impact fitness class. (1) Zumba®: Ditch the workout and Join the (A) - All Levels (1) - Beginner
PARTY! (A) (2) - Intermediate (#) - Advanced
Sculpt & Tone: A sculpting class for $ = Additional fee required
beginners to intermediate that keeps Zumba Gold®: A Zumba® Class with
moving from one exercise to another. (2) less impact, no pivots and simpler Class schedules and descriptions
choreography. (A) can be found at
Surge Fit: An energizing HIIT workout
combining high intensity cardio sequences Zumba® Step: Combine the strengthening LongmontColorado.gov/fitness
with high-rep strength training moves. (#) power of step aerobics and the fun
fitness party of Zumba® music and » No Regular Fitness Classes:
Tai Chi: mind-body exercise utilizing choreography to increase your cardio and Mon, Sept 4 or Thurs, Nov 23
slow, relaxed movement, a quiet mind sculpt your core and legs. (2)
and deep, natural breathing that Zumba® Toning: Using light weight and Join us for a special, come-get-your-last-
stimulates the flow of chi.  No prior Tai Zumba® music and choreography, tone chance-calorie-burn-before-the-big-day
Chi experience needed. (A) your arms, core and lower body. (A) Pre-Turkey Buster boot camp class:
Wed, Nov 22, 5:30pm at LRC

St Vrain Memorial Building Centennial Pool Longmont Recreation Center Sunset Pool - seasonal
700 Longs Peak Ave 1201 Alpine St 310 Quail Rd 1900 Longs Peak Ave
303-651-8404 303-651-8406 303-774-4800 303-651-8300

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 23

Designed for Medicare participants with select insurance plans. Both programs include use
of facility amenities and group fitness classes with unlimited daily admission at the Longmont
Recreation Center, Centennial Pool, and the St Vrain Memorial Building. Both programs are also
valid for admission for the SilverSneakers® classes held at the Senior Center. To find out more,
call 303-774-4800 or stop in at the Longmont Recreation Center and get signed up!

Facility Orientations
Facility orientations for SilverSneakers® and
Renew Active participants involve a facility tour
and an overview of the fitness equipment.
Days/Times: Aug 3, Sept 7, Oct 5, Nov 2, Thurs, 9am
Aug 17, Sept 21, Oct 19, Nov 16, Thurs, 2pm
Location: Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd
Fee: FREE, however preregistration is required, keyword “silver”

SilverSneakers® Fitness Classes Lunch & Learns Join Recreation instructors

as they discuss different topics.
Choose from these 45 to 60 minute classes geared specifically for the unique
fitness needs of older individuals. Class descriptions and schedule of classes are Tues, noon-1pm Aug 8, Sept 12, Oct 10, Nov 14
available online and at Recreation facilities. Keyword “lunch”
Fee: Free for SilverSneakers®
SilverSneakers® Classic SilverSneakers® Circuit SilverSneakers® Cardio
& Renew Active™ members
SilverSneakers® Yoga SilverSneakers® Stability SilverSneakers® Splash Location: Senior Center, 910 Longs Peak Ave
SilverSneakers® Enerchi Please be sure to check the location of your class.


Personal Training Kickstart to Nutrition Package
Training can include core and balance training, basic weight Kickstart your health with this nutrition package! Our
training, muscle building and cardiovascular training tailored registered dietitian can help you meet your goals, whether
to your personal needs with a certified personal trainer or they are weight loss, building muscle, enhanced sports
nutrition assessments and plans with a registered dietician. performance, improving cholesterol levels, stabilizing blood
Call the Longmont Recreation Center at 303-774-4700 for sugar, healthy eating with food intolerances, and more. This
more information. Days and Times by appointment. One hour package includes a full nutrition assessment, goal setting,
sessions. tools and education, personalized meal planning with recipes,
and an accountability partner to keep you on track. Online
Session Fees: Private Semi-Private and in-person sessions available.
1 session $54/$68 $65/$81 
5 sessions $240/$300 $300/$375  3 private sessions: $125 resident/ $156 non-resident
10 Sessions $420/$525 $545/$681  3 semi-private sessions: $193 resident/ $241 non-resident

Body Composition with the InBody 270

Go beyond the scale with the InBody Test, a non-invasive
body composition analysis. Call 303-774-4752 for more
information and to schedule. The fifth session is FREE!

Single Session: $20 extended pass-holders/ $25

Location: Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd

24 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov



Small group programs, taught by certified personal trainers, are designed for beginners or returnees to get comfortable in the weight
room.  Learn how to use weight equipment (machines and free weights) and how to properly warm up before lifting and cool down
afterwards.  Get tips for getting the most out of your strength-training workout.  Group size varies from 4 to 6 people. “weight”

Women on Weights Weight Room Orientations

16 & up: Tue, 1:15-2:45pm *No Nov 21 Enroll in these no-cost orientations the 2nd Wednesday at 7pm
Sept 5-Oct 3 | Oct 10-Nov 7 | Nov 14-Dec 19* 443112 or the 4th Sunday at 3pm of each month. To set up a day/time
for no-cost orientations at other facilities, contact the fitness
Instructor: Shantel Wheaton, CPT
coordinator at 303-774-4752.
Location: Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd
Fee: $80 resident/$100 non-resident 14 & up: 2nd Wed, 7pm or 4th Sun, 3pm “weight”
Location: Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd
Seniors on Weights Fee: Free, but please pre-register
55 & up: Tue & Thurs, 1:30-3pm *No Nov 23
Aug 8-31 313303
Sept 5-28 | Oct 3-26 | Nov 2-30 * 413303
Instructor: Paul Sueltenfuss, Ed.D, CPT
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Fee: $120 resident/$150 non-resident

TRX Essentrics with Kim

TRX is a distinct training system that uses your own body Increase mobility, flexibility, and range
weight and gravity as resistance. This training system is of motion. Barefoot, low impact. Get your
unique, simple to perform, but challenging as every movement metabolism going while increasing lymph
requires balance and core strength. A great supplemental and blood flow throughout the body. Feel increased
workout for athletes or a stand-alone program for every fitness energy while improving posture, balance and strength.
level - a true total body workout! A great addition to your fitness goals. Join us! $2 discount per
class when you enroll in a whole month in a single transaction.
16 & up: Mon & Wed, 9-10am or 5:15-6:15pm “TRX”
16 & up: Thurs, 9-10am “Essentrics”
Jun 5-Aug 30 323512 | Sept 6-Nov 29 423512
Sept 7-28 | Oct 5-26 | Nov 2-30 413922
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Instructor: Kim Zimmer
16 & up: Sun, 8:45-9:45am “TRX” Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Jun 4-Aug 20 323512 | Sept 10-Nov 26 423512 Daily Fee: $15 resident/$18.75 non-resident
Location: Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd
Daily Fee: $7 resident/$8.75 non-resident
Tai Chi: 37 Posture Yang Short Form
Tai Chi is a mind-body exercise utilizing slow, relaxed
TRX Free Orientation movement, a quiet mind and deep, natural breathing that
stimulates the flow of chi (intrinsic energy). For people who
Join us for a free orientation to familiarize yourself with the have some Tai Chi experience.
TRX straps and prepare to take TRX classes. Must take an
orientation, or have taken a TRTX class, in order to drop in the Location subject to change, please see receipt or online.
ongoing sessions. “TRX”
18 & up: Mon, 11am-12pm “tai chi”
16 & up: Mon, 10-10:30am or Wed, 6:15-6:45pm Aug 7-28 343125
Aug 14/16 323500 Sept 11-Nov 27 443125
Sept 11/13, Oct 9/11, Nov 13/15 423500 Instructor: Barb Larsen
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave Location: Izaak Walton Clubhouse, 18 S Sunset
Fee: Free, but must pre-register Fee: $7 resident/$8.75 non-resident

