Dungeon Delver - DD1 - Sword Against Thievery
Dungeon Delver - DD1 - Sword Against Thievery
Dungeon Delver - DD1 - Sword Against Thievery
This module has been created with the specific intent of introducing a new player to the ADVANCED
DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS rule system. It is designed specifically for a single character and Dungeon Master,
however, if the Dungeon Master so wishes it may be expanded upon to provide a challenge for an entire party.
The module is intended to stand on it's own, or may be incorporated into an existing campaign. It was
originally created to help an associate of the author's to learn how to play ADVANCED DUNGEONS AND
If you find this module intriguing, look for future releases available at THE DELVER'S DUNGEON
ADVANCED DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, ADVANCED D & D, and AD&D are trademarks owned by Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. Used without permission. Please don't sue me.
Dungeon Module DD1
Sword Against Thievery
by Bill Silvey
This module has been created with the specific intent of introducing a new player to the ADVANCED
DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS rule system. It is designed specifically for a single character and Dungeon Master,
however, if the Dungeon Master so wishes it may be expanded upon to provide a challenge for an entire
party. The module is intended to stand on it's own, or may be incorporated into an existing campaign. It was
originally created to help an associate of the author's to learn how to play ADVANCED DUNGEONS AND
If you find this module intriguing, look for future releases available at THE DELVER'S DUNGEON
ADVANCED DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, ADVANCED D & D, and AD&D are trademarks owned by Wizards of
the Coast, Inc. Used without permission. Please don't sue me.
and cashiered out. With it you purchased arms and armor
superior to that of the Lord's militia issue and have set forth to
seek your own destiny. So it has brought you here, to the Inn
of the Bronze Orb, in the township of Amers. There you sit in
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons(tm) the smoky tavern hall, considering your options as they lay
before you. Almost on cue, a tall, gaunt man in a blue robe
Introductory Module #DD1 approaches your table..."
SWORD AGAINST THEIVERY The man is an apprentice of the local Magic User's guild and
has been sent to seek out a likely candidate for a small task
NOTES FOR THE DUNGEON MASTER: This module has been the Guild wishes to accomplish. He will introduce himself to
designed to assist new players (and hopefully new Dungeon the character as one Deemil Treviss, Apprentice
Masters as well) become acquainted with 1st Edition Prestidigitator to the Guild of Starry Insight. He will ask if he
ADVANCED DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS(tm) rules for combat may sit - regardless of the player's acquiescence, he will
and role-play. The module is designed for ease-of-play, and pitch his offer. For twenty silver, the Apprentice would like
while the encounters herein are best suited for a single player, the player to accompany him to the Magic User's Guildhall,
an enterprising Dungeon Master can expand upon the the large tower at the edge of town. Deemil is utterly
adventure to include more classes and (obviously) more sincere - he betrays no suspicious attitude at all. In fact, he
players as well. For the solo Dungeon Master and player- will offer the player the silver first (he was instructed not to do
character, the adventure itself is fairly "easy", in that the this but has forgotten!) and wait for the response...
encounters should prove neither too difficult nor too easy for a
clever player to cope with. That said, it must be emphasized If the player agrees, go to section one. Deemil has no
that if this module is to be used as a tool for teaching a new bargaining power; the 20 silver is all he was given to entice a
player, it is imperative that the Dungeon Master let the cards likely candidate to the Guild Tower. If the player(s) refuse,
fall where they may - death can come swiftly for the unwary in he will simply shrug and move throughout the hall, asking
a world inhabited by orcs, goblins, evil wizards and worse! others...
Even at the death of the player character, there is nothing 1. The MAGIC USER'S GUILD TOWER
to forbid the discovery of their recently expired body by a
munificent, high-level Cleric capable of wresting them from This stone edifice is quite new, and consequently easily
the clutches of death - for a price. noticed. It comprises all the elements of the "classic" magic-
user's tower: Tall, large windows dotting it's surface, crowned
It is suggested before the start of the adventure that the with a battlement-girded parapet above. Within the tower
player and the Dungeon Master have a "buying" session itself, a few young apprentice magic users practice their
wherein the character can purchase provision for trade.
1d4 apprentice Magic-Users are usually "in class", with the
START: The city of Amers within the kingdom of Furyondy sits rest either meditating, resting, or tending to the day-to-day
nestled within a small valley. It is, like many prosperous functions of the school. In the event of an unwanted
towns, at the crossroad of two trade-routes. While a not intrusion, all will seize stout wooden staves save one who will
inconsiderable amount of wealth passes through here, the raise the alarm with the council (see below). All fight as 0-
town is well-defended enough by mages and fighting men level humans, with 1-4 hit points each, AC:9, doing 1-6 points
as well as faithful clerics and clever thieves to turn all but the of damage with their staves. None have any spell ability to
most scurrilous and well-armed bandits. It is typical of small note. Additionally, they do not possess anything of value on
cities of it's ilk; it sports a well-to-do merchant's district, a less their persons. Within their sleeping quarters, a few
well-to-do "red lamp" district, and an assortment of local unremarkable items may be found - blank spell books, a few
guildhalls as well as a barracks for the local gendarme and copper coins, See the NPC Supplement at the end of the
militia. The city is largely unremarkable, supports a module for full information on the apprentice Magic-Users.
