Tài Liệu Hướng Dẫn Cài Đặt Rơ Le MPS 3000

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THAN - xuoANc sAN vrnrNann

c0Nc rY cP THAN coc sAu - vrNACoMrN

cAr DAr Ro LE rY rnu4r sO MPS 3ooo


Ndm 2008


December 30, 2003


1. Four programmable discrete (digital) inputs to the MPS3000 (one, before - for Key only).
2. Four programmable Analog outputs
3. Four Programmable Analog lnputs with four new trips (protections)
4. Realtime clock.
5. Statistical Data of last 10 trips with time & date stamp.
6. Larger Display.
7. Switch Mode power supply for AC or DC (one unit from 85V to 230V)
L Baud Rate (Modbus) up to 19200 Bits per Sec.
L MPS3000 includes 10 Temperature sensors. Two models: one (Standard) model with 10 RTD (as
before), second (optional) model with 6 RTD and 4 thermistors. Must be ordered from factory. Field
modifications are not possible.
10. Controlfunction (for MPS3000-C)with Modbus function 6 and 16. Functions 1,2,5,15 are canceled.
11. Modbus new group of 20 user selected actual data parameters for fast scanning.
12. Unbalance calculation using Negative and Positive Sequence instead lmax and lmin.
13. UNBALANCE MIN T (unbalance minimum time = 1..30 sec.) new parameter to prevent too fast
14. Standard "American" Thermal Overload curves
15. RTD Bias (of thermal overload)
16. Unbalance Bias (Of ThermalOverload)
17. New program for current, voltage and temperature fault simulation. (useful for testing and for learning
the MPS3000, "on the engineer table")
18. Powermeasurementeven if single phasevoltage isconnected (Vln,V2n,V3n=Y12)
19. KWH (Energy) Display and KWH output (pulse relay)
20. Programmable Output Relays.
21. Too Many Starts Pre Alarm can be configured to energize output relay.
22. (l > 0) After Trip can be configured to energize output relay B (to trip upstream breaker).
23. Every fault group can be configured to energize output relays A & B (similar to MPRG).
24. NO START PROCESS new setting of STARTING METHOD, to allow switching to run, il l>= 10o/o.

25. Capture and display of minimum and maximum RMS average (of three phases) voltage and current.
Capture of minimum and maximum frequency.
26. GIF During Start setting, new feature to eliminate nuisance ground fault tripping when residual CT
connection (not required with Core Balance) is used.
27. New Emergency Restart function. Reset of Thermal capacity by pressing reset twice is canceled.
28. Restart (after mains failure) Circuitry, function and relevant settings are canceled.
29. Separate Aux Power Supply and Control Voltage (option -S).
Page Subject

: 2 Changes MPR/MPC2Oo0 to MPS3000

4 lntroduction
6 Wiring Diagram MPS3000
7 Wiring Diagram MPS3000-C
8 Rear Panelfor MPS3000 and MPS3000-C
9-13 ControlTerminals
14 Cff Wiring Diagrams
15 Front Panel LEDs and display overview
16 Front Panel Settings
17 LCD Displays
18-20 MPS3000 Menu Configuration
21-23 Parameter Settings - System Parameter Settings
23 - Voltage Settings
24 - Current Settings
25 - Overload Settings
26 - Power Settings
26-27 - Temperature Settings
27-28 - Analog l/O Settings
29 - Communication Settings
29-41 - Tripping / Alarm Options
42 Tripping and Alarm, Default Setting Table, Activity Tabte, ANS| Codes
43-44 Actual Data - Measured and Calculated Data
45-47 - Logical lnputs, Statistical Data and Fault Data.
48 - 49 Test / Maintenance options.
50 Flash Messages
50 Constant Messages
51 Communication
- 52-53 Technical Specification
54 Case and Cutout Details

lnstallation, operation and maintenance should be in strict accordance with the instructions in this i

manual, national codes and good practice. lnstallation or operation not performed in strict I

accordance with these instructions shall void the manufacturers warranty. f

Disconnect all power inputs before wiring or servicing the equipment.

Warning :

Unit.'must be grounded to insure correct operation and

safety. i

The MPS 3000 Motor Protection System is a new generation of micro processor based relay / controller designed
to operate with a 3 phase induction motors.

True RMS voltages and currents are measured at a sampling rate of 0.5 mSec, enables the MPS3000 to be used
with Electronic motor drives like soft starters.

The MP33000 incorporates two main features.

a. Motor protection.
b. Supervision and communication.

The MPS3000-C is identical to MPS3000 , but incorporates in addition to all MPS3000 features, also:
c. Motor control.

AC motors are very rugged and reliable when operating within product specification limits. However, they are
usually designed to operate close to their rated limits with minimal margins for operating under abnormal conditions.
A comprehensive protection device is required to accurately create a Thermal Modeling, in order to allow motor
run safely up to its limits. The Thermal Model is based mainly on currents, but it may be biased also by RTD and by
Unbalance currents.
This relay should protect the motor from abnormal conditions in the mains voltage, motor and cabling faults as well
as operator malfunctions.
The MPS3000 monitors three phase voltages, three phase + ground fault currents, temperature inputs from up to 10
sensors, Four analog inputs and four programmable Discrete (Optically isolated logical) inputs. The -C option
(MPS3000-C) , adds additional 16 discrete (dlgital) inputs.
The MPS3000 incorporates also four programmable Analog Outputs as well as Four programmable output change
over (form C) relays. One or more relays can be configured as Trip and / or Alarm.
All inputs and outputs are combined to provide the most comprehensive protection package.
The MPS3000 can handle 52 different trips / alarms.
Voltaqe base protections - Undervoltage, Overvoltage, Phase loss, Phase sequence, Maximum start time.
Current base protections - Too many starts, Under current, Load increase, Overcurrent level 1 (Stall/Locked
protection) , Overcurrent level 2 (Short circuit) Thermal Overload, Unbalanced current, Ground fault current.
Voltage/Current based protections - Under power, Low power factor.
Temperature based - Up to 10 sensors (10 RTDs standard, or optional 6 RTDs + 4 thermistors).
General based protection - Control circuit fault CC only), Welded contact (-C only), Three external faults, Comm.
Port Failure.
Analoq lnputs based protection- For external devices such as Vibration sensor.
Two levels for.most faults - Usually used for Alarm and Trip.

Protection levels and time delay settings are individually configured using the key pad on the front panel or through

Unique Tripping / Alarm options, make it possible to program any fault as an Alarm, Trip, both or none. This unique
facility also enables controlled fault Reset possibilities. Authorized key, extends the reset possibilities.
A unique calculated "Time To Trip" feature allows the operator or host computer to take corrective actions before

The MPS3000-C is identical to the MPS3000 but it incorporates also a control option. lt can control various starting
methods like Direct On Line, Star Delta, Soft Starters, Reversing and Two Speeds.
Twenty optically isolated logic inputs are used to enable many types of control: Local, remote (for PLC without
serial link) or through RS485 serial link.
Two or three relays may be used to control DOL (Across the Line), Star/Delta, Soft starters, Two Speed and
Reversing starting.
Throughout all this document the specific MPS3OOO-C information is written over a gray background. Please ignore
this information for the MPS3000.

Supervision and Communication

A large Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), together with a Keypad and LEDs enables user friendly interface, accurate

digital parameters setting, actual parameters readings, and detailed trip and alarm message displays. Unauthorized
setting changes can easily be prevented by the correct use of the Authorized key input terminals.
Measqred data - Phase and line voltages, Phase currents, Ground fault current, Power, Reactive Power, Power
factor, RTD temperatures (,thermistor resistances) and Analog lnputs.
Calc,ulated data - Motor load in % of FLC, Equivalent motor current, Unbalanced current, Thermal Capacity, Time to
trip, Time to start.
Loqic inputs status - lndividual status of all input contacts.
Statistical data -Motors running hours, Total number of starts, Total number of trips, Last start time, last start peak
current, Total Energy, minimum and maximum values of voltage, current and frequency.
Fault data - Last Trip, Last Alarm, Phase currents at time of trip, Ground fault current at time of trip, Phase voltages
at time of trip, last 10 faults with time and date stamp.
Fault Simulation - Special Test / Maintenance page allows simulation (only during first 10 hours from auxiliary
supply power up) by setting voltages currents and temperature "actual" values. The Simulation mode can be
used for periodic testing of the relay. lt can be used also for getting familiar with the MPS3000 modes of
operation and features.

RS485 serial link (with Modbus RTU communication protocol), operating at baud rate of 1200 to 19200 bits/sec
enables monitoring of both the setpoint and actual parameters. Changes of the setpoint parameters through the
serial link makes it very easy to enter user's set points in place of the factory default parameters. The serial link
enables remote control of both the MPS3000 and the motor.

RS485 enables 32 MPS3000 units to be connected on the same link to the host computer. When a need for more
than 32 units arises, using MMI & Data highway equipment non limited numberof MPS3000's can be connected to
a host computer.

a4 ---------------'l _50
rt - '- r
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16 _52


(^C OR DC) oz - - S



L3 L2 Ll





66 A-Fr-
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70 lol Zq-]l-l-J*rDTiHER,EroR/
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- tsr .

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.oo >o
MPS 3000-C
(10 RTDI
orpu o
o -----\____l Mtur c

6- ----...l

'' _-----------l
mrur e

STMT CNTrcTfi B (rc)

sr@ (rc)
( cfiE)
L@rurcE (@d.t€[)

EC E$r (rc)
ruc cffi4-A (eMTe. eG-sND

N- sowd(ffiffiso)













6€ 166- rt r
70 ,@ a. -]-l-_Jn
11 1@*

73 lIffi*,**,*

75 g: 1-\- 1
RTB "'#"r*,
1@ 115 g-
101 116



I i ? ? i 1113 ?

9+ !i6

a B c oi'-]

frl ill fi'r ill

l* ., n. jl.li 4c fo sr 52 53 5r i5 I

FU$€ 1 j

lr l: hIo
ffi ffi ffi ffi
\1. Ll L3 _ r{.. 14[ sAl_
1AI 5Al- . gl. .14J"" "5+l !l 1Al sAl 9l

62 64 65

(r) {-}


I ? i { 5 G 7 t g r0ilr, lrt4trt6r?tsrgro


,t\ iliirri}I ial it. itr:ii.,t ia iia iei

FusE I!'. i
63 -.. I
+ln (1) {4

6{ 59

(.) tl

Auxiliary Power Supply
85...230VDC or AC (50/60) Hz Wth option (-S) for separate Aux. Power Supply and Control
Phase or DC (+) ................. 61 Voltage:
Neutral or DC (-) ...............62 Phase or DG (+1 ................. 64
Ground .......... 63 Neutral or DC (-) ............... 65

Current & Voltage & Temperature (RTD, Thermistor) inputs

The MPS3000 can measure : Three voltages analog inputs, four currents analog inputs and ten temperature
sensors. True RMS measurement is used both for voltages and currents. Frequency should be in the range of
45-66 Hz. All current and voltage analog inputs incorporate internal isolating transformers.

Line Voltages
Direct connection of line to line voltages up to 690 VAC. For higher voltages, up to 25 KV, V/Ts must be used.
Voltage terminals are:
Phase Ll ................ .............78
Phase L2 ................ .............79
Phase L3 ................ .............80
Neutral ...(When used).......................... 81
1. Line voltages must be connected for frequency sensing. lf voltage analog inputs are not available, currents
measurement is accurate only if frequency is 50Hz or 60H2, as set.
2. For low voltage mains, all three phase voltages must be connected as shown in the wiring diagram.
3. For Medium and high voltage systems, when only single W is used:
. Connect VT primary to mains V12 ("live'to V1 and "return" to V2).
. Connect VT secondary: "live" to phase voltage inputs (78,79,80) and "return" to neutral input (81).
. Decrease W primary voltage setting by 1.73 factor. As by this connection, Llne to Line voltage is connected
to Line to Neutral input.
. MPS3000 cannot detect phase sequence. Positive phase sequence is assumed.
4. For Medium and high voltage systems, when system voltage VTs are not available and AC power supply is used,
connect auxiliary power supply (61) to phase voltage inputs (78,79, 80) and (62) to neutral input (81).

Line Currents
Currents measured through Cff secondary of 5 A or 1 A.
Phase Ll ... 1 a,5 a, Comm 82,83,84
Phase L2 ...1a, 5 a, Comm 85, 86, 87
Phase L3 ... { a, 5 a, Comm 88,89, 90
Note : Power and Power Factor can be calculated only if three voltage inputs and three current inputs are applied to the

Ground Fault Current

Currents measured through a differential C/T with a secondary of 5 A or 1A.
Allphases ..1 A,5 A, COMM.... 91,92,93

Note: lt is recommended to use Core Balance C/T. lf a Core Balance. C/T is not available, Ground Fault can
be measured accordlng to C/T Wiring Diagrams on Page 14.

Temperature Sensors *
The MPS3000 can accept inputs from Up to 10 RTDs of the following types:
. Copper 10 Ohm
. Platinum 100 Ohm
o Nickel 120 Ohm
LCD display is in "C (see temperature table on page 40).
1. All sensors must be of same type.
2. Optional unit with 6 RTDs and 4 (No. 7..No. 10) thermistors is available.

