Maintenance - and Assembly Instructions MSD PNCE - ENG

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The maximum speed and the maximum torque of the motor
ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MSD must not exceed the limits of the electric cylinder - PNCE
and Motor side drive - MSD.
S and IP65CR version For the values of the speed and torque, please see our
catalogue UNIMOTION Electric cylinder PNCE.

The belt pretensioning frequency must not be exceeded!

It should be noted that the excessive pretensioning of

the belt may result in breaking of the PNCE drive journal or
the motor shaft!

Recommended tightening torques for screws

8.8 M2 M2,5 M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12
0,4 0,7 1,3 2,8 5,6 9,6 23 45 74
Table 1: Recommended tightening torques for screws of strength class 8.8.

Recommended tightening torques for screws of

the self locking device
For the case of the self locking device with screws
Screw size M2,5 M3 M4 M5 M6 M8
Mmax [Nm] 1,2 2,1 4,9 9,7 17 41

For the case of the self locking device with locking nut
Shaft diameter [mm] 4 5 6 6,35 7 8
Mmax [Nm] 4 5 8 8 9 15
Table 2: Recommended tightening torques for screws (or locking nut) of
the self locking device.


1 - ID number
2 - Manufacturing date of the motor side drive
3 - Maximum radial load on the shaft - pretensioning load Fmax *
4 - Type of the motor side drive
(ordering code without motor dimensions)

* This is the load which is generated by the correct pretension of

the belt - using the belt pretensioning frequency. This load,
which is linearly dependent on the maximum drive torque Mp, MSD,
needs to be reduced in accordance with the capabilities of the

In the case of ordering additional or replacement parts

for the motor side drive all data must be given from the
identification label.

ID: 1 2 Fmax 3 N
The label must be fully visible and must ensure compliance
with all the instructions contained on it. Damaged or
illegible labels must be replaced.

1 In order to improve the products the specifications are subject to change without notice.


1 - Motor side drive housing

18 2 - Screw of the housing
19 26 3 - PNCE belt pulley
4 - Self locking device
17 8 5 - Toothed belt
16 6 - Tensioning plate
23 7 - Motor
15 8 - The motor screw
7 9 - The tensioning plate screw
10 - Motor belt pulley
with clamping set
9 11 - Self locking device
12 - Keyway
20 1 6
13 - Motor belt pulley with keyway
14 - The keyway set screw
22 15 - Clamping plate
21 1 belt pretensioning
10 16 - Pretensioning limiter unit
2 14 17 - Spring (useful only for the
generation of
13 18 - Pretensioning screw pretensioning load)
19 - Plain washer
20 - MSD cap
11 12 21 - The MSD cap screw
3 22 - The PNCE seal
4 23 - The motor O ring seal
Figure 1: Parts list. seals for the IP65CR
24 - The tensioning plate seal protection
25 - The MSD cap seal
26 - Sealing gel

STEP 1 and 2
STEP 1: In the case of the IP65CR protection the seal
of the PNCE 22 must be fitted on the drive cap of the
The housing of the motor side drive 1 must be mounted
and screwed (using 2) on the drive cap of the electric
1 cylinder - PNCE. The housing can be mounted in any
way - UP, DOWN, RIGHT or LEFT.
2 STEP 2: After the housing 1 has been mounted on the
electric cylinder, the PNCE belt pulley 3 with the self
locking device 4 and the toothed belt 5 must be fitted
3 22 on the drive journal of the PNCE.
Adjust the clearance (pulley mounting distance L) as it
4 is shown in Figure 3 and Table 3.
The self locking device 4 must be completely inserted
into the bore of the PNCE belt pulley 3. Tension the self
Figure 2: Step 1 and 2. locking device 4.

