Swastik Kanjilal paid fees totaling Rs. 63,850 for the Autumn 2023-24 semester of the M.Tech TC&S course at the Department of E&CE. The receipt details tuition fees, semester charges, accommodation charges, electricity charges, mess fees, and student establishment & maintenance fees for enrollment number MTECH2307647. The total fees due and total fees paid were both Rs. 63,850 with no remaining balance.
Swastik Kanjilal paid fees totaling Rs. 63,850 for the Autumn 2023-24 semester of the M.Tech TC&S course at the Department of E&CE. The receipt details tuition fees, semester charges, accommodation charges, electricity charges, mess fees, and student establishment & maintenance fees for enrollment number MTECH2307647. The total fees due and total fees paid were both Rs. 63,850 with no remaining balance.
Swastik Kanjilal paid fees totaling Rs. 63,850 for the Autumn 2023-24 semester of the M.Tech TC&S course at the Department of E&CE. The receipt details tuition fees, semester charges, accommodation charges, electricity charges, mess fees, and student establishment & maintenance fees for enrollment number MTECH2307647. The total fees due and total fees paid were both Rs. 63,850 with no remaining balance.
Swastik Kanjilal paid fees totaling Rs. 63,850 for the Autumn 2023-24 semester of the M.Tech TC&S course at the Department of E&CE. The receipt details tuition fees, semester charges, accommodation charges, electricity charges, mess fees, and student establishment & maintenance fees for enrollment number MTECH2307647. The total fees due and total fees paid were both Rs. 63,850 with no remaining balance.