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Measurement 157 (2020) 107673

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Evaluation and optimization on the formability of an AZ31B Mg alloy

during warm incremental sheet forming assisted with oil bath heating
San Zhang a,b,⇑, G.H. Tang b, Wenqing Wang a, Xiangkui Jiang a
School of Automation, Xi’an University of Posts & Telecommunications, Xi’an 710121, PR China
MOE Key Laboratory of the Thermo-Fluid Science & Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper introduces an innovative warm incremental sheet forming approach with global heating
Received 11 December 2019 through an oil bath setup as a heat source to form Mg alloy sheets. An attempt was made to evaluate
Received in revised form 25 January 2020 and optimize the formability of the proposed approach using the maximum forming angle as a measure
Accepted 24 February 2020
of process viability. Then, a series of experiments were conducted according to a Box-Bhenken design,
Available online 27 February 2020
including response surface methodology and an analysis of variance. Next, the results indicated the inno-
vative approach was able to form AZ31B Mg alloy sheets with great feasibility. The most influential factor
affecting the formability was the forming temperature, followed by the step depth, sheet thickness and
AZ31B Mg alloys
Warm incremental sheet forming
tool diameter. The reasons for those results were also explained. Finally, the experiments validated the
Formability predictive model by evaluating an optimal combination of considered parameters for improving the
Oil bath heating formability of the AZ31B Mg alloys.
Evaluation and optimization Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Response surface methodology

1. Introduction angles and a low forming accuracy [7,8]. To overcome these chal-
lenges, a few forming processes have been conducted to address
With increasingly stringent environmental protection regula- those issues. An effective solution is to employ a forming process
tions (e.g., CO2 emissions and fuel consumption, etc.) being univer- at high temperatures [9,10]. Therefore, it is vital to find an alterna-
sally enacted, automotive manufacturers have been investigating tive advanced manufacturing technology that can nicely improve
effective measures to reduce fuel consumption in their vehicles the formability and forming accuracy of Mg alloy sheets by elevat-
[1,2]. The development of highly efficient automobiles is limited ing the forming temperatures at a low cost and high efficiency.
by CO2 emissions and fuel consumption. One feasible measure is Over the past decades, warm incremental sheet forming (WISF)
to reduce the weight of automobile bodies without influencing has received attention for Mg alloy sheet forming [11,12]. It is an
the mechanical properties of the automotive bodies by replacing advanced manufacturing technique, where a slice of metal sheet
traditional steel materials with lightweight structural materials is formed into a qualified product though a sequence of minute
[1]. As a kind of potential lightweight structural material, Mg alloys and incremental localized plastic deformations, and thus, it
have notable properties, e.g., high specific strength, low density, belongs to the category of incremental forming [13–15]. It is also
and high specific stiffness. Thus, Mg alloys have become attractive a main research direction for forming hard-to-form materials, such
candidates in the aerospace and automotive industries, where a as Mg alloys and Al alloys. At present, a great number of heating
light weight is a particularly important parameter [3,4]. Neverthe- strategies for the WISF have been broadly developed from experi-
less, basal-textured Mg alloy sheets, such as AZ31B, display extre- mental to theoretical studies on the basis of the incremental sheet
mely low plastic deformation ability at ambient temperatures forming (ISF) methods in previously published literature [16–18].
because of their hexagonal close-packed (HCP) structure and their Therefore, it is difficult to perform a vast review of the literature
limited number of active slip systems [5,6]. These microstructural on the topic in this short introduction. A detailed review of the the-
characteristics lead to a limited number of achievable forming oretical and experimental studies conducted on the heating strate-
gies of the WISF is also presented in [19] and [20]. For brevity, only
a few typical approaches are presented here. From an energetic
⇑ Corresponding author at: School of Automation, Xi’an University of Posts &
Telecommunications, No. 618, West Chang’an Avenue, Chang’an District, Xi’an
standpoint, heating strategies for the WISF process can be basically
710121, PR China. divided into two categories: heating with energy transformation
E-mail address: ucaszhangsan@163.com (S. Zhang). and heating with energy transfer.

