As pump unit in central lubrication systems
Technical data:
Delivery pressure: 350 bar
Number of pump elements: max. 3
Delivery volume per stroke and element *
with pump element 11: 0,11 cm³
Temperature range: -20 ... +60 °C *
Mounting position: vertically *
Weight (without reservoir): 5 kg
Casing: Aluminium
Pump element: Steel
Reservoir: see page 4
Gaskets: NBR
Medium contacting parts: FPM
Medium: Oil and grease
up to NLGI class 2 *
Mains voltage: 24 VDC *
Power consumption: max. 72 W
Speed (load-dependent): approx. 30 min-1
Protection class
(without reservoir): DIN EN 60529
* others on request
Illustration shows examples
Pump unit GMO-A EUGEN WOERNER GmbH & Co. KG Data sheet P0904.07.23 EN
Hafenstraße 2 DE-97877 Wertheim Replaces P0904.05.23 EN
( +49 9342 803-0 Page 1 of 15
Order designation:
GMO-A 01 00 30 KK A 11 11 11 0 0 D11 0 0
Pump Connection
Filling element possibility Electric Drive Operating
Reservoir Level monitoring at pos. 7)
connection at pos. control monitoring temperature
1 2 3 1 3
see page 4 see page 5 + 6 see page 7 see page 7 see page 7 + 8 see page 9 - 11 see page 12 see page 12
- Subject to modificationsn -
10 Ultrasonic D11
30 l AK / DK
30 KFA-A
KK for VPB-B Monitoring
D or VPB-G and heating
stainless up to 150 bar with H
steel Ultrasonic
G... D12
A / D
only oil
7l G
7V K 6)
for pressure with
without limitation D13 without
25 l without
0 pump element 0
25V 0 up to 350 bar
B... without
Min. 0 0
1 without
Adapter 0
Min. + pre-warning
KX without
without 0
1) 4) 6)
With level monitoring "F", lubricant cannot In combination with control only one di- Evaluation level monitoring only minimum
be stirred. rectional control valve is possible. (exception "AK" / "A").
2) 5) 7)
Only with polyester reservoir. Evaluation level monitoring only prewarn- Only possible with control.
3) 8)
Pressure ranges see page 8. ing and minimum (exception "AK" / "A"). Also available in stainless steel on request.
see data sheet P0520
Order example:
Pump unit GMO-A with reservoir polyamide 4 l, with level monitoring "C", with filling connection "G", pump element 11 at position 1, with
connection possibility for VPB-SSV and directional control valve 250 bar at position 1, with electric control "D11", with drive monitoring "A",
without operating temperature monitoring.
Order designation: GMO-A01 / 00 / 4P / C / G / 11 / 0 / 0 / S250 / 0 / D11 / A / 0
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Functional description:
The pump unit GMO-A is driven by a gear
motor 5 flanged to the pump casing 4
from downside. When the eccentric shaft
3 rotates, the delivery piston 2.1 of every
pump element performs a suction and de-
livery stroke per rotation each, whilst deliv-
ering lubricant from the reservoir 1 to the
1 lubrication points.
Dimensions of the reservoirs and the various attachments are listed on the following pages.
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Reservoir versions:
4P Reservoirs "2" and "4P" 2 4P
Reservoir polyamide Reservoir: Polyamide translucent
"2" and "4P": Cover: Polypropylene
Weight without monitoring
"2": 0,3 kg
Reservoir capacity: 2l
"4P": 0,4 kg
Reservoir capacity: 4l
Filling level visually visible!
- Subject to modificationsn -
for reservoir 5 and 10: 0,8 kg
for reservoir 30: 2,7 kg
Filling level visually visible!
A A1 A2 H
mm mm mm mm
2 282 317 334 129
4P 329 364 381 176
5 377 434 435 224
10 557 614 615 404
Dimension A = Reservoir without KFA or Ultrasonic 30 637 694 695 482
Dimension A1 = Reservoir with monitoring KFA-A
4V 325 385 368 171
Dimension A2 = Reservoir with monitoring Ultrasonic
Dimension H = Reservoir height 7V 423 483 466 270
25V 540 600 583 386
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Level monitoring:
Simple minimum controls:
Distance measurement of the level by re- Level control "D" / "DK": D DK Level control "A" / "AK": A AK
flection of the medium surface. Ultrasonic sensor digital Ultrasonic sensor analog
with two switching points for oil and grease
When checking the level of grease, the for oil and grease
use of a follower piston is strongly rec- For version with control, 3 switching points
ommended. are freely selectable.
