Critical Appraisal of Literature RCT

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Critical Appraisal of Scientific

Controlled Trial

Genevieve Dable-Tupas, RN, MD, FPPS, MMCE

Associate Professor 2
Director, Research and Publication, DMSFI
Head, DMSFI Research Center, College of Medicine
Chairperson, Department of Pharmacology
Learning Outcomes
•  Understand the main concepts of critical
appraisal and its role in evidence based practice
•  Review some basic terms about RCT
•  Know about resources available to help critically
appraise research
•  Learn how to critically appraise a scientific
literature using a checklist
What is evidence based
Evidence-based practice is the integration of
•  individual clinical expertise
with the
•  best available external clinical evidence
from research
•  patient’s values and expectations
The evidence-based practice (EBP) process

•  Issue or question arising from patient’s care

•  Formulate a focused question
•  Search for the best evidence
•  Appraise the evidence
•  Apply the evidence
EBM in practice 21 Feb 2014

Why does evidence from research fail
to get into practice?
Why does evidence from research fail
to get into practice?

•  75% cannot understand statistics

•  70% cannot critically appraise a research paper

Using research for Practice: a UK experience of the

barriers scale. Dunn, V. et al.
What is critical appraisal?

•  “To weigh up the evidence critically to assess its validity

(closeness to the truth) and usefulness (clinical
applicability) “[Sackett and Haynes, 1995]

•  “Critical appraisal is concerned

with the acquisition of necessary
skills with which to
discern clinical research
papers accurately”
[Ajentunmobi, 2002]
Why critical appraisal?

•  “It usually comes as a surprise to

students to learn that some...published
articles belong in the bin and should
not be used to inform
practice” (Greenhalgh, 2006)

•  Not all papers are equal: some are

good, some are bad, most have
strengths and weaknesses
True or False? Critical appraisal is...
•  An objective assessment of research
process and results •  True
•  Tearing research apart •  False
•  Assessment of a paper based on it’s •  False
•  A balanced evaluation of benefits and •  True
strengths of the research against its
flaws and weaknesses
•  Trying to prove the authors “wrong” •  False
•  A process that can only be •  False
undertaken by experts and
How do I appraise?

•  Step 1: Identify the research method used

–  Quantitative or qualitative?
•  Step 2: Identify the research methodology
and whether it is appropriate
–  Systematic review? Clinical trial?
•  Step 3: Checklists keep you focused
CASP website

Appraising original research
•  Rigour: are the results valid?
–  Is the research question focused?
–  Was the method appropriate?
–  How was it conducted, e.g. randomisation,
blinding, recruitment and follow up?
•  Results: what did the research find?
–  How was data collected and analysed?
–  Are they significant?
•  Relevance: Will the results help my work with

Understanding Terminologies
•  Internal validity relates to the quality of the
study design in terms of the methods of a
study: where bias is reduced as far as possible,
where instruments are reliable and safeguards
have been put in place to ensure

•  External validity is the degree to which the

results of a clinical study can be applied to
clinical practice in a specific setting.
Understanding Terminologies
•  Reliability relates to the trustworthiness of the