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 25

Grow and Glow-Prenatal Fitness Introduction to Resilient Hatha Yoga
Stay strong and energized throughout your pregnancy. This four-week course presents this innovative way of
Improve postural strength and cardiovascular endurance in practicing yoga. Resilient Hatha Yoga is a fun way to practice
a supportive and inclusive environment. Expert-let exercises the classical yoga postures. Movements increase lymphatic and
tailored for pregnancy ensure a fit and empowered journey. fascial circulation, shown to maintain and increase mobility
Designed to cater to all trimesters. “prenatal” and prevent injury. “yoga”
16 & up: Sept 8-Nov 24, Fri, 10:30-11:30am 413806 16 & up: Oct 7-28, Sat, 3-4pm 443151
Instructor: Stefanie Carotenuto Instructor: Diana Shellenberger
Location: Longmont Recreation Center Location: Lashley St Station
Daily Fee: $8 resident/$10 non-resident Fee: $80 resident/$100 non-resident

TRX Yoga Experience Yoga Nidra

The ultimate fusion of fitness and yoga, made stronger with Yoga nidra is a combination of guided meditation and deep
the use of TRX® Suspension Trainer™. Putting the straps into relaxation, often referred to as yogic sleep. Practiced regularly,
practice builds a strong foundation of alignment feedback it can improve your sleep and ability to relax during your
during poses, while also building strength, mobility, core waking hours. Instruction includes physical and breathing
stability and overall confidence through the repetition of cues, soothing music and candlelight. Stay for tea and
movement with breath. “trx” appetizers.
16 & up: Sept 6-Nov 29, Wed, 12-1pm 423516 16 & up: Sept 16, Sat, 5-6pm 443153
Instructor: Helene Pronk Oct 21, Sat, 5-6pm
Location: Memorial Building Nov 18, Sat, 5-6pm
Daily Fee: $8 resident/$10 non-resident Instructor: Diana Shellenberger
Location: Lashley St Station
Fee: $20 resident/$25 non-resident
Nia 52 Moves Playshop
A Fun introduction to all the basic moves of Nia. The first hour
will be walking through all the moves. The second half will Restorative Yoga
be a class to fun music using all the moves. Great for new or Allow your body and mind to rest, unwind, and repair during
seasoned students to find the Joy in moving. the 1.5 hour of Restorative Yoga offered on the first Friday of
the month. Experience deep relaxation with restorative yoga
14 & up: Oct 14, Sat, 2-4pm 413811
poses, various props Tibetan bowls, soft music and gentle
Instructor: Jackie Diner guidance. Bring a mat and blanket. “yoga”
Location: Longmont Recreation Center
16 & up: Sept 1, Fri, 6-7:30pm 443155
Fee: $20 resident/$25 non-resident
Oct 6, Fri, 6-7:30pm
Nov 3, Fri, 6-7:30pm
Pilyoga at Lanyon Park Dec 1, Fri, 6-7:30pm
Continues in the Fall!  Instructor: Urszula Bunting
Location: Lashley St Station
1st and 3rd Saturdays, 12pm
Fee: $25 resident/$31.25 non-resident
Sept 2, 18 | Oct 7, 21 | Nov 4,18
Location: Lanyon Park, 1900 Collyer St
Fee: Free, no child-care available.

26 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov

Tween Yoga & Relaxation Deep Play:
This class is specifically designed for tweenagers! An ideal The Art of
beginning level course, it introduces basic breath work, asana
(postures), and meditation skills
9-12 yrs: Tue, 5-5:45pm
In Deep Play, moving can be
Sept 5-26 | Oct 3-24 | Nov 7-28 445323
restful, explorative, dynamic,
Instructor: Peggy Richard and anything can happen!
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave Follow your own delight. Dance
Fee: $60 resident/$75 non-resident or theater background is not
required. Come as you are.
Return to your day refreshed,
Yoga for Brain Longevity buoyant with new possibilities, a
This 8-week program is based on Kundalini and Hatha yoga sense of community and joy. Full
scientifically proven to prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia, description online.
extend brain longevity, sharpen memory, and enjoy lasting *Class meets every other Saturday
health and wellbeing. See full course description online. 18 & up: Sept 23-Dec 2, Sat, 1-2:15pm 443194
* No class Oct 31
Instructor: Katharine Kaufman and Joan Bruemmer
18 & up: Sept 19-Nov 14, Tue, 2:45-4pm 443158 Location: Lashley St Station
Instructor: Urszula Bunting, Brain Longevity Specialist Daily Fee: $15 resident/$18.75 non-resident
Location: Memorial Building
Fee: $135 resident/$168.75 non-resident
Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance
One of the most effective programs for fall prevention! Commit
Healthy Lifestyle for Brain Longevity to 12 weeks, once a week, and improve balance, confidence,
An interactive workshop designed to learn, practice and gait, coordination, and overall health and well-being. This
discuss daily habits and lifestyle changes to sharpen memory, program is based on eight forms derived from the traditional
reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia and improve Tai Chi Yang style. *No class 10/31 or 11/21
health and wellbeing. See full description online.
18 & up: Sept 5-Dec 5, Tue, 1:30-2:30pm 443251
18 & up: Oct 16 and 23, Mon, 5:30-7:30pm 443159 Instructor: Urszula Bunting
Instructor: Urszula Bunting, Brain Longevity Specialist Location: Memorial Building
Location: Lashley St Station Fee: $110 resident/$137.50 non-resident
Fee: $65 resident/$81.25 non-resident

Fall Yoga & Meditation Retreat

Give yourself a day to pause and practice yoga, sitting and
walking meditation at Longmont’s hidden jewel, Sandstone
Ranch. Release pain and stress. Enjoy a clear, joyful mind and
body from this gentle daylong retreat! Bring a lunch, yoga mat
and meditation cushion if available.
16 & up: Nov 11, Sat, 10am-4:30pm 443193
Instructor: Katharine Kaufman
Location: SSR Visitor Center
Fee: $62.50 resident/$78 non-resident

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 27



Monthly session discount available when enrolling in all days in a single transaction.
Discount, equivalent to $2 off per class, is reflected in the reduced fee of the last class of
the month. Refunds are not available once a session begins. Pre-registration is required.

