Introduction To Machine Design
Introduction To Machine Design
Introduction To Machine Design
— Become obsolete
— Wear out
— It is defining the shape, size, and material of a part such that the part will not fail
under the conditions expected in service.
– The general concept, application, and shape of a part is often known at the
beginning of the design process.
– Failure is predicted when the factor of safety is 1.
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In ME 354, the machine design decision making process will include the following
2. Loads
3. Stress
4. Strength
5. Static failure
6. Fatigue failure
7. Factor(s) of safety
— Apply static and fatigue failure theories to the design of machine components and/or
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The factor of safety (n) is always unitless and compares a loss-of-function parameter to
the maximum allowed, or predicted, value of that parameter.
A part can have multiple factors of safety. Each factor of safety characterizes a potential
failure mode. The most likely failure mode is the one with the smallest factor of safety.
The choice of a factor of safety may be dictated by a design code or by a standard. More
often, engineering judgement is required to choose a factor of safety (see Table 1).
Given the uncertainties involved, a factor of safety should not be specified to more than 1
decimal place.
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Rank the following in order from lowest factor of safety to highest factory of safety.
A screwdriver
Cast-iron wheels
Structural steel
Aircraft components
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⃝ 1.2
⃝ 10
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3. Determine, and sketch, the internal loads for each segment of the machine component.
– Axial
– Torsion
– Bending
– Transverse shear
4. Identify the location(s) in the machine component where the internal load(s) is/are
extreme. The location(s) identified are the machine component’s critical
5. For each internal load, determine the stress distribution at the critical cross-section.
7. Represent the state of stress for each critical element on a stress element.
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The cantilevered bracket shown is acted on by a 200 N force at location E and a 300 N force
at location C.
The internal loads acting in segment AB are (select all that apply):
⃝ Axial
⃝ Torsion
⃝ Bending
⃝ Transverse shear
The internal loads acting in segment BD are (select all that apply):
⃝ Axial
⃝ Torsion
⃝ Bending
⃝ Transverse shear
The internal loads acting in segment BE are (select all that apply):
⃝ Axial
⃝ Torsion
⃝ Bending
⃝ Transverse shear
The internal loads acting in segment CD are (select all that apply):
⃝ Axial
⃝ Torsion
⃝ Bending
⃝ Transverse shear
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The internal loads acting in segment AB are (select all that apply):
⃝ Axial
⃝ Torsion
⃝ Bending
⃝ Transverse shear
The internal loads acting in segment BC are (select all that apply):
⃝ Axial
⃝ Torsion
⃝ Bending
⃝ Transverse shear
The internal loads acting in segment BD are (select all that apply):
⃝ Axial
⃝ Torsion
⃝ Bending
⃝ Transverse shear
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The beam shown is pinned to the wall at O, is supported by member AC, and is subjected
to a load at B.
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The state of stress at a specific location within a machine component is visualized using a
stress element.
– Shear stress τmn is located on the m´face of the stress element and acts in the
n´direction. The m´face is perpendicular to the m´direction.
– For an equilibrium stress state, τxy “ τyx , τyz “ τzy , and τxz “ τzx .
— A state of plane stress occurs when the stresses on one surface of the 3D stress
element are zero.
Figure 1: Stress elements are used to represent the state of stress at a specific location.
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The applied loads are F “ 1.75 kN, P “ 9.0 kN, and T “ 72 Nm.
The cross-sectional area is 3.73 cm2 , I “ 10.55 cm4 , and J “ 21.1 cm4 .
(b) Show the state of stress on a stress element for each critical element.
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Example 2 The bracket is made of 2024-T4 aluminum with a yield strength of 47 ksi.
The rod length (l) is 6 inches and the arm length (a) is 8 inches. The rod diameter (d) is
1.5 inches. The applied load (F ) is 1000 lbf.
(b) Show the state of stress on a stress element for each critical element.
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Example 3 The cantilevered bar is subjected to two constant loads. Force P “ 20 lbf acts
at point A and is in the `x´direction. Force F acts at point B and is in the `y´direction.
(b) Show the state of stress on a stress element for each critical element.
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Example 4 The curved, cantilever bar shown is acted upon by a 250 N force in the
-y-direction at point A.
(b) Show the state of stress on a stress element for each critical element.
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(b) Show the state of stress on a stress element for each critical element.
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Figure 2: The stages of machine component failure include crack formation, crack propaga-
tion, and catastrophic failure.
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— Unchanging in magnitude.
— Unchanging in direction.
A machine component fails when it separates into two, or more, pieces or when it is
permanently distorted.
Several theories exist for predicting failure due to static loading (see Figure 3).
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Strength and stress both have units of force per area (e.g., MPa, psi).
— Tensile test:
— Compression test:
— Torsion test:
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⃝ Alloying
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The stress-strain curve for a tensile test is shown above. Load P is applied to a tensile test
specimen. The test specimen’s initial cross-sectional area is A0 .
— Proportional limit (pl): The point until which Hooke’s Law can be applied.
— Elastic limit (el): The point at which additional stress causes permanent deformation.
— Yield strength (Sy ): The stress at which the material will retain a 0.2% permanent
elongation after the load is removed.
— Ultimate tensile strength (Sut ): The maximum stress the material can withstand.
— Fracture limit (Sf ): The point at which the material will fracture.
— If load is removed in the elastic region, the material will return to its original shape.
— If load is removed in the uniform plastic region, the material will retain permanent
deformation and strain hardening.
– During strain hardening, the yield point is moved to the right on the stress-strain
curve. Moving the yield point to the right increases the material’s yield strength.
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The Ductile Coulomb-Mohr (DCM) theory applies to ductile materials with different
compressive and tensile strengths.
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The Coulomb-Mohr theory is based on two simple tests: tension and compression.
— It is easier to calculate the shear yield strength than measure it: Ssy “ 0.577 Sy
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1 σ1 σ3
“ ´
n Syt Syc
The failure criterion for the DCM theory can be visualized using a yield envelope for a
plane stress state (see Figure 6).
— For σA ě σB ě 0: σ1 “ σA , σ2 “ σB and σ3 “ 0.
Syt Syt
n“ “
σ1 σA
— For σA ě 0 ě σB : σ1 “ σA , σ2 “ 0 and σ3 “ σB .
1 σ1 σ3 σA σB
“ ´ “ ´
n Syt Syc Syt Syc
— For 0 ě σA ě σB : σ1 “ 0, σ2 “ σA and σ3 “ σB .
Syc Syc
n“ “
´σ3 ´σB
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The Maximum Shear Stress (MSS) theory states that a component fails (yields) when
the maximum shear stress at any location in the component to is greater than, or equal to,
the maximum shear stress in a tension test specimen when that specimen starts to yield.
Sy Sy
n“ “
σ1 ´ σ3 2τmax
The yield envelope for the MSS theory is shown in Figure 7 for a plane stress state.
— For σA ě σB ě 0: σ1 “ σA , σ2 “ σB and σ3 “ 0.
Sy Sy
n“ “
σ1 σA
— For σA ě 0 ě σB : σ1 “ σA , σ2 “ 0 and σ3 “ σB .
Sy Sy
n“ “
σ1 ´ σ3 σA ´ σB
— For 0 ě σA ě σB : σ1 “ 0, σ2 “ σA and σ3 “ σB .
Sy Sy
n“ “
´σ3 ´σB
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The Distortion Energy (DE) theory states that a component fails (yields) when the
distortion strain energy per unit volume in the component is greater than, or equal to, the
distortion strain energy per unit volume in a tension test specimen when that specimen
starts to yield.
The principal stresses can be separated into two components (see Figure 8).
The DE theory suggests that it is the distortional component that leads to failure.
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pσ1 ´ σ2 q2 ` pσ2 ´ σ3 q2 ` pσ3 ´ σ1 q2
σ1 “
pσx ´ σy q2 ` pσy ´ σz q2 ` pσz ´ σx q2 ` 6pτxy
2 ` τ2 ` τ2 q
yz xz
σ1 “
σ “ σA2 ´ σA σB ` σB2
A comparison of yield envelopes for the MSS theory and the DE theory is seen in Figure 9.
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The applied loads are F “ 1.75 kN, P “ 9.0 kN, and T “ 72 Nm.
The cross-sectional area is 3.73 cm2 , I “ 10.55 cm4 , and J “ 21.1 cm4 .
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Example 7 The bracket is made of 2024-T4 aluminum with a yield strength of 47 ksi.
The rod length (l) is 6 inches and the arm length (a) is 8 inches. The rod diameter (d) is
1.5 inches. The applied load (F ) is 1000 lbf.
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Example 8 A part is made of AISI 1040 steel. The part has been annealed.
A part is subjected to static loading. At a location in the part, the part is subject to a
state of plane stress given by σx “ 50 MPa, σy “ 75 MPa, and τxy “ 50 MPa.
(a) Sketch the MSS and DE failure envelopes on the figure below. Plot the stress state.
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Example 9 The cantilevered bar is subjected to two constant loads. Force P “ 20 lbf acts
at point A and is in the `x´direction. Force F acts at point B and is in the `y´direction.
(a) For the bar made of AISI 1040 steel that has been quenched and tempered at 400˝ F,
find the force F allowed to achieve a factor of safety of 2.0. Compare your answers
using the MSS and DE theories.
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The Brittle Coulomb-Mohr (BCM) theory is identical to the DCM theory, except the
material’s ultimate tensile strength (Sut ) and ultimate compressive strength (Suc ) are used
instead of the tensile yield strength (Syt ) and compressive yield strength (Syc ).
The failure envelope for the BCM theory is seen in Figure 10 for a plane stress state.
— For σA ě σB ě 0, σ1 “ σA and σ3 “ 0.
Sut Sut
n“ “
σ1 σA
— For σA ě 0 ě σB , σ1 “ σA and σ3 “ σB .
1 σ1 σ3 σA σB
“ ´ “ ´
n Sut Suc Sut Suc
— For 0 ě σA ě σB , σ1 “ 0 and σ3 “ σB .
Suc Suc
n“ “
´σ3 ´σB
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The Modified Mohr (MM) theory was proposed based on observed data.
For a plane stress state, the MM theory is identical to the BCM theory in the first and
third quadrants.
