Wood fuels (charcoal and fuel wood) play a significant role in the fuel requirements of many
developing countries especially Nigeria where there is an increasing dependence due to growing
urban population coupled with limited accessibility to the modern alternative fuels. The report of
Food and Agriculture Organization, (2005) indicates that extraction of trees for wood fuels
accounts for sixty one (61) percent of total wood removal globally and that hundreds of millions
In developing countries, wood fuels contribute to 83% of total energy consumption (World
Energy Council, 2004), and in the case of charcoal, Africa consumes over 50% of the world’s
total production of which Nigeria alone consumes about 16%, majority of this charcoal is
In several energy policy documents in Nigeria, it is desirable that households will over time
experience a transition from charcoal to more modern fuel types such as kerosene and gas. This
transition has not occurred as charcoal has become an increasingly dominant fuel for urban
households. Charcoal has remained the most common cooking fuel in Nigeria, and over the year,
charcoal supply/demand imbalance in some parts of the country has adversely affected the
economic well-being of the people. On the national level, increasing charcoal consumption
Charcoal production worldwide is increasing for energy use in households and industry, but it is
often regarded as an unsustainable practice and is linked to agricultural frontiers (Prado 2000).
The production (Coomes and Burt 1999) and use of charcoal in agriculture is common in Brazil
newly proposed opportunity to use charcoal as a soil conditioner that improves soil quality on
very acid and highly weathered soils (Lehmann et al. 2002; Steiner et al. 2004). This can be
realized either by charring the entire aboveground woody biomass in a shifting cultivation
system as an alternative to slash and- burn (coined recently as slash-and-char by (Glaser et al.
2002; Lehmann et al. 2002) or by utilizing crop residues in permanent cropping systems.
Charcoal formation during biomass burning is considered one of the few ways that C is
transferred to refractory long-term pools (Glaser et al. 2001a; Kuhlbusch and Crutzen 1995;
Skjemstad 2001). Producing charcoal for soil amelioration instead of burning biomass would
result in increased refractory soil organic matter, greater soil fertility and a sink of CO2 if re-
growing vegetation (secondary forest) is used. A farmer practicing slash and char could profit
from soil fertility improvement and C credits (if provided by a C trade mechanism to mitigate
tropical forests.
Carbonised materials are formally authorized for use as soil amendment material in Japan, which
is using 27% of its national charcoal production (50,835 t) for purposes other than fuel, more
than 30.6% of which is used in agriculture (Okimori et al. 2003). In the past Japanese farmers
prepared a fertilizer called “haigoe” which consisted of human waste and charcoal powder
exceptionally fertile terra preta soils in the Amazon (Glaser et al. 2001b).
In the SADC region, households consume about 97% of wood energy mostly for cooking,
heating and cottage industries while industrial sector is the second to household sector (SADC
Fuel wood accounts for 92% of the primary energy consumed in Tanzania while petroleum and
electricity account only for 7% and 1 % respectively (Ishengoma and Ngaga, 2001). Most of the
industrial wood energy is consumed by small-scale industries which include food processing
industries and service sectors such as brewing, fish smoking, salt production, baking, restaurants,
schools, hospitals and food vending; agro-processing industries such as tobacco curing, tea
drying and beeswax processing; and production of building materials such as burnt bricks, lime,
smiths, foundries, pottery and ceramics. These industries and domestic activities which rely upon
wood energy provide employment and income for rural people particularly during off-season in
Yet still, the majority of wood fuel consumers cannot afford the high investment costs associated
Availability, reliability of supply and cheaper prices renders wood fuels more preferable than
Furthermore due to the anticipated steady increase in population, it is expected that actual
consumption of firewood and charcoal will continue to rise to a greater extent. This will put
stress on natural forests from where the charcoal is obtained, possibly resulting in deforestation
Currently, little is known on the dynamics of charcoal production in terms of ecological and
socio-economic impacts. It is against this background that some recent researches were done.
