Understanding Rivers
Understanding Rivers
Understanding Rivers
The longest rivers in the world are the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South
America. Both rivers flow through many countries. For centuries, scientists have
debated which river is longer. Measuring a river is difficult because it is hard to
pinpoint its exact beginning and end. Also, the length of rivers can change as
they meander, are dammed, or their deltas grow and recede.
Rivers are important for many reasons. One of the most important things they
do is carry large quantities of water from the land to the ocean.
There, seawater constantly evaporates. The resulting
water vapor forms clouds. Clouds carry moisture over land and release it
as precipitation. This freshwater feeds rivers and smaller streams. The
movement of water between land, ocean, and air is called the water cycle.
The water cycle constantly replenishes Earth’s supply of freshwater, which is
essential for almost all living things.
Anatomy of a River
The flowing water of a river has great power to carve and shape the landscape.
Many landforms, like the Grand Canyon in the U.S. state of Arizona, were
sculpted by rivers over time. This process is called weathering or erosion.
The energy of flowing river water comes from the force of gravity, which pulls
the water downward. The steeper the slope of a river, the faster the river moves
and the more energy it has.
Little by little, a river tears away rocks and soil along its bed, and carries them
downstream. The river carves a narrow, V-
shaped valley. Rapids and waterfalls are common to rivers, particularly near
their sources.
At the same time, the river begins to leave behind some of the rocks, sand, and
other solid material it collected upstream. This material is called sediment. Once
the sediment is deposited, it is called alluvium. Alluvium may contain a great
deal of eroded topsoil from upstream and from the banks of its meanders.
Because of this, a river deposits very fertile soil on its flood plain. A flood plain is
the area next to the river that is subject to flooding.
Near the end of its journey, the river slows and may appear to move sluggishly.
It has less energy to cut into the land, and it can no longer carry a heavy load
of sediment. Where the river meets the ocean or a lake, it may deposit so
much sediment that new land, a delta, is formed.
Rivers remain important today. If you look at a world map, you will see that
many well-known cities are on rivers. Great river cities include New York City,
New York; Buenos Aires, Argentina; London, England; Cairo, Egypt; Kolkata,
India; and Shanghai, China. In fact, rivers are usually the oldest parts of cities.
Paris, France, for instance, was named after the Iron Age people known as
the Parisii, who lived on the islands and banks of the Seine River, which flows
through the city.
Rivers of Europe
Europe’s busiest river is the Rhine, which runs from the Alps in Switzerland,
through Germany and the Netherlands, and empties into the North Sea. It flows
through many industrial and farming regions and carries barges laden with farm
products, coal, iron ore, and a variety of manufactured goods.
Rivers of Asia
Asia’s longest and most important river is the Yangtze, in China. It flows from
the Dangla Mountains, between Tibet and China’s Qinghai province. It empties
in the East China Sea 6,300 kilometers (3,915 miles) later. The Yangtze is a
highway for trade through the world’s most populous country.
The historic Tigris and Euphrates river system flows from Turkey through Syria
and Iraq and into the Persian Gulf. The rivers lie in an area called the Fertile
Crescent. The region between the two rivers, known as Mesopotamia, is the so-
called “cradle of civilization.” The earliest evidence of civilization and agriculture
—farming and domestication of animals—appears in the Fertile Crescent.
French explorers began traveling the St. Lawrence and other rivers of Canada
in the 1500s. They found an abundance of fish and other wildlife, and they
encountered Native American tribes who hunted beaver. The explorers took
beaver pelts back to Europe, where they were used to make fashionable hats.
Soon, hunters explored and traveled networks of rivers in North America in
search of beaver pelts. The establishment of trading posts along the rivers later
opened the way for permanent European settlers.
The St. Lawrence River is still a major waterway. The river, which empties into
the Atlantic, is linked to the Great Lakes by the St. Lawrence Seaway—a series
of canals, locks, dams, and lakes. The St. Lawrence Seaway allows oceangoing
ships to enter the interior of the continent.
The Mississippi is the chief river of North America. It flows approximately 3,766
kilometers (2,340 miles) through the heart of the United States, from its source
in Minnesota to its delta in Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico.
