WLP G8 Q3 W7
WLP G8 Q3 W7
WLP G8 Q3 W7
d. Kamustahan
(The teacher will ask the students the things they did
during weekends)
A. Recall
B. Motivation
Activity Title: Pair it Up!
1. Post triangles with different side and angle measures
on the board. Prepare as many triangles as possible and
make sure that there are several congruent pairs.
2. Ask a random student to match a pair he or she thinks
are congruent.
3. Ask the student to explain why he or she thinks the
pair of triangles are congruent.
4. Repeat for as many students as desired.
C. Discussion
● Congruent Triangles
Two triangles are congruent if all of their corresponding
sides and interior angles are congruent.
Since 𝐿𝑂̅̅ ≅ 𝐻𝐴̅,̅ 𝐿𝐺̅̅ ≅ 𝐻𝑌̅,̅ 𝑂𝐺̅̅ ≅ ̅𝐴𝑌̅,̅ and ∠𝑂𝐿𝐺 ≅
∠𝐴𝐻𝑌, ∠𝐿𝑂𝐺 ≅ ∠𝐻𝐴𝑌, ∠𝑂𝐺𝐿 ≅ ∠𝐴𝑌𝐻, we say that
the two triangles are congruent.
Since all corresponding sides of the two triangles are
congruent, ∆𝐶𝐵𝐴 ≅ ∆𝐹𝐸𝐷 by SSS Triangle Congruence
D. Developing Mastery
Example 1:
If ∆𝐺𝐴𝑅 ≅ ∆𝑃𝐴𝐻, identify their corresponding sides
and angles
1. Determine the corresponding vertices of the two
triangles based on the congruence statement.
Example 2:
E. Application
F. Evaluation
Worksheet I (Assessment will be given in quipper)
Prepared by:
Ms. Kimberly P. Repuya
Checked by: