Legal Language Syllabus
Legal Language Syllabus
Legal Language Syllabus
UNIT 1- Introduction to law
Meaning of law-sources of law- legislation-precedent- custom- contract
Definition and classification of law- punishment
Rights –legal right-duty-wrong-elements of right-classification of rights
Liabilities- civil, criminal, contractual- strict liability
Classification of statutes
Rules of interpretation of statutes
Hierarchy of courts-Public Interest Litigation
UNIT 2- legal terms
1. Civil procedure-notice-course of suit-examination in chief-cross examination- re
examination- other legal terms
2. Criminal procedure-course of a criminal case-cognizable legal terms
3. Evidence-legal terms
4. Crimes-legal terms
5. Torts-legal terms
6. Contracts-essential elements-legal terms
7. Transfer of property-legal terms
8. Company law- -legal terms
9. Legislation and interpretation-legislative drafting-structure of a statute- legal terms
10. Constitution and administration-salient features of the Constitution of India.-legal terms
11. International law-legal terms
12. Human rights-protection of human rights-functions of the human rights commission-
13. Alternative Dispute Resolution-arbitration- conciliation
14. Hindu law- sources-application of Hindu law- legal terms
15. Mahomedan law- sources-application of mahomedan law-legal terms
1. Case laws
2. Law library
3. Citation
4. abbreviations