0263-2241/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 S. Zhang et al. / Measurement 157 (2020) 107673

Energy transformation: Lasers, as excellent assisted heating be accurately and easily controlled through a proportion-
sources, have attracted attention from the ISF scholars and techni- integral-derivative temperature control system. Experimental
cians [21,22]. Duflou et al. presented a laser-assisted single point results have shown that a temperature of approximately 300 °C
incremental forming (LASPIF) approach, and experimental results can be obtained using this heating approach, but the structure of
have shown that a processing variant brings about reduced form- the device in this method is awfully complicated because it
ing forces, improved forming accuracy and increased forming abil- requires a special convection heat transfer system.
ity for a diverse range of materials; moreover, residual stresses can Considering the limitations and drawbacks mentioned above,
also be dramatically reduced through a dynamic heating system an innovative WISF approach assisted with oil bath heating is pro-
[23]. Following a similar idea, a large amount of research on the posed in the present paper. To the best of our knowledge, the pro-
forming ability and accuracy improvement of hard-to-form metal- posed approach has an extremely simple apparatus structure and
lic sheets formed by the LASPIF has been conducted [24,25]. is quite economical, yet experimental investigations on the
Although the method has an easily controllable effect on the tem- approach are particularly rare all over the world. Therefore, one
perature of the local deformation zone around the tool, its hard- of the main objectives of the present paper is to explore an innova-
ware cost is extremely high; furthermore, it is more difficult to tive and simple experimental setup to form Mg alloy sheets or
determine optimum process parameters for the LASPIF compared other hard-to-form metallic materials. Then, to evaluate and opti-
to the use of global heating because the number of variables is mize the process capabilities of the oil bath heating strategy, an
too large. Kim et al. proposed a local heating appliance for the experimental investigation while forming Mg alloys, i.e., AZ31B
ISF [4]. Several moveable halogen bulbs with forming tools were sheets, is carried out according to the design of the experiment
designed to elevate the forming temperature of an AZ31 Mg alloy (DOE). Moreover, the influences of processing factors, such as
sheet in their appliance. The corresponding results indicated that forming temperature, step depths, sheet thicknesses, and tool
the crack height increased with increasing temperature, and the diameters, on formability are discussed based on an analysis of
formability was elevated at different temperatures. Although the variance (ANOVA) and a response surface methodology (RSM),
approach has a low hardware cost, the heating temperature is lim- and an empirical correlation is well defined through a quadratic
ited to 180 °C, which is too low to form hard-to-form metal mate- model, as it includes all the significant factors affecting formability.
rials. Al-Obaidi et al. introduced an induction heating apparatus The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In Section 2,
keeping pace with the tool motion during the forming process we present the definition, experimental principle and measure-
[1]. Experimental results revealed that it provided local heating ment method of formability for warm incremental sheet forming.
of the advanced high strength steel (AHSS) sheet with tempera- Then, Section 3 mainly contains the experimental setup, procedure
tures of up to 850 °C; moreover, it enabled improved formability and evaluation methodology. Next, our experimental results and
and forming forces and reduced the remaining stresses. However, discussion and experimental verifications and optimizations are
the hardware cost is high compared to halogen lamp method, described in Section 4. Finally, we summarize our main conclu-
and the method deteriorated the surface quality due to the heating sions and outlook in Section 5.
temperature being too high to control. G. Fan and A. Ghiotti et al.
proposed a direct electric hot incremental forming (EHIF) method
using electrical current for forming an AZ31 Mg alloy sheet in an 2. Theoretical background
ISF process [26,27]. Following in their footsteps, Ambrogio et al.
further studied the influence of electric current supplementation 2.1. Forming ability of incremental sheet forming
on the formability and obtained a higher formability compared
to that when cold forming [28]. Although the EHIF technique To introduce our proposed WISF strategy assisted with oil bath
appears easy and inexpensive to conduct, the method may burn heating more effectively and clearly, we have first provided a com-
out the metal sheet due to a local accumulation of heat at the plete and detailed research flowchart of the current work, as illus-
sheet-tool contact area. An indirect electric heating incremental trated in Fig. 1.
forming apparatus for forming an AZ31 Mg alloy sheet in an ISF Because the ISF is accomplished with highly localized plastic
process was proposed by Ambrogio and Filice [29]. A heater ban- deformation and the forming ability is far greater than that of con-
dage was fixed on the external surface of a clamp. Compared with ventional forming processes, e.g., stamping, forging and deep
a local heating approach, the apparatus is able to globally heat the drawing, the forming limits of the conventional forming processes
whole sheet during the forming process at low cost, but the device as a formability index (e.g., forming limit diagram, FLD) are not
structure and maintenance is complicated because it requires a suitable for the ISF. In numerous studies, the maximum forming
special cooler configuration. Subsequently, several variants of elec- angle (umax), which is the inclined angle between the horizontal
trically assisted incremental sheet forming approaches have been plane and the deformed sheet [33], can be considered a formability
continuously proposed [16,30]. index because it has close links with a sinusoidal law [34], which is
Energy transfer: Ji and Park made full use of heat convection to extensively used to evaluate the thickness distribution as a plane
heat AZ31 Mg alloy sheets by using hot air blowers in an ISF pro- strain model [35]. The shearing and stretching of the metal sheet
cess [31]. Different forming temperatures were tested, and the in the ISF process can induce thinning and cause a fracture, and
experimental results revealed that the forming limit of AZ31B Mg the final thickness of the sheet can be approximated through a
alloys increased as the forming temperature was elevated; addi- sinusoidal law, as demonstrated in Eq. (1) and Fig. 1 (a). Therefore,
tionally, a marked increase in formability was achieved above the umax is also used as an index to estimate the feasibility of the oil
150 °C. Nevertheless, the results also demonstrated that it was bath heating-assisted incremental sheet forming process.
overwhelmingly difficult to accurately control the forming temper-
ature by using hot air blowers as the heat source, and the heating hf ¼ hi sinð90  uÞ ¼ hi cosðuÞ ð1Þ
was too low to form AZ31 Mg alloys. To overcome the basic draw-
backs of nonuniform heating in the ISF process, Galdos et al. where hf is the final sheet thickness, hi is the initial sheet thickness
offered an alternative strategy to the global heating of an AZ31B and u is the instantaneous forming angle. The equation neglects all
Mg alloy sheet via adopting a hot fluid as a heating source [32]. the other processing parameters and conditions, such as step depth,
The sheet metal could be heated indirectly using convection in spindle speed, tool path, feed rate, tool diameter, and lubrication
hot fluid media, and the temperature of the heated media could condition, for the approximate evaluation of final thickness, and
S. Zhang et al. / Measurement 157 (2020) 107673 3

