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Volume 2 No.

5, May 2012 ISSN 2224-3577

International Journal of Science and Technology

©2012 IJST. All rights reserved

Impact Assessment of Human Activities and Seasonal Variation on River

Benue, within Makurdi Metropolis
B.A. Anhwange1, E. B. Agbaji2, E.C Gimba2
Department of Chemistry, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria
Department of Chemistry, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria

The physico-chemical properties of river Benue water were assessed during wet and dry seasons, to ascertain the impact of
human activities on the water quality. Temperature, colour, turbidity, total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solid
(TDS), electrical conductivity, pH, hardness, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen
demand (COD), nitrates, phosphates and total coliforms were determined. The result of temperature was found to range
between 26-32 oC during the two seasons. Colour, turbidity, TDS, SS and pH were found to be between 106.10-147(PtCo
colour), 18.18-24.29 (FTU), 17.19-38.78(mgL-1), 12.55-49.57 (mgL-1), and 6.76-6.81(mgL-1), respectively, during the wet
season. While during dry season, 4.0-402.20(PtCo colour), 1.60-319.20 (FTU),, 10.40, - 42.40(mgL-1), 4.80, -347.60(mgL-1)
and 8.27- 8.68(mgL-1) were observed for colour, turbidity, TDS, SS and pH respectively. The lowest value of hardness
(40.20mgL-1 CaCO3) was recorded during wet season and the highest was 47.20mgL-1 CaCO3. Higher values of hardness
60.20-180.00 mgL-1 CaCO3 were observed during dry season. DO, BOD and COD were found to range between 4.20-
5.22(mgL-1), 66.40-81.44(mgL-1) and 91.60-128.93(mgL-1) respectively during wet season, while 4.74-6.00(mgL-1), 49.80-
158.40(mgL-1) and , 113.20-316.00(mgL-1) was recorded during dry season. Similarly, 21.42-35.92(mgL-1), 0.92-1.10(mgL-1)
and 57.60-1680 cfu/100mL was observed as the mean values for nitrates, phosphates and total coliforms during the wet
season and 37.87-46.85(mgL-1), 0.44-2.32(mgL-1) and 26.00-1584.00 cfu/100mL recorded for nitrates, phosphates and total
coliforms in the dry season. The result of the study revealed that although, the river was polluted at some points the human
activities had not been sternly impacted on the river
Keywords: River, Pollution, season, runoff, Makurdi and water quality

I. INTRODUCTION harm or even kill aquatic organisms and other animals

that may have accidently or ignorantly feed on the
Rivers are important sources of natural water infected organisms.
apart from serving as a source of drinking water, The accumulation of wastes like urea, animal
irrigation and fishing; they are generally of immense manure and vegetable peelings in water may lead to the
importance in geology, biology, history and culture. growth of algae and other aquatic plants; the
Rivers represent about 0.0001% of the total amount of consequence is increase rate of microbial activities. This
water in the world; they are vital carriers of water and situation may result in depletion of dissolved oxygen
nutrients to areas all around the earth. Rivers provide causing the death of aquatic animals.
habitat, nourishment and means of transport to most Furhan [2] reported that, the increase in
organisms and travel routes for exploration, commerce anthropogenic activities as well as natural processes such
and recreation. They are known to be an important as precipitation inputs, erosion, weathering of crustal
source of valuable deposits of sand, gravels and even materials, and degradation of surface waters have
electrical energy. rendered most water bodies unsuitable for their multi-
Generally, rivers are known to have multiple purpose usage.
uses in every sector of development like agriculture, The growing problem of degradation and
industry, transportation, public water supply etc, human activities on river ecosystem has made it
conversely they are used as sites for waste disposal. important for continuous monitoring of water quality of
Waste from industries, domestic sewage and agricultural rivers to evaluate their state of pollution. Information
practices find their way into rivers resulted in large scale obtained from such a study will help in preventing some
deterioration of the water quality. Most often, the common water borne diseases.
discharge of these wastes result into levels that are of It is in the light of the above that the present
health threat to the surrounding environment and even study considered the assessment of river Benue within
man. Kumar [1] reported that the pollution of a river Makurdi metropolis imperative to ascertain the level of
could result to the spread of diseases like cholera, contamination of the river as a result of anthropogenic
typhoid fever and diarrhoea. Studies have shown that the activities. The result of the study will reveal the inherent
consumption of highly contaminated water can cause health risk if the contamination is beyond the regulatory
injury to the heart and kidneys. Toxins within water can