— For σA ě σB ě 0, σ1 “ σA and σ3 “ 0.
Sut Sut
n“ “
σ1 σA
— For 0 ě σA ě σB , σ1 “ 0 and σ3 “ σB .
Suc Suc
n“ “
´σ3 ´σB
The MM theory differs from the BCM theory in the second and fourth quadrants.
Sut Sut
n“ “
σ1 σA
— For σA ě 0 ě σB and | σσBA | ą 1
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At a location in the part, the part is subject to a state of plane stress given by σx “ ´15
kpsi, σy “ 10 kpsi, and τxy “ ´15 kpsi.
(a) Sketch the MM and BCM failure envelopes on the figure below. Plot the stress state.
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Example 11 The cantilevered bar is subjected to two constant loads. Force P “ 20 lbf
acts at point A and is in the `x´direction. Force F acts at point B and is in the
(a) For the bar made of gray cast iron with compressive strength of 12 kpsi and tensile
strength of 5 kpsi, find the force F allowed to achieve a factor of safety of 2.0.
Compare your answers using the MM and BCM theories.
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The material is ASTM 30 gray cast iron, a brittle material with ultimate tensile strength
31 kpsi and ultimate compressive strength 109 kpsi.
(a) Sketch the MM and BCM failure envelopes on the figure below. Plot the stress state.
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The advances made during the Industrial Revolution led to the study of fatigue failure.
Power source(s)
Factor of safety
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The understanding of fatigue failure, including the ability to predict fatigue failure,
continues to advance.
— The study of fatigue failures including, but not limited to, the following:
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Three methods can be used for fatigue analysis, and are compared in Table 3.
Design goal
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For each of the following scenarios, determine the most applicable fatigue method(s).
The driveshaft of a typical automated production machine rotates at 100 rpm. Assume one-
shift operation.
Gas-turbine rotor blades, which operate under high stresses at high temperatures and go
through thermal cycles at start-up and shut-down.
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The stress-life method is the most mature method to perform fatigue analysis. It is not
great at characterizing low-cycle fatigue.
To obtain data for the stress-life method, test specimens are subjected to completely
reversed stress cycles until failure occurs.
Describe a test method that would achieve a normal stress that alternates between equal
magnitudes of tension and compression?
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Wöhler’s design of a rotating bending test machine uses a motor to rotate a test specimen
with a load at its free end (see Figure 11).
The R.R. Moore design of a rotating bending test machine uses a static weight to induce
four-point bending (see Figure 12).
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It is not uncommon for fatigue tests to test specimens up to 109 stress cycles.
Assuming continuous operation of the tester, estimate the time required to achieve 109 stress
cycles using each of the following testers.
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Flexure tests are used to measure the flexural strength of a material. Flexural strength is
the maximum stress at the outer surface of the specimen corresponding to the peak applied
Flexural strength is not considered a material property due to the nonuniformity of the
stress state. Measured values of flexural strength can differ by 10-20% from the compression
strength, measured using a standardized compression test method.
The two most common types of flexure test are three- and four-point bending tests.
Why would a three-point bending test be preferred to a four-point bending test? Or vice-
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The magnitude of the completely reversed stress when failure occurs at N stress cycles is
the material’s fatigue strength (Sf ).
The endurance limit (Se ) of a material is the magnitude of a completely reversed stress
cycle that can be applied to the material indefinitely without failure.
— Aluminum and copper do not have endurance limits and can experience fatigue
failure at very low stresses.
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⃝ Neither AISI 1035 steel nor A6061 aluminum alloy should be used.
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The idealized S-N diagram shown in Figure 13 is generated from repeated experiments on
identical test specimens.
The standard test specimen used in rotating bending fatigue test machine is shown in
Figure 14.
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For a real part, the endurance limit must be modified to reflect a real part operating in a
real environment.
Se “ ka kb kc kd ke Se1
Se1 is the endurance limit obtained from controlled experiments on the test specimen.
— ka : surface factor
— kb : size factor
— kc : load factor
— kd : temperature factor
— ke : reliability factor
See the Road Map at the end of Chapter 6 in the textbook for the procedure to obtain Se .
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A material has an ultimate tensile strength of 1500 MPa. Identify the most likely value for
the fully corrected endurance limit, Se .
⃝ 750 MPa
⃝ 700 MPa
⃝ 400 MPa
⃝ 40 MPa
⃝ None of these.
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A crankshaft for a small, single-cylinder engine is made of forged steel with yield strength
of 625 MPa and ultimate tensile strength of 800 MPa.
The critical cross-section of the crankshaft is located in the crank pin (i.e., the portion of
the crankshaft that is labeled as having a diameter of 0.8735 inches in the figure).
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Example 13 A 1.5-in-diameter AISI 1040 steel rod has a machined finish and a tensile
strength of 110 kpsi.
(b) The endurance limit if the rod is subjected to repeated bending, but is not rotating
(i.e., a four-point bend test).
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Example 14 Two steels are being considered for manufacture of as-forged connecting rods
subjected to bending loads.
One is AISI 4340 Cr-Mo-Ni steel capable of being heat-treated to a tensile strength of 260
The other is a plain carbon steel AISI 1040 with an attainable Sut of 113 kpsi.
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The part has dimensions r “ 0.25 in, d “ 0.40 in, h “ 0.50 in, w1 “ 3.50 in, and w2 “ 3.0
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Example 16 A solid round bar with diameter of 2 inches has a groove cut to a diameter is
1.8 inches, with a radius of 0.1 inch.
The bar is loaded with a repeated bending load that causes the bending moment at the
groove to fluctuate between 0 and 25,000 lbf¨in.
The bar is hot-rolled AISI 1095, but the groove has been machined.
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Example 17 A 1-in-diameter solid round bar has a 0.1-in deep groove with a 0.1-in radius
machined into it. The bar is AISI 1020 CD steel and is subjected to a completely reversed
torque of 1800 lbf-in.
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Example 18 A 4” square steel bar has a machined finish and is subjected to a completely
reversed axial load at a temperature of 600o F. The desired reliability is 99%. The ultimate
tensile strength of the steel is 90 kpsi at room temperature.
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Any irregularity or discontinuity in a part alters the stress distribution in the immediate
vicinity of the irregularity or discontinuity.
The irregularity or discontinuity is called a stress raiser. Stress raisers may also be
referred to as notches.
The region in which a stress raiser occurs is called an area of stress concentration.
Stress concentration factors Kt and Kts relate the actual maximum stress at the stress
raiser (σmax or τmax ) to the nominal stress (σ0 or τ0 ).
Kt “
Kts “
Kt and Kts are found in Figure A-15 for a variety of geometries and for loads of axial
tension/compression, bending, and torsion.
Fatigue stress concentration factors, Kf and Kf s are used when a part is subjected to
cyclic loading.
Kf “ 1 ` qpKt ´ 1q “
Kf s “ 1 ` qs pKts ´ 1q “
For steels and aluminum alloys that are not fully notch sensitive, q is found from Figure
6-26 and qs is found from Figure 6-27.
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The part has dimensions r “ 0.25 in, d “ 0.40 in, h “ 0.50 in, w1 “ 3.50 in, and w2 “ 3.0
(a) The part is made of a ductile material. Is a crack more likely to initiate at the hole or
at the fillet?
(b) The part is made of the same material, but has been heat treated and quenched
(HT&Q) to increase its strength. The material lost its ductility due to the HT&Q.
Is a crack now more likely to initiate at the hole or at the fillet?
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The part has dimensions r “ 0.25 in, d “ 0.40 in, h “ 0.50 in, w1 “ 3.50 in, and w2 “ 3.0
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Example 21 A solid round bar with diameter of 2 inches has a groove cut to a diameter is
1.8 inches, with a radius of 0.1 inch.
The bar is loaded with a repeated bending load that causes the bending moment at the
groove to fluctuate between 0 and 25,000 lbf¨in.
The bar is hot-rolled AISI 1095, but the groove has been machined.
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Example 22 A 1-in-diameter solid round bar has a 0.1-in deep groove with a 0.1-in radius
machined into it. The bar is AISI 1020 CD steel and is subjected to a completely reversed
torque of 1800 lbf-in.
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It is often necessary to simplify real loading patterns in order to apply the stress-life
For example, a time-varying force that cycles between a maximum of Fmax and a minimum
of Fmin is characterized by Fa and Fm .
|Fmax ´ Fmin |
Fa “
Fmax ` Fmin
Fm “
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For the vertical force shown below (the dashed line), estimate the following.
(a) Fmin “
(b) Fmax “
(c) Fa “
(d) Fm “
For the horizontal force shown below (the solid line), estimate the following.
(a) Fmin “
(b) Fmax “
(c) Fa “
(d) Fm “
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For the vertical force shown below in blue, estimate the following.
(a) Fmin “
(b) Fmax “
(c) Fa “
(d) Fm “
For the anterior-posterior (front-back) force shown below in red, estimate the following.
(a) Fmin “
(b) Fmax “
(c) Fa “
(d) Fm “
For the medial-lateral (left-right) force shown below in green, estimate the following.
(a) Fmin “
(b) Fmax “
(c) Fa “
(d) Fm “
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For the cyclic loads shown below, show the following stresses on the diagrams.
(a) σmin
(b) σmax
(c) σa
(d) σm
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⃝ σmin “ 0
⃝ σmax “ 0
⃝ σm “ 0
⃝ σa “ 0
⃝ σmin “ 0
⃝ σmax “ 0
⃝ σm “ 0
⃝ σa “ 0
⃝ σmin “ 0
⃝ σmax “ 0
⃝ σm “ 0
⃝ σa “ 0
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Figure 15 shows several theories can be used to represent the infinite life boundary.
— For completely reversed loading (σm “ 0), failure is predicted at the endurance limit
(Se ).
— For static loading (σa “ 0), failure is predicted at the material’s yield strength (Sy ),
ultimate tensile strength Sut , or true fracture strength (σ̃f ).
Note that even when infinite life is predicted, it is possible for the part to fail due to
first-cycle yielding.
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(a) Is infinite life predicted? Find the factor of safety for infinite life, nf .