The widespread and increasing popularity of charcoal among Nigerian urban households is as
result of rapid urbanization, high population growth, inadequate supply of the modern alternative
fuels at prices which consumers can easily afford, fall in the real income of urban dwellers due to
declining economic condition and availability of charcoal at relatively cheaper prices. The
situation now in Nigeria is that thousands of bags of charcoal enter most of our urban centres on
daily basis every year and these add up to quite a large tonnage of charcoal per year for which
In Nigeria the four main cooking fuels used in urban centres are charcoal, fuel wood, kerosene
and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), however, there is a situation of erratic supply of modern
fuels (kerosene and gas) and availability of charcoal at relatively cheaper prices, many urban
households therefore see the use of charcoal as an alternative way out of this problem of
inadequate supply of the modern alternative fuels, hence there is massive shifting to the use of
charcoal among urban households, a situation which in turn leads to increase in demand for
charcoal among urban households. This increase in demand however has devastating impacts
Adverse impact that are already apparent but which would increase if the trend continues are:
soil erosion, less biomass available for all other uses, traditional economic forest products such
as fruits, nuts, medicinal trees becoming scarce, and more land being opened for cultivation but
the situation, this study examined the proportion of cooking fuel expenditure in total household
expenditure and estimates the respective proportion of expenditure of the main cooking fuel
The general objective of this study is to analyse the economic analysis of charcoal production in
(a) Describe the socio-economic characteristic of charcoal producers in the study area.
(b) Identify the marketing channels for charcoal production in the area
(c) Determine the cost and returns on charcoal production marketing in the area
Despite the economic benefits of charcoal production, much concern has been expressed towards
the consequences that follow its production. Allen and Barnes (1985) said about 7.5 million
hectares of closed forest and 3.8 million hectares of African forests are cleared yearly for a
variety of purposes ranging from timber production, construction purposes, agriculture as well as
charcoal production. It is therefore predicted that if the present trend continues the tropical
rainforest could completely disappear by the year 2020 due to deforestation induced by fuel
wood, charcoal production and conversion of forest to other uses. Taking into consideration the
poverty level of the developing nations, occasioned by unemployment and low per capita
Hence, many rural dwellers in tropical Africa have taken to charcoal production at an alarming
proportion as their means of economic survival. Akinbami (2003) even revealed that more than
60% of Nigerian population relied on fuelwood and charcoal as the main energy sources for
cooking as a result of extreme high poverty rate in the country. As charcoal production
continues, much debate has been generated as whether the economic benefits of charcoal
production worth the environmental consequences that trail its production, which include
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to burning of trees for charcoal and its consequential
effects on global energy balance and climate change. Focusing on the economics of charcoal
production would be of immense importance to managing both the trees and soil in the study
To facilitate the understanding of the literature provided in this chapter, the study defined certain
Charcoal "is the general term for a range of carbonized materials, with varying combustion and
dark properties” (Amanor et al, 2002). It is usually produced by raising the temperature of wood
beyond the point at which many of its organic components become chemically unstable and
begin to break down. The details of this process, called pyrolysis, are still incompletely
understood. Most of the newly formed materials are vaporized. The material left behind is a
black, porous charcoal that retains the original form of the wood but has just one fifth the weight,
one half the volumes, and about one third of the original energy content (Amanor et al, 2002). To
prevent most of the wood from igniting during production (pyrolysis), charcoal must be made in
In most of the developing world, charcoal makers use traditional means or build temporary
earthen kilns for each batch (FAO, 2000). The wood is stacked compactly in a pit or on the
ground. The stack is covered with straw or other vegetation, and then buried under a layer of soil.
It is ignited with burning embers introduced at one or more points at the bottom of the stack. The
task of the charcoal maker throughout the ensuing "burn" is to open and close a succession of
vent holes in the soil layer to draw the fire evenly around the wood stack, heating the wood while
that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future
generation to meet their needs (Todaro and Smith, 2009). The role of sustainable forest
management in development was echoed by the United Nation’s General Assembly Agenda 21
in 1997.
