Yang 2007
Yang 2007
Yang 2007
1, JANUARY 2007 51
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan, R.O.C.
An optimal design and control technology of a wheel motor is proposed for small electric passenger cars. The axial-flux sandwich-type
disc motor is designed with a rotor embedded with neodymium–iron–boron (NdFeB) magnets and two plates of stators, and is directly
mounted inside the wheel without mechanical transmission and differential gears. Sensitivity analyses are performed to choose critical
design parameters, which are the most influential in design objectives, to maximize the driving torque, efficiency, rated speed, and to
minimize the weight of motor under various constraints of size, materials, and power sources. The optimal driving current waveform is
proven to be the same as the fundamental harmonic of the back electromotive force to produce maximum torque with least ripples. The
finite-element refinement results in the motor prototype with a maximum torque over 38 kg m and a corresponding torque density of
about 1.72 kg m/kg at the maximum allowable phase current of 50.25 A (rms). Two such rear driving wheels are able to drive a 600 kg
passenger car to accelerate from 0 to 40 km/h in 5 s on a 15 degree incline. This dedicated wheel motor is applicable to pure or hybrid
electric vehicles as a promising solution to the direct-driven electric vehicle.
Index Terms—Axial-flux wheel motor, electrical vehicle, optimal driving current waveform, sensitivity analysis.
The specifications of a small electric passenger car are il-
lustrated in Table I. The road load on the vehicle consists of
three components—aerodynamic drag force , rolling resis- Fig. 1. Stator and rotor of wheel motor (a) assembly, (b) geometries, and
tance force , and climbing force , which are expressed as (c) series and parallel phase windings between two stator plates.
The stator and rotor assembly of the wheel motor and their
(2) geometries are shown in Fig. 1. It is a disk type, axial flux,
(3) permanent-magnet, brushless dc wheel motor, with a rotor disk
sandwiched between two stator plates. The stator toroids are
where is the air density, is the frontal area of the car,
wound and laminated by a continuous sheet of electric steel; its
is the aerodynamic drag coefficient, is the relative vehicle ve-
fan-shaped teeth are factorized by punching slots with varying
locity to the head wind, is the rolling friction coefficient,
pitch for different radius of each layer. The fan-shaped mag-
is the gross mass or vehicle mass with payload, and is the
nets facing the stator windings contribute a main magnetic flux
inclination angle of the road. The force required to reach the
flowing through two air gaps between the stator and rotor along
prescribed acceleration by overcoming the road load is
the axial direction. The windings on each side of the stator can
be connected in series or parallel as shown in Fig. 1(c). The
(4) serial winding connection splits the line voltage into half on ei-
ther side of the stator and is suitable for low-speed, high-torque
Based on the specifications, the required motor torque and the driving cycle, while the parallel winding connection holds the
corresponding speed under various vehicle operation conditions maximum voltage that the battery source can supply and is used
are calculated and summarized in Table II. for high-speed, low-torque driving cycle.
A. Sensitivity Analysis
The purposes of the sensitivity analyses are as follows.
1) The designer may want to discard those design variables
with the least sensitivities of torque, speed, torque density,
torque ripple, and efficiency of the motor.
2) The designer may keep those design variables constant
with sensitivities, which are linear, or monotonic functions. Fig. 6. Sensitivity of torque density versus magnet thickness.
3) Only those design variables that are not included in the
above two cases are retained for the subsequent optimal
design. index, which is defined as the ratio of the variation of motor per-
Table III lists all the variables for the sensitivity analysis, formance and the variation of design variable.