Spanish and French explorers first traveled the Mississippi in the 1500s and
1600s. In 1803, the United States bought almost the entire Mississippi River
Valley from France as part of the Louisiana Purchase. After that, the Mississippi
was widely traveled by traders and settlers on rafts, boats, and barges.
North America’s Colorado River is famous for forming the Grand Canyon in
Arizona. For millions of years, the river has cut its way through layers of rock to
carve the canyon. Long ago, the river flowed through a flat plain. Then the
Earth’s crust began to rise, lifting the land. The river began cutting into the land.
The Grand Canyon is now about one and a half kilometers (one mile) deep at
its deepest point, and 29 kilometers (18 miles) wide at its widest.
The Amazon begins as an icy stream high in the Andes mountains of Peru. It
flows through Brazil and empties into the Atlantic Ocean. The Amazon and its
tributaries drain a basin that covers an area equal to three-fourths of
the contiguous United States.
The first Europeans to see the Amazon were Spanish explorers, who traveled it
in the 1500s. They encountered a group of people who all appeared to be
women, or so the story goes. The explorers called them Amazons, after female
warriors described in Greek mythology. The name Amazon was later given to
the river.
For much of its course, the Amazon flows through the world’s
largest tropical rain forest. The region has abundant and unusual wildlife,
including flesh-eating fish called piranhas; huge fish called pirarucu, which can
weigh more than 125 kilograms (275 pounds); and giant snakes
called anacondas.
Rivers of Africa
Africa’s two largest rivers are the Nile and the Congo.
One tributary of the Nile, the White Nile, flows from tiny streams in the
mountains of Burundi through Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest lake. The other
tributary, the Blue Nile, begins in Lake Tana, Ethiopia. The two join at
Khartoum, Sudan. The Nile then flows through the Sahara Desert in Sudan and
Egypt, and empties into the Mediterranean Sea. Because the area where the
tributaries meet is close to the two sources of the Nile, the area is called
the Upper Nile, even though it is farther south geographically. The Lower
Nile runs through Egypt.
Rivers of Australia
Polluted Rivers
For centuries, people have depended on rivers for many things. Rivers have
provided waterways for shipping, convenient construction sites for cities,
and fertile land for farming. Such extensive use of rivers has contributed to
their pollution. River pollution has come from directly
dumping garbage and sewage, disposal of toxic wastes from factories, and
agricultural runoff containing fertilizers and pesticides.
By the 1960s, many of the world’s rivers were so polluted that fish and other
wildlife could no longer survive in them. Their waters became unsafe for
drinking, swimming, and other uses. One of the most famous examples of a
polluted river was the Cuyahoga. The Cuyahoga is a busy river in the U.S. state
of Ohio that empties into Lake Erie. It is a major highway for goods and services
from the Midwest to the Great Lakes. In 1969, the oily pollution in the Cuyahoga
was so great that the river actually caught fire—something it had done
more than a dozen times in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Since the 1969 fire, stricter laws have helped clean up polluted rivers. The laws
have restricted the substances factories can dump into rivers, limited the
amount of agricultural runoff, banned toxic pesticides such as DDT, and
required treatment of sewage.
Although the situation in some parts of the world has improved, serious
problems remain. The Citarum River in Indonesia, for instance, is often cited as
the most polluted river in the world. Textile factories near the Citarum
dump toxic wastes into the river. The garbage floating on top of the river is so
thick that water is invisible.
In parts of North America and Europe, there is also the severe problem of acid
rain. Acid rain develops when emissions from factories and vehicles mix with
moisture in the air. The acid that forms can be toxic for many living things. Acid
rain falls as rain and snow. It builds up in glaciers, streams, and lakes, polluting
water and killing wildlife.
A dam is a barrier that stops or diverts the flow of water along a river. Humans
have built dams for thousands of years.
Dams are built for many purposes. Some dams prevent flooding or allow people
to develop or “reclaim” land previously submerged by a river. Other dams are
used to change a river’s course for the benefit of development or agriculture.
Still others provide water supplies for nearby rural or urban areas.
Many dams are used to provide electricity to local communities.
In addition, dams can affect fish populations and the fertility of flood plains. Fish
may not be able to migrate and spawn. Farmers that depended on
the fertile flooding may be cut off from the river by a dam. This can harm the
livelihood of fishermen and farmers who live along the river, as well
as consumers who must pay higher prices for food.
River Management