RTDs three wire measurement system is used to compensate for cable resistance. (max. cable ,".i.trn""
allowed is 25o/o of sensor resistance at 0"C). Only two wires are used for thermistor.
T1 ......... 66+67, 68
T2 ......... 69+70, 71
T3 .........72+73,74
T4 .........75+76,77
T5 .........
100+101, 102
T6 .........
193+104, 105
T7 106+107, 108 (Leave 106 open forthermistor,
......... see note 2 above)
TB 109+110, 111 (Leave 109 open forthermistor,
......... see note 2 above)
Tg 112+113, 114 (Leave 112 open for thermistor,
......... see note 2 above)
T10 ............ 115+116, 117 (Leave 115 open forthermistor, see note 2 above)
Note - lf Temp sensors are not used, leave all relevant terminals open. Disable all the relevant Trip and Alarms.

Twisted and Shielded cables must be used for all temperature inputs. Shield should be connected to Chassis
Ground externally, near the MPS3000.

Analog Outputs
The MPS3000 incorporates four programmable analog outputs . Outputs type can be programmed to 4..20mA
or 0..20mA. Load resistance should be less than 400O. The four outputs share one common point. 0..1mA type
is also available. Each output can be configured to represent one of twenty different parameters. Outputs are
updated every 100mS. Range of parameter for each output is fully programmable.
Analog Out 1 .............121
Analog Out 2 .............122
Analog Out 3 .............123
Analog Out 4 .............124
Analog Out Common ................. ........,. 125
Note: The analog outputs electronics is isolated as one group together with the Analog inputs (and with the
Temperature input) circuits. Please note that only one common connection (Ground) have to be used for the
analog inputs and outputs. (The Temperature input wires are normally individually isolated, so they have no
common connection).
Twisted and Shielded cable must be used for all analog outputs. Shield should be connected to Chassis
Ground externally, near the MPS3000.

Analog lnputs
The MPS3000 incorporates four programmable analog lnputs. Each input can be individually programmed for
4..20m4 or 0..20mA types. The four inputs share one common point. 0..1 model is available. A fault protection
is assigned for each analog input. Level and time delay is adjustable for each input. Scan cycle time: 100mS.
Analog ln 1 .....................126^
Analog ln 2 ..........-......127
Analog ln 3 ................. 128
Analog ln 4 .................129
Analog ln Common ........... 130
Note: The analog inputs electronics is isolated as one group together with the Analog outputs (and with the
Temperature input) circuits. Please note that only one common connection (Ground) have to be used for the
analog inputs and outputs. (The Temperature input wires are normally individually isolated, so they have no
common connection).
Twisted and Shielded cable must be used for all analog inputs. Shield should be connected to Chassis Ground
externally, near the MPS3000.

Discrete Logic lnputs

Control inputs voltage level is 85 - 230 VAC or VDC.
The internal control interface utilizes opto-couplers to isolate the control inputs from the micro-processor circuits.
This isolation increases MPS3000 noise immunity and MTBF. Since terminals24 - 43 are common Phase Control
Voltage (same as auxiliary power) command input voltag6 can be obtained from any (same phase) local supply
The MPS3000 incorporates 4 programmable Logic inputs.
The MPS3000-C incorporates 20 Logic inputs.

C/T Wiring Diagrams

Three C/Ts + Grour,rd fault Core Balance current trqnsformer

It is the preferred connection. lt drawback is that a relatively large Core Balance transformer is required.
ln the following drawings, the 5A inputs are used and the 1A are left open.
ln this diagram terminal 92 which is the Ground Fault input current qets the sum of the three phase currents. lf there
is no ground fault leakage current in the motor or cables, this current equals 0.

cT1 CT2 CT3 Ct4


Three CT's in a Residual Ground Fault Connection

When Core Balance CT is not used and ground fault protection is required, use the residual Ground Fault
ln this diagram terminal 92 which is the Ground Fault input current, receives the sum of the CT outputs of the phase
ldeally, if there is no ground fault leakage current, this current equals 0. Since CTs may saturate slightly during
starting, their sum may not be 0 even when there is no leakage current to ground in the motor (or cables).
Note: ln System Parameter page, the G/F DURING START setting parameter, is designed to significantly increase
the G/F level, during starting (same level for alarm and for trip) to prevent nuisance alarming and / or tripping.
For Residual Connection, lt is recommended to leave the value in it's default value which is 100% of FLC.

cTl cTz cT3 CT4

\-.\-.\_A-l \-.\-.\-,\-/

83 84 88



FRONT PANEL LEDs and Display Overuiew


.r' sEl i ,'u*,'li{ \

i,.pr\clir,, I,pnc.ti t

,y'*,''".", ,rt""".,..
j,s'RncT" is.Lf;cli
+ frip
,i) lnternal Fatlure
i, IrulD",, \ \,RIjv. i

'*i l:-i
On - llluminates when auxiliary power supply voltage is connected.

Stopped - llluminates in stop condition.

Starting - lllumlnates as a response to start command. lndicates that command is still "ON" and motor's
average current is above 115o/o of rated current.
Running - llluminates after completion of starting process. lndicates that motor's average current decreased
below 1 15o/o of rated current.

Output A - llluminates when Output A relay is energized.

Output B - llluminates when Output B relay is energized.

Alarm - llluminates underAlarm condition. Being latched, even if alarm condition disappears, turns off after
Trip - llluminates in Trip condition. Stays lit even if trip condition disappears, turns off after resetting.
lnternal Fault - llluminates upon internal fault detection. Stays lit even if internal fault disappears turns off after

LCD Display
Two lines of 16 characters each, presenting alldata and messages.

Keys Overview
Set Page - Press to change setpoint pages in positive cyclical order.
Data Page - Press to change the data page in positive cyclic order.
Select FWD - Press to forward parameters listed in this page. lf key is pressed for more than 0.5 sec,
parameters will be displayed at a fast rate.
Select REV - Press to reverse parameters listed in this page. lf key is pressed for more than 0.5 sec, previous
parameters will be displayed at a fast rate.
A- Press once to increase parameter value. Press and hold to increase parameter value at a fast rate.
V- Press once to decrease parameter value. Press and hold to decrease parameter value at a fast rate.
Press to Reset displayed Alarm or Trip.
Press to store displayed parameter value in the non-volatile memory

Note: lf "Authorized Key" is locked out (open), only parameters viewing is possible. When the Key is closed, it
is possible to view, change and store any set parameter.

Upon initiation of an MPS3000, the following occurs:

On and Stopped LED's will turn on.

The LCD willdisplay:

, System Parameter
*** Setting_s *** I

ln order to review above page settings, press Select FWD. key.

Messages are displayed on the LCD in two lines.

* Upper line describes the parameter's name.
* Lower line shows its value.

When Authorized key terminals are open, it is possible to view parameters but not to change or store them.
An attempt to change a value by A,
V or to store, will result in "Unauthorized Access" message.
To change settings, when Authorized key is closed, press A or V
keys and save the new value by pressing
Store key. Once data was properly stored in the non-volatile memory the LCD displays the 2 Sec. flash

: Data Saved OK i


'1. A new parameter setting becomes effective only after storing it in the non-volatile memory. Setting a
parameter without storing, and moving to another parameter, will return the parameter to its previously
stored value.

2. Any setpoint parameters can be viewed, altered and stored at any time. However, it is not recommended to
change and store important parameters while the motor is starting or running.

3. Any stored parameter is kept indefinitely in the non-volatile memory.

Returning to Factory Default Values:

Press Set Page key and Akey simultaneously, the LCD willdisplay:

' TesUMaintenance
OPtions *** l


Store Now ?
i ?:kyJt_s_:1lin_g_: * *i
Press Store and Set Page keys simultaneously, the LCD will display:
-...'-",,,", . *'''....'l

Note: Storing Default parameters erases all previously updated parameters

Five types of information displays are available.

1. Parameter Settings
By pressing Set Page key the LCD displays the following headers:

System Parameter Overload

... Analog l/O
**" Settings ***
-... "_ i_.-..::..S"ttingr :

Voltage power Tripping / Alarm

*** Settings
"** Settings *** **; bpiions ***

*** Settings *** ' : Temperature Communication
*** Settings ; *** Settings ***

2. Data Review

By pressing Data Page key the LCD displays the following headers:

Measured Data : Logical lnputs - i Fault Data
- **** i

Contact Status
: i... .. . ... .. ... . . .. ....... .. . ....
. . .:

i Calculated Data Statistical Data i

I **** **** l

,,..] i

3. Test / Maintenance Messages

By Pressing Set Page key and Akey simultaneously, the LCD willdisplay:

' *** Op_tions *** l

4. Flash Messages
Flash messages are displayed as a response to an event. For example:

Data Saved OK

5. Constant Messages
Messages which are displayed upon fault. Example:


1, Pressing Store key while the LCD displays an "Actual Data" parameter, will store this parameter as default
display. lf no key is pressed for more than five minutes, this parameter will be constantly displayed.

2. Pressing Store key, while the LCD displays a header, will store this header as the default display. lf no key is
pressed for more than five minutes this header will be constanfly displayed.

Following pages include the setting parameters *ul, as actual data Menus.


w;9;. w%u
page W
SetPage ry set Page W*l set Pase W# set


iiryl @r

$ svsrev ennnueren I
f,*- sErrNGS... I Ig* volrnce
..:*-"fll cunneNr {l ovERLoAD I
SwE i:: _s:Ilry-G_: L
i"" T 9F_T!ryG_sji:_l _9ETl[9_s"::t *"1

W w@ew

mTmilmffifl, ffim
mffi,!=----i- - ffiffil

ilrlgrsp*NuEglFp_J fl:srrrrNg"t**mlJ lJ

ffif*w*ffiry] ffiryn
{9:r-off}9".-*J lrRlR.""_* _*l

...*. .A

ffi-rffiKlml &a616to "


[":-qk!ff!g..-**J I +vrrym:p llrr


*g*srg,*-*J ilffi*.q*: "*"J
__**tr lpqrrpj"or*gul _l

golr ouRrruo srRRr I lcounc. c tNpur I loic lvr- 2 - sHoRr I f srnll rrur rcrn
". I l*r,nyl:
I 1800"1"911t9 lflqgl1 " I
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fl *'
lsrARrNG METHoD lpRorEcloN oNLy I fluNgnLANcrLvLz
lrq:tqr t q_. _ _J i&TEruo*
$l,rnx rrve tN srAR I

I **o;
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lula rvr2
Irg:::: I

#I .:itri:iii;!
*dacfto "

SetPage ffi setease
@ setPage
WT SeteagqW








25% 140 EC 200% oF FLC PANEL RST: ENABL group of data.

U/P LVL 2 DELAY Same setings for OUT2 PAR. START TIME

80 EC


faitKtu hY
. :.:Pffi \Y
SEC. 100 EC 200% OF Vn B: DISABL
PER PULSE Same settings for PAR. Similar settings for next
OFF RTDS&9 THERMAL CAPACITY 50 Fault protections


^r rti
a;fl;{* 100 EC 200o/o OF CAPACITY ALARM: DISABLE


Note: lf Sensor 7-10 AUTO RST: DSABL
are thermistors, then
units of 7-10 are KO 4 MIN. ANALOG INPUT # 4


200'c RST: ENABL

..20 mA A: DISABL

50 o/o B: DISABL

'10 sEc.
Same settings for
Analog in 2,3. & 4 e.:,-
,4{ !'-1!
t.-a&". iA-A

Data Page @;"' Data Page se*s4##" Data Pa(le W',df
*K" oataPaoe ffik*

_ **** -



400 400 400 v 97 % OF FLC CONTACT OPEN 410 MAX START TIME

I INPUT TOTAL # 11, 12,

100 101 t00 A 5 o/o
CONTACT OPEN 7 43't 435 432 A


FREQUENCY TIME TO TRIP O/L Above fields are visible TRIP VP1,VP2,VP3
50.0 Hz NO TRIP EXPECTED only if protection only is 760 AMP. 230 230 230 V
set to Yes. lf it is set to
POWER TIME TO START No, then status of 1O TRIPS:
563.2 KW SEC. motor, as well as status 457.235 KWH
of all 20 inputs of

601.3 KVAR displayed. 395 VOLT 08:32 08105102

POWER FACTOR "^"'l::":F'ii;i':
0.88 .1'\!l\,iri t!
404 VOLT '13:33 06113102
^^-s kO-
Aaq[to' .r'/.t: ^Nii 1


105 104 105 "C &;[ro*' 73 AMP. 11:26 03121102

14 T5 T6 MAXIMUM CURRENT Similar messages of

105 104 105'C 86 AMP. previous 7 trips.

B0 85 ???'c 49.9 Hz


??? .C
5Q.1Hz j1:-
d: t:tt:i- 6
#1 . ::
-: .:ttt*fil" \--

INPUT # 2 ...if,... 'il$:i-
._!::: tc::l

&.aslf '
20 Yo


Note: lf Sensor 7-10

are thermistors, then
units of T7-T10 are KO

E ^1.