while other motor parameters are predetermined in Table IV 1) Torque Density: Figs. 4–9 show selected illustrations of
according to physical facts and previous design experience. It the sensitivity curves of torque density versus motor dimen-
would be a time and space consuming process to illustrate all sions. It is not surprising that the torque density of the wheel
the sensitivity curves, though it is worth providing sufficient in- motor increases upon decreasing its inner radius and increasing
formation for selecting critical design variables. This section its outer radius, as shown in Figs. 4 and 5. The thicker the
illustrates some sensitivity curves of torque density and effi- magnet, the more the magnetic energy stored and the larger the
ciency with respect to a single variable while others are fixed at torque produced as shown in Fig. 6. The magnet fraction, de-
their prescribed nominal values. The final decision of the design fined as the ratio of the width of magnet and the rotor pitch,
variables for optimization is made by evaluating the sensitivity affects the torque density in the way as shown in Fig. 7. Fig. 8
Fig. 7. Sensitivity of torque density versus magnet fraction. Fig. 11. Sensitivity of torque density versus tooth thickness.
Fig. 14. Sensitivity index of torque density. Fig. 17. Sensitivity index of maximum speed.
Fig. 27. Back EMF of phase A and its spectrum. Fig. 28. Torque distributions for various current waveforms.
MOTOR PERFORMANCE WITH VARIOUS CURRENT PATTERNS motor under prescribed constraints. A systematic procedure
from the magnetic circuit analyses to the finite-element mod-
ification and verification constitutes a complete design of the
wheel motor. The back electromotive force of the motor pro-
totype provides information about the optimal driving current
pattern, and its fundamental harmonic is verified to yield a least
torque ripple. The resulting prototype has a torque density of
1.72 kg m/kg that provides a maximum torque up to 38.65 kg m
torque for an optimal current input at its maximum allowable
phase current of 50.25 A (rms) with a least ratio of torque
Table VIII illustrates the maximum torque and torque ripple ripple; this enables a 600 kg passenger car to accelerate from
for different kinds of driving current patterns at the maximum 0 to 40 km/h in 5 s up a 15 degree incline. The thermal anal-
allowable phase current of 50.25 A rms. The original back EMF ysis provides satisfactory information on the heat dissipation
pattern produces the largest torque, but its high order harmonics through fins over the cover. After the prototype wheel motor
yields the worst torque ripple up to 31.1%. The fundamental is fabricated, its performance will be tested on a dynamometer
harmonic of the back EMF, which has a phase lag of less than and an optimal driving strategy will be determined by the
1 degree from a pure sine wave, produces a little less torque but design of power drive and power management system.
the resulting torque ripple is the least. The current input of a
pure sine waveform also produces small torque ripples as the APPENDIX A
fundamental harmonic of the back EMF does, but the latter pro- The air-gap length , magnetomotive force ,
vides 1.69 kg m more torque than the pure sine current input. coenergy , and torque are formulated explicitly as
Fig. 28 shows the torque distributions produced by the input functions of motor geometric and electric design variables.
current waveforms of square, pure sine, original back EMF and
the fundamental harmonic of the back EMF. The current exci- A. Air-Gap Length
tation of the pattern of the fundamental harmonic of back EMF
increases the torque density up to 1.72 kg m/kg due to the in-
crease of the average torque, and therefore is chosen as the op- (A-1)
timal control waveform for the dedicated wheel motor.
The effective air-gap length on the stator side is defined as [15]
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of an axial-flux permanent-magnet brushless dc wheel motor (A-3)
for a small electric passenger car. The sensitivity analysis with (A-4)
the magnetic circuit model provides an effective way to select
the design parameters, which are iteratively tuned through the
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torque, speed, efficiency, and torque density of the dedicated (A-7)
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT Manuscript received May 27, 2005; revised September 25, 2006. Corre-
sponding author: Y.-P. Yang (e-mail: ypyang@ntu.edu.tw).
This work was supported by the National Science Council of
Taiwan, R.O.C., under Contract NSC92-2218- E-002-020, and
in part by NSC90-2218-E-002-053. Yee-Pien Yang (M’91) was born in Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1957. He received the
B.S. and M.S. degrees in mechanical engineering from the National Cheng-
Kung University, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1979 and 1981, respectively, and the Ph.D.
degree in mechanical, aerospace, and nuclear engineering from the University
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