An Adaptive Rank Selection Method in 3GPP 5G NR Systems
An Adaptive Rank Selection Method in 3GPP 5G NR Systems
An Adaptive Rank Selection Method in 3GPP 5G NR Systems
Abstract — A user equipment (UE) estimates channel state to evaluate the system performance, including the system
information (CSI) which includes the rank indicator (RI), the efficiency and the error rate.
precoding matrix indicator (PMI), and the channel quality The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section
indicator (CQI), and feedbacks the CSI to the base station (BS). II describes the process of rank selection for downlink
Rank Indicator is a number (indicator) that represents how well a
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system communication
transmission. We propose our adaptive rank selection method in
works. Therefore, the RI estimation and selection is an important section III and evaluate the performance in section IV. Finally,
issue for system efficiency. In this paper, we propose an adaptively section IV gives concluding remarks.
adjusted RI selection method to accommodate the channel
condition. Simulation results demonstrate that the performance of II. RANK SELECTION
the proposed adaptive method satisfies the performance
requirements of the IMT-2020 evaluation. Furthermore, the
A UE feedbacks the estimated RI to a BS in the uplink
proposed adaptive method works well in a low-mobility indoor direction according to its receiving capability. The BS
scenario. determines the number of layers based on the feedback RI. The
Index Terms— Rank selection, IMT-2020 process of RI feedback is shown in Fig. 1. The steps are as
follows [9]:
I. INTRODUCTION Step1. BS periodically transmits Channel State Information-
As the demand for a new generation of mobile networks Reference Signals (CSI-RS) to UE for CSI measurement.
grows, the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) develops Step2. UE measures the received CSI-RS to obtain channel
new radio access technology (RAT) for fifth-generation (5G) state information. RI is estimated according to the channel
mobile networks, namely 5G New Radio (NR). It is a global situation.
standard for the air interface of 5G networks [1]. 3GPP submits Step3. UE feedbacks the estimated information to BS,
the 5G NR systems specification [1, 2] to International including RI, PMI, and CQI.
Telecommunication Union (ITU) as a candidate 5G mobile Step4. BS transmits the Physical Downlink Share Channel
communication system, which is expressed as the IMT-2020 (PDSCH) by considering the feedback information.
5G NR systems support MIMO technologies [4] to meet a UE BS
high data rate requirement and maximize system capacity. Non-precoded
MIMO channel capacity highly depends on the rank, and the CSI-RS
where Cr is the capacity of each rank. Therefore, a RI with the IV. SIMULATION RESULTS
maximum capacity is determined as WiSE SLS [7, 8] is used to demonstrate the performance of
Rˆ arg max
Cr (5) the RI selection methods, including the exhaustive search
Although the computational complexity compared to the method and the proposed methods with and without an adaptive
selection. The indoor hotspot scenario [3] is selected for
exhaustive search method is reduced, the channel variation and
simulation. The simulation parameters of the scenario refer to
the error rate tolerance are still not considered in the RI
the IMT-2020 evaluation, as shown in Table 1. The BLER
determination. Therefore, this paper further proposes an
threshold is configured as 0.1. The shift of RI value is configured
adaptive rank selection method to estimate RI using these two as one level. The system simulation time is one second which is
considerations. one hundred frames. The performance comparison includes the
A rank selection enhanced with an adaptive adjustment is average spectrum efficiency and the 5th percentile spectrum
proposed by further considering the channel variation and the efficiency under the FDD system.