System Parameter
*** settings ***

Display Description

Line Yolts (Vn) Rated Line to Line Mains Voltage.

480 Volt Range: 100V-22KV. Increments of : lV
Line Frequency Rated Mains Frequency.
60Hz Range: 50, 60 Hz

VT Primary Primary voltage of mains Voltage Transformers. Transformer should be used for line
VT not connected voltages above 690V.
Range: not connected, I00V-22KV. Increments of : lV
Note: When only one single phase VT is used, decrease VT primary voltage setting by 1.73
factor. Example : If mains voltage, line to line is 3300V and only one VT is used, set "VT
Primary" 330011.73: 1900V. This is since Line voltage is converted to Phase voltage.
VT Secondary Secondary voltage of mains Voltage Transfomer.
VT not connected Range: not connected, 95V - 660V. Increments of: lV
Motor FLC Motor Full Load (rated) Current.
100 Amp. Range: I - 20004. Increments of : lA
CT Primary Primary rated current of cunent Transformer. (No need to set Secondary rated current).
100 Amp. Range: I - 20004. Increments of : 1A

GND CT Primary Primary rated current of Ground Fault Transformer. (No need to set Secondary rated
100 Amp. current).
Range: I - 20004. Increments of : lA
GND Fault Lvl I Ground Fault current initiating a Level 1 Alarm / Trip (in % of Motor FLC), after G/F Lvl
5%of FLC I Delay. This setting has no effect during starting. See G/f'During Start parameter.
Range: I - 100% of FLC. Increments of : l%o

G/F Lvl 1 Delay Ground Fault Level 1 Alarm / Trip Delay.

l0 Sec. Range: I - 60 Sec. Increments of: I Sec.
GND Fault Lvl 2 Ground Fault current initiating Level2 Alarm / Trip (in o/o of Motor FlC),after GIF Lvl 2
10% of FLC Delay. This setting has no effect during starting. See G/F During Start parameter.
Range: l-100% of Motor FLC. Increments of : 1 %.
G/T Lvl 2 Delay Ground Fault Level 2 Alarm/ Trip Delay.
0.5 Sec. Range:0 - 2 Sec. Increments of:0.1 Sec.
G/F During Start Ground Fault Level | &2 Alarm/ Trip During statt period. Intended to be used with
100% ofFLC Residual CTs connection, to prevent nuisance tripping with high currents of start process.
Range: I 100% of FLC. Increments of : I o/o.
Current Inhibit Prevents trip and inhibits opening ofcontactors A & B, when short circuit curreirt exceeds
OFF the set value, to prevent contactor's damage. Thermal trip overrides current inhibit.
Set to OFF when contactors are not used to trip the motor (for circuit breaker application).
WARNING: The MPS will not protect the motor against high current above the aurrent
inhibit setting. It is the customers responsibility to ensure that the motor is protected against
fault current, above Current Inhibit by external protection
Range: OFF, 400-1000% of Motor FLC. Increments of : l0%.

Starting Method Type of starting method.
Direct on Line Range: Direct on Line, Star (Wye)/Delta, Reversing , Two Speed and No Start Process.
Use No Start Process setting, to allow entering to run even if current at "starting" is low
(for example for transformer protection).
When selecting and storing Star-Delta method, the following three parameters values can be altered.
Max. Time in Star Time period during which star contactor is closed. This time will shorten if current
10 Sec. decreases below "Star to Delta at" value, but not below 0.25 Max Time in Star.
Range: 1- 60 Sec. Increments of:0.1 Sec.
Transition Time Time period when both contactors A and B are open.
200 mSec. range: 0.05 - 2 Sec. Increments: 0.05 Sec.
Star to Delta at Current value (in % of FLC) in which Star to Delta switching occurs. Provided Star time
150% of FLC is above 25o/o of "Max Time in Star" setting.
Range: 70 - 200o/o of FLC. Increments of : lo/o
When selecting and storing "Direct On Line" or "Reversing", none of the above parameters can be altered.
When selecting and storing "Two Speed" method, the following two parameters can be altered.
Low Speed FLC. Low speed motor FLC.
10 Amp. Range: I - 2000 Amp.
Increments of : lA
Lo Spd CurryeMul OverloadTripCurveMultiplier.Note: Setto 1..15 !!
20 Range: I - 15. Increments of: 1.

Star to Delta Can not be altered.
Config. Output A Enables Configuration of Output A relay as:
Overload Trip o Contactor A (the relay is used lor controlling the contactor)
r Alarm
r Alarm - Fail Safe
. Tripping / Alarm (Relay operates by group of faults as set in Tripping/Alarm page).
e Number Of Starts Pre Alarm.
r Under Voltage Start Prevent.
o KWH Pulse Relay
Output Delay Time delay for Output A.
0 Sec. Range: 0 - 250 Sec. Increments of: 1 Sec.
Config. Output B Enables Configuration of Output B relay as:
Gnd Fault Trip o Contactor B (the relay is used for controlling the contactor)
. Trip
. Trip - Fail Safe
. Tripping / Alarm (Relay operates by group of faults as set in Tripping/Alarm page).
o Number Of Starts Pre Alarm.
o Under Voltage Start Prevent.
. (I > 0) After Trip (Can be used to trip an upstram breaker if contactor is welded)
Output Delay Time delay for Output B.
0 Sec. Range: 0 - 250 Sec. Increments of: I Sec.

Config. Output C Enables Configuration of Output C relay as:

Alarm- Fail Safe r Alarm - Fail Safe
o Alarm
o Contactor A N.O. Relay follows actual contactor A Status. To use, connect contactor
A N.O. to Input B and set CONFIG. INPUT B as Contactor A N.O.
o Contactor B N.O. Relay follows actual contactor B Status. To use, connect contactor
B N.O. to Input D and set CONFIG. INPUT D as Contactor B N.O.
. Start / Run - Signals that motor is in starting or running mode. Can be used for
activating Sta(/Run (main) contactor of a Star-delta starter.
. Running - Running indication. Relay is activated after motor is started and current is
reduced below 1 I 0% of Overload Pickup level.
Output Delay Time delay for Output C.
0 Sec. Range:0 - 250 Sec. Increments of: I Sec.

Config. Output D Enables Configuration of Output D relay as:
Trip . Trip
. Trip - Fail Safe
. Ready - tndicates that the MPS3000 is not in protection only mode, There is no active
trip, isolator s*itch is closed, interlock is not locked out, stop input is closed and
voltage level is above the preset U/V Start Prevent.
Note: Voltage level is checked only if motor is not already running.
Output Delay Time delay for Output D.
0 Sec. Range: 0 -250 Sec. Increments of: I Sec.

Con{ig. Input A Enables Configuration of Discrete Input A as:

Authorized Key o Contactor A N.C. (for MPS3000-Q; for sensing contacioi A status).
e Authorized Key
o Low Speed of Two Speed motor (for different FLC and Thermal Overload Curve).
o Emergency Restart (Reset Thermal capacity at stop, Ignore No. Of Starts).
r External Fault I (N.O., close to trip)
o External Fault 2. (N.O., close to trip)
o External Fault 3. (N.O., close to trip)
o Remote Reset.
o Low Speed Switch (No Turn sensing, to engage Thermal Overload Stall Time Factor).
Config. Input B Enables Configuration of Discrete Input B as:
External Fault I o Contactor A N.O. (for MPS3000-C, for sensing contactor A status).
o All Other settings as in Config. Input A
Config. Input C Enables Configuration of Discrete Input C as:
External Fault 2 r Contactor B N.C. (for MPS3000-C, for sensing contactor B status).
r All Other settings as in Config. Input A
Config. InputD Enables Configuration of Discrete Input D as:
Remote Reset o Contactor B N.O. (foi MPS3000-C, for sensing contactor B status).
o All Other settings as in Config. Input A
Protection Only Determines MPS operation mode:
Yes o protection & Control (No)
r Protection Only (Yes)
Range: Yes, No

{<r<* Settings {<*+

Display Description

U/V Level Under Voltage level, (in % of nominal voltage). Fault occurs when voltage is below set value for
80% of vn more than U/v delay. Range: 50 - 95 o/o of yn. Increments of : I %o

UA/ Delay Under Voltage time delay.

5.0 Sec. Range: 0.2 - l0 Sec. Increments of:0.1 Sec.

U/V Strt Prevent Prevents starting if mains rottuge is lower than set by U/V Star-t Preve-nt. f'or UFS:OOO-C only.
Olf Range: Offl, 5l-95 %o of Vn. Increments of : lyo

O/Y Level I Over Voltage Level 1. Fault occurs when voltage is above set value for more than I second I
I 15%ofVn (fixed delay). Range: 100 - 120 % ofUn. Increments of: l%o

O/V Level 2 Over Voltage Level2. Fault occurs when voltage is above set value for more thanON LYL2
120% of Yn Delay. Range: 100 - 120 %o of rJn. [ncrements of : l%;o
Oly LYL 2 Delay Over Voltage Level 2 delay.
I Sec. Range: I - 100 Sec. Increments of: lSec.

-Arob=--OeseriBt "i

*** Setti ***

Display Description

Max Start Time Maximum Permitted starting time until current is reduced to ll0%o of Overload Pickup setting
10 Sec. parameter. Protects the motor against too long starting.
Range: | -250 Sec. Increments of : I Sec.
Number of Starts Maximum Permitted number of starts during "Starts Period",
10 Range: 1 - 10. Increments of: I
Starts Period Time period during which the number of starts is counted.
30 min. Range: I - 60 min. Increments of : 1 min.

Start Inhibit Time period after which auto reset is prevented (even if enabled) after "Too Many Starts" trip,
15 min. Range: I - 60 min. Increments of: 1 min.

U/C Level I Under Current Level 1. Fault occurs when current is below the set parameter for more than
50% of FLC U/C Lvl I Delay.
Range: l0 - 90 % of Motor FLC. Increments of : lolo

UiC Lvl I Delay Under Current Level I Delay.

2 Sec. Range: I - 60 Sec. Increments of: I Sec.

U/C Level Under Current Level2.
40%ofFLC Range: l0-90%ofMotor FLC. Incrementsof : l%

U/C Lvl 2 Delay Under Current Level 2 Delay.

5 Sec. Range: I - 60 Sec. Increments of: I Sec.

Load lncrease Load Increase. Fault occurs when current is above the set parameter for more than fixed time
120% of FLC period of 5 seconds. Range: 60 - 150% of Motor FLC. Increments of : 1%

O/C Level 1- Jam Over Current Level l- Jam (stall) protection. Operative after start process ended. Indicates that
400 % of FLC curent exceeded set value for more than O/C Lvl I Delay.
Range: 100 - 500 o/o of Motor FLC. Increments of : 10%

O/C Lvl I Delay Time delay for O/C Level 1.

2.0 Sec. Range: 0.5 - l0 Sec. Increments of : 0.1 Sec.

O/C Level 2- Short Over Current Level2- Short circuit protection. Operative
800 % of FLC Range: 400 - 1200 %o of Motor FLC. Increments of : l0%

O/C Lvl 2 Delay Time delay for Over Current Level2

0.5 Sec. Note: When set to 0, actual delay is less than 7OmSec.
Range:0 - 4 Sec. Increments of:0.1 Sec.
Unbalance Lvl 2 Unbalance Current. Fault occurs only ifactual Unbalance is greater than the set value. See
15 % of FLC Figure 6 for time delay.
Note - Unbalance Current level I will be activated when Unbalance Current exbeeds 50%
of the Unbalance lvl 2 for more than 1 second (fixed time period).
Range: l0 - 40 o/o of Motor FLC. Increments of : l%
Unbalance Min T Unbalance Minimum response time for both Alarm and Trip.
5 Sec. Range: I - 30 Sec. Increments of: I Sec.

U/B Lvl 2 Max T Unbalance curve selection. see p37

30 Sec. Time delay at l0% of Unbalance. Fdult time is inversely related to the actual unbalance
(See page 37).
Range: 20 - 120 Sec. Increments of: I Sec.

*** SETTINGS ***

Display Descriotion

curve Multiplier overload curve Multiplier. Shifts the entire overload curve.
6 Range: 1 - 15. Increments of: l.
Overload Pickup Lower threshold for O/L protection. Below this threshold, O/L fault cannot occur.
105% of FLC Range: 60 - 130 % of Motor FLC. Inuements of : l%

Hot/Cold Ratio The ratio between thermal Capacity available for starting a hot motor and thermal capacity
50% available for starting a cold motor. (A higher setting allows for a longer starting time of hot
motor before tripping).
Range: 20- 100% of Thermal Capacity.Increments of: |Yo.

Run Cool T Const Cooling Time Constant while motor is running. When Current is smaller than Overload Pickup,
l0 min. Thermal Capacity is exponentially reduced to simulate motor cooling to (100-Hot/Cold ratio)
Range: 1 -240min. Increments of: lmin.