Study objective: evaluation and optimization

on the formability of an AZ31B Mg alloy
during warm incremental sheet forming

Formability of the WISF: definition,

experimental principle and measurement method

Experimental strategy: considered factors

(Forming temperature, Step depth, Tool diameter
and Sheet thickness)

Experimental Experimental set-up: Experimental Experimental

material: AZ31B WISF with oil bath techniques: model: truncated
Mg alloys heating device Box-Behnken design cone

Experimental results: the maximum forming

angle (φmax)

Evaluation and optimization: ANOVA, RSM,

regression models

Evaluation results: effects of independent

parameters and interaction on the formability

Optimization and experimental verification

Conclusions and outlooks

Fig. 1. Detailed flowchart of the present research.

the equation also implies that a larger forming angle represents a Fig. 2 A schematic diagram of the experimental principle and
thinner final sheet. tool path: (a) the geometric details of the experimental principle
and (b) the desired geometric dimensions for forming and a spiral
2.2. Experimental principle and measurement method tool path to test the formability of the truncated cones.

To simplify the experiment, a varying wall angle truncated cone

3. Experimental setup and procedure
test is used to perform the experiments because of its homoge-
neous geometric structure with a symmetrical cross-section. A
In this section, the sheet metal material, its chemical composi-
forming angle (u) of one point P (x, y) is defined as the included
tions and the machine tool used along with their experimental set-
angle between the horizontal plane and the tangent of the point
ups are described. In addition, the adopted analytical
on a deformed contour, as illustrated in Fig. 2 (a). The radius of
methodologies are presented in detail.
the circle generatrix (R) of the forming part is a predefined param-
eter. The cracked heights (H) in the ISF processing are measured
and recorded to calculate the forming angle according to a simple 3.1. Experimental materials
geometric relation. The forming angle (u) of the cracked location P
(xc, yc) is considered the umax, and each average cracked depth cor- The selected material in the present investigation was AZ31B
responds to a distinct the umax, as demonstrated in Eq. (2). It is Mg alloys due to their frequent and heavy applications in sheet
found that the u is the maximum on the bottom and the minimum metal forming in industry, and blanks with a square size of
on the top of the forming part. 150 mm  150 mm were prepared for the WISF experiments and
the desired geometric dimensions, as illustrated in Fig. 1(b). In
umax ¼ arcosðH=RÞ ð2Þ
addition, the AZ31B material has a strong basal texture, and its
4 S. Zhang et al. / Measurement 157 (2020) 107673

Fig. 2. A schematic diagram of the experimental principle and tool path: (a) the geometric details of the experimental principle and (b) the desired geometric dimensions for
forming and a spiral tool path to test the formability of the truncated cones.

