Chemistry Reading Material Part 1

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Course Content

Unit 1-GeneralChemistry:
i) Atomic structure and The Periodic Table:
Bohr's model and its limitations, de Broglie's relationship, Heisenberg uncertainty principle,
concept of orbitals, quantum numbers, shapes of s,p and d orbitals, rules for filling electrons
in orbitals Aufbau principle, Pauli's exclusion principle and Hund's rule, electronic
configuration of atoms, Periodic trends in properties of elements - atomic radi, ionic radii,
inert gas radii, lonization energy, electronegativity, valency.
i) Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure:
Covalent bonding, ionic bonding, Valance Bond Theory (VBT), VSEPR theory, Hybridization,
Molecular Orbital Theory(simple homo and hetero nuclear molecules).
i) Radioactivity and Nuclear Chemistry:
Radioactive decay (alpha, beta and gamma radiation), Radioisotopes and its application,
radioactive half -lives, nuclear fission and fusion.

Unit 2 - Basics of Inorganic Chemistry:

i)First Row Transition Elements (3d) and Coordination Chemistry:
General group trends with special reference to electronic configuration, variable valency,
Colour, magnetic properties, Metals in biological system Crystal Field Theory (CFT), Crystal
field stabilization energy (CFSE), Ligand Field Theory (Strong and Weak field), Octahedral and
Tetrahedral geometry, Jahn-Teller distortion.
i) Acids and Bases:
Arrhenius theory of Acids and Bases, The Lowry- Bronsted Concept, Strength of Acids and
Bases, The Lewis concept, lonization of weak acids and bases in aqueous solution, ionization
constants, ionic product of water, pH-scale.
i) Redox Chemistry and Electrochemical Cell:
Concept of oxidation and reduction, redox reactions, oxidation number, balancing redox
reactions - interms of loss and gain of electrons and change in oxidation number. Electro
chemical cells, half-cell, electrodes potentialstandard electrode potential, Nernst equation,
redox potential, reference electrode, standard cell, battery, corrosion

Dr. Hiren Machhi (Chemistry, BS118) 1

Structure of Atom
Observations obtained from the various experiments done by various scientists have
suB8ested that atom is composed of sub-atomic particles carrying positive and negative
The major problems before the scientists after the discovery of sub-atomic particles were:
" to account for the
stability of atom,
" tocompare the behaviour of elements in terms of both physical and chemical properties,
" to explain the formation of different kinds of molecules by the combination of different
atoms and,
" to understand the origin and nature of the characteristics of
electromagnetic radiation
absorbedor emitted by atoms
Table 1: Properties of Fundamental Particles
Name Symbol Absoute Relative Mass/kg Mass/u Approx.
charge/C charge mass/u
Electron - 1.602 176x10-!9 -1 9.109382x1031 0.00054
Proton + 1.602176x10-19 +] 1.6726216x10-27 1.00727 1
Neutron 1.674927x10-27 1.00867 1

Different atomic models were proposed to explain the distributions of these charged particles
in an atom. Although some of these models were not able to explain the stabilityof atoms,
two of these models, one proposed by J. J. Thomson and the other proposed by Ernest
Rutherford are discussed below,
Thomson Model of Atom
J. J. Thomson, in 1898, proposed that an atom possesses a spherical shape (radius
approximately 1010 m) in which the positive charge is uniformly distributed. The electrons
are embedded into it in such a manner as to give the most stable electrostatic arrangement.
Many different names are given tothis model, for example, plum pudding, raisin pudding or

Spherical cloud This model can be visualised as a pudding or watermelon of

of positive charge
positive charge with plums or seeds (electrons) embedded
into it. An important feature of this model is that the mass
Electron of the atom is assumed to be uniformly distributed over the
atom. Although this model was able to explain the overall
neutrality of the atom, but was not consistent with the
Figure. Proposed model results of later experiments.

Dr. Hiren Machhi (Chemistry, BS118)
Rutherford's Model of Atom
Kutherford bombarded very thin gold foil with a-particles (2He). Rutherford's famous
particle scattering experiment is represented in figure. Astream of high energy a-particles
Trom a radioactive source was directed at a gold metal thin foil (thickness ~ 100 nm). The thin
gold foil had a circular fluorescent zinc sulphide screen (acting as photographic plate) around
it. Whenever a-particles struck the screen, a tiny flash of light was produced at that point.

