Legal Language Syllabus

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UNIT 1- Introduction to law
Meaning of law-sources of law- legislation-precedent- custom- contract
Definition and classification of law- punishment
Rights –legal right-duty-wrong-elements of right-classification of rights
Liabilities- civil, criminal, contractual- strict liability
Classification of statutes
Rules of interpretation of statutes
Hierarchy of courts-Public Interest Litigation
UNIT 2- legal terms
1. Civil procedure-notice-course of suit-examination in chief-cross examination- re
examination- other legal terms
2. Criminal procedure-course of a criminal case-cognizable legal terms
3. Evidence-legal terms
4. Crimes-legal terms
5. Torts-legal terms
6. Contracts-essential elements-legal terms
7. Transfer of property-legal terms
8. Company law- -legal terms
9. Legislation and interpretation-legislative drafting-structure of a statute- legal terms
10. Constitution and administration-salient features of the Constitution of India.-legal terms
11. International law-legal terms
12. Human rights-protection of human rights-functions of the human rights commission-
13. Alternative Dispute Resolution-arbitration- conciliation
14. Hindu law- sources-application of Hindu law- legal terms
15. Mahomedan law- sources-application of mahomedan law-legal terms

UNIT 3-Legal Maxim

1. Action personalis moritur cum persona
2. Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea
3. Audi alteram partem
4. Nemo debet esse judix in propria causa
5. Nemo judex in causa sua
6. Deminimis non curat lex
7. Quid pro quo
8. Ex nudo pacto non oritur actio
9. Ex turpi causa non oritur actio
10. In turpi causa non oritur action
11. Falsus in Uno Falsus In Omnibus
12. Fiat Justicia Ruat Coelum
13. Generalia Specialibus Non Derogant
14. Ignorantia juris Non Excusat
15. Lex injustitia non est lex
16. Nemo dat quod Non-habet
17. Nemo debet bis vexari pro una et eadem causa
18. Doctrine of double jeopardy
19. Autrefois convict and autrefois acquit
20. Res Judicata
21. Doctrine of Issue Estoppel
22. Doctrine of vicarious liability
23. Qui facit per facit per se
24. Respondeat superior
25. Res ipsa loquitur
26. Volunti non fit injuria
27. Ubi jus ibi remedium
28. Caveat emptor and caveat venditor
29. Injuria sine damno
30. Damnum sine injuria
31. Lis pendens
32. Spes successionis
33. Delegatus non potest delegare
34. Stare decisis
35. Ratio decidendi
36. Obitur dictum
37. Ut res magis valeat quam pereat
38. Expression unis est exclusion alterius
39. Salus poluli est suprema lex
40. Injure non remota causa sed proxima spectator
41. Causa proxima non remota spectate
42. Novus actus interveniens
43. Necessitas non habet legem
44. Rebus sic standibus
45. Doctrine of ultra vires

UNIT 4- legal research

1. Legal research-classification of legal research
2. Letter writing
3. A brief idea on pleading, drafting

UNIT 5 - reading skills

1. Case laws
2. Law library
3. Citation
4. abbreviations

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