chemical composition has been tested and is listed in Table 1. self-adapted closed-loop temperature control system through a
Hemispherical ended and tungsten-cobalt cemented carbide form- proportion-integration-differentiation controller. Due to a spatial
ing tools were used to form the material in this experimental work. reduction during the forming process, to prevent excessive pres-
sure in the container, a pressure relief valve (omitted from the fig-
3.2. Experimental setup and procedure ure) was installed in the container wall through a connector. An
initial sheet was mounted between the upper clamp and lower
A conventional three-axis vertical milling machine (Model clamp through eight screw bolts and to prevent liquid from leaking
GD650, supplied by Nanjing Gaochuan Sikai Numerical Control the containers, seals were mounted between the container and
Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) was used for executing the lower clamp. The heat brought forth from the oil bath allowed
new WISF tests, as demonstrated in Fig. 3(a). A special, homemade, the temperature of the sheet to be formed to globally increase, thus
blank-holding fixture with an oil bath apparatus was fabricated to increasing the forming ability of the metal blanks. The experimen-
conduct the global oil bath heating of the metal sheet, as demon- tal setup allowed for easy control of the temperature and for the
strated in Fig. 3(b). It was conducted similar to a typical oil bath determination of optimum process parameters due to having just
heating method, and the proposed fixture is a key part of this work. one temperature parameter. Moreover, to ensure temperature
A schematic diagram of the special fixture with an oil bath is homogenization of the metal sheet, the metal blanks used for
systematically illustrated in Fig. 4. A square metal container was forming were also preheated at a nominal temperature for five
used as a basic framework, and the heating belt and thermal insu- minutes in order. The preliminary test showed that the maximum
lating band were used to cover the interior and exterior walls of reachable temperature of the developed oil bath heating device
the metal container to provide an easy and hard path for heat con- was up to 300 °C.
duction, respectively. The hydraulic oil stored in the container was
heated through an electric heating device (omitted from the fig- 3.3. Tool path description
ure); the oil bath temperature could be measured through four
thermocouples, which were uniformly installed in the container The executed tests were truncated cones with a variable wall
wall. The electric heating device and thermocouples made up a angle and an outer diameter of 80.0 mm. A spiral tool path with

Table 1
Main chemical compositions of the AZ31B Mg alloy sheet (wt%).

Element Al Zn Mn Si Fe Ca Cu Bi Mg
wt% 2.5–3.5 0.6–1.4 0.2–1.0 <0.1 <0.005 <0.04 <0.05 <0.005 Bal.

Relief valve Forming tool

Hydraulic oil

Heating device

Thermocouple Thermocouple

(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Photographs of the machining tool (a) and the experimental setup (b) for warm incremental sheet forming assisted with oil bath heating.
S. Zhang et al. / Measurement 157 (2020) 107673 5

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup used to investigate the forming ability of the WISF assisted with oil bath heating (1-Upper clamp; 2-Lower clamp; 3-
Initial sheet; 4-Intermediate sheet; 5-Finial sheet; 6-Forming tool; 7-Seal; 8-Electric heating connection; 9-Metal container; 10-Heating material; 11-Hydraulic oil; 12-Relief
valve connector; 13-Insulting material; and 14-Thermocouple).

a constant step depth per revolution was adopted in the forming when the number of factors was more than four. In the design,
strategy. The spiral tool path was continuous with an incremental each factor was varied over three different levels, which recom-
descent of the tool distributed over the entire surface of a part, mended a total of 29 experimental runs with different combina-
which defined the formed geometric features, as illustrated in tions of the process factors. The process factors and respective
Fig. 2(b). Its advantage was that no marks occurred at the step- values of the levels in the BBD method are summarized in Table 2.
down. The following process factors, i.e., feed rate 100 mm/min Although the maximum reachable temperature (umax) of the devel-
and spindle speed 3000 rpm, were kept constant and other forming oped approach was up to 300 °C, we chose a forming temperature
process parameters were recorded (i.e., forming temperature, of 250 °C as the high level of the BBD in the present paper because
forming angle, step depth, sheet thickness, and tool diameter) for such a high temperature from an oil bath heating device was suf-
each designated experimental run. The above values are listed in ficient for forming magnesium or aluminum alloys [29,40,41].
Table 3. The tool path data required to form parts with different
geometries were extracted using Unigraphics NX 10.0 software. 4. Experimental results and discussion
Each experimental run was repeated twice to demonstrate good
repeatability of the results. To minimize the frictional force In this section, experimental results and the availability of the
between the sheet surface and tooltip during the forming process WISF assisted with oil bath heating are presented and evaluated.
and reduce the temperature inhomogeneity of the contact area, a In particular, the effects of the considered parameters on the
hydraulic oil lubricant was applied to the blank sheet. In addition, formability are presented and discussed in detail. Moreover,
the lubricant also enhanced the functionality of the forming pro- regressive models for predicting the formability are established,
cess, e.g., cooling, surface quality, and tool life. and the optimized experimental parameter settings for the desired
response during the processes are also yielded through Design
3.4. Experimental work plan and evaluation methods Expert 10 trial software.