population of a few hundred (including nearby farmers and
their families) and save for the 50' tower marking the 2. The COUNCIL CHAMBERS
location of the local magic-user's guild which recently
established itself, has little in the way of interesting scenery. The council chamber area is a circular room located on the
But sometimes, even the most mundane of boroughs can top floor of the tower. The room itself is a combination
produce the most remarkable of adventures... library, study, and administrative office. When you enter, the
apprentice who met you at the tavern indicates an empty
Read the following section aloud: seat at a table. Three cowled individuals are already
seated, and although you cannot hear their words. When
"You have journeyed far and away from your home. you approach the table, one of them removes the hood of
eschewing the mundane life, you have taken up sword and her cloak and bids you sit down. She speaks:
shield as the tools of your trade. Your above-average
abilities and fortitude earned you a place alongside a “We of the Grey Tower Council welcome you, swordsman,
baron, seeking to put down an uprising of Kobolds within his and bid you listen to our offer of employment. Our guild and
northern landholdings. You have earned your rank as a it’s humble environs are new, but already we have attracted
Veteran, and your reward, but the Lord had no need for a the attention of both the curious and those truly interested in
large standing army, and with no hard feelings you were learning thaumaturgy. Unfortunately, our notoriety has
given a small share of the wergild from the Kobold's treasury brought with it an unwanted consequence. A month ago, a
new student, one Zubgug Trezem joined our endeavors here upon amount.
and began to learn the arts and trades of our craft. We
assumed that, despite his sometimes brash and curt 3. THE HUNT
behavior, he was truly interested in the finer points of
magical studies. This proved not to be the case! Upon Read the following section aloud:
achieving the rank of Prestidigitator within our order, he
attacked an instructor, catching them off guard, and The ride to the countryside is uneventful. The undergrowth
slipped away from the tower, taking with him a book of a has grown thicker in this direction, and it is almost impossible
little value to us, as well as a few coins which we later to lead your horse further. Just when you begin to suspect
discovered were missing. Initially we thought he had that you may have to turn back, you break in to a relatively
become angry at a student or instructor, but our clearer area. Three scurrilous looking individuals sit around a
investigations proved that this was not the case. It was only fire, obviously arguing over a pouch of some kind being held
yesterday that we discovered that he was not what he by the largest of them.
presented himself as at all! No, indeed, this would-be
burglar and assassin was no young human, but in fact a half- The three in question are half-orc fighters and brothers of
caste orc! Worse still, rumors tell of a band of thieves on the Zubgug. They put him up to the original plan to enter the
outskirts of the city, in a nearby woods and that a mage is Magic User’s guild and steal a spell-book, or at least learn
amongst them. The perfidy of this would-be thief and the some magic himself so as to become a greater threat to
appearance of this band of thugs cannot be a passers by and those wandering in the woods. They all wear
coincidence! tough leather jerkins and carry short swords. Due to their
Of course, since we cannot permit the theft of our property – arguing (which was muffled by the heavy undergrowth) they
this would set a bad precedent, you see – we would will be Surprised by the appearance of the character(s),
appreciate it if you would seek out this miscreant and return during which time the character(s) may act first.
to us the property which he has misappropriated. For ample
compensation, of course. Naturally we would prefer to deal Half-Orc fighters:
with this matter ourselves; unfortunately, the education of
our students takes precedence over this matter.” #1: AC8, HD 1+1. HP 3, #AT 1, D 1-6 AL: LE
#2: AC8, HD 1+1, HP 4, #AT 1, D 1-6, AL: LE
At this point, there will be some haggling and bargaining; #3: AC8, HD 1+2, HP 6, #AT 1, D 1-6, AL: LE
the Magic User’s guild will offer up to one hundred gold, plus
any restorative magic needed to heal any damage that The third is the “leader”, somewhat stronger and larger than
might happen to the character(s) while they hunt the villain the other two. The item they argue over is a purse filched
down. Additionally, they will offer the use of a Potion of from an unwary merchant in town, and it contains four small
Healing (with a single draught) and loan of a Ring of gems worth approximately 500gp. If the two “subordinates”
Protection +1. While they might be coerced in to offering are slain, the leader will grab the bag and leap into the
equivalent amounts of gold (See the Dungeon Master’s nearby woods (see encounter area #4, below); if the
Guide for full pricing), they will go no further. If the player(s) “leader” is slain, one of the “subordinates” will flee in a
become belligerent regarding the monies involved, they will random direction; the other will flee to area #4.
be asked to leave immediately.
If all three are slain in short order, a careful search of the
For the full abilities of the three Magic Users, see the NPC area must be conducted to locate the entrance to area #4.
Supplement section at the end of the module.
During the course of combat, if the player wishes to imbibe
the Potion of Healing given him by the Magic Users, he or
she may do so; however, this counts as a full action
(removing the potion from a belt-pouch and uncorking it,
and drinking it). During this time the character may not
parry or otherwise dodge blows. If any of the half-orc
bandits roll a 20 on their to-hit roll, it indicates that the bottle
was knocked out of the character’s grasp before they could
On a small table next to the pallet Zubgug slept on is a spell Lylan Treffa, Speker for the Council
book embossed with the emblem of the Magic User’s guild.
Around Zubgug’s neck is a chain on which is the key to the CLASS:MAGIC-USER
strongbox in area #5. Within the box is: RACE:HUMAN
A silver dagger worth 50 g.p. LEVEL:7
A small bag containing four gems totaling 219 g.p. in value ALIGNMENT:NEUTRAL GOOD