The UN General Assembly looked at the term based on some key principles such as:
Principle 1
Human beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development. They are entitled to a
Principle 2
States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of
international law, the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their own
environmental and developmental policies. They have a responsibility to ensure that activities
within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of
Principle 3
These principles reinforce the importance of forest resources to nations’ social and economic
development hence the need to sustainably use those resources for the benefit of the present
generation without depriving future generation the opportunity to also take advantage of the
benefits of forest resources. That is, the harvesting of fuelwood for present consumption should
not compromise the ability of future generation in getting access to forest resources for
Ayodele et al (2009) maintains that sustainable exploitation of wood fuels involves the
production of charcoal without endangering the natural environment. They stressed that
sustainable management of forest is the maintenance of forest area and its species composition
Sustainable fuel wood production and its efficient utilization can be achieved through adoption
of improved energy technologies, with sustained efforts to eliminate waste of limited wood
Usually charcoal is produced in earth mound kilns made by covering a pile of logs with earth
blocks, igniting the kiln and allowing carbonization under limited air supply. Source of labour
Charcoal making process that is usually done in public lands involves wood cutting, kiln
preparation, carbonisation and finally unloading charcoal from the kiln. While 13, 10 and 14
days are spent for wood cutting, kiln preparation and carbonization, respectively, unloading the
It was observed that there are special months for charcoal production. These are off-season
months for agriculture and cover the period of June through November. Charcoal production is
usually done to supplement farm income which is the major economic activity. On the average,
each household produces about 35 bags a year, mostly for sale. No charcoal is produced
intentionally for home use except that which is left after sale and usually it is very minimal.
Environmentalists feel that charcoal production should be stopped because of its destructive
nature as presently practiced (Achard et al., 2002). However, Arnold and Persson (2003) asserted
that both rural and urban dwellers in some developing countries have developed a strong appetite
for charcoal use. Therefore attempts to ban the production or the use of charcoal will be mostly
unsuccessful mainly due to the interplay of socio-economic interests. Since operators can use
free raw materials (wood from natural forests or farm clearing) and turn them into a marketable
commodity in high demand, there is the need to have much respect for the sustainability of the
The Food and Agriculture Organisation (2000) points out that, charcoal is a very important
energy source for households. Its saturation ranges from 54 to 71 percent in urban areas and it is
the main fuel for more than 1 million families in Sub Saharan Africa. It was also noted as a
valuable ommercial fuel, with an annual turnover of some US$60 million at current market
prices. The FAO assumed that if 80 percent of this amount corresponds to labour payments at
US$1.50 per day, its production and marketing create some 144,000 permanent jobs earning
twice the average minimum wage (US$0.75 per day) of most sub-Saharan African countries as
Fuelwood use is dominant in rural households. More than 2.2 million families depend on it for
cooking and heating, and at least 280,000 of them use it for small-scale processing activities,
such as fish smoking, gari making, pito brewing, akpeteshi distillation, pottery making, oil
extraction (from palm fruits, coconut, groundnut, shea butter), thus making a significant
contribution to food preservation, food security and cash earnings for rural and urban people
(FAO, 2000). In addition, there are some 600, 000 small-scale enterprises in commercial
activities, such as chop bars, street food and grills, which depend on fuel wood or charcoal as
their main source of energy. Today wood energy still contributes directly to poverty reduction
(Broadhead et al, 2001) especially in developing countries. In Ghana, it has been estimated that,
wood fuel mainly in the form of charcoal and fuel wood make up 60 percent or more of the total
natural energy consumption (Energy Commission, 2010). More than 2 billion people used fuel
wood or charcoal as energy to cook and preserve food (Broadhead et al, 2001). Wood energy
A fuel wood shortage has in some cases reduced households to one cooked meal per day in
South Africa (Broadhead et al, 2001). It was also reported that, as much as 575,000 persons are
directly engaged at various levels by wood fuel production, full-time or part-time (paid or
On a global scale, Broadhead et al (2001) reported that out of 2 billion people who depended on
wood for fuel mostly in developing countries, only 96 million were able to satisfy their minimum
energy needs for cooking and heating through importations and exportations of charcoal.