•  Applicability relates to whether a particular

treatment or form of care that demonstrated an
overall effect in a study can be expected to
provide the same effect for an individual or
group in a specific clinical or population setting.
Understanding Terminologies
•  Generalisability -the ability to reliably apply the
results of a study to other populations, based
on the characteristics of the subjects, size of the
sample, the setting and trustworthiness of the
•  Chance is the absence of any cause of events
that can be predicted understood or controlled. It
is the unknown and unpredictable element in
happenings that seem to have no assignable
Understanding Terminologies
•  Power is where the sample size used in a study
is partly determined on the need to have
sufficient statistical power (strength) to make
inferences about a population from the sample.
•  Bias is the deviation of a measurement from
the ‘true’ value leading to either an over or
under-estimation of the treatment effect. Bias
may originate from different sources: allocation
of patients, measurement, interpretation,
publication and review of data.
Understanding Terminologies
•  Intention-to-Treat analysis is a method of
analysis for randomised controlled trials in which
all patients randomly assigned to one of the
treatments are analysed together, regardless of
whether or not they completed or received that
treatment, in order to preserve randomisation.
•  RR or Relative Risk is the ratio of the rates of
outcome in the treatment and control groups.
This expresses the risk of the outcome in the
treatment group relative to that in the control
Understanding Terminologies
•  CI or Confidence Interval is the interval
within which the population parameter (the
‘true’ value) is expected to lie with a given
degree of certainty (eg 95%).
•  p-value is the probability that a particular
result would have happened by chance.
Components of a research paper: IMRAD
•  Introduction
–  Why?
•  Methods
–  How?
•  Results and
–  What?
•  Discussion
–  Meaning
Step 1: Identify the research method
Quantitative Qualitative
Uses numbers to Uses words to describe
describe and analyse and analyse
Useful for finding precise Useful for finding detailed
answers to defined information about
questions people’s attitudes /
Objective process Subjective process
Deductive reasoning Inductive reasoning
Statistical sampling Theoretical sampling
Quant or qual?
•  How effective is outpatient —  Quantitative
pulmonary rehabilitation in patients
with COPD?
•  Why might patients with COPD
choose not to receive outpatient
•  Qualitative
pulmonary rehabilitation?
•  What is the optimum model for
transitions to palliative care in —  Quantitative
•  How are transitions to palliative
care perceived by hospital staff? —  Qualitative
Identify the methodology
•  Clinical trial
–  Whether one intervention is better than another
–  Systematic review / meta-analysis measures
overall effect of several clinical trials
•  Cohort study
–  Measures effectiveness of intervention over time
•  Case-controlled study
–  Comparative: what makes some populations
different from others
•  Survey / Case study
–  How things are now (Crombie, 1996)
Not all studies are created equal!
( often depends on the question being asked)

Systematic reviews


controlled trials

Cohort studies

Case-controlled studies

Surveys and case reports

Interventional studies
Systematic reviews, RCTs

•  Pros:
–  Provide compelling evidence
–  Overcome confounding factors

•  Cons:
–  Difficult / time consuming to recruit
–  Expensive
–  Not appropriate for all conditions
Observational studies
Cohort, case-control and case studies /
•  Pros:
–  Easier to recruit
–  Good for addressing questions of harm
•  Cons:
–  Confounding factors
•  Age, existing diseases, body mass index, alcohol/
tobacco intake, high blood pressure, socio-economic
status etc etc...
–  Can provide circumstantial evidence,
not definitive proof of the causes of a 26

Use a Checklist – screening
•  Question 1: Did the study ask a clearly
focused question? (PICO/PEO)
–  Who is the population under study?
–  What is the intervention / exposure?
–  What is the comparator (if any?)
–  What is the outcome(s)?
•  Question 2: Was the study design
–  Is it the most suitable one for addressing the
study question?
•  Question 3: Randomisation
–  Patients should be randomly allocated to
intervention / control groups
–  Is the method described?
–  Are the groups well-balanced?
•  Baseline table or chart
–  If the groups are not balanced, is this
acknowledged and what steps have been taken to
overcome the problem?
•  Question 4: Blinding
–  Preventing those involved in a trial from knowing to which
comparison group, i.e. experimental or control, a particular
participant belongs
•  The risk of bias is minimised
•  Participants, caregivers, outcome assessors and analysts
can all be blinded
–  Single and double blinding are in common use
•  Blinding of certain groups is not always possible
–  e.g. Surgeons in surgical trials
•  Placebo – inactive version of treatment
Follow-up, intention-to-treat
•  Questions 5/6: Were all participants followed up and data
collected in the same way?
•  Were any participants lost to follow-up?
–  Flow diagram
•  Intention-to-treat analyses
–  Analysing people, at the end of the trial, in the groups to which they
were randomised, even if they did not receive the intended
–  Prevents attrition bias: caused by patients withdrawing from a trial
–  Paper should specify if ITT was or was not used
Example of a Flow Diagram
Farion, K J et al (2008) The
effect of vapocoolant spray
on pain due to intravenous
cannulation in children: a
randomized controlled trial
CMAJ vol 179(1) p31-6
Sample size
•  Question 7: Sample size
•  Based on primary outcome measure
•  Power calculation:
–  Used to calculate the sample size necessary to detect a true
difference between outcomes in the control and intervention
–  Allows the researchers to work out how large a sample they will
need to use
–  Power of 80-90% is standard
•  For an example of how to calculate see
Presentation of results
•  Question 8: How the results are presented
•  Results usually expressed in terms of likely harms or
benefits – can be relative or absolute
–  Risk: proportion of people experiencing an outcome
–  Measurement: mean or median difference
–  Survival curves / hazards
•  How large or meaningful is this result?
–  Odds ratios, mean differences, absolute risk reduction (ARR),
relative risk reduction (RRR), number needed to treat (NNT)
A few facts about...risk
•  Risk is the chance of a particular outcome being
observed in an individual
•  Risk can be good or bad
–  Risk of someone dying
–  Risk of someone getting better
•  Risk is a proportion and usually compares risks
in an experimental and control group
Expressing comparisons
of effectiveness: An example
If you are to fund a research, which research will you fund
based on some preliminary studies or pilot study?
This study is about a new Analgesic…