(b) If nf ă 1, infinite life is not predicted. Find the number of cycles until the part
Figure 16: Fluctuating-stress diagram for the Goodman criterion with zones for infinite life,
finite life, and first-cycle yielding.
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3.12.1 Factor of safety for infinite life using the Goodman criterion
From Figure 15, the straight line between pσm , σa q “ p0, Se q and pσm , σa q “ pSut , 0q is the
Goodman line.
The Goodman line is a commonly used design criterion to conservatively represent the
infinite life boundary.
For σm ą 0, the factor of safety for infinite life using the Goodman line is:
1 σa σm
“ `
nf Se Sut
For σm ă 0, experiments have shown that a compressive mean stress is not detrimental to
fatigue life (see Figure ??).
nf “
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For finite-life, first find the equivalent completely reversed stress σar .
σar “
1 ´ σm {Sut
ˆ ˙1{b
σar {n
Constants a and b are functions of Sut and Se . The coefficient f is found from Figure 6-23
in the text.
pf Sut q2
ˆ ˙
1 f Sut
b “ ´ log
3 Se
Sy Sy
ny “ “
σmax σa ` |σm |
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The part has dimensions r “ 0.25 in, d “ 0.40 in, h “ 0.50 in, w1 “ 3.50 in, and w2 “ 3.0
The fully corrected endurance limit was found in Example 16 and the fatigue stress
concentration factor was found in Example 21.
(a) The factor of safety for infinite life using the Goodman criterion. If infinite life is not
predicted, find the number of cycles until failure.
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Example 24 A solid round bar with diameter of 2 inches has a groove cut to a diameter is
1.8 inches, with a radius of 0.1 inch.
The bar is loaded with a repeated bending load that causes the bending moment at the
groove to fluctuate between 0 and 25,000 lbf¨in.
The bar is hot-rolled AISI 1095, but the groove has been machined.
The fully corrected endurance limit was found in Example 15 and the fatigue stress
concentration factor was found in Example 20.
(a) The factor of safety for infinite life using the Goodman criterion. If infinite life is not
predicted, find the number of cycles until failure.
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Example 25 A 1-in-diameter solid round bar has a 0.1-in deep groove with a 0.1-in radius
machined into it. The bar is AISI 1020 CD steel and is subjected to a completely reversed
torque of 1800 lbf-in.
The fully corrected endurance limit was found in Example 17 and the fatigue stress
concentration factor was found in Example 22.
(a) The factor of safety for infinite life using the Goodman criterion. If infinite life is not
predicted, find the number of cycles until failure.
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σa1 “ rpKf qbending pσa qbending ` pKf qaxial pσa qaxial s2 ` 3rpKf s qtorsion pτa qtorsion s2
σm “ rpKf qbending pσm qbending ` pKf qaxial pσm qaxial s2 ` 3rpKf s qtorsion pτm qtorsion s2
The values for σa1 and σm are used to calculate:
— The factor of safety for infinite life using the Goodman line.
1 σa1 1
“ `
nf Se Sut
— The equivalent completely reversed stress and the factor of safety for finite life.
1 σa1
σar “
1 ´ σm
1 {S
ˆ 1
σar {n
— The check for first-cycle yielding.
Sy Sy
ny “ « 1
1 σa ` σm
Some notes for calculating fatigue life for cases of combined loading.
— For Marin factor kb , there could be a different value for each load type. Choose the
lowest value of kb .
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The bar is subjected to a steady torsional stress of 15 kpsi and an alternating bending
stress of 25 kpsi.
(a) The factor of safety for infinite life using the Goodman criterion. If infinite life is not
predicted, find the number of cycles until failure.
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The rod is 0.6 m long and supports a completely reversing transverse load at the other end
of ˘ 2 kN.
(a) The dimension of the square cross-section if the rod must support the load for 105
cycles with a design factor of 1.5.
(b) Using the dimension found in part (a), predict the number of cycles to failure if the
rod supports a steady 1 kN axial load in addition to the completely reversing
transverse load.
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Example 28 The rotating stepped shaft is steel with Sut “ 91 kpsi, Sy “ 77 kpsi, and a
fully corrected endurance limit of Se “ 40 kpsi.
The diameter of the larger section is 2.5 inches and the diameter of the smaller section is
1.5 inches.
The shaft is loaded with constant forces FA and FB and a torque that alternates between 0
and 1800 lbf-in.
The stress concentration factors at the step are Kf “ 2.1 and Kf s “ 1.7.
(c) You plan to use the Goodman criterion to find the factor of safety for infinite life.
Complete the following table for critical cross-sections at A and at B.
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Location A Location B
Kf s
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4 Shaft design
A shaft transmits rotary motion, torque, and power from a source to a load.
Shafts have circular cross-sections. They are either solid or hollow tubes.
Shafts carry gears, pulleys, and/or sprockets to transmit rotary motion, torque, and power.
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Two designs are being considered for a rotating shaft that will support a transverse
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For the same load, the same cross-section, and the same length, which beam design
will have the larger deflection?
⃝ A cantilever beam
⃝ A simply-supported beam
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2. A cantilever beam will have a larger deflection than a simply supported (straddle
mounted) one for the same length, load, and cross-section, so straddle mounting
should be used unless a cantilever shaft is dictated by design constraints.
Pulleys are often overhung, for example, so that the belt can be changed without
disassembling the shaft and bearings.
3. A hollow shaft has a better stiffness/mass ratio (specific stiffness) and higher natural
frequencies than a comparably stiff or strong solid shaft, but will be more expensive
and larger in diameter.
4. Try to locate stress raisers away from regions of large bending moments if possible
and minimize their effects with generous radii and reliefs.
5. If minimizing deflection is the primary concern, then low-carbon steel may be the
preferred material since its stiffness is as high as that of higher strength steels and a
shaft designed for low deflection will tend to have low stresses.
6. Deflections at gears carried on the shaft should not exceed about 0.005 in and the
relative slope between gear axes should be less than about 0.03o .
7. If plain (sleeve) bearings are used, the shaft deflection across the bearing length
should be less than the oil-film thickness of the bearing.
8. If non-self-aligning rolling element bearings are used, the shaft angular deflection
should be kept less than about 0.03o at the bearing.
9. If axial thrust loads are present, they should be taken to ground through a single
thrust bearing per load direction. Do not split axial loads between thrust bearings as
thermal expansion of the shaft can overload the bearing.
10. The first natural frequency of the shaft should be at least 3x the highest forcing
frequency expected in service, and preferably much more. A factor of 10x or more is
ideal, but this is often difficult to achieve in mechanical systems.
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All machine components have mass. A moving mass will store kinetic energy.
All machine components are made of elastic materials. Elastic materials act as springs.
Springs store potential energy.
A bell rings because it vibrates at its natural frequency (ωn ) after it is struck. This free
vibration will continue until it dies out due to the damping in the system.
ωn “
Systems will also vibrate if acted on by a time-varying load (also known as a driving
function or a forcing function). The system will vibrate at the driving function’s
forcing frequency.
Resonance will occur if the forcing frequency coincides with the system’s natural
1. Keep all forcing, or self-exciting, frequencies below the system’s first critical
2. Accelerate the system rapidly through the resonance, before the vibrations have a
chance to build up amplitude.
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4.3.1 Keys
A key is used to transmit torque between a shaft and a shaft-supported element (see
Figure 18).
Keys are available in several styles. The most commonly used keys are straight keys.
Straight keys are also known as parallel keys or machine keys.
The table below summarizes safety factors for three different designs.
⃝ Design A
⃝ Design B
⃝ Design C
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Stress concentration factors for the keyseat should be considered when designing the shaft.
Suggestions for stress concentration factors are summarized in Table 7-1 of the Shigley text.
— When negatively toleranced, the key will never be larger than the nominal size.
– The keyseat can be cut with a standard milling cutter at the nominal size.
– Key will fit in the keyseat with a slight clearance.
— When positively toleranced, the key will be slightly larger than the nominal size.
– Used when a closer fit between the key and keyseat is desired.
– May require additional machining of the key.
— Any clearance between the key and the keyseat will result in impact and high stresses.
To avoid backlash...
When using oversized (positively toleranced) keys, the engineer needs to be concerned with
backlash when torque-loads cycle between -10 N-m to 50 N-m.
⃝ True
⃝ False
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Key cross-section is dictated by the shaft diameter (see Table 7-6 in the Shigley text).
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— The key is sheared across its width at the interface between the hub and the shaft.
Ssy 0.577Sy
n“ “
τ τ
The shear stress is the shear force divided by the area being cut.
F T {r
τ“ “
Ashear w¨l
The normal stress is the crushing force divided by the area being crushed.
F T {r
σ“ “ h
Acrush 2
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How would you determine the factor of safety for infinite life?
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Choose an appropriate key, where the key is made of 1020 cold-drawn steel.
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The shaft is steel with Sut “ 108 kpsi and Sy “ 62 kpsi and has a 2-in diameter.
The shaft has a machined finish, is at room temperature, and the reliability is 90%.
The key is to be chosen from the selection of Machine Keys available on the
McMaster-Carr website (
(a) For the shaft, find the factor of safety for infinite life (using the modified Goodman
criterion) or the expected life of the part.
(b) Select an appropriate key for the gear, with a factor of safety of 2. Consider crushing
and failure by shear. Failure by shear should consider both static and fatigue failures.
Note that the 1000 lbf applied load does not act on the key; the key transmits torque
between the gear and the shaft, not the radial load.
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4.3.3 Splines
Splines are formed by contouring the outside of the shaft and the inside of the hub, as
seen in Figure 19.
— Splines can accommodate large axial motions between the shaft and the hub.
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An interference fit, also known as a press fit or a shrink fit, can also be used to couple
a shaft and a hub.
For these fits, the hole in the hub is slightly smaller than the shaft diameter. The elastic
deformation of both the shaft and the hub creates large normal and frictional forces
between the parts.
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See Table 7-9 in the Shigley text for descriptions of preferred fits using the basic hole
Dmax “ D ` ∆D
∆D is the tolerance grade for the hole. The tolerance grade for the hole is specified by
the number before the slash in the symbol.
For basic size D, the tolerance grade is found from Table A-11 for metric sizes or Table
A-13 for inch sizes.