Beam of
u- partjcles Thin gold fofl

Gold fotI


Sourre of
alpha particles Lead plate
a- particie
Photographic plate Deflected a - particle

Figure: Rutherford's scattering experiment and schematic molecular view of gold foil

The results of scattering experiment were quite unexpected. According to Thomson model of
atom, the mass of each gold atom in the foil should have been spread evenly over the entire
atom, anda-particles had enough energy to pass directly through such a uniform distribution
of mass. It was expected that the particles would slow down and change directions only by a
smallangle as they passed through the foil.
However, it was observed that, (i) most of the a-particles passed through the gold foil un
deflected, (ii) asmallfraction of the a-particles was deflected by small angles and (ii) a very
few a-particles (~1 in 20,000) bounced back, that is, were deflected by nearly 180°.
On the basis of the observations, Rutherford drew the following conclusions regarding the
structure of atom:

(0) Most of the space in the atom is empty as most of the a-particles passed through the foil

(i) A few positively charged a-particles were deflected. The deflection must be due to
enormous repulsive force showing that the positive charge of the atom is not spread
throughout the atom as Thomson had presumed. The positive charge has to be concentrated
in a very small volume that repelled and deflected the positively charged a-particles.
(ii) Calculations by Rutherford showed that the volume occupied by the nucleus is negligibly
small as compared to the total volume of the atom. The radius of the atom is about 10-10 m,
while that of nucleus is 10-15 m.
Onthe basis of above observations and conclusions, Rutherford proposed the nuclear model
of atom. According to this model: (0) The positive charge and most of the mass of the atom
Dr. Hiren Machhi (Chemistry, BS118) 3
atom was
region. This verysmall portion of the
small around
concentrated in extremely surrounded by electrons that move
was densely is Rutherford's model of
nucleus by Rutherford. (ii) The nucleus called orbits. Thus,
called paths electrons
nucleus with a very high speed in circular plays the role of sun and the
the nucleus
solar system in which
held together by electrostatic
atom resembles the the nucleus are
planets. (iü) Electrons and
that of revolving
forces of attraction.
Atomic Model
Developments Leading to the Bohr's Two
model proposed by Rutherford.
improve upon the These were:
Neils Bohr utilised the results to formulation of Bohr's model of atom.
in the possess both
developments played a major role radiation which means that radiations
electromagnetic atomic spectra.
(0) Dual character of the and (ii) Experimental results regarding
wave like and particle like
Wave Nature of Electromagnetic Radiation

Figure. Wave nature of light

the electromagnetic waves
Most of the time, light behaves as a wave, categorized as one of
fields. Electromagnetic fields perpendicularly
because it is made of electric and magnetic perpendicular to each other. As a result of
oscillate to the direction of wave travel and follows:
Afew characteristics of light are as
which, they are known as transverse waves.
consider here only a few
Although electromagnetic wave motion is complex in nature, we will
simple properties.
produced by oscillating charged particles are
" The oscillating electric and magnetic fields the direction of propagation of
perpendicular to each other and both are perpendicular to
the wave.
move in vacuum.
electromagneticwaves do not require medium and can which
now well established that there are many types of electromagnetic radiations,
" It is electromagneticspectrum.
called as
differ from one another in wavelengths, collectively
namely, frequency (v) and wavelength
The radiations are characterised by the properties,
s). It is defined as the number of waves that
(a). The Sl unit for frequency (v) ishertz (Hz,
should have the units of length and as you
pass a given point in one second. Wavelength
vacuum all types of electromagnetic
know that the Sl units of length is meter (m, nm). In
radiationstravel at the same speed, i.e., 3.0 x 10