A: Reduces the rate of pain by 62.5%

B: Absolute risk reduction of pain of 50%
C: Decreases patients’ pain rate from 80% to 30%
D: For every 2 patients treated with the new drug, one extra
patient would expect a reduction in pain
Answer: They are all the same!
•  200 patients enrolled in a study
•  A new analgesic was given to 100 people and found
that 30 still had pain within two hours
•  Another 100 people were given placebo tablet
containing no active drug and observed that 80 still
had pain
•  From this we can calculate the Experimental Event
Ratio (EER) and the Control Event Ratio (CER) –
from which we can calculate ARR, RRR and NNT
•  Experimental Event Rate (EER) is the proportion
of patients in the experimental group in whom an
event (pain) is observed
EER = 30/100 = 30% (0.3)
(30% of people who received the drug still experienced pain)
•  Control Event Rate (CER) is the proportion of
patients in the control group in whom an event
(pain) is observed.
CER = 80/100 = 80% (0.8)
(80% of people who received a placebo still experienced pain)
Expressing comparisons
of effectiveness: An example
If you are to fund a research, which research will you fund
based on some preliminary studies or pilot study?
This study is about a new Analgesic…

A: Reduces the rate of pain by 62.5%

B: Absolute risk reduction of pain of 50%
C: Decreases patients’ pain rate from 80% to 30%***
D: For every 2 patients treated with the new drug, one extra
patient would expect a reduction in pain
•  Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) is the difference
between the Control Event Rate (CER) and the
Experimental Event Rate
ARR = CER – EER ARR = 80% – 30% = 50%
(can also be expressed as 0.5)
–  The analgesic will prevent 50% of patients from experiencing pain
that would have otherwise occurred
•  Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) = ARR/CER
RRR = 50/80 (62.5%) (or 0.625)
–  Analgesic reduces risk of pain in 62.5% of the experimental group
compared to the control group
Expressing comparisons
of effectiveness: An example
If you are to fund a research, which research will you fund
based on some preliminary studies or pilot study?
This study is about a new Analgesic…

A: Reduces the rate of pain by 62.5% (RRR)

B: Absolute risk reduction of pain of 50% (ARR)
C: Decreases patients’ pain rate from 80% to 30%
D: For every 2 patients treated with the new drug, one extra
patient would expect a reduction in pain
•  The number of people you would need to treat
to see one additional occurrence of a specific
beneficial outcome
•  Number needed to treat (NNT) is 100/ARR (if
ARR is a %)
—  NNT = 100/50 = 2
—  For every 2 patients treated with the new analgesia, one
patient would be expected to benefit
•  Best NNT=1
Expressing comparisons
of effectiveness: An example
If you are to fund a research, which research will you fund
based on some preliminary studies or pilot study?
This study is about a new Analgesic…