Dmin “ D
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dmax “ d ` δF
δF is the fundamental deviation. The fundamental deviation for the shaft is specified by
the letter after the slash in the symbol.
For basic size d, the fundamental deviation is found from Table A-12 for metric sizes or
Table A-14 for inch sizes.
For shafts with clearance fits (c, d, f, g, and h), the minimum shaft diameter is:
dmin “ d ` δF ´ ∆d
For shafts with transition or interference fits (k, n, p, s, and u), the minimum shaft
diameter is:
dmin “ d ` δF ` ∆d
∆d is the tolerance grade for the shaft. The tolerance grade for the shaft is specified by the
number after the slash in the symbol.
For basic size d, the tolerance grade is found from Table A-11 for metric sizes or Table
A-13 for inch sizes.
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cmin ` cmax
cavg “
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Example 32 Find the maximum and minimum clearances for a H8/f7 clearance fit with
D “ 15 mm.
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— In its pure form, iron is soft and generally not useful as an engineering material.
— Add carbon
— Alloying
– Manganese greater than 1.65%, silicon over 0.5%, copper above 0.6%, or other
minimum quantities of alloying elements such as chromium, nickel,
molybdenum, vanadium, or tungsten are present.
— Heat treatment
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Also called:
Tensile strength
Can be hardened
or strengthened
with heat treatment
How formed
Tables A-20 and A-21 tabulate material properties for some steels.
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) published the Unified Numbering System for
Metals and Alloys (UNS) in 1975. The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) adopted
a similar system.
— The first pair of digits gives the composition, excluding the carbon content.
The SAE and/or AISI numbering system is the middle four digits of the UNS number.
During hot working processes, the metal is heated above its recrystallization temperature.
— Spinning works sheet metal around a rotating form into a circular shape.
— Cold drawing (CD) is the process where hot rolled bars are cleaned and then drawn
through a die that reduces the size 1/16 or 1/32 inch.
– Cold drawn steel usually needs to be drawn multiple times through different dies
to achieve the right size, leading to higher production costs.
Compared to hot worked parts, cold worked parts have a bright new finish, are more
accurate, and require less machining.
Using the data in Table A-20 for AISI 1035 steel, sketch the stress-strain diagrams
for HR and CD.
Railroad tracks
Metal furniture
Structural I-beams
Machine keys
— The hardness number (RB or RC ) is read directly from a dial in Rockwell hardness
— in Brinell hardness tests, the hardness (HB ) is the applied load divided by the
spherical surface area of the indentation.
– For many materials, the relationship between Sut and HB is roughly linear.
Using the data in Table A-20, what is the relationship between HB and Sut for steels?
Annealing is used to soften a material, make it more ductile, relieve residual stresses, and
refine the grain structure.
Tempering reheats the steel to a temperature lower than the critical temperature, and
then cools the steel in still air.
A steel shaft experiences high torque starts and stops. During running, the shaft ex-
periences moderate shocks.
⃝ Annealing
⃝ Quenching
⃝ Tempering
⃝ Case Hardening
— See the Ashby charts, Figures 2-23 through 2-27 in the Shigley text.
l Aluminum alloys
l Copper alloys
l Lead alloys
l Magnesium alloys
l Nickel alloys
l Carbon steels
l Stainless steels
l Titanium alloys
l Zinc alloys
6 Surface Failure
Recall that machines, and machine components, can fail in three ways.
1. Become obsolete
2. Wear out
Wear encompasses many types of failures, all of which involve changes to the part surface.
— Adhesive wear
— Abrasive wear
— Erosion
— Corrosion wear
— Surface fatigue
— Sliding
— Rolling
Even an apparently smooth surface will have microscopic irregularities. The microscopic
mountain peaks on a surface are called asperities.
When two surfaces are pressed together, the contact area depends on the asperities and is
difficult to determine (see Figure 20).
— The tips of the asperities will initially contact the mating part and the initial area
will be very small.
— As the mating force increases, the asperity tips yield and spread until the contact
area is sufficient to support the load.
Figure 20: The actual contact between surfaces occurs only at the asperity tips.
6.2 Friction
Understanding asperities and surface contact gives insight into friction forces.
Coulomb friction is the model used to calculate the force of dry friction.
— Elastic deformations
— Adhesions
The Coulomb friction force is the force necessary to shear the adhered and elastically
interlocked asperities in order to allow a sliding motion.
— Surface cleanliness
— Surface roughness
— Sliding velocity
— Lubrication
When clean surfaces are pressed together, asperities will tend to adhere to one another due
to the attractive forces between the surface atoms of the two materials.
Scoring or scuffing may occur when a particle of one material breaks free and scratches
the surface of both parts.
Adhesive wear can be avoided/minimized by pairing appropriate materials (see Figure 21).
– If mating materials are metals, are compatible, and are extremely clean, the
adhesive forces will be high and the sliding friction can generate enough
localized heat to weld the asperities together. This is called cold welding.
– A lubricant film effectively isolates the two materials and can prevent adhesion
even between identical materials.
Figure 21: Metallurgically incompatible materials will have the best resistance to adhesive
Abrasion is a material removal process in which the affected surfaces lose mass.
6.5 Corrosion
— Surface contact can break up the oxide film and expose new material.
Hertzian contact stresses are the localized stresses that develop as two curved surfaces
come in contact.
— Materials deform to create a sufficient contact area to support the applied load.
For a rolling sphere or cylinder, Hertzian contact stresses are repeated at the rotation
frequency. This cyclic loading leads to surface fatigue failure.
1. Crack initiation
2. Pitting
3. Flaking
4. Spalling
5. Disintegration
Figure 22: The progression of surface fatigue failure shown on the inner raceway of a rolling
element bearing.
Example 33 A carbon steel ball with 25-mm diameter is pressed together with an
aluminum ball with 40-mm diameter by a force of 10 N.
(b) The depth at which the maximum shear stress will occur for the aluminum ball.
Example 34 An aluminum alloy cylinder roller with 1.25-in diameter and 2-in length rolls
on the inside of a cast-iron ring that is 2-in thick and has a 6-in inner diameter.
Determine the maximum contact force F that can be used if the shear stress is not to
exceed 4000 psi.
7 Bearings
A bearing is a device that supports (bears) a load while allowing motion that is inherent
to the machine.
Journal bearings consist of a journal (shaft) and a bearing (see Figure 23).
— The journal and bearing fit together with a high degree of geometrical conformity.
— The clearance between the journal and the bearing is usually 1/1000 of the shaft
In rolling-element bearings (REB), the load is carried over a small area (see Figure 24).
Operating speed
Load capacity
Rotation accuracy
Axial length
Typical applications
You’re planning to go sledding down Slayter Hill, and looking to up your sled game.
You are considering two bespoke sled designs (Design A and Design B).
Design A Design B
⃝ Design A
⃝ Design B
Assuming both sleds carry the same weight, which design will be faster?
⃝ Design A
⃝ Design B
⃝ Design A
⃝ Design B
Design A shows a cam with a roller-follower and includes three components: the cam, the
roller, and the follower. The roller rolls on the cam surface as the cam rotates about a shaft.
Design B shows a cam with a flat-face follower and includes two components: the cam and
the follower. The follower slides on the cam surface as the cam rotates about a shaft.
Design A Design B
⃝ Design A
⃝ Design B
⃝ Design A
⃝ Design B
⃝ Design A
⃝ Design B
You agreed to help a friend move a heavy piece of furniture. You are considering two
designs to assist the move.
Design B is a set of furniture sliders. The sliders are smooth disks that the piece of
furniture rests on.
Design A Design B
Which design will make the piece of furniture easier to move? In other words, which design
needs less horizontal force applied to the piece of furniture?
⃝ Design A
⃝ Design B
If the same horizontal force is applied to the piece of furniture, which design will allow the
piece of furniture to move faster?
⃝ Design A
⃝ Design B
⃝ Design A
⃝ Design B
A typical REB consists of an inner ring, an outer ring, rolling elements, and a cage (see
Figure 25).
— Separating the rolling elements to reduce the frictional heat generated in the bearing.
— Keeping the rolling elements evenly spaced to optimize load distribution.
— Guiding the rolling elements in the unloaded zone of the bearing.
— Retaining the rolling elements of separable bearings when one bearing ring is
removed during mounting or dismounting.
There are two types of REB: ball bearings and roller bearings.
Ball bearings:
— Small(er) contact area Ñ low(er) rolling friction Ñ high speeds, but limited load
carrying capacity
Roller bearings:
— Large(r) contact area Ñ high(er) rolling friction Ñ heavier loads, but at lower speeds
Roller bearings accommodate heavier loads than same-sized ball bearings, but the direction
of the loads is the main factor in bearing selection.
— Thrust bearings accommodate loads that act predominantly along the axis of the
The contact angle determines if a bearing is a radial bearing (contact angle ď 45˝ ) or a
thrust bearing (contact angle ą 45˝ ).
REB fail when the the bearing exhibits the first pit. The raceway typically fails first.
Recall for Hertzian contact, τmax occurs just below the surface.
— Clean
— Properly lubricated
— Sealed
— Properly mounted
Bearing life is the number of revolutions (or the number of operating hours at a given
speed) that the bearing is capable of enduring before the first sign of metal fatigue.
Tests on seemingly identical bearings under identical operating conditions result in a large
variation of bearing life.
To select a bearing, the bearing’s load (F ), life (L), and reliability requirements are related
to the published catalog data. See Figure 29 for an excerpt from a bearing catalog.
1{a 1{a
a1 FR LR “ FD LD
The a1 parameter is tabulated in the ISO 281 standard and accounts for the desired
bearing reliability.
Reliability a1
90% 1
95% 0.64
96% 0.55
97% 0.47
98% 0.37
99% 0.25
FR is the catalog rating load. The catalog rating load is in units of lbf or kN.
— The rating load is the radial load that causes 10% of a group of bearings to fail at the
bearing manufacturer’s rating life.
— The catalog load rating is a reference value; it is not an actual load achieved by a
— The rating life is the life that 90% of a sufficiently large group of apparently identical
bearings, operating under identical operating conditions, can be expected to attain or
FD is the desired radial load. The desired radial load is in units of lbf or kN.