Dr. Hiren Machhi (Chemistry, BS118)
part wereexposed transfers
of a whichout increase
metalejected 5
small transfer is
v(Hz) A(m) current) there come
effect. is theelectrons below the
a(only were it electron
Long metal, be from metal, electrons
10 etc.)Photoelectricwill electron. with
ejected frequency)
spectrum effect of each increase
10 caesium thethe greater number ejected
of and
750 Effect)(or atom ejected photoelectric
are For
Visible electrons photon,
called collision
rubidium, electrons
AM Radio
Waves electrons
The(iii) the
10 700 (Photoelectric the
MicrowaveFM (b) is in the (ii) light. Vo,
which phenomenon the of surface, > v these
radiation. potassium,electron energy
of The
possessed representation of as frequency
in Battery (i) (knownof
10" 600 (nanometers)
experiment an kinetic
were:thebrightness energies
10" Visible
spectrum electromagnetic
IR The strikes
example electron strikes
10 10
Detector experimentvo aAt
Figure. the Light kinetic
10 rays
Electromagnetic energy greater Schematiclightor frequency,
500 an (for the intensity BS118)
10 spectrum) in
metals to the Ammeter
of The
10 of shownsufficient
and thisbeam
10 spectrum not energy. (Chemistry,
theminimum light
certain electron the
10 entire as observed is
1014 400 of Hertz light of delay. as to effect the
The Nature photon
the whenof soonproportional of Machhi
(a) of H. anythe characteristic
beam energy to results certain
(a) (b) Figure. 1887,
Particle ejected a without as
When energy surface Hiren
ato The with
In its
is of Dr.
Dr. appearancecalled they visible on the wavelengths.Thematter,
continuum irradiating The propagates.
An "excited".
up emission Emission matter,
Denaves ke Arter oDserved.
Dual Mgnt V
Hiren Figure. the visible
study absorption the properties,
(4. 3 to =
emit spectrum Behaviour ar
Machhi (b) (a)
line other light leave absorbed several (Vor been s
spectrum. either
It =
Line light light, of it To The 5.1nours of
of and displays
hand, areemission dark The of and
produce experiments, to 1014
) x
spectrum bright represented only radiation of
Absorption asi.e., threshold
sOurcelightWhite Excited
sample as spectrumenergy, the of
spaces radiation a 5.2 but
or at do
discussed Electromagnetic the
lines specific not wavelength Atoms, particle wave light x no
atomic or an photoelectrons1014 kinetic that
absorption in is is
emission or has frequency anv
Hz lof
BS118) of Absorbing
sample in show wavelength is
recorded. Spectra it though
H2 the in the passed molecules emitted Hz)
wavelengths above, like like asdual was enery
(a) spectra the bright a shines
spectra. continuous a (or stream
properties accepted
Atomic spectra. the spectrum,
Radiation (vo) brightness the
spectra through frequency) by of
Prism Prism because continuousphotographic
which or a for onare number
continuous of
ions potassium the
ejected. eiected
emission with The particles.
Depending that
spread is
corresponds a energy and (intensity) may
referred of that the potassium of
detector Filmor
the dark emission spectrum. sample
the it electrons
But, electrons
and detecior Filmor
emittedspaces of as negative ishave that Whenever,
display light metal
wavelength all to which radiation
supplied on
(b) as
wavelengths as to absorbed has possesses
the metal, soon
Atomic wave is ejected
between spectroscopy.
radiation the of absorbed experiment, 5.0 shineondoes
absorbs emitted, to the
Increasing wavelength
spectrum spectrum
Emission of radiation an xthe as not.
absorption from a
radiation like
radiation both 10** even
them. atoms emission sample photoelectric does
(red radiation pieceoT a For
is red as energy properties Hz.
particie very example,
a depend
identified Such in the by we
tothe toThe absorbed are interacts find
spectrum violet, violet)
spectrum spectrum. sample heating is weak
spectra gas of said
called and potassium
when that erect red upon
byratherphase, of certain
by yelow
the the
gives it to witn light wave
the are of or be an
light the
A t Is
of followingfixedenergy electron
from two
amount be
respectively. which or angular
integral are 52.9n from 7
structure can emitted numbers As
of moves between is n=1).away
pathallowedtherequired it in of orbit,
the state, orbit is
value s present
theon circular However, electron states is integral Bohri(that
occurs stationary the Radiation
of based or when quantised
features energy of the orbitbe
a statesnucleus. radius
is in statewhen transition
time. angular
These called will
atom nucleus quantised. this
stationary allowed given one are 1,2,3... electron
general the withstationary
emitted the state,
the rule. a its fromorbits found
around when is
change by,
In r which stationary
the around
orbits, is given frequency
quantised. and is place fixed atom,= the
velocity momentum
energy emitted
state. n is words,
for concentrically
not for numbered expressed atom
0s and
model move called does a AE,
stationary orbits
to or lower
Bohr's first other
or by
can are orbitstateelectronabsorbed
electron the electron
Bohr's energy those the
atom the 1,2,3.....
is angular for are numbers.
stationary as therefore of In
Atomexplain arranged
paths the lower of known
v theory
electron states radius increase.
in the in -E,E,
energies an
electron, in of the BS118)
These electron to radiation differ h of only meanstransitionBohr's
Hydrogen by commonly equation, stationary the in
to are lower state
momentum m,
vraT move and for quantum electron
will (Chemistr
first that h of Thus
its orbits
of h
mass That another states
to r
theand an a states are can when according
for in of from frequency expressed
asin moving. h/2T. Principal
stationary the pm. of value
electronThese Ez is angular electron the
Modelwas atom and energy is
moveenergy stationary andexpression
onlyto 52.9 Machhi
Bohrnydrogen is momentum of
radii =nnao
the nucleus.
radius higher E1 me electron
is of
absorbed However, =
Bohr's The The will The Where The an multiple The as ao increases
Nelis of Where known The where Hiren
This Thus
(A) (B) pm.
Dr. electric
i ) field
explainhelium account i) model,
like Limitations
Bohr's qualitatively on Z=1,
Hiren It This Where, (E)
respectively. Where, Stationary
givenpresent (D) E2 Ihe E1Tne where :n
could ions the It state. The()
E,--2.18x10 Bohr' =-2.18
s =-2. E,=-R
Machhi the atommodel for model
as nucleus Hence,where is by energy energy
(for also It
not it with Z the in 18 most
effect). the of is states theory =L,
(Stark which isexample, could
of the the possible x of x given
Chemistry, unable
following and Z=atomic increase From the expression.hydrgen 10-18 10* of
the Bohr' s the important
account magnitude associated (1/12)
the 3.. 2,
possesses Vi atomic can stationary
of hydrogen decreases (H ) the J lowest and the
the spectral Model to (1/2)
to He*, = calculate above of atom. also
ability explain points. number
2.18 = RHexpression,
BS118) for Z.
number =-0.545 state,
Li", of This be 2.18 is
atom with with state called
lines only the velocity x equation, For
of the Be, 105 and Vh= the means these x also
atoms two stability increase and example, fo r 10-18 Rydberg associated
in was m/s x called
spectrum and n= velocities to10-18 n J.
electrons.e no of orbit. 2.18 that it has kinds the =2,
electron is
soanddoubt as
form of x electron evident values of Het ions J. will constant with
on). principal For 106x of the
of line ions
First electrons containing
Li2, be ground
molecules Further,atoms However, spectra
an increases
2, (also
of improvement will that and electron, S
Bohr 3 Be3*
magnetic quantum m/s known state
other bethe for its
Bohr's orbit moving and only value
by Bohr's of with tightlyvalue the
hydrogen (n
chemical than of helium as soone =1) te
fieldtheory number.
increase hydrogen is
model over Hydrogen bound
in of on. 2.18
hydrogen, these energy electron, 15
(Zeeman Rutherford's The
bonds. was atom to and x
was of 10"°J.
positive atom,
orbits. the
becomeslithium energies
also to o and similar
effect) for nucleus. species)
example, simple hydrogen n=1
nuclear charge of to ionary
or moreatoms
and are the that
an to to