To further evaluate the influence of the processing parameters,

4.1. Experimental results of the Box-Behnken design
DOE including ANOVA and RSM were employed in the current
work [36,37]. The DOE enabled the researcher to decide the opti-
The experiments were carried out as per the run order of the
mum number of experiments and to examine the effect of process
design plan in the oil bath heating-assisted incremental forming
factors on interesting objectives [38]. The DOE had a remarkable
process, as presented in Table 3. A series of experimental results
effect on the accuracy and cost of the experiments [39]. Therefore,
for different process variables (A, B, C, and D) and the correspond-
it was an effective technical means to evaluate the most influential
ing response value (umax) are noted, as illustrated in Table 3. In
processing parameters with a minimum number of experiments
light of the experimental results, further studies are conducted to
and extensively used RSM for more than 3 factors. The RSM as an
explore the effect of each factor on the response. On the existing
empirical method was employed to optimize the internal correla-
basis, mathematical relations between the response and the con-
tions of process factors and to develop a regression model that
sidered parameters are fitted using the RSM, and a quadratic model
could approximately describe and predict the whole process.
is adopted in the present investigation, as illustrated in Eq. (3):
Because more processing factors were involved in the WISF, a
Box-Behnken design (BBD) with a single block was chosen as the y ¼ b0 þ bi xi þ bij xi xj þ bii x2i þ e ð3Þ
test method. It was used to investigate the effect of the forming
temperature, initial sheet thickness, tool diameter and step depth where y is the response value; xi and xj are the considered process-
on the formability of a metal sheet in an oil bath heating- ing factors, which control the independent WISF processing param-
assisted WISF. This design method was extremely economical eter; bi is the coefficient of the linear term; bij is the coefficient of

Table 2
Processing factors and their respective levels.

Levels Forming temperature (t/°C) A Step depth (z/mm) B Tool diameter (d/mm) C Sheet thickness (h/mm) D
Low (1) 150 0.2 8 0.8
Middle (0) 200 0.4 10 1.0
High (+1) 250 0.6 12 1.2
6 S. Zhang et al. / Measurement 157 (2020) 107673

Table 3 ing factor. P < 0.005 indicates that the proposed mathematical
Design matrix and experimental results. model is highly significant. The influences of independent process-
Std Run Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Response value ing parameters, their interactions and quadratic terms on the
A: t/°C B: z/mm C: d/mm D: h/mm umax/° response variable are listed in Table 4. All significant terms
11 1 150 0.4 10 1.2 57.23 (P < 0.5%) for a 95% confidence level are marked in a bold, and black
24 2 200 0.6 10 1.2 64.14 font. It is extremely obvious from the ANOVA results that A, B, D,
23 3 200 0.2 10 1.2 63.57 AC, BD and CD are the most significant model terms, while C, AB,
15 4 200 0.2 12 1.0 61.37
3 5 150 0.6 10 1.0 58.84
BC, AD, A2, B2, C2 and D2 are nonsignificant. Thus, nonsignificant
25 6 200 0.4 10 1.0 61.14 terms are ruled out from the considered terms to reduce process
19 7 150 0.4 12 1.0 58.04 variability, and the C term is retained due to hierarchical correla-
21 8 200 0.2 10 0.8 61.88 tion in the model. Finally, quadratic regression models of the umax
6 9 200 0.4 12 0.8 59.36
according to the coded and actual factors are given in Eqs. (4) and
22 10 200 0.6 10 0.8 55.73
2 11 250 0.2 10 1.0 63.88 (5), respectively:
16 12 200 0.6 12 1.0 60.45
13 13 200 0.2 8 1.0 64.58 umax ð Þ ¼ 61:64 þ 1:32  A  1:30  B  0:37  C þ 2:28  D
8 14 200 0.4 12 1.2 66.96
þ 1:23  AC þ 1:68  BD þ 1:67  CD ð4Þ
17 15 150 0.4 8 1.0 61.52
18 16 250 0.4 8 1.0 61.78
9 17 150 0.4 10 0.8 58.24 umax ð Þ ¼ 132:44  0:10  t  48:48  z  6:81  d þ 47:08  h
20 18 250 0.4 12 1.0 63.21
29 19 200 0.4 10 1.0 61.14 þ 0:01  t  d þ 42:00  z  h þ 4:17  d  h ð5Þ
27 20 200 0.4 10 1.0 61.14
10 21 250 0.4 10 0.8 61.48 The correctness of the above two quadratic regression models is
4 22 250 0.6 10 1.0 61.28 examined by a coefficient of determination (R2). If the number of
7 23 200 0.4 8 1.2 63.20
independent factors is large, it is more appropriate to consider a
12 24 250 0.4 10 1.2 65.24
1 25 150 0.2 10 1.0 61.18 modified version R2 (adj.) of R2. The R2 (pred.) of 0.7170 is in
26 26 200 0.4 10 1.0 61.14 rational agreement with the R2 (adj.) of 0.8556. This indicates good
5 27 200 0.4 8 0.8 62.27 predictability of Eqs. (4) and (5). In addition, they can be reliably
28 28 200 0.4 10 1.0 61.14 applied to guide the design space.
14 29 200 0.6 8 1.0 60.47
The difference between the predicted and actual responses for
each experimental run can be represented by residuals. To further
check the adequacy of the above regression models, a plot of the
the quadratic term; and e is the experimental error attributed to the normal probability of residuals for umax data is demonstrated in
response. Fig. 5(a), and a plot of predicted vs. actual responses is illustrated
in Fig. 5(b). The distribution of the points is approximately linear,
which indicates that the experimental data are reliable without
4.2. The analysis of variance of the experimental results
significant deviation. This also proves the credibility of the ANOVA
and the reliability of the above quadratic regression models.
An ANOVA is exceedingly valuable in selecting significant fac-
tors from the considered processing variables; thus, it is employed
to estimate the fitness of the proposed empirical correction and to 4.3. Influence of process parameters on the formability
determine the significance of each processing parameter to output
response values. In the ANOVA, the statistical significance levels of Herein, we systematically observe the effects of the indepen-
each coefficient in the empirical regression model are dependent dent and controllable factors on the response to analyze where
mainly on the ‘‘F-value” and ‘‘P-value”. The ‘‘F-value” and the ‘‘P- the effects are derived from. The effects of the four considered fac-
value” of a considered factor implies significance of a correspond- tors on the formability are illustrated in Fig. 6.

