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Experimental Studies On Parametric Influence On Machining of Titanium With WEDM

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-5, May 2014

Experimental studies on parametric influence on

machining of Titanium with WEDM
P. Srinivasa Rao, Ch.V.S.ParameswaraRao, K. Ravindra

nonferrous materials of a particular thickness have been

Abstract: This paper presents the parametric influence on reported by several researchers [8-14]. Siva et.al [15-17]
machining of Titanium with WEDM. An extensive research worked to evaluate the optimal parameters for some of the
study has been carried out with an aim to select the optimum tool materials. But no comprehensive research work on
cutting conditions at an appropriate overcut/spark gap and to evaluation of machining criteria and parametric settings for
get the desired surface finish and dimensional accuracy for
any size has been reported so far in the field of wirecut
machining any thickness of the Titanium work piece.
Mathematical correlations are developed to determine the
electrical discharge machining of this material. No data base
cutting parameters, machining current, cutting speed, and or technology tables are available for machining of such an
spark gap/overcut. Finally the correlations are useful for important and useful material in industry. Therefore, it is
evaluating the machining parameters for different machining imperative to develop suitable mathematical or empirical
situations arising out of customer requirements and machining relations for determining the optimum machining
time calculation, in turn cost of machining. parameters of this material machining. Srinivas et.al [18]
worked on wire selection for machining titanium, inconel
Index Terms WEDM, cutting speed, spark gap, surface and other materials which will be useful in the present
finish, MRR, mathematical correlations. research.
Further, in majority of the past research works material
removal rate (MRR) and surface finish have been considered.
I. INTRODUCTION But in this process, cutting speed is an important factor than
Wirecut Electrical Discharge machining (WEDM) has been MRR and cutting speed is to be optimized without
found to be an extremely potential electro-thermal process in compromising the surface finish. Prior to machining, the
the field of conducting, hard-to-machine materials. Owing to knowledge of wire offset is to be programmed which will be
the high process capability it is widely used in the known from spark gap value for different thicknesses at
manufacturing of special gears, cams, intricate parts and in different input parameters is very much essential for effective
tool rooms for dies, moulds etc. Selection of optimum dimensional control and accuracy in machining.
parametric combinations for obtaining higher cutting In the present work the Titanium material of different
efficiency and other dimensional accuracy characteristics is a thicknesses are machined for determining the optimum
challenging task in WEDM due to presence of large number values of machining parameters and criteria. For these
of process variables and complicated stochastic process optimum values mathematical correlations are developed
mechanism. Hence there is a demand for research studies and relation between different parameters/criteria and
which should establish a systematic approach to find out the thickness are established. The developed correlations are
optimum parametric setting to achieve the maximum process analyzed statistically for testing the suitability using ORIGIN
criteria yield for different sizes and classes of engineering software.
An effective way to solve this state problem is to focus on II. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
establishing the relationship between machining parameters
and machining criteria performances. A number of research
works has been carried out on different materials to study the
influence of different process parameters [1-7].
In the present research study wirecut electrical discharge
machining of Titanium alloy of different thicknesses has
been considered. The material had good corrosion resistance
and is well known for aerospace and automobile industries. It
is further found that extremely difficult to machine by
conventional method due excellent strength property.
Different aspects of machining of many ferrous and

Manuscript received May 19, 2014

P. Srinivasa Rao, Research Scholar, SVU, Gajraula, India, Mobile No:
+91 98499 6 8595.
Ch.V.S.ParameswaraRao, Prof, Mech.Engg.Dept, PBR VITS,
Kavali-524201, India, Mobile No: +91 9849291903.
K. Ravindra, Dean, RVR&JC College of Engg, Guntur-522001, Mobile
No +91 98496 60254. Fig.1.a Schematic view of experimental set up

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Experimental studies on parametric influence on machining of Titanium with WEDM

Fig1.a.Shows the schematic view of the experimental set with shadow graph and checked with microscope. The spark
up. Fig.1b is the photo graph taken for the experimental set gap is calculated from cutting width.
up and Fig.1c shows the sparking taking place during
machining. The parameters set prior to machining are Cutting width, W= d+2 x Sg, where d is the wire diameter
and Sg is the Spark gap
Machine : ELCUT 334,
The MRR is calculated as, MRR = T x W x Cs where Cs is the
Dielectric : De- ionized water cutting speed, mm/min and T is work piece thickness, mm.

Dielectric conductivity : 38 mhos The optimum values of machining current, cutting speed,
spark gap and MRR for every thickness are used for plotting
Wire tension : 70 N the curves and best fit curve is selected using the software.
The mathematical relation is generated for this best fit curve
Wire velocity : 3.0 m/min
and statistical analysis is performed to find the fitness of the
Wire diameter : 0.25 mm curve.