Volume 2 No.5, May 2012 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2012 IJST. All rights reserved

standards. were recorded and compared with the bacteria load in

the MaCcrady chart. This procedure was repeated for all
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS the water samples

Sample collection
Water samples were collected from five
locations along the river; Air Force Base (AFB), Benue From Table 1.0 the observed temperature
Brewery Limited (BBL), New Bridge (NB), Saint during wet reason was highest (27.00 oC) at BBL and
Joseph’s Technical College (SJC) and Rice mill (RM) all NB, whereas at AFB, SJC and RM, there was no
along the banks of river Benue (Figure 1.0). This was variation in temperature, the value observed was 26.00
over a distance of 10 km starting from the Air force Base C. From Table 2.0, the temperature observed during dry
through the town to a distance away from the town. The season was highest (32.00oC) at NB, this was followed
first site, AFB located at the upstream is away from the by AFB 31.00 oC, BBL had 30.00 oC, while SJC and RM
town and was taken as the control site, since this place is was found to be 29.80 oC and 29.00 oC respectively.
less in commercial and agricultural activities. Samples The temperature of any given water determines
were thereafter taken at interval of two kilometers away the rate of metabolism of aquatic organism and the
up to the RM located at the southern part of the town concentration of dissolved gases. The high temperature
which represent the downstream. The samples were recorded at BBL and NB during the wet season might be
collected in August, 2009 and February, 2010 in the due to the type of effluent and wastewater discharged at
morning (between 7.30am-10.00am) using 120ml plastic these points from the Benue Brewery Limited and the
containers. abattoir respectively. The same reason could be
responsible for the high temperatures of BBL (30.00oC)
Methods and NB (32.00oC) during the dry season. The high
temperature at these points also indicate high rate of
Temperature was determined at site using metabolic activities at these areas, which result to low
mercury in glass thermometer. Colour, suspended solid, levels of dissolved oxygen. The unexpected high
turbidity, dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand, temperature recorded during the dry season AFB could
phosphate and nitrate were determined using direct be due to the depth of the water. It was observed that the
reading spectrophotometer (DR/2000) made by the river dried at this point during the dry season such that
HACH Company. Total dissolved solid and conductivity the underneath sand was exposed. It implies that, light
were determined using TDS kit model 50150 made by rays from the sun can penetrate through the water hence
HACH. pH of was determined using a pH meter. Water the depth was lower easily. As such, the water would be
hardness was determined using Hardness EDTA easily heated to high temperatures. The results of
titration. All the instruments were calibrated before used. temperature for both dry and wet seasons agree with the
While biochemical oxygen demand was results reported by [3].
determine using the mathematical expression. While The mean colour values recorded during wet
biochemical oxygen demand was determine using the season (Table 1.0) was 136.60, 140.40, 147.60, 106.00,
mathematical expression. 110.88 (PtCo, Colour) for AFB, BBL, NB, SJC and RM
respectively. The mean colour levels (Table 2.0)
BOD mgL-1 = DOi - DOf /dilution factor observed during dry season at AFB, BBL, NB, SJC and
DOi = dissolved oxygen before incubation RM were 4.00, 373.20, 402.20, 22.40 and 14.60 (PtCo,
DOf = dissolved oxygen after incubation for five days Colour) respectively. Statistical analysis of mean levels
of colour at the control site using one-way anova
Determination of Total Coliform Bacteria indicate significant difference in seasonal variation at
p<0.05. Also, significant difference exist at p<0.05,
10ml of MaCconkey broth was filled in 15
when the mean values of the samples were compared.
bottles using sterile syringe. The inverted Durham tubes
The results of the analysis point toward the
were inserted in each of the bottles and the centrifuged
colour impacts on the river at BBL and NB which could
for 15 minutes at 121oC. The bottles were then removed
render the water not suitable for its intending uses.
and placed in a sterile environment. 10ml of the water
Water from these points may also cause foaming in
sample was inoculated in each of the first five bottles;
boilers, hinder precipitation methods e.g., iron removal
1ml of the water sample was inoculated in each of the
or water softening.
second five bottles, while 0.1ml of water sample was
The mean values for turbidity during wet
inoculated in each of the last five bottles. The bottles
season was 18.18, 24.29, 23.80, 24.29 and 20.20 (FTU)
were kept into an incubator and observed at the end of
for AFB, BBL, NB, SJC and RM respectively, while the
24 and 48 hours for presumptive and confirmatory test
mean values observed during dry season was 1.60,
respectively. The number of positive bottles indicated
319.20, 174.40, 11.00 and 8.40 FTU) for AFB, BBL,
by colour change and gas formation in each of the rolls