Dr. velocity)
(Ax Where equation. as
in Werner
ofprinciple E=
or or Ap,Ax
x m'=hv/ can For Hence V=c/ Now, mc'= hvFrom Considering E=m relationship.
hv Considering Broglie'
De sde
c? wavelength exnibits
Hiren is matter =h/mv A
small), Ax Ax be a matter. Broglie
Ax general
given equation Frequency, above
Machhi of x Heisenberg, wave-like
x and and
the the is Av, A(mv,)2 proposed
then exact as, these the the
particle. 2 47 h radiation. particle, (2) and On
hemistry, uncertainty 4tm (3) (3) ) the
the h (4) V wave (1particle
47 momentum called can two momentum and
h stated becomes, basis
velocity c Where, nature, where, that
If It can beequations, particle-like
BS118) the states as nature, as
uncertainty expressed of
position de be E E= light
ofpositionin replaced m = the his
the (or that Broglie's c' Energy, Energy, of
= Plank's Einstein's observations, matter. exhibits
electron velocity) properties.
of it hc/ in
the and principle
is with terms h= m=
impossible relationship equation equation both
electron Apx of velocitythe Plank's Mass This
wil of
(or an which wavelength, This
be electron. and relationship de
uncertain isAvx) to constant given is is Broglienature
determine is cgiven
known is the =
the object,of and
as, speed as, derived was
consequence A and particle-like
(A(v») with as is
v=frequency of known described
simultaneously, v. light.
ishigh Hence, a
large]. relationship
degree in asproperties, as
momentum(or it dual equation the dual
of can
behaviour de
accuracy bethe between
(3) Broglie matter
Dr. depends principal
For 1. Each that more
others.distinguished A
Orbitals 1.44
AX= mAX= Now, =9.1 P=V
m Answer:
The Now, oTOr Example:
AI picture.
Hiren hydrogen large Ax 364 antne measurements On
orbital there 6.626 x AP AP X C electron the
Machhi principal Atomic chance Ap, X1031
edsurements electron
onlyquantum number and = =1031 other
the of
is X 364 PX
is Quantum > X in
onatom designated more of by 1034 4t h X 10-6 kg 40
Chemistry, 'n'. quantum
orbitals finding their of 1037 m/s
is is a
9.1molecule electron
on hand,
number /[4X3.14 10-6 the
and probability orbitals X if
size, Numbers are 1031 of the
hydrogen are the its electron's
by V= travels wil
BS118) determines number precisely momentum,kg city
three electronshape are X 40 using
of 364X
possible m/s, at uncertain
like quantum
'n' finding and a position of
distinguished near 103"] Heisenberg
m speed the
species the is orientation. =9.1X Compute
size numbers a the the in of orel(eAxctron
nucleus. an 40 velocity, wil
(He*, and electron 1031 Uncertainty be is
atom. the m/s.
integer by An kg, large).known
Li, to labelled what
large Similarlyorbital uncertainty The the
alongQualitatively h=6.626
etc.) uncertainty outcome Thus,
extent with are principle. precisely
energy ascertainshape of if
value known n, smaller X1034 in
the land we
these position, wil
andenergy of directions in carry(A(v)
as and size Js the always
size nquantum and is
= orientation orbitals
means out
1, AP AX,
momentum small),
of of 2, depict
fuzzy some
the the3..... than = iT
there can PX the then
orbital along mean physical
mass a
The 10 the
10 is be AP

The prin
Dr. (1-1), Magnetic
(1-2), 121+orbital notation
Subshell 'n'Thus,
r sub-shell =
principal Each example,For of n, increase
quantum of
n. Size
2.electron ofthe The
Hiren 1 and sub-shell Valuefor / 2), Sub-Shells lare: lcanAzimuthal 'n'
values with following three shell l(n-1) = n= = number principal
the of Shell constitute
Machhi l=have an
respectorbital corresponding corresponding which shell number. orbital
of (1=0, consists 0, wil
1s n of
emistry, Table is ...(nvalues 1,
2, quantum be quantum
m_are quantum corresponds 1, equal located allowed a
to S increases single
shows 2) of It
standard 2s in toone S 1 ranging defines
number K 1
sub-shell to third the away number
BS118) number the or with
1 -1)
and set 2p 2 shell to value more from the from of
permissible l=0. "I increase increases
atom also
of and p
s and 0
1 three-dimensional
these of'mf notation, (n=3) sub-shells is the
co0-ordinate gives 3s values There n. 2 to0 also 2 andidentifies
values d 2 For n-1,
known nucleus. of and
values of
and exampleare principal are
information that
are 3p 1 3 are l
sotwo or represented are the
axis. on. sub-levels. andd S, p 0, is, as The
given of 3 1 orbital
" represented sub-shells in and 3 forshape quantum
energy M 3
For 3d 2 3 for the a by
2 With
by: any about a first
given angular of by 'n
mË=-<-(1-1), given the of
4s 4 (1= shell The 1,
2 value number the All the
sub-shell the S, the
principal by 0,number P, orbital. following increase the
spatial the d 4
momentum orbital
1) (n andf and 3 of 'n'. orbitals
4p 1 4 following in = n,
(defined the For
orientation quantum 5 the 1), of wilother In
there a letters, ofthe in
-(1-2).. secondsub-shells possible given
4d 2 orincrease a
"eeeeeeee "eeeeeee
by'I symbols, is subsidiary words, given value
number only value
value) of shell values value of
0, 4f 3 4
11 1.. the one in of
with the
(n a
Dr. (D) tothe (C) thethree the (B)orbital.the of(A)
iren the Tospins.orbital that and m, toquantum quantum Electron In spin's' orbitals
mËdesignates Spinumber.
nangulararoundaround orbitals
Number of Second
same energy orbital.There n sum which the 1925, notation
Subshell described Each For For Thus
refersnumber defines have are angular
hhi orbitals p up, Valueof1 orbital l= l= for
as cannot normally chosen
can the its associatedshell. 2, 1,
the of There are th e different number
own George l=
to the n the momentum sun. by mj=-2, mcan
y, orientation number of (1=subshells hold take axis.
ways the orbital shell, four axis, The the in the 0,
are represented the InUhlenbeck an
1) quantum more m, These known following
with quantum atom, -1,0,
be1,0 only
orientation and (2l+ determines values other much
in of values
which in in it.
) of orbitals a five 1)the than +1 and
the multi-electron orbitals of
two the of words, in as
1 0 chart
numbers andpermit ed
they d nth numbers two (oneorientations a +1
orbitals by electron + similar the and +2 ,
spin of shell. the two h [2(1)
per the
electrons +½ or an
electron Samuel gives [2
ofsubshell. of arrows,
and - electron way n is value
the orbital. (l=
sizeprovide ½. -a 3 1 the =2, defined (2 ) +
of These + 1 of
electron. atom. 2) th e vector
are as
Goudsmit =3,
per type the and T earth
spin relation l= 1=5,
It For orbital the otherdistinguished are has, 1, by three m)=0,
means subshell. inthe these (spin quantity, quantum
a following called besides spins ml= a five
given a -h) 5 d 2 between set (2(0)
subshell, subshell up) proposed d p
that and two 0 of orbitals +
value To are and the around is orbitals).
also can number values 1=
the some information: electrons said charge an
and twO by have e
thorbital 1,
number of that to (spin the its the 7 f 3
a to spin subshell for ones
extent large have
mihas is, spin two and own presence(m).
should down).states in n,
of one orientations
extent opposite quantum mass, axis the land orbital].
orbitals (2 lalso s An and
have Two of while 4 p
orbital the
intrinsic electron of
the the the
subshell m
is 1) shape oppositeelectrons numbers the I.
values, (1= energy
spins. electron
relative revolving number
equal An
2 fourth 11 5
0), of An spin spins orbital
Dr. p-orbital
Shape of the Shapes
" s-orbital orbitals to
"Shape ofsome
Hiren number Theshape,and The
Similarly, are energy. thelectrons.
e Each Because The value
4stheofThe "S-orbitals
same dimensions
probability Can " with The beorbital
> nucleus.
orientated sole three plane 3s> size accommodate certain found. of
achhi p in the s
orbital and
orbital orbitals p of all which Atomic
increases difference
to of 2s nucleus
orbitals that the
directions. are as
istry, s the primary> of directions the Each other In
1s. spherically boundary
a orientation is
orbitals,along runs is are finding
s circle. of Orbitals of
made presence orbital at
(4p between are formed maximum words,
the small
across quantum its than
the P, an orbitals
S118) > known up is surface
centre, size
3p>2p) the x, the of oflike symmetric,
likewiseelectron amongdefine orbitals
size y, the two three 2 states
or nucleus. dumbbells. number electrons. which
diagram is
and orbitals Shape
as ofp
zdegenerateorbital parts
others. denoted
axis, shown at are that
orbitals, a
energy which can there the
they known (n) given resembles there
is to by
the P, increases; be regions
ofare the increasedistancemeans is a
orientation orbitals as shown number is
given probability more
orbitals lobes orbital p
a of
that space
hence,of as is sphere
the because that the two and chance
the the
of can a in
risenames the are letter.
of which of