The exponent a is 3 for ball bearings and 10{3 for roller bearings.
For REB supporting combined loads, the axial thrust load, Fa , and radial load, Fr , are
combined into an equivalent radial load:
Fe “ Xi V Fr ` Yi Fa
The rotation factor, V , is 1 when the inner ring rotates and 1.2 when the outer ring rotates.
Xi and Yi are found in Table 11-1 of the Shigley text. These factors are tabulated for
values of e, where e is correlated to the ratio of the axial thrust load, Fa , and the basic
static load rating, C0 .
The bearing must support a radial load of 8 kN, an axial load of 3 kN, and have a life of
108 revolutions. The outer bearing rotates.
Example 37 The shaft shown in Figure 55 is proposed to support the loads shown in
Figure 31.
The shaft rotates freely at a constant angular velocity and is supported by rolling element
bearings at O and C.
(b) For a bearing life of 107 revolutions, select bearings for O and C from the available
bearings on McMaster-Carr.
(a) The L10 life for Timkin bearings from the online catalog. Where in the catalog was
this information located?
(b) Choose deep groove ball bearings to support the rotating shaft from the bearings on
Page 21. The bearings should support the rotating shaft for 108 cycles and for 99%
9 Lubrication
1. Boundary: Surfaces physically contact and adhesive or abrasive wear may occur.
2. Mixed-film: Hydrodynamic fluid film begins to form, reducing asperity contact and
(a) Hydrostatic
(b) Hydrodynamic
(c) Elastohydrodynamic (EHD)
Figure 33: Boundary, mixed-film, and full-film hydrodynamic lubrication in journal bearings
during start-up.
— Requires a reservoir (sump) to hold the lubricant, a pump to pressurize the lubricant,
and plumbing to distribute the lubricant.
— Small contact area is big enough of a flat surface to allow a full hydrodynamic film...
— Surface roughness must be no more than 1/2 to 1/3 of the film thickness.
10 Journal Bearings
Consider a plate with area A. The plate is acted on by force F and has a velocity U
relative to a fixed surface. The plate and surface are separated by a lubricant with
thickness h and dynamic viscosity µ.
Now consider a shaft with radius r. The shaft rotates at a speed N within a bearing with
length l. The clearance between the journal (shaft) and the bearing is c.
Now incorporate friction f and a supported load W into the analysis of the rotating shaft.
Finally, replace the supported load with the pressure in the lubricant.
Petroff ’s equation relates the coefficient of friction, f , to the clearance ratio, r{c. Note
that Petroff’s equation was derived assuming that the journal is concentric with the
µN r
f “ 2π 2
P c
Pressure, P , is the radial load, W , divided by the projected area of the journal in the
P “ “
A 2rl
Multiplying Petroff’s equation by the clearance ratio gives an expression for the
Sommerfeld number, S.
ˆ ˙2
r µN r
f “ 2π 2 “ 2π 2 S
c P c
The dimensionless group P
is a design constraint that designates film thickness.
— P
ă 1.7 ˆ 10´6 : thin film (boundary or mixed film)
— P
ě 1.7 ˆ 10´6 : thick film (full film)
For both the thin film and thick film lubrication regimes, consider the progression of events
that occurs when lubricant temperature increases.
Temperature Ò Ò
Viscosity (µ)
Friction (f )
Heat generated
When designing/selecting a journal bearing for an application, the following variables are
often specified by the overall design of the machine.
— The viscosity µ
— The speed N
Example 39 A full journal bearing has a 25-mm journal diameter, a 25.03-mm bore
diameter, and l{d “ 0.5.
The bearing supports a 1.2 kN radial load and the journal runs at 1100 rpm.
(a) The minimum film thickness, h0 , the position of the minimum film thickness, ϕ, the
terminating position of the film, ϕ0 , and the eccentricity, e.
The bearing supports a shaft with d “ 3 in. The radial load is 675 lbf and the journal
rotates at 10 rev/s.
Example 41 The shaft has a 2-in diameter and rotates at 2000 rpm.
The shaft is to be supported by a journal bearing with clearance ratio r{c “ 600 and
l{d “ 1.
The bushing bore has a diameter of 50.05 mm. The load is 1.5 kN and the journal speed is
800 rev/min. The operating temperature is 50ºC and SAE 30 lubricating oil is used.
11 Gears
Rolling contact is the simplest way to transfer motion from one rotating part to another.
The rotating parts will not slip until the applied torque exceeds the frictional torque.
A gear set is formed when meshing teeth are added to the rotating parts. Gear sets are
machines that exchange torque for velocity.
The fundamental law of gearing states that the angular velocity ratio, mV , between the
gears of a gear set must remain constant throughout the mesh.
ωout rin
mV “ “˘
ωin rout
The torque ratio, or mechanical advantage, is the reciprocal of the angular velocity
1 ωin rout
mA “ “ “˘
mV ωout rin
— A gear ratio of up to about 10:1 can be achieved with one pair of gears.
Match each of the terms with the correct gear in the figure above.
See Figure 13-5 in the Shigley text for spur gear nomenclature.
The pitch diameter (d) is the pitch circle diameter and has units of inches or millimeters.
The pitch circles of two meshing gears are tangent at the pitch point.
When two gears are in mesh, their pitch circles roll on one another without slipping.
The pitch-line velocity (V ) is tangent to the pitch circles and has magnitude:
Figure 34: The pitch circles of two meshing gears are tangent at the pitch point.
The circular pitch (p) is the distance measured along the pitch circle from a point on one
tooth to the corresponding point on the adjacent tooth.
— The circular pitch is the sum of the tooth thickness and the width of space.
The diametral pitch (P ) is the ratio of the gear’s number of teeth (N ) and the pitch
diameter. The diametral pitch is used only in U.S. units and has units of teeth per inch.
N π
P “ “
d p
The module (m) is used only in SI units and has units of millimeters. The module is the
reciprocal of P .
d p
m“ “
N π
Figure 35: Circular pitch is the sum of the tooth thickness and the width of space.
The involute of a circle is the spiraling curve traced by the end of an imaginary taut string
unwinding itself from that stationary circle called the base circle.
— The base circle, like the pitch circle, is a theoretical circle that is used for calculations.
As a gearset rotates, the curved surface of a pinion tooth presses against the curved surface
of a gear tooth.
— The point of contact is where the two surfaces are tangent to each other.
The contact force acts along the line of action. For involute gear tooth geometry, the line
of action is also tangent to the base circles of the pinion and of the gear.
The pressure angle (ϕ) is the angle between the line of action and the direction of the
pitch-line velocity. Standard values of ϕ are 14.5˝ and 20˝ (and sometimes 25˝ ).
Figure 36: The line of action is tangent to the base circles of the two meshing gears.
The contact ratio (mc ) is the average number of pairs of teeth in contact.
— Continuous motion transfer requires two pairs of teeth in contact as the mesh moves
from one pair of teeth to the next.
— Gears should not be designed with mc ă 1.2
The contact ratio is calculated from the length of the line of action between the addenda
circles of the pinion and the gear (Lab ):
mc “
p cos ϕ
Backlash is the difference between the tooth thickness and the width of space.
Interference occurs when the tooth profiles of meshing gears are not conjugates.
Interference can be avoided by proper choice of gear teeth and pressure angle. See the
equations in Section 13-7 of the Shigley text.
Torque is conserved.
⃝ True
⃝ False
Power is conserved.
⃝ True
⃝ False
Free body diagrams for a pinion meshing with a gear are shown in Figure 39. The pinion
and gear have pressure angle ϕ.
Recall that the contact force between meshing gear teeth acts along the line of action.
Tpinion “ rpinion W t
Tgear “ rgear W t
1. Surface fatigue.
2. Fatigue due to fluctuating bending stresses at the root of the gear tooth.
Derive an expression for the bending stress at the base of the gear tooth.
The gear tooth has face width F , is t wide at the root, and the transmitted load W t acts a
distance l from the tooth root.
The bending stress at the base of the tooth is the basis for the original Lewis equation.
Mc 6W t l
σ“ “
I F t2
The original Lewis equation has since been extended to include a velocity factor Kv and a
form factor Y .
Kv W t P
Kv is the velocity factor and accounts for dynamic effects. The velocity factor is a function
of the pitch line velocity (V ), material, and tooth profile.
Y is the Lewis Form Factor. The Lewis Form Factor is a function of number of teeth and is
tabulated in Table 14-2 in the Shigley text for a pressure angle ϕ “ 20˝ .
Road maps for the American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) approaches to spur
gear analysis are found in the Shigley text.
Example 43 A simple gear train contains a pinion, an idler gear, and a gear.
The pinion has 14 teeth, a 25˝ pressure angle, and diametral pitch P “ 6 teeth/inch.
Example 44 A 15-tooth spur pinion has a module of 3 mm and runs at a speed of 1600
Both the pinion and the gear are manufactured to a quality level of 10.
It is proposed that standard 25˝ , full-depth teeth are used, with both pinion and gear
hobbed from an AISI 4140 grade 2 nitrided steel that is through-hardened to 300 Brinell.
The pinion in the gear train below has angular speed ω2 . Gear 6 is the gear train output.
The pinion drives gear 3. Gear 3 has N3 teeth, pitch diameter d3 , and rotates at n3 rpm.
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇ N2 ˇ ˇ d2 ˇ
n3 “ ˇˇ n2 ˇˇ “ ˇˇ n2 ˇˇ
N3 d3
A gear ratio of up to about 10:1 can be achieved with a single pair of gears.
— Larger gear ratios can be achieved by combining more gears in a gear train.
e is positive if the first and last gears rotate in the same direction and negative if they
rotate in opposite directions.
— Count the number of meshes. e is negative for an odd number of meshes and positive
for an even number of meshes.
A compound gear train has two, or more, gears attached to the same shaft.
2. Divide the overall ratio into the portions for each stage.
A compound reverted gear train is a compound gear train where the input and output
shafts are algined.
This requires the distances between the shafts to be the same for both stages of the gear
Of the ring, planet, and sun gears, one is the input, one is the output, and one is fixed.
Two equations relate the gears’ number of teeth to the gears’ angular velocities.
Ns ωs ` Np ωp ´ pNs ` Np qωc “ 0
Nr ωr ´ Np ωp ´ pNr ´ Np qωc “ 0
Derive the gear ratio if the sun is the fixed gear and the ring is the output.
Example 46 Design a three-stage compound spur gear train for an overall ratio of
approximately 592:1. Specify tooth numbers for each gear in the train.
The hour hand is attached to the output shaft such that the hour hand will rotate with
gear 5.
Specify appropriate numbers of teeth, while minimizing the gearbox size and avoiding
interference in the teeth. Use spur gears with a 20˝ pressure angle.
Example 48 Design a planetary gear train for an overall velocity ratio of exactly 0.2 if
the sun gear is the input, the arm is the output, and the ring gear is stationary. Specify
tooth numbers for each gear in the train.
The teeth are angled with respect to the axis of rotation at a helix angle ψ. The helix
angle is typically 10 to 45˝ .
— Helical gears run quieter and with less vibration due to gradual tooth contact.
— Helical gears have stronger teeth for the same normal pitch, pitch diameter, and
number of teeth.
Figure 42: Helical gear nomenclature. Section A-A is the transverse plane and Section B-B
is the normal plane.
You are designing a transmission for a race car. Should you use spur gears or helical gear in
the gearset?
Axial load
The transmitted load W t is found the same way as for spur gears, and can be found from
the torque applied to the gear or to the pinion.
Tp Tg
Wt “ “
rp rg
In addition to the radial component Wr due to the pressure angle, an axial component Wa
acts to separate the gears axially.
Wr “ W t tan ϕ
Wa “ Wt tan ψ
W “
cos ψ cos ϕn
The AGMA equations for bending stress and for wear in spur gears are also used for helical
Bevel gears are cut on mating cones rather than the mating cylinders of spur or helical
— Straight bevel gears have teeth cut parallel to the cone axis, analogous to spur
— Spiral bevel gears have teeth cut at spiral angle ψ to the cone axis, analogous to
helical gears.
Advantages of spiral bevel gears over straight bevel gears are similar to the advantages of
helical gears over spur gears.
— Spiral bevels can be smaller in diameter for the same load capacity.
The AGMA equations for bending stress and for wear are summarized in Figures 15-14 and
15-15 in the Shigley text.
For a real application, see the standard ANSI/AGMA 2005-D03 (R2008): Design
Manual For Bevel Gears.
— The worm is analogous to a screw thread, and the worm gear is analogous to a nut.
The worm is a a helical gear with a helix angle so large that a single tooth wraps
continuously around its circumference.
— Can be self-locking.
The tooth forms for worms and worm gears are not involutes.
— Worms and worm gears are not interchangeable; they are made and replaced as sets.
— The wormgear needs to be made from a material soft and compliant enough to
conform to the hard worm under high-sliding conditions.
For a real application, see the standard ANSI/AGMA 6022: Design Manual For
Cylindrical Wormgearing.
Example 49 A helical gearset is to transmit 5 hp with an input pinion speed of 300 rpm.
The helical gears have a 20˝ normal pitch angle and a 30˝ helix angle and a normal
diametral pitch of 6 teeth/inch.
The gears are to be grade 1 steel, through-hardened at 200 Brinell, made to No. 6 quality
standards. The gears will be uncrowned and centered on their shafts between bearings.
Determine the AGMA factors of safety for bending and contact stresses.
Example 50 A catalog of stock bevel gears lists a power rating of 5.2 hp at 1200 rpm
pinion speed for a straight-bevel gearset consisting of a 20-tooth pinion driving a 40-tooth
The gear pair has a 20˝ normal pressure angle, a face width of 0.71 in, a diametral pitch of
10 teeth/in, and is through-hardened to 300 BHN.
Assume the gears are for general industrial use, are generated to a transmission accuracy
number of 5, and are uncrowned.
Also assume the gears are rated for a life of 3 ˆ 106 revolutions with a 99% reliability.
12 Mechanical Springs
Springs are designed to provide a push, a pull, or a twist force or to store/absorb energy.
Spring rates are constant for linear springs and vary for nonlinear springs. Linear springs
are often desired in order to control loading.
— When combined in series, the same force passes through all springs and each spring
contributes to the total deflection.
1 1 1 1
“ ` ` ... `
ktotal k1 k2 kn
— When combined in parallel, all springs have the same deflection and the force splits
among the individual springs.
ktotal “ k1 ` k2 ` ... ` kn
The inner diameter (Di ) and outer diameter (Do ) are calculated from D and d.
Di “ D ´ d
Do “ D ` d
For a helical compression spring, C should be between 4 and 12. A spring with C ă 4 is
hard to manufacture and a spring with C ą 12 is prone to buckling and/or tangling.
The free length of the spring, L0 , is the overall spring length in the unloaded condition.
The assembled length La is the length after installation to its initial deflection yinitial .
— The initial deflection and the spring rate k determines the preload at assembly.
The working load compresses the spring through its working deflection yworking .
The minimum working length Lm is the shortest dimension to which the spring is
compressed in service.
The shut height or solid height Ls is the length when compressed such that all coils are
in contact.
— The spring can support loads up to the compressive strength of the wire when
compressed to Ls .
A minimum clash allowance of 10-15% is recommended to avoid reaching the shut height in
service with out-of-tolerance springs, or with excessive deflections. The clash allowance is:
Lm ´ Ls yclash
yworking yworking
A helical compression spring, with mean coil diameter D and wire diameter d, is
compressed by force F .
The internal loads acting in the wire are (select all that apply):
⃝ Axial tension
⃝ Axial compression
⃝ Torsion
⃝ Bending
⃝ Transverse shear
A helical compression spring, with mean coil diameter D and wire diameter d, is
compressed by force F .
The exact solution for the combination of torsion and transverse shear is:
Tr F FDd F 8F D 4F
τ“ ` “ πd24 2 ` π 2 “ 3
` 2
J A 32 4
d πd πd
ˆ ˙
2C 8F D 8F D 2C ` 1 8F D 8F D
τ“ ¨ ` “ ¨ “ K s
2C πd3 2Cπd3 2C πd3 πd3
Now consider the effect of wrapping the wire into a helix. Doing so increases the stress at
the inner fiber, as illustrated in Figure 45.
Figure 45: Stress distribution due to torsion, transverse shear, and stress concentration.
The stress concentration factor Ks can be replaced by another K factor that also accounts
for curvature.
Two options are the Wahl factor, KW , and the Bergsträsser factor, KB .
4C ´ 1 0.615
KW “ `
4C ´ 4 C
4C ` 2
KB “
4C ´ 3
Within the range of recommended values of the spring index C, determine the maximum
and minimum percentage difference between the Wahl factor, KW , and the Bergsträsser
factor, KB .
The total strain energy includes a torsional component and a shear component.
T 2l F 2l
U“ `
4F 2 D3 Na 2F 2 DNa
U“ `
d4 G d2 G
BU 8F D3 Na 4F DNa
y“ “ `
BF d4 G d2 G
ˆ ˙
8F D3 Na 1 8F D3 Na
y“ 1` «
d4 G 2C 2 d4 G
F d4 G
k“ «
y 8D3 Na
The most commonly used spring materials are summarized in Table 10-3 of the Shigley
For spring materials, the tensile strength varies with wire diameter. As the wire diameter
gets smaller and smaller, the tensile strength strength approaches the theoretical strength
of atomic bonds.
Sut “
The constants A and m are found in Table 10-4 of the Shigley text.
The yield strength, Sy , and torsional yield strength, Ssy , are found in Table 10-5 of the
Shigley text.
12.5.1 Buckling
The critical length Lcrit of the spring is a function of material properties (E and G),
geometry (E), and end condition (α). The end condition constant α is found in Table 10-2
of the Shigley text.
„ ȷ1{2
πD 2pE ´ Gq
Lcrit “
α 2G ` E
The factor of safety for static failure can be found by comparing the yield strength to the
shear stress at spring closure.
ns “
A design flow chart for helical compression springs is seen in Figure 10-3 in the Shigley text.
4 ď C ď 12
3 ď Na ď 15
ζ ě 0.15
Fs “ p1 ` ζqFmax
ns ě 1.2
The factor of safety for infinite life is found using the Goodman criterion, where the
criterion has been adapted for the pure shear case.
1 τa τm
“ `
nf Sse Ssu
8Fa D
τ a “ KB
8Fm D
τm “ KB
Fa and Fm are:
Fmax ´ Fmin
Fa “
Fmax ` Fmin
Fm “
Note that, because compression springs should never be subjected to tensile loads,
Fmin “ 0 or Fmin “ Fi where Fi is the pre-load.
Ssu “ 0.67Sut
The best data for the torsional endurance limits of spring steels were published by
Zimmerli in 1957.
The Zimmerli data show that the size, material, and tensile strength have no effect on Sse
for wire diameters less than 3/8 inch (10 mm).
Sse “
1 ´ SSsm
For unpeened springs: Ssa “ 35 kpsi “ 241 MPa and Ssm “ 55 kpsi “ 379 MPa.
For peened springs: Ssa “ 57.5 kpsi “ 398 MPa and Ssm “ 77.5 kpsi “ 534 MPa.
When compressed, helical compression springs do not deform uniformly. Instead, the
deformation resembles a wave moving through the spring.
To avoid resonance, the natural frequency f of the spring should be 15-20 times higher
than the forcing frequency of the application.
1 kg
4 W
The weight of the spring is the product of the wire volume and the wire’s specific weight γ.
πd2 π 2 d2 DNa γ
W “ ALγ “ pπDNa qγ “
4 4
The specific weight γ, also labeled as the unit weight, can be found in Table A-5 of the
Shigley text.
(c) The free length to ensure that when the spring is compressed solid the torsional
stress does not exceed the yield strength.
Example 52 A helical compression spring is made with oil-tempered wire with wire
diameter of 0.2 in, mean coil diameter of 2 in, a total of 12 coils, a free length of 5 in, with
squared ends.
(b) The force necessary to deflect the spring to its solid length
(c) The factor of safety guarding against yielding when the spring is compressed to its
solid length
(d) The factor of safety for infinite life if the spring is compressed from its free length to
its shut height
(b) For the spring chosen in part (a), determine the factor of safety for infinite life.