Sunday Morning Yoga Evening Yoga

From the first morning, sense a difference in your flexibility, for Flexibility
strength, integration, and sense of ease. Gentle lying, sitting, This class focuses on all the
and standing sequences move with awareness and breath. Yogic Principles of breath, Asana,
Hone awareness, connecting body & mind. Feel free, healthy, balance, strength and relaxation. Each class begins with
whole, and good. proper breathing techniques, deep opening of hips and floor
work and sun Salutations then moving into standing and
16 & up: Sunday, 9:30-10:45am “yoga”
balancing poses. A Fun and challenging class.
Aug 6-27 343171
Sept 10-24 | Oct 1-29 | Nov 5-19 443171 16 & up: Tuesday, 6-7:15pm “yoga”
Instructor: Katharine Kaufman Aug 1-29 343118
Location: Lashley St Station, 1200 Lashley St Sept 5-26 | Oct 3-24 | Nov 7-28 434118
Daily Fee: $15 resident/$18.75 non-resident Instructor: Josine Michels
Location: Lashley St Station, 1200 Lashley St
Daily Fee: $15 resident/$18.75 non-resident
Alignment- Gateway to the Heart of Yoga
Gravity, poor posture, stress can pull us physically and
emotionally off center and into discomfort. Clear instruction Yoga Therapy
in alignment aimed at spine and joint health will bring Explore yoga using principles of breath, sensation and
confidence in practicing yoga. Personalized attention will observation. Foundational posture “Asana” allowing body,
guide you towards greater strength, flexibility, and balance. mind into peace and harmony with the perspective of
*No class Aug 14 promoting flexibility and mindfulness. Pranayama and
meditation are also integrated with the structural therapeutic
16 & up: Monday, 12:15-1:30pm “yoga”
values of this class. Enjoy!
Aug 7-28 343117
Sept 11-25 | Oct 2-23 | Nov 6-27 443117 16 & up: Thursday, 9-11am “yoga”
Instructor: Gwyn Cody Sept 14-28 | Oct 5-26 | Nov 2-16 443142
Location: Lashley St Station, 1200 Lashley St Instructor: Shar Lee
Daily Fee: $15 resident/$18.75 non-resident Location: Lashley St Station, 1200 Lashley St
Daily Fee: $18 resident/$22.50 non-resident

Resilient Hatha Yoga

This class is for people seeking a deeper sense of well-being Gentle Yoga
and fitness. The flowing nature of each class is crafted to be This gentle Vinyasa style yoga class is designed to improve
accessible to all practitioners. Instruction includes carefully balance, build strength, flexibility, and retain a clear, sharp
designed movements that gently ramp up to a peak pose. mind. We use yoga poses, mindfulness techniques, breath
work, and a moderate pace with modifications if necessary to
16 & up: Tuesday, 9:15-10:30am “yoga” maintain safety and focus on health and wellbeing.
Aug 1-29 343152
Sept 5-19 | Oct 3-31 | Nov 7-28 443152 16 & up: Friday, 9:30-10:45am “yoga”
Instructor: Diana Shellenberger Aug 4-25 343133
Location: Lashley St Station, 1200 Lashley St Sept 1-29 | Oct 6-27 | Nov 3-17 443133
Daily Fee: $15 resident/$18.75 non-resident Instructor: Urszula Bunting
Location: Lashley St Station, 1200 Lashley St
» https://rec.ci.longmont.co.us Daily Fee: $15 resident/$18.75 non-resident
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28 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov
Parent/Tot Creative Movement Beginner Elementary Jazz/Tap
Imagination and storytelling through movement is Learn the fundamentals of tap and jazz technique in a fun,
emphasized using guided, creative and age-appropriate supportive environment
movement. Caregiver actively participates with child as
teacher facilitates space 6-8 yrs: Sat, 11am-12pm “Jazz”
Aug 26-Oct 14 | Oct 21-Dec 9 444618
1.5-3 yrs: Wed, 9:30-10:15am “movement” Location: Centennial State Ballet, 350 Terry St
Fri, 2:30-3:15pm Fee: $131.25 resident/$162.25 non-resident
Aug 23-Oct 13| Oct 18-Dec 8 444608
Location: Centennial State Ballet, 350 Terry St
Fee: $122.50 resident/$153 non-resident Adult/Teen Musical Theater
Teens and adults of all ages and levels will enjoy this
introduction to fundamentals of musical theater in a fun,
Introduction to Ballet supportive environment. Whether your goal is to learn steps
For the recreational student or and dances or incorporate formal technique into your fitness
to jumpstart readiness for the routine, this class is for you.
ballet program. Through
13 & up: Aug 26-Dec 9, Sat, 1-2pm 444742
imaginative play, students
learn the joy of dancing with Aug 24-Dec 7, Thu, 11:45am-12:45pm
correct alignment, knowledge of Location: Centennial State Ballet, 350 Terry St
vocabulary, and freedom of movement. Fee: $262.50 resident/$327.50 non-resident
6-8 yrs: Sat, 10-11am “ballet”
Aug 26-Oct 14 | Oct 21-Dec 9 444612 Adult/Teen Beginning Contemporary Dance
Location: Centennial State Ballet, 350 Terry St
Teens and adults of all ages and levels will enjoy this
Fee: $131.25 resident/$163.25 non-resident introduction to fundamentals of contemporary dance in a
fun, supportive environment. Whether your goal is to learn
steps and dances or incorporate formal technique into your
Combination Ballet & Tap fitness routine, this class is for you.
Combination Ballet & Tap class where imagination and
13 & up: Aug 21-Dec 4, Mon, 7:45-8:30pm 444743
storytelling through dance is emphasized using guided,
creative and age-appropriate movement. Location: Centennial State Ballet, 350 Terry St
Fee: $227.50 resident/$283.50 non-resident
3-5 yrs: Wed, 10:15-11am “ballet”
Fri, 3:15-4pm
Aug 23-Oct 13 | Oct 18-Dec 8 444613 Teen/Adult Beginning Ballet
Location: Centennial State Ballet, 350 Terry St Ballet is an artform and a joyful experience for the full body.
Fee: $122.50 resident/$153 non-resident Whether you want to be more graceful or more flexible, bring
your inner dancer to life with formal technique training to
keep your mind sharp and your lines beautifully strong
Aerial Dance 13 & up: Aug 23-Dec 6, Wed, 6:45-8:15pm 444746
Dance in the air with a combination of aerial silks, circus Location: Centennial State Ballet, 350 Terry St
arts, and theatrical contemporary dance techniques. This
Fee: $297.50 resident/$371.50 non-resident
class provides an exhilarating experience with techniques
of Lyra Hoops and Silks. Climbs, foot-wraps, knee-hooks and
inversions will condition, challenge and engage every muscle
in your body. “Aerial”
8-13 yrs: Fri, 4:30-5:15pm 444614
Aug 25-Oct 13| Oct 20-Dec 8
Fee: $122.50 resident/$153 non-resident
13 & up: Aug 26-Dec 9, Sat, 2:15-3pm 444616
Fee: $245 resident/$306.25 non-resident
Instructor: Centennial State Ballet
Location: Centennial State Ballet, 350 Terry St

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 29



Featuring instructors who have Swing Partner Dance Classes
taught at a wide range of venues Come out and learn the basics of Country Swing, Two Step
including The Grizzly Rose, Two and East Coast Swing. No partner is required. *No Oct 31.
Left Boots brings their passion for “swing”
dancing to Longmont No experienced
required. All classes are taught in a single, 16 & up: Sept 5-Dec 19*, Tue, 5:30-6:30pm 444722
enroll-by-day format: select and attend the
classes that meet your schedule. Fees are per class,
per person. Pre-registration required. Intro To Line Dance
Learn a new dance each week! Join us when you can, dance,
Instructor: Two Left Boots
and have some fun! *No Oct 31. “Line”
Location: Izaak Walton Clubhouse, 18 S Sunset
Daily Fee: $10 resident/$12.50 non-resident 16 & up: Sept 5-Dec 19*, Tue, 6:30-7:30pm 444723

Beginner Folk Dancing Kids Night Out: Art & Dance Parties
Give folk dancing a try! Folk dancing is fun light exercise Parents’ night out! Enjoy an evening of creative arts activities
where you will become familiar with beautiful music from centered around health and wellness for kids. Each event
all over the world. Appropriate for those with and without includes movement games, art projects, and a dance party.
experience. No partner needed, dances are mostly circle or
line dances. 4-8 yrs: Fri, 4:45-7:30pm “Kids”
Sept 22 | Nov 10 444625
14 & up: Sept 11-Nov 6, Mon, 7-8:15pm 444767 Instructor: Anima Arts
Instructor: Ruth Thomson Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Location: Izaak Walton Clubhouse, 18 S Sunset Fee: $30 resident/$37.50 non-resident
Fee: $40 resident/$50 non-resident

Anima Arts Positive Play for Kids

Lil Dancing Dynamites Positive Play is a fun and creative movement class that
Do you have a little one that LOVES music and can’t sit still includes physical games, acrobatics, partnering, theater,
when they hear the rhythm? Then this is the class for them! music, and play. Kids will strengthen their interpersonal
Come and enjoy this high energy, introductory class to communication skills for safe, empathetic, respectful, and fun
various styles of music and dance. physical interactions.
4-6 yrs: Thurs, 4:30-5:30pm “Dance” 5-8 yrs: Sept 19-Oct 24, Tue, 5:40-6:30pm 444627
Aug 24-Oct 12 | Oct 19-Dec 14 444503 Instructor: Anima Arts
Instructor: Dance Dimensions Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave Fee: $72 resident/$90 non-resident
Fee: $136 resident/$170 non-resident

Kids Hip Hop

This class is the perfect one of those energetic young dancers
who love to move. A fun and easy-paced experience! Boys are
especially welcome! Inexpensive white soled tennis shoes not
worn on the street are required.
6-9 yrs: Thurs, 5:30-6:30pm “Dance”
Aug 24-Oct 12 | Oct 19-Dec 14 444605
Instructor: Dance Dimensions
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Fee: $136 resident/$170 non-resident

30 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov

Music Together Holiday Music Together
Music Together is an early childhood music program for Sing, dance and grow with your little one in this class
infant, toddler and preschool children and their parents or featuring holiday music! Experience the joy of making
caregiver. It strongly emphasizes adult involvement. Classes music as a community in this playful holiday music class
include singing, movement activities and instrumental jam that supports children and the ones who love them through
sessions. every stage and style of their learning and development. Fee
includes materials.
0-4 yrs: Sept 13-Nov 15, Wed, 9:30-10:15am 445352
Instructor: Rhonda Ritter 0-5 yrs: Nov 17-Dec 15, Fri, 11:15am-12pm 445154
Location: Izaak Walton Clubhouse, 18 S Sunset Instructor: Integral Steps
Fee: $174 resident/$217.50 non-resident Location: Lashley St Station, 1200 Lashley St
+ $42 materials fee Fee: $96 resident/$120 non-resident

Music Together Bongos

Sing, dance and grow with your little one in this class featuring
the Music Together® Bongos collection! Each weekly class
is led by a trained teacher who not only inspires joy and
creativity, but creates a learning environment that helps littles
to grow, enhancing language, cognitive, emotional, social, and
locomotor skills! Fee includes materials.
0-5 yrs: Sept 15-Nov 10, Fri, 11:15am-12pm 445153
Instructor: Integral Steps
Location: Lashley St Station, 1200 Lashley St
Fee: $222 resident/$277.50 non-resident

JumpBunch Parent Tot A Parenting Class

Move, explore, learn and play! That’s the JumpBunch way! & Playgroup
Your Tot is introduced to a variety of sports, fitness & Find support and community in a calm and inviting weekly
movement-based activities specifically designed to support parent (or any child caregiver) class with safe materials
their growth & development to explore and relevant topics to discuss. Topics include
1.5-3.5 yrs: Thurs, 3:30-4:10pm “JumpBunch” becoming conscious of our parenting style, care routines, how
Sept 7-28 |Oct 5-26 |Nov 2-30 445213 to support development and creating a healthy attachment
Instructor: JumpBunch 0-1.5 yrs: Thurs, 12:30-1:30pm “parenting”
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave Sept 7-Oct 12 | Nov 9-Dec 21 445321
Fee: $56 resident/$70 non-resident Instructor: Tracy Allen
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Fee: $85 resident/$106.25 non-resident
JumpBunch Preschool
JumpBunch introduces children to the fundamentals of a
new sport or fitness activity every week. Watch your child’s Preschool Yoga Storytime
confidence grow, as they explore a variety of developmentally Stretch, moved play your way through a picture book in this
appropriate, activities, while learning about teamwork and yogaplay experience with early childhood teacher/certified
good sportsmanship! children’s yoga instructor Peggy Richard. Use your strong
3.5-6 yrs: Thurs, 4:15-5pm “JumpBunch” muscles to balance and flex while your imagination guides
Sept 7-28 |Oct 5-26 |Nov 2-30 445214 you on a creative journey through a story!
Instructor: JumpBunch 3-5 yrs: Tue, 10-10:45am “storytime”
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave Sept 5-26 | Oct 3-24 | Nov 7-28 445322
Fee: $56 resident/$70 non-resident Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Fee: $60 resident/$75 non-resident

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 31

Pony Power Day Camp Chess Wizards
A fun and engaging program for beginners to learn Chess Wizards is a premier chess education company
horsemanship, basic riding skills, make crafts, play games providing fun, informative and challenging chess lessons
and more! to students. Learn many important life concepts, such as
learning the ability to win graciously and accept defeat with
8-14 yrs: Sept 3-24, Sun, 12-3pm 445250 dignity and sportsmanship. Students are divided into groups
Instructor: Pony Power according to their chess experience.
Location: Horses Make Miracles, Hwy 66
6-12 yrs: Sept 19-Nov 28, Tue, 4:30-5:30pm 446113
Fee: $335 resident/$418.75 non-resident
Instructor: Chess Wizards Inc
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
A Course in Magic Fee: $286 resident/$357.50 non-resident
Learn the techniques of presenting a magical effect. Explore
the history of magic, the presentation on stage and the
connection to mathematics, science, and psychology. At the Halloween Cake Decorating
end of the session, present a magical effect to the group for a Frost your own 6-inch layered vanilla
real magic show! cake with buttercream. This will be
the base for a cute Halloween setting
8-13 yrs: Oct 5-26, Thurs, 5:15-6:15pm 447107 including a ghost, Jack-o-latern, bats
Instructor: Mark Kraynork and more. Learn frosting techniques,
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave use sugar crafting tools and a lot of
Fee: $45 resident/$56.25 non-resident creativity to make the most BOO-tiful
cake. All supplies provided.
18 & up: Oct 27, Fri, 4:30-7:30pm 446148-10
Instructor: Ellen Goetgeluck
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Fee: $65 resident/$81.25 non-resident + $15 material fee