Table 4
ANOVA results for the quadratic model of the maximum forming angle quadratic model.

Source Sum of squares df Mean square F-value P-value

Model 93.76 14 10.27 23.92 < 0.0001
A-Forming temp. 20.86 1 20.86 48.58 < 0.0001
B-Step depth 20.15 1 20.15 46.93 < 0.0001
C-Tool diameter 1.64 1 1.64 3.81 0.0713
D-Sheet thick. 12.47 1 12.47 45.50 < 0.0001
AB 0.017 1 0.017 0.039 0.8456
AC 6.03 1 6.03 14.04 0.0022
AD 0.38 1 0.38 0.88 0.3639
BC 2.54 1 2.54 5.93 0.0289
BD 11.29 1 11.29 26.29 0.0002
CD 11.12 1 11.12 25.90 0.0002
A2 0.037 1 0.037 0.087 0.7725
B2 0.14 1 0.14 0.32 0.5830
C2 2.22 1 2.22 5.18 0.0391
D2 4.65 1 4.65 10.83 0.0054
Residual 6.01 14 0.43 — —
Lack of fit 6.01 10 0.60 — —
Pure error 0.000 4 0.000 — —
Total 99.77 28 — — —
R2 = 0.9599 R2adjusted = 0.9197 — R2predicted = 0.7688 — —
S. Zhang et al. / Measurement 157 (2020) 107673 7

Fig. 5. Diagnostic plots of residuals for the maximum forming angle data: (a) normal probability plot of residuals for the response and the (b) plot of predicted vs. actual

Fig. 6. Main effect plots of the four influential factors on formability.