Volume 2 No.5, May 2012 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2012 IJST. All rights reserved

NB, SJC and RM. There was significant difference season. The higher TSS at these points may be due to the
(p<0.05) in seasonal variation of turbidity. continuous discharge of effluents from the Benue
Turbidity was generally higher during the wet Brewery Limited and the abattoir which carries many
season compared to dry season this may be due to heavy materials from the upper land into the river and since the
rainfall leading to increase surface runoff from adjacent rate of circulation is lower during dry season, this
streams and upper land which carriy a lot of suspended material concentrate at these points during dry season.
materials into the river leading to high turbidity values. According to Bilotta [6], reported that these fine
Generally during wet season, suspended particles in the particles sometime act as food source for filter feeders
water are always in motion due to water high rate of which are part of the food chain, leading to
circulation whereas in the dry season, the particles tend biomagnification of chemical pollutants in fish and,
to settle on submerged logs as there is little turbulence. ultimately, in man. Atobatele [4] stressed that in most
The extremely high turbidity observed at BBL river basins where erosion is a serious problem,
and NB during the dry season may be due to decrease in suspended solids can blanket the river bed, thereby
the rate of water circulation hence it takes a longer time destroying fish habitat. TSS is partly a function of
for the highly concentrated effluents to be diluted during discharge because it increases with increase in discharge.
the dry season. The result of conductivity (Table1.0) was
Phytoplankton biomass influences water found to be 59.40, 78.60, 91.00, 60.00 and 73.40(µScm-
transparency and therefore turbidity. The adverse effect ) for AFB, BBL, NB, STC and RM respectively during
of turbidity on freshwater include decrease penetration the wet season, during dry season, conductivity values
of light rays, hence reduced primary and secondary (Table 2.0) the values obtained at AFB, BBL, NB, SJC
production, adsorptions of nutrient elements to and RM were: 43.40, 45.00, 45.00, 47.20 and 40.20
suspended materials, oxygen deficiency, clogging of (µScm-1) respectively. There was significant difference
filtered feeding apparatus and digestive organs of among locations and seasons variation in conductivity at
phytoplankton organisms which may affect hatching of p<0.05.
larvae[4]. Electrical conductivity increase with increase in
The result of total dissolved solid (TDS) total dissolved solids. Results of the study indicate
recorded during the wet season was 17.19, 21.73. 38.78, decrease in conductivity during the dry season. Reasons
20.60 and 18.41 (mgL-1) for AFB, BBL, NB, SJC, RM for the trend may be due to increase in concentration of
respectively and 12.40, 42.40, 24.60, 11.60 and 10.40 salts, organic and inorganic materials as a result of
(mgL-1) was observed during the dry season. Statistics discharges by the feeder streams, effluents from
analysis indicates no significant difference at p<0.05 in industries and runoff from domestic and other human
seasons and location variation of TDS. Total dissolved activities into the river during wet season. The lower
solid is a measure of inorganic salts, organic matter and conductivity values during dry season may be due to the
other dissolved materials in water. Changes in TDS utilization of these substances by phytoplankton and
levels in natural water often result from industrial other aquatic organism. High conductivity reflects the
effluent or salt- water intrusion. pollution loan as well as tropic levels of aquatic body.
Phyllis[5] reported that the concentration and Conductivity values below 50(µScm-1) are regarded as
composition of TDS in natural water is determine by the low, while those between 50 – 600(µScm-1) are said to
geology of the drainage, atmospheric precipitation and be medium and values above 600 (µScm-1) are
the water balance (evaporation-precipitation). Water considered to be to be high [7].
with total dissolved solids greater than 1000 mgL-1 is For most Nigerian inland water bodies,
considered to be blackish. TDS causes toxicity through conductivity values have been found to be below
increase in salinity, changes in the ionic compositions of 500(µScm-1) at the peak of dry season and less than
the water and toxicity of individual ions. The lower TDS 100(µScm-1) during the wet season. High conductivity
recorded in all season is in agrees with the lower values values have been reported to be indicative of pollution
of turbidity the implication of which is increase load of a river [3].
penetration of light ray with consequent increase in The pH of the sampled area was found to range
photosynthetic rate by aquatic plants. between 6.76 – 6.78 during the wet season and 8.29 –
The mean values for total suspended solid 8.80 was observed during dry season. The results
(TSS) observed ranged between 12.55 mgL-1 - 49.57 indicate slightly acidic during wet season and slightly
mgL-1 (Table 1.0) during the wet season, a range of 4.80- alkaline during dry season. The result agrees with
347.60 (Table2.0) was recorded during dry season. Atobatele [4] that pH decreases with increase rainfall.
There was significant difference among locations and The decrease in pH during the wet season can be
seasons variation of TSS at (p<0.05). Generally TSS for attributed to increase in organic matter brought about by
the wet season was greater than that of dry season except rains which result in decrease in dissolved oxygen
for BBL and NB where it was found to be high through the utilization of organic dehydration. Aquatic
(347.60mgL-1 and 156.40 mgL-1) respectively during dry organisms are affected by change in pH because most of