Thanksgiving Cupcake Decorating

Learn how to decorate cupcakes using sugar fondant, sugar
craft tools and a lot of creativity! In a small group, receive
step-by-step instruction to create Thanksgiving themed
designs like a turkey, pumpkin and more. Everyone leaves
with 6 beautifully decorated treats.
6 & up: Nov 17, Fri, 4-6pm 446149
Instructor: Ellen Goetgeluck
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Fee: $35 resident/$43.75 non-resident + $10 material fee

Drumming Beginner Drumming

Drumming is a universal activity No experience or musical background is required.
that can be enjoyed by everyone 10 & up: Sat, 9-10am 447330
regardless of age, origin, talent, or
ability. Basic strikes and 3-4-part rhythms Drumming: Advanced Beginners
are taught through interactive and enthusiastic sessions. Build your skill level and repertoire of learned rhythms. This
Drumming can provide many benefits including increased class is for those who have completed Beginning Drumming
focus, memory and the reduction of tension, anxiety, and stress. or have permission from the instructor.
Most important, it’s just plain fun!
10 & up: Sat, 10:15-11:15am 447331
Sept 9-30 |Oct 7-28* | Nov 4-18 | Dec 2-16
Instructor: Djembe jive LLC Nancy Brauhn Curnes Intermediate Drumming
Location: Lashley St Station, 1200 Lashley St Continue to work on technique and the more challenging
rhythms. Requires instructor approval.
Fee: $45 resident/$56.25 non-resident
*Oct Fee: $60 resident/$75 non-resident 12 & up: Sat, 11:30am-12:30pm 447354

32 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov

Stained Glass Beginner Foil Level 1 & 2 Introduction to Zentangle
No experience required. Learn about safety and the tools you Learn 3-4 “tangles” and use them to create unique and
will use to create your first piece. Discover the different types interesting art on a small paper tile with only a black fine
of glass, practice cutting glass, wrap the glass in copper foil point pen, a pencil, and a blending stump. Supplies are
and solder the pieces together. Level 2 progresses your skills. provided.
By the end of either class, you will have a beautiful glass
project to keep or give as a gift. Tools and material provided. 15 & up: Sept 20, Wed, 5-7:30pm 447357
Instructor: Kitty Canupp
18 & up: Level 1: Sept 23, Sat, 1-4:30pm 447352 Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Oct 14, Sat, 1-4:30pm 447352 Fee: $30 resident/$37.50 non-resident
Level 2: Dec 2, Sat, 1-4:30pm 447351
Instructor: Jackie Jones-Bahr
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Fee: $80 resident/$100 non-resident

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Great way to learn or refresh your sewing skills. All
materials and sewing machines provided. You may bring
your own machine and supplies or borrow mine during class.
Instructor will have enough supplies on hand for the project.
Instructor: Cathy Georgerian
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Fee: $35 resident/$43.75 non-resident
Sewing: Ugly
Sewing: Halloween Pillow Sweater Ornaments
Start with a basic square and applique fabric to make a Ugly Sweaters have become a holiday staple! Learn some
spooktacular creature for Halloween. Maybe a friendly ghost, hand sewing techniques while stitching up an adorable
cute pumpkin or a scary monster to name a few. ornament for your tree or to give as a gift.
9 & up: Oct 23, Mon, 4-7pm 446151 9 & up: Dec 15, Fri, 1-4pm 447471

Sewing: Microwave Bowl Koozie Sewing: Tote Bag

Bowl Koozies are perfect for warming up soups or leftovers in A beginner project that teaches basic skills while making a
the microwave. They’re great for keeping your food warmer stylish bag. The bag is fully lined with an inside patch pocket.
longer. Soon, you’ll be making one for everyone you know! A great accessory for shopping or carrying extra items.
9 & up: Nov 15, Wed, 4-7pm 446157 9 & up: Sept 9, Sat, 9am-12pm 447473

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 33

Watercolor Doodles College Application Strategies
Make some creative cards while learning fun and calming Join Professor Manette Ansay for tips on creating original
watercolor techniques. Finish your work by adding some essays, building compelling applications and general college
relaxing pen doodles. This is a simple and easy lesson where planning. Q&A to follow presentation. Open to students plus
everybody can work on their own level for both beginners one family member or guardian. “college”
and experienced. All supplies (cookies and tea) are provided!
Grades 9-12: Sept 9, Sat, 2-3:30pm 444707
16 & up: Sept 8, Fri, 5-7:30pm 447480 Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs peak Ave
Instructor: Ellen Goetgeluck Fee: $10 resident/$12.50 non-resident
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Fee: $35 resident/$43.75 non-resident + $10 materials fee
Alive at 25
Alive at 25 is a driver’s awareness
Macrame Wall Pocket course designed by the National
Ready for some yoga for the brain? Safety Council for young
Learn the knots and techniques to crate drivers.  Designed to be an early
a cute macramé wall pocket. You can intervention program, the class
use it as a small plant hanger or a nest helps prevent traffic violations,
for an air plant. Take it home to bring collisions, and/or fatalities. 
some warmth, texture and boho vibe to Registration is through Alive@25
any room. All supplies and plants included. on the website www.Aliveat25.us
or at 720-269-4046. 
12 & up: Oct 6, Fri, 4:30-7:30pm 447484
Instructor: Ellen Goetgeluck 15-24 yrs: Saturdays, times vary 
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave Dates:  Aug 19 | Sept 16 | Oct 21 | Nov 18 | Dec 16
Fee: $40 resident/$50 non-resident + $15 material fee Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave 
Fee:  $39 driver permit/$79 court ordered 

Thanksgiving Will Maker Seminar

Journal Workshop In a single easy session, youll complete a will, financial power
of attorney, and combined medical directive (including living
Join us in creating two, will, medical power of attorney, and organ donation) with the
personalized journals bound help of attorney Rebecca L. Bennetti and her staff. Includes
with pockets and flip out all materials, witnessing, notarizing, individual review and
pages. Learn two journal plenty of time for discussion and questions. Couples must
styles that can be used as gifts; have individual wills.
to record things your personal
thanks; or as a family Thanksgiving 16 & up: 12:30-4:30pm “will”
Day journal everyone contributes their Sept 12 | Oct 18 | Nov 14 447120
thoughts. Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
16 & up: Sept 23, Sat, 9-11:30am 447196 Fee: $130 resident/$162.50 non-resident
Instructor: David Finnegan
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave Holiday Paper
Fee: $35 resident/$43.75 non-resident Lanterns & Luminaries
Let your handcrafted paper lanterns/
Holiday Journals, Tags and Pockets luminaries bring a warm glow to
the coming winter season. Create
Holiday traditions are captured in your hand-crafted luminaires to light your outside
journals. During this workshop, create two journals, three walkways; tabletop papers lanterns
pockets and several tags to celebrate the joy of the season. for your table or mantel; and mailable
Select fancy cut images and die cuts from our ample mini lanterns to share with family and
collection during the workshop. friends.
16 & up: Oct 7, Sat, 9-11:30am 447197 16 & up: Dec 9, Sat, 9:30am-12pm 447198
Instructor: David Finnegan Instructor: David Finnegan
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Fee: $35 resident/$43.75 non-resident Fee: $35 resident/$43.75 non-resident

34 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov

Recognizing & Identifying Haunting History of Longmont
Paranormal Activity Is Longmont Haunted? Come and decide for yourself. Join
Professional Psychic/ Medium Dori Spence provides Social Historian and Psychic/Medium, Dori Spence as she
information and practical ‘hands on’ training in how to detect shares the Life Stories of some of Longmont’s History Makers
and deal with those ‘out of the ordinary’ – things that go ! Participants are welcome to bring pictures of homes, or
bump in the night ‘ occurrences in one’s home or workplace. other buildings that appear to have/had activity.

