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Chapter test 5 Area, surface area and volume

 Time allowed: 45 minutes.

 Total possible marks: 50 Name: __________________________
 Answer all questions in the space provided.
 Approved scientific calculators may be used. Date: ___________________________
 Marks may be deducted for insufficient or illegible work.

Multiple-choice Marks

1 A triangle has a base length of 4·5 cm and bh 1

a perpendicular height of 2·3 cm. Its area, A=
correct to one decimal place, is:
= (4·5 × 2·3) ÷ 2
A 10·4 cm = 5·2 cm2 (1 dec. pl.)
B 5·2 cm2
C 9·1 cm
D 10·4 cm2

2 A circle has a radius of 7·6 m. Its area, A = π × 7·62 = 181·5 m2 1

correct to one decimal place, is: (1 dec. pl.)
A 47·8 m
B 75·0 m2
C 181·5 m2
D 47·8 m2

3 A parallelogram of area 36 cm2 and height A = bh 1

9 cm has a base length of: 36 = 9b
A 4 cm b = 4 cm
B 18 cm A
C 2 cm
D 8 cm

Australian Signpost Mathematics New South Wales 9 Stages 5.1–5.3 Chapter test 5
Copyright © Pearson Australia 2013 (a division of Pearson Australia Pty Ltd) ISBN 978 1 4860 0531 4
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4 The correct expression for the area of this xy 1
rhombus is: A=
60 mm 60 10
= mm2
10 mm

A 10  60  2 cm2
B 60  10 mm2
60 10
C mm2
D 10  60  2 mm

5 A park is in the shape of a rectangle Area of semicircle =   252  2 1

capped by a semicircle. = 982 m2 (1 dec. pl.)
Area of rectangle = 50  60
= 3000 m2
Total area = 982 + 3000
50 m = 3982 m2
60 m

The area of the park is closest to:

A 3000 m2
B 3982 m2
C 4963 m2
D 10 854 m2

6 A cube of side length 5 cm has a surface Area of one side = 5 × 5 1

area of: = 25 cm2
A 25 cm2
B 125 cm2 Surface area = 6 × 25
C 100 cm2 = 150 cm2
D 150 cm2 D

Australian Signpost Mathematics New South Wales 9 Stages 5.1–5.3 Chapter test 5
Copyright © Pearson Australia 2013 (a division of Pearson Australia Pty Ltd) ISBN 978 1 4860 0531 4
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7 A cylinder of radius 5 cm and height of Area of circle cross-sections 1
7 cm has a surface area of: = 2    52  157 cm2
A 220 cm2
B 314 cm2 Area of rectangle
= 2    5  7  220 cm2
C 252 cm2
D 377 cm2
Total surface area = 377 cm2

8 The volume of a cylinder of diameter V = r2h 1

12 cm and height 16 cm, correct to two V =  × 62 × 16
decimal places, is:
= 1809·56 cm3
A 7238·23 cm3
B 2304·00 cm3
C 1809·56 cm3
D 2412·74 cm3

9 Find the volume of the following solid: Area of end = 40  35 + 40  60 1

= 3800 mm2
Volume = 3800  80
= 304 000 mm3

A 112 000 mm3

B 128 000 mm3
C 220 800 mm3
D 304 000 mm3

Australian Signpost Mathematics New South Wales 9 Stages 5.1–5.3 Chapter test 5
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10 The volume of the following solid is: Area of end = 15  12 ÷ 2 = 90 mm2 1
Volume = 90  14 = 1260 mm3

A 180 mm3
B 630 mm3
C 1260 mm3
D 2520 mm3

Short answer
11 Find the area of this sector, correct to one 42 2
decimal place. A    17 2
 105·9 cm 2

12 Calculate the area of this shape to the Total area 2

nearest whole number. = area of trapezium + area of semicircle
1 1
=  6  (15 + 8) +    7·52
2 2
= 157 cm2

13 Calculate the following shaded area, Area of rectangle = 12  8 = 96 3

correct to two decimal places. Area of one circle =   22 = 4
Shaded area = 96 – 6  4
= 20·60 cm2

Australian Signpost Mathematics New South Wales 9 Stages 5.1–5.3 Chapter test 5
Copyright © Pearson Australia 2013 (a division of Pearson Australia Pty Ltd) ISBN 978 1 4860 0531 4
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14 For the prism below: (a) 5
(a) draw its net
(b) find the surface area
(c) find the volume.

