Curriculum Vitae: Monica Maceira

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curriculum vitae

Monica Maceira
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES-GEO)
MS D443, Los Alamos, NM 87545 U.S.A.
Phone: +1-505-667-2404

Current Position
2006-Present PostDoctoral Research Associate
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Group EES-GEO: geophysics, seismology

Educational Background
2006 Ph.D. in Geophysics The Pennsylvania State University (PA, U.S.A)
Advisor: Dr. Charles J. Ammon
Dissertation title: Surface Waves, Earth Structure, and Seismic Discrimination
GPA: 3.75

2000 M.S. degree in Geophysics Saint Louis University (MO, U.S.A)
Advisor: Dr. Charles J. Ammon and Dr. Robert Herrmann
Dissertation title: Faulting Parameters of the September 25, 1998 Pymatuning,
Pennsylvania Earthquake
GPA: 3.75

1996-1997 Graduate courses in the program Geodesia, Geofisica, y Meteorologia - University
Complutense, Madrid (Spain)
- Methods for the determination of focal mechanism of earthquakes
- Microseismic data processing analysis. Application to civil engineering
- Paleomagnetism and tectonics
- Identification and characterization techniques of materials
- Structure of the lithosphere and its appearance on the surface
- Cyclicity of the sedimentary register
- Seismic focal mechanism
- Earth magnetic field reversals, magnetostratigraphy, and geochronological
applications of paleomagnetism

1996 Bachelors degree in Physics Earth and Cosmos Sciences University Complutense,
Madrid (Spain)
GPA: 3.4

Awards and Scholarships
2006 Seismological Society of America Student Paper Award.

2005 Los Alamos National Laboratory Spot Award in recognition of her efforts that reflect a
sincere commitment to supporting the objectives of the Earth and Environmental
Sciences Divisions Student Program.

2004 Los Alamos National Laboratory Spot Award in recognition of the exceptional work in
meeting the deliverable of project KB 6.1.

2003 P.D. Krynine Memorial Fund awardee.

2003 Teaching Assistantship at The Pennsylvania State University.

2001 Graduate Research Assistantship at The Pennsylvania State University.

2001 Graduate Research Assistantship at Saint Louis University.

2001 Certificate of Achievement in Research Excellence. Saint Louis University. Graduate
Student Association. Seventh Annual Research Day Symposium.

1997-2000 Graduate Research Assistantship at Saint Louis University.

1996-1997 Graduate Research Assistantship at University Complutense, Madrid, Spain.

Employment Experience
2006-Present PostDoctoral Research Associate, EES-GEO, Los Alamos National Laboratory.

2004-2006 GRA, EES-11, Los Alamos National Laboratory.

2002-2003 GRA, EES-11, Los Alamos National Laboratory.

2001 GRA (summer), EES-11, Los Alamos National Laboratory.

2000 Post Master Staff, EES-3, Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Teaching Experience
2003 Teaching assistant: Course Geosc001 Physical Geology, College of Earth and Mineral
Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University. I was in charge of designing, teaching, and
grading the laboratory exercises and field trips. Laboratory exercises included topics such
as Plate Boundaries, Minerals, Rocks, Earthquakes, Geologic Maps and Structures,
Geologic Time, Petroleum Exploration and Environmental Geology.

Academic and Professional Interests
Earthquake seismology: modeling moderate-size earthquakes as well as larger and more
complicated ones; estimation of faulting geometry; spatio-temporal rupture processes

Inverse modeling

Seismic tomography

Surface-wave studies to estimate the Earth structure


Seismic discrimination (Nuclear Explosion Monitoring)

Gravity field

Peer Reviewed
M. Maceira, and C.J. Ammon, Joint Inversion of Surface Wave Velocity and Gravity
Observations and its Application to Central Asian Basins Shear Velocity Structure,
submitted to J. Geophys. Research, 2007.

M. Maceira, S.R. Taylor, C.J. Ammon, X. Yang, and A.A. Velasco, High Resolution
Rayleigh Wave Slowness Tomography of Central Asia, J. Geophys. Research., Vol.
110, No. B6, B06304, doi:10.1029/2004JB003429, 2005.

M. Maceira, C.J. Ammon, and R.B. Herrmann, Faulting Parameters of the September
25, 1998 Pymatuning, Pennsylvania Earthquake, Seismological Research Letters, V71,
No 6, 742-752, 2000.

Not Peer Reviewed
L. Steck, H. Hartse, M. Maceira, J. MacCarthy, C. Rowe, S. Phillips, K. Mackey, K.
Fuyita, M. Begnaud, and D. Baker, Pn Tomography, Geophysical Models, Cross
Correlation, and Location in Eurasia, in Proceedings of the 28
Seismic Research
Review: Ground-Based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Technologies, 02-18, 510-5190,

G. Randall, X. Yang, H. Hartse, M. Maceira, M. Arrowsmith, and S.R. Taylor,
Regional Event Identification Research in Asia, in Proceedings of the 28
Research Review: Ground-Based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Technologies, 03-12,
654-664, 2006.