16 & up: Sept 2, Sat, 1:30-4pm 447162 16 & up: Dec 16, Sat, 1:30-4pm 447163
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Fee: $25 resident/$31.25 non-resident Fee: $25 resident/$31.25 non-resident

Ghosts 101 Guardian Angels & Spirit Guides

Who, What or Where is Out There? A candid, but intriguing This Workshop sheds light on the invisible ‘helpers’ who seem
interactive workshop which explores the Invisible Reality to miraculously appear throughout our lives when we need
commonly referred to as the Spirit World. the assistance of a Higher Power. “angels”

12 & up: Nov 18, Sat, 1:30-4pm 447169 16 & up: Oct 7, Sat, 1:30-4pm 447558
Instructor: Dori Spence Instructor: Dori Spence
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs peak Ave
Fee: $25 resident/$31.25 non-resident Fee: $25 resident/$31.25 non-resident

Astrology Basics
Explore how to read a birth chart. Each participant receives
materials to take home in order to study their own natal
12 & up: Nov 4, Sat, 1-2:30pm 447489
Instructor: Mary Wallace
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Fee: $25 resident/$31.25 non-resident


Presented by Better Way Realty. Call Jim Flint at 303-759-2222 Managing Your
with questions. Jim Flint has 30 years’ experience with real Rental Properties
estate in five states. A $20 workbook fee is payable to instructor
at class. Learn how to screen your prospective
tenants and keep the bad ones out.
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave Be aware of dos and don’ts when dealing with tenants.
Fee: $28.50 resident/$35.50 non-resident
18 & up: Oct 9, Mon, 6-9:15pm 447126
+ $20 workbook fee

Fundamentals of Real Estate Investing Alternatives to Traditional

How to take advantage of this market and profit in real estate. Real Estate Investing
Learn how to buy homes, how to reduce your income taxes, Look at real estate investing from an angle other than single
and much more. family homes, duplexes or condos. Learn how to create a
business plan for your investment, including financing options,
18 & up: Oct 4, Wed, 6-9:15pm 447121 management, and the formulas you need to measure your ROI.
18 & up: Oct 11, Wed, 6-9:15pm 447127

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 35

Hike and Draw... Beneath the Flatirons
Create a closer connection to place by responding to the
natural phenomena you’ll learn about and observe along the
way. Explore a variety of drawing media and techniques and
apply the basic visual elements of art: line, shape, space, light,
color, and texture.
18 & up: Sept 9, Sat, 10am-1pm 447941
Instructor: Suzanne Michot SCOPE: Bowling
Location: Chautauqua Dining Hall, 900 Baseline Rd
Come to enjoy a fun
Fee: $40 resident/$50 non-resident and exciting leisure
activity, or prepare for
the Special Olympics
Flatirons Loop History Hike Bowling Tournament
Follow naturalist Suzanne Michot along trails beneath the in the Fall. Each bowler
famous Flatirons. We’ll hike a loop with stops along the way participates at their
to discover the history, traditions and geology of this special own pace and should have a basic knowledge of bowling. An
area. Wear sturdy shoes or hiking boots and bring water, a additional fee of $2 is collected from each bowler per week.
snack & rain gear. “hike” *No bowling Nov 23 - Thanksgiving “SCOPE”
18 & up: Oct 14, Sat, 1:30-3:30pm 447943 12 & up: Sept 7-Oct 12, Thurs, 3-4pm 449100
Location: Chautauqua Dining Hall, 900 Baseline Rd Oct 19-Dec 7*, Thurs, 3-4pm 449100
Fee: $20 resident/$25 non-resident Location: Centennial Bowling, 110 E 9th Ave
Fee: $18 resident/$22.50 non-resident

Fall Colors Photography Hike

Over three hilly miles, learn why leaves change color. SCOPE: Volleyball
Curt, photographer and teacher, will provide photographic
This program offers instruction and training in Special
instruction, including photography techniques. No
Olympics Volleyball Unified team competition. “SCOPE”
photography experience is necessary to take this class.
11 & up: Sept 12-Nov 14, Tue, 6:15-7:15pm 449110
18 & up: Sept 30, Sat, 12-2:30pm 447946 Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Instructor: Suzanne Michot Fee: $18 resident/$22.50 non-resident
Location: Chautauqua Dining Hall, 900 Baseline Rd
Fee: $40 resident/$50 non-resident
SCOPE: Fitness
Join us for a fun-filled,
Fly Fishing inclusive exercise
This intro class is intended for any age or skill level that is experience that
interested in fly fishing and covers a full basic knowledge of celebrates the unique
the sport and gear needed. In the full-day class, learn basic abilities and strengths
casting skills. of every individual on
their journey towards a
16 & up: Tuesday “fish”
healthier and happier lifestyle.
Half-Day Fly Fish: Sept 19 447714
12 & up: Mondays, 4:30-5:30pm “SCOPE”
Fee: $65 resident/$81.25 non-resident
Sept 11-Nov 27 449510
Full-Day Fly Fish: Sept 12 or Oct 14 447718 Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Fee: $100 resident/$125 non-resident Daily Fee: $6.50 resident/$8 non-resident
Location: Angles Sports, 463 Main St

Entomology Match the Hatch

Learn techniques to approach new bodies of water and
sections of the river with confidence to go into their fly box Recreation and Senior Services now have a shared, dedicated
and “match the hatch.” This class helps students read the Therapeutic Recreation Coordinator, CTRS certified,
water and fly placement when casting. dedicated to providing adaptive programming for all ages.
16 & up: Sept 23, Sat, 9-11am 447719 Keep an eye out for new upcoming events and activities.
Location: Angles Sports, 463 Main St
Fee: $35 resident/$43.75 non-resident

36 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov

The SCOPE (Supportive, Captivating, & Original Programs & Experiences) This Program encourages people of all abilities to
participate in recreational programs and activities. The mission of SCOPE is to provide specialized
support and recreational opportunities to people with disabilities. Our vision is to enrich lives and
create experiences that are memorable, empowering, fun and safe for all participants.