error rate tolerance. The main idea is to make adjustments based
on the previous transmission situation and the feedback RI. The
error rate tolerance applied in this paper is Block Error Rate Table 1 SIMULATION ASSUMPTION FOR INDOOR-eMBB
(BLER). For example, when the BLER is low, the channel Parameter Value
condition is stable, and the data transmission is almost Carrier frequency 4 GHz
successfully received and decoded. When the BS knows that the BS antenna height 3m
BLER in the previous transmission is very low or under a Total transmit
21 dBm for 10 MHz bandwidth
power per TRP
threshold, the BS could assume that the feedback RI may adjust MS power class 23 dBm
to a higher level to boost the system performance. Therefore, the Inter site distance 20 m
RI value could be shifted to increase system performances by TRP antenna (M, N, P, Mg, Ng; Mp, Np) =
sacrificing the error rate. Otherwise, the RI value is determined configuration (4,4,2,1,1;4,4) for 32 ports;
without a shift. The steps of the proposed adaptive method are MS antenna (M, N, P, Mg, Ng; Mp, Np) =
configuration (1,2,2,1,1;1,1)
as follows: Antenna element
Step1. BS periodically transmits CSI-RS to UE for CSI 5 dBi for BS; 0 dBi for MS
measurement. MS speeds 100% indoor, 3 km/h
Step2. UE measures the received CSI-RS to obtain channel Noise figure 5 dB for BS; 7 dB for MS
Traffic model Full buffer
state information. RI is estimated according to the channel 10 MSs per TRxP, randomly and
situation. MS density uniformly dropped throughout the
Step3. UE feedbacks the estimated information to BS, geographical area
including RI, PMI, and CQI. Channel model InH_A
Step4. BS further determines whether or not the BLER of
Proceedings, APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference 2021 14-17 December 2021, Tokyo, Japan
Proceedings, APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference 2021 14-17 December 2021, Tokyo, Japan
B. BLER Distribution
Fig.9. BLER distribution of proposed method with adaptive selection
Fig. 7 represents the BLER distribution in the exhaustive
search method when the UE speed is 3 km/h. Since the channel
variation is not considered, the BLER distribution is mostly
C. Simulation Time
higher than 0.1. This phenomenon denotes that a UE cannot The execution time for the three methods is shown in Table
correctly receive and decodes signals at a desired error rate. The 4. Since the exhaustive search method needs to calculate the
feedback RI may be over-estimates correspondingly. transport block size (TBS) of each RI and to select the RI with
the largest TBS, it requires the longest computational time. The
proposed method by using the MMSE capacity formula to
determine the RI value reduces the execution estimation time
significantly. The proposed method without the adaptive
selection reduces about 56.98% execution time compared to the
exhaustive search method. The proposed method with the
adaptive selection slightly increases the execution time to
determine whether or not to adjust the RI value. Still, it can
obtain a gain of 49.53% compared to the exhaustive search
method. The proposed method with the adaptive selection
reduces the computational time and achieves a better
Fig. 7. BLER distribution of Exhaustive Search Method
Fig. 8 represents the BLER distribution of the proposed Table 4 Execution time
method without the adaptive selection. It can be observed that Proposed
the error rate is far below 0.1, which means that shifting up the Proposed
RI level could improve the system performance. Exhaustive Method with
欄1 without
Search adaptive
Execution 3hr 33m 1hr 31m 1hr 47m
time 24sec 48sec 43sec
Proceedings, APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference 2021 14-17 December 2021, Tokyo, Japan
D. Mobility Evaluation
By considering the time-varying channel, the BS can use the
Since the proposed adaptive selection method relies on the
BLER to evaluate whether or not to increase the RI value
previous transmission results, the channel variation may affect
according to the feedback RI value from UE. From the
the system performance. Therefore, the performance of the
simulation results of WiSE SLS, it can be found that the
proposed method under different UE speeds, including 10km/h
proposed adaptive method improves the system performance.
and 30km/h, is simulated. Fig. 10 represents the average
The computational time is reduced. Furthermore, the proposed
spectrum efficiency. Fig 11 illustrates the 5th percentile spectrum
adaptive method performs better in a stable scenario, e.g., an
indoor hotspot scenario with low mobility.
Compared the proposed method with the adaptive selection
to the exhaustive search method, the gain of the average
spectrum efficiency is 85.98%, and the gain of the 5th percentile
spectrum efficiency is 120.85% when the UE speed is 3km/h. This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Science
The gain of the average spectrum efficiency is 83.67%, and the and Technology (MOST) of Taiwan under Grants MOST109-
gain of the 5th percentile spectrum efficiency is 114.50% when 2218-E-194-007, MOST110-2221-E-194-020, and MOST110-
the UE speed is 10km/h. The gain of the average spectrum 2224-E-305-001 and in part by the Industrial Technology
efficiency is 81.95%, and the gain of the 5th percentile spectrum Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan.
efficiency is 113.09% when the UE speed is 30km/h.
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