Volume 2 No.5, May 2012 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2012 IJST. All rights reserved

their metabolic activities are pH dependent. Adeyemo [8] relative high levels of BOD recorded at BBL and NB
opined that the optimal pH range for sustainable aquatic may be due the effluents discharged into the river at
life is 6.5 – 8.2. According to Murdock [9], decrease in these points.
pH of water increases the solubilization of some metals, Rivers with low BOD have low nutrient levels
especially when the pH falls below 4.5. This will led to and this implies high concentration of dissolved oxygen.
increase metal concentrations which may be toxic to fish Unpolluted, natural waters are expected to have BOD
and render the water unsuitable for other uses. values of 5mgL-1 or less [11]. Statistical analysis
The result of hardness (Table1.0) observed indicates no significant difference at locations, although
during the wet season was 40.00, 60.60. 88.40, 60.00, significant difference exists between seasons. Ezekiel [12]
54.00 (mgL-1 CaCO3) for AFB, BBL, NB, SJC and RM reported that BOD values are usually more during
respectively, during the dry season, the following values monsoon (heavy rain) than during dry season.
were obtained for hardness (Table2.0), were; 60.00, Varunprasath [13] reported that algae and other producers
180.00, 160.00, 72.00, and 60.00 (mgL-1 CaCO3) for in the water take up inorganic nutrients and use them in
AFB, BBL, NB, SJC and RM respectively. There was the process of building up their organic tissues.
significant difference among locations and seasons The mean values of COD (Table 1.0) obtained
variation at p>0.05 in hardness content of the sampled from AFB, BBL, NB, SJC and RM during wet season
sites. was 98.70, 122.20, 128.93, 118.75 and 91.60 (mgL-1)
Total hardness is due to the presence of respectively. The mean values COD obtained (Table 2.0)
bicarbonate, sulphate, chlorides and nitrates of calcium during dry season was116.80, 316.00, 145.20, 125.20
and magnesium. Hard water requires more soap and and 113.20 (mgL-1). Statistical analysis showed
synthetic detergents for home laundry and washing, and significant difference among locations and between wet
contributes to scaling in boilers and industrial and dry seasons, at p>0.05. Chemical oxygen demand is
equipment. The maximum permissible limit of total the oxygen required for chemical oxidation of organic
hardness for drinking water is 600mgL-1[1]. The result matter with the help of strong chemical oxidant.
of hardness indicate low hardness values during wet Seasonal analysis reveals that maximum values of COD
season and high values during dry season which may are recorded during wet season and minimum in dry.
probably due to high dilution during wet season . Chemical oxygen demand is an indicator of organic
Dissolved oxygen was found to be (Table1.0) pollution, which is caused by the inflow of domestic,
5.08, 4.34, 4.20, 5.22, 5.10 (mgL-1) for AFB, BBL, NB, livestock and industrial waste that contains elevated
SJC and RM respectively during the wet season and levels of organic pollutants [14].
5.20, 4.78, 4.74, 4.90 and 4.98 (mgL-1) were obtained as Nitrate values (Table 1.0) obtained ranged
mean values (Table2.0) for AFB, BBL, NB, SJC and 21.42 to 35.92 (mgL-1) during wet season while during
RM respectively. There was significant difference dry season the mean values were found to range between
among locations, but no significant difference was 37.87 to 125.36 mgL-1 (Table 2.0). There was significant
observed in seasons. The lower values of DO observed difference in nitrate content among locations and