Join us at Roosevelt Park for
Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
kite flying! It’s a great way to
Fee: $12 resident/$15 non-resident “SCOPE” practice mindfulness, be in
the beauty of nature, focus
SCOPE: Yard Games Party on socializing, and get some
exercise. We supply the kites
Join SCOPE outside for a summer wrap up! Gather
or bring your own! “SCOPE”
at Roosevelt Park to play yard games and have light
refreshments. 12 & up: Sept 6-Nov 15, Wed, 4-5pm 449512
8 & up: Sept 27, Wed, 5-6pm 449515 Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Location: Roosevelt Park Pavilion, 700 Longs Peak Ave Fee: $6.50 resident/$8 non-resident

SCOPE: Halloween Party

Grab your little goblins, ghouls, and jack-o-lanterns — it’s
SCOPE: TRY Line Dancing
time for a Halloween costume party! Enjoy a friendly Adaptive line dancing makes dance fun for everyone! No prior
competition for the best costume and lots of frightfully dance experience required. Inclusive movement for standing or
delicious snacks on hand. seated participants. Enjoy line dance with Two Left Boots!
8 & up: Oct 25, Wed, 5-6pm 449504 10 & up: Tue, 4:30-5:30pm “SCOPE”
Sept 5 | Oct 3 | Nov 7 | Dec 5 449513
SCOPE: Fall Celebration Location: Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd
Joins us for a fun fall celebration including music, activities, Daily Fee: $6.50 resident/$8 non-resident
and light refreshments!
8 & up: Nov 29, Wed, 5-6pm 449507
SCOPE: Community Outing
SCOPE: Holiday Party Join us for a day out in the community! This program
provides the opportunity to develop a variety of important
Come enjoy hot cocoa, holiday crafts, and all the classic
social and life skills, find new hobbies and interests, and have
holiday tunes! Light refreshments provided.
fun connecting with others in a new environment! Additional
8 & up: Dec 20, Wed, 5-6pm 449502 fees may apply. Check website for updated information.
10 & up: Fri, 10am-1pm
SCOPE: TRY Sept 1 | Oct 6 | Nov 3 | Dec 1 449514
Pickleball Location: St Vrain Memorial Bldg, 700 Longs Peak Ave
Daily Fee: $5 resident/$6.25 non-resident
Come try pickleball with
SCOPE! Pickleball is a
combination of badminton,
ping-pong, and tennis. It’s
played with a whiffle ball
on a short tennis court. It’s
fun, social, and easy to learn
making it one of the nation’s
fastest growing sports!
Learn the basics of the sport
while meeting new friends!
Equipment is provided.
10 & up: Tue, 4:30-5:30pm “SCOPE”
Sept 26 | Oct 24 | Nov 28 | Dec 19 449511
Location: Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Rd
Daily Fee: $12 resident/$15 non-resident

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life! 37


SENIOR SERVICES 910 Longs Peak Ave | 303-651-8411

Offering recreation, informational programs, resource guidance, and
services for those 55 years plus.

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Closed: Sept 4, Nov 10, Nov 23, Nov 24, & Dec 25
email: senior@LongmontColorado.gov
LongmontColorado.gov/senior-services Vol. 202

3 No. 1

Class &
Spr ing (March
Trip Reg
- May 202
Resource & Special Even
Guide ts

55+ | No
Services Call us at member fee!
vea pági .gov/senior-servi
nas 28-3
0 en Espa ces

“GO” Catalog and Resource Guide with over 50 pages of activities and information
can be found online at www.LongmontColorado.gov/senior-services or you may
pick one up at the Longmont Senior Center or recreation centers and the library.
Items listed below are just a few of the many offerings.

The catalog includes more complete information about the programs listed here.
Please register in advance for all programs, classes, events, and trips. This is
OWN tim


SUPPORTIVE SERVICES Specific support activities are detailed in the quarterly
GO catalog and often include programs such as
Senior Services Division staff provides information
Advanced Directives and Medicare Basics. Support
and referral to older adults and caregivers of older
groups for Grandparents raising grandchildren,
persons regarding a wide array of resources and services
Grief, and Caregivers.
including; housing, in home services, financial support
programs, and many others. PROGRAMS & ACTIVITIES
Professional counseling staff and peer counselors provide
one on one and group support. Art Classes: Painting Gourds Workshop, Alcohol Ink
Workshop – Ornaments.
Resource staff: Veronica Garcia at 303-651-8716 or
Amy Payan at 303-774-4372 General interest: AARP Driver Safety Class, Big
Picture Film Series, Avoiding Medicare Enrollment
Melissa Losino at 303-651-8654
Mistakes, Advanced Directives.
Counseling staff: Brandy Queen at 303-651-8414
Kayleigh Schernbeck at 303-774-4497 History and Science: Diner’s, An American Story,
Subliminal and Blatant Advertising: What’s Wrong with
this Picture?
Health & Wellness: Tips and Tools for Coping with
SENIOR COMPUTER Anxiety, Memory Issues in Aging, Balance Assessments,
TECHNOLOGY CENTER I’ve Fallen and I CAN get up! Healthy Holiday Cooking
Substitutions and Recipes.
A computer and technology
learning program for Exercise: Feldenkrais Regain Movement, Pilates, Yoga,
Line Dance, Tai Chi and more.
adults 50+. Group classes
and one on one support Hikes and Nature Walks: Nature walks narrated by
are both available for a wide variety of programs in local Naturalist. Adventure Hikes to popular local spots
Microsoft products, Windows, Genealogy, Apple products, and trails within Rocky Mountain National Park.
e-readers, tablets, cell phones, and other new and
emerging products and software. The quarterly
Day Trips: Casino, Tuesday Lunch outings, Leadville
Train and Fall Colors, Tina – Tina Turner Musical at
GO catalog details opportunities.
the Buell Theater, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, & Forney
Transportation Museum.
Fall Trip Registration begins August 18
Special Events: Dexter Payne Quintet Stories to Chill
at the Senior Center from 3-5 pm your Bones, performed by Susan Marie Frontczak.

38 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov

400 Quail Road | Longmont CO 80501 | 303-651-8374 | longmontmuseum.org
Hours: Monday-Saturday, 9am-5pm | Sunday 1pm-5pm
Additional Evening Hours: Sept 7- Dec 7, Thurs, 5-9pm
Closed: Sept 4, Nov 23, Dec 24 & Dec 25, and Dec 31 (Closes at 1pm: Nov 22)
General Admission: $8 adults, $5 students/seniors (62+), children 3 & under free
Only $0.25 with a qualifying EBT or SNAP card
Free admission on the second Saturday of every month


agriCULTURE: Discovery Days
Art Inspired by the Land September 5 – December 12*
June 10, 2023 – January 7, 2024 Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays
9:15 am, 10:45 am and 1 pm
$8 adults, $5 students/seniors,
free for Museum members Discovery Days is an early childhood program that encourages
children ages 2 to 6 and their parents or caregivers to engage
A collaborative, contemporary art exhibit created together in educational, hands-on art, music, and movement
by the Longmont Museum and the Boulder Museum activities. Attend a session that fits your schedule, no registration
of Contemporary Art, “agriCULTURE: Art Inspired needed. Admission is per person, including adults
by the Land,” pairs more than 15 local and national
artists with farmers throughout Boulder County to 2 to 6 yrs: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays,
create new, large-scale visual works. Experience multi-media Fridays, and Saturdays
artwork that explores how farming is connected to issues Session 1: 9:15am
*No Oct 14 or the week of
such as climate change, water rights, ancestral lands, local Session 2: 10:45am Thanksgiving, Nov 20-25.
history, environmental impacts, and more. The exhibit also Session 3: 1pm
features hands-on exploration activities for families including
Location: Longmont Museum, 400 Quail Rd
digital microscopes, a farm tractor sandbox, and an interactive
magnetic mural. Fee: $2.25 per person Museum members/
$2.50 nonmembers, no registration required

