Sae2023 01 1074
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Citation: Zhang, F., Ba, J., and Sun, Z., “Simulation and Validation of Stator Modes of a Hairpin Motor,” SAE Technical Paper
2023-01-1074, 2023, doi:10.4271/2023-01-1074.
ith the trend of electric drive unit gradually method based on the finite element model and defined ortho-
replacing ICE powertrain, in additional to gear tropic material properties of the stator. The material property
noise, the motor noise has become a new major parameters of the stator core and hairpin windings are
NVH challenge. These tonal noises are easier to be detected reverse-engineered through iterative correlations to test data.
in the pure electric vehicle that has no masking effect of ICE High accuracy FEA model is achieved that can determine the
powertrain. Therefore, how to accurately predict and reduce stator mode shapes and frequencies of this hairpin motor
the motor noise is a key to solve the problem. The accuracy of accurately, which provides a reliable and effective approach
calculated motor stator modes determines the accuracy of for the motor noise prediction and optimization studies.
range of operating frequency that can be higher than
ccording to the overall forecast of China’s future new 10,000Hz. Meanwhile, the number of motor noise orders is
energy vehicle market and carbon emission reduction large and their root causes are complex, which increases the
given by the team of academician Ouyang Minggao difficulty of the electric drive unit modal arrangement and
of Tsinghua University, the number of new energy vehicles in NVH system integration. Motor noise is mainly caused by
China will reach 90 million in 2030; It will reach 200 million the electromagnetic concentrated radial force, tangential
by 2035 and 300 million by 2040; By 2050, the number will force and torque ripple applying on the top of stator teeth
be around 360 million [1]. Facing the rapidly expanding and amplified by the resonances of stator assembly. In the
market of new energy vehicle, domestic and foreign OEMs three factors of noise (source, path and receiver), the accuracy
and auto parts enterprises are constantly increasing the capital of capturing path characteristics, e.g., the modes of motor
and technology investments into new energy vehicle stator, plays a key role to determine the accuracy of motor
researching and development for creating reliable, efficient, noise prediction. However, the complicated laminated struc-
energy-saving and environmental protection products to meet ture of stator core and the elongated structure of winding
the government regulation and end-customers’ demands. lines determine that their material properties are not the
NVH performance has become one of the major concerns in same as the standard isotropic material properties, which
the development of electric vehicles [2]. This is because strin- greatly increases the difficulty of calculating and predicting
gent vehicle lightweight targets and the disappearance of ICE the stator modes accurately.
powertrain masking effect have made the vibration and noise, Based on finite element method, a stator assembly model
which once were imperceptible to most users, now become of a hairpin motor that includes stator core and hairpin
apparent even to the most unfocused driver [3]. windings is presented in this paper. A reverse-engineering
Motor noise is one of the major NVH challenges among approach was taken, in which the stator core and hairpin
all noise sources. As the designed motor power density is winding material property parameters were adjusted itera-
higher and higher, the top speed of motor is increasing corre- tively based on the understanding of lamination features of
spondingly. The top speed of some drive motors has reached the elements to match the test results. High accuracy modal
or even exceeded 20,000rpm, which leads to an increasing results are obtained and presented.
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FIGURE 1 Stator structure and simulation model FIGURE 2 Elastic principal axis of orthotropic material
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FIGURE 4 FRF testing on stator core FIGURE 6 The predicted modes of stator core
FIGURE 9 Gxy (Gyz) vs modal frequency YZ planes partially, therefore the asymmetric mode (M=2) is
affected by shear modulus.
Figure 11 shows that Gxz has impact on modal frequency
as well. With decreasing or increasing of Gxz , the modal
frequencies decrease or increase accordingly. It also suggests
that both the symmetric and asymmetric modes will generate
shear stress in the XZ plane.
According to above study results, Ex (Ez), Ey, Gxy (Gyz) and
Gxz are considered as independent variables, through iterative
correlation study, a good correlation between model predic-
tion and test results is achieved, as Figure 12 shown. Where,
P1 is the mode of N=2, M=1, P2 is the mode of N=3, M=1 and
P3 is the mode of N=4, M=1. The modal frequency and peak
amplitude errors are given in Table 2, which shows that the
frequency errors from P1 to P3 are less than 2%, and the
amplitude errors are less than 3dB. The obvious gap between
the curve profile of FEA model and test data is caused by the
poor quality of test data. The coherence checking shows that
the strong correlation between hammer excitation and accel-
erometer response mainly happened at the three peaks.
FIGURE 10 The stress of asymmetric mode shape
Although the curve profile of FEA model doesn’t match the
test data perfectly, it captured the main dynamics of the
stator core.
In the next step, based on these correlated material
parameters of stator core, the vibration characteristic of stator
assembly is studied.
TABLE 2 Relative error between FEA model and test data of TABLE 3 Baseline material property parameters of winding
stator core lines and coils
FEA Model Test Data F AMP Winding line
No. F (Hz) AMP (dB) F (Hz) AMP (dB) ERR(%) ERR(dB) Material property parameter Cooper and coil
P1 822 18.4 809 18.6 1.6% 0.15 Mass density ρ (kg/mm3) 8.92E-06 5.28E-06
P2 2308 14.6 2300 14.6 0.35% 0.02 Elastic modulus E (mPa) EB = 114,000 EC/EB = 1
P3 4335 16.4 4345.5 19 0.24% 2.59 Poisson’s ratio ν νB = 0.3 νC /νB = 1
Shear modulus G (mPa) GB = 40,000 GC/GB = 1
Simulation and Validation FIGURE 14 Test data vs simulation data based on
of Stator Assembly Modes cooper material
FIGURE 16 EC vs modal frequency TABLE 4 Relative error between FEA model and test data of
stator assembly
FEA Model Test Data
No. F (Hz) (dB) F (Hz) (dB) ERR(%) ERR(dB)
P1 690 -5.8 663.2 -8.2 4.04% 2.41
P2 752 10.4 760.4 14 1.11% 3.61
P3 2200 4.9 2126.1 -1.1 3.48% 5.99
P4 2300 4.2 2317.9 1.9 0.77% 2.28
P5 4267 8.9 4216.1 12.9 1.21% 3.97
1. Wei, Y., Han, X., Lu, L., Wang, H. et al., “Technology
Prospects of Carbon Neutrality-oriented New-energy
Vehicles and Vehicle-grid Interaction,” Journal of Automotive
Engineering 44, no. 4 (2022): 449-464.
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