during wet season at BBL and NB could be due to seasonal at p<0.05). Nitrate is a form of nitrogen and a
phytoplankton bloom and decomposition of organic vital nutrient for the growth, reproduction and survival
materials. The decrease in DO of water is due to its poor of organisms. High nitrate levels of above 10mgL-1 are
ability to hold oxygen at high temperature as a result of not good for aquatic life [15]. The high levels of nitrate
higher rate of microbial metabolism [10]. obtained during dry season is in agreement with
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is a Adeyemo [8], who reported that nitrates are usually built
measure of the quantity of oxygen used by micro- up during dry seasons and that high levels of nitrates can
organisms (e.g., aerobic bacteria) in the oxidation of only be observed during early rainy seasons. This is
organic matter. The result obtained from the study because the initial rains flushed out deposited nitrates
indicates BOD values (Table1.0) from AFB, BBL, NB, from near surface soils into rivers but as the wet season
SJC and RM to be 66.40, 81.40, 81.44, 79.20 and 74.40 progresses the levels reduces drastically. Nitrates
(mgL-1) respectively during wet season, while 57.00, stimulate the growth of plankton and water weeds that
158.40, 71.40, 62.60 and 56.60 (mgL-1) were obtained provide food for fish. This may increase the fish
(Table 2.0) from the same points respectively in dry population. However, if algae grow too wildly, oxygen
season. The variation in BOD was observed to be similar levels will be reduced and fish will die. Nitrates can be
to that of DO. The general high BOD values observed reduced to toxic nitrites in the human intestine, and
during wet season may be due to increase Urban runoff many babies have been seriously poisoned by well water
which carries pet wastes from streets and sidewalks; containing high levels of nitrate-nitrogen. The U.S.
nutrients from lawn fertilizers; leaves, grass clippings, Public Health Service has established 10 mg/L of nitrate-
and paper from residential areas into the river. Oxygen nitrogen as the maximum contamination level allowed in
consumed in the decomposition process robs other public drinking water. Nitrate-nitrogen levels below 90
aquatic organisms of the oxygen needed to live. The mg/L and nitrite levels below 0.5 mg/L seem to have no

Volume 2 No.5, May 2012 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2012 IJST. All rights reserved

effect on warm-water fish, but salmon and other cold- activities may lead to some health problems both to
water fish are more sensitive. The recommended nitrite humans as it is some time experienced by the residents
minimum for salmon is 0.06 mg/L. of living along the river. It may also have implications to
Phosphate is one of the most important some applications to which the river water is being put
nutrients responsible for eutrophication of rivers and to.
lakes which increases algae growth and ultimately
reduces dissolved oxygen levels in the water. Results of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
the study revealed the phosphate content (Table1.0) for
AFB, BBL, NB, SJC and RM to be 0.91, 1.10, 1.15, 0.93 We wish to acknowledge the contributions of all the staff
and 0.93(mgL-1) respectively during wet season. The of Chemical Laboratory, Benue State Water Board
level of phosphate recorded during dry season (Table Makurdi.
2.0) was 0.44, 2.32, 1.10, 0.84 and 0.64 (mgL-1). There
was significant difference exist among locations and REFERENCES
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Volume 2 No.5, May 2012 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2012 IJST. All rights reserved