22  26 + 24  22 + 10  24 + 10  22
= 1560 cm2
V = (10 × 24 × 22) ÷ 2 = 2640 cm3

15 For the prism below: (a) 5

(a) draw its net
(b) find the surface area to the nearest unit
(c) find the volume to the nearest unit

2    52 + 2    5  8
= 408 cm2
V = r2h
= π × 52 × 8
= 628 cm3

Australian Signpost Mathematics New South Wales 9 Stages 5.1–5.3 Chapter test 5
Copyright © Pearson Australia 2013 (a division of Pearson Australia Pty Ltd) ISBN 978 1 4860 0531 4
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16 The diagram shows 4 identical rectangular (a) 5
garden beds. The area around the garden Area to be paved
beds is to be paved with bricks. One brick = total area – area of garden beds
measures 180 mm by 225 mm. = (5·2 × 3·8) – (1·7 × 1·25 × 4)
= 11·26 m2

Number of bricks
= area to be paved ÷ area of one brick
= 11·26 ÷ (0·18 × 0·225)
= 278 bricks required

280 is closest multiple of 20.

280 ÷ 20 = 14 sets required
Cost = 37 × 14 = $518

(a) Calculate the area to be paved.

(b) Bricks are sold in sets of 20 for $37 a
set. Calculate the cost of paving the
area found in (a) with bricks.

Australian Signpost Mathematics New South Wales 9 Stages 5.1–5.3 Chapter test 5
Copyright © Pearson Australia 2013 (a division of Pearson Australia Pty Ltd) ISBN 978 1 4860 0531 4
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17 A set of stairs at the front of a building is When you look down on these stairs 5
made up of three steps as shown. you see a half-circle: this is the surface
area of the top of all three stairs.
Surface area of top of stairs
=    1·82 = 5·09 m2
For the fronts of the stairs:
Surface area of front of bottom step
The base of the steps has a radius of 1·8 m =  2r  h
and each step has a width of 0·5 m. Each
step is 0·3 m higher than the previous one. 1
=  2    1·8  0·3
When you look down on the stairs, the
tops of all three stairs together looks like a = 1·70 m2
semicircle. Surface area of front of middle step
Calculate the cost of painting the stairs if it 1
costs $32 per m2 (calculating correct to =  2    (1·8  0·5)  0·3
two decimal places).
= 1·23 m2
Surface area of front of top step
=  2    (1·8  1·0)  0·3
= 0·75 m2
Total surface area = 8·77 m2
Total cost of painting
= 8·77  32 = $280.64

18 Find the surface area of the building as Surface area 5

shown in the figure below, correct to two = cylinder + trapezoidal prism
decimal places. + rectangular prism
+ (top minus common circle)
 (2    0.2 1  2    0.22 )
 1 
  2  5  25  2   3  (42  50) 
 2 
 (25  50  3  25  2  3  50  2)
 (25  42    0.22 )
= 1·50796 + 526 + 1700 +1049·8743
= 3277·38 m2

Australian Signpost Mathematics New South Wales 9 Stages 5.1–5.3 Chapter test 5
Copyright © Pearson Australia 2013 (a division of Pearson Australia Pty Ltd) ISBN 978 1 4860 0531 4
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19 Find the volume of the building as shown Volume 4
in the figure below, correct to two decimal = cylinder + trapezoidal prism
places. + rectangular prism
= (π × 0·22 × 1)
1 
+   3  (42  50)  25 
2 
+ (50 × 25 × 3)
= 0·12566 + 3450 + 3750
= 7200·13 m2

20 A 4 m section of hollow concrete pipe Area of ends: 4

has an internal diameter of 1·5 m and an A = 2 × π(R2 – r2)
external diameter of 1·85 m. All surfaces = 2 × π (0·9252 – 0·752)
of the pipe are to be painted. Calculate
= 1·842 m2
the area to be painted, correct to two
decimal places.
Area of interior surface:
A = 2πrh
= 2 × π × 0·75 × 4
= 18·850 m2

Area of exterior surface:

A = 2πrh
= 2 × π × 0·925 × 4
= 23·248 m2

Total area to be painted:

A = 1·842 + 18·850 + 23·248 m2
= 43·94 m2 (2 dec. pl.)

Australian Signpost Mathematics New South Wales 9 Stages 5.1–5.3 Chapter test 5
Copyright © Pearson Australia 2013 (a division of Pearson Australia Pty Ltd) ISBN 978 1 4860 0531 4
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