Water Boon or Bane

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What are plastics?

Plastics are synthetic materials made from polymers, which are long chains of repeating
molecular units. They can be molded into various shapes and forms and are used in a wide range
of applications, including packaging, construction, textiles, and electronics.
Why were plastics created?
Plastics were created to provide a cheaper and more versatile alternative to traditional materials
such as wood, metal, and glass. They are lightweight, durable, and can be produced in large
quantities at low cost.

Why are plastics commonly used in our everyday lives?

Plastics are commonly used in our everyday lives because of their unique properties such as
durability, versatility, and low cost. They are used in products ranging from food packaging and
electronics to medical devices and automobile parts.

What is the impact (advantages and disadvantages) of plastic use? Overall, is

it good or bad or both? Why?
The use of plastics has both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages include their low cost,
versatility, and durability, which make them ideal for a wide range of applications. However, the
production and disposal of plastics have significant environmental impacts, such as pollution,
greenhouse gas emissions, and harm to wildlife. Managing plastic waste is also a major
challenge, as only a small fraction of plastic waste is recycled, and the rest ends up in landfills,
oceans, or as litter. The advantages and disadvantages of the usage of plastic shows that there is
neither good nor bad in the use of plastics.

How do we manage plastic wastes?

To manage plastic waste, The 4r’s is created which is a framework for sustainable waste
management practices. such as reducing plastic use, promoting recycling, implementing
extended producer responsibility programs, and investing in new technologies to produce more
sustainable plastics.

How do we currently address the problems of plastic use? Are these solutions
helpful? Provide facts and figures (e.g. effect of biodegradable plastic).
Currently, some solutions to the problems of plastic use include the development of
biodegradable plastics, the use of recycled plastics, and the promotion of a circular economy
where waste is minimized and materials are reused or recycled. However, the effectiveness of
these solutions varies, and more needs to be done to address the growing problem of plastic
waste. One of the most effective ways to address plastic use is to reduce consumption. According
to a report by the World Economic Forum, global plastic production has increased from 1.5
million metric tons in 1950 to 359 million metric tons in 2018. This has led to a growing concern
about plastic pollution and its impact on the environment. In response, many companies and
individuals are working to reduce plastic consumption by using reusable bags, water bottles, and
food containers.

Recycling is another way to address the problems of plastic use. According to the Ellen
MacArthur Foundation, only 14% of plastic packaging is collected for recycling globally, and
just 9% is actually recycled. However, recycling efforts are growing, and many countries are
implementing recycling programs to reduce plastic waste. For example, the European Union has
set a goal to recycle 55% of plastic packaging waste by 2030.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards implementing bans on single-use
plastics. These bans typically target items like plastic bags, straws, and utensils, which are used
once and then discarded. According to the United Nations, more than 120 countries have
implemented bans or taxes on single-use plastics. For example, in 2020, Canada announced plans
to ban single-use plastics by the end of 2021.

In what way can you help alleviate the impact of plastic use in the
One of the most effective ways to reduce the impact of plastic is to reduce my consumption. I
can do this by using reusable bags, water bottles, and food containers instead of single use ones. I
can also participate in community clean-up efforts to remove plastic waste from the environment.
I can also spread awareness as a student about the impacts of plastic use and encourage others to
reduce their plastic consumption and participate in recycling efforts. I can also try recycling to
alleviate plastic in the environment. It might not be much but progress always starts with you.


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