In order to improve the products the specifications are subject to change without notice. 2

Clearance (pulley mounting distance

L) and belt pretensioning frequency PNCE 32 40 50 63
Type T0 T1 T1 T2 T1 T2 T1

Gear ratio 1 1,5 1 1,5 1 1,5 1 1,5 1 1,5 1 2 1 2

Distance L [mm]
13,0 13,0 14,5 14,5 21,0 21,0 21,0 21,0 31,5 31,5 31,0 31,0 38,0 38,0
(± 0,2 mm)
Belt pretensioning
MOTOR frequency [Hz] 320 320 215 225 235 250 185 190 215 225 155 155 215 190
(± 5 Hz)

PNCE 80 100 Distance L is equal for
both PNCE and the motor
Type T1 T2 T1
PNCE belt pulley.
Gear ratio 1 2 1 2 1 2
Distance L [mm]
(± 0,2 mm)
38,0 38,0 59,0 59,0 59,0 59,0 For the tightening torques
Figure 3: Clearance (pulley mounting distance L).
Belt pretensioning
for the screws please refer
frequency [Hz] 215 190 95 105 135 150 to Table 1 and 2.
(± 5 Hz)

Table 3: Clearance (pulley mounting distance L) and belt

pretensioning frequency

STEP 3, 4 and 5
STEP 3: In the case of IP65CR
8 protection, the O ring seal of the
26 motor 23 must be fitted on
motor 7. In some cases the O
In some cases 6 23 ring seal 23 is replaced by the
the seals are replaced by
24 sealing gel 26. To use the sealing
the sealing gel
gel properly, please refer to the
section SEALING GEL - Sealing
the connection between motor
Motor belt pulley
with keyway 9 and tensioning plate.
14 Mount the motor 7 onto the
13 tensioning plate 6 and tighten the
screws of the motor 8.

12 Danger!
Risk of coming into contact with
11 10 power conducting parts! Cut off
Motor belt pulley the power supply!
with a clamping set
Figure 4: Step 3, 4 and 5.

STEP 4: Mount the tensioning plate together with the motor (and with the seal of the tensioning plate 24 in the case of the IP65CR
protection - for the case of MSD PNCE 80 T2 and 100 T1 the tensioning plate seal 24 is replaced by the sealing gel 26. To use the sealing gel
properly, please refer to the section SEALING GEL - Sealing the connection between tensioning plate and housing of the MSD) onto the
housing of the motor side drive 1 and lightly tighten the screws of the tensioning plate 9. Make sure that the movement of the tensioning
plate 6 is unrestricted.

STEP 5: When the tensioning plate is mounted onto the housing, mount the motor belt pulley 10 with the self locking device 11 onto the
motor journal in the case of the motor belt pulley with a clamping set or mount the motor belt pulley 13 with the keyway 12 onto the
motor journal in the case of the motor belt pulley with a keyway.
Adjust the clearance (pulley mounting distance L) as is shown in Table 3.
Tension the self locking device 11 (for tightening torques please refer to Table 2) in the case of the motor belt pulley with the clamping set
or tighten the set screw of the keyway 14 in the case of the motor belt pulley with a keyway.

3 In order to improve the products the specifications are subject to change without notice.

STEP 6, 7 and 8
Frequency measuring STEP 6: Place the housing of the motor side drive (together with the
device (not included)
3 PNCE and the motor) in a horizontal direction.

STEP 7: Belt pretensioning procedure

15 9
The belt pretensioning frequency must not be exceeded!

16 6 It should be noted that the excessive pretensioning of the

belt may result in breaking of the PNCE drive journal or the motor
18 Pretension the belt with the belt pretensioning frequency. The belt
pretensioning frequency must be adjusted using the suitable
frequency measuring device and sufficiently applied pretensioning
load on the tensioning plate 6 (see Table 3 and Figure 6).

To generate the pretensioning load on the tensioning plate 6, the

Danger! belt pretensioning unit can be used. In this case, mount the clamping
Risk of coming into contact with plate 15 onto the edge of the housing of the motor side drive 1. Screw
power conducting parts! Cut off
the power supply! the pretensioning screw 18 with a plain washer 19 and spring 17
through the pretensioning limiter 16 and the clamping plate 15 into
the tensioning plate 6. To generate the pretensioning load adjust the
pretensioning screw 18 carefully, see Figure 7.
Figure 5: Step 6, 7 and 8.
STEP 8: After the belt pretensioning procedure tighten the screws of
the tensioning plate 9. Check the belt frequency at 0°, 90°, 180° and
270° angles of rotation of the PNCE belt pulley 3 at both sides of the
MSD housing (Figure 6). If the maximum measured belt frequency
exceeds the specified one (see Table 3), the belt pretension must be
adjusted (repeat STEP 7).