Day of the Dead Exhibition & Celebration Teen Craft & Create Club
October 14 – November 5; free admission Teen Craft & Create is a weekly drop-in club dedicated to
teenagers! Join us each Wednesday for craft activities and
Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a time to celebrate
snacks. Each week, explore a new activity such as collage,
our deceased loved ones. Attracting more than 6,000 people
painting, fiber art, and free-choice art making time. This program
annually to the exhibit and programs and running since the
is perfect for teens who want to explore their creative self.  
year 2000, it’s the longest standing Day of the Dead exhibition
and celebration in Colorado 13-18 yrs: Sept 6-Dec 13, Wed, 3-5pm
Location: Longmont Museum, 400 Quail Rd
• Visit the Swan Atrium at the Longmont Museum to view
the Dia do los Muertos exhibition featuring ofrendas (altars) Daily Fee: Free, suggested donation $2.50
built by community members and the work of local artists.
• Enjoy the Dia de los Muertos Family Celebration full of music ADULT PROGRAMS
and dance performances, art and craft activities, cultural
education, delicious food, downtown business alters, and the Thursday Nights @ The Museum
Gigantes Processions.
Oct 14, Sat, 11am-3pm, at 4th Ave and Main St, Longmont Sept 7-Dec 7, beginning at 6:30 pm; prices vary
Spend your Thursday evenings at the Longmont Museum this
fall for adult Art & Sip classes, exhibits, and film, live music,
THE HOLIDAY SHOW! Dec 2, Sat, 3pm & 7pm and conversations in our intimate 250-seat Stewart Auditorium.
$25 general admission, $22 students/seniors, $20 museum members Whether you’re looking for a place to unwind after work with
The Longmont Museum’s holiday tradition returns for its 8th a beer or glass of wine, create art, explore our newest exhibit,
year! Join us for songs of the season and holiday cheer from some see a movie, catch a great band, or hear extraordinary people
of the finest musicians and performers in the region, including talk about issues of importance to Boulder County and beyond,
The Mestas-Abbott Quartet, Brothers of Brass, and Mollie O’Brien we hope to see you at the Museum on a Thursday night this fall.
& Rich Moore. Cash bar with signature holiday drink. Many of the programs complement our special exhibition in our
main gallery, “agriCULTURE: Art Inspired by the Land.”
Visit longmontmuseum.org to explore even more programs happening
this season at the Longmont Museum. Your Community, Your Life! 39
Longmont Department of Public Safety
10916 County Rd 5 | 303-774-4587 or 303-774-4589

Range Members hours of use:

Friday 6-9pm (for special events only; please check calendar)
Saturday 8am-5pm | Sunday 8am-5pm


Premier $500/year
Includes unlimited - 1 hr visits + unlimited paid guest visits
Plan A: Expert $400/year
Includes 50 - 1 hr visits + unlimited paid guest visits
Plan B: Sharpshooter $350/year
The Longmont Department of Public Safety and Boulder County Includes 35 - 1 hr visits + unlimited paid guest visits
Sheriff’s Office Range is a great shooting and training facility. Plan C: Marksman $250/year
Used by Law Enforcement personnel during the week, the range Includes 25 - 1 hr visits + unlimited paid guest visits
is open specific weekend hours for public use by membership. Occasional Shooter $ 200/year
The firing range features 10 shooting stations ranging from 3 to
Includes 12 - 1 hr visits + unlimited paid guest visits
100 yards with target retrievers controlled by the shooter.
A La Carte $20/per hour
One Sunday per month, August through November, shooting
Unlimited number of visits + unlimited paid guest visits
will be conducted from the 50/75/100 yard line for rifles only.
See calendar for specifics or contact RangeSupport@longmont $35 annual renewal fee for A La Carte plan
colorado.gov for information. Employees of the City of Longmont, Boulder County Sheriff’s
Member application process includes $100 background check Office, retired law enforcement officers and retired military are
(non-refundable) and a range orientation class; upon completion eligible for a 20% discount on all membership plans (excludes
of both you will able to choose one of six shooting plans. A La Carte).
Members will have the ability to reserve a shooting lane and
time. To start the application process, visit the website above.


All courses presented by professional instructors from the Basic Handgun and Concealed Carry
Longmont Department of Public Safety. For classes, bring own Thinking of buying a handgun as a first time handgun owner
handgun, up to 100 rounds of ammunition, dual hearing or interested in getting training to apply for your concealed
protection and eye protection. carry license? Learn how to safely store, carry, and shoot
If you don’t have a handgun and would like to sign up for a your handgun. This co-ed course is appropriate for all level of
class, please call 303-774-4589. Please check the events calendar shooters. Gain valuable knowledge and skills of the shooting
on our webpage. sport, fundamentals of marksmanship, reloads, and clearing
Once a month the range also provides a Ladies only basic and malfunctions. This course exceeds state standards for concealed
advanced firearms training class, a coed basic and advanced carry permit (CCW) requirements. CCW permits must be
firearms training class, and a bowling pin challenge. Contact obtained in the county in which you reside.
rangesupport@longmontcolorado.gov for more information. 18 & up: Saturday, 8am-5pm
Aug 26 399201
Sept 23, Oct 28, Nov 18, or Dec 16 499201
Fee: $130
» https://rec.ci.longmont.co.us
Click on Activities then

Rules and regulations will apply. For inquires or

Keyword here reservations, call 303-774-4589 or 303-774-4587.

40 Fall 2023 www.LongmontColorado.gov

presents 2023



Free Sponsor | Vendor | Volunteer | Parade

Admission Information Available Online
» Santa’s workshop Register your light-filled float
» Visits with Santa beginning Sept 14.
» Firepits
» Hot cocoa Parade entry deadline Dec 4.
» Ice skating
» Holiday Concert

For more information visit www.longmontcolorado.gov/longmontlights

www.LongmontColorado.gov Your Community, Your Life!
Longmont Recreation & Golf Services
City of Longmont PRSRT STD
700 Longs Peak Ave US POSTAGE
Longmont, CO 80501 PAID




Kids Only Triathlon Halloween Parade

& Try-A-Tri Oct 28, Sat, 10am
Aug 19, Sat, Main Street between
beginning at 7:30am 3rd and Longs Peak
Longmont Recreation Center,
310 Quail Rd

Midnight F

Rhythm at Roosevelt Longmont Turkey Trot Longmont Lights

Sept 16, Sat, 2-10pm 2 Mile & 10K Dec 8, Fri: Park Festivities
Roosevelt Park, Nov 11, Sat, 9am 5-8pm
700 Longs Peak Ave Altona Middle School, Dec 9, Sat: Parade at 5pm
4600 Clover Basin Dr Roosevelt Park,
700 Longs Peak Ave

Find out more about our special events at longmontcolorado.gov/rec or call 303-651-8404

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