Stp Cool T Const Cooling Time Constant while motor is stopped. This time constant is normally significantly
30 min. longer than the Cooling Time Consiant of a running motor.
Range: I -240min. Increments of: lmin.
Unbalance K Fctr Unbalance K Factor. Used to increase the motor's equivalent current as a result of Unbalance
5 currents. The Unbalance currents cause a negative Sequence Currents. The MPS3000 measures
the Negative as well as positive sequence currents and uses their values to calculate the
current, given by: teq=1y * sqrt(t + K * (IN/In),)
I% - Motor RMS (average of the three phases) current
IN - Negative sequence Current
Ip - Positive Sequence curent
Range: 0 - 15. Increments of: I

RTD Bias RTD Bias allows to disable RTD Bias, to use max of RTDl..3 or to use max of RTDl..6 for
Off the temperature bias.
Note that when enabled, the RTD BIAS can only increase the Thermal Capacily value. It can
never decrease it,
Range: Ofq T1..T3, T1..T6

RTD Bias Minimum RTD Minimum is the minimum bias temperature. Below this temperature, the RTD bias has no
40oC effect on the thermal model.
Range: l0"C..RTD Bias Middle. Increment of: loC.

RTD Bias Middle Set RTD Middle to the normal expected working temperature with 100% load. At this point,
130 "C the thermal capacity (at steady state) should be 100 - Hot/Cold ratio.
Range: RTD Minimum...RTD Maximum. Increment of: loC.

RTD Bias maximum Set RTD Max to the maximum allowed working temperature. At this point, the thermal
155 oC capacity should be 100%. \
Range: RTD Middle.. .250"C.Increment of: l.C.

Thermal Level I Thermal capacity level l. Normally used for alarm indication.
80% of Capacity Range: 50 - 99 o/o of maximum thermal capacity. Increments of : lo/o

Stall Time Fact Stall Time Factor. The ratio between motor thermal time constant when speed switch is closed
50% (indicating slow speed) to thermal time constant with open speed switch - (indicating high
speed). Operative when speed swit6h is used.
Range: 20 - 100 o/0. Increments of: 1%

**'r SETTINGS ***

Display Description

Rated PF at FLC Motor rated (Nameplate) power factor. Required for calculating rated power (based on motor
0.88 Lag FLC and line volts).
Range : 0.5 - 0.99. Increment of : 0.01
Under Pwr Lvl I Under power level 1.In percent of rated power, calculated by:
45% ./3 * Line Volts * Motor FLC * Rated Power Factor
Range : 5 - 99o/o. Increment of : l%o
U/P Lvl I Delay Under Power Level I time delay.
30 Sec. Range : 1 - 120 Sec. Increment of: I Sec.
Under Pwr Lvl 2 Under power level2, in percent of rated power.
25% Range: 5 -99%. Increment of : loh
U/P Lvl 2 Delay Under Power Level2 time delay.
30 Sec. Range : I - 120 Sec. Increment of: I Sec.
Low Power Factor Low Power factor level. Fault occurs when PF is below the set parameter for more than Low PF
0.80 Lag Delay.
Range: 0.20 - 0.98. Increment of: 0.01
Low PF Delay Low Power Factor Delay
30 Sec. Range: l-120. Incrementof: I
KWH Per Pulse KWH pulse relay. Set required KWH for each relay pulse.
off Range: Ofl I - 100. Increment of: I

***Setting5 ***

Disolay Description

RTD Type Resistance Temperature Detector Type.

Platinum 100 Ohm Range: Copper 10 Ohm, Platinum 100 Ohm, Nickel 120 Ohm
Sensor 7-10 Type Type of sensors T7..T10. MPS3000 can be ordered with T7..T10 measurement
RTD circuits designed for Thermistors instead RTD.
Range: RTD, PTC Thermistor, NTC Thermistor
T1 Level I RTD No. I level 1. Fault occurs when temperature is above the set parameter for
120 EC more than a fixed time period of 2 secondi.
Range: 0 - 250 EC. Increment: I EC
T1 Level 2 RTD No. 1 level 2. Fault occurs when temperature is above the set parameter for
140 EC more than a fixed time period of 2 seconds.
Range: 0 - 250 EC. Increment: 1 EC
T2 Level 1 RTD No. 2 level I
120 EC Range: 0 - 250 EC. Increment: I EC
T2Level2 RTD No. 2level2
I4O EC Range: 0 - 250 EC. Inoement: I EC
T3 Level 1 RTD No. 3 leyel I r
I2O EC Range: 0 - 250 EC. Increment: I EC
T3 Level 2 RTD No. 3 at level2
140 EC Range: 0 - 250 EC. Increment: I EC
T4 Level 1 RTD No. 4 level I
I2O EC Range: 0 - 250 EC. Increment: I EC
T4 Level2 RTD No. 4 level 2
140 EC Range: 0 - 250 EC. Increment: I EC
T5 Level 1 RTD No. 5 level I ,

I2OEC Range: 0 - 250 EC. Increment: I EC

DispJay Description

T5 Level 2 RTD No. 5 level 2

140 EC Range: 0 -250 EC. Increment I EC
T6 Level I RTD No. 6 level 1

120 EC Range: 0 - 250 EC. Increment: I EC

T6 Level 2 RTD No. 6 level 2
140 EC Range: 0 -250 EC. Increment I EC
T7 Level 1 RTD (or Thermistor) No. 7 level I
80 EC Range: 0 - 250 EC (or 25.0 KC)). Increment: I EC (or l/10 KA)
T7 Level 2 RTD (or Thermistor) No. 7 level 2
100 EC Range: 0 - 250 EC (or 25.0 KQ). Increment: I EC (or 1/10 KA)
T8 Level 1 RTD (or Thermistor) No. 8 level I
80 EC Range: 0 - 250 EC (or 25.0 KC)). Increment: I EC (or l/10 KA)
T8 Level 2 RTD (or Thermistor) No. 8 level 2
100 EC Range: 0 - 250 EC (or 25.0 KC)). Increment: I EC (or l/10 KA)
T9 Level I RTD (or Thermistor) No. 9 at level I
80 EC Range: 0 - 250 EC (or 25.0 KO). Increment: I EC (or 1/10 Ka)
T9 Level 2 RTD (or Thermistor) No. 9level2
100 EC Range: 0 - 250 nC (or 25.0 KC)). Increment: I EC (or l/10 KA)
T10 Level 1 RTD (or Thermistor) No. l0 level I
80 EC Range: 0 - 250 EC (or 25.0 KC)). Increment: I EC (or 1/10 KA)
T10 Level 2 RTD (or Thermistor) No. 10 level 2
100 EC Range: 0 - 250 EC (or 25.0 KC)). Increment: I EC (or l/10 KA)

Analog I/O
*** cettinss {.r.*

Display Description

Analog Out Selects between 0..20mA (or 0..1mA by special order) and 4..z}rnA analog outputs (all four).
4..20mA This parameter is common for all four Analog Outputs.
Range: 0..20mA, 4..20mA.
Anlog Out I Par. Analog I output parameter. Following parameters can be selected:
Average Current . Il (RMS current of phase 1), % of motor FLC.
. 12 (RMS current of phase 2), % of motor FLC.
. 13 (RMS current of phase 3), % of motor FLC.
r Average (RMS) of : Il,I2,I3. % of motor FLC.
. Max (RMS)of : Il,I2,I3. % of motor FLC.
. I0 (Ground fault RMS leakage current). % of motor FLC. % of Rated Line Voltage.
. Vpl (Phase I to Neutral RMS Voltage). % of motor FLC.% of Rated Line Voltage.
. Vp2 (Phase 2 to Neutral RMS Voltage), % of motor FLC. o/o of Rated Line Voltage.
. Vp3 (Phase 3 to Neutral RMS Voltage). % of motor FLC.% of Rated Line Voltage.
r Average (RMS) of Vpl,Vp2,Vp3. % of motorFLC.% of Rated Line Voltage.
o Ytl? (Line I to Line 2 RMS Voltage). % of motor FLC. % of Rated Line Voltage.
t Yr23 (Line 2 to Line 3 RMS Voltage). o/o of motor FLC. o/o of Rated Line Voltage.
. Vr3l (Line 3 to Line I RMS Voltage). % of motorFLC.%o of Rated Line Voltage.
o Average (RMS) of Ytl2,Yr23,YL3l. o/o of motor FLC. o/o of Rated Line Voltage.
o Power, %o of rated, Power.
. power Factor (*100)
. Thermal Capacity, o/o.
. Max of Tl,T2,T3."C.
o Max of T4,T5,T6. 'C.
o Max of T7,T8,T9. oC (or 1/10 KQ for Thermistor).

r Max of T9,Tl0. "C (or l/10 KO for Thermistor).
Anlog Out I Min. Value for zero (0 or 4mA) output.
0 % of FLC Range: 0..200 (Units change with parameter).
Anlog Out I Max. Value for maximum (20mA, or lmA by special order) output.
200 % of FLC Range: 0..250 (Units change with parameter).
Anlog Out 2 Par. Analog 2 output parameter.
AVG. LINE Volts Range: Same as for Anlog Out I par.
Anlog Out 2 Min. Value for zero (0 or 4mA) output.
0 % of FLC Range: 0..200 (Units change with parameter).
Anlog Out 2 Max. Value for maximum (20nA, or lmA by special order) output.
200 % of FLC Range: 0..250 (Units change with parameter).
Anlog Out 3 Par. Analog 3 output parameter.
Thermal capacity Range: Same as for Anlog Out I par.
Anlog Out 3 Min. Value for zero (0 or 4mA) output.
0 % of FLC Range: 0..200 (Units change with parameter).
Anlog Out 3 Max. Value for maximum (20mA, or lmA by special order) output.
200 % of FLC Range: 0..250 (Units change with parameter).
Anlog Out 4 Par. Analog 4 output parameter.
MAX OF T1..T3 Range: Same as for Anlog Out 1 par.
Anlog Out 4 Min. Value for zero (0 or 4mA) output.
0 oC Range: 0..200 (Units change with parameter).
Anlog Out 4 Max. Value for maximum (20mA, or lmA by special order) output.
200'C Range: 0..250 (Units change with parameter).
Anlog In I Type Selects between 0..20mA (or 0..lmA by special order) and 4..20mA analog input type.
4..20mA Range: 0..20mA (O..lmA by special order),4..20mA..
Anlog In 1 Level. Fault Level. Fault occurs when input is Above (or Below, if set so) Anlog In I Level for more
Above 50% than Anlog In I Delay.
Range: Below 0..100%, Above 1..100%.
Anlog In 1 Delay Time Delay for Analog Input I Fault.
10 Sec. Range:0..250 Sec.
Anlog In 2 Type Selects between 0..20mA (or 0..1mA by special order) and 4..20rnA analog input type.
4..20m4 Range: 0..20mA (0..1mA by special order),4..20mA..
Anlog In 2 Level. Fault Level. Fault occurs when input is Above (or Below, if set so) Anlog In 2Level for more
Above 50% than Anlog In 2 Delay.
Range: Below 1..100%, Above 1..100%.
Anlog In 2 Delay Time Delay for Analog Input 2 Fault.
l0 Sec. Range:0..250 Sec.
Anlog In 3 Type Selects between 0..20mA (or 0..1mA by special order) and 4..20mA analog input type.
4..20mA Range: 0..20mA (0..lmA by special order),4..20mA..
Anlog In 3 Level. Fault Level. Fault occurs when input is Above (or Below, if set so) Anlog In 3 Level for more
Above 50% than Anlog In 3 Delay.
Range: Below 1..100%, Above 1..100%.
Anlog In 3 Delay Time Delay for Analog Input 3 Fault.
l0 Sec. Range:0..250 Sec.

Anlog In 4 Type Selects between 0..20mA (or 0..lmA by special order) and 4..20rnA analog input type.
4..20nA Range: 0..20mA (0..1mA by special order),4..20mA..
Anlog In 4 Level. Fault Level. Fault occurs when input is Above (or Below, if set so) Anlog In 4 Level for more
Above 50% than Anlog In 4 Delay.
Range: Below 1..100%, Above 1..100%.
Anlog In 4 Delay Time Delay for Analog Input 4 Fault:
10 Sec. Range:0..250 Sec.

Settings *{.*

Display Description
Baud Rate Serial Link communication speed in bits per Sec.. Disconnect and then reconnect auxiliary
19200 supply after any change of baud rate.
Range: 1200,2400,4800, 9600,19200 bits per Sec.
Address Number MPS Address on Serial Link. RS485 Allows a maximum of 32 MPSs on a twisted pair.
248 Range: l-247,248 = Off.Incrementsof: I
S. Link Save Lock When set to Locked, prevents setting through serial link communication.
Locked When set to Not Locked, setting through serial link is enabled.
Range: Locked, Not Locked.

Note: It is possible to write (and read) through Modbus communication (only !, parameters cannot be displayed on
screen and cannot be changed from keyboard) 20 additional setting parameters. These parameters are numbers of
Modbus actual parameters. By writing to these parameters, user can define a group of up to 20 parameters that can
be scanned as one group. See Modbus communication instruction manual.

Tripping I Alarm
*** ODtiOnS {<*{<

Protection function
Each of the MPS3000 Protections, can be assigned to each of the following functions :

1. Trip only
2. Alarm only
3. Alarm and Trip
4. Disabled

1. Trip only - Set Trip: Enable

Set Alarm: Disable
Upon fault:
. Trip LED illuminates.
. Output D relay : if configured as "Trip", energizes. if configured to "Trip - Fail Safe", de-energizes.
. Output A, Output B and Output C relays respond according to their configurations.
. Output A and Output B LEDs, displays the status of Output A & B relays.