8 S. Zhang et al. / Measurement 157 (2020) 107673

4.3.1. Effects of the considered factors easily decrease processing efficiency and increase energy con-
Forming temperature: Owing to an HCP structure and a lim- sumption. Therefore, a principle of appropriateness should be
ited number of active slip systems in basal-textured Mg alloy adopted in the selection of sheet thickness. However, in actual pro-
sheets, only three slip systems on the {0 0 0 1} basal plan are acti- duction, the sheet thickness is usually predefined.
vated at ambient temperatures, which is far below the minimum
requirement of five independent slip systems in polycrystalline 4.3.2. Response surface results and interaction effects analysis
homogeneous deformation; thus, it exhibits extremely low plastic In a response surface analysis, we can not only judge the inter-
formability at room temperature. However, with increasing tem- action of two factors but also observe a change in trends. Here, the
perature, the activation of nonbasal slip systems and the occur- effect of the following significant interaction terms in the quadratic
rence of dynamic recrystallization contribute to an increased regression models on the formability of the AZ31B Mg alloy, such
ductility of the Mg alloy, which brings about an easy flow of mate- as AC, BD and CD, are revealed. Each of them is obtained while
rial toward the vicinity of the tooltip and consequently sharply the other two considered processing parameters are held at a mid-
improves the localized plastic deformation ability of the material. dle level.
Thus, the umax in the ISF linearly increases with a global tempera- AC interaction term: The change in the umax value because of a
ture increase from 150 °C to 250 °C, as illustrated in Fig. 6(a). This combined effect between the forming temperature (A) and tool
consequence is also in good agreement with previous studies, as diameter (C) is represented in a three-dimensional response sur-
reported by [2] and [4]. It can also be inferred that an incremental face graph and contour plot, as depicted in Fig. 7(a) and (b). We
rate of 0.0275°/°C will be observed in terms of actual factors under can observe that the change trend of the umax diverges from the
the current conditions. Therefore, increased formability is obtained minimal value, yet the change rate with the forming temperature
when using higher temperatures through oil bath heating, and the (A) and tool diameter (C) is different in each direction, such as in
forming temperature has the most significant influence on the the directions marked ①–③. Moreover, the change rate is maximal
umax. Moreover, the umax is up to 67° in the present work. in the directions marked ①. The umax value has the closest relation
Step depth: The value of the umax has a nearly linear decrease with the forming temperature (A) and tool diameter (C) in the
with an increase in the step depth, as illustrated in Fig. 6(b). At a direction marked ②. The forming temperature (A) and tool diame-
high step depth value, the deformation of the sheet metal per unit ter (C) have the most and least influence on the umax in the direc-
area is large; thus, a large equivalent strain and thinning rate tions marked ① and ③, respectively. In other words, the tool
results in easier cracking during the WISF assisted with oil bath diameter (C) contributes little to improving formability in the
heating. Moreover, the deformation is more than just a localized direction marked ①, which is also in good agreement with the pre-
behavior, and too much stress on the sheets leads to early failure vious results. The umax value is increased by 8.5% from 58.78° to
of the formed parts. Therefore, an increased formability is obtained 63.77° when the forming temperature varies from 150 to 250 °C
when using a small step depth. Although the small step depth may at a tool diameter of 12 mm, and the maximal value of the umax
be able to increase the forming ability during the incremental is acquired at a forming temperature of 250 °C and a tool diameter
forming process, it greatly increases the forming time, also. There- of 12 mm. Moreover, it also reveals that the forming process may
fore, to improve the processing efficiency and meet various pro- be more sensitive to forming temperature than to tool diameter.
cessing conditions and requirements, a small step depth can be BD interaction term: The combined effect of sheet thickness
selected in the case of forming parts with a small curvature; other- (D) and step depth (B) on the umax is illustrated in Fig. 7(c), (d).
wise, a large step depth can be selected in the case of a large We can find that the change trend of the umax decreases to the min-
curvature. imal value, yet the change rate with the sheet thickness (D) and
Tool diameter: The value of the umax is not sensitive to the vari- step depth (B) is different in each change direction, such as in
ance in tool diameter; it slightly decreases and then increases in a the directions marked ①–③; furthermore, the change rate is max-
quadratic form with an increase in tool diameter, as illustrated in imal in the directions marked ①. The umax value has the closest
Fig. 6(c). Theoretically, with a large tool diameter, the strains are relation with the sheet thickness (D) and step depth (B) in the
small, thus, the low thinning rate leads to an increase in umax. How- direction marked ②. The sheet thickness (D) and step depth (B)
ever, these effects are not numerically significant due to a small contribute the most and least to the umax in the directions marked
variation in tool diameter. In other words, the tool diameter in a ① and ③, respectively. We also find that the step depth (B) has lit-
range of 8.0–12 mm has little effect on the umax. To a certain tle effect on the umax when the sheet thickness is large; the umax is
degree, the larger the tool diameter is, the larger the contact area increased by less than 0.1% from 63.57° to 64.14° when the step
between the tooltip and the sheet metal, which improves the depth varies from 0.2 to 0.6 mm at a sheet thickness of 1.2 mm.
well-distributed local stress and reduces the stress concentration The maximal value of the umax is acquired at a step depth of
of the sheet metal during the forming process. However, if the tool 0.6 mm and a sheet thickness of 1.2 mm. Consequently, the inter-
diameter is too large, the contact area, friction resistance, forming action influence of the sheet thickness (D) and step depth (B) on
force and surface wear of the forming tool also increase accord- the umax is more complex than a monotonic correlation.
ingly during the forming process, and it is difficult to form parts CD interaction term: The change in the umax value due to the
with complex or small structures. Therefore, a principle of appro- combined influence of the sheet thickness (D) and tool diameter
priateness should be adopted in the selection of tool diameter. (C) is represented in a three-dimensional response surface graph
Sheet thickness: The effect of sheet thickness on the umax is and contour plot, and each of them is obtained while the two other
very significant, and the umax increases in a quadratic manner with factors (forming temperature and step depth) remain at an average
an increase in sheet thickness, as illustrated in Fig. 6(d). In other value, as depicted in Fig. 7(e) and (f). We find that the changes to
words, by holding all the remaining process factors constant, a the umax are similar to the effect of sheet thickness (D) and step
1.2 mm thick sheet exhibits a umax that is higher than a 0.8 mm depth (B), as demonstrated in Fig. 7(c) and (d). Thus, it is not
sheet because a large sheet thickness prevents early cracks in the described to avoid repetition.
metal sheet under the same processing requirements and experi-
mental conditions. However, except for decreasing the step depth 4.3.3. Experimental verification and optimization
and feed rate, if the sheet thickness is too large, the friction resis- To further verify the results obtained from the predictive model,
tance, forming stress and surface wear of the forming tool also validation experiments were carried out, and the optimized pro-
increase correspondingly during the forming process, which more cess parameters were used for verification experiments.
S. Zhang et al. / Measurement 157 (2020) 107673 9