Connection BN/1
Connection BN/1
diagram: BU/3 diagram: BU/3
- -
BK/4 BK/4
4-20 mA
Illustration shows examples WH/2 WH/2
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Level monitoring KK K
Level control KFA-A with level switch KFA:
without follow-up piston K
The level monitoring system with level
switch KFA offers up to three switching
points depending on the reservoir.
When using with grease, a follower piston
must be used.
Float atop
(full reservoir)
Electrical data:
- Subject to modificationsn -
Follow-up piston
(full reservoir)
Follow-up piston at
approx. 25% residual
useful volume
Follow-up piston
on bottom
(empty reservoir)
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Filling connector:
Filling connector "A" A
Filling connector "C" C Technical data:
Cone lubricator nipple DIN 71412 - AG1/4 Flat lubricator nipple DIN 3404 - M22 Material
Filling connector "A": Steel
A C Filling connector "C": Steel / Cu
Filling connector "D": Steel / Cu
Filling connector "G": CuZn / Cu
not suitable for oil
- Subject to modifications -
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( +49 9342 803-0
Connection option Pressure limitation:
for progressive distributor:
Directional V...
control valve "V":
- Subject to modificationsn -
The following progressive distributors can
be flanged on:
Pump unit GMO-A EUGEN WOERNER GmbH & Co. KG Data sheet P0904 EN
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( +49 9342 803-0
Electrical control:
Version with control: D11 D12 D13 D22
Technical data:
The control is used for monitoring and ac- Various commands (e. g. enable, acknowl- Power consumption standby: 0,5 W
tuating the pump unit. It is able to switch edge fault, input block ...) and status mes- Power consumption typical: * 30,0 W
the pump on and off both depending on time sages (alarm, warning, detailed error mes- Power consumption: max. 67,5 / 96 W
and load. In addition, the control can mon- sage ...) are exchanged via continuous (D22 control)
itor the filling level, the drive motor, the signals or pulse trains. Nominal voltage: 24 VDC
function of the progressive distributors and Supply voltage: 11 ... 27 VDC
the medium temperature. Furthermore, the Input voltage: 11 ... 27 VDC
control is able to switch the optionally in- Output
stalled heating on and off. As an interface to alarm / lubrication: max. 200 mA
a higher-level system, the control has one Further information, notes and application 24 VDC / 5 W
input (wiring is mandatory) and 2 outputs. examples are listed in the operating instruc-
tions. The outputs are short-circuit proof.
see B0904
* Power consumption depends on temper-
ature and medium.
Possibility of monitoring 1 progressive dis- Possibility of monitoring 2 progressive dis- Possibility of monitoring 3 progressive dis-
tributor: tributors: tributors:
Distributor 1 = Master Distributor 1 = Master Distributor 1 = Master
(Stop conveying in pulse mode) (Stop conveying in pulse mode) (Stop conveying in pulse mode)
- Subject to modifications -
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Connection diagram for version with control:
GMO-A Distributor 1-3
8 24 VDC 1
Customer 4 I
BN 1 24 VDC
+24 VDC 0 VDC 3 NO
WH 2 24 VDC (Input)
3 24 VDC 4
4 0 VDC 3
BK 24 VDC (Output 1)
5 8.2 Directional
GY 24 VDC (Output 2)
Heating relief valve
8.3 L1
Motor Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
- Subject to modificationsn -
3 pulses 1 Hz Locking or unlocking the key functions
Pulse (must be activated in the settings)
Output 1: Output 2:
Alarm signal at Pin 4 Output at Pin 5 (no alarm → Pin 4 = 1 or pulse 1 Hz)
Signal Description Signal Description
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Version without control: 0
Output level monitoring:
Level and motor monitoring Motor Level
only active when the motor monitoring monitoring
is running. (optional)
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Additional functions:
Operating temperature: T H Drive monitoring: A
When selecting "T" or "H" When the eccentric shaft rotates, an opener
(only in combination with control): signal is output per full revolution.
In combination with the control, actuation
The temperature monitoring or heating is via eccentric rotations and thus precise and
integrated in the pump housing. If "T" is time-independent dosing of the pump ele-
selected, the operation of the pump is ments is possible.
monitored in an adjustable temperature In addition, the duration of one revolution is
range and the temperature is displayed. monitored.
