Final Water Treatement

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The Study of Modern Waste Water Treatment to be implemented in Rio with 500,000



This process describes the importance and necessity of the waste water treatment by using
modern technique. In this process, waste water will be treated as drinking water and
household’s purpose water. This method will help to elaborate the technique and treating the
residual waste from water. It will also settle down the sludge by using flocculation process
and reusing for produce biogas.


Aim and objectives:...............................................................................................................................4
Literature review:..................................................................................................................................5
Research questions:...............................................................................................................................7
Proposed Methodology.........................................................................................................................7
Preliminary Treatment.......................................................................................................................8
Primary Treatment.............................................................................................................................8
Secondary Treatment.........................................................................................................................8
Tertiary Treatment.............................................................................................................................9
Work Breakdown Structure...................................................................................................................9
Incoming Sewage Stream................................................................................................................10
Effluent Discharge...........................................................................................................................10
Fig 1: cost estimation for 500,000 population..................................................................................11



(Beghini,2013)stated that The study of modern waste water treatment will be needed in
Australia to maintain the water cleaning and remove the waste which will mix with water and
polluted it. In these days, the water will be polluted by plastic materials, rain water, arsenic,
petrochemical materials and pesticides. By using these materials it would not keep in proper
place and thus, it will go through the water and polluted the water day by day. In Australia,
due to population many types of disease will takes place and it can causes many effective
hazards which will destroy environmental standards. Due to uses of modern vehicles dust are
mixed with water and harmed water as regular way. In this study, we have to maintain the
water system and also listed the population chart in flow chart. Environment will destroy in a
slow way and its pollution would also be destroy the ozone layer. Therefore, it directly
harmed the water animals, fish and also in human being.

Because of a modern city there is lot of uncontrolled discharge waste will come and it will
mix with underground water from any source like rain, pesticides etc. Thus, the rain water
will affect the water and it increase the arsenic and biological substances in water. Australia
faced 70% of industrial waste water which has mix the contents of metal and toxic chemical.
By using pesticides in land it will harmed the water as well as land also and it will decrease
the growth capacity of land.

Besides, in beach and river sides due to the market the wastage material like flower, bamboo,
tree leaf, bottles, bunches of tree plant are throw in water. Then, the lack cleaning process
water are polluted and make harmful virus. This method will help in future for water storage
and population controlled. Therefore, the stability of growing population will be maintained.

Because of house hold sewages due to heavy rain it will also flow in everywhere and that will
carry effective hazards like Dengue, Cholera, Typhoid and others environmental hazards.
Raw water contains many effluents which cannot be used before mixing alums, jioline
etc.The waste water treatment facilities will improve the water system as well as the source of
water and it can also develop the storage of water in the future purposes for human beings.

Aim and objectives:

The main aim of this research work is to study the design and the working processes of a
modern waste water treatment. The objectives of this research work are given below:


I. To study the working processes of the waste water treatment

II. To study the design of the waste water treatment
III. To estimate the budget of a modern waste water treatment to be implemented in any
city with 500,000 population

Literature review:

Waste water treatment can be defined as the method that helps to convert the waste water into
bilge water so that that water can be discharged into the environment again without affecting
any living organism. According to the research (Marcos, 2016), it has been found that the
waste water treatment can be classified into three different phases or stages and these three
stages or phases are known as pre – treatment, primary treatment and secondary treatment. In
the first phase i.e. in case of the pre – treatment phase, grits ad large solids ( the solids that
possess a diameter larger than 2 cm ) are removed form the water and this is done through a
process named screening. The large objects ( solids ) that are found through this process are
disposed of in the landfills generally. In case of the next phase i.e. the primary treatment, the
water is allowed to stand and it is done in order to sink the solids to the bottom of the water.
Another result of this method is that the grease and oil that are contained in the water rises to
the surface of the water. The sunken solids are then scraped off from the bottom of the water.
After that the scum is washed and it is generally done with the help of the water jets. Then
sludge is formed after combining these two substances. In the next phase i.e. in the secondary
stage of the water treatment, the sludge that is formed in the previous stage i.e. in the primary
phase is treated in the “ sludge digesters ”. the sludge digesters can be defined as the big and
heated tanks. In these tanks the chemical decomposition is generally catalysed and it is done
with the help of micro – organisms. In this phase, after this treatment, the sludge is converted
into biogas which is a mixture of carbon di – oxide ( CO2 ) and Methane ( CH4 ). The biogas
that is formed in such way is generally used for generating electricity in the plant. There are
different types of organic matters that can be found in the liquid portion of the surface water.
In order to remove these organic matters from the water, it is treated with bacteria so that the
organic matters can be broken down. After this initial break down activity, the water is sent to
the oxidation pond. In this pond, the water is treated with heterotrophic bacteria and they
continue to break down the organic matters. There are also some harmful bacteria that can be
found in the water and they are destroyed with the help of Ultra Violet ( UV ) light. The
entire treatment process is shown with the help of the following figure:


Figure 1: Sewage treatment flow diagram

From the research paper (Marcos, 2016) it has been found that there are several equipments
that are used in the treatment process of waste water and these equipments are known as
Oxidation ponds, Secondary sedimentation tanks, FGRs, Dewatering beds, Sludge lagoons,
Sludge digesters, Primary sedimentation tanks, Pre-aeration tanks, and Pre - treatment
channels. According to the research paper it has also been found that, for removing different
types of substances different types of treatment procedures are applied. In order to remove
the pre – treatment screenings, the substances are compacted and then land filled (NANCY,
2003). In case of removing grits from the waste water, washing is used as the treatment and
here also they are land filled. Sludge and scum are removed with the help of digestion. After
this here also they are land filled. Carbon di – oxide ( CO2 ) and methane ( CH4 ) are burnt in
order to remove them. The sludge filtrate is returned back to the waste water that is incoming.