In 2001 the FAO began a significant effort to reassess their projections of fuel wood
particularly in Africa (Broadhead et al, 2001). According to the FAO (2000), as cited by
Broadhead et al. 2001, the quantities of charcoal needed by 2020 and 2030 in Africa alone is
estimated at 38.4 and 46.1 million tons respectively (See Table 2.2). This shows that charcoal
will continue to be a key source of household’s domestic and commercial cooking energy form
for most rural families in the developing world. The overall quantities involved, and the numbers
The International Energy Agency (IEA) in 2001 also estimated that in 2030, biomass energy will
still account for an estimated three quarters of total residential energy in Africa. Additionally,
due to population growth, the number of people using fuel wood and other biomass fuel demand
will rise by more than 40 percent during 2000–2030 to about 700 million. In Asia, despite
declining consumption, there will still be an estimated1.7 billion users in 2030, while 70 million
Additional, Barnes et al, 2002 estimates that charcoal consumption is often growing faster than
firewood consumption. Charcoal is becoming a much larger part of the fuelwood total in Africa
and South America and, growing close to the rate of population growth. Significant variations
between countries exist, but the general trend of decreasing per capita consumption of both
fuelwood and charcoal with increasing income remains (Broadhead et al. 2001).
There is a kind of ladder of energy sources in the urban areas: from firewood at the bottom,
through charcoal, kerosene and LPG, to electricity at the top (Kammen and Lew, 2005). People
generally climb this ladder as their income increases. Therefore charcoal, which is infrequently
used in the rural areas because of availability of free wood, is quite popular in urban areas
because of higher income and other factors such as its lightness and non-smoking nature (FAO,
2000). As income rises, initially more fuelwood is consumed, but beyond a certain level its use
decreases due to its substitution by other fuels (Kammen and Lew, 2005). According to Filmer
and Pritchett (2001), price influences the amount of fuel that is consumed, but only minimally
urban cooking energy (Kammen and Lew, 2005) with many transitioning from firewood to
charcoal as the cost of wood increases in urban areas (Barnes et al., 2002). The Charcoal
potential in Southern Africa (CHAPOSA) study estimated that consumption of charcoal grew
during 1990–2000 by 80 percent in both Lusaka and Dar es Salaam. The proportion of
households in Dar es Salaam using charcoal as their primary fuel increased from 50 to 70percent
As indicated in Table 2.3, the growth of some countries requires more charcoal for domestic and
commercial use. It is estimated that for every 1 percent increase in urbanization, there is a 14
percent correspondent increase in charcoal consumption (UNFPA, 2009). The high rates of
urbanization prevalent in the region suggest that by 2050, more than 50 percent of Africans will
reside in cities (UNFPA, 2009). High and ever-increasing demand for charcoal, coupled with
improper forest management, and poor regulation of the trade present a solemn future for forests
in Africa (UNFPA, 2009). In places where this combination of factors exists, the fuelwood crisis
needs to be revisited.
Removal of woody biomass for fuel poses some far-reaching consequences on the structure and
functioning of ecosystems worldwide. Fuelwood extraction has been cited for increasing soil
erosion, reducing soil moisture content and decreasing soil fertility as nutrient leaching is
increased (Angelsen and Kaimowitz, 1999). Vegetative cover and subsoil nutrients are also fast
declining through the charcoal activities. These are then associated with more extensive effects
including reservoir siltation, flooding, water shortages due to shifting ground water regimes
(Oguntunde et al, 2008) and biological impacts such as reduced faunal abundance (Ogunkunle
and Oladele 2004) and biodiversity. Additionally, in extreme cases such changes are expected to
culminate in changes in weather patterns and, in drier regions, desertification (Angelsen &
Kaimowitz, 1999), thus making the increased utilization of fuelwood by urban populations one
The subtler impacts of tree-cutting for fuelwood are much more relevant when discussing the
ecological impact of cutting. The most important perhaps is change in species compositions as
cutting influences the survival and reproduction of preferred fuel species relative to less
preferred species. A study done in Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Senegal found
Tree species which do not coppice may disappear altogether. A study in Senegal noted that many
tree species, particularly large trees have very few seedlings and therefore very low probabilities
of regenerating naturally (Lykke, 1998). Another study in Ghana found that an important
fuelwood species such as mahogany used by 80 percent of households in two villages in the
savannah belt during the past decade was no longer available (Pabi and Morgan, 2002).
