Hello everyone, my name is Ana and I
would like to introduce you to my family.
We live in Bogotá, the capital city of
Colombia. Our daily routine usually starts
early in the morning, with a cup of coffee
and some breakfast. Then, my parents go
to work while my siblings and I attend
school. After school, we usually hang out
together, watch TV or play games. their history. We also tried traditional
Sometimes we go out to explore the city Colombian food such as arepas and
and its many attractions, such as empanadas, which were delicious!
museums, parks or restaurants. In the Overall, our experiences in Bogotá have
evenings, we have dinner together and been unforgettable.
share our experiences of the day. That's a PARRAFO 3:
typical day in our family in Bogotá.
Some of the things that we loved about
PARRAFO 2: the city were its vibrant culture and
During our time in Bogotá, my family friendly people. Bogotá has a thriving art
and I have had the opportunity to visit scene, with colorful street murals and
many amazing places and do some fun numerous art galleries. We also enjoyed
activities. One of our favorite places is exploring the local markets, where we
Monserrate, a mountain that overlooks found unique handicrafts and delicious
the city and offers stunning views. We fresh fruits. The city's parks, such as
took a cable car to get to the top and Simon Bolivar Park, provided a peaceful
enjoyed a delicious meal at one of the escape from the bustling streets, and we
restaurants there. Another memorable loved spending time there, picnicking and
experience was visiting the Gold enjoying outdoor activities. The food
Museum, where we learned about scene in Bogotá is also fantastic, with a
Colombia's rich history and saw wide variety of restaurants offering both
incredible artifacts made of gold. We also traditional Colombian dishes and
went to the Salt Cathedral of Zipaquirá, international cuisine.
an underground cathedral built in a salt
mine, which was truly breathtaking. In
terms of activities, we went on a bike tour In conclusion, our time in Bogotá has
of the city, which was a great way to see been filled with incredible experiences,
different neighborhoods and learn about from exploring iconic landmarks to
We have created beautiful memories as a
family and have been captivated by the
beauty and charm of this city. Bogotá
truly has something for everyone, and we
highly recommend it as a destination for
anyone looking for a vibrant and
enriching travel experience.