2. Alarm only Set Trlp: Disable

Set Alarm: Enable
Upon fault:
. Alarm LED illuminates.
. Output A,B,C relays respond according to their configurations,
. Output A and Output B LEDs, displays the status of Output A & B relays.

3. Alarm and Trip - Set Trip:

Set Alarm: Enable
Upon fault:
. Trip and Alarm LEDs illuminate.
. Output A,B,C,D relays respond according to their configurations,
. Output A and Output B LEDs, displays the status of Output A & B relays.

4. Disable Set Trip: Disable

Set Alarm: Disable
Upon fault:
. The MPS3000 completely ignores the fault.

Each of the MPS3000 Protections can be assigned to each of the following functions :

1. Auto Reset
2. Panel Reset
3. Remote Reset
4. Communication Reset (See Comm. Manual)

1. Auto Reset -When required, Set "Auto Rst: Enable"

lf not required, Set "Auto Rst: Disable"
The MPS3000 resets itself automatically when the fault cause disappears. The Auto Reset is activated after a 2
second delay.

It is recommended to always Disable Auto Reset.

On some faults, when Auto Reset is enabled, the MPS3000 trips and after a 2 Sec. delay resets itself
automatically. The fault message on the LCD disappears after 2 Sec.
Example: On "UiC Level 1", when Auto Reset function is Enabled, the contactor opens and causes automatic
Reset. The motor stops and the "U/C Level 1" message is displayed for onlv 2 Sec.

2. Panel Reset - Set Panel RST: ENABL

Activated by the RESET key on the MPS3000 front panel.
When Panel resetting is not permitted set Panel RST: DSABL. For critical faults, such as "Overload" and
"Ground Fault", it is a good practice to prevent Panel Resetting.
An authorized person (key holder - few key options are available, according to Discrete input A..D settings)) can
always reset any fault.

lf Authorized Key is locked, front panel Resetting is effective if:
a. Panel Reset parameter is "Enabled." For the specific fault displayed.
For MPS3000-C, two additional conditions must be fulfilled:
b. There is no Start signal (to prevent start as a result of Resetting).
c. Local/Remote input is in "Local" mode, and

3. Remote Reset - Set Remot Reset : ENABL

The MPS3000 incorporates programmable four Discrete (digital) inputs. Each one can be set for Remote Reset.
The MPC3000-C incorporates an additional PLC Reset input.
The following conditions will enable PLC Reset.
a. Local/Remote input is switched to Remote, and
b. PLC/Serial Port input is switched to PLC
c. There is no Start signal.
Use only momentary reset inputs !!!

4. Gommunication Reset
For MPS3000, Communication Reset is always accepted.
For MPS3000-C:
The following conditions will enable Communication Reset.
a. Local/Remote input is switched to Remote, and
b. PLC/Serial Port input is switched to Serial Port.

Output Relays A and B

Each of the MPS3000 Protections, can be assigned to each of the following Output functions :

Operating Output A relay

Operative only if Config. Output A is set to Tripping Alarm. The relay can be assigned for one or more of the 52
faults. lt will operate for a certain fault only if Trip or Alarm are enabled.
Operating Output relay B
Operative only if Config. Output A is set to Tripping Alarm. The relay can be assigned for one or more of the 52
faults. lt will operate for a certain fault only if Trip or Alarm are enabled. The relay can also be used (when
configured as (l>0) After Trip), to trip an upstream breaker, if the contactor is welded, so current is still > 10o/o of
rated, after trip.
1. Maximum Start Time
Fault occurs when starting tlme is longer then "Maximum Start Time" setting. The MPS3000 assumes end of
starting process, when motor current decreases below 1 10% of the "Overload Pickup" value.
For a default value of 105%, end of starting process is detected at 115% of motor Full Load Current (FLC).

Note: The following description presents the previous mentioned five setting options (Trip, Alarm, Auto Reset,
Panel Reset, PLC Reset) available for Max Start Time. ln order to keep the text brief we avoided repeating this
description for each of the rest 51 protection functions.

Max. Start When Enabled, if starting time exceeds "Max Start Time" setting, the MPS3000 trips. lf
Trip:Disable Output A and Output B relays are configured as contactors A & B (common setting for
MPS3000-C), then internal relays A and B will open, opening motor contactors.
lf "Config. Output D" parameter is set to Trip, output D relay energizes.
lf "Config. Output D" parameter is set to Trip - Fail Safe, output D relay de-energizes.
Trip condition is latched.
Range: Disable, Enable
Max. Start Time When Enabled, and in case starting time exceeds Max Start Time setting, lf Config.
Alarm: Enable Output C parameter was set to Alarm Fail Safe, output C relay de-energizes. lf set to
Alarm, output C relay energizes. Alarm condition is latched.
Range: Disable, Enable
Max Start Time When Enabled, Automatically resets Max Start Time fault after motor stops.
Auto RST: Dsabl. Range: Disable, Enable.
Max. Start TimeWhen Enabled, allows Front panel resetting
Panel Rst.:Enabl Range: Disable, Enable.
Max. Start Time
When Enabled, allows PLC (Remote) resetting.
PLC Reset:Enabl Range: Disable, Enable.
Max. Start Time When Enabled, causes output A relay to energize upon Max Start Time fault.
Output A.:Disabl Range: Disable, Enable.
Max. Start Time When Enabled, causes output B relay to energize upon Max Start Time fault.
Output B: Disabl Range: Disable, Enable.
2. Too Many Starts
Fault occurs when the number of starts exceeds the "Number of Starts" setting during "Starts Period" time.
Auto Reset, when Enabled, occurs after "Start lnhibit" time elapsed.
lf one of the Discrete inputs A... D is configured as an Emergency Restart input and if this input (the Emergency
Switch) is closed, then all starts performed are ignored. So, Too Many Starts fault is automatically disabled.
Note: Each ofutput of the relays A and B, can be configured as "# of Strts Pre Alrm" (Number Of Starts Pre
Alarm). ln this mode the relay is energized if motor is stopped, as long as a new start would cause Too Many
Starts fault. lt can be used to prevent the next start as long as it is not allowed, simply by connecting the output
relay (A or B) in series with the mains contactor.

3. UnderCurrent Level 1 &2

(U/C Level 1 )
For a running motor, fault occurs when current decreases below "U/C Level 1" setting, for a time longer than
"U/C Lvl 1 Delay" setting.
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when current increases above "U/C Level 1", or when motor.stops or trips.

4. Under Current Level 2

(U/C Level 2)
For a running motor, fault occurs, when current decreases below U/C Level 2 setting for a time longer than U/C
Lvl2 Delay setting.
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when the current increases above U/C level 2, or when motor stops or trips.

5. Load Increased
Active only after start process ended (after current decreased to below 110% of Overload Pickup valqe). Fault
occurs when motor average current is above "Load lnbrease" setting for more than 5 seconds. Auto reset, when
Enabled, occurs when current decreases to below the Load lncrease setting, or when motor stops or trips.

6. Over Gurrent Level 1- Jam
(O/C Level 1)
ldentifies Stall condition for a "running" motor. Fault occurs if after start process has ended, motor average
current increases above O/C Level 1 setting value for more than O/C LVL 1 Delay.
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when current decreases below O/C Level 1, or when motor stops or trips.


(o/c LVL 2-SHORT)
ldentifies short circuit condition. Fault occurs when any of the motor's line currents exceeds O/C LVL 2- Short
value, for more than O/C LVL 2 Delay time.
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when current decreases to below the O/C Level 2- Short value, or when
motor stops or trips.
1. True RMS line currents are measured, disregarding the average "DC" value. lt is designed to prevent
nuisance tripping at the very beginning of the starting process (during which DC decaying current is
superimposed on the AC Current).
2. Minimum setting of "O/C Lvl 2 Delay" is 0. At 0 setting, the actual time delay is less than 70 mSec.
3. O/C Lvl 2- Short is prevented when the highest of any of the line currents exceeds Current lnhibit setting. lt
is designed to prevent opening of motor contactor under high short circuit conditions to protect it's contacts
from being damaged. Fault display: " O/C Lvl 2- Short".
4. Thermal level 2 (Overload) overrides current inhibit setting.

8,9. Thermal Level 1 and 2

The MPS3000 simulates the thermal condition of the motor and stores it in a thermal register. The content of
the thermal register is called "Thermal Capacity". lt simulates motor temperature. Thermal capacity of 100% is
equivalent to a motor running at the absolute maximum allowed temperature. At this point the motor must be
The following parameters are used to calculate the Thermal Capacity.

Gurve Multiplier
Multiplier of the basic standard curve. Enables to shift the entire overload curve. For example, when Curve
Multiplier is set to 1 , time to trip of a cold motor at 2*ln is 29.1 Sec. lf Curve Multiplier is set to 10, time to trip of
a cold motor at 2*ln is 291 Sec.

Overload Pickup
Thermal level 2 is not possible as long as current is below the "Overload Pickup" value. For a standard motor,
leave Overload Pickup at it's default value of 1050/0. When current increases above this value a fault will occur
after some time. This time depends on the present value of the "Thermal Capacity", on the current level and on
"Curve Multiplier" parameter.

HoUCold Ratio
This parameter, determines the ratio of the available "Thermal Capacity" for a Hot motor and for a Cold motor"
The "Thermal Capacity" of a Hot motor, is (100 - HoUCold Ratio).

Cold Condition - When the motor is stopped for a long time, it's "Thermal Capacity" is zero. Therefore, for a cold
motor, all the 100% of "Thermal Capacity" are available for heating (before a trip occurs).

Hot Condition - When a motor is running, it's temperature increases, and after it has been running for a long
time at a current, slightly below the Overload Pickup value, a "Hot Condition" has been created. Now, less than
100o/o of the "Thermal Capacity" is available.
Example : lf HoUCold Ratio is set to 60%, then for a "Hot" motor, 40% of the "Thermal Capacity" were used,
leaving 60% for additional heating.
For a motor, running for prolonged time, at lower than "Overload Pickup" current value, the "Thermal Capacity"
is related to the value of the current.
For Example, if motor current is only Yz of the Overload Pickup level, then (K=(/z)*40o/o=20o/o) only 20% of lhe
"Thermal Capacity" has been used, leaving 80% for additional heating.

Cool T Run
Cooling Time Constant of a running motor. When motor current is below the Overload Pickup value, Thermal
Capacity is exponentially reduced, simulating motor cooling. Two different cooling time constants must be used.
Cooling time constant is significantly larger for a stopped motor.

CoolT Stop
Cooling Time Constant of a stopped motor. When motor is stopped, Thermal Capacity is exponentially reduced,
simulating motor cooling. Normally, Cool Time Stop is 3 - 6 times larger than the Cool Tow Run.

K Unbal Bias (Unbalance Bias Factor)

Unbalanced currents cause additional motor (mainly Rotor) heating. Unbalanced currents cause negative
rotating field, which generates rotor voltages and currents at twice the rated frequency. Further heating is
caused as a result of the Skin Effect, which causes significant increase of rotor resistance. The Skin Effect is
caused by the high frequency induced by the negative sequence field (compared to a frequency of
approximately 1Hz, caused by the positive sequence field).
This additional heating is entered into the thermal model using the K Unbal Bias. This factor changes the value
of the motor equivalent current (leq) used as the input current for the thermal model.
leq is given by:
leq = 1o7o * sqrt(1 + K. (lx/le)2)
Where: l% - Motor RMS (average of the three phases) current
lN - Negative sequence Current
lp - Positive Sequence current
K - The above Unbalance Bias Factor
leq - Equivalent current, which takes into consideration the negative sequence extra heating.

RTD Bias
The Thermal model, as explained up to this point is based on current measurements only. lt assumes normal
ambient working temperature of approximately 40"C. lf the ambient temperature is higher, or if forced and
natural cooling of the motor is mailfunctioning, the winding temperature can be significantly increased.
The RTD Bias is a possible way to take the actualwinding temperature into consideration. The RTD are
relatively slow elements, however they sense accurately the real temperature of the windings. Therefore, the
RTD measurement can be used to correct the thermal model for slow motor heating, according to the actual
winding temperature. The first parameter RTD Bias allows to disable RTD Bias, to use RTD1..3 or to use
RTD1..6 forthe temperature bias.
Note that when enabled, the RTD BIAS can only increase the Thermal Capacity value. lt can never decrease it.