they P occupy finding finding
as lobes. located
the px, The
Py, have the
primary Because a the
and on
maximum shapes
the either s-orbital electron electron
pz. are
the same of
quantum usually
side of alongatomic
lobes size, near
13 of six
principle The dependence
the is The Filling
Hiren that,
filling same energy
Machhi the of Accommodate
orbital, IneThese weFor
which ofvalue Orbitals torms can d
andelectrons lower
of of but orbitals orbitals,
hemistry, the is of
energies electron
(nthe in the of
relative based there
+),value Atom themaximum
are the
into in
energy first
BS118) onthe the of of an denoted magnetic are
energies the offour five
the orbital (norbital
orbitals orbitals + all 10
d d-orbitals.
Pauli's ) d-orbital
Shape of dyz five electrons.
orbitals by orbital
of with for depends the
the of an on d
different lower
exclusion orbitals symbols quantum
orbitals. orbital, n dxz
and upon similar
value is dxy,
atoms the lare the the number
principle, dyeye
of quite
values same. todyz,
takes will n each
dxz, is
complicated is given
theplace have its of other,dx-y,
n dz2
Hund's energy. and
the as
according which (-2,
lower l and
Mathematically, If but -1,
rule two differs dz.
energy. one 0,
of to orbitals 1,
maximum the simple 2).
aufbau As
have rule
the the
result a
The Pauli
given Exclusion " " " "
and subshell help Thequantum have also in
Dr. principal subshell energies."
atoms, The upup'. The
an orbital. example, left.direction
for With bottom
predictedchoose of 4d,
method The extremely The energyhigherenergy In
Hiren so restriction number other of
in opposite be atom by orbitals, 5p,following principle orbitals The word
on. calculating stated the respect order
can 1s numbersn,
given 4f, orbitals
energyorbitalwords, the building
achhi quantum comprises
This be can of between of 'aufbau'
as: Austrian by it may 5d,
imposed spin." electrons valence is to that the orbitalsstates: with
istry, can two, "Only have this remarkably in 6p, order areavailable
placement arrows Figure be orbitals
number be
land This scientist the 3d is 7s... 1s, filled. electrons. up in
inone the
p two sequence, startingremembered 2s, of are "In of
summed and capacity by to electron energies German
means same and Starting
BS118) n orbital Pauli's m,
electrons be 2p, only tofirst filled the
is d but Wolfgang filled accurate of
4s 3s, them ground
equalsubshells, set in from the occupy in
up andexclusion of must that it outermost
orbitals from 3p, of after meansmeans
as: electrons in potassium
is order and order
to thus for right by 4s, the statetheof
2n'. the th e may four ofvarious
found the the enter the
the have using 3d,
orbitals the
the exist Pauli.
two quantum all
valence of of
principle and atoms. topfilling top, 4p, their filling
the orbitals in must lower inlowest
maximum to electrons According in to the the 5s, is
beopposite the 4s as
present on numbers.
same is
numbernumber the restricted
can to 2s
number number spin orbital
this Order
in have
of of any quantum Pauli
principle: of
electrons of the and by
subshell. of exclusion the Filling
electrons electrons
number. same these exclusion 5
No of
incan electrons
value orbitals
the present 1s For in principle two (51)
be in
shell example, 6 an of electrons principle,
and orbital three must
with can
15 10
get configuration
2p), configuration
In principle. The electron
the Its namely quantum
The similar of electronic The
In one Electronic
This configuration electrons the Tedfuloroitals
andy lnce oelonging nar Hund's
third hydrogen e
Oxygen next distribution
keeps s
electron in 1s. subshellnotation, there
the The number configurationsConfiguration with oroitals is, rule Rule
(0, six therefore, of present in toorbitals deals
elements-Boron of mind of
electronic 1s atom filled the are that
1s²2s berylium Li is, represented the of three belonging Maximum
is therefore, of orbital. before ofwith
has subshell in
the entry subshell
2p), 1s2s. takeslithium degenerate p equal the
The only the th e basic ofand
process (Be) configuration of of filling
Fluorine the (Li) subshell different Atoms 4th has energy,
atom The second
1s?. respective
one for is rules into fiv e th e
(B, next is represented and
electron different orbitals set d, got same of
is (F, 1s is, 2s not which therefore,
of 6 th one called electrons
available is atoms
1s² therefore,
2s' orbital allowed electron ofsubshell.depicted, electron,
orbitals subshell
2s² 2p'), thewhich shells govern of electron degenerate
by can an
2p°) hydrogen in the the into
with Carbon 1s² choice, in helium goes be atom acquire (p,
and accommodate the respective
is as written the respectively.pairing each
dorf) the
the 2s². differentiated th e
Neon (C, namely 1s in filling is orbitals
neon orbital (He) atom the super called extra ie., orbitals).
of does
(Ne, 1s' orbital very of
electrons it
atom. 2s' th e can is stability It isnot
script,letter easily. different
atomic its has singly belonging
1s² 2p), one because2s also 1s electronic
2s* orbital. meaning with by symbol ta kestates:
2p°), more occupy due been
writing like occupied. place
of the wil
the a, observed to start "paiing to
electron. The Pauli the thatlowest number b,andtheconfiguration. their the
2p(N, electronic the c, orbitals,the until
orbitals 1s² exclusion 1s it .. in same
6 orbital. energy, has principal etc. symmetry. the each of
2s? The that
one The p electrons subshell
half and orbital
Table: Electronic Configurations of the Elements (Upto Zinc)
Element Z 1s 2s 3s 3p 3d 4s 4p 4d 4f|
H 1