Woodfuels, consisting of firewood and charcoal, constitute the most important energy forms
in Ghana. It contributes about 60 percent of total energy consumption in the country (Energy
Commission, 2010). While woodfuels will continue to provide the bulk of Ghana’s energy
supply in the foreseeable future there is the need to put in place measures to deal with the
negative impacts, such as deforestation and its associated impact on people’s health and the
environment. In Ghana numerous studies and draft policies are being conducted on fuel wood
and charcoal harvesting but with limited targeted interventions and actual implementation in the
country. This makes it practically difficult to regulate activities within the industry, hence the
incidence of severe pressure on both the natural environment and the biodiversity (Energy
Commission, 2010).
On the basis of these realizations, there is the need to ensure better management of wood fuel
supply particularly, from the natural forest or woodlots through effective policies in order to
achieve sustainable use of the resource. Current efforts are on addressing the following:
Substitution of traditional wood fuels with more modern fuels like LPG
The government’s response to addressing the goals outlined above led to the formulation of a
draft wood fuel policy in 2010. The draft policy seeks to ensure sustainability of biomass
resource for the country. The policy categories are the following;
Production Technology
Ghana’s policies on charcoal production tend to focus on raising the efficiency in charcoal
Policy Objective:
To introduce new and innovative ways of producing woodfuel more efficiently and cost
Policy strategies:
Energy Commission to provide technical assistance and funding for programmes to transfer
Strengthen through technical assistance existing institutions for testing and certification of
Provide logistical support for the Agricultural Extension Officers to expand technical
End-use Technology
The traditional woodfuel stoves have low efficiencies and as well generate a lot of smoke in
the cooking environment which leads to health hazards, especially respiratory diseases. Even
though the improved stove is about 20 percent more expensive than the traditional stoves, the
expected savings on fuel cost is said to be significant to pay off on the investment of the
improved stoves. The policy on end use technology focuses on promoting the adoption of more
Policy objectives
To promote the use of more efficient but less expensive woodfuel cook stoves.
Policy Strategies
Liaise and coordinate with relevant governmental and non-governmental agencies to train
Create public awareness on energy efficiency and conservation practices and health impacts
The woodfuel supply chain consists of feedstock owners, producers, dealers/transporters, bulk
sellers, retailers and exporters. In the local market places, there are bulk and retail sale dedicated
areas. Even though woodfuel is an inflammable energy product there is no fire precautionary
Policy objectives:
Policy Strategies
Enact LIs and bye laws for the recycle or compacting of charcoal dust into briquettes, etc.
Create awareness on health impacts of inhaling charcoal dust and other particulate matter and
Enact LIs and bye laws for improved packaging and labeling of charcoal.
and need to regulate the charcoal industry. The policy seeks to ensure a balance between
This study was conducted in Lafia Local Government Area of Oyo State which lies between
latitude 7° 25’ and 7° 45’ North and longitude 3° 15’ and 3° 35’ East (Oladapo et al., 2008). The
total land area is about 838 km2 with a population of 118,226 according to 2006 population
The local government area experiences the tropical hinterland climate with annual rainfall of
between 1500 and 2000 mm. The relative humidity is over 70% in the morning and falls to
The mean annual temperature is 27°C and the annual temperature range is 8°C. Its vegetation is
of savanna types most especially guinea and derived savanna, vegetation species include
The major occupation of the people is farming. Substantial parts of the region offer a variety of
opportunity for farming especially in the area with vast expanse of plain fertile land. Other
occupations include metal smelting; cloth weaving and trading which is enhanced by presence of
big markets such as Maya and Towobowo. Charcoal productions in large scale have been on the
increase, most of the charcoals produced are taken to urban centers for sale while smaller
proportion is used locally. The local government area has more than one hundred charcoal depots
where charcoal produced is stored temporally before being sold or evacuated to consumption
The data for this study was basically primary data collection from the charcoal producers within
the study area with the aid of interview schedule. This will be complemented with secondary
data obtained from past projects, reviews, books and other reference materials.
Random sampling technique where all respondents have equal probability of being selected was
used in the study. In stage one, six villages were randomly selected from the Local Governments
area of the state. In the second stage, 140 villagers were randomly selected in each of the six
villages selected. In the last stage, 4 charcoal producers were randomly selected thereby making
Data obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentages while
budgetary (gross margin) analysis was used to capture objective (iii) and regression analysis to