RTD Min. RTD Mid. RTD Max

RTD Bias is entered to the thermal model by means of the three following parameters: RTD Min, RTD Mid, RTD
Max. The RTD Bias curve is created by two straight lines drawn between the following three points.
First point (RTD Min,0): RTD Min is the (horizontal) Minimum Bias temperature. Below this temperature the
RTD Bias has no effect on the thermal model.
Second point (RTD Mid,100-Hot_Cold_Ratio): RTD Mid is the normal expected working temperature with 100%
load. At this point, the thermal capacity should be 100 - HoUCold ratio.
Third point (RTD Max,100): RTD Max is the maximum allowed working temperature. At this point, the thermal
capacity should be 100%.
When the overload thermal capacity (including Unbalance Bias), is lower than the thermal capacity dictated by
the RTD Bias, it will be automatically increased to the value of the RTD Bias curve value.
Note: lf RTD temp is equal or above RTD Max the Thermal capacity will be increased to slightly below 100%.
This is to prevent Overload Trip, if the value of the equivalent current is below Overload Pickup value.
Normally, RTD trip should occur at or before thispoint. RTD BtAs


-1 -'
Thermal Level 1
This setting parameter is intended to be used for alarm only. When Thermal Capacity exceeds the set value,
and if enabled, the MPS3000 sets an alarm signal. A host computer can use this signal to read Time To Trip
and determine the time left until the MPS3000 will trip.

StallTime Factor
It is possible to connect a Speed Switch to improve the thermal protection of a motor. When the speed switch
detects that the motor is not turning , Curve Multiplier value is automatically decreased, according to "Stall Time
Factor" setting.
Stall Time Factor is the ratio between motor heating thermal time constant when Speed Switch is closed
(indicating slow speed) to the time constant in normal starting process. The Speed Switch setting is one of the
possible settings for any one of the Discrete inputs A... D. For the MPS3000-C there is also an additional
special input for the speed switch.
Range: 20 - 100 %. lncrements of: 1%

The last value of the Thermal Capacity is stored in the non Volatile memory during auxiliary supply failure or
disconnection. On restoration of supply, the former value will be re-established.
Note: " Thermal Level 2" overrides "Current lnhibit" settings.

Next Figure and Table specify overload trip time delay for Curve Multiplier = 6..


Thermal Overload Table:

l/ln TIME l/ln TIME l/ln TIME l/ln TIME I lln TIME
'1.0'l 26122
1.05 5122
1.10 2500 3.60 43.9 6.10 14.5 8.60 7.2 11.10 4.3
1.20 1 193 3,70 41.3 6.20 14.0 8.70 7.0 11.20 4.2
1.30 760.8 3.80 39.0 6.30 13.6 8.80 6.9 1 1.30 4.1
1.40 546.8 3.90 36.9 6.40 13.1 8.90 6.7 11.40 4.1
1.50 419.9 4.00 35.0 6.50 12.7 9.00 6.6 1 1.50 4.0
1.60 336.5 4.10 33.2 6.60 12.3 9.10 6.4 11.60 3.9
1.70 277.7 4.20 31.5 6.70 12.0 9.20 6.3 11.70 3.9
1.80 234.3 4.30 30.0 6.80 11.6 9.30 6.1 11.80 3.8
1.90 201.1 4.40 28.6 6.90 11.3 9.40 6.0 11.90 3.7
2.00 174.9 4.50 27.3 7.00 10.9 9.50 5.9 12.00 3.7
2.10 153.9 4.60 26.0 7.10 10.6 9.60 5.8
2.20 136.7 4.70 24.9 7.20 10.3 9.70 5.6
2.30 122.3 4.80 23.8 7.30 10.0 9.80 5.5
2.40 1 10.3 4.90 22.8 7.40 9.8 9.90 5.4
2.50 100.0 5.00 21.9 7.50 9.5 10.00 5.3
2.60 91.1 5.10 21.0 7.60 9.2 10.10 5.2
2.70 83.4 5.20 20.1 7.70 9.0 10.20 5.1
2.80 76.7 5.30 19.4 7.80 8.8 10.30 5.0
2.90 70.8 5.40 18.6 7.90 8.5 10.40 4.9
3.00 65.6 5.50 17.9 8.00 8.3 10.50 4.8
3.10 60.9 5.60 17.3 8.10 8.1 10.60 4.7
3.20 56.8 5.70 16.7 8.20 7.9 10.70 4.6
3.30 53.1 5.80 16.1 8.30 7.7 10.80 4.5
3.40 49.7 5.90 15.5 8.40 7.5 10.90 4.5
3.50 46.6 6.00 15.0 8.50 7.4 1 1.00 4.4

Table values are for Curve Multiplier = 6. For other value of Curve Multiplier divide table values by 6 and
multiply by the required Curve Muttiplier:

TIME = Time from table * Curve Multiplier / 6.

Example 1: Find time to trip of a cold,motor at \ln with CM = g

From the above table, time to trip at 5ln, with CM = 6 is 21.g Sec.
With CM = 8, time to trip is 8 I 6. 21.9 = 29.2 Sec.

To find the time for a Hot motor find first the time as explained above, then multiply by HoVCold ratio.

Example 2: Find time to trip of a hot motor for the above example white Hot/Cotd ratio is set to 60%.
Multiply the result of Example 1 by 0.6 (60%). 29.2* 0.6 = 15.S Sec.

Thermal Capacitv Reset Method

It is not possible to reset (to empty) the thermal capacity.

Reset, of "Thermal Level 2", is prevented until "Thermal Capacity "cools down" bellow 50%. Therefore, even
for a "Key Holder" reset of Thermal Level 2 trip is not possible for some time.

Emerqencv Restart

lf one of the Discrete inputs A... D is conflgured as an Emergency Restart input and if this input (Emergency
Restart Switch) is closed, then the Thermal Capacity automatically resets to 0 every time the motor is stopped.
It is done to allow immediate restarting even if motor is hot. Closing the Emergency Restart switch while motor
is already stopped causes also an immediate reset of the thermal capacity. As long as motor is running, the
Emergency Restart switch has no effect. Therefore the MPS3000 can still trip for Thermal Level 2 even if the
Emergency Restart switch is closed.

Note: lf an Emergency Restart input is used, RTD Bias should be set to Off to ensure resetting of the Thermal
capacity while motor is stopped.
Warning: Use only for emergency case. Open switch immediately after Emergency is ended.

10. Unbalance Level 1 (Unbalance Lvl 1)

Current unbalance is the Ratio between motor's Negative Sequence current to it's Positive Sequence current.

Unbalance = lru / lp (Limited to: Unbalance <= 100%)

lf Motor average RMS current is less than the rated Motor FLC, then the Unbalance value is decreased by the
factor lavg / FLC, where lavg is the RMS average of the three phase currents.

Unbalance = (lN / lp) .llavg / FLC)

This method prevents nuisance alarming at low currents. The MPS3000 initiates an alarm, UNBALANCE MIN T
seconds after the actual unbalance value increases above 50% of Unbalance Lvl 2 setting.
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when the actual unbalance decreases to below 50o/o ol "Unbalance Lvl 2"
setting, or when motor stops or trips.

11. Unbalance Level 2 (Unbalance Lvl 2)

Unbalance Lvl 2 setting, determines the minimum value of actual unbalance for Unbalance level 2 fault.
lf the actual unbalance exceeds Unbalance Lvl 2 setting, a time delay is initiated. The time delay is related to
Unbal. Max. Time parameter, and to the inverse of the square of the actual unbalance (smaller delay for larger
unbalance). Minimum value of the time delay is UNBALANCE MIN T seconds.
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when the actual unbalance decreases to below Unbal. Lvl 2 setting, or when
motor stops or trips. See next figure to select the required trip time for any unbalance value.

Mains phase sequence (positive or negative) is used while calculating positive and negative sequence currents.
Mains phase sequence is determined, using to the mains (three phase) voltages.
If mains (all three phases) is not connected to the MPS3000, positive mains sequence is assumed. lf currents
negative sequence is present, Unbalance Trip (if enabled) as well as wrong K factor (Unbalance Bias for
Thermal Overload) influence is expected.


E 12o

\ \\
flsl 5

10 30 40

Actual Unbalance (%)

Unbalance Protection
Notes: 1 Select the required trip/alarm time on the vertical axis (at 10% unbalance).
2. Draw an horizontal line at the selected point (for example, 5 Sec.).
3. Select an unbalance point (for example 40%).
4. Draw a vertical line at the selected point (the two lines intersect).
5. Draw a parallel line to the diagonal lines at the intersection point.
6. lnsert the value of the time at the intersection point (from 5) into parameter U/B LVL 2 MAX T (for
example 80 sec).

12. Undervoltage
Operative after start signal. Fault occurs when the average of the three line to line voltages decreases below
"UA/ Level", for more than "UA/ Delay" setting. lt is possible to connect single phase voltage to the line voltage
inputs (terminals 78, 79, 80) and link them together (see page 6 - Line Voltage).
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when average line voltage increases above the Ufu Setting value, or when
motor stops or trips.

13. Over Voltage Level 1

(O/V Level 1)
Operative only after start signal. Fault occurs when the average of three line to line voltages increases above
"OA/ Level 1" setting, for more than 1 second.
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when average line voltage decreases below "OA/ Level 1" value, or when
motor stops or trips.


14. Over Voltage Level 2

Active only after start signal. Fault occurs when the average line to line voltage increases above "Overvoltage
Level 2" setting, for more than "OA/ Lvl 2 Delay" setting.
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when average line voltage decreases to below OA/ Level 2ualue, orwhen
motor stops or trips.

15. Phase Loss

The MPS3000 calculates voltage unbalance according to the difference between maximum and minimum
values of the line to line voltages, related to the "Line Volts" setting. Fault occurs when the unbalance level
exceeds 20% for more than 2 seconds .
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when the actual Unbalance decreases below 20%.
Note: Set Trip and Alarm to Disable, if three phase voltage is not measured.

16. Phase Sequence

Always Active. Fault occurs when the phase sequence is reversed for more than 2 seconds.
Disable Phase Sequence both for Trip and for Alarm, if only a single phase is connected to the voltage input
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when a correct phase sequence is detected.
Note: Set Trip and Alarm to Disable, if three phase voltage is not measured.

17. Ground Fault Level 1

(GND Fault Lvl 1)
Fault occurs when Ground current exceeds "GND Fault Lvl 1" setting for more than "G/F Lvl 1 Delay" setting.
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when Ground current decreases below "GND Fault Lvl 1" setting. While
starting, GiF During Start setting parameter overrides G/F Lvl 1. Designed to eliminate nuisance alarming
during start process (with high currents) when residual CT connection is used.

18. Ground Fault Level 2

(GND Fault Lvl 2)
Fault occurs when Ground current exceeds "GND Fault Lvl 2" setting for more than "G/F Lvl 2 Delay" setting.
Minimum setting of "G/F Lvl 2 Delay" is 0. At 0 setting, the actual time delay is less than 70 mSec.
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when Ground current decreases below "GND Fault Lvl 2" setting.While
starting, G/F During Start setting parameter overrides G/F Lvl 2. Desined to eliminate nuisance tripping during
start process (with high currents) when residual CT connection is used.

Note : GND Fault Lvl 2 fault is prevented when the highest of any of the line currents Exceeds "Current lnhibit"
value. lt is designed to prevent opening of motor contactor under high short circuit conditions, to protect it's
contacts from being damaged.

19. Communication Port Failed

(Comm. Port Failed)
Fault occurs when the MPS3000 detects three consecutive transmissions from the host computer, in which a
parity bit, and/or the CRC word are wrong.
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when a transmission from the host computer is received properly.

20. Internal Failure

The MPS3000 incorporates a Built ln Test program. Operating the self test program is done from a special
"TesVMaintenance Options" page. "Self Test Passed" message, after completion of the built in test, indicates
that the MPS3000 functions properly. "Self Test Failed", together with an error code (for factory use only) and
lnternal Fault Led "ON" indicates a fault condition.
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when a successful test was performed and its result is "Self Test Passed"
Note: Most of the MPS3000 self test programs are running continuously (much slower then the main program)
in the "background".

Resistance/Temperature Gonversion Table

Copper Pt.100 Ni 120
('C) Ohms Ohms Ohms
(DrN 43760)

0 9.04 100.00 120.00

10 9.42 't03.90 127.17
20 9.81 107.79 134.52
30 10.19 111.67 142.06
40 10.58 115.54 149.80
50 10.97 1 19.40 157.75
60 1 1.35 123.24 165.90
70 11.74 127.07 174.27
80 12.12 130.89 182.85
90 12.51 134.70 191.64
100 12.90 138.50 200.64
110 13.28 142.29 209.85
120 13.67 146.06 219.29
130 14.06 149.82 228.95
140 14.44 153.s8 238,84
150 14.83 157.32 248,95
160 15.22 161.04 259.30
170 15.61 164.76 269.89
180 16.00 168.46 280.77
190 16.39 172.16 291.95
200 16.78 175.84 303.46

46. Under Power Level 1

(Under Pwr Lvl 1)
For a running motor, fault occurs when motor power decreases below "Under Pwr Lvl 1" setting for a period of
time longer than "U/P Lvl 1 Delay" setting.
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when the power increases above "Under Pwr Lvl 1" level or when motor
stops or trips.
Note: Set Trip and Alarm to Disable, if three phase voltage is not connected.