3 2
Be 2
5 2
muzouz 6
7 2
8 2 4
9 2 2 5
10 2 6

Na 11 2 6
Mg 12 2
Al 13 2 2 6 2 1
S 14 2
P 15 2 2 2 3
S 16
C 17 2 5
At 18 2 6
K 19 2 6
Ca 20 6
Sc 21 2 6 2
TY 22 6 2 6
23 6 2 6 2
Cr# 24 6 6
Mn 25 2 6 6
Fe 26 2 6 2 6 6
Ca 27 2 6 6
N 28 2 6 2
29 2 2 6 6 10 1
30 6 6 10 2

*Elements with exceptional electronic configurations

The electronic configuration of the elements Sodium (Na, 1s2 2s? 2p3s') to Argon (Ar, 1s' 2s?
neon with the
2p3s' 3p), follow exactly the same pattern as the elements from lithium to
difference that the 3s and 3p orbitals are getting filled now. This process can be simplified if
we represent the total number of electrons in the first two
shells by the name of element
argon can be written
neon (Ne). The electronic configuration of the elements from sodium to
as (Na, [Ne] 3s') to (Ar, [Ne] 3s² 3p).
electrons and the electrons
The electrons in the completely filled shells are known as core
number are called
that are added to the electronic shell with the highest principal quantum
valence electrons.
orbital, being lower in energy
Anew pattern is followed beginning with Scandium (Sc). The 3d
elements, Scandium (Sc),
than the 4p orbital, is filled first. Consequently, in the next ten
(Fe), Cobalt (Co), Nickel
Titanium (Ti), Vanadium (V), Chromium (Cr), Manganese (Mn), Iron
(Ni), Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn),the five 3d orbitals are progressively
Copper have five and ten electrons in 3d
We may be puzzled by the fact that Chromium and
indicated with two-electrons
orbitals rather than four and nine as their position would have
orbitals and half-filled orbitals have extra
in the 4s orbital. The reason is that fully filled half
configurations, which are either
stability (that is, lower energy) Thus p³, p°, d5, d0 etc.
Copper therefore adopt the d and d10
filled or fully filled, are more stable. Chromium and
Dr. Hiren Machhi (Chemistry, BS118)
Periodic Table and Periodic trends in properties of
Representative elements
H 14 16 17
2 13
3 4 d-Transition elements 6 7
Li Be B C N F Ne
2e! GROUP NUMBER 22 22 22 22 22
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
3 N 4 6 7 9 10 11 12
Al Si

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
K Ca Sc Ti Ge As Se Br
Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga
37 38 3d'4s
39 40 41 42 43 47 $3
44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52
Rb S Nb Mo Te Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te
56 $7 72
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 83
6 Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os I Au Hg TI Pb B Po At Rn
87 88 89 104 105 106 J07 108 109
Fr Ra Ac Rf
110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
Db Sg Bh Hs ME Ds Rg Cr F1 Lv
Nh Mc Ts Og

f- Inner transition elements

58 59 60 61 62 63 65
L©nthanoids Ce Pr
64 66 67 68 69 70 71
4r'sd"6s Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
90 91 92 93 94 95 96
**Actinoids Th Pa Np Pu Am Cm