(c) The force to compress the spring to its shut height, calculated using the spring rate,
the free length, and the shut height.
(d) The force to compress the spring to its shut height such that when the spring is
compressed solid the torsional stress does not exceed the yield strength.
(e) Compare your answers to parts (a), (b), (c), and (d) to the specifications provided.
Explain any differences observed.
(f) Is the spring at risk of buckling? If it is at risk of buckling, how would you mitigate
this risk?
(g) The natural frequency of the spring f . If the spring is to be used in a cyclic
application, what is your recommendation for the application’s forcing frequency?
Helical extension springs differ from helical compression springs in several ways.
— Hooks or loops are provided on the spring ends to allow a pull force to be applied.
— Cannot be shot-peened.
No deflection occurs until the applied force exceeds the initial tension (see Figure 46).
F ´ Fi d4 G
k“ “
y 8D3 Na
The free length of an extension spring is measured inside the end loops or hooks, where Nb
is the number of body coils:
For the spring body, the factor of safety for static loading is found in the same manner as
for helical compression springs:
The yield strength, Sys , is a fraction of Sut . The fraction is found in Table 10-7.
8F D
τ “ KB
4C ` 2
KB “
4C ´ 3
For location A on the hook/loop, the factor of safety for static loading is:
nA “
The yield strength, Sy , is a fraction of Sut . The fraction is found in Table 10-7.
16DF 4F
σ A “ KA `
πd3 πd2
4C12 ´ C1 ´ 1
KA “
4C1 pC1 ´ 1q
C1 “
For location B on the hook/loop, the factor of safety for static loading is:
nB “
The yield strength, Sys , is a fraction of Sut . The fraction is found in Table 10-7. Note that
Sys is different for the hook/loop than for the spring body.
8F D
τ B “ KB
Note that KB is not the Bergsträsser factor; it is the stress concentration factor for
curvature at location B:
4C2 ´ 1
KB “
4C2 ´ 4
C2 “
For cyclic loading, the Goodman criterion with Zimmerli data should be used for the three
location susceptible to failure (the spring body, location A, and location B). See Example
10-7 in the Shigley text.
The spring has 84 coils and is close wound with a preload of 16 lbf.
The spring will be made of hard-drawn wire with d “ 0.05 inch and will be unpeened.
(a) The endurance limit using Zimmerli data and the Goodman criterion for failure at
location A.
(b) The endurance limit using Zimmerli data and the Goodman criterion for failure at
location B.
This is a helical extension spring that is 2 inches long, has 0.75 inch outside diameter, and
0.115 inch wire diameter.
The spring’s maximum load is 73 lbf and the minimum load is 6 lbf.
For the spring subjected to a static load of 73 lbf, determine the following.
(b) The factors of safety guarding against yielding for the spring body and for location A
in the spring ends.
(c) The radius r2 characterizing the curvature of location B if the factor of safety
guarding against yielding at location B is 1.
Torsion springs differ from helical compression springs and from helical extension springs in
several ways.
— Torsion springs should always be loaded to close the coil because the residual stresses
from coil-winding are favorable.
– Contained ends.
– Used with a support rod.
– Support rod should be no larger than 90% of the smallest ID when ”wound up”
to avoid binding.
The parameters d, D, C, Di , Do , and Na have the same meanings for torsion springs as for
helical compression springs and helical tension springs.
Figure 49 shows parameters describing the unloaded position and the spring deflection.
Applied force F acts at distance l from the spring center and causes deflection θ.
Np “
lθ “
M 2 dx F 2 l2 dx
ż ż
U“ “
ż πDNb ˆ ˙
BU B F 2 l2 dx 64F lDNb
lθ “ “ “
BF 0 BF 2EI Ed4
The number of body coils, Nb , is replaced with the number of active coils, Na .
The number of active coils accounts for the angular deflection of the spring ends. The
spring ends have lengths l1 and l2 .
l1 ` l2
Na “ Nb `
Fl d4 E
k“ “
θ 64DNa
1 2πd4 E d4 E
k “ «
64DNa 10.2DNa
d4 E
k1 “
A torsion spring, with mean coil diameter D and wire diameter d, is loaded with force F at
a distance l.
The internal loads acting in the wire are (select all that apply):
⃝ Axial tension
⃝ Axial compression
⃝ Torsion
⃝ Bending
⃝ Transverse shear
The stress concentration factor K can be calculated at either the inner fiber or the outer
fiber of the wire.
4C 2 ´ C ´ 1
Ki “
4CpC ´ 1q
4C 2 ` C ´ 1
Ko “
4CpC ` 1q
Using M “ F l, c “ d{2, and I “ πd4 {64 and recognizing that Ko ă 1, the bending stress is:
32F l
σ “ Ki
Given the bending stress induced in the wire, torsion springs should be made out of square
or rectangular wire. However, round wire is cheaper and more readily available in a variety
of sizes.
ns “
The yield strength Sy used for torsion springs can be found by dividing Ssy by 0.577. See
equation 10-57 in the Shigley text.
Example 58 Torsion spring 9271K13 from McMaster-Carr is made of music wire. It has
Do “ 0.16 in, wire diameter d “ 0.017 in, leg length 0.5 in, and 3.25 coils.
(d) The factor of safety for infinite life using the Goodman criterion with Se “ 120 kpsi.
Example 59 A particular application requires a torsion spring with 120˝ deflection angle
to support a static load of 10 in-lbf.
(b) Find a spring on McMaster-Carr that satisfies the design. For this spring, determine
the following.
— In a tension joint, loads are parallel to the fastener’s axis and try to pull the joint
— In a shear joint, loads are perpendicular to the fastener’s axis and try to slip the joint
members past each other.
A screw is the same as a bolt, but is threaded into a tapped hole instead of into a nut.
Screws can have any thread form (e.g., tapered, interrupted).
— Right-hand thread will advance away from you when turned clockwise.
— The lead (l) is the axial distance the fastener advances with one turn.
When a fastener fails in pure tension, it typically breaks through the threaded portion.
The tensile stress area (At ) is a function of d and p and is tabulated in the Shigley text
(Table 8-1 for metric fasteners and Table 8-2 for UNS fasteners).
„ ˆ ˙ȷ2
At “ 0.7854 d ´
Strength in tension
Adjustment accuracy
Stripping strength
Fatigue life
Assembly speed
1/4-20 UNC-2A
M8 x 1.25
— Cut threads: material is removed from a bolt blank with a cutting die or lathe.
— Rolled threads: the bolt blank is rolled between two reciprocating serrated dies.
The length of thread engagement is the axial length that the fully formed threads of
the nut and the bolt are in contact.
— Too much thread engagement? The torque to tighten the bolt may be too high.
— Not enough thread engagement? The threads may strip.
In actuality, virtually all the load is taken by the first engaged thread.
— See ASME B18.2.2 or Tables A-29, A-30, and A-31 in the Shigley text.
— If the nut is long enough, the fastener will fail in tension before the threads will strip.
— For UNS or ISO threads with d ď 1 in, the nut length should be at least 0.5d.
Figure 55: All engaged threads do not share the load due to inaccuracies in thread spacing.
The tensile stress is the force in the fastener (Fb ) divided by the fastener’s tensile stress
Torsional shear stress develops in the fastener when the fastener is tightened.
— Between the fastener head and/or the nut and the clamped material.
The worst case for torsional shear stress is high thread friction. For high thread friction,
the total applied torque is transmitted to the fastener.
Tc 16T
τ“ “
J πd3r
Determine the critical cross-section(s) for a threaded fastener while the fastener is being
Threads strip due to shear stress. The shear stress for thread stripping is:
τs “
As Nth
For the bolt threads to strip, the stripping area As is the area of the cylinder at the bolt’s
minor diameter:
As “ πdr wi p
For the nut threads to strip, the stripping area As is the area of the cylinder at the bolt’s
major diameter:
As “ πdwo p
Area factors for thread-stripping shear area of UNS/ISO fasteners are wi “ 0.80 and
wo “ 0.88.
For the nut and the bolt made of the same material, will the nut threads strip first or the
bolt threads?
The external tensile load per bolt is Ptotal divided by the number of fasteners in the bolted
joint. P is shared between the bolt (Pb ) and the member (Pm ).
P “ “ Pb ` P m
Bolted joints are often over-designed because it is difficult and/or expensive to accurately
generate and/or measure preload.
Indirect methods to control preload include torque control, the torque-turn method,
tension control bolts, and stretch control.
Direct methods to control preload include washer control, hydraulic tensioners, and
— Torque control
– Only about 10% of the input energy is converted to bolt stretch; the majority of
the input energy is used to overcome friction.
– The relationship between applied torque T and pre-load Fi is usually linear.
T “ KFi d
– The nut factor K represents anything that increases or decreases friction in the
threaded fastener.
– There are published tables for K, including Table 8-15 in the Shigley text.
- If the bolt condition is unknown, use K “ 0.2.
— Torque-turn method
— Stretch control
Figure 57: Stretch control is a very accurate method of determining bolt tension.
From the list below, select the variable(s) that could impact the nut factor K.
Dr. Hess received the following text messages from her dad, a farmer in central Kansas.
The bolt and the member can both be modeled as linear springs, where force is linearly
related to displacement.
δb “
δm “
On the figure below, sketch the deflection of the bolt and the member for a preload of Fi .
After the bolt is tightened to preload Fi , an external load P is applied to the bolted joint.
— P “ P b ` Pm
Sketch the deflection of the bolt and the member for an external load P .
Pm “ Pb
Pb “ P “ CP
km ` kb
Pm “ P ´ Pb “ p1 ´ CqP
Fb “ Pb ` Fi “ CP ` Fi
Fm “ Pm ´ Fi “ p1 ´ CqP ´ Fi
Consider two springs in series, one with stiffness k1 and one with stiffness k2 . The stiffness
of the two springs in series is:
1 1 1
“ `
k k1 k2
For a threaded fastener, the “two springs in series” are the length of the threaded portion
of the grip (lt ) and the length of the unthreaded portion in the grip (ld ).
Recall from Mechanics of Materials that the stiffness of a linearly elastic material loaded in
tension is a function of cross-sectional area (A), modulus of elasticity (E), and length (L):
The recipe for finding the fastener stiffness, kb , is found in Table 8-7 in the Shigley text.