If "H" is selected, the functions of "T" are
supplemented by a heating element which Switching current: max. 200 mA
heats the medium in the suction area of Switching function: NC contact
the pump.
- Subject to modificationsn -
0 bar 112.734-65K
50 bar 112.738-68K
70 bar 112.738-64
100 bar 112.736-69K
150 bar 112.736-64
200 bar 112.737-68K
250 bar 112.737-64
300 bar 112.735-64
350 bar 112.735-69K
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Pressure relief
Pressure relief valve at the pump element:
For operating pressure delimitation, pressure relief valves 10 can be connected to the pump
Pressure relief valve 10 Screwing kit 10.1
10.1 for pipe ø8 for pipe outlet
with opening pressure: Order no. (compatible for pressure
relief valve 10) Order no.
70 bar 112.470-65
150 bar 112.472-65 ø6 112.750-65
250 bar 112.473-65 ø8 112.751-65
300 bar 112.469-67 ø10 112.752-65
350 bar 112.469-65
Customised setting:
11.1 11.3
11.1 11.3 11.1 11.3 11.7
11.5 11.4
11.4 11.2
Screwing material Order no. The outlets of the pump unit can be com-
bined in a simple manner using the listed
11.1 Screw-in socket pipe and fitting sets. When ordering, it is
LR-10R 951.900-03 necessary to specify which jobs will be
11.2 T-fitting combined and where exactly the feeder(s)
L-T 10 950.400-13 will be placed. In addition to external outlets
11.3 Angle screw connection (see first figure "without attachment" 11.2),
L-W 10 950.300-13 internal outlets to the various attachment
11.4 Cross screw connection blocks are also possible (see second figure
L-K 10 950.500-13 "with attachment" 11.3). If two pump ele-
11.5 Pipe, pump element ments are to be combined, they must be
to pump element 112.720-45 mounted at adjacent positions (position 1
11.6 Pipe, attachment and 2 or position 2 and 3).
to pump element 112.720-46 The piping listed here builds up both later-
11.7 Angle screw connection ally and to the front by approx. 54 mm to the
EVW 10 952.512-10 front.
11.8 Screw connection kit
Filling connection 112.720-61
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Accessories for filling connectors: Mounting accessories:
for filling connector "G": G for filling connector "C": C Mounting bracket for floor mounting with
mounting material for pump.
Locking coupling Sliding coupling
(pmax = 35 bar) Connection thread G 1/8
Connection thread G 1/4i
- Subject to modificationsn -
Connecting cable Connection cable Power pack
for power supply: for electrical function monitoring for version with control
progressive distributor to the control: (optional):
Operating voltage: 10 ... 30 VDC Operating voltage: max. 30 VDC Order no.
Cable diameter: 5x0,34 mm2 Cable diameter: 4x0,34 mm² Power pack
Protection class: DIN EN 60529 IP67 Protection class: DIN EN 60529 IP67 100-240 VAC / 50-60 Hz: 470.218-74
Connection type: Female Connection type: Male/Female
M12x1, 5-pin, 0° both-sided M12x1, 4-pin
see data sheet P0537
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Important information about this data sheet
Reproduction, also in extracts, only permitted with the approval of the firm of EUGEN
All the information in this data sheet has been examined for correctness with great care.
Nevertheless, WOERNER cannot assume any liability for losses or damage resulting
directly or indirectly from the application of the information contained in this data sheet.
All products from WOERNER may only be used as intended and corresponding to the
information in this data sheet.
For products supplied with operating instructions, the additional directives and informa-
tion contained in them are to be complied with.
Materials deviating from those mentioned in this data sheet and the technical documents
which further apply may only be poured into and processed in the appliances and systems
manufactured and supplied by WOERNER by following agreement with and written
approval by WOERNER.
The safety and danger information stated in the safety data sheets of the substances
used must be taken into account at all costs.
Transportation of gases, liquefied gases, gases under pressure, vapours and liquids, the
vapour pressure of which is more than 0,5 bar above normal atmospheric pressure
(1013 mbar) at the maximum admissible temperature, of easy inflammable or explosive
media as well as transportation of foodstuffs is forbidden.
- Subject to modifications -
In its controls and switching devices, WOERNER only uses materials which fulfil the
criteria of EU Directive 2011/65/EU. To the extent that hexavalent chromium has been
used as corrosion protection in the parts which we produce ourselves, it has already been
replaced by other environmentally tolerable protective measures.
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