47. Under Power Level 2

(Under Pwr Lvl 2)
For a running motor, fault occurs when motor power decreases below "Under Pwr Lvl 2" setting for a period of
time longer than "U/P Lvl 2 Delay" setting.
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when the power increases above "Under Pwr Lvl 2" level or when motor
stops or trips.
Note: Set Trip and Alarm to Disable, if three phase voltage is notconnected.
48. Low Power Factor
For a running motor, fault occurs when motor power factor decreases below "Low Power Factor" setting for a
period of time longer than "Low PF Delay" setting.
Auto reset, when Enabled, occurs when the power factor increases above "Low Power Factor" level or when
motor stops or trips.
Note: Set Trip and Alarm to Disable, if three phase voltage is not connected.


49 - 52. Analog lnputs Faults

The MPS3000 incorporates four analog inputs assigned for connecting analog sensors, like Vibration Sensor or
Level Sensor. When Sensor output is beyond (below or above, as set) the allowed level, for more than the set
time delay, the MPS3000 trips (if trip is enabled) or alarms (if alarm is enabled).

More than One Alarm or Trip.

The MPS3000 is designed to accept and store the first alarm it detects. lf this alarm has not been reset and an
additional alarm occurs, the MPS3000 will not display the second alarm on the LCD nor assign it to the Fault
Data page.
Example: lf "Unbalance Alarm" occurs and then a "Thermal Pre-alarm" occurs, the MPS3000 will continue
displaying "Unbalance Alarm" message on both, LCD and Fault Data page. This is to assist the user in
establishing the cause of the alarm.

ln case a trip occurs after an alarm, the trip message will override the alarm message.

The following table summarizes the five factory default settings for each of the faults, and describes when is
each fault active.

Notes: Prior to modifying this table, make a photocopy and do not mark on the original. Mark your settings in
the empty space available for each value.

For operation in "Protection Only" mode, disable all PLC Reset faults.

Trippinq / Alarm Default Settinqs
In this table stands for "Enabled" for "Disabled".
. Fault Trip Alarm Auto Reset Panel Rst PLC Reset OutputA OutputB Active During ANSI Code
'1. Max Start Time (-) ( (+) ( (-) ( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Start 48
2. Too Many Starts (-) ( (-) ( (-) () (+) (+) (-) (-) Start oo
3. U/C Level 1 (-) ( (+) ( (-) ( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Run 37
4. U/C Level 2 (-) ( (-) ( (-) ( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Run 37
5. Load lncreased (-) ( (+) ( (-) ( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Run 511
6. O/C Level 1- Jam (+)( (+) ( (-) ( ) (*) (*) (-) (-) Run 51R
7. O/C Level 2- Short (+)( (+) ( (-) ( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 50
8. Thermal Level 1 (-) ( (+) ( (-) ( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49t51
9. Thermal Level 2 (+)( (+) ( (-) () (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49t51
10. Unbalance Level 1 (-) ( (+) ( (-) () (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 46
1 1. Unbalance Level 2 (+)( (+) ( (-) ( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 46
12. Undervoltage (-)( (+ ) ( (-) ( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Start
Run + 27
'13. OA/ Level 1 (-) ( (*) ( (-) () (+) (+) (-) (-) Start
Run + 59
'14. OA/ Level 2 (+)( (+) ( (-) ( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Start
Run + 59
15. Phase Loss (+)( (+) ( (-) () (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 47
16. Phase Sequence (*)( (+) ( (+)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) -Always 47
17. GND Fault Lvl 1 (-) ( (+) ( (-) ( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 50G
18. GND Fault Lvl 2 (+)( (+)( (-) ( ) (-) (-) (-) (-) Always 50N
19. Comm. Port Failed (-)( (-) ( (+)( ) (*) (+) (-) (-) Always 3
20. lnternal Failure (-) ( (+) ( (-) ( ) (-) (-) (-) (-) Always 3
21. Control Cir. open (-) ( (-) ( (-) ( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Beginning of Start 74
22. Welded Contactor (-) ( (-) ( (-) ( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Beginning of Stop 74
23. External Fault 1 (-) ( (-) ( (-) () (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 86 or 94
24. Exle'nal Faull2 (-) ( (-) ( (-) () (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 86 or 94
25. External Fault 3 (-) ( (-) ( (-) () (+) (+) (-) (-) Always BO or 94
26. RTD 1 Level 1 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
27. RTD 1 Level 2 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
28. RTD 2 Level 1 (-) ( (-) ( (-) ( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
29. RTD 2Level2 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
30. RTD 3 Level 1 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
31. RTD 3 Level 2 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
32. RTD 4 Level 1 (-, ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
33. RTD 4Level2 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
34. RTD 5 Level 1 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
35. RTD 5 Level 2 . (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
36. RTD 6 Level I (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
37. RTD 6 Level 2 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
38. RTD 7 Level '1 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
39. RTD 7 Level 2 (-)( (-) ( (-) ( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
40. RTD 8 Level 1 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
41. RTD I Level 2 (-)( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
42. RTD 9 Level '1 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
43. RTD 9 Level 2 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
44. RTD 10 Level 1 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
45. RTD 10 Level 2 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always 49R
46. Under Pwr Lvl 1 (-) ( (-) ( (-)() (+) (+) (-) (-) Run 32L
47. Under Pwr Lvl 2 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Run 32L
48. Low Power Factor (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Run 55
49. Analog lnput # 1 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always ??
50. Analog lnput # 2 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always ??
51. Analog lnput # 3 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (+) (-) (-) Always ??
52. Analog lnput # 4 (-) ( (-) ( (-)( ) (+) (*) (-) (-) Always ??

Added options available in the MPS3000 which correspond to ANSI codes

Speed Switch lnput (No Rotation detector) 14
Lock-Out on thermal Trip 86
RTD Bias for Thermal Overload ??
Unbalance Bias for Thermal Overload ??
Low Speed switch of Two Speed motor ??
Emergency switch effect on Thermal Overload (reset of thermal capacity when stopped) ??
Emergency switch effect on Too Many Starts (not recording starts while in emergency) ??
Fault Simulation (of Voltages, currents, temperature) ??

{.** Data **x

Displav Description

Vpl Vp2 Vp3 Phase to Neutral voltages.

277 277 277 V Range: 100 V - 12.7 KV.

VL12 VL23 VL31 Line to Line Voltages.

480 480 480 V Range:100V-25KV.
11 t2 t3 Line (motor) currents.
137 138 139 A Range: 1 A-24K4.

Ground Current Ground current.

0 Amp. 1 A - 20004

Frequency Mains frequency.

50.0 Hz 40Hz-70H2

Power Total motor power.

97.5 KW Range:0-30MW.
Reactive Power Total motor reactive power
60.5 KVAR Range:0-30MVAR
Power Factor Total (Average of three phases) motor power factor.
0.89 Range:0.0-1.00
T1 T2 T3 RTDl-3Temperature
1't0 111 109 'C Range: 0"C - 200"C

T4 T5 T6 RTD4-6Temperature
110 111 109'C Range: 0'C - 200'C

T7 T8 T9 oC RTD 7 -9 Temperature
70 68 ??? Range: 0'C - 200'C Note: With Thermistors units are (1/10) KO
???: RTD is not connected

T10 RTD 1O Temperature

??? OC
Range: 0"C - 200"C Note: With Thermistors units are (1/10) KO
???: RTD is not connected

Analog lnput # 1 Analog lnput 1 in % of full range.

0% Range: 0o/o - 100o/o

Analog lnput 2 in % of full range.

Analog Input # 2
Range: \Yo - 100Yo

Analog lnput # 3 Analog lnput 3 in % of full range.

0% Range: 0o/o - 100%
Analog lnput # 4 Analog lnput 4 in % of full range.
0o/o Range: lYo - 100Yo

*** Data ***

Displav Description

Motor Load Curr. Motor current as a percentage of Motor FLC.

90 % of FLC Range: 0 - 1200% of Motor FLC.

Equivalent Curr. Equivalent Motor current (increased by unbalance according to Unbalance K

90 % of FLC Factor) as a percentage of Motor FLC.
Range: 0 - 1200o/o of Motor FLC.
Unbalance Curr. Unbalance current. The ration between Positive Sequence current to
0o/o Negative Sequence current. lf Motor Load is less than 100% then the above
ration is multiplied by the factor (Motor Load / 100) to prevent nuisance
Thermal Capacity Thermal Capacity used. Simulates motor's winding temperature according to
30% of Capacity the selected Thermal Overload Curve, to Unbalance Bias and to RTD Bias.
Trip Level = 100%
Time to Trip-O/L Expected time to trip at the present current value which is above Overload
No Trip Expected Pickup.
Range: No Trip Expected - 18 Hours.

Time toStart Expected time to start, displayed in one of the following cases:
0 Sec. . After "Thermal Trip". This is the expected time of the Thermal Capacity to
decay to 50% of the maximum "Thermal Capacity".
o After "Too Many Starts" Trip. ln this case, maximum value of "Time to
Start" equals "Start lnhibit" Time.
Range After "Thermal Trip": 0 - 166 minutes
After "Too Many Starts" : 1 - 60 minutes

"Time to Trip" The expected time until motor trips. (i.e. the time to reach 100% of Thermal Capacity if
the present current value is maintained). This value is calculated and displayed on the LCD. The host
computer may read this value through the serial link, and try to take some corrective actions.

"Time to Start" The expected tlme until it is possible to re-start after Thermal Trip (i.e. the time to
reach 50% of Thermal Capacity) or after Too Many Starts. This value is calculated and displayed on
the LCD.

Reset of the Thermal Capacity

lf Emergency Restart switch is closed, then Thermal Capacity is automatically reset when motor is
stopped, to allow immediate restart of a hot motor.

Logical lnputs
Contact Status

Open = Stop Start / Stop input contact status.
Range: Open = Stop, Closed = StarURun

PLC Control - B PLC contactor - B

Open = Stop Start / Stop input contact status.
Range: Open = Stop, Closed = StarURun

PLC Reset PLC - reset input contact status.

Contact Range: Contact Open, Contact Closed.

Speed Switch Speed switch input contact status.

Open= High Speed Range: Open = High Speed, Closed = Low Speed

Authorized Key Authorized Key input contact status.

Open = Locked Range: Open = Locked, Close = Unlocked
External Fault 1 External Fault 1 input contact status.
Open = Run En. Range: Open = No Fault, Close = Fault

External Fault 2 External Fault 2 input contact status.

Open = Run En. Range: Open = No Fault, Close = Fault

Fautt o
E...^---, External Fault 3 input contact status.
ExTernat r-..,a J
nat OpenI =
tug. vuEt - No
ttu Fault'
f autt- Close - Fault
vtuDE = rautl
upen = Kun En.

Statistical Data
_ **** _

Total Run Time Total run time since commissioning.

10137.5 hours Range: 0-30,000 hours.

Total # of Start Total number of starts since commissioning.

1017 Range: 0-65535

Total # of Trips Total number of trips since commissioning.

12 Range:0-65535

Last Strt Period Last start time duration.

5.2 Sec. Range:0-255 seconds.

Last Start Max I Peak current (highest of three phases) during last start.
350 amp. Range:0-24000 amp.

Total Energy Total (since last clearing of statistical data) accumulated motor energy.
457,235 KWH Range: 0-10,000,000 KWH.

Minimum Voltage Latched (since last reset) minimum value of RMS Line voltage (average of
395 volt three phase). Measured while motor is starting or running.
Reset is possible when message is displayed, by pressing Reset Key.

Maximum Voltage Latched (since last reset) maximum value of RMS Line voltage (average of
395 volt three phase). Measured while motor is starting or running.
Reset is possible when message is displayed, by pressing Reset Key.

Minimum Current Latched (since last reset) minimum value of RMS Line Currents (average of
73 Amp. three phase), Measure starts 20 seconds after motor is running.
Reset is possible when message is displayed, by pressing Reset Key.

Maximum Current Latched (since last reset) maximum value of RMS Line Currents (average
_ 73 Amp. of three phase), Measure starts 20,seconds after motor is running.
Reset is possible when message is displayed, by pressing Reset Key.

Min. Frequency Latched (since last rest) minimum value of mains frequency.
49.9 Hz Reset is possible when message is displayed, by pressing Reset Key.

Max. Frequency Latched (since last rest) maximum value of mains frequency.
49.9 Hz Reset is possible when message is displayed, by pressing Reset Key.

Fault Data

Last Trip Last active fault that was Enabled as a Trip.

RTD 3 Level 2 Range: all 52 faults.

Last Alarm Last active fault that was Enabled as an Alarm.

Load lncreased Range: all 52 faults.

Trip l{, 12, 13 Values of three line (motor) currents before last trip.
129 132 130 A Range:0-24000amp.

Trip GND Current Values of Ground Fault current before last trip.
0 amp. Range:0-24000 amp.

Trip Vpl, Vp2,Vp3 Values of phase to neutral voltages before last trip.
277 277 277 V Range: 0-25000 volt.

Last 10 Trips: Header of next 10 screens showing the details of last 10 trips with
time stamps.

External Fault 1 Last Trip with it's time stamp.

08:32 08/05/ 02

RTD 1 LEVEL 2 Values of phase to neutral voltages before last trip.

'13:33 06113102 Range: 0-25000 volt.

O/C LVL 2 - Short Values of phase to neutral voltages before last trip.
11:26 03121102 Range: 0-25000 volt.

Next 7 Faults (10 in total) are listed here.