Forming angle (°)

64 59 63
63 1
62 11

C: Tool diameter (mm)

Forming angle (°)

59 3 61

58 62
12 250
11 230
210 8
190 150 170 190 210 230 250
C: T ool diam eter (m m ) 9 170 A: Form ing tem p. (C°)
8 150 A: Forming temp. (C°)

(a) φmax=f (A, C) =f (t, d) (b) φmax=f (A, C) =f (t, d)

Forming angle (°)
1 1
2 1.1

D: Sheet Thickness (mm)

Forming angle (°)

60 2

3 58
1.2 0.6
1.1 0.5
1.0 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
D: Sheet Thickness (mm)0.9 0.3 B: Step depth (mm)
B: Step depth (mm)
0.8 0.2
(c) φmax=f (B, D) =f (z, h) (d) φmax=f (B, D) =f (z, h)
Forming angle (°)
68 64
D: Sheet Thickness (mm)

64 62
Forming angle (°)


3 0.9

1.2 12 62
1.1 11 0.8
1.0 10 8 9 10 11 12
D: Sheet Thickness (mm)0.9 9 C: Tool diameter (mm)
C: Tool diameter (mm)
0.8 8
(e) φmax=f (C, D) =f (d, h) (f) φmax=f (C, D) =f (d, h)
Fig. 7. Three-dimensional response surfaces and contour plots of interaction on formability: (a, b) the response surfaces and contour plot of forming temperature (A) and tool
diameter (C); (c, d) the response surfaces and contour plot of step depth (B)and sheet thickness (D); and (e, f) the response surfaces and contour plot of tool diameter (C) and
sheet thickness (D).

Optimization of the umax using the RSM is conducted in Design and each parameter shares identical importance in the current
Expert 10 trial software. To acquire the umax, each considered work. However, in practical production, the sheet thickness is usu-
parameter is set to a range from a low to high level, as illustrated ally predefined, and then the extra constraint for optimization is
in the Table 2. The range of the optimal parameter umax is 55–70°, equal to 0.8, 1.0, and 1.2 mm in sheet thickness. The experimental
10 S. Zhang et al. / Measurement 157 (2020) 107673

Table 5
Verification experiments and results for oil bath heating-assisted warm ISF.

No. A-Forming temp. B-Step depth C-Tool diameter D-Sheet thickness Pre. results Exp. results Relative error (%)
1 250 0.2 8 0.8 64.463 65.88 2.15
2 250 0.2 12 1.0 65.114 63.34 +2.80
3 250 0.6 12 1.2 68.144 65.71 +3.71

runs and verification results are illustrated in Table 5. The experi- Resources, Project administration, Funding acquisition. Xiangkui
ments are conducted within a range of independent processing fac- Jiang: Data curation, Validation, Visualization.
tors, and the relative error is obtained by comparing the
experimental results with the predicted values. It has been discov-
Declaration of Competing Interest
ered that the mean error of the umax is 3.71% in absolute value. The
prediction error is not more than 5% and is within an acceptable
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
range. The generated regression model for the umax can be adopted
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to successfully predict the value of the umax for a stochastic combi-
to influence the work reported in this paper.
nation of step depth, forming temperature, sheet thickness, and
tool diameter values within the range of the performed experi-
ments. The repeatability and reliability of the empirical correction Acknowledgments
to predict umax while forming AZ31B Mg alloy sheets are very obvi-
ous. In addition, without extra constraints on the sheet thickness, This work was financially supported by the Department of
the combination of processing parameters for the optimized value Science & Technology of Shaanxi Province [Grant Number
of the umax is No. 3 in the Table 5. 2019GY-118]; the Bureau of Science & Technology of TaiZhou City
[Grant Number 1701gy27]; the MOE Key Laboratory of the
Thermo-Fluid Science & Engineering [Grant Number
5. Conclusions and outlook
KLTFSE2018KF03]; the Teaching Reform Project of Xi’an University
of Posts & Telecommunications [Grant Number JGZ201816]; and
With respect to the work reported in the current paper, a new
theNational Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Infor-
oil bath heating-assisted WISF approach and devices were intro-
mation and Control Engineering of Xi’an University of Technology
duced and developed, and experimental investigations were con-
[Grant Number 2019ICYB11].
ducted to assess the forming ability of an AZ31B Mg alloys.
Experimental runs were conducted in term of a Box-Behnken
design, and then the effects of the considered parameters on References
formability were discussed based on RSM and ANOVA. The follow-
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