For the tightening torques for the screws please refer to

Table 1.

Figure 6: Belt pretensioning procedure.

Figure 7: Mounting of the belt pretensioning unit.

In order to improve the products the specifications are subject to change without notice. 4

STEP 9 and 10
In some cases STEP 9: If the belt pretensioning unit was used, loosen the
the seal is replaced by
the sealing gel pretensioning screw 18 and remove the belt pretensioning unit.
Slightly oil both flanges of the PNCE belt pulley 3 on the side
26 where the belt is running on the pulley. Do not use the lubricant
which cointains any solid parts!

25 STEP 10: In the case of IP65CR protection, the seal of the MSD cap
25 must be fitted on the housing of the motor side drive 1 - for
20 the case of MSD PNCE 80 T2 and 100 T1 the MSD cap seal 25 is
replaced by the sealing gel 26. To use the sealing gel properly,
please refer to the section SEALING GEL - Sealing the connection
between housing and MSD cap.
21 Mount the MSD cap 20 on the housing of the motor side drive 1.
Tighten the screws of the MSD cap 21.

1 Before the initial start-up,

check if everything is OK:
Risk of coming into contact with power
conducting parts! Cut off the power supply! - electrical wiring
- mounted elements
Figure 8: Step 9 and 10.
- tightened screws
- correct tensioning of the belt.

STEP 11: To dismount the motor side drive - MSD, take
Take care when loosening the screws of the tensioning
precautions, such as turning off the power supply and prevent the
plate when the toothed belt is tensioned.
piston rod from dropping, if it is in a vertical position.
To dismount the MSD properly, look at the mounting procedure.


Sealing the connection between motor and tensioning plate:

hole - Apply the sealing gel 26 to the cleaned flange of the motor 7 as
it is presented on the Figure 9 (the gel must be applied continu-
ously in a closed loop around the motor mounting pilot on surface
mounting pilot that comes into the direct contact with tensioning plate 6 (make
sure that the screw hole are outside the sealing gel); it should be
Sealing gel noted that surface shape may vary depending on the motor man-
ufacturer, model and size).
Figure 9: Sealing gel applied on the motor flange. - Apply the sealing gel 26 to the thread on the screws of the
motor 8.
- Clean the tensioning plate 6 and follow with STEP 3 in the sec-
tion STEP 3, 4 and 5. Note: once the contact between the flange
of the motor and the tensioning plate is ensured, the sealing gel is
activated after 30 min.

5 In order to improve the products the specifications are subject to change without notice.

Sealing the connection between tensioning plate and housing

of the MSD:

- Apply the sealing gel 26 to the cleaned tensioning plate 6 as it

is presented on the Figure 10 (the gel must be applied continuous-
ly in a closed loop so the screw holes are inside the applied gel; it
should be noted that surface shape may vary depending on the
motor side drive size and type).
Sealing gel
- Apply the sealing gel 26 to the thread on the screws of the
tensioning plate 9.
Figure 10: Sealing gel applied on the tensioning plate 6.
- Clean the motor side drive housing 1 and follow with STEP 4 in
the section STEP 3, 4 and 5.

Sealing the connection between housing and MSD cap:

- Apply the sealing gel 26 to the cleaned housing of the motor

side drive 1 as it is presented on the Figure 11 (the gel must be ap-
plied continuously in a closed loop on surface that comes into the
direct contact with the MSD cap 20. Sealing gel must be applied
also around the holes of the MSD cap screws; it should be noted
that surface shape may vary depending on the motor side drive
size and type).
- Clean the MSD cap 20 and follow with STEP 10 in the section
STEP 9 and 10. Note: once the contact between the housing and
MSD cap is ensured, the sealing gel is activated after 30 min.

Sealing gel

Figure 11: Sealing gel applied on the MSD housing 1.

In order to improve the products the specifications are subject to change without notice. 6

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