This receipt shows that student Shubham Kumar paid 38,000 rupees covering semester charges, accommodation charges, electricity charges, mess fees, and student establishment and maintenance fees for the spring 2023-2024 semester as a third year undergraduate student in the department of mechanical engineering at their university. No balance remains after payment of the total fees due.
This receipt shows that student Shubham Kumar paid 38,000 rupees covering semester charges, accommodation charges, electricity charges, mess fees, and student establishment and maintenance fees for the spring 2023-2024 semester as a third year undergraduate student in the department of mechanical engineering at their university. No balance remains after payment of the total fees due.
This receipt shows that student Shubham Kumar paid 38,000 rupees covering semester charges, accommodation charges, electricity charges, mess fees, and student establishment and maintenance fees for the spring 2023-2024 semester as a third year undergraduate student in the department of mechanical engineering at their university. No balance remains after payment of the total fees due.
This receipt shows that student Shubham Kumar paid 38,000 rupees covering semester charges, accommodation charges, electricity charges, mess fees, and student establishment and maintenance fees for the spring 2023-2024 semester as a third year undergraduate student in the department of mechanical engineering at their university. No balance remains after payment of the total fees due.