Figure: Modern periodic table

Periodic trends in properties of elements

(1)Atomic Radii:
Atomic radius or Atomic Radii is the total distance from the nucleus of an atom to the
outermost orbitalof its electron. It can be really understanding that the size of an atom is
more complicated than measuring the radius of a ball. There are two reasons, one is size of
atom is very small ( 1.2 Å i.e., 1.2 x 1o-10 m in radius) and second is the electron cloud
surrounding the atom does not have a sharp boundary, the determination of the atomic size
cannot be precise.
However, an estimate of the atomic size can be made by knowing the distance between the
atoms in the combined state.
One practical approach to estimate the size of an atom of a non-metallic element is to
measure the distance between two atomswhen they are bound together by a single bond in
a covalent molecule and from this value, the "Covalent Radius" of the element can be
calculated. For example, the bond distance in the chlorine molecule (Cl2) is 198 pm and half
this distance (99 pm), is taken as the atomic radius of chlorine.

Dr. Hiren Machhi (Chemistry, BS118)
ne the
LWO aee separatingthe term
adjacent copper
assigned value of 128atoms
a in the Radius" which is
solid coppermetallic taken as half the
pm. is crvstal.
256 pm: For
example, the distanceintebetween
hence the metallic radius of copper is
2ru 2rcov
(a) metallic radius
(b)covalent radius
Figure. A
representation of (a) metallic radius, (b) covalent radius, (c) ionic radius

For and (c) ionic

simplicity,on here we use the term radius.
dependingare whether the elementAtomic Radius to refer to both
elements listed in Tables. is a covalent or metallic radius
non-metal or a metal. The
Table Atomic Radii/pm atomic radii of a few
Across the Periods (Values are in
Atom (Period ID) Li
Atomic Radius Be B
152 111 N
Atom (Period IlI) Na
77 74
Atomic Radius 186
Mg Al S P
66 64
160 143 S CI
117 110 104 99
Table Atomic Radii/pm Down in
Family (Group) (Values are in pm)
Atom (Group I) Atomic Radius
Atom (Group 17) Atomic Radius
Na 186 64
CI 99
231 Br
Rb 114
244 133
Cs 262 At 140

Two trends are obvious. The atomic size

generally decreases across a period as illustrated
Table for the elements of the second period. It is because within the
period the outer
electrons are in the same valence shell and the effective nuclear charge increases as the
atomic number increases resulting in the increased attraction of electrons to the nucleus.

Within aGroup of the periodic table, the atomic radius increases regularly with increase in
atomic number. For alkali metals and halogens, as we descend the groups, the principal
quantum number (n) increases and the valence electrons are father from the nucleus.
Consequently, the size of the atom increases as reflected in the atomic radi.


(2) lonic Radii

The ionic radii can be estimated by measuring the distances between cations and anions in
ionic crystals.
In general, a cation is smaller than its parent atom because it has fewer electrons while its
nuciear charge remains the same. E.g, the atomic radius of sodium is 186 pm compared to
the ionicradius of 95 pm for Nat.
The size of an anion will be larger than that of the parent atom because the addition of one
or more electronswould result in increased repulsion among the electrons and a decrease in
erective nuclear charge. E. g. the ionic radius of fluoride ion (F)is 136 pm whereas the atomic
radius of fluorine is only 64 pm.
(3) lonization Energy
The energy required to remove an electron from an isolated
gaseous atom (X) in its ground
state is called as lonization Enthalpy.
Inother words, the ionization enthalpy for an element Xis the
reaction depicted in below equation enthalpy change (AH) for the
X(g) ’ X*g) +e
The ionization enthalpy is expressed in units of kJ mol-,
Energy is always required to remove
electrons from an atom and hence ionizationenthalpies are alwayspositive.
Table. lonization Energy of elements in second Period
Atom (Period I) L Be B C N F Ne
lonization 520 899 801 1086 1402 1314 1681 2080
Energy (KJ mol)

Table. lonization Energy of elements in First group

Atom (Group I) Li Na K Rb Cs
lonization Energy (KJ mol) 520 496 419 403 374

In addition, you will notice the ionization enthalpy generally increases as we go across a
period due to increasing nuclear charge, which results in the outermost electron being more
strongly boundto the nucleus.
farther from the nucleus,
As we go down agroup, the outermost electron being increasingly
down agroup.
in thiscase, the removal of the outermost electron requires less energy
atom in a chemical compound to attract shared
A qualitative measure of the ability of an
electrons toitself is called electronegativity.

Dr. Hiren Machhi (Chemistry, BS118)
Table. Electronegativity Values (on
Pauling scale) Across the Periods
Atom (Period i) L Be B C N F
Atom (Period II)
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Mg Al Si P S CI
Electronegativity 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.5 3.0

Table. Electronegativity Values (on Pauling scale) Down a Group

Atom (Group I) Electronegativity Atom (Group 17) Electronegativity
Li 1.0 4.0
Na 0.9 C 3.0
K 0.8 Br 2.8
Rb 0.8
Cs 0.7 At 2.2

Dr. Hiren Machhi (Chemistry,BS118)

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