Gap voltage : 80 volts









0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Thick ness

Fig.2. Influence of Thickness on machining current

Fig.1b. Photograph of experimental set up The variation in the discharge current with the increase in
work piece thickness is obtained and shown in Fig.2. For a
specified set of machining conditions it is observed that with
increase in thickness, the required machining current also
increases. This is attributed to the high amount of energy
required for high thickness job in which machining is
possible only by increasing the current. This plot is useful to
extract suitable minimum discharge current required for
machining of any thickness Titanium work piece with in the
machine working range. By interpolation of the obtained
data the equation for the best fit curve is obtained as
I = 3.098-{34.628/ [1+ exp (T + 456.92)/ 152.57]} (1)
Where I = discharge current, amp, T = thickness, mm

Table. 1. Statistical data for Fig.2

Fig. 1c.Sparking during machining

The Titanium specimens of 30mm x 50mm size on Number of points 21 A1 -31.53

thicknesses 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5,20,25, 30, 35, 40, 45, Degrees of freedom 17 A2 3.098
50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75 and 80, 90mm are prepared. The
experiments are conducted on the work piece of every Reduced Ch-sqr 3.92E4 xo -456.92
thickness by cutting L shape and [shape by varying the Residual sum of squares 0.0067 dx 152.57
machining current from a lower value to a value where the
machining is in consistent in 5 steps. At every machining R Value 0.9963
current, I value the machining criteria is measured. The
R-square(COD) 0.9927
machining current, I value at which the machining is
consistent with continuous cutting, better finish with least Adj.R-square 0.9914
wire rupture is selected as optimal. The cutting speed is noted
Root-MS(SD) 0.0198
from the machine display, surface finish is measured on
[cut using Talysurf. The cutting width is measured on L cut

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-5, May 2014
Fig 4. Influence of Thickness on Spark gap
The variation of spark gap with the increase in thickness of
work piece is depicted in the Fig.4. The curve shows an
increasing trend in spark gap with increase in thickness of
work piece. This may be due to the property of spark, which
jumps longer at higher current values an essential
Cutting speed


requirement at higher thickness. However the rate of

3.0 variation is proportionate to the thickness. The best suitable
curve is drawn and error analysis is carried out. The
mathematical correlation obtained is
Sg = 70.34- {1733.54/ [1 + exp (T +343.18)/ 85.62]} (3)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Thick ness
Where Sg is the spark gap in micro meters.

Fig 3. Influence of Thickness on cutting speed The statistical analysis presented in Table 3 shows the values
of R2 = 0.9968 and standard deviation as 0.3557 are obtained
Fig. 3 shows the effect of thickness on cutting speed for and are tabulated in Table.3. The correlation is useful in
various sizes of the work pieces. The plot indicates that as finding the spark gap in turn cutting width, to compute the
thickness of the work piece increases the cutting speed MRR and program the wire off set during CNC part
decreases rapidly. If the thickness increases, the volume of programming, and hence higher accuracy can be achieved.
metal to be removed increases which demands more energy
and it may become a machine constraint. At the same time Table.3 Statistical data for Fig 4
the spark is jumping to the sides of the wire causing more Number of points 21 A1 -1663.2
width of cut, reducing the cutting speed. The data thus Degrees of freedom 17 A2 70.34
obtained is subjected to interpolation and the best fit curve
correlation is obtained in the form Reduced Ch-sqr 0.126 xo -343.18
Cs =-545.58+{550.714 / [1 + exp (T + 593.15) / 93.95]} (2) Residual sum of 2.151 dx 85.62
Where Cs= cutting speed, mm/min. squares
R Value 0.998
Table.2 gives the statistical analysis, showing R2 value as
0.9472 which envisages the fitness of the curve. The standard R-square(COD) 0.9968
deviation for this plot is 0.123. From this plot or from the Adj.R-square 0.9963
above mathematical correlation, the cutting speed can be
Root-MS(SD) 0.3557
predicted for any size of work piece to be machined. This is
also useful in evaluating the machining time and cost.

Table. 2 Statistical data for Fig.3 110

Number of points 21 A1 5.134 100


Degrees of freedom 17 A2 -545.58 80

Reduced Ch-sqr 0.015 xo 593.15

Residual sum of squares 0.26 dx 93.95 50

R Value 0.973 30

R-square(COD) 0.947 20

Adj.R-square 0.937 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Root-MS(SD) 0.123 Thickness

Fig 5. Influence of Thickness on MRR



58 MRR is a calculated value obtained as a product of cutting

56 speed, cutting width and thickness of the work piece. The
54 change in MRR with increase in thickness is shown in the
Spark gap

Fig.5. The plot shows a constant rise with a positive slope up.
This is due to the increase in thickness, decrease in cutting

speed and increase in cutting width.
However in this process, cutting speed is an important factor
42 as the machining is a through and through operation.
40 Mathematical correlations:
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Thick ness
The mathematical correlations developed for the best fit
curves are listed.

232 www.erpublication.org
Experimental studies on parametric influence on machining of Titanium with WEDM

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The authors acknowledge Management of Poornodaya
CNC, Hyderabad, A.P, India for extending the machining
facilities and assistance rendered in measurements.
P.Sreenivasarao, graduated in Mechanical Engineering,
Post graduated from Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, India and pursuing
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