S.R. Taylor, H.J. Patton, M. Maceira, and X. Yang, Regional Event Identification
Research in Eastern Asia, in Proceedings of the 27
Seismic Research Review: Ground-
Based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Technologies, Vol. I, 673-682, 2005.

X. Yang, S.R. Taylor, M. Maceira, H.J. Patton, J.T. Rutledge, G.E. Randall, and M.D.
Renwald, Regional Event Identification Research in Eastern Asia, in Proceedings of
the 26
Seismic Research Review Trends in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring, 531-540,

S.R. Taylor, X. Yang, W.S. Phillips, H.J. Patton, M. Maceira, H.E. Hartse, and G.E.
Randall, Regional Event Identification Research in Eastern Asia, in Proceedings of the
Seismic Research Review Nuclear Explosion Monitoring: Building the Knowledge
Base, 476-485, 2003.

X. Yang, S.R. Taylor, H.J. Patton, M. Maceira, and A.A. Velasco, Evaluation of
intermediate-period (10 to 30-sec) Rayleigh-wave group-velocity maps for central Asia,
in Proceedings of the 24
Seismic Research Review Nuclear Explosion Monitoring:
Innovation and Integration, Vol. I, 609-617, 2002.

M. Maceira, Preliminary Results of Short Period Surface Wave Tomography in Central
Asia, internal publication Los Alamos National Laboratory, LA-UR-02-7052, 2002.

S.R. Taylor, A.A. Velasco, X. Yang, M. Maceira, and W.S. Phillips, Bayesian
Tomography Applied to Seismic Event Identification Problems, in Proceedings of the
Seismic Research Review: Worldwide Monitoring of Nuclear Explosions, 440-447,

Seismological Society of America (SSA) Annual Meeting, Waikaloa, Hawaii (USA),
April 2007. Poster Title: Three-Dimensional Shear-Velocity Model for the Asian
Continent From Surface-Wave Dispersion, Receiver Functions, and Gravity

American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall2006 Meeting, San Francisco, California
(USA), December 2006. Invited Talk Title: 3D Velocity-Density Variations Beneath
Central Asia From Surface-Wave Dispersion and Gravity Observations

Seismological Society of America (SSA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California
(USA), April 2006. Poster Title: Joint Inversion of Surface Wave Velocity and Gravity
Observations and its Application to Central Asian Basins Shear Velocity Structure.

Seismological Society of America (SSA) Annual Meeting, Incline Village, Nevada
(USA), April 2005. Poster Title: Shear Velocity Structure of Asian Basins From Surface
Wave Velocity Inversions.

Solid Earth Physics Laboratory, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, March 2005. Invited
Talk Title: High Resolution Rayleigh Wave Slowness Tomography of Central Asia.

American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall2003 Meeting, San Francisco, California
(USA), December 2003. Poster Title: Bayesian Approach to Short Period Slowness
Tomography in Central Asia.

Seismological Society of America (SSA) Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico (USA),
May 2003. Poster Title: Short-Period Surface-Wave Tomography in Central Asia and its
Application to Seismic Discrimination.

American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall2002 Meeting, San Francisco, California
(USA), December 2002. Poster Title: Surface Wave Tomography in Central Asia.

American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall2000 Meeting, San Francisco, California
(USA), December 2000. Poster Title: Broadband Rupture Processes of the 1999 Izmit
= 7.4) and the 1999 Dzce (M
= 7.2) Turkey Earthquakes.

Asamblea Hispano-Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofisica. IX Asamblea Nacional de
Geodesia y Geofisica, Spain, April 1998. Poster Title: Paleomagnetic Study in the
Central Part of the Alentejo-Plasencia Dike.

Seismological Society of America (SSA) Annual Meeting, Boulder, Colorado (USA),
March 1998. Poster Title: High Frequency Ground Motion Scaling From Regional Array
Data in Central Italy and Germany.

Scientific Projects
2004-Present Ground-Based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring (GNEM) team member.

2006-2007 PI, DOE/NNSA/NA-22 ADTR RD Project: Joint Inversion of Surface Waves, Body
Waves, and Satellite Gravity Observations: Application to Asia 3D Velocity Structure.

Professional Affiliations
Member of AGU (American Geophysical Union, USA)

Member of SSA (Seismological Society of America, USA)

Computer Proficiency
Programming languages: C, Fortran77

Operating systems: Unix, Windows, MacOS

Scientific software: SAC, GMT, MATLAB, SQL

Applications: GNU tools, LaTeX, Microsoft applications (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)

Seismological data request tools: BREQ_FAST, autoDRM, WEED

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