A: Reduces the rate of pain by 62.5%

B: Absolute risk reduction of pain of 50%
C: Decreases patients’ pain rate from 80% to 30%
D: For every 2 patients treated with the new drug, one extra
patient would expect a reduction in pain
•  The same data can be presented in different
ways using very simple calculations
•  How it is presented often depends upon what
the author is trying to convey
•  Relative risk reduction (RRR) will be a bigger
number (more impressive!) than an absolute
risk reduction – use with caution
•  ARR or NNT often give a better idea of how
likely a patient is to derive benefit from a
Two by Two tables


Precision / Significance of results
•  Question 9: How precise are the results?
•  Are the results precise enough to make a
–  Did they take into account odds and the play of
–  Are the results significant?
•  Did they use confidence intervals?
•  Did they use p-values?
•  Odds is the probability of an event occurring
compared to the probability of it not occurring
•  The odds of an event occurring in the
experimental group is:
–  Number of people experiencing the outcome event /
Number of people not experiencing it
•  Odds ratio
–  Odds of people experiencing the outcome event /
Odds of people experiencing the control event
–  Odds ratio of 1= no difference between groups
Essential statistics: p-value
•  Measures probability
•  Represents the probability that the result could
have occurred by chance if the null hypothesis
was true
•  Null hypothesis: that there are no differences
between groups being compared or no
relationship/association between variables in the
relevant populations
•  p-value of 0.05 or less = “statistically
significant” (likelihood of results being due to
chance less than 1 in 20)
Essential statistics: confidence
•  Assesses significance of a given sample
•  The range in which we are 95% (or 99%)
confident that the ‘real’ result of the study lies
when extrapolated to the whole of the population
sampled in the study
•  95% confidence interval (CI) = “clinically
–  Narrow CI (1.07,1.24) = more confident
–  Wide CI (0.15, 59.89) = less confident
CIs and statistical significance
•  When quoted alongside an absolute difference a CI
that includes zero is statistically non-significant
•  When quoted alongside a ratio or relative difference
a CI that includes one is statistically non-significant

•  IF statistically significant:
•  Less than zero (or one) = less of the outcome in the
treatment group.
•  More than zero (or one) = more of the outcome
•  BUT - Is the outcome good or bad?
Does statistical significance
•  Statistical significance is not necessarily equal to clinical
significance and vice-versa
•  Type I error: Seeing effects that are not real (P<0.05)
•  Type 2 error: Seeing no effect when there is one (power >
•  Research papers should not contain too many statistical
comparisons – increases chance of spurious findings
•  Don’t get bogged down with stats – they are only one part
of the paper!
•  Question 10: Transferability
–  Can I apply these results to my own practice?
•  Group under study: are they the same as your
–  Socio-cultural origin, gender, age etc.
–  Location of research: country, setting
•  Does the paper consider the results from the
perspective of different stakeholders?
•  Do the benefits outweigh the harms / costs?
•  Should practice/policy change?
Be aware of potential bias
•  Statistical bias
–  Absence of baseline
–  Lack of randomisation (selection bias)
–  Poor blinding (observer bias)
•  Population bias
–  Study focuses on one particular group
•  Loss to follow-up
•  Has the research received ethical approval via an
ethics committee?
•  Who carried out / funded the research?
–  Any conflicting interests must be declared
•  Is the data anonymised? Were patients given
written consent to treatment?
•  Evidence of attention to ethical issues (Dawes, 2005)
Tips for success
•  Develop the skill by doing it
•  Read a research article
•  Start with easy questions
•  Keep calm and carry on
•  Review, feedback

“Undertaking a critical appraisal is really using

your everyday skills, and applying them in a
more structured and systematic way” - Dawes
Thank you for your attention!

Art by Meg Tupas

Useful websites
•  Bandolier
•  Centre for Evidence-based Medicine
•  Cochrane Library
•  Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP)
•  Users Guide to the Medical Literature (JAMA) See list of
•  Terry Shaneyfelt You tube videos

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