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Comparison Studies of Three Freshwater Rivers

Table 1.0: Physio-chemical Characteristics of Water during Wet Season


Temperature(oC) 26.00±0.00 27.00±0.80 27.40±0.80 26.00±0.00 26.00±0.00

Colour (PtCo colour 136.60±5.35 140.40±1.93 147.60±8.42 106.00±4.20 110.88±2.09

Turbidity (FTU) 18.18±0.06 24.29±1.16 23.80±11.21 24.29±1.20 20.20±0.98

TDS (mgL-1) 17.19±0.80 21.73±0.91 38.78±1.73 20.60±1.20 18.41±0.21

SS (mgL-1) 12.55±0.38 16.09±0.09 31.60±2.94 49.57±1.67 31.83±2.31

Conductivity (µScm-1) 59.40±5.42 78.60±0.68 91.00±4.90 60.00±3.03 73.40±2.42

pH 06.78±0.05 06.81±0.12 06.77±0.13 06.76±0.10 06.78±0.04

Hardness 40.00±0.00 60.60±0.80 88.40±2.49 60.00±0.00 54.40±3.77

DO (mgL-1) 05.08±0.19 04.34±0.61 04.20±0.62 05.22±0.12 05.10±0.22

BOD (mgL ) 66.40±1.50 81.40±5.99 81.44±9.73 79.20±0.70 74.40±8.14

Volume 2 No.5, May 2012 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2012 IJST. All rights reserved

COD(mgL-1) 98.70±2.00 122.20±9.11 128.93±16.34 118.75±10.50 91.60±3.92

Nitrates (mgL-1) 21.42±0.80 37.40±11.79 35.92±3.81 35.28±3.69 29.72±4.78

Phosphate (mgL-1) 0.91±0.30 1.10±1.90 1.15±2.43 0.93±0.36 0.93±0.35

Coliform 578.60±0.49 1680.00±97.98 1356.00±5.93 1600±0.00 1680.00±00

Table 2.0: Physio-Chemical Characteristics of Water during Drying Season


Temperature(oC) 31.00±0.00 30.40±0.49 32.00±0.00 29.80±0.40 29.00±0.00
Colour (PtCo colour) 04.00±0.49 372.20±21.77 402.20±1.21 22.40±8.45 14.60±3.61
Turbidity (FTU) 01.60±1.96 319.20±7.96 174.40±3.84 11.00±2.25 08.40±1.62

TDS (mgL-1) 12.40±0.80 42.40±1.71 24.60±2.94 11.60±1.50 10.40±1.50

SS (mgL-1) 04.80±5.88 347.60±5.71 156.40±2.50 14.00±1.55 13.40±0.49
Conductivity (µScm-1) 43.40±1.85 45.00±1.62 45.00±2.19 47.20±3.97 40.20±0.49
pH 08.34±0.13 08.29±0.34 08.80±0.03 08.68±0.10 08.57±0.12
Hardness 60.00±0.00 180.00±10.66 160.00±3.58 72.00±1.60 60.00±0.00
DO (mgL ) 05.28±0.29 04.78±0.37 04.74±0.12 04.90±0.20 6.00±0.00
BOD (mgL-1) 57.00±2.83 158.40±5.76 71.40±0.12 62.60±3.98 56.60±0.21
COD(mgL-1) 116.80±6.01 316.00±11.71 145.20±8.35 125.20±7.96 113.20±0.80
Nitrates (mgL-1) 44.56±1.24 43.16±3.29 45.36±14.22 46.85±12.48 37.87±6.49

Phosphate (mgL-1) 0.44±2.94 2.32±7.96 1.10±2.15 0.84±2.33 0.64±2.33

Coliform 26.00±9.30 1584.00±34.09 1152.00±29.10 576.00±2.80 308.00±3.43


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