From the research (HLTHMAN, 2016) it has also been found that the surface water possesses
a particular level of phosphorus and this element is very important for all the living
organisms. The quantity of phosphorus can impact the quality of water significantly.
Generally the concentration of phosphorus in water is balanced, but if the quantity or the
concentration phosphorus gets higher in the water than the normal concentration, then it can
cause different types of problems to the living organisms. The excess amount of phosphorus
in the surface water can result into the excessive growth of the algae. Therefore, the water
treatment is required in order to maintain the quality of the water. If the quality of the surface
water gets decreased significantly, the cost required for water treatment gets higher
significantly (Boari et al., 1997). From the research it has been found that the primary sources
of the phosphorus in the surface water are detergents and excreta.

Research questions:

While studying different literatures of the topic of the research there are several questions that
come to the mind of the researcher and these questions are known as the research questions.
Here the research questions are given below:

I. How can the cost of waste water treatment be reduced to the minimal level
maintaining the quality of the water?
II. What are limitations of the waste water treatment?
III. Is waste water treatment eco friendly or not?
IV. With the process of the waste water treatment can the quality of the water be
improved significantly?

Proposed Methodology

(PharmacoEconomics, 2012) opines thatwhile water treatment plants are implemented, it will
passes some following stages and treatments which will defined the uses of technologies and
treatment process.

Preliminary Primary Secondary

Influent Treatment Treatment Treatment



Preliminary Treatment
(Lewiset al.2015)Preliminary treatment will be used to prevent damage to the equipment and
it would help to removes and reduce the large solid particle, large grid. The whole treatment
will be going through some stages. In this stage, the grid particles, fiber particle and others
particles will dissolved before this process. Now, the method will improve this treatment by
using this steps and it will dissolved the particle will settle in down of the water.It can store
the nutrients and solid substances which will be used in different purpose. This technique will
also remove the Phosphorus which can maintain the odour and colour of water and also
removed the chemical characteristics of water.

Primary Treatment
In primary treatment the larger particles of the solid material are settle down and it will move
to sludge digester. Therefore, this process slowly remove the sludge by mixing of chemical
products. In this method, treatment will clear the odour and smell of the raw water. Then,
alum will be mix with the treated water and by flocculating process it will catch all impurities
from the water and then it will passes through the another process.

Secondary Treatment
In secondary treatment, the activated sludge will formed through aeration and therefore and
this process will also remove the scum.Lorentzon, (2016) stated thatthis sludge from primary
and secondary treatment will removed to the landfill. Thus, it makes the growth of the land
and the treatment will passes through the next process. Besides, drop wise kerosene also mix
with this treated water which will reduce the smell of water.


Tertiary Treatment
(Pivatoet al. 2011) believe that this process will referred to as advance treatment process and
it will use to remove the contaminants in the parcel form.In flocculation process, it will
absorb material whichis passes through primary and secondary treatment. Then, it will
remove the biological and chemical substance. This, treatment which will be the combination
of physical, biological and chemical removal to achieve low level phosphorus in wastewater
influents. After, completing the flocculation process, it will passes through the disinfection

It will be the last step of this treatment process and the treatment will passes through this
steps and catch the disinfection which is in the water.Serra,(2014)stated that Disinfection,
will destroy the microorganisms that will may cause of health hazards. Then, effluent will
passes through different channel for further use.

Work Breakdown Structure

Incoming Sewage



Effluent Discharged

Incoming Sewage Stream

(Whyte et al. 2015)opines that it is a channel in which raw water will come through in this
way and then it will flow through the various methods of processing. In this step, large
particle and solid substances are mixed with water.

In this process, the landfilling will be done by passing through effluents. The large solid
particles will collect from the raw material and it will use for further recycling process and
ready to reuse in field as the growth of land development.

In this process, the biogas will formed by scum, solids and sludge digester which is
used to produce electricity and will generate heat. It will also produce by breakdown of
organic materials. By applying the treatment process, the sludge will flocculated and produce
as renewable energy gas. It will be the mixture of methane (CH 4), Carbon di-oxide (CO2) and
hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S).

Effluent Discharge
After completing this process, effluent will come to store in a different part and it
will also use in the purpose of land development.

Activities 2.10.2016 - 12.10.2016 - 17.10.2016 - 23.10.2016 -
11.10.2016 16.10.2016 22.10.2016 27.10.2016
Incoming Sewage        
Effluent Discharged        



Item Cost Quantity Total Cost

1. Landfill 250000 2 500000

2. Biogas 50000 1 50000
3. Sedimentati 500000 3 1500000
on Tank
4. flocculator 30000 4 120000
5. Aeration 100000 3 300000
6. Grit 60000 5 30000
7. Risk 500000 500000
8. Chemicals 20000 6 120000
9. Total Cost 24 1,770,000

Fig 1: cost estimation for 500,000 population



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