Ad At E
kb “
Ad lt ` At ld
Figure 59: The portion of a threaded fastener in the grip of a bolted joint can be modeled
as two springs in series.
Compression in the bolted joint not uniform. In theory, the compression is represented by
the frustrum of a cone (see Figure 60).
A frustum is the portion of a solid that lies between one or two parallel planes cutting it.
Each segment of the member acts like a spring in compression. The member stiffness, km ,
is found by the sum of these n “springs” acting in series.
1 1 1 1 1
“ ` ` ` ... `
km k1 k2 k3 kn
The stiffness of the ith segment of the frustrum is found using equation 8-20 in the Shigley
text. The stiffness ki is a function of the segment’s modulus of elasticity (E), the bolt
diameter (d), and lengths D and t (see Figure 61).
Tensile strength is the material property most widely associated with threaded fasteners.
— The proof strength is the tensile load that can be applied without permanent
— The yield strength is the tensile load at which a specified amount of permanent
deformation occurs.
Bolted joints should be designed such that the bolt functions in the elastic range.
See Tables 8-9, 8-10, and 8-11 in the Shigley text for material properties and bolt head
Sketch a typical stress-strain diagram for steel. Label the typical pre-load, the proof strength,
the yield strength, the ultimate tensile strength, the point of failure, and the elastic and
plastic ranges.
The factor of safety guarding against the static stress exceeding the proof strength is:
SP Sp At
nP “ “
σb CP ` Fi
Sp A t ´ F i
nL “
When the joint separates, the fastener carries the entire applied load. The factor of safety
guarding against the joint separating is:
nO “
P p1 ´ Cq
For a bolt with constant pre-load that experiences an external load that varies from Pmin
to Pmax , the maximum and minimum forces in the bolt are:
Fmin “ CPmin ` Fi
Fmax “ CPmax ` Fi
CpPmax ´ Pmin q
σa “
Se pSut ´ σi q
nf “
Sut σa ` Se pσm ´ σi q
The endurance limit for bolts (Se ) is tabulated in Table 8-17 in the Shigley text.
The ultimate tensile strength for bolts (Sut ) is tabulated in Tables 8-9, 8-10, and 8-11 in
the Shigley text.
A peer has asked you to review their bolted joint design. You are not impressed with their
design. Explain your concern with each of the following.
Use of Grade 12.9 M16 x 1.5 screws to grip a combination of low carbon, brass (gasket), and
cast iron members.
Use of Grade 12.9 M16 x 1.5 screws to be screwed into a cast aluminum housing that is 0.357
inches thick.
The Grade 12.9 M16 x 1.5 screws are called out as having a length of 83.5 mm.
The previous discussion of threaded fasteners and bolted joints has focused on tension
joints. Threaded fasteners can also be used to support shear loads.
A combination of threaded fasteners and dowel pins should be used to support shear loads.
— Bearing in the bolt (all bolts participate) and in members (all holes participate)
— Bolt shear (all members participate eventually)
— Thread shear vs. shank shear
— Edge shearing and tearing of member
— Tensile yielding of member across bolt holes
Figure 62: Holes for threaded fasteners are made with clearance for assembly. The clearance
leads to eccentricity in the joint.
Example 60 An M14 x 2 steel hex-head bolt is used to clamp together two 15-mm steel
Example 61 A 30-mm steel plate is sandwiched by two 10-mm steel plates. The bolt is a
M10 x 1.5.
(c) The member stiffness if the bottom aluminum plate is 20-mm thick.
Example 62 A bolted assembly has 8 bolts, each having stiffness kb “ 1.0 MN/mm and
km “ 2.6 MN/mm per bolt.
The bolts are M6x1 class 5.8 and the joint is occasionally dissembled.
Example 63 A bolted assembly has 8 bolts, each having stiffness kb “ 1.0 MN/mm and
km “ 2.6 MN/mm per bolt.
The pre-load is 75% of the proof strength. Pmax “ 60 kN and Pmin “ 20 kN.
Determine nf .
Example 64 The bolted connection shown in the figure uses SAE grade 8 bolts. The
members are hot-rolled AISI 1040 steel. A tensile shear load F “ 5000 lbf is applied to the
connection. Assume the bolt threads do not extend into the joint. Find the factor of safety
for all possible modes of failure.
Example 65 A metric hex-head bolt with a nut is used to clamp together a 20-mm thick
piece of steel and a 25-mm thick piece of grade 30 cast iron.
(b) For the bolt selected in part (a), determine the static load P that can be applied in
order for factors of safety nL , n0 , and np to be at least 1.2 for a Class 9.8 bolt. Use a
preload of Fi “ 0.75Fp .
(c) For the bolt selected in part (a), the bolted joint is now subjected to a repeated load
with Pmax “ P and Pmin “ 0. Determine Pmax using the Goodman criterion and a
factor of safety of 1.2 for a Class 9.8 bolt.
Example 66 Compare the tensile load capacity of a 5/16-18 UNC thread and a 5/16-24
UNF thread made of the same of the same material. Which is stronger?
Compare the tensile load capacity of a M8x1.25 thread and a M8x1 thread made of the
same of the same material. Which is stronger?
Example 67 An M14x2, class 8.8 bolt is used to clamp together a 3-cm-thick sandwich of
solid aluminum.
Example 68 Each bolt in a bolted assembly has stiffness kb “ 4.5 ˆ 106 M lbf/in.
It has been determined to use 1/2-13 UNC SAE Grade 8 bolts with rolled threads.
The assembly is subjected to a tensile load that fluctuates between 0 and 8000 lbf. Assume
the load is distributed equally among all bolts.
(b) The minimum number of bolts required to achieve a fatigue factor of safety of
nf “ 1.5 using the Goodman criterion.
For the simple figure seen in Figure 63, the designer’s intent is clear and most machine
shops could manufacture such a part.
Does it meet the print in Figure 63? Or should you reject it?
— If the corner is not square, from where should the 2 inches be measured?
From the bottom corner? The top corner? The closest edge?
— Engineering drawings created in accordance with the principles put forth in ASME
Y14.5 should have no ambiguity. A GD&T drawing will yield a single, exact part.
A GD&T drawing will specify the four geometric attributes of every feature.
— The four geometric attributes are size, location, orientation, and form.
— Inter-office documents.
— When the drawing’s purpose is to communicate ideas, not exact part specifications.
— For parts that have features that cannot be clearly communicated via TD&T.
14.3 Terminology
A size attribute is measured across two opposing points. Size dimensions are controlled
with plus/minus tolerancing.
Location, orientation, and form attributes are controlled with the 14 geometric
characteristic controls shown in Figure 65.
— A location attribute gives the distance between a feature and some origin of
— An orientation attribute gives the angle of a feature with respect to some origin of
— A form attribute refers to imperfections in the shape of a feature.
14.5 Datums
A datum is a theoretically exact point, axis, line, or plane that is used as an origin for
repeatable measurements.
— A datum feature is a non-ideal surface of the physical part that is used to establish
a datum.
— A datum feature simulator is a precision embodiment, such as a surface plate,
gauge pin, or machine tool bed, of the datum described by an imperfect datum
— Datums are sequentially selected to immobilize a part in a precise, repeatable
– Immobilization is useful for manufacturing the part and for inspecting the part.
Datums are shown on GD&T drawings as capital letters enclosed in a square frame.
— The square frame is attached to a leader line that terminates at the datum feature
with a triangle; the triangle can be filled or empty.
— Almost any letter can be used for a datum. Do not use I, O, or Q.
A feature control frame contains the necessary information to define the tolerance zone
of a specified feature.
The feature control frame always contains a geometric control symbol (see Figure 65),
tolerance information, and datum references.
The feature control frame is read from left to right, and from top to bottom (see Figure 67).
(b) The true design requirements for a part can be communicated to the manufacturer.
(c) More tolerance is made available to manufacturing than is possible with only
plus/minus tolerancing.
How can properly implemented GD&T save money in the manufacturing process?
(c) By creating extra tolerance that did not physically exist without using GD&T.
(d) By defining the datum references that must be used by manufacturing for fixturing.
(d) A numerical value that describes a theoretically exact size, profile, orientation or
location of a feature or a datum target. It is the basis from which permissible
variations (tolerances) are established.
Tolerance zones define the limiting boundaries for the physical surfaces of the parts.
— The actual shape and location of the part surfaces may vary from the theoretically
exact shape and location, so long as they stay within the limiting boundaries of the
tolerance zones.
In GD&T, the only direct application of plus/minus tolerances is for size attributes.
A basic dimension is a theoretically exact dimension that ideally locates and/or orients
the tolerance zone of a feature.
The maximum material condition (MMC) is when the part will weigh the most.
The least material condition (LMC) is when the part will weigh the least.
Regardless of feature size (RFS) is the default condition for a tolerance (i.e., the
condition when neither LMC nor MMC are stated). RFS indicates the stated tolerance
applies, regardless of the feature’s actual size.
In ASME Y14.5-2018, Rule #1, also known as the envelope principle, specifies a
default tolerance zone for features of size.
— When only a tolerance of size is specified for a feature of size, the limits of size
prescribe the extent of which variation in its geometric form, as well as size, are
— If the pin diameter is reduced from MMC, the pin may deviate from perfect form.
The position control defines the allowed location and orientation of the axis, center-line,
or center plane of a feature of size.
The position control does not control the size or form of the feature.
1. Use basic dimensions to locate the true position of a feature of size with respect to
The center of the hole can be ˘ 0.005 in both directions. This creates a square tolerance
zone, as seen as Figure 71.
Now consider the same hole dimensioned with GD&T (see Figure 72).
The actual center of the hole (axis) must lie in the round tolerance zone. The same
tolerance is applied, regardless of the direction.
Because the feature control frame includes the MMC modifier for tolerance, a bonus
tolerance is allowed when the hole is larger than the MMC size.
The bonus tolerance is the difference between the MMC size and the actual size.
Using the bonus tolerance system, it is observed that the larger a hole is, the more it can
deviate from true position and still fit in the mating condition.
(e) How much total positional tolerance would be available for one hole if that hole was
produced at a size of 0.255?