Push Set Page & Vsimultaneously to enter the test & Test & Service page.

*** options ***

Test / Maintenance Options page

Test page can be used for initiating a built in test procedure, displaying program version, storing factory
default parameters into the non volatile memory, resetting and storing statistical data, setting of Real
Time Clock and for Fault Simulation. All the above can only be done by a "key holder". Unauthorized
person can only view the test screens.

Displav Description

Run Self Test ? Press A key to initiate the built in test procedure.
Push "Value-up"

Program Version Program version description.


Store Now ? Stores All factory default parameters in the non-volatile memory.
Default Settings Press Store and Set Page keys simultaneously, to store. "Data Saved Ok"
message will be displayed for about two seconds.

Clear Now ? Clears all statistical data. Press Reset and Data Page keys simultaneously,
Statistical Data to reset and store zero values in the non-volatile memory. "Data Saved
Ok" message will be displayed for about two seconds. The parameters are:
. Total run time
o Total # of starts
. Total # of trips
. Last start period
. Last start max I

. ThermalCapacity
. Last Trip
. Trip voltages and currents
. Energy (KWH)
. "Data Saved Ok" message will be displayed for about two seconds.
hh.mm mm.dd.yy Real Time Clock date and time setting. Set and Store any of the five
13:51 09129102 parameters (pointed by cursor) normally, as for any other setting parameter.
Note that Store key forwards cursor to next parameter.

Warning , *
Default storing and resetting of statistical data should be done with care, since it is not possible to
retrieve the previous setpoint parameters or statistical data.
Setting Default parameters, delete all previous stored settings ! ! !
Clearing Statistical Data resets all previous statistical data values ! ! !

Note: For longer life, the Real Time Clock uses a backup capacitor and not backup Battery. The
Backup capacitor retains data and keeps clock running for few days. lf the MPS3000 is not powered
for longer period, the clock has to be initialized. lnitialization can be done manually as described
above or through serial link.

Simul. VL1,2,3 For Fault Simulation. Set here the required Line to Line voltages (one
4OO VOLT setting for the three line to line voltages). No need to press the Store key.
Can be changed before or while simulation is "running". Default value is
automatically set to LINE VOLTS (Vn) setting at system page.

Simul. 11,2,3 For Fault Simulation. Set here the required Currents. lt sets the three
120 AMP currents 11,12,13 to same value. Next two parameters allow changing of 12
and l3 simulation seftings. Can be changed before orwhile simulation is
Default value is automatically set to 1.2 times MOTOR FLC setting at
system page.

Simulation 12 For Fault Simulation. Use to change value of Simulation 12 Current (so, it
120 AMP will be different from Simulatlonll). Useful for testing of Unbalance and of
Unbalance Bias of Thermal model . Can be changed before or while
simulation is "running".
Default value is automatically set to 1.2 times MOTOR FLC setting at
system page.

Simulation 13 For Fault Simulation. Use to change value of Simulation 12 Current (so, it
120 AMP will be different from Simulation ll). Useful for testing of Unbalance and of
Unbalance Bias of Thermaloverload model. Can be changed before or
while simulation is "running".
Default value is automatically set to 1.2 times MOTOR FLC setting at
system page.

Simulation l0 For Ground Fault simulation. Use to change value of Simulation l0 current.
O AMP Can be changed before or while simulation is "running". Useful for testing
ground fault protection. Default value is automatically set 0.

Simul. T1,2,3 For RTD High Temperature Fault Simutation. Set here the required
40 "c Simulation Motor Windings Temperature. Useful for testing RTD alarms
and Trips as well as RTD Bias for Thermal Overload model. Can be
changed before or while simulation is "running".
Default value is automatically set 40 'C.

Run Simulation ? By setting to Start / Run, the previous voltages, currents and Temperature
off values are used by the relay as if they were real actual values. Values may
be changed before or during "run time". Useful for Testing the MpS3000 as
well as getting familiar with the relay features and operation, .on the
Engineer Table".
Operative only during first ten hours since the MPS3000 is powered. After
that time "NOT POSSIBLE NOW' message is disptayed.
To Simulgte after more than ten hours, turn OFF the Auxitiarv oower supplv,
the turn ON aqhin.
Test Example: \
When Protection Only setting at system page is set to yes.
Setting Run Simulation to Start / Run with the default values, causes the
currents to equal 120o/o of rated motor current. Therefore the start LED is
turned On. lf value of current is not changed MAX START TIME may occur
after the setting delay. lf current is reduced, Run LED is turned ON and the
MPS3000 enters to running status.
View the Measured data and the Caicutated data. Change Simulation 12 or
13 to cause Unbalance. Change Simulation l0 to check Ground Fault
protection. Change Simulation T1,2,3 to check RTD faults protection. Check
Thermal Capacity value and influence of RTD and Unbalance Bias.

The message is displayed for a short while (2 seconds) only. Display then returns to the previous message.
Flash messages are usually displayed as a response to an operator action.
It is used either to confirm activation of the requested operation, or to indicate reason for not doing so.

Flash messages are :

Display Description

Data Saved OK Displayed after pressing Store key. lf an error is found during store process, then
next message is shown.

Storage Error Displayed when an error is found in the store process.

Wrong Parameters Displayed after power-up, if the non-volatile parameter check sum is found to be

Unauthorized When Authorized Key is open (locked), and a parameter change is attempted.
Access Also displayed after Unauthorized Store and Reset action.

Unable to Start . Displayed if local Start is pressed but starting was not initiated because
Local / Remote Local/ Remote input is on Remote position.
. Similar "Unable to Start" with another second line massage may appear
specifying the real cause of the "Unable to Start".
. Possible reasons:
. Local/Remote input = "Remote".
. Local stop input is open (= stop).
. UA/ Start Prevent, prevents starting due to low voltage.
o fi trip is active.
. External interlock = open (locked out)
. lsolator status is "lsolate".
r Protection Only is set to "Yes".
r Other reasons will cause "Check systems" massage to appear in the
second line.

Self Test Passed Displayed as a response to running the built in test procedure, provided that
all tests were "O.K.".

Self Test Failed Displayed as a response to finding an error during the operation of Test
Error Code = 32 procedure.
ln case of test failure, reset and test again. lf problem persists then Error
Code should be reported to Authorized Factory representative.


Displayed, as a response to an event and not as a result of an operator action.

Displav Description $

Alarm: Displayed when the Alarm LED illuminates. The lower line displays the fault
U/C level 1 name.

Trip: Displayed when the Trip LED illuminates. The lower line displays the fault
U/C Level2 name.

The MPS3000 is equipped with a powerful data communication system, operating beyond a motor protection
controller into the realm of a complete motor management system.
This communication system is unmatched in its reliability, flexibility and ease of use providing the ideal basis for
the design of a modern motor management system.

The MPS3000 incorporates RS485 serial link and uses a MODBUS RTU protocol (The protocol is not included
in this document) to provides high speed data acquisition to supervisory computers.
Data formats have been carefully structured to provide fast notification of alarms and continuous updates of
performance parameters. Load control can be performed from host computers or by PLCs.

The following information and control can be accessed through the communication.

. All Actual data values

. All MPS3000 Parameter Settings (Read & Write)
. AII the control commands for the MpS3OOO-C (such as Start A, Start B, Stop)
. Reset

See MPS3000 Communication instruction manual.

The MPS3000 system is user expandable. No special engineering skills or tools are required.
For small systems, the Host computer can communicate directly with the MPS3000 via a twisted shielded pair.

For larger systems a Data Highway enables multiple MPS3000 connection. Up to 32 MPS3000s can be added
on each twisted pair of the Host serial link with full access to all MPS3000's.

The system also performs high speed data acquisition Users therefore have a simple and friendly means of
building a fully integrated monitoring and control systems.

System reliability is exceptionally high, meeting the highest standards of protected communication in the
industry. lncluded in each message is a 16 bit CRC.

Note: Consult factory for other than Modbus RTU protocol.

Note: terminate serial link cable with 120 Ohm resistors at both ends.

Auxiliarv Power Supplv
AC /DC Power Supply:
Standard voltage version: 85 - 250 V (for 1 10V or 220V AC or DC)
Low voltage version: 19 - 60 Y (for 24Y or 48V AC or DC)
Frequency: DC, 45 to 65 Hz.
Power consumption: Less than 20 VA

Phase Current lnputs (three current)

Method : True RMS, sample time 0.5 mSec.
Range: 0.05 to '12 * phase CT Primary amps setting.
Fullscale: 12 * phase CT Primary amps setting.
Accuracy : * 1.5o/o ,for 0.9 to 1.5 * CT Primary amps setting.
* 5% above 1.5 * CT Primary
r (3% + 0.02 * CT primary) below 0.9. CT primary
Power consumption: < 0.1 VA per 1 A at 1 A. input, (lnput impedance < 100 mO)
< 1.0 VA per 5 A at 5 A. input, (lnput impedance s 20 mO)

Ground Fault Current lnputs (one current)

Method : True RMS, sample time 0.5 ms.
Range: 0.05 to 1.0 * G/F CT Primary amps setting.
Full scale: 1.0 * G/F CT Primary amps setting.
Accuracy : t 3% of full scale.
Power consumption: < 0.1 VA per 1 A at 1 A. input, (lnput impedance < 100 mO)
< 0.5 VA per 5 A at 5 A. input, (lnput impedance < 20 mO)

Line Voltaqe lnputs (three voltages, with or without neutral)

Method : True RMS, sample 0.5 mSec.
Power consumption: < 0.2 VA
Without VT transformer:
range: 50 - 750 volts.
Fullscale: 750 volts.
Accuracy: t 1.0o/o of fullscale.
With VT transformer:
range: 50 - 750 volts * (VT Primary / VT Secondary), limited to 25 KV.
Full scale: 750 volts * (W Primary / W Secondary), limited to 25 KV.
Accuracy: t 1.lYo of full scale.
Temperature lnputs (Ten RTDs - three wires or Six RTDs plus Four Thermistors)
Time 2 Sec.
Range: Gopper 10, PT100, Ni120: 0'C - 200"C
PTC or NTC thermistor Model: 0 - 25.0 KO
Accuracy: t 3o/o of resistance.
Max wire resistance: 25% of Sensor resistance at 10"C

Analoq lnputs and Outputs:

Range: 0 - 1mA or 0-20mA (different types). 0-20mA type can be set to 0-20mA or g-20mA.
Accuracy: 2o/o of Full Scale + 3% of input.

Overload Alarm and Trip Curves (both heating and cooling)

Fault time accuracy: t1 Second up to 10 seconds.
t1 second +l-2% above 10 seconds.
Threshold current level : Overload Pickup 1.So/o.
RTD Bias, Unbalance Bias.

Tota! Run Time

Accuracy: t2o/o.

Current Unbalance Alarm and Trip
Method: Unbalance = 100 * (Negative Sequence Current / Positive Sequence Current) l%l
lf Motor Load < 100% then multiply by * (Motor Load / 100)
This is to prevent nuisance tripping at low current levels.

Level 1
Threshold Unbalance Level 1 : 50Yo of Unbal Current setting t 2%.
Alarm (fixed) time delay: 1.0 t 0.5 Sec.

level 2 Curves
Threshold Unbalance Level 2: Unbal Current setting t 2%.
Trip time accuracy: 1 Second up to 10 seconds.
t 1 second +l-2% above 10 seconds.

Fault Time Delavs

Accuracy: t0.5 Sec. ot t2o/o of time, which ever is greater, for all but the above mentioned faults and
the following exceptions:
* Overcurrent Level 2: When adjusted to 0 >>> 60 mSec +/- 20 mSec. -0.11+0.2 Sec. up to
1 Sec.
* Ground fault trip: -0.11+0.2 Sec. for less than 1 Sec. delay.

Relavs Contacts
Rated load: 8A/250 VAC 1800V4.
Maximumvoltage: 250VAC.

Dielectric Strenqth
1500 VAC, for 1 minute, Between Ground (terminal63) and:
* Current inputs. * Auxiliary power supply inputs
* Voltage inputs. * Control terminals

Power and Reactive Power Measurements

Method: True RMS over three phase voltages and currents.
Range : 0.1 KW - 30MW (0.1 KVAR - 30 MVAR)
Full Scale : 30MW (30 MVAR)
Resolution : 0.1 KW below 1 MW 0.01 MW above 1 MW.
Accuracy: ForV> 90 *W Primary/W Secondary & Powerfactor) 0.5, with three phase voltages.
Two Ranges : 1. For (10% < I < 150%) of CT primary, aecuracy is :
t (2o/o + 0.01 " CT Primary/ Motor FLC.) of motor rated Power
2. For ( I > 150%) of CT primary, accuracy is :
x7% of the display reading
Power Factor
Method: Ratio between total power (P) to total apparent power (VA).
Range : 0.0 - 1.0 leading / lagging.
Resolution : 0.001
Accuracy: ForV> 90 *W Primary/W Secondary & l> 50% of CT Primary & Powerfactor2 0.7 it
is t 0.03

Ambient Temperature o"C to +50"C \

Outside Dimensions


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Mountino Screws 1O-32x1 i2"

Cutout Details

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